Ideas for a booking business. New business ideas from abroad. Investing your own funds

The tourism business has always brought good profit... However, it is now quite difficult to organize it due to the high competition. However, the types of tourism are constantly evolving, the main thing is not to miss an idea or come up with your own, original and unique.

People often want to visit some unusual places, therefore, one of the perceptive directions in the field of tourism is the organization of one-day excursions to cities, cultural, historical or industrial sites.

The easiest way to get busy tourism business Is to conclude an agency agreement with a large travel company and sell her tours. To do this, it is enough to rent a small place, for example, v mall , and put a table and chairs there for clients. This is especially true v small town where there are no large agencies.

Green tourism has become very popular. If you live in the village , in the forest zone, near the lake, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions and give good advertising... Many people are willing to pay money for the opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city. In general, given the ecological situation in the world, people increasingly prefer tourism related to ecology and healthy way life. That is why many people prefer cycling or sports tourism, which can be turned into an excellent and profitable business.

This type of activity cannot be called easy, therefore, probably, it is more suitable, however, there are many examples when women have done well in this field.

Read what other services in this area can be provided on this page.

Hotel marketing expert Sergey Skorbenko - how a small hotel can attract and retain a client

A small hotel on a business trip or on vacation is chosen not only on the basis of the location principle or on the basis of economic considerations; often the guest is attracted by privacy, “home” comfort, individual approach to the guest, which, as is commonly believed, are characteristic of mini-hotels. These strengths can form the basis of promotion and increase sales. How do I use them? Several recommendations from Sergey Skorbenko, director of DigitalWill agency, specializing in hotel internet marketing.

Sergey Skorbenko, general manager company DigitalWill, one of the leading Russian hotel business experts. The agency specializes in promoting hotels on the Internet and e-commerce for the hospitality industry. The company was founded in 2008, the number of clients at the moment is 104.

Make your website easier and more user-friendly

The acquaintance of a new client with a hotel usually begins with a website. It is important that a potential guest can quickly and easily find all the important information. Make it easy for him - simplify the home page, remove unnecessary internal pages, make contact information as visible as possible. On the main page, we also leave the current special offers, services, rooms.

The block layout of information is still considered the easiest, clearest and most convenient. It will also give the site mobility and dynamics: at any time you add or remove data, change images, bring to the fore the most relevant and "tasty".

When structuring information, follow the trend principle - fewer words, more pictures. And for filming it is worth hiring professional photographer: visualization is not the best item to save money.

Expand the ability to contact you quickly and "live" - ​​as practice shows, the Russian client to all modern ways reservations still prefer personal communication with the manager. Therefore, make the contact information end-to-end for all pages by placing them, for example, in the "header". And if you have not yet connected an online chat and a quick booking form, I highly recommend it: it is inexpensive, but it leads to real sales and really works.

Develop and update the site

A key mistake that we face all the time: Russian hoteliers do not consider it necessary to run a hotel website, or they do it irregularly and reluctantly. As a result, the image of the hotel on the network can differ sharply from its image in real life, and this is absolutely wrong. They must match. The site should be treated as an effective sales channel, so it should not be abandoned. Update information, highlight interesting promotions, refresh the home page, optimize it for better indexing by search engines.

A good website is informative not only for visitors. If you regularly and competently shoot and analyze meter readings, you can better understand the behavior and motivation of the audience on the site. What information the client was interested in, how much time he spent on the promo page, how quickly he went to the booking form or the contact page ... Let the clients themselves tell you what information you can refuse and what needs to be adjusted. Competent analytics will also allow you to customize advertising campaign taking into account the time, location and other fundamental indicators and will save your budget.

Build loyalty

The turnover of small hotels does not allow investing advertising budget into full-fledged seo traffic. In this case, you can refuse such a capital-intensive topic as classic seo-promotion. However, in the context of improving the position of the site in the search engine results, seo should not be crossed out.

To attract a new audience, I recommend that you regularly conduct a well-thought-out contextual campaign, bringing potential customers to the hotel's website, where you must try to keep it by all available means. By the way, it is important to keep it not only on the website - for a mini-hotel, repeat sales are of key importance. Therefore, we build our work on loyalty: we carefully maintain a customer base; tactfully, but persistently and regularly remind of ourselves through mailings and congratulations; Based on the interests of the client, we form unique special offers and talk about it.

Develop smart context

The main tool that will effectively work to attract customers is context, and you first need to set it up. In order to be noticed among the competition, a hotel must have a really attractive offer for popular searches.

When building a campaign, work with geo-targeting and maximum targeted queries from a narrow audience segment. For example, if a mini-hotel is located near a popular attraction (museum, theater, etc.), you can offer special conditions for those who intend to visit a certain cultural event... Another example: you can set selective targeting for newlyweds, which will be most effective in conjunction with special offers for lovers or for honeymoon travel. In other words, you need to know your audience. Then there will be no problem with ideas for original and really attractive proposals.

Create special offers

Attendance at recommendation and mapping services is a must for a mini-hotel. Yes, these medals are worth fighting for, and yes, you must be present on all major rating portals. This way the hotel does not just come to the attention of new customers - it increases the interest of those of them who are already one step away from making a reservation. In practice, of the total number of people interested in your hotel on, eighty percent will go to the hotel website. This is excellent traffic, which in the total flow of site visitors can be up to 90%. Next, you are faced with the task of retaining a potential client. One tool that works very well in this case is special offer for guests with

It is necessary for a small hotel to develop pages in social networks, but super-results can hardly be expected in this direction. Social media isn't always about sales, but it's always about reputation. Indeed, in Russian practice, there are only a few cases of successful sales through social accounts (but they are already appearing). And here are examples when active users of social networks shared their negative and positive reviews about the hotel - many thousands.

Create a page for your hotel so that customers, if they wish, can find this platform, where they can not only get information, but also speak up. Tell on the page about everything that happens at the hotel - show your openness, modernity and readiness for a personal dialogue with everyone. The main thing is to keep the page regularly, as vividly as possible and not to forget about the principle "inform, but do not advertise".

Show yourself on Instagram

The mission of the hotel in social networks is to show your boundless friendliness. For this, Instagram is just perfect. Each hotel has something to showcase and something to captivate. Dishes from the chef, original interiors, friendly staff, etc. The focus can only be on your inherent details and little things - unique and attractive. Promotion of a mini-hotel in this chain does not require huge labor costs and budgets - in most cases the owner or manager will perfectly cope with this task.

Adapt the site for tablets and smartphones

Try to think about the convenience of your customers. The latest statistical snapshots showed that the traffic that goes to hotel sites from smartphones practically did not grow in 2015. Whereas traffic from tablets increased by 30%. Tablets are gradually replacing laptops and desktop computers: many people outside the office prefer to watch pictures and choose hotels from a tablet. Is your site adapted for tablet screens?

Find your "chip"

And tell us about her! Not being like everyone else means being interesting to many. Around little things, details, "chips" you can build communication and, including an advertising campaign. It could be interesting location, nearby landmark, street name, any historical significance. It can be your unique idea embodied in the interior. So, in one hotel in St. Petersburg, I noticed silent cork floors - a great solution! And in the rooms there were books from Russian classics - another non-standard move. It's interesting, it's memorable.


Don't be afraid to try! Use the new items that hi-tech constantly throws up. At one time, panoramic photo tours of hotels and rooms looked original. Today - new opportunity: 360-degree video that allows the viewer to choose the angle of the shooting for an even better picture of everything. Be the first to try new products to show your willingness to be useful and interesting for the client.

Hello dear readers and all those who have just come to my site. This article is about business ideas that have always worked and will work. Below I will give many examples of business ideas, I will also give examples on myself, my friends and acquaintances. And after reading this article and all those that it will link to, I hope you will not have any questions about which business idea to choose for yourself. But I would also advise you to visit the pro section. So, let's begin.

Why did I decide to write this article?

Be sure to read this paragraph !!! There are several reasons:

1. Sites that you come across. If you tried to search for small business ideas on the Internet, then you know all these sites with business ideas that contain information about some unusual ideas, or I don't even know what to call them, see for yourself:

I apologize to the administrator of this site for citing him as an example. If this bothers you, I can remove the screen and screen any other site.

So there are a lot of such ideas on the sites and do you really think that such ideas will help you? I'm not saying that these sites are bad, they are all good in their own way and bring money to their creators, but such business ideas, especially in Russia, are practically not applicable. Some of them, of course, have a place to be, but the rest ...

2. Second, why are you trying to find an unusual business idea? Perhaps you wake up creative thinking, but after all, everything that brings money to people now is quite ordinary business ideas, but with some kind of unconventional implementation. Take a look around! Do you know at least a few or one person in your city who made money on fashionable furs from animals that died in an accident? I do not know. But I have many examples of people who made money by opening their store, providing services, etc. (and I’m no exception). And they all earned, earn and will earn while you search the Internet for unusual, mind-boggling ideas for small businesses. May be enough?

3. Reason number three is this: almost all business ideas come from ONE schema. You look for a people problem or need and think about how to solve this problem. Well, there is also a second scheme, which is different, but partially overlaps: an idea comes to your mind that others may like and you create an offer that should generate demand. BUT this model also works on needs. Indeed, in order to come up with this idea and start implementing it, you must initially keep the USP in your head, you must understand why your innovation is necessary, what problem it will solve, etc. And only if this problem is urgent and widespread, then it is possible to do business on it.

All of the above is my personal opinion and you can not share it. I do not urge you to agree with me, but it happened in my head because I make money without anyone there. unusual ideas and everyone around me also earns them.

Business ideas that have worked and will work

So let's get down to the point. In this article below I will give examples of business ideas that work 100%. I will not describe in detail the implementation processes, we can talk about them in the following articles, if you are interested.

What do I mean by eternal business ideas? This is what surrounds us and what there is always a need for. Yes, everything elementary is simple!

  1. People will always want to eat;
  2. People will always get sick;
  3. We all want to look beautiful;
  4. We all need security;
  5. We all need to dress and put on our shoes;
  6. All of us will always have cars breaking down and getting dirty;
  7. Everyone has electronics in apartments and houses, and they are also not eternal;
  8. We always need to live somewhere, so construction and repairs do not go far;
  9. We will always want to relax (entertainment industry);
  10. We will always travel;
  11. We will always celebrate weddings, corporate parties and other holidays;
  12. Stock and foreign exchange markets will always exist;
  13. Animals are our passion (for some);
  14. And many many others.

These are just a few examples of those areas that will always accompany us through life and it is in these areas of activity that you need to look. There are others as well, but you will add it yourself in the comments! Now let's go through each of them with examples!

Small Business Ideas in Service Sector

Services are the cheapest type of business to start, because you do not need to have space for warehouses and outlets and you do not need to purchase a product. You are simply providing services that you are well versed in. I even wrote an article on how to get started. In general, a whole section is devoted to this and it is called ""

Construction and renovation services

We will always live somewhere and the construction industry will flourish. If you have no money to open construction company and build skyscrapers or cottages, then you can assemble a team and build to order.

Repair services are generally varied and have high demand... You can:

  1. Make repairs in apartments and other premises;
  2. Install stretch ceilings(my friend who makes money from this);
  3. Floor repair(an article will be released soon from one of my clients, who deals with dry screed, adjustable floors, dismantling, etc. And there are more than enough orders!)
  4. Plumbing repair and electrical installation and locksmith work(there is also plenty of work, because not everyone can change the radiators, piping, etc.).
  5. Installation of windows, doors, cabinet furniture, etc. also an eternal business (my relatives still make cabinet furniture).
  6. Baths construction and decoration. We built a bathhouse this summer and this pleasure is not cheap, and the specialists are so busy that you have to get up in line;
  7. Welding works. I will return to the bathhouse and say that only the water tank and the stove cost us 35,000 rubles. and 2 welders made it to order for us. Nice money;
  8. Drilling of wells for water is now actively in demand;
  9. There are many more services that can be provided in this area. If you missed something from the obvious, add it in the comments.

Car repair and maintenance services and transport services

Many of us have cars and whatever one may say, they will always require repairs, washing and other maintenance. Well, those who do not have cars or other transport will always feel the need to move. I will also give examples of business ideas and earnings:

  1. Car repair. You can open a repair shop in your garage or rent a larger space. This is a fairly lucrative business and here the issue of competition is decided by skill. If you have good masters, or you are a master yourself, then you will not end up with clients. A friend of mine is doing repairs in his garage, so the line is lining up for him!
  2. Repair of individual parts of the car. For example, seat upholstery (one of my readers wrote to me that he is engaged in such a business in his garage), painting and body repair (my uncle removes 2 boxes and is engaged in body repair and painting), electronics repair, installation of alarms, gas equipment, sound, etc. All this is in great demand.
  3. Car washes have been, are and will be. Not everyone wash their cars on their own (although we have washing equipment in our garage, we still go to the car wash).
  4. Cargo transportation. Whatever one may say, when moving you will need a truck, in case of an accident or breakdown (God forbid) you will need a tow truck, etc. Here's some real money. I once said that in the winter of 2014 I helped my friend in organizing the work of the office in his seasonal business... So I talked with his temporary gazelle drivers about whether it is profitable to do this or not. They unanimously say that it is profitable and often they even fail to process all orders.
  5. Passenger Transportation. We have always traveled and will take a taxi, busier people (like my friend, whom I mentioned above) use the services of a personal driver, on a long trip with friends we always order a gazelle or a mini-bus, in general, these services will not go anywhere with market! If you have such a transport, then earn as much as you like, the main thing is to think over everything.
  6. I look forward to more additions in the comments!

beauty and health

This theme is eternal! People will always take care of their health, and girls will also care about beauty.

  1. Cosmetic services. My girlfriend (even a few friends and acquaintances), is engaged in manicure, pedicure, all kinds of depilation, etc. So she does it at home, and earlier she rented an office. Things were going well, and they are going well.
  2. Hairdressing services. There is no need to talk about it, it will always be in demand. if you have good master or you are, then you will always have clients. For example, I am ready to go even to the other end of the city to my hairdresser if she moves (God forbid).
  3. Wellness services. I even wrote an article on this topic,. You can provide consulting services, massage services, etc.
  4. Sports services. You can be a personal trainer, open a gym, etc.


Now I am choosing specialists to organize and conduct my wedding and I understand that we have a great deficit in this. For half a year we have been busy with a host, a restaurant, a group of performers, a show program and much more.

  1. Organization of special events. Provision of a range of services. This great business... I used to work in this field and my best friend still works (I also wrote an article about it).
  2. Conducting weddings and corporate events. As I said above, my friend still voices events and works with the hosts. A good leader has a queue scheduled for the year ahead and we were in a hurry to have time to take the required date from him. I am quite familiar with one of these and I will give approximate figures: one presenter (toastmaster) earns more than 300,000 rubles a month. clean money, working only 2-3 days a week. This is in Omsk, and in Moscow this figure is several times higher.
  3. Photographers, videographers for the event are essential. Find good photographer you also need to be able to, because everyone knows how to press buttons, but to do high-quality pictures and it is not given to everyone to process them.
  4. I expect the rest of the ideas from you in the comments. You can add a lot of things to this area, as well as to all the others;)


The tourism business will also always exist. You can organize various tours and not only abroad! Especially now, during the fall of the ruble, many people began to think about rest in Russia and even began to actively open travel companies that only deal with tours in Russia. Here, too, the work is not a plowed field:

  1. Organization of tours (tourist agency), but not trivial, but some thematic and unusual tours. There are those who organize beer tours, tea tours, ski tours, weddings, New Years, etc. Come up with a quality tour according to your interests and offer it to people.
  2. Organization of excursions. If your city is tourist, then you can organize excursions to interesting places.
  3. Rent out cars and housing. Someone does not want to stay in hotels because it is expensive, but renting a room or apartment will be more profitable.


The entertainment industry makes money even during a crisis, and moreover, even new companies are opening. Paintball, laser tag, airsoft, bowling, billiards, saunas, water parks, cafes, children's attractions, cinemas and much more. You can think of some other entertainment services.


We are all always learning something and this need is eternal. There can be a lot of business ideas here, for example:

  1. Tutoring. If you know a subject well, you can be a tutor for pupils and students.
  2. Speech therapy, psychological rooms, etc. Not all children have everything perfect with speech and behavior, and sometimes you need to resort to the services of speech therapists. I will not go far, only two of my acquaintances had children who started talking late and resorted to the services of a speech therapist.
  3. Education technical knowledge and skills. If you are a good designer or layout designer or programmer, for example, you can teach this to others and get paid. You can teach online or open courses in office centers.
  4. Learning foreign languages. This has become a fairly popular destination. At first, the activity was high at English language, and now Chinese is also gaining momentum.
  5. And many, many others. Also add in the comments.

You can implement these ideas via the Internet and offline, whichever is more convenient for you, but I would recommend using the Internet. YouTube, your website and social networks help you!

Well, various services

There are many more services that we meet in life and are in demand.

  1. Atelier, sewing and repairing clothes at home;
  2. Legal services;
  3. Accounting services;
  4. PC repair and household appliances(eternal theme!). I have several friends doing this and making good money !;
  5. Website development (my topic);
  6. And much more.

What is the main thing in business ideas for services?

The main thing is to be an expert in the field in which you provide services. If you are a good master or specialist, then your services will always be in demand and you will never be left without clients. Do it efficiently and people will be attracted to you!

Business ideas for the sale of goods

With products, it is a little easier to find buyers, because if your product is in demand, then it will be bought anyway. If a service may not be ordered, because they themselves know how to do something, then many goods cannot be produced by themselves. But there are also disadvantages in that entry into this business is more expensive, because you need to have space for storing and selling goods and money for their purchase. In general, now let's go over the eternal ideas, but I recommend everyone to visit the section ““. So, let's begin!

Food and catering

We will all always want to eat and food will never leave the market. There are even more ideas here, because there are a huge number of products. You can open:

  1. Mini shops in every area where they are not available. New areas that are being built will suit you.
  2. Fast food is an eternal theme. Everyone loves to eat quickly and inexpensively. I have never seen fast food outlets idle if they are in passable places... In underdeveloped cities in general, many fast food chains are absent. Even here in Omsk McDonalds opened only a few months ago. We still don't even have fast foods like Giro (Greek fast food).
  3. Canteens or Euro-canteens. in the form of an interview with the owner of a chain of euro-canteens in St. Petersburg. Quite a good direction, which will continue to develop.
  4. Cafes and restaurants. An even more peculiar business, but now there are mini-cafes or coffee houses that are not so expensive to open, and there are a lot of people in them. The main thing is to find your topic and client.
  5. Homemade products. I already once said that my friend bakes all sorts of cakes and muffins and they buy them out pretty well from her. You can bake cakes, fish and meat products, pickles, and all this will sell well. Again, you need to find your chip and client. Our neighbor in the garage smokes fish, meat, poultry, and they actively buy everything from him, especially for the holidays.
  6. Etc…

Clothes, shoes, accessories…

I will not go far, I have an online bag shop, I wanted to do clothes, but this is “not mine”, I don’t like it. But we will always wear clothes, shoes, underwear. You can open stores for clothing, underwear, shoes, accessories, online stores of all this, etc. If you interest the client with the price or the assortment, or the quality of the goods, or the convenience of making purchases, then you will always have sales. Suppliers can be easily found in China, Russia and any other country. I even have an article about. In general, visit the section "" and there you will find many articles on China.

Products for animals and the animals themselves

Just look at people who have a dog or a cat. Many of them are ready not to buy food for themselves, if only their dog ate food with vitamins and walked in a beautiful overalls. You can also breed expensive dogs and cats. One friend of mine breeds Bengal kittens, the other Labradors and Golden Retrievers. So they have one puppy and a kitten each cost 25,000 rubles. and more.

And other goods

As I already said, there are many products and I will not list them. What first comes to mind from goods that will always be in demand except for the above: furniture, dishes, interior items, bedding, household items, household chemicals, consumer electronics, plumbing, toys, hygiene products, etc. Look for those goods that people really need, no need to invent all sorts of skins of animals that died in an accident or a biodegradable drone (I'm talking about the screenshot at the beginning of the article)!

Sale of various goods from China

Favorite topic on my site among readers and many are very good at it, the income goes. I have a whole section devoted to this topic, so I will not dwell in detail in this article. The section is called "". It describes how to order, how to sell, what to sell, etc.

Combination of services and goods

I will not enumerate here, but I will explain. You can provide services and sell related products. For instance:

  1. You bake custom-made cakes and pastries. In parallel, you can sell ingredients and tools for this. For example, all sorts of baking dishes, mastic, decorations, and every other little thing that you use.
  2. You provide plumbing and plumbing services. You can sell components in parallel. For example, if you are hired to change batteries (radiators), then you can offer to buy them from you, as well as plastic pipes, plugs, etc. And then you look and you will need a mixer in the bathroom in parallel or something else ...
  3. If you repair electronics or PCs, you can sell parts, parts, or other electronics that you have.
  4. If you are repairing a car, then at the same time you can sell consumables.
  5. Etc.

There are also many ideas here, and this section is closest to me in spirit, because I myself earn exclusively on the Internet, well, or mostly. So ideas.

Online store

The online store is now a promising area that will continue to develop for a long time. Firstly, it is convenient for the client, and secondly, prices can be kept lower, because there is no lease of retail space. About online stores, I have a whole section on the site,!

Your site

You can create your own informational website, publish interesting materials, drive traffic and earn money from advertising. This is one of my main directions. The most valuable thing on the Internet is information. It is for her that people come to search engines. And if you have useful information for people, then you will be read, which means there will be traffic. You can make yourself several sites, but then you need a team to administer them. You can earn a lot from the site, but you may not earn at all, in every business there is a risk. But, if you are good at optimization, you have a topic that you can share with others, then you can try.

How to make and where to get the site:

  • You can make the site yourself. It is not difficult, because there are a lot of free cms nowadays, for example WordPress. They are simply installed on the hosting and, in fact, are already ready to go. But for greater efficiency, you still need to be able to customize some functions, which is also not difficult.
  • Can be ordered from someone. At first, I do not recommend it, because you will need knowledge in the engine on which you have a site if you are going to continue doing this.
  • You can buy a ready-made site that has already been promoted, optimized and generates income (or does not yet bring, but there are already at least some readers). This can be done on a special exchange, and about this I wrote an article:.

You can make money on the site in many ways: contextual advertising, banner advertising, partnership programs, direct advertisers, placement of paid articles and other materials, etc. You can read all this at the link above (in a special section).

Providing services on the Internet or freelancing

This is also a great opportunity to do business. You can provide completely different services or just be a freelancer and complete tasks on the freelance exchange.

Services can be different:

  1. Website development;
  2. Setting up advertising on the Internet (context, targeting);
  3. Website or print design;
  4. Creation of applications for smartphones;
  5. Programming;
  6. Consulting services (legal, accounting, marketing, technical, etc.);
  7. Promotion of sites, groups, etc .;
  8. Article writing (copywriting);
  9. And many, many others.

As for freelancing, everything is essentially the same, but you work not as a "studio", but as a private person. You can also do design, advertising, layout, programming, etc. You can even carry out small assignments for which you do not need to have any knowledge. Orders can be received at THIS site.

Innovative business ideas

You ask me at the end of this article, where did the innovation go? Someone will say that all the ideas above are banal and you want to come up with something of your own, which is not yet on the market, etc. And in some ways you are right. The world cannot develop without innovations and there should be innovative business ideas, but we started this conversation with the fact that many of you are looking for a business idea on the Internet! Do you really think that someone will put the idea of ​​an innovative business to you on the Internet? Then it will no longer be an innovation.

Innovative ideas should also proceed from the need of people for something, and only then the innovator (you) thinks how to solve this problem. And not vice versa: first he finds a business idea on the Internet, and then “pulls it by the ears” and thinks what problem it will solve. Do you agree?

Therefore, do not look for innovative and unusual business ideas on the Internet, the maximum that you get is a waste of time. Stay tuned for new products, follow Western projects that have been fired, watch for changes in legislation and think about how you can solve some problem of people or realize a need. And you will apply everything unusual, non-standard and innovative from your head during the implementation process. After all, you can take an already running business, implement it differently and you get a completely different product (in fact, it is also new and not standard)!

What else to say about innovation, I don’t know! This is innovation, where ideas can come from, if everyone has their own in their heads. Improve projects on the market, and then try to think about 100% innovation.


In conclusion, I would like to summarize. The article turned out to be long, but useful (in my opinion). I do not urge you to listen to my opinion, at first to abandon unusual ideas, but to try what is already on the market (only improving), but simply shared my personal opinion, which I have been adhering to for a long time and so far it has not let me down. Of course, I could have missed a lot of business ideas in the article, but I really hope for you that you will add in the comments, and I will add to the article. Thanks to those who have mastered the article completely;) I hope that it was useful for you. I look forward to your comments.

Best regards, Nikolay Schmidt

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

In such big cities as Moscow or St. Petersburg hotel business makes a profit at any time of the year, the stability of profit depends on the tourist season and on how easy it is to find information about your company's offers. Thanks to the Internet, hotel booking has acquired a more convenient form, because now you can quickly find many sites for booking hotels and make an order on one of them. And the hotel, in turn, is profitable to receive new customers around the clock, seven days a week in automatic mode.

The case is small - to create a website for booking hotels, to carry out activities to promote it, and in order to officially conduct such activities, it is necessary to register a company and conclude agreements with hotels. In fact, booking hotels via the Internet is an independent business that pays off quickly and generates a stable income.

What is the income of the hotel booking company?

Hotels pay a certain percentage to the booking firm for each guest. The profit depends on the number of clients and on the specific contractual conditions with the hotels.

Why is it profitable to search for clients via the Internet?

It has long been known that advertising on the Internet is cheaper than in the media or using BTL promotions. If you create a specialized site, then the information posted there can be easily changed, if necessary, while each visitor has the opportunity to call the specified phone number or make an application at any time, which will quickly select the appropriate option. The booking company does not have to maintain a large staff of managers, if the site has detailed information for hotels and there is a form of on-line orders.

Underwater rocks

The main problem is attracting visitors to the site, which is caused by the instability of artificial promotion methods and dependence on search engine algorithms. According to some estimates, more than 80% of visitors come to such a site thanks to search engines, and if after the next update of the search engine base, the site's positions fall, the number of visitors will decrease, respectively, and the volume of orders.

Basic requirements that a hotel booking website must meet

Firstly, potential clients should easily find the site through search engines and directories. Therefore, it needs to be promoted in order to increase the ranking according to the results of search engine results for user requests. It is also useful to register in thematic directories, such as Yandex.Catalog or DMOZ.

Secondly, the site must have a well thought out structure and provide useful information. The most important part is the hotel directory. Do not lose sight of the fact that it is important for customers to find out prices, get acquainted with the list of services and room descriptions, see photos. You can attract the attention of visitors by publishing special offers, information banners about discounts and profitable promotions. It is useful to post travel tips, valuable information materials to help tourists on the site. A map showing the location of the hotels will be a visual aid to help you choose the hotel with the most convenient location.

Thirdly, the resource should be convenient and understandable for visitors, so that everyone can easily find the information they need, compare hotels and quickly fill out the order form.

The main stages of creating a website for booking hotels

Organization of a database of hotels. All hotels in the catalog are divided into two groups. The first includes hotels with which profitable contracts are concluded. The second - all the other hotels in the city, because site visitors may also be interested in them, and the request processing manager will have an excuse to offer them a hotel from the first list. Naturally, only the manager should have access to information about the availability of contracts, while visitors are given structured information about the hotel.

Website creation, which includes: concept development, choice of domain name and hosting, definition of the structure, choice of content management system, design, programming, information filling.

Website promotion in search engines, the activities for which should be carried out, starting from the stage of its creation and until the site occupies stable positions in the first places of issuance in search engines and does not respond to updates of search bases and changes in algorithms.

Estimating the cost of starting a business, its payback and expected profit

Standard costs:
company registration - LLC is recommended - 6,000 rubles at a time;
rental of premises - about 20,000 per month;
equipment - about 17,000 at a time;
staff - at first, it is enough to hire one application manager and a freelance accountant - 40,000 per month;
website creation - about 50,000 at a time;
website promotion - about 25,000 per month.

Projected Profit: on average, up to 50 thousand rubles per month from one hotel (as a rule, these are hotels of 3 and 4 stars), which can amount to about 300 - 500 thousand per month, depending on the terms of contracts and the success of the campaign to promote the site.

Payback period: including taxes, as well as unforeseen costs, this period will be 12 - 18 months. One of the reasons for such a short period is the low advertising costs.

Important note

It is better to start work on the creation and promotion of the site before registering a company and recruiting personnel. The fact is that a company can be opened in a week, but practice shows that the real terms are longer. It is required to draw up a business plan, prepare a charter, choose an office and carry out the registration procedure. All these worries can drag on for a period from a month to six months. Why waste this time? It is much more profitable if, when opening a company, the site has already been created and occupies certain positions in the search engines. Therefore, customers will easily find it, and the company's phone will not remain silent.

In addition, during the development of the site, there is no need to rent an office, no need to pay salaries to staff, no need to deduct taxes and submit reports.

And the most important thing is that when the company is open, work will start immediately thanks to the site. The manager will not have to pay for aimless sitting at the phone, and the accountant for the submission of empty reports. In addition, the hotel representatives will appreciate that the new firm regularly sends clients, so you can achieve the most favorable conditions for yourself under the contracts.

*The article is over 8 years old. May contain outdated data

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When looking for working business ideas, aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to other people's experience. One of the most popular ways to find a business idea is to see what's going on abroad.

Just keep in mind that the markets different countries are still very different from each other. It is one thing for advanced economies like the United States and Singapore, which are head and shoulders above other countries in terms of development, and quite another for Iran and Bangladesh, which are developing at a rapid pace, but only follow global trends, not set them.

Already today at Russian market you can find a lot of ideas spied abroad. They differ only in the degree of borrowing. You can just copy someone else's idea and expect that it will "shoot" due to the absence of competitors. “Success abroad does not always mean success in Russia. So unlucky couponers and some sharing services "- says the founder of the service for managing courier delivery Bringo Mark Kapchits.

This once again proves that even the most fashionable and creative foreign idea may not be in demand in Russia. And the whole point is that it is simply not interesting to the local population. In addition, you need to understand that a Western startup and a Russian startup are two different things, and take into account the specifics of your country: a different level of bureaucracy, state support, legislation and even the mentality of the population.

Blindly copying a foreign idea is not worth it. But it still makes sense to be inspired by examples from other countries, and then adapt them to the Russian market. We invite you to familiarize yourself with business ideas from abroad, which promise to become especially popular in 2016.

Booking platforms

We are all somehow familiar with the Airbnb service, which allows you to rent an apartment in another city or country while sitting at your computer at home. However, when it first appeared in 2008, the service itself was new. Now this market is actively developing, and analogues of Airbnb are appearing in other industries.

Services like Airbnb, aimed at vacationers and travelers, are already hitting the market, but services aimed at business owners and allowing them to rent space for short periods of time are just starting to emerge.

In this case, the workspace is understood not only the usual offices and conference rooms, but, for example, places for yoga classes.

At the same time, there are many other areas in which online booking platforms could be created. Currently, the most attractive and unoccupied niche in terms of profit is the platform for booking venues for events (birthdays, corporate events, weddings). Such a service can bring good income if you manage to attract a sufficiently large number of site owners and potential customers to cooperation.

This is proved by the example of the Russian service for booking venues for holding parties BASH! Today, which in just 7 months of work carried out transactions worth more than 11 million rubles.

It should be noted right away that the service was not copied from abroad.

Mikael Sahakyants

Founder of BASH! Today

The idea for the business was born after the decision to host a party one Sunday evening. The desire to gather guests and have a lot of fun ran into one obstacle: the lack of a suitable site. In the end, I still managed to find it, but in the process of searching, I realized that I am far from the only one who is faced with the problem of not having a suitable venue for events.

I did not search for similar services in Russia or abroad until last autumn. But in our country, until recently, there were no such services.

I can say that there is still no strong player in this area in the world, such as Airbnb. The niche is not yet occupied, especially in Russia.

Today, the BASH! Today service operates only in Moscow, and is soon to be deployed throughout the country.

Nevertheless, you still have time to discover something similar in your city. Or to master a slightly narrower niche, for example, the selection of venues for weddings. Projects with a wide focus only partially cover the venues of the theme of wedding events, but a service aimed strictly at places where you can play a wedding can become very popular.

"Smart" technology

For decades, people have dreamed of a future in which refrigerators will self-order products that are about to run out. But for now, most of us in the old fashioned way take a leaflet with a list of products with us to the store. At the same time, today most of the devices can be monitored in one way or another using a smartphone.

But for now we are only sliding on the surface: most of us do not go beyond using Fitbit... This is why building smart products is a great business opportunity.

To make a device “smart”, it is often enough just to add a sensor to it and the ability to transfer data via Bluetooth. And the example of various fitness accessories that allow you to monitor your heart rate, breathing, and the number of steps taken per day proves that making almost every accessory “smart” is beneficial.

Many people today track their activity and performance using watches, headphones, clothes and shoes.

A quick look at the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, by which you can determine which startups are of the greatest interest, shows that many new "smart" devices are about to conquer the market. Among them, for example, a luggage bag Neit with the ability to track via GPS and device WiFithing remotely monitoring heating and lighting in your apartment.

In the near future, the number of devices will grow that will allow customers to improve the kitchen without spending on it. big money... Among such inventions Smarter mat- a rubberized mat that you can put in a refrigerator or cabinet, and with its help find out what products placed on it are about to run out. With your permission, this device may even order these products from an online store.

Another similar device is The fridge cam- can be built into any refrigerator. It takes a picture of what is in the fridge with the date and transfers it to a special application on your smartphone. And finally, Smarter detect- a device that responds to signals from your oven, microwave or dishwasher and sends a notification to your smartphone.

Natural and organic cosmetics

Consumers increasingly prefer natural and organic cosmetics. According to British marketing agency Mintel natural beauty products are used by 42% of buyers. The British believe that organic products are better for the environment.

And besides, today it is more important for buyers than ever what exactly is included in the composition of their cosmetics. To be convinced of this, it is enough to visit the exhibition, where natural, organic, ethical (not tested on animals) beauty products from all over the world are presented. 33 thousand visitors came to it in February 2016.

Obviously, natural and organic products are a key trend in the development of the beauty industry in the coming years. At the same time, there is a growing number of exactly those products that look like they were just made right in the kitchen, but at the same time reflect the latest cosmetic trends.

The easiest way is to start your own home production of natural cosmetics.

Many do this, for example, making soap with their own hands and selling it in various markets and in specialized stores... But the competition among soapmakers is great, and you can not get so much for one product.

Another interesting and much less expensive way to build an organic business is to create a subscription service for organic cosmetics. A visitor visits your site, subscribes for a certain period of time for a certain fee, and you send him a set of ingredients, from which he can independently make cosmetics.

You can work according to this scheme not only with components for home masks, but with already finished products foreign and Russian brands, which can not be bought in every store. For example, this is what the Russian service does. Live organic box, whose subscribers receive six boxes of organic creams, oils, household chemicals, groceries and even clothes per year.

The service began working shortly before the onset of 2016, although the very idea of ​​its creator Tatyana Mikhailenko appeared much earlier. Tatiana herself says that the idea was born out of a long-standing hobby for "organic", and was not spied on by foreign colleagues. This is probably the case, but in the West, similar subscription services for organic cosmetics, for example, Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, have been running for a single year. One way or another, in Russia this niche, one might say, is empty.

Business withInstagram

Fancy bars

Conventional bars and restaurants no longer satisfy millennials. The audience aged 25 to 34 is looking for more original ways to spend their free time. Today, young people, who are most often spent on entertainment, try to constantly acquire some kind of new experience.

You can play on such a penchant for novelty by opening an unusual establishment. For example, a bar where everything from the bar to the glasses is made of ice. Such establishments first appeared in Finland in the late 80s, and then spread throughout the world. In Russia, however, ice bars did not take root: several of them opened in Moscow, but were closed.

But the cafes, where they eat in complete darkness, are to the taste of Russians. The first such establishment called DansleNoir? opened in Paris in 2004. And in 2006 a similar restaurant was opened in Moscow. Over time, the same establishments began to open in other Russian cities.

If such extremely unusual establishments do not seem like a good idea to you, you can do it easier and open a cafe with team sports games such as ping pong or darts. Or use modern technologies how the coffee chain did it ITBar, where instead of the usual tables are interactive. With the help of such tables, you can familiarize yourself with the menu, check your account on the social network, and even watch a movie. In total, four such coffee shops have opened in Russia.

If you are thinking about opening your own unusual bar, keep in mind that Russian public catering is going through a rather difficult situation today.

Due to the crisis, many establishments had to close. On the one hand, this is a big minus, because it is quite difficult to develop in a falling market. On the other hand, the fewer players on the market, the fewer competitors you have. If you offer your customers an interesting way to spend their leisure time and affordable prices, then you have every chance to successfully implement the idea of ​​your unusual cafe.

Some of the indicated trends will be relevant around the world, others may not be understood. On the Russian market, you can find a lot of examples when successful business stories abroad failed or, on the contrary, "shot out".

One way or another, before embarking on the implementation of a foreign business idea, you need to check its potential in your region. Find out whether it will be in demand, whether it will face legal restrictions, and then decide how to adapt it to the Russian reality and whether it is worth doing it at all.


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