The contract for the provision of advertising services in the newspaper. The contract for the placement of advertising in the newspaper. Contract for the provision of advertising on the Internet

Society with limited liability Publishing house "Gramota" invites an indefinite circle of persons to conclude this agreement on the paid publication of printed materials in the periodicals "Almanac modern science and education", "Pedagogy. Questions of theory and practice", "Philological sciences. Issues of theory and practice", "Manuscript" (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) on the following conditions:

1. Concepts used in the Agreement

author- the direct creator of the Article.
Edition- any of the periodicals: "Almanac of modern science and education"; "Pedagogy. Questions of theory and practice"; "Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice"; "Manuscript" specified by the Customer in the Application for the publication of the Article.
Act– a document confirming the provision of Publishing Services by the Publisher to the Customer.
Customer- The Author of the Article, paying for the Publishing Services, or any third party, providing, in agreement with the Author, the Article of this Author to the Publisher for publication and paying for the Publishing Services.
Application– the Customer's request to the Publisher about the possibility of publishing the Article includes: the actual text of the Article, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Publisher; information about the authors of the article; supporting documents.
Publisher– LLC Publishing House "Gramota", which is the founder and publisher of the Edition.
Publishing Services– publication for a fee of the Article by the Publisher in the Publication, including the preparation of the Article for publication, review, provision of copies of the Publication and their delivery for a fee according to the Customer's Application.
Article– any printed material sent for publication in the Publication.

2. Rights and obligations of the Customer and the Publisher

2.1. The customer is obliged:
2.1.1. Properly fill out an Application for the provision of Publishing Services in accordance with the requirements specified on the Publisher's website.
2.1.2. Provide the Publisher with its own details for issuing an invoice for payment for Publishing Services (if the Customer is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur).
2.1.3. Pay for the Publishing Services in the manner prescribed by the Agreement.
2.1.4. Sign the Certificate provided by the Publisher and send one copy of the Certificate to the Publisher.
2.1.5. Observe ethical principles, which should guide the author of scientific publications posted on the Publisher's website.
2.2. The Customer has the right to send a reasoned claim to the Publisher regarding the quality of the Publishing Services provided by the Publisher within 1 (one) calendar month from the date of publication of the Article in the Publication.

2.3. The publisher must:
2.3.1. Send to the customer via Email or facsimile a completed payment document or invoice (for Customers - legal entities And individual entrepreneurs) to pay for Publishing Services.
2.3.2. After receipt of the full payment for the cost of Publishing Services, publish the Article in the next emerging issue of the Edition, which will correspond to the subject of the Article to be published, or the number of the Edition chosen by the Customer in agreement with the Publisher.
2.3.3. In accordance with the Customer's Application, send to the postal address indicated by the Customer in the Application, the Edition number (or part of it, if the Edition number consists of several parts) containing the published Article of the Author, no later than 1 (one) calendar month from the date of publication of the relevant Article.
2.3.4. Fix it yourself and at your own expense own funds Deficiencies in the quality of the Publishing Services indicated in the reasoned claim of the Customer.

2.4. The publisher has the right:
2.4.1. Carry out independent literary editing of the Article, which does not change its fundamental provisions, or review the Article and invite the Customer or its Author to make the necessary changes, while the publication of the Article by the Publisher will be made only after the necessary changes have been made.
2.4.2. Refuse to the Customer in the publication of the Article and in unilateral judicial order terminate the Agreement in the following cases:
1) The article does not correspond to the subject of the Edition or any part of it;
2) if there is a recommendation from the reviewer to reject this Article;
3) Articles of this Customer were previously rejected for any reason;
4) if the Customer has a debt to the Publisher for previously rendered Publishing Services;
5) the design of the Article does not meet the requirements of the Publisher, published on the Publisher's website;
6) The article cannot be published due to the ban on the publication of the information contained in it, established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation;
7) if the Customer fails to comply with the obligations under the Agreement.
2.4.3. Independently determine the circulation of the Publication in which the Article will be published, as well as reprint such circulation in the amount required by the Publisher.

3. Cost and payment procedure

3.1. The cost of Publishing Services is determined by the Publisher independently according to the rates applicable to the Publisher at the time of sending the payment document or invoicing.
3.2. The cost of Publishing Services is determined by the Publisher in the payment document or invoice. The cost of Publishing Services specified in a specific payment document or invoice is final and cannot be changed.
3.3. Payment for Publishing Services is carried out by the Customer by transferring the full amount of money specified by the Publisher in the payment document or invoice to the Publisher's settlement account.

4. Special conditions

4.1. The Customer warrants to the Publisher that the Author of the Article has exclusive copyrights to the Article; The article, the rights to use which are transferred to the Publisher under the Agreement, is an original work of the Author; The article has not previously been published in other printed and electronic publications; publication of the Article in the Publication will not violate anyone's copyright or property rights transferred by the Author of the Article under the author's agreement in relation to the published Article; The article contains all the references to the cited authors and (or) publications provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the results and facts used in the Article, obtained by other authors and (or) organizations; The article does not contain information constituting the state or trade secret; there are no restrictions (prohibitions) on its publication in relation to the Article.
4.2. The Customer is responsible for the content of published materials.
4.3. If there are grounds, the Publisher has the right to withdraw the article from publication (retraction) in accordance with the procedure published on the Publisher's website. Payment for the publication of retracted articles is non-refundable.
4.4. If the Customer incurs any losses to the Publisher in connection with the execution of the Agreement, the Publisher has the right to demand from the Customer (if the latter is at fault in such losses) compensation for the corresponding losses.
4.5. Under the Agreement, the Author grants the Publisher free of charge non-exclusive rights (non-exclusive license) to use the Article for the entire duration of the Author's exclusive right within the limits stipulated by the Agreement, including:
1) the right to reproduce the Article (publication, promulgation, duplication, replication or other reproduction) without limiting the circulation of copies. Moreover, each copy of the Article must contain the name of the Author;
2) the right to distribute the Article in any way (including on the Internet);
3) the right to revise the Article (create a new, creatively independent work on its basis, translate it into other languages) and the right to make changes to the Article that do not constitute its revision;
4) the right to public use of the Article and its demonstration for informational, advertising and other purposes;
5) the right to bring the Article to the public knowledge;
6) the right to assign on contractual terms partially or fully the rights received under the Agreement to third parties without paying the Author and other persons any remuneration.
4.6. The territory in which the use of rights to the Article is allowed is not limited.
4.7. If the Customer fails to fulfill its obligations to pay for the Publishing Services, the corresponding Article by the Publisher is not returned to the Customer, nor is it subject to use by the Publisher.

5. Other terms

5.1. This Agreement is public offer, the acceptance of which by the Customer, who is the Author of the Article, is carried out by sending the Application for the publication of the Article to the Publisher. If the Customer in the Agreement is a person who is not the Author of the Article, then the acceptance of the specified offer by such a Customer is carried out directly by signing the Agreement received from the Publisher, while the confirmation of the signing of the Agreement and acceptance of its terms by such a Customer will be the fact of payment of the Invoice issued by the Publisher.
5.2. The terms of the Agreement may be changed by the Publisher unilaterally. At the same time, the new terms of the Agreement cannot be applied to the relationship between the Publisher and the Customer in respect of Publishing Services that have already been paid for by the Customer.
5.3. The Agreement will be considered terminated if the Customer does not pay for the Publishing Services within 3 (three) months from the date of sending the payment document or invoicing.
5.4. The fulfillment by the Publisher of the obligation specified in clause 2.3.3 of the Agreement is carried out by means of a single sending of the Publication by mail to the address indicated by the Customer in the Application for the publication of the Article. At the same time, this obligation is considered fulfilled by the Publisher from the moment the Publication is transferred to the organization providing postal services. The Publisher is not responsible for the work of organizations providing postal services, and does not accept any claims regarding their activities related to the delivery of the Edition. If the Customer does not receive the Edition through no fault of the Publisher, the Publisher will resend the Edition returned to the Publisher's address for an additional fee according to the rates in force at the Publisher at the time of resending to the Customer. The period of storage of the Edition not received by the Customer and returned to the address of the Publisher is 6 months.
5.5. If the Customer does not exercise the right specified in clause 2.2 of the Agreement, the Publishing Services are considered accepted by the Customer in full without any claims regarding their quality and (or) the obligations of the Publisher under the Agreement, regardless of the signing of the Act by the Customer.
5.6. Relations between the Author of the Article and the Customer, who is not its direct Author, related to the order of Publishing Services in relation to such Article, are subject to regulation between them independently, without the participation of the Publisher.
5.7. The Customer is warned by the Publisher that the Publisher under the Agreement in relation to the published (placed) Article does not exercise any protection of the rights of the Author in the field of intellectual activity. The protection of the intellectual rights of the Author in relation to the published (placed) Article is carried out by the Author independently.
5.8. The Customer consents to the use of his contact e-mail address to receive information about the services of the Publisher. In this case, the Customer has the right to refuse to receive such information at any time.
5.9. In order to fulfill obligations under this Agreement and make settlements with Customers, the Publisher processes the personal data of the Authors specified by the Authors in the Application for the publication of the Article. By sending the Application for the publication of the Article to the Publisher, the Author agrees to the processing by the Publisher or third parties under an agreement with the Publisher of his personal data specified in the Application.
5.10. Liability for non-performance or improper performance of the terms of the Agreement are applied by the parties to the Agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement.
5.11. All disputes arising in the course of execution of the Agreement must be preliminarily considered by the Publisher, the Author and (or) the Customer in order to develop a mutually acceptable solution. The existence of a dispute between the Publisher, the Author and (or) the Customer is evidenced by the direction of a written claim. The term for consideration of the claim and response to it is set equal to 30 (thirty) calendar days. If, as a result of compliance with the claim procedure for the disputes that have arisen, mutual understanding is not found, then disputes and disagreements are subject to resolution in court at the location of the Publisher in accordance with current legislation RF.
5.12. The place of conclusion of the Agreement is the location of the Publisher.
5.13. In all other respects that are not provided for by the Agreement, the parties to the Agreement will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.14. The text of the Agreement, as well as other conditions on the basis of which the Publisher and the Customer fulfill their obligations under the Agreement, are published on the Publisher's website:

in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes to place the Customer's advertisement in the newspaper, according to the provided original layout. Ad module size.


2.1. The customer undertakes to pay the cost of advertising in the amount of rubles, VAT and special tax are taken into account.

2.3. The provider is not responsible for the content advertising materials provided by the Customer.

2.4. The Customer undertakes to pay the cost of the Contractor's services, in accordance with clause 2.1, within banking days from the date of signing the Agreement.

2.5. All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute that has arisen through negotiations, it is referred to the decision of the arbitration court.


Customer Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:

Executor Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account:

This is an agreement between the company and the customer for the provision of these services for certain remuneration i.e. on a reimbursable basis.

The contract must be drawn up taking into account the features of the provision of advertising:

  • On paper;
  • Television;
  • On the vehicles or shields;
  • In the newspapers, on the radio.
  • Advertising must be true;
  • Qualitatively compiled;
  • With observance of moral frameworks.

According to Article 780 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there is an obligation to personally fulfill the obligation to provide advertising services, but there is no personal trust relationship.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 780. Performance of a contract for the provision of services for a fee

Unless otherwise provided by the contract for the provision of services for compensation, the contractor is obliged to provide services personally.

Subject and parties of the agreement

An essential condition of the contract is the subject in the form of intangible services - validity and duration. Actions are the creation and dissemination of information regarding an object.

In the formation and signing of the document, several persons from both sides can act at once, in this case they will be considered joint and several debtors.

But the main participants in the process are the advertiser - a person for whom it is important to disseminate information about their products and the performer, it can be one or more persons.

What is considered an advertising service

  • Advertising through television and radio - broadcasting commercials or announcements on the radio at certain time intervals provides information to a large audience of listeners and viewers;
  • Distribution of information on the Internet on popular saigas;
  • Placement of posters on billboards in public places, shopping malls or along the roads;
  • Distribution of leaflets;
  • Holding promotions with the presentation and tasting of products in the places of its sale;
  • Corporate events, trade conferences and more.

Advertising market functions

It is a kind of intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer, creating the necessary balance of supply and demand.

  • An intermediary between the producer and the consumer, thanks to which each side receives satisfaction of its own needs;
  • Maintains a balance between supply and demand, eliminating possible disproportion;
  • Creates healthy competition between manufacturers, identifying the leaders of the economy;
  • Informs consumers about new products and technological discoveries;
  • It gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to expand the sales market, thereby increasing production capabilities.

Form of contract for the provision of paid services.

Advertising agency agreement

Important: such interaction is necessary to ensure the place and time of advertising to form the circle of the final consumer.

Who are its employees

Essential conditions

The essential terms of the contract are:

  • The subject of the contract is the provision of advertising services;
  • Parties to the transaction - you must specify the details and names of the parties;
  • Cost - indicates the total price, the periods of installment of payments or a single payment, the terms in which it is necessary to pay for the service;
  • Terms - the framework for the provision of services, it is important to indicate the date by which the service will be provided to the advertiser.

How to terminate the contract and draw up a notice of termination of the contract for the provision of services - find out

Contract for the provision of advertising on the Internet

  • Text or graphic images posted on the site;
  • In the form of pop-up windows;
  • As a separately opened resource.

Important: the most popular is banner advertising. In the process of concluding such an agreement, Special attention pay:

  • Banner that it will be text or graphic image, what form, size, place and position, on the start page, which is more predominant or on subsequent ones;

Important: it is better to indicate the location and size of the banner in pixels.

  • You can specify as the right of the customer to change the content of the banner several times during the period of cooperation;

Important: all this should be indicated in the contract itself, and not in the annex, since this will play into the process of litigation important role.

  • Specify the size in bytes of the entire banner file, as too large can increase page loading time and reduce resource traffic;
  • Separately, it is necessary to register the customer's right to access extended statistics of the website;
  • You should also indicate the cost, which can change unilaterally depending on the site traffic;
  • The responsibility of the parties in this case has an important role, since it can be removed from the contractor in case of interruption, delays, damage, due to defects in any electronics.

You can find out how to compose correctly by following the link.


This agreement is drawn up in a standard standard form for the provision of services on a reimbursable basis, however, depending on the type of advertising services and activities advertising agency it can be supplemented with certain points.

What are the grounds for liability in the field of advertising you can see here:

By signing an agreement for advertising in a newspaper, the performer undertakes to prepare and publish an advertisement in a printed publication, and the customer undertakes to provide comprehensive information about the advertised product and pay for the publication. Such cooperation is paid provision services and is regulated by articles 779-783 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to draw up a contract for advertising in a newspaper

Before signing the agreement, the customer must determine what exactly, in what way and to what extent he wants to advertise. A clearly formulated answer to these questions will be the subject of an agreement. To ensure that there are no disagreements between the advertiser and the performer regarding the characteristics advertising product, a list of definitions should be included in the text of the agreement on advertising in the newspaper. It is desirable to clarify the meaning of such terms: advertising, advertising and information material, advertising surface.

  • the type and quantity of advertising and information materials (including the size and other characteristics of the ad);
  • the term of the agreement, as well as the dates of placement of advertising messages;
  • rights and obligations of the customer and contractor;
  • the term for the provision and format of the report on the provision of services;
  • the cost of the work of the contractor and the procedure for calculating (you can also specify the frequency of changes in the price of the ad);
  • method of payment for services (through a bank, in cash);
  • the amount of the penalty and the cases in which it is charged (for example, a percentage of the cost of services for each calendar day of delay);
  • termination of the agreement unilaterally (list of conditions);
  • preferred ways to resolve conflicts;
  • legal addresses, details and signatures of both parties to the contract.

Important: advertising material placed in a printed publication must comply with the requirements of the law "On Advertising". The announcement must contain only truthful information about the product or service: about their cost, characteristics, benefits, public recognition, the amount of demand. If the advertiser provides the owner of the advertising space with false information, he will personally be responsible for this.

On this page you can download a legally competent sample agreement for advertising in a newspaper. Fill out the template and get a document that is right for your situation.

Free samples of claims, complaints, contracts, etc. site


in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes to place the Customer's advertisement in the newspaper, according to the provided original layout. Ad module size.


2.1. The customer undertakes to pay the cost of advertising in the amount of rubles, VAT and special tax are taken into account.

2.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the content of advertising materials provided by the Customer.

2.4. The Customer undertakes to pay the cost of the Contractor's services, in accordance with clause 2.1, within banking days from the date of signing the Agreement.

2.5. All disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute that has arisen through negotiations, it is referred to the decision of the arbitration court.


Customer Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account:


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