Job description of a full-time psychologist. Leading psychologist (metal processing) Job description. Reviews about the profession

Job Responsibilities psychologist depends primarily on the organization in which he works. If we are talking about a school, then the exact title of the position of such a specialist will most likely be a teacher-psychologist, and for this case we have developed an appropriate one. This sample job description for a psychologist is intended for a specialist working with personnel. Therefore, among the duties of a psychologist is the adaptation and motivation of employees, participation in the formation corporate culture etc.

Job description of a psychologist

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The psychologist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The psychologist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The psychologist reports directly to CEO/ Director of Human Resources.
1.4. During the absence of a psychologist, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a psychologist: professional education(psychological) and work experience of two years.
1.6. The psychologist must know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;
- the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;
- personnel policy and enterprise strategy;
- systems and methods of personnel assessment;
- basics of general psychology, social psychology, labor psychology, psychological counseling;
- basics of professiography, career guidance work.
1.7. The psychologist is guided in his work by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a psychologist

The psychologist does the following official duties:
2.1. It studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of employees of the enterprise in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.
2.2. Identifies the most pressing issues and problems that need to be addressed (staff turnover, violations labor discipline, inefficient work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.
2.3. Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of the professions of workers and positions of employees, determined by the influence of the production environment on the psychological stress of the worker, gives recommendations on the conditions for the optimal use of a person’s personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.
2.4. Prepares proposals for management and participates in the implementation of measures aimed at increasing labor productivity and job satisfaction.
2.5. Participates in the implementation of measures for the production and professional adaptation of young professionals and workers.
2.6. Develops and puts into practice assessment methods organizational culture, moral and psychological climate and management styles in the company and provides management with systematic information and recommendations based on the results of the study.
2.7. Participates in the implementation of measures to form and broadcast a corporate culture and improve the social and psychological climate in the team.
2.8. Advises heads of departments on issues of management psychology, advertising, negotiation, work with personnel and clients.
2.9. Selects methods and methods of personnel diagnostics that are adequate to the assigned tasks and conducts diagnostics, provides a qualitative analysis and interpretation of the diagnostic results and recommendations to the heads of departments.
2.10. Conducts interviews with applicants and departing employees.
2.11. Systematically analyzes feedback based on the results of the implementation of ongoing activities, makes changes to ongoing activities.
2.15. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

3. Rights of a psychologist

The psychologist has the right:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
3.2. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction.
3.3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of his official rights and duties.

4. The responsibility of the psychologist

The psychologist is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for conservation trade secret and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Qualification characteristics of the position

psychologist of an organization (enterprise)

1. Job description specialist psychologist.

2. Workplace of a specialist psychologist.

3. Requirements for professional competence specialist psychologist.

On the basis of the Regulations on the psychological service, it is possible to determine qualification characteristic a practicing psychologist working in an organization (institution, enterprise), which is determined by the job description, workplace, requirements for professional competence.

Job Descriptions are the main document regulating the appointment and place of an employee in the management system, his functional duties, rights, responsibilities and forms of encouragement.

Job descriptions allow you to:

Rationally distribute functional responsibilities among employees;

To increase the timeliness and reliability of task performance by introducing quantitative indicators of periodicity, labor intensity, duration and calendar deadlines for their implementation;

Improve the socio-psychological climate in the team, eliminate conflicts between managers and subordinates;

Clearly define the functional connections of the employee and his relationship with other specialists, specify the rights of the employee in terms of training and acceptance management decisions and use of resources;

Increase the collective and personal responsibility of employees for the timely and high-quality implementation of functional duties;

Increase the efficiency of material and moral incentive workers;

Organize a uniform workload of employees for periods with minimal loss of working time and overload.

Job Responsibilities.

· Studying the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of employees of an enterprise, institution, organization in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.

Performs work on drafting plans and programs for social development, determining psychological factors that affect workers.

Carries out, together with a physiologist, examinations of the individual qualities of workers, characteristics labor activity workers and employees of various professions and specialties, as well as those related to professional selection, checking the psychological working conditions, identifying interests and inclinations, job satisfaction.

· Participates in experiments to determine the impact of working conditions on the psyche of workers.

· Analyzes labor processes and the psychological state of the employee during work.

· Together with a sociologist and other specialists, he participates in defining the tasks of social development.

・Selects the best topical issues and problems that need to be addressed (staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, inefficient work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.

· Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of the professions of workers and positions of employees, determined by the influence of the working environment on the neuropsychic stress of the worker.

· Participates in the implementation of measures for the production and professional adaptation of young workers and specialists.

Prepares recommendations and proposals for the implementation of the results psychological research into practice, as well as measures in specific areas of improving the management of social development, contributing to the organization of optimal labor processes, the establishment of rational modes of work and rest, the improvement of the moral and psychological climate, working conditions and the increase in human performance, monitors their implementation.

· Analyzes the causes of staff turnover, selection and placement, based on the requirements of labor organization and production management, develops proposals to ensure staff stability, take the necessary measures to adapt employees.

· Takes part in the formation of labor collectives, in the design of labor organization systems (organization of working time, rationalization of workplaces) taking into account psychological factors and ergonomic requirements.

· Advises the heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team, as well as employees involved in personnel and labor issues.

Must know:

Decrees, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations relating to issues of practical psychology;

· psychology of work and management, engineering and social psychology; methods for studying the psychological characteristics of the labor activity of workers;

· technical means used in the study of working conditions;

advanced domestic and foreign experience the work of psychologists;

basics of production technology;

basics of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of career guidance;

labor legislation;

rules of internal labor regulations;

rules and norms of labor protection.

Qualification Requirements

Psychologist: higher professional (psychological) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.4. Workplace of a specialist psychologist

Under workplace practical psychologist is understood as a balanced set of functions of his activity, provided with the means for their implementation, imposing appropriate duties and giving the necessary rights, requiring certain responsibility and representing sufficient power to perform professional tasks. In addition to the balance of this complex, to organize the workplace of a psychologist; needed: a consistent commitment to creativity; availability of professional competence; practical experience; constructive interaction of a practical psychologist with all the realities that affect the results of his work; material support of the workplace.

Offering a practical psychologist to independently, creatively approach filling the named elements of the workplace with concrete content, let us dwell on its material support.

Approximate material support of the workplace of a psychologist includes such mandatory components as:

1. Psychologist's office with a safe for storing materials.

2. Room for psychological relief:

■ for psychological relaxation;

■ removal of neuro-psychological stress;

■ emotional relief;

■ individual and group psychological counseling

■ psychoprophylactic and psychocorrective measures;

■ work point, mail or helpline.

3. Material base of psychotherapeutic influence:

■ audio equipment;

■ audio cassettes with recordings of a psychotherapeutic nature;

■ projection equipment;

Projection materials of a psychotherapeutic nature;

■ a special lighting system and other means that contribute to the implementation of psychotherapeutic effects.

4. Material base of psychodiagnostics:


Audio equipment with recordings of stimulus material, special forms;

Personal Computer, calculator and other computer.

5. Material base of psychological education and psychological training:

■ teaching materials;

■ visual aids;

■ specially equipped room.

In the future, the material support of the psychologist's workplace should expand and include: in the office of psychotherapeutic influence - technical means for special purposes; in the material base of psychodiagnostics - a complex of psychodiagnostic devices, a voice recorder, video equipment, etc. In addition, it is necessary to include in workplace psychologist of electronic computing technology with a special software.

1.5. Professional competence of a specialist psychologist

The professional competence of a psychologist working in an organization is determined in the course of various checks, certifications, and also in the course of continuous self-assessment. The main issues that are controlled in the process of determining the professional competence of a psychologist are as follows:

1. The level of competence in the performance of official duties and participation in professional activity;

2. The effectiveness of social psychological work and the role of the psychologist in its organization;

3. Compliance with the conditions and opportunities for effective socio-psychological work;

4. Real socio-legal, organizational material support for the professional activities of the psychologist directly.

Determining the level of competence in the performance of job duties and participation in the professional activities of the team, the life of the client includes checking:

a) compliance with the ethical code of work of a psychologist;

b) temporary loads of a psychologist in the entire sphere of work, life and directly in his professional activity;

c) systems of personal participation of a psychologist in working with various categories of clients (person-family-team);

d) the effectiveness of the psychologist's interaction system: with others officials on the organization and conduct of socio-psychological work, communication skills in relationships with other socio-psychological services;

e) the degree to which the psychologist's information is taken into account when making managerial decisions; in the case of correct results in the work of the psychologist and the timely provision of information to the relevant officials; to persons left unattended by them, or a 50% predominance of the time spent by a psychologist in the non-professional sphere - to analyze the reasons for the non-constructive position of managers;

f) the participation of a psychologist in the work of various commissions and the performance of functions that go beyond the scope of his official duties;

g) self-improvement and mastery of productive technologies of socio-psychological work.

A comprehensive study and evaluation of the effectiveness of socio-psychological work and the role of a practical psychologist in it cover the following issues:

a) the effectiveness of socio-psychological support for the work and life of clients in their holistic context, as well as in targeted work with them in accordance with common tasks, needs within the framework of functional duties;

b) the effectiveness of the implementation of supporting the development and realization of the creative potential of clients and assisting them in solving various problems;

c) the organization and effectiveness of psychological training, which is carried out in various mandatory and innovative forms of psychological education and counseling;

d) compliance of the organization of diagnostic work with the requirements for it; the correctness of the conclusions and recommendations based on the results of psychodiagnostic work, the degree to which they are taken into account and the competence of officials in the implementation;

e) organization and effectiveness of psychoprophylactic work, especially in preventing various manifestations of deviant behavior, overcoming crisis situations and solving the problems of work and life of social subjects;

f) the competence and effectiveness of psycho-correctional and psycho-rehabilitation work, the degree of inclusion of elements of psychological rehabilitation in the sphere of social and domestic practice: sports and recreational activities, leisure activities, etc.

Analysis and assessment of the compliance of conditions and opportunities for effective socio-psychological work are carried out on the following issues:

a) the material and technical base of socio-psychological work and the degree of its compliance with the available opportunities;

b) the presence, condition and system of work of objects of socio-psychological work:

■ laboratory of the Volga Federal District with the participation of a practical psychologist;

■ teaching and methodological study of socio-psychological work;

■ a psychological consultation center in the structure where the practical psychologist performs his functions;

■ rooms for psychological relaxation; c) the presence of an educational and methodological fund of socio-psychological work in the library, at work places, for the personal use of clients.

Determining the real socio-legal, organizational and material security of the professional activity of a practical psychologist involves checking:

a) the presence of an office, a safe for storing documents, accounting and reporting documentation;

b) availability and correctness of accounting and reporting basic documentation, including:

■ work plans of a practical psychologist (perspective, monthly and professional development);

■ results of psychodiagnostics, acts (maps) of examination and drawing up psychological portraits of clients;

■ monthly references-reports on the work done and others Required documents;

■ operational information messages about the state of affairs, problems, etc.;

■ a system of interaction with officials on the organization of socio-psychological work;

■ teaching materials and developments for psychological education and counseling.

Job descriptions taking into account professional standards 2016-2017

Sample job description for psychologist social sphere

A sample job description is drawn up taking into account the professional standard Psychologist in the social sphere

1. General Provisions

1.1. A psychologist in the social sphere belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person is accepted for the position of a psychologist in the social sphere:

1) having higher education in the profile of professional activity;

2) who has completed training under professional development programs;

3) having experience in practical or volunteer work close to this species activities for at least 2 years.

1.3. A person who does not have or has not had a criminal record for crimes, the composition and types of which are established by law, is allowed to work, specified in clause 1.2 of this instruction Russian Federation.

1.4. A social psychologist should know:

1) social psychology, psychology of small groups (types, relationships in small groups, pressure in the group), psychology of the masses, methodology of individual consultations and trainings (specifics, types, duration, etc.);

2) team work methodology;

3) management psychology, organizational psychology;

4) regulations for interdepartmental interaction and rules for the exchange of professional information between specialists from different departments;

5) team work technology, organization of activities of specialists from different departments;

6) methods of activating social, psychological and other resources for the preparation of interdepartmental teams;

7) techniques for effective communication with specialists;

8) conflictology (types of conflicts, methods of resolution, etc.);

9) conflict resolution technology;

10) psychology of crisis conditions (concepts, approaches, factors, methods and methods of work), riskology, psychology of extreme situations, psychology of grief, loss, loss;

11) the psychology of crisis states, the consequences of experienced crisis situations, their manifestations in behavior;

12) family psychology (structure, functions, stages, problems of intra-family relations), methods of family counseling, family crises;

13) problems of socialization, social adaptation, characteristics of the social environment;

14) technologies, methods and forms of rendering psychological help with violations of socialization;

15) problems of socialization at different stages of a child's development, violations of socialization (disadaptation, deprivation);

16) modern directions of the youth movement (types of youth groups, their interests, activities and ways of spending free time);

17) domestic and foreign social psychology (modern trends, current problems, methods of work);

18) psychology of extreme situations (approaches, problems, types of assistance, consequences);

19) psychology of dependence, addictions, deviantology;

20) age-related features of personality development in different periods of life;

21) features of personality development in an unfavorable social situation;

22) a typology of problems of citizens of different etiologies (social, socio-medical, socio-legal, pedagogical, etc.);

23) infrastructure municipality, local community resources to support individuals and social groups;

24) basics of psychological counseling (types, forms, methods);

25) the basics of organizing and conducting psychological training (methodology, conduct, results, consequences);

26) methods and techniques of general and social psychology;

27) methodology for conducting trainings;

28) developmental psychology (characterization of age periods of development, developmental features, developmental disorders, etc.), gerontology, pedagogical psychology;

29) psychology of education and pedagogy;

30) goals, objectives and functions of social organizations;

31) a typology of social groups in need of assistance (social, socio-psychological, socio-legal, etc.);

32) psychology of refugees, migrants, outcasts;

33) technology of work with different social groups;

34) organizational psychology (conceptual approaches, features, types, etc.);

35) basic principles, types, strategies and tactics of negotiating;

36) the main theories of providing psychological assistance to the personnel of organizations (management, organization, selection, etc.);

37) requirements for document flow in the field of personnel management, interdepartmental interaction, provision of services in the social sphere;

38) the legislation of the Russian Federation and international documents in the field of protection of children's rights;

39) features of adaptation of orphans and children in foster families;

40) the psychology of grief, loss, loss and manifestations in the behavior of children and adults of experienced traumas;

41) the psychology of education (family education, institutional education), the roles and functions of parents;

42) national and regional features of life and family education (folk traditions, ethno-cultural and confessional features of education);

43) tasks solved by specific bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

44) national and regional features of life and family education (folk traditions, ethno-cultural and confessional features of education);

45) problems of socialization, social adaptation and maladjustment, characteristics of the social environment;

46) the basics of prevention of asocial phenomena in society;

47) methods and technology for modern risk management;

48) methods for developing programs for preventive and psycho-corrective work;

49) the basics of drawing up an individual program for the provision of psychological services;

50) basics of forecasting and design in social psychology;

51) modern standard requirements for documentation, frequency, quality and conditions for the provision of services in psychology;

52) requirements for confidentiality of information, storage and handling of personal personal data;

53) fundamentals of safety of human activity and the environment;

54) principles, methods, technologies for monitoring social phenomena;

55) document management;

56) Internal labor regulations;

57) labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;

58) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.5. A psychologist in the social sphere should be able to:

1) select effective forms and methods of psychological training of specialists of the interdepartmental team in accordance with the tasks set;

2) to carry out psychological training of specialists of the interdepartmental team, taking into account their level of qualification;

3) develop training programs for specialists from interdepartmental teams to provide psychological assistance to organizations;

4) advise individual specialists on work in an interdepartmental team;

5) maintain documentation and official correspondence;

6) use modern technologies work with information, databases and other information systems to address issues of organization and work of interdepartmental teams providing psychological assistance in the social sphere;

7) assess the risks and factors of social and psychological tension;

8) organize the work of a group of specialists to provide psychological assistance to the population in need of it based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population, in order to reduce social and psychological tension;

9) develop materials based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population and present them in Internet forums and the media;

10) to argue your position;

11) carry out preventive work to reduce social and psychological tension, taking into account the monitoring data of psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

12) conduct individual and group counseling on the problems of reducing tension found in the analysis of the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

13) interact with different individuals and groups on issues of psychological assistance to clients;

14) organize psychological support for clients in need of psychological assistance;

15) provide psychological support to clients to get out of difficult life situations;

17) to have a psychological impact on the social environment of clients within the framework of professional ethical standards;

18) justify the use of specific psychological technologies to overcome the difficulties of socialization by clients;

19) conduct psychological educational activities among the population;

20) interact with other employees, bodies and organizations of the social sphere on issues of support for persons in difficult life situations;

21) develop programs individual work with clients, taking into account specific professional tasks;

22) develop programs for group work on psychological support for clients;

23) develop programs for the provision of psychological assistance to members of social groups who find themselves in a difficult life situation, with the participation of specialists on an interdepartmental basis;

24) to enter into contact and develop constructive relationships with various socially vulnerable groups of the population;

25) develop programs and conduct psychological examination of clients;

26) analyze the results obtained in a psychological examination, identify the degree of reliability of the information received, draw up a psychological conclusion;

27) adapt and apply foreign experience in providing psychological assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population;

28) develop individual and group programs for the provision of psychological assistance to clients;

29) conduct psychological classes and trainings for heterogeneous groups of clients;

30) apply different types and methods of individual, group psychological counseling in accordance with the age, gender and characteristics of the life situation of clients;

31) create a team and work in a team to provide psychological assistance to clients;

33) resolve conflicts and contradictions in the work of providing psychological assistance to clients;

34) conduct a psychological examination of the social environment of representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population within the framework of professional ethical standards, human rights;

35) analyze applications and appeals of bodies and organizations of the social sphere for receiving psychological services;

36) conduct psychological analysis and evaluation of the performance of clients in accordance with the standards and regulations in the social sphere;

37) negotiate with representatives of bodies and organizations of the social sphere on the implementation of their appeals and applications;

38) draw up contracts and other documentation for the provision of psychological services in the social sphere;

39) work with information networks, to search for new information on the profile of activity;

40) put into practice the methods of adult education, individual and group work for psychological assistance and increase the effectiveness of clients' professional activities;

41) evaluate the effectiveness of providing psychological assistance to clients;

42) critically evaluate feedback from recipients of psychological services, psychological education in the social sphere;

44) communicate and interact with children and teenagers different ages;

45) conduct psychological testing of candidates for foster parents;

46) ensure verification of information received from candidates for substitute parents;

47) determine the psychological safety for the child of the environment in the substitute family and its environment;

48) develop programs of psychological trainings, business and role playing taking into account the specific tasks of training clients;

49) apply active psychological methods training, including conducting psychological trainings, business and role-playing games;

50) adapt and apply foreign experience in psychological work with foster families in the practice of their own activities;

51) apply different types and forms of counseling in accordance with the problems of clients;

52) use modern technologies for working with information, databases and other information systems to resolve issues of providing psychological assistance to clients;

53) analyze the appeals and requests of the population, bodies and organizations of the social sphere to adjust the programs of psychological education;

54) develop and coordinate regulations with bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

55) use the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the environment when developing a plan for psychological education and conducting informational consultations;

56) select and develop tools for assessing the effectiveness of work on psychological education and the possibilities of providing psychological services;

57) use different forms and methods of psychological education, including active methods(games, exercises, trainings);

58) competently, accessible to any segment of the population to present information about psychological services;

59) create visual materials for psychological education;

60) overcome communication, educational, ethnic, confessional and other barriers in the conduct of psychological education;

61) organize interaction between specialists in carrying out preventive and psycho-corrective work;

62) analyze and summarize data on the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population, identify the risks of its violation;

63) identify problems of the psychological health of the population that require psycho-correctional work;

64) use the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment to develop programs for preventive and psycho-corrective work;

65) select and develop tools for preventive and psycho-corrective work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

66) to carry out various types of psychological counseling of the population on issues of psychological health;

67) develop programs and conduct public surveys on mental health issues;

68) determine the sources of the necessary information, search for it and apply it to improve activities in the field of implementation of preventive and psycho-corrective work with the population;

69) maintain documentation, official correspondence in accordance with the requirements for documents in the social sphere;

70) develop new forms and methods of providing psychological assistance to clients;

71) evaluate the effectiveness of psychological education without violating ethical standards and human rights;

72) own the technologies of working with information networks, the main software necessary for monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

73) store and process personal data of clients;

74) conduct office work and official correspondence;

75) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.6. A psychologist in the social sphere in his work is guided by:

1) ……… (name of constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.7. A psychologist in the social sphere reports directly to ……… (title of the position of the head)

1.8. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organization and provision of psychological services to people of different ages and social groups:

1) preparation of interdepartmental teams to provide psychological assistance to social groups and individuals(to clients);

2) organization of monitoring of psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

3) providing psychological assistance to social groups and individuals (clients) who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

4) organization of psychological support and psychological assistance to representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population (clients);

5) provision of psychological assistance to employees of bodies and organizations of the social sphere (clients);

6) psychological support for the processes associated with the education and activities of foster families (clients);

7) organization of work to create a system of psychological education of the population, employees of bodies and organizations of the social sphere;

8) development and implementation of programs of preventive and psycho-corrective work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population.

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The Social Psychologist has the following responsibilities:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 1 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) identifies problems of an interdepartmental nature in the social sphere, prepares proposals for the formation of a team of specialists in various fields to provide comprehensive psychological assistance to clients;

2) develops, together with specialists of a different profile, programs of interdepartmental interaction;

3) train specialists of the interdepartmental team;

4) provides psychological training for specialists of the interdepartmental team;

5) conducts a psychological assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of specialists of the interdepartmental team;

6) advises specialists of the interdepartmental team on the provision of psychological assistance to clients;

7) keeps records of the results of work.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 2 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develop programs for monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

2) determines the psychological criteria for the conformity of the living environment of the population with the needs and capabilities of people;

3) monitors the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population and analyzes the data obtained;

4) identifies and evaluates psychological risks, factors of social and psychological tension;

5) generalizes the received data and develops on their basis psychological recommendations for minimizing negative phenomena;

6) prepares reports and publications for the mass media (hereinafter - the media) based on the monitoring results;

7) evaluates the effectiveness of the work carried out based on the results of monitoring the psychological safety and comfort of the living environment of the population;

8) keeps records of the work performed.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 3 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops individual programs for psychological support of clients, including using resources from various sources;

2) creates a team and conducts programs to activate the personal resources of clients, including on an interdepartmental basis;

3) conducts group and individual counseling of clients;

4) conducts psychological trainings to form and develop in clients the qualities necessary for independent living and socialization;

5) assists in creating a socio-psychological supporting environment in the environment of clients;

6) develop programs for the use of resources social networks for the purpose of psychological support of clients;

7) involves the social environment of clients in their psychological support and creates special pages, blogs, groups in social networks;

8) performs work on psychological education and attracting the attention of the population to the problems of clients.

3.1.4. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 4 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out primary verification and analysis of documents indicating the presence of problems of clients (protocols, acts of social services, police), reveals information that requires additional verification;

2) requests the necessary information from other specialists ( social workers, teachers, specialists of guardianship and guardianship bodies);

3) selects a set of psychological techniques, plans and conducts a survey of clients;

4) generalizes the results of psychological examination, evaluates the psychological needs, risks and resources of clients, reveals the psychological characteristics of their social environment and living conditions;

5) reveals typical psychological problems of different social groups of clients;

6) develops "road maps" together with other specialists and clients in order to determine life goals and objectives at specific stages of socialization, the formation of norms social behavior, including in a multicultural environment;

7) develops programs for psychological assistance to clients, including with the involvement of resources from various sources;

8) provides individual or group counseling to clients on the psychological problems identified in them in order to level the influence of an unfavorable environment, help in socialization and adaptation to living conditions;

9) conducts conversations (lectures) aimed at educating clients;

10) interacts with the social environment of clients in order to organize psychological support and assistance in solving their life problems;

11) prepares materials on the provision of psychological assistance to clients and presents them in Internet forums and the media;

12) keeps records of identified socially vulnerable groups of the population and types of psychological assistance provided.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 5 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out the development of plans, the coordination of forms and conditions for the provision of psychological assistance to clients;

2) provides individual psychological assistance to clients;

3) conducts trainings for clients in order to increase the efficiency of their work (trainings for team building, group cohesion, etc.);

4) conducts psychological training aimed at expanding and strengthening the internal resources of clients;

5) advises clients on the psychological aspects of choosing and supporting a career, recruitment, selection and placement of personnel, certification, work with a personnel reserve;

6) improves the qualifications of clients on the psychology of social work;

7) conducts classes with clients on management issues, effective organization of labor, advanced training;

8) create an information resource on the psychology of the social sphere and use its content in the activities of providing psychological assistance to clients.

3.1.6. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 6 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carry out a psychological examination (testing) of candidates and prepare a psychological opinion on their ability to become substitute parents;

2) draws up programs for psychological assistance to clients, taking into account the national, ethno-cultural, confessional characteristics of foster parents and children transferred to families;

3) develops programs and conducts group and individual psychological sessions for clients (trainings, discussions, analysis of situations, role-playing and business games, etc.);

4) advises clients on the psychological problems of the functioning of foster families;

5) prepares children for placement in a substitute family;

6) advises children on psychological problems in foster families;

7) keep records of data on the psychological assistance provided.

3.1.7. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 7 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) develops a plan for the psychological education of the population, employees of bodies and organizations in the social sphere;

2) bring to the attention of state and municipal authorities, organizations of the social sphere information on the list of psychological services and the possibility of obtaining them;

4) organizes volunteer projects and programs aimed at increasing motivation in receiving psychological assistance;

5) prepares information for the media on psychological services in the social sphere (videos, broadcasts on television and radio channels, etc.);

6) conducts group and individual informational consultations on the possibility of receiving psychological services;

7) involve in psychological education citizens who have successfully completed psychological assistance programs;

8) generalizes and evaluates the results of work on psychological education in order to form recommendations for its improvement;

9) keeps records of the work performed.

3.1.8. As part of the labor function specified in paragraphs. 8 clause 2.1 of this job description:

1) carries out diagnostics of the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population living in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality;

2) carries out the generalization of information about risks and the formation of a forecast of possible trouble in the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population living in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipality;

3) develops and implements, together with other specialists, programs of preventive and psycho-corrective work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

4) advises the population on psychological health issues;

5) evaluates the effectiveness of programs of preventive and psycho-corrective work aimed at improving the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population;

6) prepares materials on the state and dynamics of the psychological health of the population and presents them in Internet forums and the media;

7) keeps records of the work performed.

3.1.9. As part of the implementation of their labor functions carries out the instructions of his immediate supervisor.

3.1.10. ……… (other duties)

3.2. In the performance of his duties, a psychologist in the social sphere:

1) ensures the confidentiality of information about the client obtained as a result of activities;

2) complies with the requirements of professional ethics.

3.3. ……… (other job descriptions)

4. Rights

A psychologist in the social sphere has the right to:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Ask the immediate supervisor for clarifications and clarifications on these instructions, issued assignments.

4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information, documents necessary for the execution of the assignment.

4.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with documents defining his rights and obligations in his position, criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.5. Submit proposals on the organization of labor within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

4.6. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.7. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. A psychologist in the social sphere is held accountable for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, accounting legislation;

Offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "Psychologist in the Social Sphere", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated 11/18/2013 N 682n, taking into account ...... ... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing employment contract). The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signed on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the job description familiarization journal); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions)

Job description of a psychologist developed taking into account the scope of his professional employment. Such specialists can work both in medical and educational institutions, and in other organizations, therefore, in the article we will discuss the standard form psychologist job description, on the basis of which it is possible to develop relevant job descriptions for individual organizations / institutions.

About the job description for a psychologist

The job description (hereinafter - DI) of a psychologist is a local document developed taking into account current legislation and specifics of a particular institution. As a rule, employees of personnel and legal services/departments are engaged in its development.

The structure of the CI of such a specialist assumes the presence of 4 sections in it:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Duties.
  3. The rights.
  4. Responsibility.

General provisions

The first section of the CI contains requirements for the level of education of a specialist, his work experience, qualifications, as well as the skills that an applicant for this position must possess.

Don't know your rights?

About education, for example, it is said that regardless of the category of specialist and the presence / absence of psychological experience, it must be the highest professional without fail.

In addition, the first section of the instructions contains information regarding such points as:

  • appointment to the position and dismissal from it (by whom);
  • subordination;
  • salary;
  • the possibility of replacing a specialist during his absence for good reasons.

Also in " General Provisions It talks about what knowledge a psychologist should have and what documents he should be guided by in his work.

Job responsibilities of a psychologist

The duties of a specialist are discussed in the second section of the job description. These usually include:

  • study of the influence of various factors of psychological, economic, organizational plan for the work of employees of the institution, in order to develop the necessary measures aimed at improving working conditions and improving the efficiency of their work;
  • participation in experiments aimed at revealing facts related to working conditions and affecting the psyche of employees;
  • analysis production processes and their impact on the psychological state of workers;
  • definition and solution, together with other specialists, of tasks aimed at social development institutions;
  • development professional programs and analysis of the psychological characteristics of positions / professions in an institution / organization to determine the impact of the working environment on employees and the level of their neuropsychic stress;
  • development of recommendations for optimization professional opportunities working with the prospect of their further development;
  • participation in activities aimed at adapting young employees of various professions to existing production conditions;
  • identification of problems associated with staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, low labor efficiency, etc., and search for ways to resolve them;
  • assisting the employer in matters relating to the selection of personnel and their subsequent placement in accordance with the requirements for the organization of production and management of the latter;
  • participation in activities related to the design of systems aimed at rationalizing workplaces, optimal organization of working time and the labor process as a whole, taking into account the existing requirements of ergonomics and psychological factors;
  • consultations with managers and employees personnel services and other employees in order to resolve issues related to problems of a socio-psychological nature;
  • fulfillment of orders of higher management, taking into account the order of subordination existing in the institution, etc.

On the rights of a psychologist

The third section of the instructions refers to the rights vested in this specialist. These usually include:

  • the right to get acquainted with the draft orders / directives / decisions of the employer regarding issues related to the work of a psychologist;
  • the right to make proposals aimed at improving their functional duties specified in the JI;
  • the right to hire specialists structural divisions within their powers (or with the permission of the employer) in order to improve the efficiency of their own activities;
  • the right to a personal request (or a request by order of the management) from the heads of structural divisions of information, documents, information necessary for the full implementation of activities;
  • the right to demand from the employer assistance in creating necessary conditions for the proper implementation of the provisions set out in the JI and work with staff / employees (for example, in matters of ensuring necessary equipment, diagnostic materials and educational aids);
  • the right, within its competence, to bring to the attention of the immediate supervisor information about existing shortcomings in the work of the institution / organization and propose measures to eliminate them;
  • the right to improve their skills by undergoing retraining, attending courses, etc.

The specialist is granted other rights that do not contradict the current labor legislation. It should also be remembered that the psychologist has the right to refuse to perform duties that are not provided for by the instructions.

The responsibility of a psychologist

As in any other, in the psychologist's DI there is a section on the responsibility of the specialist. This may result from:

  • default or improper performance the duties provided for by this instruction (in this case we are talking about disciplinary liability within the limits determined by labor legislation);
  • assumptions of violations in psychological conclusions, the inadequacy of the diagnostic and corrective methods used, the groundlessness of the recommendations given;
  • violation of the procedure for registration and storage of protocols of examinations and other documentation;
  • causing harm of a material nature (in this case, liability is determined by civil law and labor law);
  • violation of the requirements regarding the preservation of information that is confidential, or the disclosure of trade secrets.
  • offenses committed in the course of activities (within the limits determined by civil, administrative, criminal legislation).

In conclusion, we remind you that the DI of a psychologist is drawn up in 2 copies, and the applicant for this position should be familiarized with it even before signing an employment contract with him. As for the standard sample of the DI psychologist, you can download it on our website.

Not every person knows the duties of a psychologist. Many have a hard time imagining what this specialist does. If you believe the movies, it seems that the main function of a psychologist is to listen to the sentimental stories of clients for hours and do nothing else. But is it really so? How far is the movie picture from everyday reality? Let's find out.

Description of work

The profession of a psychologist involves working with people, helping them in difficult and atypical situations. The specifics will depend on the specific place of work. For example, there are specialists who help employees adapt to a new team. Some provide assistance in choosing a profession. There are also those who prefer to fulfill the duties of a psychologist at school.

Depending on the direction chosen, the specifics will vary. It should be understood that we are talking about an applied profession in which a lot is learned in practice. That is why there are no universal specialists who are ready to fulfill the duties of a psychologist in absolutely any situation. On the contrary, one should stay away from such people, giving preference to those who have narrow specialization.


Relatively recently, the vacancy of a psychologist was considered a rarity. As a rule, such specialists were hired by educational and health care institutions. However, in recent years, the profession has become more in demand.

Which institutions are hiring qualified psychologists? They are required in such organizations:

  • Training centers.
  • Social and sports institutions.
  • Commercial companies.
  • Career guidance centers and even labor exchanges.

In addition, among psychologists there are many who are engaged in private practice, accepting clients on an individual basis and receiving payment for their services directly from them, and not from the employer.


Any profession involves a certain list of requirements for a specialist. For example, a psychologist in the personnel department should be familiar with the procedure for appraising employees. A specialist in the field of sports activities is obliged to understand its nuances.

If we talk about formal requirements, then there are few of them:

  • Higher education by specialty.
  • Experience in the chosen field. For example, if a specialist plans to take on the duties of a psychologist in a school, it is desirable that he has experience working in children's educational institutions. The same applies to other areas of activity.

School psychologist

Among the representatives of the profession there are certainly those who prefer to connect their lives with the school. Many educational institutions have this vacancy, but not all parents know why it was created. Let's look into this issue.

If earlier they tried to bring up difficult children by traditional methods that did not bring results, now a specialist acting as a teacher-psychologist is attracted to solve this problem.

However, there are many erroneous opinions about what a specialist does. Someone believes that a psychologist is a doctor, so only sick people turn to him. Someone is sure that this is a teacher or educator who must give instructions and re-educate the child in accordance with the wishes of adults.

However, it is not. Healthy people turn to a psychologist. If parents are concerned about the physical condition of the student, they will most likely have to undergo a medical examination. After that, it is already possible to talk about the presence or absence of psychological diseases. If available, further correction methods are selected. The task of this specialist is to temporarily become a kind of friend and assistant for the student in solving problems.

The duties of a child psychologist do not include the need to educate a child. He should not impose on the child the stereotypes inherent in adults, and force him to behave in full accordance with their expectations. Its purpose is to help the child overcome the problems that have arisen.

Duties of a psychologist

Depending on the specific specialization, the functions assigned to this specialist may differ. That is, the psychologist does not have to simultaneously perform all the duties of the following:

  • The holding of trainings. This is a short-term training aimed at developing certain skills or overcoming complexes. For example, training can be aimed at combating excessive shyness, developing communication skills, etc.
  • Individual consultations. As a rule, clients turn to a psychologist when they find themselves in difficult or critical situations.
  • Compilation of psychological characteristics. In this case, a specialist, using various professional methods, evaluates the qualities of a person. This may be relevant when hiring employees to work in some organizations.
  • Development and education of children. A psychologist can observe their development, identify problems, conduct educational games, etc. In addition, it is possible to conduct consultations not only with pupils, but also with their parents.
  • Making report. which include this paragraph, should not neglect its implementation.
  • Working with the workforce. The task of a specialist may be to adapt new employees, prevent conflicts in the team and establish friendly relations among its members.

Knowing the job responsibilities of a psychologist, it is easy to guess that this specialist has to perform many tasks that require appropriate skills. That is why this profession is chosen by people with a certain temperament and developed empathy. It's hard to help without the gift of empathy.

Rights of a psychologist

Both duties and other rules relating to the profession must certainly be fixed in the relevant official documents. When applying for a position, a specialist should familiarize himself with them.

Rights that a psychologist has:

  • Acquaintance with the decisions of the management concerning its activities.
  • Submission of proposals.
  • Requesting documents necessary for the performance of official activities.
  • Engaging employees to participate in activities that increase productivity.

How to master a profession

The issue of choosing a profession at all times remains relevant for young people. Among yesterday's schoolchildren, there are certainly those who plan to become a psychologist in the future.

To do this, you need to finish educational institution in the relevant specialty. In addition, the student will have to decide on a specialization. For example, you can become a child psychologist.

It is curious that real specialists often become not due to education, but to their own life experience. For example, a mother who has raised three children herself can become a child psychologist and cope with this work much more successfully than her peers with a diploma, but without practical experience. However, in Russia much attention is paid to formalities, so it is extremely difficult to get the desired vacancy without an appropriate diploma.


When choosing a profession, you need to know in advance what to expect from it. Let's start with the benefits:

  • Useful knowledge. Even if you do not get a job as a psychologist, the knowledge gained can be used in Everyday life or in another profession, such as human resources management.
  • Demand. On the this moment the doors of many institutions are open to potential psychologists. Entering the institute to study the basics and subtleties of this profession, you can not be afraid to remain an unclaimed specialist.
  • Pleasure. Often, the profession of a psychologist is chosen by those who like to help other people. As a result, they receive moral satisfaction from the performance of their own duties.


No profession can do without them. The psychologist is no exception. This profession has the following disadvantages:

  • High levels of stress. You need to understand that clients often contact us when they find themselves in critical situations. The psychologist has to constantly come into contact with other people's experiences. That is why you need to be able to abstract from them. Otherwise, the specialist himself will be in a constant state of stress.
  • Low salary. Perhaps the profession of a psychologist is one of the most underestimated at the moment. However, those who chose it often have to put up with low wages. That is why some professionals prefer to engage in private practice.


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