What is needed and how is the analysis of financial statements? Explanation of the results of the vertical reporting analysis. Types of economic analysis depending on the functions and objectives of the analysis

Characteristic method

Vertical analysis means an expression of financial data relative to a particular element of financial statements. This means that all the elements of the reporting form for a certain period are divided into this element.

A simpler definition: This division of all numbers in the column on one of these numbers.

The elements that are most often used as a basic value to which other elements are divided are assets and revenues. In fact, the vertical analysis creates a coefficient between each position of the financial statements and the base element.

Vertical analysis allows you to determine the structure of the main elements of assets and liabilities Organizations, the influence of individual factors on the financial result, liquidity indicators.

Method of conducting a vertical reporting analysis

The calculation of the assets structure occurs through the division of a certain element of the asset to the total amount of assets. For example, the determination of the share of production reserves in the overall structure of assets is as follows:

Share of production reserves \u003d

cost of production reserves

amount of assets

As shown in Figure 1, the vertical analysis can be carried out with respect to the three main elements of the financial statements: the balance sheet, the report on financial results and the cash flow report.

Explanation of the results of vertical reporting analysis

With the substantiation of the conclusions on the identified structure of assets and liabilities, it is necessary to pay attention to the sphere of activity of the enterprise, the history of its functioning, the state of the market and the influence of its participants, the capital structure. In industrial enterprises, most assets under normal conditions make up intertwine assets, and the trading enterprise includes goods stocks.

The same applies to the sources of financing of the enterprise - a high proportion of equity testifies to low financial risks, but also on incomplete use by the enterprise of its potential. In the conditions of stable market functioning, such a capital structure may be optimal, but if it is possible to increase the presence on it - it is important to attract additional borrowed funds to intensify its activities.

Vertical analysis of balance

Balance when applying vertical analysis is calculated by dividing each element in balance The amount of total assets for the same period and expresses the result in the form of a percentage.

For example, Table 1 is a vertical balance analysis for a hypothetical company in the context of two equal periods of time. In this example, receivables increased from 35 percent to 57 percent of the total assets. What are the possible causes of such growth? The increase may mean that the company makes more credit-based sales, and does not receive money for the goods and services at the time of sale. Perhaps such actions are a response to the activity of competitors.

Alternatively, an increase in receivables in percentage of assets may occur due to changes in the amount of another element of assets, for example, due to reducing stock level; Analytics will need to find out why this assets category has changed.

Another possible reason for increasing receivables as a percentage of the value of assets is that the company reduced its credit standards, weakened its debt collection procedures or adopted a more aggressive revenue recognition policy. An analyst can refer to other comparisons and coefficients (for example, comparing growth rates of receivables with a sales growth rate to determine which explanation is most likely).

Table 1 - Vertical balance analysis for a hypothetical company

Indicators Period 1,% of the total amount of assets Period 2,% of the total amount of assets Absolute deviation
Fixed assets 5 8 3
Fixed assets 5 8 3
Stocks 35 29 -15
Receivables 35 57 22
25 15 -10
Current assets 95 92 -3
Assets 100 100 0

Vertical Analysis of the Financial Results Report

Vertical analysis of the financial results report implies dividing each reporting element on revenueand sometimes on the size of common assets (for example, in the case of studying the activities of financial institutions). If there are several sources of income, you should decompose income into several items and display the resulting number in percentage terms.

For example, Table 2 presents a vertical analysis of the report on the financial results of a hypothetical company in two different periods of time. Revenue is divided into four services of the company, each of which is shown as a percentage of total income. In this example, income from the service A has grown more significantly compared to other services of the company (up to 45 percent in the period 2).

What are the possible causes and the consequences of this change in the business structure? Was it a strategic decision of the company to focus on the sale of category services and due to their higher profitability? Apparently, no, because the company's profit before the deduction of interest and taxes (EBIT) decreased from 49 percent of sales of up to 41 percent, therefore other possible explanations should be considered. In addition, we note that the main reason for the reduction of profitability is that the cost increased from 15 percent to 25 percent of the total revenue. For the provision of services and is spent more than the company's resources? If the analyst wants to predict the future performance of the company, then it needs to understand the reasons for the current trend.

In addition, Table 2 shows that the company's income tax in interest will decrease significantly (from 15 to 8 percent). At the same time, the share of profits before tax (EBT) (as a rule, more relevant comparison) decreased from 36 percent to 23 percent. Does the company transfers its activities to jurisdiction with lower tax rates? If not, what explains this?

Table 2 - Vertical Analysis of the Financial Results of the Hypothetical Company

Indicators Period 1,% of the total amount of revenue Period 2,% of the total amount of revenue Absolute deviation
Revenue source: Service A 30 45 15
Revenue source: service b 23 20 -3
Revenue source: Service in 30 30 0
Revenue source: Service g 17 5 -12
Total revenue 100 100 0
Cost price 15 25 10
Management expenses 22 20 -2
Sales costs 10 10 0
Sales Profit (EBIT) 49 41 -8
Percentage to be paid 7 7 0
Profit before tax (EBT) 42 34 -8
Current income tax 15 8 -7
Net profit 27 26 -1

Vertical analysis of companies between sectors

As noted earlier, the coefficients and the results of the vertical analysis are comparable to some reference or regulatory values. Cross-analysis (sometimes called comparative analysis) compares a certain metric for one company with the same metric for another company or group of companies, which allows you to compare the data, even though companies may have different sizes and / or work in different conditions.

Table 3 is a vertical balance analysis for two hypothetical companies at the same time. Company 1 is clearly more liquid (liquidity is a display of how fast assets can be converted into cash) than company 2, which has only 12 percent of assets in the form of funds, compared with a highly liquid company 1, where funds are 38 percent Asset.

Given that cash, as a rule, relatively low-income assets and, therefore, are not the best way to use funds, the question arises, why does company 1 have such a large percentage of the total assets in cash? Perhaps the company is preparing for acquiring or maintaining a large monetary position as protection against a particularly changeable operating environment.

The second question, does the relatively high proportion of receivables in the company 2 indicate a large share of credit sales, general changes in the composition of assets, a reduction in the credit or collector standard or is the result of aggressive accounting policies?

Table 3 - Vertical balance analysis for two hypothetical companies

Indicators Company 1. Company 2.
Fixed assets 1 2
Financial investments 1 7
Fixed assets 2 9
Stocks 27 24
Receivables 33 55
Cash and Equivalents 38 12
Current assets 98 91
Assets 100 100

In general, the vertical analysis is an effective method for determining topical changes in the company's financial condition. It is worth using along with horizontal analysis, which will better understand the real state of affairs. Vertical analysis can be applied to all forms of financial statements of the enterprise.

List of used literature

Buzierev V.V., Nazhina I.P. Analysis and diagnosis of financial and economic activities of the construction enterprise / textbook. - M.: Knorus, 2016. - 332 p.

Kogdenko V.G., Economic Analysis / Tutorial. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Uniti-Dana, 2011. - 399 p.

Thomas R. Robinson, International Financial Statement Analysis / Wiley, 2008, 188 pp.

      Financial analysis is carried out by companies not only to assess the company's current financial condition, it also allows us to predict further development. At the same time, analysts need to carefully consider the list of indicators that will be used for strategic planning.

An analysis of the level of sustainable growth of the company is a dynamic analytical basis that combines financial analysis with strategic management to explain the particularly important relationships of variables of strategic planning and financial variables, as well as to verify the compliance of corporate growth and financial policies. This analysis allows you to determine the availability of the existing opportunities of the company for financial growth, establish how the company's financial policy will affect the future and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company's competitive strategies.

In this article, consider the components of the analysis of financial indicators.

Any strategic program implementation activities have its cost. The necessary part of the planning and implementation of the strategy is the calculation of the necessary and sufficient financial resources that the company must invest.

Information for financial analysis

The most complete definition of the concept of financial analysis is given in the "financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary" (ed. A.G. Gryaznova, M.: "Finance and Statistics", 2004): " Financial Analysis - a set of methods for determining the property and financial position of the economic entity in the past period, as well as its ability to close and the long-term perspective" The purpose of financial analysis is to determine the most effective ways to achieve the profitability of the company, the main tasks are the analysis of profitability and assessment of the risks of the enterprise.

Analysis of financial indicators and coefficients allows the manager to understand the company's competitive position at the current time. Published reports and accounts of companies contain many numbers, the ability to read this information allows analysts to know how efficiently their company and competitors work efficiently.

The coefficients allow you to see the relationship between profit from sales and expenses, between the main assets and liabilities. There are many types of coefficients, they are usually used to analyze the five main aspects of the Company's activities: liquidity, ratios of own and borrowed funds, assets, profitability and market value.

Fig. 1. Company financial indicators structure

Analysis of financial coefficients and indicators is an excellent tool that provides an idea of \u200b\u200bthe financial condition of the company and the competitive advantages and prospects for its development.

1. Performance analysis. The coefficients allow you to analyze the change in the performance of the company in terms of net profit, the use of capital and carry out control over the level of costs. Financial coefficients allow you to analyze the financial liquidity and stability of the enterprise through the effective use of the system of assets and liabilities.

2. Evaluation of market business trends. Analyzing the dynamics of financial indicators and coefficients for the period a few years, it is possible to examine the effectiveness of trends in the context of an existing business strategy.

3. Analysis of alternative business strategies. By changing the indicators of coefficients in the business plan - it is possible to analyze alternative options for the company's development.

4. Observation of the company's progress. Choosing an optimal business strategy, company managers, continuing to learn and analyze the main current coefficients, can see the deviation from the planned indicators of the development strategy being implemented.

The analysis of the coefficients is the art of the relationship between two and more indicators of the company's financial activities. An excellent picture of the results of analytics can be seen in dynamics for several years, and additionally comparing company performance indicators with average industry indicators.

It is worth noting that the financial indicators system is not a crystal ball in which you can see everything that happened. This is just a convenient way to summarize a large amount of financial data and compare the results of various companies. By themselves, financial coefficients help the management of the company focus on the weak and strengths of the company's activities, correctly formulate questions to which these factors rarely answer. It is important to understand that the financial analysis does not end with the calculation of financial indicators and coefficients, it only begins when the analyst conducted their full calculation.

The real utility of the calculated coefficients is determined by the tasks. First of all, the coefficients make it possible to see changes in the financial position or production activities, help determine the trends and structure of the planned changes; What helps leadership to see the threats and the possibility of inherent in this enterprise.

Financial reports of the company are a source of information about the company not only for analysts, but also for the management of the company and a wide range of stakeholders. Users of information on financial coefficients for effective coefficient analysis is important to know the main characteristics of the main financial reports and the concept of analyzing indicators. However, when conducting financial analysis, it is important to understand: the main thing is not to calculate the indicators, but the ability to interpret the results obtained.

Analyzing the financial indicators should always be borne in mind that the assessment of the results of the activity is made on the basis of the data of the past periods, and on this basis may be incorrect extrapolation of the future Development of Kopania. Financial analysis should be aimed at the future.

Concepts underlying financial indicators analysis

Financial analysis is used in the construction of budgets, to identify the causes of deviations of actual indicators from planned and correction of plans, as well as when calculating individual projects. The horizontal (dynamics of indicators) and vertical (structural analysis of articles) are used as the main tools (structural analysis of articles), as well as the calculation of coefficients. Such an analysis is carried out in all basic budgets: BDDS, BDR, balance, sales budgets, purchases, stocks.

The main features of financial analysis are the following:

1. The overwhelming majority of financial indicators are the nature of relative values, which allows you to compare enterprises of a different scale of activity.

2. When carrying out financial analysis, it is important to apply a comparison factor:

  • compare company performance indicators in trends for different periods of time;
  • comparing the indicators of this company with the average industry indicators or with similar indicators of enterprises within the industry.

3. To carry out financial analysis, it is important to have a full financial description of the company for selected periods of time (usually years). If the analyst has data only in one period, then there must be data for the enterprise balance at the beginning and end of the period, as well as a report on the period under review. It is important to remember that the number of balances for analysis should be per unit more than the number of profits reports.

Accounting management is an important element of the analysis of financial coefficients and indicators. The main equation of accounting, expressing the interdependence of assets, liabilities and property rights, is called accounting balance:

Assets \u003d liabilities + equity

Assets Usually classified by three categories:

1. Current assets include cash and other assets that must be translated into cash within one year (for example, securities adding on the stock exchange; receivables; promissory bills; working capital and advanced funds).

2. Land ownership, fixed assets of production and equipment (fixed assets) include funds that are characterized by a relatively long service life. These funds are usually not intended for resale and are used in the production or sale of other goods and services.

3. Long-term assets include investments in securities, such as stocks and bonds, as well as intangible assets, including: patents, monopoly expenses and privileges, copyright.

Passives Usually divided into two groups:

1. Short-term liabilities include the amount of accounts payable, which should be paid within one year; For example, accumulated obligations and bills for payment.

2. Long-term commitments are the rights of creditors who do not have to be implemented within one year. This category includes obligations on a bond loan, long-term bank loans, mortgage.

Equity - These are the rights of the owners of the enterprise. From the point of view of accounting is the balance of the amount after the deduction of obligations from assets. This balance increases any profit and is reduced by any losses of the company.

Indicators usually considered by analysts include a report on the results of economic activity, the balance sheet, indicators of changes in the financial position and indicators of changes in their own capital.

A report on the results of the company's economic activity, also considered as a report on profit and loss or income report, summarizes the results of the company's optional activity for a certain reporting period. Net income is calculated by periodic accounting reporting used when calculating profits and costs. Usually it is considered the most important financial indicator. The report shows, declined or increased interest in revenues on the company's shares during the reporting period after the appointment of dividends or after the conclusion of other transactions with the owners. The report on the results of economic activity helps the owners to estimate the amount, temporary parameters and the uncertainty of future cash flows.

Balance report and report on economic activities are the main sources of indicators used by companies. The balance sheet is a report showing what the company owns (assets) and that it should (commitments and equity) on a specific date. Some analysts call the Balance Report of the Company's Financial Health Photography at a specific point in time.

The system of financial indicators and coefficients

The total number of financial coefficients that can be applied to analyze the company's activities is the order of two hundred. Usually used only a small number of basic coefficients and indicators and, accordingly, the main conclusions that on their basis can be made. For the purpose of more ordered consideration and analysis, the financial indicators are customary to be divided into groups, most often, on groups that reflect the interests of certain stakeholders (stakeholders). The main groups of stakeholders include: owners, enterprise management, lenders. It is important to understand that division conditional and indicators for each group can be used by various stakeholders.

Alternatively, ordering and analysis of financial indicators for groups characterizing the main properties of the Company's activities: liquidity and solvency; Company management efficiency; Profitability (profitability) of activity.

The separation of financial indicators on groups characterizing the peculiarities of the enterprise is given in the following scheme.

Fig. 2. Company financial indicators structure

Consider a few more detailed groups of financial indicators.

Operating cost indicators:

An analysis of operating costs allows us to consider the relative dynamics of the share of different types of costs in the structure of the total costs of the enterprise and is an addition to operational analysis. These indicators allow us to find out the reason for changing the company's profitability indicators.

Effective Asset Management Indicators:

These indicators allow you to determine how effective the management of the company manages assets trusted to him by the owners of the company. Balance can be judged on the nature of the assets used by the Company. It is important to remember that these indicators are quite approximate, because In the balances of most companies, a variety of assets acquired at different times are indicated at the initial cost. Consequently, the carrying value of such assets often has nothing to do with their market value, this condition is still exacerbated in conditions of inflation and with increasing the cost of such assets.

Another distortion of the current situation may be associated with the diversification of the activities of the company, when specific activities require attracting a certain amount of assets to obtain a relatively equal amount of profits. Therefore, when analyzing, it is desirable to strive for the separation of financial indicators for certain types of activities of the company or by types of products.

Liquidity indicators:

These indicators allow us to evaluate the degree of solvency of the company on short-term debts. The essence of these indicators is to compare the magnitude of the current debt of the company and its working capital, which will ensure the repayment of these debts.

Profitability indicators (profitability):

Allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of the management of its assets by the company's management. The efficiency of work is determined by the ratio of net profit, determined in various ways, with the amount of assets used to receive this profits. This group of indicators is formed depending on the accent of the effectiveness of the effectiveness. Following the objectives of the analysis, the components of the indicator are formed: the amount of profit (net, operating, profit before the payment of the tax) and the value of the asset or capital, which form this profits.

Indicators of capital structure:

With the help of these indicators, it is possible to analyze the risk of bankruptcy of the Company in connection with the use of borrowed financial resources. With an increase in the share of borrowed capital, the risk of bankruptcy increases, because The volume of liabilities is increasing. This group of coefficients are primarily interested in existing and potential creditors of the company. Management and owners are evaluated by the company as a continuously operating business object, lenders have a duel approach. On the one hand, lenders are interested in financing the activities of a successfully working company, the development of which will meet expectations; On the other hand, lenders are assessed how weighty will the requirement for debt compensation, if the company will experience significant difficulties in returning a long-term loan.

A separate group form financial indicators characterizing the possibility of a debt service company at the expense of funds received from current operations.

A positive or negative impact of the financial lever increases in proportion to the amount of borrowed capital used by the company. The risk of the lender increases together with the growth risk of owners.

Debt service indicators:

Financial analysis is based on balance data, which is an accounting form reflecting the company's financial condition at a certain point in time. No matter how the coefficient of the capital structure is not considered, the analysis of the share of borrowed capital, in fact, remains statistical and does not take into account the dynamics of the company's operating activities and changes in its economic value. Therefore, debt service indicators do not provide a complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe company's solvency, but only show the company's opportunity to pay interest and the amount of the principal debt in the agreed period.

Market indicators:

These indicators are one of the most interesting for owners of companies and potential investors. In the joint-stock company of the owner - the shares holder - interests the profitability of the company. This refers to the profit obtained through the efforts of the company's management, funds invested by the owners. Owners are interested in the impact of the company's performance on the market value of their shares, especially freely on the market. They are interested in the distribution of profits belonging to them: what its share is re-investing in the company, and which part is paid to them as dividends.

The main analytical goal of analyzing financial coefficients and indicators is to acquire the skills of making management decisions and understanding the effectiveness of its work.

The content of the analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise is a deep and comprehensive study of economic information on the functioning of the analyzed business entity in order to make optimal management decisions to ensure the implementation of enterprise production programs, assessing the level of their implementation, identifying weak points and intra-economic reserves.

An analysis should be a comprehensive study of the action of external and domestic, market and production factors on the quantity and quality of the company produced by the enterprise, financial performance of the enterprise and indicate possible prospects for the development of further production activities of the enterprise in the chosen field of management.

The main direction of analysis: from a complex complex - to the components of it elements, from the result - to the conclusions on how such a result is achieved and what it will lead to the future. The analysis scheme should be built on the principle of "from total to private". First describes the most common, key characteristics of an analyzed object or phenomenon, and only then proceed to the analysis of individuals.

The success of the analysis is determined by various factors. Firstly, before starting to perform any analytical procedures, it is necessary to compile a fairly clear analysis program, including the study of the layouts of analytical tables, algorithms for calculating the main indicators and required for their calculation and comparative assessment of information and regulatory sources.

Secondly, when conducting analytical procedures, the company's performance indicators are always compared with something. Comparisons can be carried out with the previous period, with a plan and with medium-wide indicators. Any deviations from the regulatory or planned values \u200b\u200bof indicators, even if they are positive, should be carefully analyzed. The meaning of this analysis is that, on the one hand, to identify the main factors that caused fixed deviations from specified landmarks, and on the other hand, to check the validity of the accepted planning system, and if necessary, to make changes to it.

Thirdly, the completion and integrity of any analysis that has an economic orientation is largely determined by the validity of the aggregate of the criteria. As a rule, this set includes qualitative and quantitative assessments, and its basis usually calculates the calculated indicators that have a clear interpretation and, if possible, some reference points (limits, standards, trends). By selecting the indicators, it is necessary to formulate the logic of their association into this set, in order to be visible to the role of each of them, and the impression was not created that some aspect remained unhawned or, on the contrary, does not fit into the circuit under consideration. In other words, the totality of indicators, which is quite possible in this case to interpret as a system, should have a certain inner rod, a kind of basis explaining the logic of its construction.

Fourth, performing the analysis, no need to chase the accuracy of the assessments; As a rule, the greatest value is to identify trends and patterns.

The main purpose of the analysis is to improve the efficiency of the operation of economic entities and the search for reserves of such an increase. To achieve this goal, the assessment of the results of work for the past periods; development of procedures for operational control for industrial activities; development of measures to prevent negative phenomena in the activities of the enterprise and in its financial results; Opening of reserves for improving performance activities; Development of informed plans and standards.

In the process of achieving the main objective of the analysis, the following tasks are resolved:

Determination of basic indicators for the development of production plans and programs for the upcoming period;

Increasing the scientific and economic validity of plans and regulations;

Objective and comprehensive study of the implementation of established plans and compliance with standards in the number, structure and quality of products, works and services;

Determination of the economic efficiency of the use of material, labor and financial resources;

Prediction of economic results;

Preparation of analytical materials to select optimal managerial solutions related to the correction of current activities and the development of strategic plans.

In specific conditions, other local objectives can be made, which will determine the content of the procedures for analyzing financial and economic activities. Thus, the overall content of analytical procedures can be determined both by the specifics of the work of the enterprise and the selected view of the analysis.

Formulation and clarification of specific analysis tasks;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Determination of indicators and methods for their assessment;

Identification and evaluation of factors affecting the results, the selection of the most significant;

Development of ways to eliminate the influence of negative factors and stimulating positive.

The analysis of financial and economic activity should be carried out, guided by certain principles (Table 6).

Table 6.

Basic principles for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the enterprise


Analysis is based on specific data, its results receive a specific quantitative expression.


Comprehensive study of the economic phenomenon or process with the purpose of objective evaluation


Study of economic phenomena in relationships with each other, and not isolated


The analysis should be carried out constantly through predetermined periods of time, and not from the case


Critical and impartial study of economic phenomena, developing informed conclusions


The suitability of the analysis results for use for practical purposes, to increase productivity


The costs associated with conducting an analysis should be significantly less than that of the economic effect that will be obtained as a result of its


Data and analysis results should be easily comparable to each other, and with regular analytical procedures, the continuity of the results should be observed.


When conducting an analysis, scientifically substantiated techniques and procedures should be guided.

The financial and economic activity of the enterprise can be represented as a continuous process of attracting different kind of resources, combining them in the production process to obtain some financial result. Based on this, it is possible to distinguish three integrated areas of analysis: resources, production process, financial results. Any of these objects may be, first, detailed and, secondly, will be subjected to various types of analytical processing.

The method of analyzing financial and economic activities as a way of knowledge of an economic entity consists of a number of consistently implemented actions (stages, stages):

Monitoring the subject, measurement and calculation of absolute and relative indicators, bringing them into comparable appearance, etc.;

Systematization and comparison, grouping and detailing of factors, the study of their influence on the performance of the subject;

Generalization - Building final and forecast tables, Preparation of conclusions and recommendations for making management decisions.

Method for analyzing financial and economic activities- This is a system of theoretical and cognitive categories, scientific tools and regulatory principles of research of the processes of economic entities.

There are various classifications of methods and techniques for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the economic entity. All classifications are based on different signs. One of the most informative seems to divide techniques and methods according to their formalizability, i.e. By all, it is possible and to some extent to describe this method using some formalized (primarily mathematical) procedures. Following this logic, all analytical methods can be divided into informal and formalized. The classification of methods and methods of analysis is shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13. Classification of methods and techniques used in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise

Informal methods (Probably it is more difficult to call them difficult to formalizable) are based on the description of the procedures on a logical level, without the help of strict analytical dependencies. The experience and intuition of analytics play a large role in the use of these methods. Formalized methods(Sometimes they are also called mathematical) rely on predefined strict dependencies and rules. Not all of them are equivalent to the complexity of the mathematical apparatus used, the possibility of implementing in practical activity and the degree of prevalence in the work of analytical services at enterprises and special consulting firms.

Development of a system of indicators. An analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise very often in its form is an analysis of indicators, i.e. Characteristics of economic activity of the economic unit. The term "system of indicators" is widespread in economic research. Analyst in accordance with certain criteria selects the indicators, forms the system of them, its analysis conducts. The complexity of the analysis requires the use of whole systems, and not individual indicators.

Compared to individual indicators or some of their set, the system is qualitatively new formation and is always more significant than the amount of its individual parts, since in addition to information about parts, it bears certain information about the new, which appears as a result of their interaction, i.e. Information on the development of the system as a whole.

Building a deployed system of indicators characterizing any process or phenomenon is based on a clear understanding of two points: what is the system and what basic requirements it should satisfy. Under system indicatorsa specific economic entity or phenomenon characterizing a certain economic entity, a set of interrelated values \u200b\u200bis understood, comprehensively reflecting the state and development of this subject or phenomenon.

Comparison method. Comparison is an action by which the similarity and difference between the phenomena of objective reality is established. With this method, the following main tasks are solved:

Identification of causal relationships between phenomena;

Conducting evidence or refutation;

Classification and systematization of phenomena.

A comparison can be high-quality ("yesterday was warmer") and quantitative ("20 is always greater than 10").

The comparison procedure in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise includes several stages: the choice of compared objects; Choosing a type of comparison (dynamic, spatial, relative to planned values); Selection of comparison scales and the degree of importance of differences; The choice of the number of features for which a comparison should be made; the choice of the type of signs, as well as the definition of criteria for their materiality and nonsense; Select the comparison base.

Method for building analytical tables. Building analytical tables is one of the most important techniques for analyzing financial and economic activities. An analytical table is the form of the most rational, visual and systematized presentation of the source data, the simplest algorithms for their processing and the results obtained. It is a combination of horizontal rows and vertical graph (columns, columns). The table of the table in which the text part is filled, but no numeric data is called a table layout.

Analytical tables are used at all stages of analyzing financial and economic activities.

Thus, the tables used in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the Redpinia are applied to systematize the source data, conducting analytical calculations and design results of the analysis.

Receiving detail. Detailing is one of the most common analysis techniques in many areas of science, including in the analysis of the financial and economic activities of economic entities. When combined with other methods, detail allows you to comprehensively assess the phenomena studied and reasons for the created position. Depending on the complexity of the phenomenon, the indicators describing it are dismembered by a temporary basis, at the place of the commission of economic operations, responsibility centers or components (terms or facilities).

Analysis of indicators detailed by chronological periods identifies the dynamics and rhythm of economic phenomena. Detailing time allows you to set periods (months, days) to which the best or worst results are coming.

The decomposition of data at the place of completion of economic operations allows you to establish the most and least effective divisions of the enterprise, as well as regions, the best or, on the contrary, unsuccessful for the sale of products.

The method of expert assessments. Delphian method generalization of expert assessments relating to the prospects for the development of a particular economic entity. The feature of the method consists in a consistent, individual anonymous survey of experts. This technique eliminates the immediate contact of experts among themselves and, consequently, a group influence arising from joint work and consisting in adaptation to the opinion of the majority.

Analysis using the Delphic method is carried out in several stages, the results are processed by statistical methods. The prevailing judgments of experts are revealed, their points of view come closer. All experts are introduced with the arguments of those whose judgments are very embarrassed from the general channel. After that, all experts can change the opinion, and the procedure is repeated.

Morphological analysis - expert method of systematized review of all possible variants of the development of individual elements of the system under study, built on full and stringent classifications of objects and phenomena, their properties and parameters. It is used in predicting complex processes when writing various groups of scenarios experts and compare them with each other to obtain a comprehensive picture of future development.

Situation analysis and forecasting method. This method is based on the models designed to study functional or rigidly deterministic bonds, when each value of the factor of the sign corresponds to a completely definite incomplete value of the performance. As an example, the dependences implemented within the framework of the well-known model of the Factor Analysis of the company "DUPON". Using this model and substituting the predictive values \u200b\u200bof various factors, for example, revenue from the sale, assets turnover, the degree of financial dependence, etc., you can calculate the projected value of one of the main performance indicators - the profitability coefficient of equity.

Balance Method. This method is used in studying the ratio of two groups of interconnected indicators, the results of which should be equal to each other. Its title, he is obliged to accounting balance, which was one of the first historical examples of linking a large number of economic indicators with two equal total sums. The use of the method is particularly widely widespread when analyzing the correctness of the placement and use of economic means and sources of their formation. The reception of the balance sheet is also used in the study of functional additive connections, in particular, when analyzing the commodity balance, as well as to test the completeness and correctness of the calculations in factor analysis: the overall change in the performance should be equal to the amount of changes due to individual factors.

Factor analysis based on rigidly deterministic models. In economic studies, under the factor understand the conditions necessary for the implementation of this economic process, as well as the cause of the driving force of this process, determining its nature or one of the main features. The results of economic activity affects many factors in mutual communication, dependence and conditionality.

Tests of chain substitutions and arithmetic differences. The chain substitution method is also called the reception of a sequential (gradual) isolating factors. This method is designed to measure the effect of changing the factor attributes to change the effective indicator when studying functional dependencies. The legitimacy of the application of the method substantiated K. Marx when studying the impact on the relative price of the workforce of three factors: duration, productive force and labor intensity. He suggested consistently considering every factor as a variable, fixing everyone else, and so in turn.

Integral method. The advantages of the integral method should recognize the full decomposition of factors and the lack of the need to set the sequence of factors.

The method also has significant disadvantages. These include significant laboriousness of calculations even according to the above formulas, as well as the presence of a fundamental contradiction between the mathematical basis of the method and the nature of economic phenomena. The fact is that the majority of phenomena and values \u200b\u200bin the economy have a discrete nature, so it is impossible to consider infinitely small increments, as required by the use of an integral method.

Prediction based on proportional dependencies. The basis of this method is the thesis that it is possible to identify a certain indicator that is the most important from the position of the characteristics of the company's activity, which, thanks to this property, could be used as a basic to determine the forecast values \u200b\u200bof other indicators in the sense that they are "tied" to the basic indicator using the simplest proportional dependencies. As a basic indicator, either revenue from implementation is most often used, or the cost of realized (manufactured) products. The validity of this choice is fairly easily explained from the position of logic and, in addition, it is confirmed when studying the dynamics and relationships of other indicators describing the individual parties to the Company's activities.

The method is based on the assumption that: a) the values \u200b\u200bof most of the balance sheets and profit and loss statements are changed directly proportional to the sales volume; b) The levels of proportionally changing balance of articles and the relationship between them are optimal (meaning that, for example, the level of production reserves at the time of analysis and forecasting is optimal).

Method of average values. In any combination of economic phenomena or subjects, there are differences between individual units of this totality. Simultaneously with these differences, there is something in common, which combines a set and allows you to attribute all the subjects and phenomena to one class. For example, all workers of one workshop performing the same work performed it differently, with different performance. However, despite some individual differences, you can determine the average production, or average performance, per worker on the workshop. It is possible to averaged the profitability of the enterprise for several consecutive quarters, having obtained the value of average profitability, etc.

The role of average values, thus, is in generalization, i.e. Replace the set of individual values \u200b\u200bof the sign of the average value characterizing the entire set of phenomena. The average value summarizes the qualitatively homogeneous values \u200b\u200bof the feature and, therefore, is a typical characteristic of the feature in a given population. For example, the average turnover on one working is a typical characteristic of the city's trading network.

Of course, the average value is not fixed once and for all: the average developing on one employee of a normally functioning enterprise is constantly growing. The average cost per unit of products with an increase in the volume of production is usually falling. Thus, not only the average values \u200b\u200bthemselves, but also the trends of their change can be considered as indicators of the position of the enterprise in the market and the success of its financial and economic activities in this industry.

Method of data grouping. Grouping is the dismemberment of the set of data into groups in order to study its structure or interconnections between components. In the process of grouping a unit of aggregate are distributed by groups in accordance with the following principle: the difference between units attributed to one group should be less than the difference between units related to different groups. The most important question during this kind of research is the choice of the grouping interval.

The main rule during the grouping is as follows: there should be no empty or unlocked intervals.

In the analysis of financial and economic activities, two types of groups are used mainly: structural and analytical.

Structural groupings are appointed for the study of the structure and composition of the aggregate occurring in its shifts relative to the selected variation. Analytical groupings are appointed to study the relationship between two and more indicators characterizing the aggregate under study. One of the indicators is considered as effective, and the rest are like factories. According to the analytical group, you can calculate the connection force between factors.

Elementary calculated data processing methods. When studying the set of values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bof the values, in addition to medium, use other characteristics. When analyzing large data arrays, two aspects are usually interested in: first, the values \u200b\u200bthat characterize a number of values \u200b\u200bas a whole, i.e. Features of generality, secondly, the values \u200b\u200bthat describe the differences between members of the aggregate, i.e. characteristics of scattering (variations) of values.

In addition, the following values \u200b\u200bare used as indicators: the middle of the interval, fashion and median.

As indicators of the scope and intensity of variation of indicators, the following values \u200b\u200bare most often used: variation variation, medium linear deviation, rms deviation, dispersion and variation coefficient.

Index method. Index this is a statistical indicator that represents the ratio of two states of any sign. With the help of indexes, comparisons are compared with the plan, in the dynamics, in space. The index is called simple(Synonyms: Private, individual), if the studied feature is taken without taking into account it with other signs of studied phenomena. The simple index is

where P1 and P0 are compared signs of the feature.

The index is called analytic(Synonyms: common, aggregate) if the studied sign is not taken isolated, but in connection with other signs. Analytical index always consists of two components: indexed sign r(the one whose dynamics is investigated) and the weight q.With the help of symptoms, the dynamics of a complex economic phenomenon is measured, the individual elements of which are incommensurable. Simple and analytical indices complement each other

where q.0 or q.1 - weight sign.

With the help of indexes in the analysis of financial and economic activities, the following main tasks are resolved:

Assessment of changes in the level of phenomenon (or relative change in the indicator);

Identifying the role of individual factors in changing the productive basis;

Assessment of the impact of changing the structure of the set on the dynamics.

Correlation analysis. Correlation analysis is a method for establishing communication and measurement of its tightness between observations, which can be considered random and selected from the aggregate distributed by multidimensional normal law.

The correlation bond is called such a statistical connection at which different mean values \u200b\u200bof one variable correspond to different mean values. Correlated communication may occur in several ways. The most important of them is the causal dependence of the variation of an effective feature from changing the factor. In addition, this type of communication may be observed between two consequences of one reason. The main feature of the correlation analysis should be recognized that it only establishes the fact of the availability of communication and its degree of closeness, without opening its causes.

Regression analysis. Regression analysis is a method for establishing an analytical expression of stochastic relationships between the studied features. The regression equation shows how the average changes w.when changing any of xI, and has the view

y \u003d. f.(x1, x2, ..., xn)

where y -dependent variable (it is always alone);

xiindependent variables factors - there may be several of them.

If an independent variable alone is a simple regression analysis. If there are several of them ( p 2), this analysis is called multifactor.

Regression analysis is applied mainly for planning, as well as to develop a regulatory framework.

Cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is one of the methods of multidimensional analysis, intended for grouping (clusterization) of the totality, the elements of which are characterized by many features. The values \u200b\u200bof each of the signs serve as the coordinates of each unit of the studied set in the multidimensional space of the signs. Each observation, characterized by the values \u200b\u200bof several indicators, can be represented as a point in the space of these indicators, the values \u200b\u200bof which are considered as coordinates in multidimensional space.

Dispersion analysis. Dispersion analysis is a statistical method that allows you to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that two data samples refer to one general population. With regard to the analysis of the enterprise, it can be said that the dispersion analysis allows you to determine, to the same set of data or not there are groups of different observations.

Dispersion analysis is often used in conjunction with grouping methods. The task of its conduct in these cases is to assess the materiality of differences between groups. For this, group dispersions σ12 and σ 22, and then according to the statistical criteria of Student or Fisher, they check the significance of differences between groups.

Method for building wood solutions. This method enters the system of situational analysis methods and is used in cases where the projected situation can be structured in such a way that key points are allocated, in which it is necessary to make a solution with a certain probability (the role of an analytics or manager is active), or also with a certain probability comes Some event (the role of an analytics or a passive manager, however, some circumstances independent of its actions are significant).

Linear programming. The linear programming method, the most common in applied economic studies, due to its sufficiently visual interpretation, allows an economic entity to provide a substantiate to the best (according to formal signs) to a solution in more or less rigid restrictions on resource-available resources. Using linear programming, a number of tasks are resolved in the analysis of financial and economic activities, primarily the work planning process that it allows you to search for optimal issues of issue and methods of the best use of available resources.

Sensitivity analysis. In conditions of uncertainty, one cannot definitely define in advance what the actual values \u200b\u200bof one or another value after a certain time will be. However, changes that can occur in future prices for raw materials and final products of the enterprise, for a possible fall or an increase in demand for goods produced by the enterprise should also be provided for the successful planning of industrial activities. For this, an analytical procedure is performed, called sensitivity analysis. Very often, this method is used when analyzing investment projects, as well as when predicting the amount of net profit of the enterprise.

The sensitivity analysis is to determine what will happen if one or more factors change their value. Analysis of the simultaneous change of several factors to manually perform almost impossible, for this you should use a computer. We will look at the sensitivity of net profit to the change of only one factor (for example, sales volume) with the immutability of all others.

Methods of financial computation. Financial calculations based on the concept of temporary value of money are one of the cornerstone elements of financial analysis and are used in the various sections.

Performance and discount operations. The simplest type of financial transaction is a one-time grant PVwith the condition that after a while t.a big amount will be returned FV. The effectiveness of such a transaction can be characterized by two: either using an absolute indicator - increment (FVPV)either by calculating some relative indicator. Absolute indicators are most often not suitable for such an assessment due to their incomparableness in a space-time aspect. Therefore, use a special ratio. This figure is calculated as the ratio of the increment of the initial amount to the base value, which obviously can be taken either Pv,or FV.Thus, the rate is calculated by one of two formulas

In financial computing, the first indicator has another name: "interest rate", "percentage", "growth", "interest rate", "profit rate", "profitability"; And the second is the "Accounting Rate", "discount rate", "discount". Obviously, both rates are interrelated, i.e., knowing one indicator, you can calculate another

Both indicators can be expressed either in the fractions of the unit or in percent. It's obvious that
rT > dT,and the degree of discrepancy depends on the level of interest rates that occur at a particular point in time. So, if rT= 8%, dt.= 7.4%, then the discrepancy is relatively small; if a
rT \u003d 80%, then dt.= 44.4%, i.e. Rates differ significantly in magnitude.


To make a general conclusion on the efficiency of the enterprise, calculate the level of profitability, which is the ratio of the company's profit to the magnitude of the main and working capital. This indicator combines a number of coefficients (profitability of capital, sales, goods, etc.). Profitability is an integral indicator. She shows a measure, its attractiveness for investors.

When analyzing the activities of the enterprise, consider that for a more detailed study of its condition, it is necessary to conduct a factor analysis of the results obtained. After all, each indicator reflecting the use of production resources is influenced by other indicators.


Many factors are influenced by the organization as a whole:
- the overall economic situation in the country and in the market;
- natural-geographical position of the enterprise;
- industry affiliation;
- Factors caused by the functioning of the enterprise (price and sales policy, the degree of use of industrial resources, identification and use of intra-economic reserves, etc.).

Analysis Financial reporting It is an assessment of solvency, creditworthiness, profitability, as well as the investment attractiveness of the enterprise. Analysis reporting The firms make it possible to make the opportunity to conclude that it is necessary to further work with it.


To quickly and qualitatively carry out analysis, it is not necessary to have all the reporting of the enterprise at hand. This requires only two forms: "Accounting Balance" and "Profit and Loss Statement". Well, if you have the opportunity to see the figures in dynamics in 2-3 years.

When analyzing financial reporting It is necessary to pay attention to absolute indicators that suggest the sources available from the enterprise, their spending, the presence and distribution of profits, and financial resources. At the same time, the most problematic articles should be identified, as well as their indicators with previous reporting periods (for example, the volumes of work in progress, overdue and payables, etc.).

Next, horizontal analysis of all financial indicators is carried out. reporting. This determines the change in interest ratios for several years. For example, the growth of revenue, net profit, percentage and loans, and other articles is calculated.

In addition, a vertical analysis is carried out, which involves the calculation of the share of each indicator reporting in total. For example, the percentage of overdue payables of short-term obligations, the share of finished products in stocks.

In some cases, when analyzing financial reporting It is useful to compare the obtained indicators with medium-wide or with indicators of competitors to identify the place of the enterprise on the market.

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Accountant of any organization often faces the need to compose financial analysisAlthough this can also be engaged in an ordinary specialist of the financial or economic department. Drawing up financial analysis It makes it possible to guide the enterprise to evaluate the effectiveness of the management. Detailed financial analysis is carried out when changing the financial or general director or purchase and sale of the organization.

You will need

  • Financial indicators of the organization


In large enterprises there are whole departments that are engaged in financial analysis. Little firms for drawing up analysis Invite an economist from the audit company. Usually this procedure takes no more than 2-3 days.

For compiling financial analysis Requires the reporting of various forms, but the basis of course is the data. The balance of the enterprise allows us to assess the sufficiency of economic activities, the effectiveness of capital placement and the structure of borrowed sources.

First, you need to analyze the structure of assets and balance liabilities. For this article assets are grouped by level, recycled and non-current assets. Passive is grouped to the degree and sources of occurrence. Current and non-current assets are in 1 and 2 sections of the balance, own sources in the 4th section, 5 and 6 section shows the attracted capital.

Budget debt of the company is reflected in 625 and 626 balance sheets. In the 610 line you can see short-term loans. 621, 622 and 628 lines are shown in front of creditors. 623 and 624 lines contain short-term debt and 510 long-term.

Now it is worth viewing on the remnants of highly liquid assets - 260, secondary assets - 240 string, low-liquid assets - 210 string.
Different groups of assets are in cash and can be used to repay debts.

After all articles are grouped, you need to find the dynamics of changes in current assets and liabilities. Then check whether the changes in the balance sections were and identified the reasons. Special attention should be paid to the turnover: growth, level of stocks, implementation.

In the form 2 and 3 balance displays cash flows of the enterprise. In order to determine the amount of revenue, it is necessary from the data to the end of the period in line 10 in the form 2 subtract data from the same line, but at the beginning of the period.

Since it is formed from cash flow of cash receipts, it is necessary to calculate the actual amount on accounts. These data are taken from the form of 4 balances. To see full financial speeds, you need to summarize the string 30 from 50 and 90. This data will be regular income.

Seasonality of cash receipts can be seen by comparing the data of several quarters. In order to see the possibilities of the enterprise, you need to compare the assets data combined by liquidity.


The identification of veiled disadvantages is possible only in the case of a detailed analysis.

Helpful advice

In order not to waste time on the preparation of financial analysis manually, you can put a specially developed program, which gives more guarantees in the error in the error of the data

Financial analysis It is carried out to study the main parameters of the enterprise, which give an objective assessment of its financial condition. Results analysisand help the manager to determine the recommendations in the direction of further activities of the company.

You will need

  • - calculator;
  • - accounting data.


Spend analysis liquidity that will determine to pay for their current obligations. Calculate the coefficient of the coating that shows whether the company has enough resources for current obligations. Determine the rapid liquidity ratio, which reflects the company's ability to pay for current obligations under timely calculation with debtors.

Calculate the absolute liquidity ratio, showing the possibility of an enterprise immediately a certain part of debts. Calculate pure deduction from current assets of the current obligations of the enterprise. The presence of this magnitude shows the ability of the company to pay for the current obligations and produce expansion.

Perform analysis Activity that characterizes the efficiency of the main activity and the rate of turnover of financial enterprises. For analysisand business activity It is necessary to calculate the coefficients of the lap of assets, payables and receivables, the duration of turnover, fixed assets, material reserves and equity.

Spend analysis solvency, which will determine the structure of the sources of financing of the enterprise, the independence of the company from external sources and the degree of financial resistance. To do this, calculate the coefficient of financing, solvency, maneuverability of equity and the provision of own working capital.

Load financial results analysisand enterprises. Complete financial status assessment, make forecasts and recommendations.

An analysis of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise plays an important role in improving the effectiveness of its activities, identifying strengths and weaknesses, strengthening the financial condition. Economic analysis contributes to more rational use of fixed assets, material, labor and financial resources.


Remember that when analyzing the activities of the enterprise, the principle of economic efficiency is used, which involves the achievement of the greatest result at the lowest costs. The most generalizing performance indicator is profitability. Its private indicators include:
- the effectiveness of the use of labor resources (profitability of personnel, labor productivity), the main production facilities (durability, fund-student), material resources (material intensity, material industry);
- the effectiveness of the investment activity of the enterprise (payback);
- the efficiency of assets (turnover indicators);
- Efficiency of capital use.

After calculating the system of coefficients of financial and economic activity of the enterprise, compare them with planned, regulatory and sectoral indicators. This will make the conclusion about the efficiency of the organization and its place in the market.

To make a general conclusion on the efficiency of the enterprise, calculate the level of profitability, which is the ratio of the company's profit to the magnitude of the main and working capital. This indicator combines a number of coefficients (profitability of capital, sales, goods, etc.). Profitability is an integral

The long-term development of any enterprise depends on the ability of the management in a timely manner to determine the problems formed and competently neutralize them. To achieve such a goal, the financial analytics is used, the purpose of which is to identify all problem elements in the management of the company's management tools.

What is a financial analysis of the enterprise

Under financial analysis it is worth understanding the integrated use of certain procedures and methods for an objective assessment of the state of the enterprise and its economic activity. The basis for the assessment is the quantitative and high-quality accounting information. It is after its analysis that concrete management decisions are taken.

Financial analysis is focused on the study of the economic, technical and organizational level of the enterprise, as well as units with attitude to it. The objectives of financial analysis include the assessment of the company's financial and industrial economic activities, including the diagnosis of bankruptcy.

Financial analysis priorities

The financial and economic analysis of the state of the enterprise puts specific tasks, from the implementation of which the accuracy of the result of analytics depends. It is about the opening of reserves and production opportunities that were not used, on quality assessment, establishing the impact of specific activities on the general results of the management and the identification of factors that have become reasons of deviation from standards. During the analysis, a forecast is also a forecast of the expected results of the enterprise activities and the preparation of information necessary for making a management decision.

It can be argued that the financial analysis of the enterprise plays the role of financial management both in the company itself and in the process of cooperation with partners, tax authorities, the financial and credit system. At the same time, business activity, financial stability, profitability and profitability is carried out. The analysis itself can be identified also as a management tool, planning, as well as monitoring the company's activities and its diagnosis.

It should be noted that the analysis of the specific parties to the enterprise is based on the analysis of the indicators, and in a dynamic condition. This is explained by the fact that the company's financial and production and economic activity, as well as its divisions, has interconnected indicators. For this reason, the change in specific indicators can affect the final financial technical and economic indicators of the enterprise.

Financial and business analysis of the enterprise: goals

Speaking of this form of analyzing the company's activities, it is worth noting that it implies a combination of deduction and induction methods. In other words, during the study of single indicators, the analytics should also take into account both.

It is important that the principle is that when analyzing the enterprise, all types of business processes are studied taking into account their interdependence, interdependence and relationships. As for the analysis of factors and reasons, in this case, the analyst is based on the understanding of the following principle: each factor and the reason should obtain an objective assessment. Therefore, both reasons and factors are initially studied, after which their classification follows in groups: side, main, insignificant, substantial, low-definition and determining.

The next step is to study the impact on the economic processes of defining, basic and essential factors. But low definition and irrelevant factors are studied only if necessary and only after the completion of the main part of the analysis. It is worth considering the fact that financial analysis does not always imply a study of all factors, since this is relevant only in some cases.

At the same time, if we talk about the exact objectives of the financial analysis of the enterprise, it makes sense to determine the following components of the evaluation process:

  • analysis of the ability of credit refund;
  • tracking the state of the enterprise at the time of the assessment;
  • bankruptcy warning;
  • assessment of the company's value when it is merged or selling;
  • tracking the dynamics of financial condition;
  • analysis of the ability of the enterprise to finance investment projects;
  • compilation of the forecast of the financial activity of the enterprise.

It is worth noting that in the process of studying the financial condition of the enterprise, the use of financial analytics can use the economic entities that are focused on obtaining extremely accurate and objective information on the activities of the enterprise.

Such entities can be divided into two categories:

  • External: lenders, auditors, government agencies, investors.
  • Domestic: Shareholders, Audit and Liquidation Commission, Management and Founders.

Another goal for which a financial analysis can be conducted, but not at the initiative of the enterprise, is the assessment of the investment potential and credit ability of the company. Such an analytics is usually interesting to banks for which it is important to make sure the solvency and profitability of the enterprise. This is logical, since any potential investor is interested in obtaining information regarding the liquidity of the company and the degree of risks relating to the loss of the contribution.

Features of internal and external analysis

Internal financial accounting and analysis is necessary in order to satisfy the needs of the enterprise itself. It can be focused both to identify the degree of liquidity of the company and on a solid evaluation of its results as part of the last reporting period. Such assessment methods are relevant when the financial analyst or the management of the company intends to determine how real and relevant is the allocation of funds for the expansion of production, which was planned, and what an additional cost is capable of providing on it.

As for the external financial analysis, analysts that are not related to the enterprise are engaged in its conduct. Access to internal information companies also have no.

If an internal analysis is carried out, problems with attracting information of any category will not arise, including the one that is not available. In the case of external analysis, some limited estimated methodology is initially taken into account due to the lack of information in full.

Types of financial analysis

Analytics, with which the state of the enterprise is estimated, can be divided into several key types of management process:

  • retrospective, or current analysis;
  • promising (preliminary, projected);
  • operational financial and economic analysis;
  • analysis in which the results of a specific period of time are taken into account.

Each type is used depending on the key task.

Methods of financial analysis

The following directions can be attributed to current financial analytics techniques:

  • Vertical analysis. This is one of the types of assessing the financial statements of the enterprise, in which the analysis of the balance of the balance sheets and various types of liabilities and assets is being exposed. With this method, the distribution of resources is shown in shares.

  • Horizontal analysis. We are talking about the financial analyst of the company, in which the dynamic assessment of the accounting panels is made. Estimated both character and direction of the trend.
  • Coefficient analysis. With this type, financial and economic and production indicators are calculated on the basis of accounting reporting. Such financial and accounting analysis also studies loss reports, profits and other regulatory documentation. The calculation of the coefficients makes it possible to assess the effectiveness and effectiveness of various resources, activities and capital companies, among other things.
  • Trend analysis. With such an assessment, each reporting position is compared with the specific preceding periods, the trend of the enterprise is determined as a result. With the help of the established trend, the formation of possible values \u200b\u200bof future indicators. In other words, a promising analysis is carried out.
  • Factor analysis. In this case, an assessment of the influence of specific factors on the final results of the company is used. For research, stochastic and deterministic techniques are applied.
  • Comparative analysis. We are talking about an intra-economic analyst of consolidated workshops, divisions, subsidiaries, etc.. There is also an inter-farm financial analysis of the Organization in relation to the indicators of competing enterprises.

Coefficient Analysis as the main tool of financial analytics

As a key financial analysis method, you can define the coefficient. This is explained by the fact that the quantitative assessment of the company's condition and the adoption of various decisions of the management nature aimed at changing specific indicators are manufactured on the basis of financial and economic coefficients. In this case, it is possible to observe a direct link between the resources of the company, which were taken into account, and the effectiveness of their operation expressing through the values \u200b\u200bof financial and economic coefficients and data in the balance sheet items.

This financial analysis methodology implies an assessment of four topical groups of economic indicators:

  • Profitability coefficients (profitability). Such data serve to reflect the profitability of the company's capital when creating income through the use of assets of various species.
  • Financial reliability coefficients (sustainability). In this case, the level of own and borrowed capital of the firm is demonstrated, and the company's capital structure is displayed.
  • Caliability coefficients (liquidity). Reflect the possibilities and ability of an organization to timely short-term and long-term debt obligations.

  • Turnover coefficients (business activity). Through this information, you can determine the number of assets of the company for a particular reporting period and the intensity of their turnover, including.

The method of financial analysis, in which the basis of the calculations is based on the coefficients of the enterprise, is considered important for the reason that it is whether it makes it possible to determine the crisis phenomena in the company and take current measures to stabilize the situation.

This type of analysis is part of the strategic management of the organization.

Examples of financial analysts

In order to understand the essence of the status of the organization, it is necessary to study an example of financial analysis. Suppose, for the period of a period that is subjected to a study, the markup was stable, but a certain decline was observed.

During the period under study, an increase in the speed of turnover of goods for 35 days was revealed. This indicates the presence of remnants of illiquid and increasing the number of stocks of goods. At the same time, the optimal value of turnover for household stores is 80-90 days.

As for receivables, the enterprise does not have it - the company's entire retail trade is made on terms of payment on the fact of delivery. Accounts receivable turns around for 4-7 days, which can be defined as a positive indicator.

At the same time, the operational cycle in the framework of the period, which is covered by the analysis increased by 35 days. Obviously, it (cycle) corresponds to the growth of the duration of turnover. Based on the increase in timeline, the term of the financial cycle has grown.

Financial analysis of the enterprise An example of this kind determines as fairly stable activity in which the warehouse is possible. In order to optimize the process to maximize, the procurement policy is needed in order to reduce the timeline.

How to analyze the activities of the bank

The Bank's financial analysis is focused on ensuring high-quality management by developing key parameters of its activities. We are talking about such indicators as the profitability of operations, capital and payment turnover, the structure of assets and liabilities, the efficiency of the bank's divisions, the risks of the financial resources portfolio and intrabank pricing.

In order to study the status of the Bank to be successful, compliance with some conditions: information that is used for analysis should be reliable, accurate, timely and completed. If the data provided does not correspond to reality, the applied financial analysis methods will not be able to lead to objective conclusions. This means that the influence of some problems will be underestimated, the consequence of what the situation can be aggravated.

The accuracy of the information is estimated in the process of inspection checks and during documentary supervision.

Methods of research status of the bank

Different parties to the Bank's activities are estimated by using scientific and methodological instruments. It is with their help that you can develop an optimal solution of specific managerial tasks.

There are popular methods of financial analysis of the bank:

  • The equation of dynamic accounting balance. This technique implies accounting of profits and losses. Through such a management, a factor financial assessment of the state of the bank is carried out and the fact of how profitable is its activities.
  • Modified balance management (liabilities are equal to assets). In this case, financial analysis involves a quick assessment of the effectiveness of bank liabilities management.
  • The main management of the balance (assets are equal to the amount of equity and paid liabilities). The key principle of this assessment methodology is the effective disposal and ownership of all the assets of the bank.
  • The capital equation of the balance (the Bank's capital is equal to the assets minus paid liabilities). This type of equation is relevant when it is necessary to obtain a final assessment of how effective the existing capital is in the framework of the increment of equity capital. This technique is also used to determine and operate reserves of increased profitability.

Thus, it can be concluded that the financial analysis of the enterprise, the example of which was given above, is the necessary measure of determining the status and profitability of the company. Without such an analytics, the efficiency of the enterprise is capable of significantly declining, and at the same time, rehabilitation measures in untimely assessment may be irrelevant.

Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise:


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