Career guidance corner in the library. Information stand on vocational guidance. Professional type

OBJECTIVES Creation of vocational guidance corners on the basis of "Technology" classrooms; Creation of vocational guidance corners based on Technologiya classrooms; a plan of vocational guidance work of the educational institution with the coverage of class students; a plan of vocational guidance work of the educational institution with the coverage of class students; interaction with the Center for Employment of the Population, NGOs and VET; interaction with the Center for Employment of the Population, NGOs and VET; testing and questioning students in order to identify professional orientation; testing and questioning students in order to identify professional orientation;

Organization of excursions to enterprises, NGOs and vocational schools; Organization of excursions to enterprises, NGOs and vocational schools; Individual consultations with students and parents on the choice of working professions and educational institutions, where it is possible to obtain these professions; Individual consultations with students and parents on the choice of working professions and educational institutions, where it is possible to obtain these professions; Create a base of elective courses in educational institutions and hold a fair of elective courses; Create a base of elective courses in educational institutions and hold a fair of elective courses; Bring the work programs of elective courses and specialized subjects in line with the requirements. Bring the work programs of elective courses and specialized subjects in line with the requirements.

Analysis of the questionnaire Questions posed Yes No Was the visit to PU-45 interesting and useful? 383 Did this excursion help you with choosing a profession? 1629 Are similar excursions to other educational institutions necessary? 392 You will continue your studies after graduating from basic school in VU What factor influenced the choice of VU - 45? 1. Free training. 2. Admission without exams. 3. Opportunity to get additional education

Professions most in demand in the labor market of Krasnodar Territory 1. Security guard 2. Manager 3. Policeman 4. Engineer 5. Nurse 6. Consultant 7. Cashier 8. Design engineer 9. Accountant 10. Doctor 11. Insurance agent 12. Engineer- technologist 13. Foreman 14. Technician 15. Mechanic 16. Security officer 17. Foreman 18. Educator 19. Head of department 20. Administrator


The choice of a profession is one of the main life choices made by a person at a young age, since choosing a profession, he also chooses a way of life.

A person who chooses his future profession is called an optant (from Latin optacio - desire, election). The stage of choice should end with a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional community in which the growing up person will include himself in the future.


A specialty is a limited (due to the division of labor) area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, which is necessary for society, which gives him the opportunity to receive, in return for the labor applied (expended) by him, the necessary means of existence and development.

Profession (from Latin professio - officially specified occupation, profiteor - I declare my business) is a group of related specialties. For example, there is no turner at all, there is a carousel turner, a boring turner, a revolver turner, a station wagon turner, etc. All these specialties are theoretically combined into a group designated as the "turning profession".

There are thousands of specialties, and for the convenience of orientation, their classification is needed. Various classifications are possible: according to the branches of the national economy, according to the level of required qualifications, according to the similarity of psychological requirements and on many other grounds.

For distinguishing and "fitting" each person to himself of different professions, the classification according to the characteristics of the subject, goals, means and working conditions, developed by the scientist E.A. Klimov and his staff. In accordance with the distinguishable varieties of object systems, five types of professions are distinguished: "man - nature" (P), "man - technology" (T), "man - man" (H), "man - sign" (3), "man - artistic image "(X).


These are professions where the work of workers is directed to objects of living nature. Academic subjects help to navigate in this area: botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, general biology.

The employee is required to have initiative and independence in solving specific labor problems. Care and foresight are important, because many changes in animals and plant organisms can be irreversible (plants can wither, die from pests, general cattle diseases can begin, etc.). Changing working conditions require the employee to creatively solve emerging problems.



These are professions where the work of workers is directed to technical objects (machines, mechanisms, materials, types of energy). In professions of this type, educational subjects such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and drawing help to navigate. It should be noted that the field of technical objects includes not only "glands", but also all kinds of non-metallic materials - fabrics, plastics, food raw materials, semi-finished products. The field of technology is to be understood broadly.

The professions of mechanics, machine operators, mechanics, seamstresses, technologists of bakery and sugar production, drivers are the most in demand in the Tambov region. To date, there are almost 10 thousand offers from employers in the job bank.

As reported in the administration of the Tambov region, about 25% of the total number of proposals - vacancies of fitters, turners, bricklayers and cladders. 18% of vacancies are in manufacturing, 15% in agriculture.

By the way, last year 8.9 thousand Tambov residents graduated from educational institutions. 62 graduates are registered at the employment center.

Material from the site

What is it and why is it needed

Professional orientation, career guidance , choice of profession or orientation towards profession ( lat. professio - occupation and fr. orientation - installation) - a system of measures aimed at helping young people in choosing a profession.

The choice of a profession is one of the most serious choices in the life of a teenager, which is simply striking in its scale. It is no secret that sometimes people still cannot decide on the choice of a profession and go about "not their own" business.

The task of career guidance is to help a teenager choose a future profession and find a suitable university. This, alas, cannot be done based only on the rankings of universities and the content of different professions. In the same way, it is important for a teenager to understand their own abilities, inclinations, interests and desires. It is the point of intersection of his personality and the requirements of the profession that should be the basis for the choice.

Understanding himself helps him to look at the world of professions and opportunities in a different way, to assess what is more or less consistent with his interests and values, to understand where there is a place for his abilities and talents. Based on this, we help the high school student to navigate in educational institutions, to highlight those where they teach what he has chosen.

Thus, we do not choose a profession or university for a high school student, we help him make this choice on his own, relying on a fairly complete understanding of the world of universities and professions, while not forgetting about his own desires and abilities.

student professional plan

The lack of a serious idea of \u200b\u200bthe student's future life path is a sign of infantilism.

Without a serious attitude towards the future, there can be no responsible attitude towards the present.

Without deep thinking about the future - near and distant - a person cannot count on success in life.

building a student's personal professional plan, which will help form the graduate
sound and realistic professional plan.

1. The main goal (what I will do, this is how I will be, where I will be, what I will achieve, the ideal of life and work).

2. A chain of immediate and more distant specific goals (what and where to learn, prospects for improving skills).

3. Ways and means of achieving immediate goals (conversations with people, test of strength, self-education, preparatory courses, admission to an educational institution).

4. External conditions for achieving goals (difficulties, possible obstacles, possible opposition of certain people).

5. Internal conditions (assessment of their capabilities: health status, ability for theoretical or practical learning, perseverance, patience, personal qualities necessary to work in this specialty).

6. Reserve options for goals and ways to achieve them in case of insurmountable obstacles to the implementation of the main goal.

What you can do yourself
when choosing a profession

1. To recall everything that you like to do and think if there is such a profession where it is needed exactly.

2. List known professions. If there are 10-15 of them, this is definitely a signal to learn something new. There are more than 200 professions. It is strange to make a choice limited to such a small share.

3. Study in detail the reference book for applicants to universities, paying attention not only to what is well known, but also to what seems incomprehensible.

4. Collect more information about different universities (read official and unofficial websites, forums, find those who study or studied there and find out their opinions on social networks).

5. Find and ask questions to those who are already working in the profession of interest (for sure there are such people among friends or acquaintances of acquaintances, at least in professional communities on the Internet).

Memo for students and their parents on choosing a profession.

Dear dads and moms!

"High professionalism

- creativity turned into a profession! "

L. Ginzburg

Choosing a profession is an important and responsible business! When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the interests of the child, his inclinations, abilities, desires and only then family traditions and interests.

  1. Give your child the right to choose a future profession.
  2. Discuss with him the possible pros and cons of his chosen profession.
  3. Consider the choice of a future profession not only from the standpoint of material gain, but also from the standpoint of moral satisfaction.
  4. Consider in choosing a future profession the personal qualities of your child that are necessary for him in this specialty.
  5. Do not put pressure on the child in choosing a profession, otherwise it can turn into persistent conflicts.
  6. Support your child if he has the patience and desire to make his dream come true.
  7. If your child makes the wrong choice, do not reproach him for it. The error can be corrected.
  8. If your child is early into a profession, give him the opportunity to maintain this interest with the help of literature, classes in circles, etc.
  9. Remember that the final decision is made by the child himself, being already a young adult and in the future he is responsible for his choice!

« Respect is an outpost that protects the father and mother as well as the child: it saves the former from grief, the latter from remorse. " /O. de Balzac /

Dictionary for high school students
(vocational guidance)

Interests- cognitive impulses.

Correction - this is a way of pedagogical influence on the personality. Contributing to the correction or correction of personality development, consolidation of positive or overcoming negative qualities.

Profession (Latin professio - officially specified occupation, specialty, from profiteer - I declare my business), the type of labor activity (occupation) of a person who owns a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training, work experience. Professional activity is usually the main source of income.

Professional suitability - a set of mental and psychophysiological characteristics of a person, necessary and sufficient to achieve socially acceptable efficiency in a particular profession.

Addiction - motivation to engage in any activity with the aim of transformation, change (related to interests).

Abilities - individual psychological characteristics of the personality, which are the conditions for the most productive implementation of activities (intellectual, communicative, organizational, etc.).

Subculture Is a set of symbols, norms, beliefs, values, patterns of behavior that distinguish a particular community or any social group.

How to choose a profession
(for beginners)

If you dreamed of becoming a doctor or astronaut since childhood, and you still don’t doubt the correctness of your choice, you have no problems. Whatever your mother and grandmother say, you study chemistry or biology textbooks with the stubbornness of a fanatic, or you attend a "young physicist" circle and have a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you will do after graduation.

If so, then you are lucky. Because many children have absolutely no idea "who to be" and where to enter and whether to enter at all, when the long-awaited last school bell rings.

It's good when the problem of choosing a profession worries - it means your social and psychological maturity. It’s worse if you don’t care yet: your mom will take you to the law institute by the hand (because you “like” the story), and then it turns out that you hate to sort out boring papers and communicate with people.

Difficulties in professional self-determination usually arise in two categories of children. The first have not yet found anything interesting in this life. It so happened that the teachers were not able to create in them a love for any subjects, and the talents are still buried in the ground. Such guys can study well, but they are not addicted to anything, their life is rather boring or just monotonous. So they cannot decide what they would like to do - because from what surrounds them in the world, nothing particularly attracts. And what to choose from? As a rule, they do not know who their dad is working for, who the ichthyologist is - and in general they have little knowledge of the world of professions. The second category of children is very active both in their studies and in various other forms of activity. They are interested in everything, they attend three circles, five electives and ten sports sections at the same time. Moreover, they succeed. As they say, if a person is talented, he is talented in everything. For whatever this miracle child undertakes, he achieves success in everything. However ... he, too, cannot determine what he likes more, with what he would like to connect his life.

How do you understand yourself? Psychologists believe that when choosing a profession, it is very important to match between a person's psychological characteristics and the corresponding characteristics of the profession. The profession should be INTERESTING... If you like animals, plants, then it will be interesting for you to encounter objects of wildlife in your professional activity. If you love technology, your interest in it will support you in the activities of a design engineer or theoretical physicist.

Any profession requires that a person has the so-called "professionally important qualities" - for example, attention is important to a proofreader, imaginative thinking for an artist, etc. Therefore, when choosing a certain profession, it is important to realize whether you have ABILITIEScorresponding to professionally important qualities. In a situation of doubt, choose the profession where your abilities will be maximized, in this activity you will achieve the greatest success.

Finally, the type of professional activity carried out should be the same as yours.PERSONAL, characterological type. For example, if you are sociable, professions associated with numerous contacts are more suitable for you, and if you are emotionally unstable, you will not be able to perform routine activities that require concentration for a long time.

So, in order to choose a profession, you must first of all know yourself... You probably often ask yourself questions: "What am I?", "Who am I in this world?", "Why do I live?" A simple exercise will help you to better know yourself and partially answer these questions (you will never fully answer them): look at yourself through the eyes of another person. A specific person whom you know well - say, a friend or a neighbor on a desk, a mother or a girlfriend. Try to explain your actions the way another person would - without knowing your true motives. You will understand how other people see you, but, on the other hand, you will get rid of subjectivity, because, as you know, you cannot see a beam in your own eye.

Your character is still just being formed, so you don't have to stick a label on yourself and give up the profession of an artist just because you are supposedly "shy". Fight, work on yourself, get to know yourself. And remember that the mental properties of a person (be they abilities, interests, or character traits) are extremely flexible, changing qualities. There are many known cases when a person who does not have the ability to music, but passionately wants to do it, managed to develop an ear for music. The main thing is interest; remember: abilities are formed in activity. Get used to work, work. Abilities alone will not go far. On the other hand, interest is also not quite stable. A lot of guys think they love some subject, but in fact they really like the teacher. In addition, it is difficult to understand whether you will like psychology or the same economics - you didn’t study anything like that at school…. In order not to be mistaken, you need to expand your horizons in relation to the world of professions. Ask adults questions about their professional activities - as a rule, people are happy to talk about their real work and about their student years. Then you can consciously decide whether this area is interesting to you, or everything you know about the specialty for which you apply is its name ...

So, having understood your abilities, interests and personality traits, you begin to choose not a profession - but a university or faculty. Find out what specialties and specializations correspond to the type of activity you are interested in. This is not always a one-to-one correspondence (for example, in order to repair computers, you need to get the specialty "electronics"). The decision-making should be based on many factors that are no longer psychological: the reputation of the university and the competition, the opinion of friends, parents, and the cost of education. Take the time to write down the pros and cons of each option on a separate piece of paper. Analyze the data with friends and family. And always remember: the final choice is only yours, because choosing a profession, you choose your destiny. The profession should bring pleasure (positive emotions to you) and ensure the maximum realization of your capabilities (benefit to society).

11 tips on how not to make a mistake after school when choosing a university

Worried about your academic and professional future? Of course: you have never graduated from high school and never entered a university - and now all this has to be done! A few relevant tips can help you make an informed choice.

Tip 1. Realize yourself as a person who knows how to make decisions

The most important thing is to make a decision in an adult way. This does not mean "not listening to anyone." It means "to be able to reason." Truly determined people are not reckless at all. When fate challenges them, they quickly come to a balanced state and do not allow themselves to be confused. They listen to their heart. They are confident they can handle it. And if something is not clear, they try to clarify the issue as much as possible before acting. Even a simple purchase of bread in the store can become an adult's choice. An immature person, no matter how old he is, buys what “everyone usually takes,” an adult studies the composition on the label. If the buyer just impulsively grabs the baked goods he likes, but at the same time is ready for the purchase to turn out to be really tasteless, then this is also an option for an adult choice, because such a buyer is responsible for his actions. The same applies to the choice of profession - and the university, of course.

Tip 2. Set yourself up for victory

Don't you know what you want? Do you doubt your talents? Are you too lazy to start something new? Do you give up another hobby at the first difficulty? Do you often encounter jerking and criticism from others? Do you have low self-esteem? Do you see any prospects yet? You can't just take and find an ideal profession right from this state. You will need to calm down and be inspired. Give yourself the right to make mistakes, accept yourself along with your shortcomings - and at the same time understand that in fact you can do a lot. This is a healing thought, and not far from inspiration. Trust in yourself. It is possible and necessary to choose a profession with pleasure!

Tip 3. Choose a profession first, and then a university

The modern system of admission to a university based on the USE results breaks the normal sequence “first we choose a profession, then a higher educational institution”. Are you allowed to decide for yourself which exams to take? This circumstance cannot but please. But then you will not immediately figure out which university will still accept the results "in biology with social studies." And sometimes there is no time to think about the direction of preparation! Still, start by answering the question of what you would like to do. Perhaps, as a child, you preferred to play a certain profession? Or even before school dreamed of becoming an astronaut - why, by the way, not? Children's games and dreams are the surest guideline in choosing a profession. Now it remains to find them in a new form - in the form of areas of training in universities or colleges. Then find out the results of which exams the university offering this direction considers. If among them there are academic disciplines "unacceptable" for you, make an effort on yourself and still tighten these subjects: initially insufficient understanding of the subject is surmountable, it should not be a reason to give up an interesting profession! And the last step in choosing is a comparison of the same areas of study in different universities. That's what the choice of a university really is!

Tip 4. There are many more professions than you think

Nobody said that you can only apply to 2 universities, right? Then why do many guys limit themselves to one or two possible areas of training? Here, in fact, is the same! The alternative to “becoming a physicist” or “becoming a psychologist” is far from the only one possible. It is worth learning about the maximum number of existing professions - and only then proceed to a free choice, in order to ultimately make this choice accurately and feel in his place. The fact that the maximum number of students from your yard enters the same university has nothing to do with it. It is clear that you want some kind of information support, but the opinion of the majority of poorly informed peers, even if they are good friends, cannot act as the only source of information. Neither can the discriminatory statements that the professions obtained in the system of higher professional education be claimed to be true are allegedly second-rate.

Tip 5. Look for the best tutorials

Do not neglect a lot of exercises and tasks, do not be lazy to repeat the material and praise yourself for every little success. But what if you notice that, despite your hard work, you get bored? Different textbooks and different teaching methods are suitable for different people. If you do not understand which paragraph is already in a row, then maybe the textbook imposed on you is not suitable specifically for you? Textbooks are not the same: they differ in the manner in which the material is presented, in the manner of presentation, in the selection of exercises, and most importantly, in the view of the discipline being studied as a whole. If you search well, you will always find a book that suits your taste. And by the way, what textbook do the teachers of the university where you are going to enroll in? This is a very important question for your future university studies, because representatives of different educational institutions often belong to different scientific schools, the dissimilarity of which can manifest itself even in elementary terms and definitions.

Tip 6. Remember your career plan

A career plan is more than just a chosen profession. Ah, you haven't compiled it yet? In the meantime, the coming years of study should fit into the overall trajectory of your planned career: this is logical, isn't it? Of course, it is very difficult to plan career development without having either work experience or at least several years of professional education. However, try to still imagine what it would be interesting for you to do at work and what for this purpose it would be worth learning in a higher educational institution. The effort will pay off - in this case, it will be more interesting for you to attend the faculty than if the conditions after graduation remained ephemeral. It is long-term career goals that can motivate you to learn to understand your own profession in detail - this will prove to everyone that you are a true professional. And professionalism, in turn, will require you to work responsibly and diligently. It would be much worse if such requirements remained external, formal and did not meet with a sincere response in you.

Tip 7. Decide nothing under pressure

Parents and teachers are also worried - "add nerves." It is desirable to do it in the first year, but further options are possible: otherwise they will be upset with you, but will support you when you gather your will into a fist and try to do it again, or otherwise a scandal. Everyone can be understood, but under the pressure of a possible scandal, you should not choose the profession that you do not like, and the university that does not appeal to you. Resist manipulation and reserve the right to a timeout to think things over. If you see that it is extremely important for parents that you choose a profession that is not interesting to you, respect their wishes, do not leave the conversation, discuss it with them, learn more about it - but you will make the final decision! You do not need to communicate with the help of ultimatums, either from the parent or from your side. Better to conduct well-reasoned negotiations and meticulously compare all options .

Tip 8. Seek support

The ability to resist manipulation is, of course, commendable, but it cannot be the only basis for positive change. You can see support only in your own knowledge and confidence, but you can learn to ask for support - from parents, teachers, friends, and later - from university teachers. It is very far-sighted to look for new like-minded people among the peers who are interested in the same profession as you. Shape your future professional environment! While this should be done gradually, because for now it is more important to enter a university. However, such a significant issue should not be postponed for a long time. A positive attitude, faith in the future and a sense of humor will help you find allies.

Tip 9. Collect information

Get yourself as complete a preliminary idea as possible about your future profession (read its description on the Internet) and about the university (visit its website and study it, read reviews on the Web, find graduates and talk to them). It is very important to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are going. The list of exams that match the USE you have chosen is not enough here. What will you be taught, are there any particularly difficult subjects and harsh practice ahead of you, as well as where bachelors and masters in this area are mainly employed - what if some of the answers do not suit you initially?

Hint 10. Seize opportunities for professional development

Olympiads, contests, exhibitions, film screenings - of course, if you are about to graduate from the 11th grade, then now is not the best time to get involved in all this. However, in a regular study mode, it is worth looking in such opportunities for quite likely intersections with your chosen profession. And free summer days can be spent profitably. Do not miss your chances to take part in various competitions, do not assume that contests are for someone else and not for you. As a student, special scholarship programs and internships will be added to them ... All these events not only get out of the standard schedule - they teach you to think outside the box, which means that they educate you as a unique specialist. And besides that, they increase your self-confidence. No, it's not about hanging another certificate on the wall. With the experience of competing, you can compare your real self to your old self and make sure your personality develops!

Hint 11.Don't forget to rest

No, this is not a call to be lazy. A typical school day consists of lessons and breaks, and the standard workweek structure means weekends, and no one really can do without breaks from study and work. Moreover, you do not need nervous breakdowns on the approaches to the profession. Go to bed on time, do not turn into an "owl", get enough sleep, organize physical activity - you still need to remind yourself of all these seemingly obvious truths. And not only in order to maintain efficiency for many years, but also in order to more accurately feel your intuition - and make the right decisions!

The following Internet resources will help you decide on the choice of profession.

  1. Directory of professions. Profession catalog
  1. (catalog of professions, testing, electronic museum of professions).
  2. Testing and Development Center. Career guidance: What to become, Moscow. Professions - Career guidance: what to become. Choice of profession, university, preparation for the exam, trainings.
  3. Work in Tambov. Fresh actual vacancies in Tambov, Michurinsk, Kotovsk, Rasskazovo. Every day there are new vacancies on the VTambov portal.

(the material of this stand can be viewed on the school website
MBOU "Novopokrovskaya secondary school" Leninsky branch)

"If there is something fateful in a person's life, it is a choice of profession."

N.G. Chernyshevsky

Where to go to study?


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