Calculation of the cost of paving slabs. Profitability, product sales and staff recruitment. Technologies for the manufacture of paving slabs

When ennobling any territory, one cannot do without a convenient and beautiful road surface. Production paving slabs as a business: profitability, a plan with calculations of income and costs in the overview for start-up entrepreneurs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Paving slabs - popular construction material for arranging paths and platforms in a wide variety of places:

  • city ​​parks, squares, roads, squares;
  • the area in front of shops and other business enterprises;
  • courtyards in private and apartment buildings.

Competition in this sector of the economy is very high, but huge volumes of consumption allow all manufacturers of high-quality paving stones to make a profit.

Entrepreneurs are attracted by the following points:

  1. Lack of permissions to start a business.
  2. Simplicity of legal registration.
  3. The need for a small number of employees.
  4. Simple technological process.
  5. Opportunity to receive additional income from providing tile laying services.
  6. High level of profitability.

The negative sides include:

  • Seasonality - most of the production falls on the warm season, since a small volume is carried out in winter construction works.
  • One-type and monotonous work - in this regard, staff turnover is possible.
  • Expensive equipment - paving stones on a large scale are manufactured using machines that cost up to half a million rubles.

You can download a business plan for the production of paving slabs with calculations by.

Business plan

In order not to miss anything when starting a paving slab project, you must adhere to next plan actions:

  1. Marketing research market.
  2. Study of tile production technology.
  3. Registration of the company.
  4. Premises for rent.
  5. Purchase of equipment and materials.
  6. Search for workers.
  7. Organization of advertising and sales.
  8. Profitability calculation.

To save time, you can do several things in parallel, such as buying equipment and hiring workers.

The owner of the production of paving slabs may need a business plan in case of attracting borrowed money- bank loan or non-commercial loan.


There are many varieties of tiles on the market that differ in characteristics and production methods. It is expensive and risky to start from scratch producing several types at once. It is better to determine the most demanded product and only after the enterprise begins to bring stable profits, to expand production.

You can identify a sales leader both on your own and by ordering a study from a marketing company. Also at this stage, it is necessary to determine the lower and upper limit of the price of tiles in order to be able to compete without prejudice to own business.

Another option is possible: if, when analyzing the market, any niche turns out to be free, then if there is demand, you can take a strong position in the production of unique products.


There are three main types of coverage:

  • Ordinary concrete slab, which is used for paving sidewalks and paths. Color and shape can be very varied, even with 3D designs.
  • Tile from polymer plastic... With the help of additives, it is given the necessary properties - frost resistance, reinforcement, water resistance. Polymer tiles have a longer service life, are easier to handle and more pleasant to use than concrete.
  • Soft paving slabs. Basis for production - shredded car tires... Such a coating is used in the arrangement of sports grounds, outdoor pools and other traumatic places. The tile can withstand a wide temperature range, is highly resistant to adverse environments, and has a non-slip rubber surface.

In production, two approaches are used:

  1. Vibration casting is a simple and cheap method of making tiles that are not very durable and of high quality. First, a concrete mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer from cement, crushed stone, sand and additives. Then the mixture is poured into molds on a vibrating table, which works until the tile surface is moistened. The molds are dried on pallets in a room for two days, then they are heated for several minutes to 60 ° C-70 ° C to remove the tiles on a vibrating table. In the process of heating and knocking out the matrix, cracks and chips can form on the paving stones, especially if unskilled labor and cheap equipment are used.
  2. Vibro-pressing and hyper-pressing - expensive equipment is used for this method, but the tiles are also of high quality. As in the case of vibratory casting, a molding mixture is prepared, which is compacted with a vibropress or hydraulic press. Such tiles are dried for 8-9 hours in a natural way or 5-6 hours with hot steam. Because manual labor is reduced to a minimum, then there are practically no defective products.

To produce high-quality tiles, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • When used for the first time, polymer forms are treated with a special anti-static agent. In the future, it is advisable to apply lubricant with emulsol and, after finishing the manufacture of tiles, rinse with 7% hydrochloric acid solution.
  • To preserve moisture in the tile during drying, it is covered with a film. But then the drying time increases.

Finished paving stones are carefully placed on wooden pallets, fixed with foil and tape. Store tiles in a dry, warm and well-ventilated storage area.

Legal registration

The owner of the company can register as an individual entrepreneur or open a company with limited liability... Next, you need to register with the Federal Tax Service and social funds. The simplified taxation system makes it possible to submit reports once a year with the payment of tax as a percentage of the volume of proceeds and fixed social contributions.

No special permits are required to conduct business. If it is necessary to issue the customer with a quality certificate for tiles, you need to provide a sample of the product to the certification service.


The production of paving slabs as a business cannot be carried out at home - for the location of equipment and storage of finished products on an industrial scale, a room with an area of ​​at least 70 square meters is required. m. In the industrial zone of any city there is a free workshop or a suitable warehouse at an affordable price.

Basic requirements for a mini-plant:

  1. Availability of communications - water supply, sewerage, electricity.
  2. Insulated premises and availability of heating, if it is planned not to stop production during the cold season.
  3. Change house for workers or the possibility of independent arrangement of the living area.
  4. Separate areas for production and warehouse.
  5. High ceilings.
  6. Access road adapted for freight transport.

It is advisable to find premises near wholesale bases that sell raw materials for production in order to save on delivery.

Equipment and raw materials

The list necessary equipment any production technology includes:

  • concrete mixer (2 pieces are needed to make two-layer tiles);
  • matrices of various types in the amount of 150-200 pieces (there are metal, plastic, wood, silicone);
  • container for washing forms;
  • a heated container for removing tiles from the matrix;
  • tile drying racks;
  • pallets for storing finished products;
  • tools and accessories for packaging;
  • scales;
  • hydraulic trolley for moving pallets with tiles.

Depending on the method of making paving stones, you will need:

  1. Vibrating table.
  2. Hydropress.

New equipment is quite expensive (from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles), used equipment is 30-40 percent cheaper. A vibrating table and iron molds can be made on their own if you have experience in mechanical engineering and the ability to work with metal. But at the same time, the production technology and the quality of the finished product are called into question.

If there is a free start-up capital you can purchase a ready-made line for the production of tiles for 800,000 rubles. - 1,000,000 rubles.

Raw materials for concrete paving stones are cheap and affordable. Recipe for making 1 sq. m. of paving slabs 6 cm high:

This is the most common composition among manufacturers. Also, during the manufacture, you can use crumb rubber, glue, wire mesh, polymers, clay.

An important point: in order to obtain consistently high-quality products, the components for preparing the mixture must be of the same brand and manufacturer.


The number of workers required in a paving plant depends on the planned output. For example, for production by vibrocompression method 50 sq. m. of sidewalk pavement per shift, 3 people are required:

  • worker at the machine;
  • handyman;
  • loader.

Administrative work, sales of products and accounting at the enterprise can initially be performed by the owner. Once the plant becomes profitable, it makes sense to hire specialists.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to safety precautions, provide workers with overalls and protective equipment.

Sales of products

For a novice entrepreneur, the main buyers of paving slabs are owners of private houses and retail outlets... To receive an order from a construction company, it will be necessary to certify the product.

The first clients may be acquaintances or relatives who need to improve the territory. You need to search for orders through advertisements in local newspapers, construction press, information portals in the Internet. Participation in specialized trade fairs and contacts with supply agents of construction companies gives a good result.

Occasionally, customers receive orders for stacked tiles. To provide turnkey services, you can conclude a contract with an installation organization or hire workers for each case.

To attract large customers, you need to make discounts, for example, when buying a certain amount of products, offer free shipping and give a guarantee for operation.

Video: how to start a paving slab business?

Economic calculations

To determine the amount of investment in a tile project, you need to draw up a cost-income calculation and calculate whether it is profitable to do this business.

The launch of production by the vibrocompression method includes the following costs:

Half of the investment is made up of the cost of purchasing equipment. Vibration casting technology does not use expensive equipment and you can start a business with 700,000 rubles in stock. - 750,000 rubles.

Fixed costs in the manufacture of paving stones per month, they consist of:

Cost of 1 sq. m. of paving slabs will cost an entrepreneur 280 rubles. In the course of work, additional costs may arise for equipment repairs, product certification, incentive payments to employees, etc.

The plant's income will depend on the volume of production and sales of tiles. Presumably, at a production rate per day of 50 sq. m. paving stones and sales of 80% at 600 rubles, the monthly turnover will be:

With such calculations, the investment will pay off in 4 months - this is very high rate for production. If, in addition, provide tile laying services, then the profitability will be even higher.

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  • Step-by-step paving slab business plan: where to start
  • How much money is needed to start a business
  • Production of paving slabs: what documents are needed
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Initial investments in opening a business for the production of paving slabs are no more than 200 thousand rubles. The business profitability reaches 50%, and the payback of the equipment is only 3 months.

Characteristics of paving slabs

The attractiveness of tile production lies in the fact that the state and individuals are beginning to use it more and more for laying sidewalks and personal plots. And this is logical, because the pavement surface is more reliable, easier to repair and looks much more attractive than concrete or asphalt. And the laying process itself is understandable to many homeowners, in contrast to the same asphalt, the laying technology of which is known from the strength of 5% of the country's population.

For the production of paving slabs with a volume of 1000m2 per month, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 100m2 with warehouse and places for installing a drying chamber. The cost of renting such premises is in the range from 20 to 30 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region.

To organize a mini-production of paving slabs, it is enough to attract no more than 3 people. On initial stage you need one molder, de-molder and accountant.

What equipment to choose for the manufacture of paving slabs

The total cost of purchasing such a set of equipment will amount to about 130 thousand rubles, taking into account the purchase of plastic forms.

When choosing equipment for the production of paving slabs, it is recommended to pay attention to the equipment of domestic production. It may partly lose in manufacturability and level of automation to imported counterparts, but our equipment is cheaper, easier to repair, easier to find spare parts and because of its simplicity does not require hiring highly qualified workers.

The initial raw materials for the production of paving slabs are crushed stone screening, sand, Portland cement, chemical additives (plasticizers, concrete modifiers, etc.), dry pigments and water.

Paving slab production technology

The technological process for the production of paving slabs is not complicated, and includes such stages as preparation of concrete mixture, preparation of forms, shaping on a vibrating table, holding products in forms, stripping of products and packaging of finished tiles.

Forms are a key element in the production of tiles. Molds can be plastic, rubber and polyurethane. The most practical are rubber molds, as they can withstand up to 500 cycles of use. Plastic molds are slightly inferior to them in strength, they are enough for 200-250 cycles, and polyurethane molds only for 100 cycles.

Before pouring the concrete, the molds are lubricated with chemical additives based on the S-3 plasticizer, which improves the mobility of concrete during spreading, increases the strength and frost resistance of products.

For the preparation of concrete, it is recommended to use cement of the M500 and M400 grades. Crushed stone with fractions of 0.5-0.10 cm is used as a coarse aggregate, and building sands with a particle size of at least 2 are used as fine aggregate. Crushed stone and sand are mixed in proportions of 1: 1.

After preparing the concrete mixture, it is placed in molds and compacted on a vibrating table. Then the vibrated products are stacked on a pallet and sent to an oven, where they are kept in molds for 24 hours.

The tiles are de-molded on the de-molding table using attachments. Unshaping one tile takes about 5 seconds.

Upon completion of the stripping, the finished tiles are placed on pallets. Products are packed using packing scissors, tape and metal staples. The tile gains its final strength within 21 days.

The cost of production of 1 m2 of paving slabs averages 250 rubles. In this case, the main costs are made up of material costs and remuneration of hired personnel. The wholesale selling price of tiles reaches 450 rubles / m2.

How much can you earn by starting a production of paving slabs

Net profit after all taxes is 120 rubles / m2. In the production of paving slabs with a volume of 1000 m2 per month, the profit of an entrepreneur is about 120 thousand rubles.

The payback of the equipment, subject to 100% sales of the produced tiles, can be as little as 3 months.

Even this seemingly hard work How to make paving slabs you can do it yourself. You just need to know how to do it, and what materials will be needed. In this article, you will learn the whole process of producing paving slabs at home and its cost.

To begin with, we need plastic molds measuring 400x400 mm. In this case, 15 pieces were purchased, the amount depends on the area that needs to be covered and the speed of work.

Before starting work, the forms need to be lubricated with machine oil, you can take the development at any service station. This will prevent the concrete from sticking to the mold.

It is imperative to reinforce the tiles. To do this, we will use a mesh with a wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. For example, you can take a mesh with a diameter of 3 mm with a cell of 50x50 mm or a diameter of 4 mm with a cell of 100x100 mm, or you can just use pieces of wire with a diameter of 4 mm. We cut the mesh into squares 380x380 mm, and the wire, respectively, into pieces of 380 mm.

Now we are preparing the concrete mixture. We need M500 cement, sand and crushed stone of the finest fraction (5-10 mm) in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. When making a concrete mixture, it must be taken into account that the volume of the finished mixture will be slightly less than the volume of dry components. For example, if we take 10 liters of sand, 10 liters of cement and 20 liters of crushed stone, then in the end we get only 27 liters of concrete. This must be taken into account when calculating the amount of materials.

In concrete, you also need to add a plasticizer and a dye, for example, a green coloring pigment. The dye is added at the rate of 2% of the volume of the concrete mixture. And in order to save on dye, you can do this: first, prepare a concrete mixer with tinted concrete, which we pour in a layer of 1 cm into the molds, then we prepare ordinary concrete and completely fill the molds to the brim, not forgetting to lay the reinforcement.

After laying each layer, you need to shake the mold vigorously, this way we simulate a vibrating table. It will take about 6 hours to fill 15 tiles.

After a day, the forms must be covered with a rag and poured with water, and then covered with foil. Only after 6 days can the tiles be removed from the mold. In this case, it must be folded and again covered with rags and film. For 28 days, we make sure that the rags are wet. Otherwise, the tiles will crack.

How much does it cost to make paving slabs with your own hands? The cost of a tile is $ 1.1 and, of course, your time. Tile molds cost around $ 2.

You can talk a lot about the imperfection of the world, in which economic crises occur at least once every ten years, or you can independently determine the direction of activity that will bring stable income regardless of the global financial situation. These types of activities include those in which people will always be interested. Including all types of activities related to decorating the interior space of an apartment or a country house, finishing the territory of a personal plot. For example, the production of paving slabs. The main component of future success in such a situation is the high-quality and original drawing up of a business plan, on the basis of which successful and fruitful activities will be carried out in the future.

Competition in this market is quite high, but the demand for this finishing material is quite high. It is formed due to the constantly increasing indicators of private suburban construction, the performance of landscaping works in urban and rural settlements, the uncomplicated asphalt on the sidewalks of which was often laid during the Moscow Olympics-80.

This type of business is recognized as one of the least costly. To start own production, you will need from $ 100,000.

Registration, taxes, certification

In any situation, you have to start with registration. For small production at the first stages of activity, it is enough to register in the role. The production of paving slabs is convenient as a startup with the minimum number of permits required for such work and a simple taxation scheme. The registration of the manufacturer as an individual entrepreneur makes it possible to choose at 6%.

There is no compulsory certification for paving slabs. However, given the significant role that potential buyers pay to its presence, the certificate can be ordered additionally. In such situation ready samples the certification service will carefully check the level of moisture resistance, frost resistance, readiness to withstand mechanical stress and negative impact environment, including retaining color under constant exposure to direct sunlight. Due to the simplicity of manufacturing industrial batches of beautiful and original paving slabs, such a confirmation of high quality will become an additional argument for a potential buyer to choose our version of the proposals.

What is included in a paving slab business plan?

An important basis for future success is a detailed assessment of the options for the manufacture of this practical finishing material with options for the selection of batch buyers.

Experienced manufacturers recommend paying attention to the private sector in the early stages. It requires a small number of units of paving slabs in ordered batches. At the same time, the demand of the private sector for this material is high. Garden paths can be repaired literally every year.

In addition, paving slabs are often in demand by representatives of local city organizations. When choosing a material that is reliable in operation, it is paving slabs that are ready to simultaneously decorate the territory of any settlement and the basis for increasing the comfort of everyone who lives in it.

You will also need to accurately assess what equipment will be required from the first stages of activity. This will help you immediately determine the cost parameters that will be spent on its purchase. Also, the business plan includes information on the amount of materials that will be required for the quick and high-quality execution of batches of any scale.

Premises for production

The ideal situation would be for a novice entrepreneur to have his own premises for organizing production. It can be quite compact.

All equipment can be easily accommodated in an area of ​​50 square meters. Of these, it is enough to allocate no more than 35 square meters for production. The remaining 15 square meters will be used for storing manufactured products.

You can rent the required area. It is important that it meets the requirements fire safety and had a permanent connection to the power supply source. You will also need to install a drying chamber indoors.

Technologies for the manufacture of paving slabs

Today there are two basic technologies for making this convenient and practical material.

In the case when it is planned to immediately start with the production of sufficiently large batches, it is recommended to use vibrocompression technologies... This technology includes several basic stages of activity.

  • Preparation of concrete using a concrete mixer, from which, after preparing the mixture, the mass is placed into a vibrating press, into its matrix.
  • The second stage is the work of vibrators and a punch, which make the material dense and send the material prepared for drying to a mold tray, which is sent to drying.
  • At the third stage, future reliable and durable tiles are dried using a thermal-moisture method, in the role of which ordinary hot water steam can be used. To minimize the cost of performing a full range of works, pallets with products can be dried without the use of specialized steam installations - just in the room.

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Using vibration casting technology work is carried out in a slightly different way.

  1. The concrete mixture is being prepared.
  2. The finished mixture is placed in molds located on a vibrating table.
  3. The forms are laid out on pallets.
  4. The forms are left in natural conditions for two days.
  5. Heating forms up to 50-60 degrees Celsius and knocking out finished paving slabs from them.

This technology makes it possible to create models of almost unique shape, which are especially convenient for decorating adjoining territories.

Equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs

At the first stages of the work, you will need to purchase or rent:

  • a vibrating press, the purchase price of which is about USD 20,000;
  • from 5 to 6 thousand US dollars upon purchase will be spent on the purchase of a concrete mixer;
  • the purchase of a punch will cost the owner of the new production 3 thousand.

The use of such technical options will make it possible to produce tiles by vibrocompression.

An alternative set of equipment will be the technique used for the production of paving slabs with your own hands using vibration casting technology. This kit includes:

  • vibrating table, minimum cost which is 4 thousand US dollars;
  • forms for the manufacture of paving slabs - from 1-8 US dollars per 1 form;
  • a concrete mixer will cost the new entrepreneur 600 dollars.

A convenient type of additional equipment will be a bathtub used for washing forms. Its cost is on average 1-1.5 thousand US dollars.

To minimize costs at the initial stages of activity, it is recommended to purchase used equipment.

What kind of staff will be required to do the job?

For a small production, all the work of which is located on an area of ​​50 square meters, it is enough to include 3 employees in the staff of the enterprise. One of them can additionally combine the functionality of a storekeeper and a driver. A convenient option that allows you to save money is inviting representatives of outsourcing companies to prepare tax, pension and accounting reports.

Cost of production of paving slabs

In the production of paving slabs, flat-cement concrete and a plasticizer are used. The cost of 1 cubic meter of raw material made is 3,000 rubles. It can be used to make up to 16 square meters of finished tiles. The average cost of making one square meter of tiles is 150-170 rubles. It is necessary to add 50-70 rubles to it, which will be spent on electricity, wages for workers, rent of premises and other production needs. The selling price of the tiles is much higher - at least 230-300 rubles.

The profitability of the production of paving slabs

If the new manufacturer quickly finds potential buyers, the profitability of the production of paving slabs due to the use of inexpensive materials reaches 150%. This suggests that even with the purchase of a complete set of equipment, the purchase will be justified.

The manufacture of paving slabs today is recognized as one of the most successful options activities to start your own successful business... The production of paving slabs as a business will require financial costs at the initial stage, but will bring a high return on investment in the future.

Video: production of paving slabs

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Paving slabs continue to maintain their leading positions in the construction products market. For exterior decoration, the owners of private houses and organizations traditionally choose this material. This means that the production of paving slabs as entrepreneurial activity can be a profitable and promising endeavor.

Nevertheless, any entrepreneur who decides to open his own business in this direction needs to prepare for the fact that he will face great competition. However, since this business is currently one of the most profitable, in demand and promising, in order to achieve success, you only need to develop a competent business plan for the production of paving slabs.

Basic properties of the project

The purpose of this project is to define economic efficiency creation of an enterprise for the production of paving slabs. Ready business plan can be used as a commercial offer during negotiations with potential investors or lenders.

The relevance of the paving slab business lies in the high performance of this material and its popularity in the market. Paving slabs are environmentally friendly, durable, easy to use, and also economical. And thanks to new technologies, the term and quality of its service significantly increases.

Creation project manufacturing enterprise for the production of paving slabs is designed for 2 years - during this period, according to the plan, all start-up investments will pay off. The business plan takes into account all risks and possible force majeure situations that can reduce the company's profits and even contribute to its loss-making.

The main goals of creating a paving slab workshop are three:

- creation of an enterprise with a high level of profitability;

- meeting the demand in the relevant market segment;

- receiving high profits in the period indicated in the plan.

To achieve these goals, it is planned to open an enterprise that will produce paving slabs intended for arranging sidewalks in settlements of any nature and purpose.

The overall funding figures are as follows:

- the cost of the project as a whole, including all types of costs - within 5.5 million rubles. It is envisaged that a commercial loan in the amount of 5.5 million rubles will be obtained for the opening and development of the business. The interest rate will be 16%;

- the investor's income, or the total amount of interest paid on the loan, will be 270.9 thousand rubles;

- general economic effect from the implementation of the project for the production of paving slabs for the specified period - 34 million 413 thousand rubles or more under favorable economic circumstances.

The preliminary payback period is 1 year. But in the presence of force majeure or additional costs, this period can be increased to 2 years.

Technical features of the manufacture of paving slabs - in the video:

Stages of starting a business

The main list of stages of opening a workshop for the production of paving slabs from scratch includes:

- development of a plan and preliminary financial calculations;

- registration of an enterprise with the Federal Tax Service;

- lease of a site and a production facility (if you have your own material and technical base - its preparation for the beginning production process);

- purchase of equipment and raw materials;

- staff recruitment;

- the beginning of the production process.

Taking into account the two-year period of development of the enterprise, you can draw up the following detailed step-by-step plan:

Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Project start 1 - 2 years
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement 1 to 30 calendar days
Location selection, paperwork Preliminary work 1 month
Conclusion of a lease or purchase agreement for a land plot Investment contract 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activity Up to 30 calendar days
Training End of the stage of organizing the production process Up to 30 days
Marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 calendar days
End of the project 12 - 24 months

Business registration

To begin with, it will be enough to register as individual entrepreneur... The law does not require registration legal entity for such activities, and at first, the IP format will indeed be more successful.

The process of issuing an individual entrepreneur requires the submission of a minimum of documents of the founder: a copy of the passport, identification number, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles. These documents are submitted by filling in advance by standard form application for registration of an individual entrepreneur. In it, in addition to the personal data of the entrepreneur, the code for classifier OKVED... It must be selected using the current classifier (). In the absence of additional activities, code 23.31 ("Production of ceramic plates and tiles") is suitable. The prepared package of documents must be submitted to the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service, and after 3 to 5 days the applicant is issued a ready-made certificate.

If there are several founders, an individual entrepreneur is not suitable for registering a company - you will have to choose one of the existing formats of a legal entity. The best option is a limited liability company. In this case, the list of submitted documents will be more extensive, and a special entry fee is paid additionally - authorized capital in the amount of at least 10 thousand rubles. The procedure for registration and functioning of LLC is regulated by a special the federal law 14-FZ (

Paving slabs do not require rigorous certification. This feature greatly facilitates the business legalization process. But if you wish, you can get a product quality certificate. This document will be of great help in competitive struggle and will help a newcomer to the market to acquire regular customers and partners. You can get such a document from a special certification service. The products must first be tested for strength, resistance to frost, moisture and other qualities. If the check is successful, the manufacturer will receive the required certificate without any problems.

Regulatory documents useful for doing business:


Paving slabs are made in two different ways:

  • vibrocompression,
  • vibration casting.

Depending on which technique is chosen, it will be necessary to purchase various production equipment.

For the manufacture of tiles using vibrocompression technology, you will need:

  • Vibrating press (its cost is about 20 thousand dollars)
  • Concrete mixer (about $ 6 thousand)
  • Punch (about 3 thousand dollars)

Equipment for manufacturing by vibration casting is much less expensive. The list will include the following items:

  • Vibrating table (about 4 thousand dollars)
  • Molds (about $ 1-18 per unit)
  • Concrete mixer (about $ 600)

Other types of equipment that will be required for the production process:

  • - hyperpress (makes it possible to obtain large volumes of products under high pressure;
  • - conveyors for moving materials;
  • - dispensers;
  • - cement silos for storing cement;
  • - control panel for automation of dosage, weighing and solution supply;
  • - cleavers for splitting concrete products;
  • - racks. It is better to choose steel racks with high strength.

You can buy ready-made production line... It will cost more than buying individual pieces of equipment, but will greatly simplify the manufacturing process.

Technology business plan for the production of paving slabs

When developing a business plan for the production of tiles, you need to consider technological features this process. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the diagram of the vibrocompression method. This technology is also used in the manufacture of curbs, wall and partition stones.

Production stages include:

  1. Concrete preparation. First of all, you need a concrete mixer. In this case, the number of layers should be taken into account (if there are two of them, you need two concrete mixers). The ready-made molding mixture is placed in the matrix of a vibrating press (mold).
  2. Forming. Then the punch and vibrators are started, as a result, the vibration impulses react, and the material is gradually compacted. Next, the product is sent to drying in a pallet.
  3. Drying. To bring the tile into a finished form, use a heat-moisture drying, for which water vapor is used. If you need to reduce production costs, you can dry the product directly in the room, without using the heat-moisture drying method.

The production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method is as follows:

  1. Prepare the mixture.
  2. The concrete is placed in molds on a vibrating table.
  3. The finished forms are laid out on a pallet.
  4. The resulting mixture is left for 48 hours.
  5. The hardened form is heated, then the product is knocked out.

The production of tiles requires a sufficient number of forms. They can be rubber, plastic or polyurethane. Since the production technology can differ significantly depending on the choice of material, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in advance with the essential features and differences of each of them.

NSproduction and organizational features making tiles - below:

Selection and preparation of production facilities

There are no special requirements and restrictions for the location of the workshop. The main thing is the size of the area, which should allow placing all the equipment, as well as compliance with all technical conditions... Geographically, the workshop can be located in the outskirts of the city, in the industrial zone or outside the settlement. It is desirable that a highway or a major road adjoin it, which will facilitate the delivery process.

For the equipment of the workshop, it is best to rent a former production facility - there is usually everything from the beginning. the necessary conditions, including electricity of sufficient capacity, water supply and other necessary communications.

Most suitable size- from 70 sq. meters or more. To operate the equipment, you will need an uninterrupted electrical voltage of 360 V or more. Special conditions requires a drying chamber - it needs to maintain the desired temperature within 45 degrees.

When renting a workshop, you should pay attention to the presence of a large and dry warehouse, a heated office for communication with clients and partners, as well as the work of management and administrative personnel. For these purposes, it is necessary to have a telephone connection and the Internet. Timely, you should take care of the equipment of utility rooms and a bathroom for official use.


If the volume of production does not exceed 50 sq. meters of finished tiles per day, there is no need for a large number of personnel. In such cases, a team of three people will be sufficient to deal with the process of direct preparation of concrete, pressing and sending the batch for drying. A wider staff will be needed to service large-scale production.

At first, while the shop will produce a small amount of products, the role of the sales manager and accountant can be played by the manager himself. With the expansion of production, there will be an increase in the customer base, which will require a separate employee with experience in sales. Bookkeeping will become more complex as the enterprise develops. Therefore, within the first year, you will need a full-time specialist in the field of accounting and tax reporting. In the first months of the company's operation, these services can be provided by outsourcing specialists.

The staff will also need support staff - loaders, a security guard, a cleaner.

Sales of finished products

Sales of products will also be an important stage. In order to acquire a wide and stable customer base, you should provide them with the entire range of manufactured tiles. The right action will establish production in such a way that the assortment has a variety of products that satisfy the needs of all groups of potential buyers. At first, you should not take on large orders, it is better to firmly consolidate your position among small firms or individuals.

With the development of production, it makes sense to conclude long-term contracts with large enterprises purchasing large volumes of paving slabs for construction, renovation works or further sale. The specifics of the marketing campaign and the choice of advertising methods depend on what the potential buyer will be.

Marketing plan and advertising

The general structure of the world and national market suffered negative changes during the crisis years of 2013-14. At this time, there was a decrease in sales, and hence in the production of all types of building and finishing materials. At the same time, the crisis had a certain stimulating effect on the industry: the struggle for a client between market representatives intensified, as a result, the quality of the products of the surviving enterprises improved.

In order to freely enter the market, in which there is no shortage of tile manufacturing enterprises, it is necessary not only to offer the buyer a quality product at an attractive price, but also to attract attention. To do this, you need to immediately prioritize and determine your target audience. So, you can focus on the sale of finished products. retail buyers or stop at wholesales. In the first case, the cost of implementation will be higher, but more time and money will have to be spent on advertising and attracting buyers. Choosing as priority wholesale, at the first stage, it is enough to conclude long-term contracts with several large buyers.

One of the features of the sale of paving slabs is the presence of a concentrated consumer market... This means that it is usually easier and more profitable to sell products within your region. Consequently, and advertising campaign will be aimed at a limited range of target audience.

Taking into account the already known features of the market, it is possible to determine the most accurate range of target audience. The main categories of buyers:

One of the trends in this industry is a slight but stable increase in demand from private buyers by 10-15% annually. But in order to maintain and increase this indicator, you need to resort to the main working advertising methods:

- dissemination of information via the Internet: your own website with detailed information and feedback is required. In addition, you need to advertise your products on thematic sites and forums, online message boards;

Timely ad placement will play a very important role... Since the largest peak in construction and renovation work occurs in the spring and autumn, the main focus is on advertising activities it is worth doing just before the onset of this time.

The participation of the enterprise in thematic events - specialized exhibitions and fairs will be effective. There you can present samples of your products, exchange contacts with potential buyers and partners, and study the structure and dynamics of the market.

Financial plan

There are several main cost items required for the opening and further development of the company:

  • Initial investment:
  1. Commissioning works - 110,000.00 rubles.
  2. APN - 540,000.00 rubles.
  3. Press D2430 - 470,000.00 rubles.
  4. Concrete mixer SBR-500 - 69,000.00 rubles.
  5. Mold PP TR - 210,000.00 rubles.
  6. Scales MK-15.2 - RUB 4,200.00

Total: RUB 1,403,200.00

2) Labor remuneration. Calculation for a minimum staff of 3 people:

  • manager (salary from 25 thousand rubles),
  • APN operator (salary from 25 thousand rubles)
  • part-time worker (salary 20 thousand rubles)

Thus, the wage fund should be at least 70 thousand rubles (for one shift per month; 140 thousand rubles for two shifts). With the development of the enterprise, the size of wages should increase, which will keep skilled workers.

Upon payment of the unified social tax (UST) - 26% of the total income.

  • Production area

It is desirable to allocate about 100 sq.m. area to accommodate necessary equipment and create an area for storing materials and the products themselves. The warehouse can be located outside the premises, but also requires at least 100 sq. M. Heating in production area- not a mandatory requirement for working conditions. If the rent for 1 sq. m. is 100 rubles., then the total cost of renting the entire premises in the end should not exceed 10,000 rubles. The rental price for 1 sq. M. Is also calculated. m. products. It will be 2.38 rubles.

4) The cost of materials and energy carriers. The total cost of raw materials, which include polymer, sand and pigment, for 1 ton will be 3794 rubles. This means that the cost of raw materials per 1 sq. M. the finished tile is equal to 136.58 rubles.

Cost of 1 sq. m. of paving slabs:

The profitability of this type of business when correct organization exceeds the 100 percent mark. This is facilitated by the fact that even defective products can be used (for example, in construction), so the loss ratio will be minimal.

A detailed cost plan for opening a paving slab factory will include the following items:

Expenditure item Expenses per month Costs per year One-time costs Total expenses for the year
Buying a concrete mixer 127400 127400
Vibrating tables (casting, stripping) 90000 90000
Forms 33600 33600
Transformer 61600 61600
Hydraulic trolley 20160 20160
Loader / Crane 3800000 3800000
Baths (for washing forms, for stripping forms) 22400 22400
Wheelbarrows, trowels, shovels and other equipment 28000 28000
Production technology, technology training 61600 61600
The cost of raw materials (per 2 thousand km. Tiles) 100000 1200000 1200000
The salary 250250 3003000 3003000
Website development, promotion 55000 660000 110000 110000
Wiring 214200 214200
Unexpected expenses 456800 456800
Total 405250 4863000 5025086 5073626

Regardless of the chosen format for doing business, the financial year for any enterprise begins in January. From this month, the necessary tax payments... The list and tax rates of the main deductions in the Federal Tax Service are standard and include the following:

In order to calculate the amount of income of the enterprise, in addition to the cost price, it is necessary to analyze the prices on the market for finished products... The price list will be based on the average prices of the corresponding market segment and the size of production costs.

Average cost of paving slabs, in rubles per sq. meter:

Traditionally, the cheapest will be gray tiles, the most valuable and expensive - white, produced without the use of dyes. The higher the quality of the materials used in production, the more expensive the cost will be, and, consequently, the price of the finished product.

The company's sales forecast will be determined based on the following criteria:

- the results of the analysis of consumer demand for paving slabs;

- data from the analysis of the market of enterprises for the production of tiles;

- general conclusions regarding the state of the market for the sale of paving slabs.

The calculations take into account the lowest profitability threshold. The plan necessarily considers all the risks existing in the industry. These include, first of all, a high level of competition and a significant threshold for entering the market. So, in order to open production, significant initial investments are needed for the purchase of equipment and raw materials. At the same time, without a high-quality marketing policy, it is impossible to fully enter the market and take a strong and advantageous position in it.

Taking into account the main stages of the creation and development of the enterprise, a plan for the provision of services is drawn up:

Period Type of service Volume of services provided per month price, rub. Sales proceeds, thousand rubles
1 - 6 month investment 2000 sq.m 500 - 540 per sq.m. 1000 - 1100 thousand rubles
1 - 6 month investment 2000 sq.m From 560 per sq.m. From 1120 thousand rubles.
Production of paving slabs 2000 sq.m 540 sq.m 1000 - 1100 thousand rubles
7 - 12 month of operation Tiling and related work 2000 sq.m From 580 per sq.m. From 1150 thousand rubles.

At the moment, the market growth rates are at the level of 10-15 percent. If this level remains, over the next 1 - 2 years, the growth in sales volumes will reach 26.7 million per year and more. The main condition that will help to overcome the barrier to entry is the provision of the enterprise with modern and high-quality equipment. The second important advantage of the tile workshop will be the selection of qualified personnel. Active business promotion process will accelerate marketing campaign and a well-designed advertising plan.

The business plan for the production of paving slabs includes the average cost estimates and an approximate forecast of the profit of the production workshop. Specific financial performance may differ under the influence of objective and subjective factors, the effects of risks and changes in the market. Taking into account the high level of demand for paving slabs among individuals and enterprises, the following conclusion can be drawn: with a good preparation of the material base and careful study of the sales market, the tile production workshop will be a profitable and promising undertaking.

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