Magic catalog. Magic catalog Single tax on imputed income

1C:Entrepreneur 7.7- this turnkey solution for accounting and reporting by individual entrepreneurs. The program allows you to keep a Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses and Business Operations of Individual Entrepreneurs who are payers of income tax individuals(personal income tax). For entrepreneurs who are payers of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (UTII), it is possible to keep separate records of business transactions by types of activities subject to personal income tax and UTII. The program also allows you to create a book of income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system.

1C:Entrepreneur 7.7 is a basic version of the Operational Accounting component of the 1C:Enterprise system and a typical Entrepreneur Accounting and Reporting configuration designed to automate reporting and recording business transactions individual entrepreneur.

The accounting methodology implemented in the standard configuration was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Procedure for Accounting for Income and Expenses and Business Operations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 N 86n / BG-3-04 / 430 and the requirements of chapter 26.2 "Simplified system of taxation" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The program allows you to keep not only tax, but also management accounting: receive information about the current state of balances Money, mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers, keep records of fixed assets, records of settlements with employees, etc. At the same time, each business transaction is registered in the program only once, and the entered data is used both in tax and management accounting.

Cash accounting

    printing of incoming and outgoing cash orders;

    printing of payment orders;

    reflection in accounting cash transactions and cash flows in the bank accounts of the entrepreneur;

    to obtain information about the balances and turnover of funds, it is possible to generate statements for the bank and cash desk;

    incoming and outgoing cash orders are automatically registered in the cash book, which can then be printed.

Accounting for goods (materials, works, services)

    purchase of goods (materials, works, services);

    production of semi-finished products and finished products;

    return from production of unrecycled materials and returnable waste;

    sale of goods (materials, works, services);

    lot accounting of goods and materials, automatic selection of lots of used goods and materials;

    for each operation, you can print the corresponding primary document;

    statement of balances and turnovers of material resources.

Mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers

    separate accounting of mutual settlements for each contract and goods shipped under this contract (work performed, service rendered);

    automatic repayment of debt when paying for the contract;

    record of mutual settlements with buyers and suppliers.

VAT accounting

    printing invoices issued to customers;

    registration of invoices received from suppliers;

    printing of the book of purchases and the book of sales;

    automatic registration of received invoices in the purchase book as payment is made to the supplier of the purchased goods (materials, works, services);

    automatic registration of issued invoices in the sales book, depending on the selected moment for determining revenue: "by shipment" or "by payment".

Depreciable property

Separate accounting for the following types of depreciable property:

    fixed assets;

    intangible assets;

    low-value and wearing items accepted for accounting before January 1, 2002

Operations with depreciable property:

    operations to form the initial cost of fixed assets and intangible assets;

    commissioning of fixed assets and printing of act OS-1;

    acceptance for accounting of an intangible asset;

    sale of fixed assets and printing of OS-1 act;

    monthly depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets.

    Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method. For objects acquired before January 1, 2002, the possibility of applying accelerated depreciation rates is provided;

    write-off of worn-out MBP and seal of act MB-8.

Settlements with employees for wages

Accounting for accruals and payments wages;

Based on the information entered, the following are automatically calculated:

Firm "1C" has released a new software"1C:Entrepreneur 7.7", designed for individual entrepreneurs and continuing the product line of the 1C:Enterprise program system. In this article, the methodologists of the company "1C" will talk about the capabilities of this new software product.

General information about the program

1C:Entrepreneur is a turnkey automation solution tax accounting. It is assumed that the program will be used by persons who actually keep records at the enterprise. It can be both individual entrepreneurs themselves and wage-earners- accountants.

The software product consists of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 (the basic version of the Operational Accounting component) and the Entrepreneur Accounting and Reporting configuration. This configuration is intended primarily for tax accounting, but can also be used to organize a simple management accounting at a sole proprietorship. For example, the configuration allows you to keep records of receivables and payables, bank and cash operations, settlements with employees, etc. Accounting in 1C:Entrepreneur consists of entering business transactions into the database using configuration documents. Most configuration documents allow you to generate the appropriate printing forms thus providing documentation of accounting.

The program includes a set of regulated reports that allow you to automate the preparation of tax returns for the most common types of taxes. The suggested retail price of the product is $90; for a dealer - $45; for permanent partners - $41; for a distributor - $36. Users of the 1C:Entrepreneur program cannot make changes to the configuration. However, if such a need arises, you can use another software product of the 1C:Enterprise software system that supports configuration and includes the Operational Accounting component (for example, 1C:Trade and Warehouse 7.7). For further work with the changed configuration, you should use the software product with which the configuration was changed.

Supported tax regimes

"1C:Entrepreneur" allows you to automate tax accounting, regardless of the taxation regime applicable to an individual entrepreneur.

Personal Income Tax (PIT)

For entrepreneurs - payers of personal income tax, the program allows you to keep a Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses and Business Transactions in the form attached to the Procedure for Accounting for Income and Expenses and Business Transactions for Individual Entrepreneurs, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3 -04/430. To print the Book of Accounts using 1C:Entrepreneur, you must generate an appropriate report built into the configuration. If the entrepreneur maintains the Book of Accounts in the form that was in force in 2001, then the transition to maintaining the Book of Accounts in the new form does not imply any significant changes in the procedure for recording income and expenses. This is due to the fact that the indicators of tables No. 1-1 and No. 1-6 of the new form of the Book completely repeat the indicators of the first section of the form of the Book of 2001.

Simplified taxation system (STS)

Support for the simplified tax system is implemented in the program in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 26.2 "Simplified Taxation System" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The ability to create a book of accounting for income and expenses of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system will be added to the configuration in the next release.

A single tax on imputed income

1C:Entrepreneurship implements separate accounting of property, liabilities and business transactions by type of entrepreneurial activity. This makes it possible to fulfill the corresponding requirement federal law dated July 31, 1998 No. 148-FZ "On a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities" and paragraph 7 of Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for material resources

Material resources in the program mean almost all property used in entrepreneurial activities (goods, products, materials, etc.), as well as works and services provided by the entrepreneur himself and provided to the entrepreneur.

Accounting for material resources is kept separately for each batch. A batch is a separate nomenclature unit obtained as a result of a certain business transaction. For example, a consignment of goods is a product of one name from a specific incoming invoice.

Accounting for the balance of a batch of material resources is carried out in a quantitative and total meter.

If the material resource is a work or a service, then quantitative accounting can be omitted.

To maintain a list of material resources, a single reference book is used - "Nomenclature" (Fig. 1).

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Configuration documents allow you to reflect operations related to the acquisition, manufacture and sale of material resources.

For example, the document "Sales" is intended to reflect the operations of shipment of goods to the buyer (performance of work, provision of services). For this document it is possible to print an invoice, an act on the provision of services and a consignment note in the form TORG-12 (Fig. 2).

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The amount of material costs when writing off material resources (during the release of products, shipment of goods, etc.) is estimated in accordance with the cost of consignments of written-off resources. The selection of a batch when decommissioning material resources is performed automatically (using the FIFO method) or manually.

You can get information about the movement of material resources using the report "Statement of material costs". This report allows you to select and sort data by type of activity, type of material resources, individual nomenclature units and batches (Fig. 3).


Calculation of the cost of goods (products, works, services)

The cost of material resources is determined by the cost of their acquisition (material costs). In turn, material costs that form the cost are divided into acquisition costs and other material costs.

It should be noted that for the purposes of tax accounting, the cost of material resources is calculated only by those entrepreneurs for whom the general taxation regime applies.

At the same time, the cost of depreciation of fixed assets, labor costs and other expenses related to entrepreneurial activity, are not included in the cost of material resources, but are accounted for separately.

Acquisition costs

If the material resource is manufactured by the individual entrepreneur himself, then its cost will be determined by the costs that were spent on the purchase of materials (works, services), and which were spent in the production process.

To do this, when reflecting the operation of the release of products, one should list the material costs incurred that are directly related to this release and indicate the amount of material resources spent.

This operation is registered by the configuration document "Consumption of material resources" (Fig. 4).

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Other material expenses

Other material costs include the cost of expended material resources, which cannot be attributed to the costs of acquiring a certain batch of goods (materials, works, services).

Examples of such expenses can be payment for electricity, fuel, transportation costs, etc.

The consumption of such material resources is reflected in accounting using a specialized configuration document "Other material costs".

At the end of the month, the spent material resources are distributed to the cost price goods sold(products, works, services) by the scheduled operation "Distribution of other material costs".

The distribution algorithm used is similar to the algorithm for closing account 44 "Distribution costs" used in accounting.

In the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses and Business Operations, the cost of sold material resources is calculated in Table No. 1-7, taking into account other material costs (Fig. 5).

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Cash accounting

Separate accounting of bank and cash transactions is supported. Non-cash funds are accounted separately for bank accounts of an individual entrepreneur. Accounting for funds is carried out in the currency in which the funds are received. It is possible to print payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders, as well as a cash book.

To obtain information about the balances and turnovers of non-cash funds, the report "Statement on the bank" is provided (Fig. 6).

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When carrying out operations to pay for goods (works, services), cash and bank documents automatically change receivables or payables.

Accounting for mutual settlements with suppliers and buyers

Accounting for mutual settlements is carried out in the context of contracts. The debt under the contract is automatically accrued upon receipt or shipment of material resources and is repaid upon payment.

Payment repays the debt only if the funds are transferred under the relevant agreement.

The possibility of accounting for mutual settlements under barter transactions or when assigning transactions for payment for acquired material resources to a third party is provided.

In this case, instead of payment documents for debt repayment, you should use the document "Debt Adjustment".

Information on the accrued receivables and payables can be obtained using the report "Statement on counterparties".

This report allows you to detail mutual settlements with counterparties by type of activity, contracts and individual deliveries.

Cash method of accounting for income and expenses

Accounting for income and expenses in 1C:Entrepreneur is carried out on a cash basis. The date of receipt of income under the cash method is the day of receipt of funds or the date of repayment of the debt to the entrepreneur in another way. Costs are recognized as costs after they are actually paid.

Individual entrepreneurs apply the cash method of accounting for income, regardless of the taxation regime, with the exception of cases when the entrepreneur carries out activities subject to UTII (in this case, tax accounting of income and expenses is not kept).

Problems associated with the use of the cash method

The use of the cash method makes it impossible to assess the actual balance of acquired material resources (goods, materials, works, services), and also does not provide for accounting for receivables and payables. This is due to the fact that the operations of receipt and write-off of material resources are reflected in the accounting only after the transfer of payment. Therefore, if the relationship between the entrepreneur and his counterparties provides for the possibility of shipping or acquiring material resources with subsequent payment, then it becomes necessary to keep additional records of actually acquired and shipped material resources.

Separation of the cost of material resources into accounting and paid

To solve this problem in 1C:Entrepreneur, accounting of material resources is carried out simultaneously at the accounting and at the paid cost. The book value is determined based on the prices specified in the contract or accompanying documents. The paid cost is determined by the amount of money paid for this material resource.

The formation of the accounting and paid cost of material resources is performed automatically when posting configuration documents. In this case, the document corresponding to a certain business transaction is entered at the moment when this transaction is actually performed. For example, the procedure for posting goods does not depend on whether the entrepreneur paid for this product or not. When the goods arrive at the warehouse, the configuration document "Receipt of material resources" is entered, which forms the book value, and when the payment is transferred to the supplier, the document "Cash voucher" or "Bank statement line" is entered, which forms the paid value. Accordingly, when selling goods for which the supplier has not yet been fully paid, the book value written off will be greater than the paid one. In this case, as the debt to the supplier is repaid, the turnover of the paid value of this consignment of goods will "catch up" with the turnover of the book value formed during shipment.

You can get information about the accounting and paid cost of a material resource using the report "Statement of material costs" by selecting the desired value in the "Type of cost" field (Fig. 7).

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Formation of the paid cost of material resources

The method of dividing the cost of material resources into accounting and paid assumes that at the time of transferring payment, it should be indicated for which particular product (work, service) payment is being transferred. In 1C:Entrepreneur, you can set the correspondence between a specific payment and unpaid goods automatically or manually.

In the 1C:Entrepreneur configuration, settlements with counterparties are accounted for by contracts. The mode of automatic distribution of payments for an increase in the paid cost of material resources can be set for each contract separately. To do this, double-click in the "Auto" column in the list of contracts (Fig. 8).

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If the "Auto" column is checked, then for this agreement the mode of automatic search for payment documents is used, if not, then the transferred funds should be attributed to the payment for a particular product manually.

Using automatic mode goods are recognized as paid in the order of their shipment (receipt) according to the FIFO principle (first in, first out).

This operation is performed when posting documents reflecting cash flows. In this case, if the transferred amount exceeds the accounting value of the paid goods, then the difference received is recognized as an advance payment.

If automatic search documents confirming the facts of payment is disabled, then any shipment (receipt) of goods will increase the buyer's debt (debt to the supplier), and any payment will always be reflected in the accounting as an advance payment.

In this case, to offset the advance and repay the debt of the counterparty, you should use the configuration documents "Offset of advance paid" for settlements with suppliers or "Offset of advance received" for settlements with buyers. In the header of the document, you should indicate the cash flow document and the contract with the counterparty under which the payment is made. The tabular part should indicate the paid consignments of goods (materials, products, works, services) and the amount of payment.

Accounting for depreciable property

For the purposes of tax accounting, depreciable property is divided into fixed assets, intangible assets, as well as low-value and consumable items (IBE).

IBE accounting is implemented only for objects purchased before 01.01.2002, the initial cost of which was included in the commissioning expenses in the amount of 50%. For such objects, it is possible to issue a write-off act and attribute the remaining part of the initial cost to depreciation costs (Fig. 9).

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The list of fixed assets, installation equipment and intangible assets acquired by the entrepreneur is maintained in the same directory as the list of material resources. Thus, these objects at the stage of their acquisition and installation are the same material resources as materials, goods, works, services. Accordingly, the same operations can be carried out with them as with material resources. For example, to sell, to make one object from several, and vice versa, to get a group of objects from one cut (Fig. 10).

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The moment when objects are recognized as depreciable property is reflected in accounting by a special configuration document.

At the same time, information about the object is entered in the list of fixed assets or intangible assets, the object receives an inventory number, the initial cost and parameters for calculating depreciation are indicated.

When commissioning a fixed asset, it is possible to print an acceptance certificate in the OS-1 form. For fixed assets put into operation, an inventory card is maintained in the OS-6 form.

Depreciation calculation is carried out automatically during the scheduled operation "Depreciation calculation". The calculation is performed by the linear method. The depreciation rate is determined depending on the date of acquisition of the object. For objects purchased before 01/01/2002, the depreciation rate is determined in accordance with uniform standards (ENAOF). For objects acquired after 01/01/2002, the depreciation rate is calculated based on the useful life.

The results of the calculation are reflected in table No. 2 of the Book of Accounts (Fig. 11).

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The initial cost of the object, fixed at the time of the start of use, can only change during reconstruction or modernization. To reflect this operation in the configuration, the document "Upgrading the OS" is intended.

Labor costs

The configuration automates the operations of calculating and paying wages, accruing and withholding personal income tax when paying salaries to employees, as well as calculating the unified social tax (contribution) and insurance premiums in Pension Fund Russia.

To take into account information about employees, the established salary, and data for calculating taxes, a list of employees is maintained in the configuration (Fig. 12).

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Accrual and payment of income of employees is carried out separately for each type of activity and type of accruals (payments) or "type of settlements".

Keeping records in the context of types of accruals allows you to divide payments to an employee into taxable and not taxed by one or another tax.

To do this, in the list of types of accruals for each type of accrual, the corresponding signs are established that determine whether or not to include payments of this type in the tax base (Fig. 13).

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Calculation of taxes from the payroll fund is carried out during the routine operation "Accounting taxes from payroll".

The accrued (paid) income of employees is reflected in Table No. 1-5 of the Book of Accounts (Fig. 14).

Processing for unloading from FIREPLACE 2.0 is used standard, which is called from the document "End of the month". When uploading, it is recommended to enable analytics for employees for all types of calculations, except for deductions. The latter are not loaded broken down by employee. If several types of activities are carried out (taxable UTII / not taxable UTII), then it is recommended that on the tab "Accruals" check the box "split accruals in proportion to UTII", and on the tab "Deductions - "split deductions by tax regimes". Since the types of activities in the FIREPLACE are not are taken into account in deductions, I recommend using different divisions for various kinds activities, then deductions when automatically assigned by "KAMIN" to subdivisions will allow them to be attributed to types of activities. Therefore, the "split by departments" checkbox on the "Main" tab must be set.

To load postings into the "Accounting and reporting of an entrepreneur" external processing from the kit of this development is used. They need to be placed in the Extforms directory of the Entrepreneur Accounting and Reporting configuration. The download processing call will become available in the menu "Service" - "Additional options" - "Download transactions from FIREPLACE: Payroll 2.0". The instructions for using this treatment are basically the same as the instructions for using regular processing downloads from FIREPLACE for accounting configurations.
The difference lies in setting up the correspondence of accounts - it is proposed to choose not accounting accounts and their sub-quotes, but Kind of activity And calculation type(accrual, deduction, deduction).
It is also recommended to set the "consider addition when setting" checkbox before setting. If several types of activity are used and the posting setup fails to unambiguously attribute deductions and payments to a specific type of activity, it is recommended to check the " reallocate holdings between activities" (until the functionality is implemented ) And " redistribute payments between activities". Deductions and payments will be distributed in proportion to the accruals for each type of activity.

After pressing the "Create operation" button, documents of the type "Employee income accrual", "Other deductions" and "Employee compensation" are created. To calculate taxes from the payroll, an additional document "Adjustment of settlements with the budget" is created. All created documents can be viewed and posted by clicking the "Open operation" button.

Regular processing of unloading from FIREPLACE 2.0 does not unload personnel data of employees that are necessary for printing regulated reports in 1C: Entrepreneur 7.7, in particular "Table 5. Calculation of income accrued (paid) in the form of wages and taxes withheld from them Books of accounting for income and expenses IP". To "reload" these employees, I recommend using the processing "".

Unfortunately, in the configuration of 1C: Entrepreneur 7.7, developers made mistakes in the module for conducting documents Accrual of IncomeEmployees And Salary.

The first document does not take into account the situation that an employee's personal income tax can be indicated with zero accrual (an adjustment in personal income tax for the previous period in the FIREPLACE).

In the second document, if there are several types of accruals (for example, salary and vacation), deductions for one employee (personal income tax, alimony) refer to one of his types of accruals, and are not distributed among all of his types of accruals.

I am attaching the texts of the corrected modules for conducting these documents, my corrections are marked with a comment // vain

This is a warning for those who use conf 1C:Entrepreneur 7.7 by setting a constantRecognition of Past Income Expenses to the position "No" (which requires a modern interpretation of the Tax Code and the Civil Code).

There is a wonderful function in the main module - in fact, it performs the write-off of consignments of goods and materials. This function is passed (among others) the parameterOwnRequest .
If this parameter is equal to 0, then the final balances of consignments of goods and materials for the position of the posted document are simply taken into functions. If not 0, then buildthe blacka request from the beginning of the year to the held document, which allegedly pulls the turnovers of the parties for the period from the beginning of the year. I said "allegedly" because in fact he pulls the turns incorrectly. The query text uses the construction" Condition (Request. Quantity > 0)" (erroneous?), which leads to the fact that the Inflow / Outflow functions in the query (the same turnovers) return the result as 0 or distorted.
Maybe it was intended by the developers, but I can't figure out why... This is, firstly.

On the consequences of the design"Condition (Request. Quantity > 0) "my eyes were opened by the esteemedEprstfor which I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Basically, for this, and not for the numerous texts of direct requests received from him, which in most cases did not work :)))

Secondly, in the case of group posting of documents, the constant executionblackrequest whenOwnRequest <>0, leads to a sharp slowdown, by about an order of magnitude, of the documents [let me remind you, "by an order of magnitude" means " 10 times"] and to the avalanche filling of RAM and, as a result, to the abnormal termination of the program with the error "Out of memory"

Thirdly. I made an analysis in which cases and what the parameter is used forOwnRequest , not equal to 0, in f-ichMovementAccording to CostsMaterial Resources .

So, it remains to correct this oversight ourselves (and hope that someone will be able to get through the hotline to 1C CJSC so that they fix it in their future releases of 1C: Entrepreneur - I apologize for my naivety).
So, all corrections are made in the processing of the posting of the document "Implementation":
1) from text

If Do Not Recognize Past Income Expenses = 0 Then RegisterList.AddValue("Expenses"); EndIf;

remove the condition - it turns out:

// If Do Not Recognize Past Income Expenses = 0 Then RegisterList.AddValue("Expenses"); // EndIf;

this is to f-i chMovementAccording to CostsMaterial Resourcescould refer to the register of parties (Expenses) and draw out the rest.
2) To block the execution of a black request, the line

If chMovementsOn Material Resources Expenses(Context, Cost Table, CommonReg, Do Not Recognize Past Income Expenses) = 0 Then

change to:

If ChMovementAccording to Material Resources Expenses(Context, Cost Table, TotalReg) = 0 Then

I will clarify Do Not Recognize Past Income Expenses - this OwnRequest in the parameters of this function.

And it's all.
Now the configuration will be carried out an order of magnitude faster and not fall with the error " Out of memory "! Moreover, the required functionality of this conf will be preserved in full.


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