How much can you earn from breeding geese? Mini goose farm - how to make a million to breed geese. Organization of a goose breeding farm

Geese breeding as a business requires a breeder to have certain birdcare skills. A prerequisite for a successful business is cost planning and a little experience in the poultry industry. Therefore, before registering your business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan. For breeding birds at home, it is necessary to equip gosters. In them it will be more convenient to look after the birds and watch their growth. With proper organization of the economy and good living conditions, geese can bring 7-8 chicks in one season.

The goose farm is a great business option even for inexperienced breeders. It requires a small initial investment, has a good return on investment and high profitability rates. Young animals grow rapidly and gain weight. Already at the age of 2 months, geese weigh about 4 kg. At the same time, feed costs are low.

Goose farming, as a business, has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • There is no need to purchase expensive equipment to raise birds;
  • The goose breeding farm does not take too much time;
  • High rates of profitability (35-100%);
  • Fast return on investment (from 1 to 3 years).


  • For each product you need to obtain a quality certificate;
  • It is necessary that will require a considerable investment of funds;
  • It is necessary to acquire reliable distribution channels for products.

A goose farm is considered a good business for people willing to spend a certain amount of time organizing the farm. A well-organized business will definitely be in high demand and bring a good income.

Breeds for breeding

Before starting a business, you need to choose the most suitable breed of birds in terms of climatic characteristics and productivity, with which the breeder will start breeding. The choice of goose breed depends on the goal of the farmer. There are many types, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It is customary to divide individuals into meat and egg types, as well as those who go for sale or to obtain a liver.

The most popular breeds of geese:

  1. Kuban. One of the most egg-bearing breeds. The number of clutches per year can reach up to 90 pieces from one individual. The Kuban breed is considered light. An adult female weighs about 5 kg, a male 6 kg;
  2. Emdenskaya. Birds of this breed are very large with a lot of subcutaneous fat. The weight of males reaches 10 kg, and females - up to 8 kg;
  3. Italian white. Individuals quickly gain weight and have high egg production rates. The weight of the birds is about 9 kg. One female lays up to 50 eggs per year;
  4. Arzamas. Birds have strong immunity, they tolerate cold weather and sudden changes in temperature well. Despite the small weight (up to 7kg), the geese have tasty high quality meat;
  5. Rhine white. Breed with average egg production (45 to 50 eggs). The weight of adults is small, about 6.5 kg. Due to their high palatability, many farmers raise geese just for the meat;
  6. Toulouse. French "liver" breed. Geese are heavy (males - 12 kg, females - 10 kg) and a high percentage of fat. A distinctive feature of birds is immobility and cold intolerance;
  7. Gorkovskaya. Meat breed of geese weighing from 8 to 10 kg. The breed has average egg production rates. The goose brings about 50 eggs per year;
  8. Gray large. Individuals of this breed are densely built (from 8 to 10 kg). Average clutch of eggs - up to 40 eggs;
  9. Kholmogorskaya. Individuals are distinguished by their large physique. The weight of an adult is up to 10 kg. Geese are a meat breed. The goose brings about 40 eggs a year;
  10. Danish legart. This is one of the most profitable breeds. The cost of feeding geese is 20% less than other species. They gain weight quickly. Goslings at the age of 2 months gain almost 6 kg, which is an excellent indicator in poultry farming.
  11. Linda. The most popular breed for breeding in Russia and in neighboring countries. Well suited for commercial breeding and marketing. The Linda breed still occupies a leading position in the meat industry. The weight of the birds is about 9 kg. Geese are distinguished by a calm character, tolerate frosts well (up to -30˚C), and also have high egg production rates, 60-70 pieces per year.

The Danish Legart is best suited as a starting breed.

Gradually the farm can be expanded with the purchase of a large gray breed and Italian. In the southern regions, the Romny and, and in regions with a temperate climate and high humidity, the Shadrinsk (Ural) breed will perfectly take root.


Geese are large enough and unpretentious in keeping birds. To receive income from a goose farm, you should acquire a large number of birds and create comfortable living conditions for them. The goose business is based on obtaining a variety of products:

  • Meat. Raising geese for meat is a profitable business. From one individual, you can get from 6 kg of goose meat;
  • Fat. This product is also in high demand. One individual gives up to 2.5 kg of fat;
  • Liver. It has a high nutritional value and is considered a delicacy. Goose liver is used to prepare such a well-known delicacy as foie gras;
  • Eggs. The value of goose eggs is lower than that of chicken eggs, but, nevertheless, they are in demand among amateurs;
  • Feathers and down. They are used as a filler for pillows, warm outerwear, therefore they are appreciated in the market and have a high cost;
  • Goslings. You can breed young animals. The chicks are bought by other poultry entrepreneurs;
  • Litter. It is used to fertilize the soil, therefore it is in demand among summer residents and gardeners.

The goose breed is chosen depending on the direction of business and the location of the goose farm.

Business registration

To sell products on the market, a goose farm must be registered without fail. Therefore, you should take care of the registration of an individual enterprise or legal entity, as well as product certification. According to the legal rules, for running a poultry business it is necessary to obtain several certificates and permits from various authorities. Some certificates are issued free of charge, and some will have to be paid for. First of all, a goose farm must be registered in:

  • Veterinary Service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

The Veterinary Service issues a separate certificate for each finished product:

  • Agree on a plan for conducting veterinary procedures;
  • Issues a certificate of compliance of the farm with all standards.

Since very strict requirements are imposed on goose breeding as a business, you need to buy goslings for breeding only from reliable certified suppliers.

Features of breeding and maintenance

Making a profit largely depends on the conditions for keeping birds and the organization of their daily life. Young animals will grow rapidly and gain weight only if certain requirements are met:

  • Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a pair for mating. Individuals with family ties should not be mixed, as this leads to a deterioration in the productive performance of reared individuals. They gain weight worse, rush less, and over time the breed will become smaller. To avoid this, young animals are bought from different breeders;
  • If space permits, a small pasture with a swimming area can be fenced off for birds. Geese are unpretentious birds in keeping. During the warmer months, they should be outdoors. To prevent them from running away, the herd can be walked in fenced areas. In winter, the birds move to the gosper. The room must be warm and clean;
  • One gander can be useful for a long time (up to 10 years). From 3 to 5 females are isolated per male. Nevertheless, up to 30% of young animals are added to the herd every year. In this case, the poultry house is divided into two parts: for adults and young animals;
  • Different breeds of geese should also be kept separate from each other. In open enclosures, they can all walk together. To grow geese, you need to purchase an incubator. It is used only when geese refuse to hatch eggs on their own;
  • Oviposition in females occurs from February to March. The collected eggs are stored in a dry room at a temperature of 6-14˚С. Eggs should be stored upright with the blunt end up. With this method of storage, as well as with daily turning of each of them, you can increase the shelf life of the eggs up to 1 month.

The optimum temperature in the goose-house is not lower than 8˚С. For dryness and warmth, the floor is covered with straw, 1 kg of hay is needed for one bird.

There should be no drafts in the room, all cracks are closed for the winter.

The straw bedding is changed as it gets dirty and sold to summer residents as fertilizer. You can use superphosphates to prevent the release of ammonia in hay. In order for the geese to feel good and not get sick, the goose house needs to be cleaned regularly.

The compulsory equipment in the goose-house should include:

  • Feeders for adults and young animals;
  • Drinking bowls;
  • Container for mineral dressings;
  • Heating (in winter);
  • Electricity.

For brood hens, you need to equip separate nests with a bed of down and hay. Nests should be fenced off so the geese do not see each other and do not fight.


The goose farm generates income from the sale of meat, liver, eggs and feathers. To get more profit, you can open a store that will sell your own products. You can also start the production of goose down blankets and pillows or simply sell raw materials to specialized workshops and ateliers.

  • An adult goose weighing 4 to 8 kg will bring an average of 600-1200 rubles in profit for meat and fat. At the same time, feather and down in one individual is up to 600 g, which is equal to 1200 rubles;
  • sold to summer residents and gardeners. But to implement it, you first need to obtain a certificate from a veterinary clinic. One bird produces up to 1 kg of droppings per day, which is about 1000 rubles per year;
  • Goose products (meat, eggs, liver) are eagerly bought by private individuals, specialized shops, restaurants, and start-up entrepreneurs. Eggs are used for breeding birds, so they are well bought by novice farm owners.


For breeding, they buy several breeds of goslings at once. The average price of one chick is 20 rubles. Young stock ready for fattening costs 5 times more. The main costs of raising geese are spent on maintaining the poultry house. This includes:

  • service of a veterinary clinic;
  • payment for heating and light;
  • other administrative expenses.

These expenses amount to about 200 thousand rubles annually. The main income from the goose farm comes from the sale of live individuals or finished products.

Approximate cost items for a goose farm:

Is it profitable or not to breed geese?

Summing up, we can say that keeping geese for breeding is beneficial. Goose breeding makes a profit from the sale of various products. However, business promotion requires significant financial costs. Is it profitable or not to breed geese?

Despite serious financial investments, the profitability of the business is high, and the payback comes quickly.

This is because the modern market for goose products is little developed.

To determine the average profitability, the following calculations are used: the ratio of costs and benefits.

To open a business, you will need from 750 thousand rubles.

For many farmers, this may seem like an overwhelming investment, however, the total profit from a herd of 500 heads is about 880 thousand rubles per year. In the absence of epidemics, poor climatic conditions and stable external conditions, payback occurs in 2-3 years.

  • Business man video
  • What do geese feed
  • OKVED for registration
  • Documents to open
  • Tax system
  • Permissions to open
        • Related business ideas:

A lot of novice farmers want to start making money on goose breeding. People see the prices of a goose in the store and think what "crazy" money such a business brings. But when they themselves try to breed a bird, they realize that this is an extremely difficult and very risky business.

Why isn't geese breeding widespread, like chicken breeding? There are several reasons for this:

  1. The demand for goose is extremely unstable throughout the year. Most often, the bird is taken for the New Year and Christmas. In addition, the tradition of eating goose is highly dependent on the region.
  2. The goose is picky about the conditions of detention. Keeping it in cages in several tiers, like a chicken, is not permissible. Geese need grazing, pens, large areas. Not every farmer succeeds in creating such conditions.
  3. Returning to the sales problem. Goose is a delicacy and is not cheap. With today's downturn in the economy, people are starting to save on everything. Surely in the diet of some people "goose" will not be included yet.

There are also other "pitfalls" of goose breeding, which we will not describe. It is enough to read specialized forums, and you will understand what difficulties you can expect.

Business man video

Nevertheless, there are successful farmers in this area. For example, Daniil Penchalov's goose farm, based in the Chekhov District of the Moscow Region. The farmer maintains no less than 4000 brood geese:

Some tips for breeding geese in a mini farm setting

The goose is an unpretentious bird. The main thing is to make sure that the plumage is not disturbed. Therefore, the bird should be outdoors most of the time. Excessive moisture and dirt, which traditionally accumulates in the room, has an extremely negative effect on the health and growth of the goose. Ideally, there should be a pond next to the goose farm, but there are several important points here. First, the control of the herd becomes more difficult. And secondly, not every pond, from the point of view of the law, is suitable for poultry walking. The fact is that the intensive use of the pond for keeping geese silts the bottom of the reservoir, which eventually leads to its crumbling or complete drying. For this reason, keeping geese with reservoirs recognized as natural monuments is prohibited. It might be interesting:

  • Business plan for breeding geese
  • Quail farm as a business
  • Mini poultry farm as a business

What do geese feed

The geese are fed mainly with grain and compound feeds with vitamin supplements. To reduce costs when keeping the breeding stock, grain waste, vegetables, and potatoes are used. Any penny saved on feeding will further reduce costs and increase profits. The nests are made from planks. The average size of the nest is 50 x 70 cm. The entrance to the nest must be done with a 10 cm sill so that the litter (straw) does not fall out of the nest. During the reproduction of a herd, the question of incubating a goose egg will naturally arise. You can purchase incubators, or you can simply donate an egg for incubation to third-party farmers, as is done on Daniil Penchalov's farm. You will be charged a certain fee for this, but it may turn out to be more profitable than spending on the purchase of expensive incubators and overseeing the entire brooding process of goslings (God forbid, you have problems with the power supply).

What equipment to choose for plucking geese

Raising a goose is half the battle, the fun begins when it's time to lead the bird to the slaughter. It is extremely difficult to clean an adult goose weighing under 5 kg with "bare" hands. And if you need to score 100 goals a day, then the first really serious problems appear, which some novice farmers did not foresee when planning a business. In this case, one cannot do without a feathering machine, for example, "Sprut-700". The price of the device is from 55,000 rubles. Such a unit works on the principle of a centrifuge, the working bodies of which are rubber punch fingers. A pinch of one bird takes about a minute:

According to farmers, it is beneficial to keep a goose for no more than 4 months. During this period, the bird gains maximum weight and reaches 3.2 - 3.7 kg. Further, the increase is no longer so intense, and the content becomes, in fact, unprofitable. Popular breeds for keeping: Lindovsky, Kholmogory and Governor's geese. The Governor breed is the youngest and most efficient to breed. Goose bred in Russia in 2011. In just 9 weeks (over 2 months), gander gains weight of 4.35 kg, and geese - 4.00 kg. Feed consumption for an increase in one kg of live weight is 2.75 kg. Egg production per cycle of productivity - 46 pcs. There is also such a subtlety in the reproduction of a herd, described in some textbooks on goose breeding. So, in order to get fast-growing young growth, it is necessary to cross a male of one goose breed with a female of another breed. As a result, you will get young growth that will grow faster than a purebred.

Recruiting staff to work on a goose farm

Difficulties may arise with the search for farm personnel. Not many people want to work in villages. And those that they want are far from ideal "hard workers". Therefore, at first, you may have to use the labor of emigrants.

How much can you earn by opening a goose farm

The retail price of goose meat is from 450 rubles / kg. In Moscow, the goose, raised on farms and advertised as environmentally friendly, goes well. The minimum price for such a goose is 600 rubles / kg. If the average weight of an adult carcass is 4 kg, we save 2400 rubles from one head. From 1000 heads, the proceeds will be 2.4 million rubles. The structure of expenses for keeping a goose before slaughter looks like this: 80% is spent on feed, 15% for the salary of an employee and 5% for other expenses. The total cost price for each farmer will be different. Because feed can be purchased at different prices. In the Moscow region, for example, the price of compound feed will be clearly higher than in the Krasnodar Territory. One farmer can feed birds exclusively with compound feed, and a more prudent one will dilute the diet with grain waste. According to experienced farmers, the most profitable in goose breeding is the sale of hatching eggs and young stock. So, the price of a hatching goose egg is at least 70 rubles. A gosling who is only 1 week old will cost at least 350 rubles. They bred 1000 goslings, sold them for 350,000 rubles. and nothing else needs to be done. And if you leave them for meat, you will have to invest in maintenance, feeding, wages, etc. And what is most surprising, the demand for young animals is much higher than for ready-made meat. They love to grow here themselves, nothing can be done about it. Also, a goose farm can earn by selling goose liver, fluff and fat. If you invest extra, then you can start processing. For example, to produce smoked geese. Some large farms also manage to earn money by selling cages, drinkers, feeders, feed, hay, and even goose waste (manure). In fact, money is made from everything. This is a real profitable business. It is easier to search for clients on the Internet. Fortunately, large costs are not required here. The site can be made in the format of a business card. Such a project will cost 20 - 35 thousand rubles. You should definitely post information on Avito. Selling goslings and hatching eggs will go well after posting information on specialized forums about poultry farming. After a year or two of active advertising, you will have a line of regular customers and people who came through word of mouth.

Step by step plan: where to start

  1. A ready-made poultry house is rented or a place for building your own is being looked for.
  2. Building materials are being purchased (mesh, hardware, board, slate).
  3. An enterprise or a farm is registered.
  4. Young animals of fodder meat breeds and compound feed are purchased.
  5. The house should have 1-2 permanent employees.
  6. While the bird is growing, channels are being looked for for the delivery of meat products.

How much money do you need to start

The start-up capital for a geese breeding business must be at least 350 thousand rubles. This money will be needed to buy a livestock of a poultry house, which will pay off the farm in a few months. However, it is best to immediately purchase a feather plucking machine and freezer. It will cost about 300,000 rubles. At least 200 thousand more are needed to equip the poultry house. Total: 850 thousand rubles. If you have problems getting your initial capital, attract investors. You can also make money on your own, the Investors Club will help you with this. Learn from the best.

OKVED for registration

01.24 "Breeding of poultry", which includes not only the raising of poultry and young animals, but also the production of chicken eggs.

Documents to open

If the planned sales volume exceeds 5 tons of meat per year, it is necessary to think over the organizational and legal form of doing business. It is better to immediately register an LLC in order to be able to supply products to stores and to the market. As a result, the entrepreneur receives:

  • certificate of state registration;
  • certificate of payment of tax;
  • certificate of registration in the pension fund;
  • charter;
  • memorandum of association;
  • help from the statistics service.

Tax system

For agricultural producers, state programs and benefits are provided. Therefore, you will have to pay tax for agricultural producers. Its rate can be different depending on the type of the chosen scheme. For example, 6% of the amount of income, reduced by the amount of expenses.

Permissions to open

The production of poultry meat requires permission from the veterinary services, which indicates that the poultry is healthy and can be eaten. To do this, before slaughter, you need to agree on an inspection. After examination, he issues a conclusion on the suitability of the meat.

Growing and marketing technology

Based on the feed consumption rates for each bird and the farm population, the total project costs can be calculated. The technology boils down to the following points.

Kira Stoletova

Agriculture has always been considered not only an excellent platform for growing certain crops, but also a space for doing business. Yes, you can start your own business not only by opening boutiques in huge cities. Geese breeding as a business is considered an excellent project for beginners who dream of doing a profitable business.

However, before proceeding to active actions, preparing land, purchasing birds, it is necessary to consider whether such an investment of money and effort is profitable or not. Despite the fact that the usual rearing of geese is not a huge hassle, you need to prepare properly for breeding birds. It will take a lot of effort to get the most out of this case. You can find out how the preparation for breeding geese takes place by watching the video or reading the article below.

What can a goose "offer"?

It is possible to understand what breeding geese as a business can offer a person only by understanding the origin and characteristics of bird life. It should be noted in advance that such a business project is unlikely to bring much profit. This is due to the fact that birds need constant supervision and good equipment, despite being easy to keep. The owner must not only constantly control the life of the birds, but also invest in the purchase of equipment for breeding them. Without these two points, you should not expect financial well-being.

In addition to equipment and the availability of free time, an entrepreneur should know about the love of geese for fresh air and pastures, therefore providing them with their own or rented walking area is extremely necessary. Success in the goose business is possible only after acquiring several hectares of meadows or any wasteland. By providing birds with the listed benefits, various positives can be achieved.

  1. Get enough meat to sell, which is what makes most of the profit. Even if you can't build a business on goose eggs, meat can start bringing money after 2 months from grazing. 1 ha of pasture, on average, provides a person with two tons per year.
  2. Protect yourself from buying freezing equipment and expired food storage. This is possible due to the length of the geese grazing season and the fact that harvesting takes place throughout the season, gradually meeting demand.
  3. To start selling meat at a higher price than it is done in small-scale farming.
  4. Start selling goose liver, which is considered not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a quality healing product. And foie gras or goose pate are even more considered an expensive and worthwhile delicacy. Due to the demand for such a product, breeding geese as a business is considered a profitable business. Some farmers specifically buy exclusively "liver" breeds in order to fatten them and get a high-quality liver. Foie gras are excellently stored at home due to the possibility of canning and transportation.
  5. Make profit with goose down, which is considered an excellent and valuable industrial product. They insulate their clothes, and the price is much more attractive than the cost of similar goods. By the way, you should look for possible candidates for the purchase of down when planning a goose farm as a business.

A worthy advantage of geese is considered their resistance to diseases and the ability to consume any type of feed, therefore, thinking about farming, it is necessary to give preference to breeding geese, so as not to spend money on financial insurance against diseases.

Requirements for growing poultry

It is difficult to answer the question of whether or not to raise geese, because it is almost impossible to find a definite answer. Experienced poultry farmers believe that only a person who is not only versed in agriculture, but also has a profitable business that generates income, can afford geese breeding. For beginners, according to professionals, breeding will seem difficult. However, why not take a chance? The goose breeding business will be possible after meeting the basic requirements.

  1. Purchase of a large, high-quality heated premises. It is advisable that the goose farm be equipped with an insulated floor. To breed geese, a room equal to 150 sq. m per 1000 birds. Heating is an extremely necessary criterion for growing, because if the limbs and beak are frostbitten, the bird will lose its commercial qualities, and will not provide the necessary "exit". It will not work to breed geese in a barn because of the large size of the bird and the need for a production permit from special sanitary authorities, veterinarians, and the fire service. A goose farm cannot be considered such without permission from the authorities.
  2. Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  3. Providing birds with a reservoir of 200 sq. m, where the birds will be provided with grass and water. If there are no such ponds in the village or in the selected area, then you will have to spend energy and money on digging and filling it.
  4. The location of the goose farm away from settlements and their homes due to the aggressiveness of birds and their noisy and loud behavior. Growing geese should take place away from children, because irritated birds can peck a child or even a person to death.
  5. Providing birds with a sufficient amount of insulated bedding, feeders, nests, incubators, drinkers. Making feeders and drinking bowls can be done independently at home to save money.
  6. Search for factories specializing in compound feed. In the summer, the costs are reduced due to constant grazing and visiting lakes and ponds.

You can implement a business idea for breeding geese after acquiring or renting an abandoned poultry house, cowshed. By the way, the repair and restoration of abandoned buildings with disrupted communications is much cheaper than building from scratch. In addition, a goose farm on the site of another poultry house proves that the selected site is suitable. More than one video tells and shows how the right goose farms look like.

Breed selection

The breed of bird largely determines how successful a business is, and therefore the plan should include careful selection of the breed. Geese differ in the purpose and place of breeding, in what weather conditions this or that bird will be forced to live. In addition, it is necessary to start a breeding business with a decision on the issue of regular offspring.

Geese are considered unimportant "mothers", and a goose egg cannot incubate in a built incubator. Up to 7 eggs are placed under 1 brooding bird. Buying a branded incubator in this case is justified, however, you only need to choose models with a large capacity, for which the purchase of domestic incubators is better suited.

Based on the described physiological characteristics of birds, farmers recommend growing large gray species, after which they can be supplemented with common Kholmogory ones. Birds are suitable for breeding because of good incubation and hatching of young stock, as well as due to their endurance and resilience. A goose farm in the south may consist of Gorky and Romny geese, and in the temperate zone it is better to breed Ural geese.



Breeding geese // Where to start

Goose business of Pavel Postevoy. Breeding geese. Lind's goose

Business idea. Goose business, 10,000 geese !!!

Opening a goose farm: standards and requirements

When drawing up a breeding plan, you need to prepare yourself in advance for passing and filling out a huge amount of papers and certificates. Since goose and foie gras are considered products in need of certification, you will definitely visit more than one relevant authority. Therefore, before you start making a profit, you will have to visit several instances.

  1. Tax office, where the registration of an individual entrepreneur takes place. Be sure to indicate the type of your activity, in this case it is the sale of meat, eggs, etc. After that, a special certificate will be provided, which serves as the main document for further procedures.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service, which need to provide a previously received document, acquire a permission to open.
  3. Veterinary service. Birds must be certified, because home-grown goose meat cannot be sold without documents, even in the markets. Veterinarians will provide you with several documents, including a certificate and a veterinary certificate stating that the enterprise is safe and contains the necessary equipment, attributes and grounds.

It will be possible to breed geese only after a ready-made package of documents has been collected and a plan for the veterinary measures to be taken has been approved with veterinarians. Very often, at the stage of paperwork, many entrepreneurs ask themselves the question: "Is breeding really so profitable?" In the case of renting a room for a rooster, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a certificate, the same applies to the purchase of young animals not from trusted suppliers.

Poultry certification takes place immediately, but your birds need to be certified again afterwards. It is not always profitable to buy young animals from unverified suppliers at a pleasant price, because they were mainly prepared for fattening. Growing them will bring nothing but losses and wasted time. Due to the difficulties that appear at the certification stage, it is not necessary to immediately start forming your own breeding herd - you should limit yourself to rearing. When the plan has already "worked out", you can proceed to the independent formation of your own herd of breeding geese. Finding suppliers is quite problematic, since there are only a few factories in Russia. The purchase can be carried out in Pyatnitsky, Priirtyshsky and Lindovsky. When making any bird purchases, it is important to carefully consider all existing quality certifications and standards.

About commercial prospects

It is quite convenient to do calculations and draw up a rough business plan both at home and in the office. The following data is only indicative of the commercial prospects for growing:

  • the purchase of premises will have to spend more than one ruble, on average it costs up to 300 thousand rubles;
  • it is possible to repair and provide equipment for a ready-made gooseneck within 200 thousand rubles;
  • to issue a document, on average, it is possible for 20 thousand or more rubles;
  • you can buy young animals from 1000 heads in the range of 10-50 rubles apiece, ready for fattening costs up to 50 thousand rubles;
  • spending on feed and other expenses will amount to 800 thousand rubles.

Growing geese requires an initial investment of 1 million rubles or more. Calculating the income that a herd of 1000 heads, including 800 geese, can give, we get about 1.5 million rubles. (including the sale of liver, fluff, feathers, eggs). If there are geese weighing 4 kg or more on the farm, it will be possible to sell them for 600-1200 rubles, and down and feathers are suitable for ateliers and industries. In addition, one must remember about constant checks and unexpected situations on which you will have to spend part of the profit.

The subtleties of feeding and keeping birds

The maintenance and feeding of birds does not present any particular difficulties and is described in detail in almost every reference book. The only thing that is important and must be remembered is the love of birds for dense meals, greens, juicy food and liquids. Getting a high income also depends on how often the goose herds are grazed. It is better to use "stalls" exclusively in industry, raising birds for canned food or for feeding birds for future cooking on the table.

Thus, it cannot be said that breeding geese is extremely profitable, but this business cannot be called unprofitable. If the goose farm meets all standards and requirements, as well as produces high-quality meat and products, there is no need to talk about losses. Using a serious approach to business, carefully doing calculations, it will be easy to provide yourself with a stable income, even at home. Goose farm as a business is profitable and promising!

We bring to your attention an article in which, based on the opinion of a specialist, all the positive and negative aspects of breeding geese as a type of your own business are considered.

We will not give advice on whether poultry farming is profitable. We will just list everything you need to get started, taking into account the opinions and recommendations of people who are already in this type of business. And the conclusions after carefully reading the article and comparing with your own capabilities, you will make yourself.

Business prospects

Products are exactly the goods that are always needed by everyone. That is, without which normal life, not only of society, but primarily of a person, is impossible. Meat and meat products regularly rise in price, and this is a direct evidence that poultry farming as a business is quite a promising business. In addition to the fact that goose meat is dietary, products from its liver, goose fat, fluff and eggs are very popular. That is, according to their indicators, geese are actually waste-free birds for further processing, after growing and slaughtering.

Existing directions of breeding domestic geese

The first type with a fairly quick return on investment in the shortest period of time is breeding poultry for meat. Experts advise entrepreneurs to start with it in order to gain the necessary experience with a bird that is not capricious to the conditions of its breeding. Having accumulated the necessary knowledge, you can move on to the second, more troublesome direction, such as breeding young stock in an incubator with its subsequent resale. In addition, an important role is assigned to the cultivation of certain highly productive breeds and the feeding of geese according to special programs, in order to obtain as the main product - goose liver (foie gras) - appreciated by gourmets. For a better perception and understanding of the topic, in the future we will consider the first option for creating a goose farm as a type of business for a novice poultry farmer.

Business plan for growing geese

The final decision on creating a poultry farm will help to make a business plan for the project, drawn up approximately according to the following criteria. Separately, we note for ourselves the positive features and properties of poultry farming in the end. Namely:

  • from a chick to an adult ready for slaughter, a goose grows in 60-70 days;
  • the average weight of such poultry meat ranges from 4 to 6 kilograms plus 2-3 kg of fat;
  • the weight of the liver is 300-500 grams, and up to 1 kg in birds fed according to special technologies;
  • 250-300 grams of feathers, of which up to 60 grams of expensive fluff;
  • the average egg production is about 70-80 eggs (weight 130-140 g).

The calculation of the possibly earned profit is made taking into account separate data for the launch region.

Then we write out the expenses of the business:

  1. Obtaining permits and registration of entrepreneurial activity in all instances (tax office, Pension Fund, etc.).
  2. Land lease.
  3. The cost of setting up a poultry house, which includes:
  • arrangement of a reservoir (a goose is a waterfowl, if anyone has forgotten);
  • device of autonomous communications for power supply, water and heat supply, septic tanks and garbage pits;
  • purchase of chicks or egg material, if there is an incubator;
  • allocation of expendable funds for feed;
  • purchase of refrigeration equipment for storing meat;
  • transport, organizational, construction and other expenses.
  1. Wages to employees.
  2. Mandatory fencing of the area for grazing geese and a poultry house.
  3. Utility bills.
  4. Taxes.


According to poultry experts, to start breeding, the number of livestock should be at least five hundred geese. It is possible to slightly reduce the above costs if:

  • has its own land plot (preferably with a natural pond, river, etc.);
  • the use of our own vehicles, construction equipment and materials, equipment and tools;
  • involvement at all stages of the construction of the farm, and in the future when growing and processing poultry, family members and relatives;
  • harvest plant feed (grass) yourself;
  • attract an outside investor of the project;
  • receive a grant or subsidy from local, regional or federal authorities.

At the rate of 400 geese and 100 males, investments can amount to about 500-700 thousand rubles, which, excluding possible force majeure circumstances, will already receive the same figure after the sale of finished products for a year. It is easy to calculate that after deducting taxation, the poultry farm will fully pay off in 2-3 years.

The obvious disadvantages of breeding geese as a business form

It cannot be said that the negative aspects of goose breeding are fundamentally different from Russian business. The essence is the same - it is paperwork, bureaucracy and bribery. If this does not scare you, and you are determined, then when opening a farm for breeding geese, go to:

  1. To the tax office to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur, listing the types of future activities according to the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) and obtaining a 4-OGRN certificate as the main document of the entrepreneur.
  2. Then you are expected at the fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor, where, for a separate fee, upon presentation of a certificate in form No. 4, they will have to issue a permit to carry out this type of activity. Even taking into account the fact that such documents are issued on a paid official basis, be prepared for additional costs.
  3. The third in a row, but not in importance, is the veterinary service, where you need to get two permits:
  • product certificate (goose meat is subject to mandatory certification);
  • decree on the observance of all veterinary norms and rules on the territory of the enterprise (farm) and the adjacent pasture, reservoir, and so on.

Upon completion of the collection of documents, we proceed directly to the organization of the business.

Poultry house and pasture

Due to the fact that geese are unpretentious birds in terms of the conditions of their keeping, since they are in the open air most of the time, any converted utility room is quite suitable as a room for keeping them. The main thing is that it is not emergency and meets the following parameters:

  • walls at least 30 millimeters thick;
  • ceiling height in pens is not less than 1.5 meters;
  • the area for one individual is 1 sq. m;
  • there are rooms with equipped nests for incubating eggs by geese and for setting small goslings from larger and older young animals;
  • in the cold season, there is a mandatory dry bedding of straw or hay 30 cm thick on the floor with regular renewal;
  • also there are no drafts and high humidity in the room;
  • the house is located as close to the pond and grazing area as possible.

Cultivation of acquired young goose

Before buying small 2-3-day-old goslings, you need to choose their breed that is most suitable for breeding in your area, plus its economic benefits.

There are a large number of breeds, among which you can choose the one that suits you according to various parameters:

  • egg production;
  • maximum weight gain (meat breeds of poultry);
  • the volume of the liver;
  • the content of fat, feathers, down.

All information about the breeds of geese can be found in specialized guides about breeding poultry or on the Internet.

At the initial stage, the goslings are fed during the first week at least 7 times a day, followed by a reduction as they grow.

Creation of your own breeding herd

Considering that the breeding of geese is commercial in nature for you, in order to minimize the costs of the seasonal acquisition of young animals, you should take care of creating your own breeding herd for obtaining eggs and then raising goslings from them in an incubator. This means that as the young goose grows, the best ones in terms of hereditary characteristics and external characteristics (weekly weight gain, fluff density, weekly number of eggs, etc.) are selected.

The ratio of geese to geese should be one to three. The herd is not formed immediately, but over a 2-year period, from geese purchased at different times.

Geese breeding as a business is a great opportunity to start your own business in the countryside. It is this format of agriculture that can bring high and stable profits regardless of the season.

The demand for finished products is quite high, but the supply is not so great. This is explained by the fact that large poultry farms are mainly engaged in growing poultry, and they prefer to breed chickens and turkeys for the most part. There are few private households in Russia dealing with geese. But with the right approach, an entrepreneur will be able to provide many people with not only tasty, but also healthy meat. Moreover, the Russians prefer natural products obtained as a result of raising geese on farms.

Benefits of breeding geese

Breeding geese at home is considered really promising. This is confirmed by the many advantages of such a business. One of the main things is to make an impressive profit. High profitability and quick payback are also important arguments in favor of such a business. The entrepreneur cannot but be attracted by the fact that production can be made completely waste-free. He will be able to establish the sale of the following goods:

  • Meat and eggs... Moreover, their cost is quite high even in the case of wholesale. So, for one goose weighing 8 kg, you can help out about 1,500 rubles.
  • Fluff... It is actively used in the textile industry. Pillows and blankets are sewn from goose down. From one individual, you can get about 0.5 kg of feathers. An entrepreneur can sell not only the down itself, but also finished products from it, if he has the means to open additional production.
  • Litter... Indeed, goose dung is an excellent fertilizer for vegetables. It will be eagerly bought by summer residents or farms.

Geese selection

An inexperienced entrepreneur often doesn't know where to start and how to succeed in raising geese. He should study the available breeds very carefully in order to choose the appropriate variety. There are quite a few of them. Most of them differ according to the following criteria:

  • the purpose of breeding;
  • suitable climate for growing;
  • fertility.

Of course, increasing the population will be one of the main challenges. At the same time, the entrepreneur must remember that geese do not take good care of eggs. Therefore, you will either have to put them on the chickens, or buy an incubator. It will not work to make it yourself. It is better to purchase a domestic model, since it has excellent quality characteristics and a large capacity than imported counterparts.

If the entrepreneur did not breed geese before, then it is better for him to choose large gray or Kholmogory geese in the northern regions. Females of this species incubate eggs much more carefully and care for their children. At the same time, an adult individual is distinguished by excellent endurance and good immunity to various diseases. In warmer regions, you can buy Romny or Gorky geese. But in Western Siberia and other regions of the temperate zone with high humidity, the Ural geese are ideal.

When an entrepreneur decides for himself whether or not raising geese is beneficial for him, he can proceed to the paperwork. We must not forget that the sale of geese is possible only with the appropriate certificate. The meat and liver of this animal are on the list of products, the sale of which is simply impossible without certification. Therefore, you need to immediately be prepared for the fact that you will need to go through the authorities, collect documents. In addition to registering as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the choice of a taxation system (Unified Agricultural Taxation will be the most preferable), you will have to attend to obtaining permits in the following instances:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • fire inspection;
  • veterinary service.

Particular attention should be paid to visiting your veterinarian. The specialist must issue not only a certificate for the products, but also a certificate confirming the well-being of the farm itself. Having received all these documents, it will be possible to start activities.

Search for premises and features of its content

Be sure to take care of the construction of a poultry house at the initial stage. It will be enough to re-equip a barn, a cowshed or some other building made of wood (the total thickness of the walls is at least 3 cm).

Most of the time geese spend in the fresh air, eating fresh grass. An ideal option if the poultry house will be located near a reservoir - a pond, a river. An artificial reservoir can also be organized.

When building a poultry house, remember that at least 1 m 2 should fall on one goose. The height of the building can vary from 1.5 to 2 m. Indoors the following conditions must be met:

  • lack of drafts;
  • dry air (geese do not tolerate high humidity, therefore there should be no cracks in the walls and ceiling);
  • the presence of litter with a thickness of at least 30 cm;
  • regular disinfection.

The poultry house itself must be divided into several rooms - young individuals will live in one, and adults in the other. For the geese, you will have to make additional nests.

Feeding features

In order for the geese to grow faster and gain weight, you must remember the feeding rules. The diet has its own characteristics depending on the age of the individual. So, newly born geese should feed in 2 hours. You can feed them with the following products:

  • chicken eggs;
  • cereals (oats, wheat, barley, millet) - necessarily crushed;
  • beans;
  • clover;
  • dandelion.

It is imperative to include cottage cheese and yogurt in the diet of adults, they will contribute to the appearance of offspring. To balance your food, you need to add yeast and fish oil to your food.

It is equally important to provide the geese with water. It must be clean. To prevent water spilling, it is poured into special drinkers inside the trays. For more mature individuals, potassium permanganate is added to the water. Chicks less than 10 days old are not given it.

In summer, grass will form the basis of the diet of adults. The longer the warm season lasts, the more the entrepreneur can save on the purchase of feed. Additionally, vitamins should be added to the diet at the rate of 50 g for each goose.

Financial results

Any entrepreneur who wants to start raising geese wants to know exactly how much money he will need for this business. Initial costs will include:

  • construction of a poultry house, its repair and equipment - 150,000 rubles;
  • purchase of livestock - 35,000 rubles;
  • hay for sun beds - 30,000 rubles;
  • grain reserves - 5,000 rubles;
  • equipment (incubator, ovoscope, brooder) - 45,000 rubles;
  • obtaining certificates for all birds and other documents - 25,000 rubles.

In total, you will need 290,000 rubles to start your own business.

It will not be possible to make a profit for the first 3-4 months, since it takes time to grow them. But in a year it will be possible not only to return all your investments, but also to start making a profit. The minimum costs for keeping geese allow you to achieve high profitability rates - from 75% and more. For agriculture, this is an excellent prospect to become a successful and wealthy businessman.


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