Presentation templates for the best social worker competition. Presentation on the topic "Profession - "Social worker"". Ethical principles of social work

Profession - social worker Romanova Aleftina Anatolyevna Teacher of higher technology qualification category, Honored Teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan MBOU "Secondary School 78 of the Privolzhsky District of Kazan"

We now look at life in a new way, But the saint cannot be taken away from us; There is a special profession in the world - To patronize defenseless people. The age-old tradition of good deeds was always cherished in social protection. They are greeted with happy faces by all who are overwhelmed by misfortune. How much does fate need forgotten? Soothe, warm, feed. The hope killed comes to life, And the torn thread grows together. Social Security is not an easy job. They know how to rush slowly. Listen, the story of fate is not easy, Not everyone can have a soul. Share the loneliness in two. Pain with resentment to try on. From such communication I want, Sometimes, to the ends of the world to run

But momentary weaknesses pass. The heart will beat faster. Again, tomorrow, the Social Defender will be greeted with great joy. They know that he will come with full bags, They contain food, medicine, flowers. He will look with bottomless eyes, Not sparing the warmth of the soul. Everyone looks at difficulties differently, But the saints cannot be taken away from us - There is a wonderful profession in the world - To patronize defenseless people.

The system of state charity developed in Russia under Catherine II, who issued a decree in 1763 on the opening of the Moscow Orphanage, which admitted even orphans up to 3 years old. In 1776, orders of public contempt were created in all provinces of Russia, which dealt with issues of helping the needy - analogues of modern social protection services

Social Worker's Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation on June 8 in accordance with the Decree of the President of October 27, 2000 June October 27, 2000

Professional skills: knowledge legal framework, acts and regulations governing social relations knowledge of a complex of sciences (psychology, medicine, sociology, economics, jurisprudence, etc.) availability of information on current problems in the social and humanitarian sphere ability to provide assistance in matters of career guidance and employment ability to work with documentation

Places of work: centers social service and security; rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities; social protection committees; veterans councils; nursing home; orphanages; guardianship and guardianship authorities; colonies; branches pension fund; services psychological help

Peculiarities career development After a year of work and the acquisition of the necessary experience, the social worker is assigned a category with a corresponding increase in salary. After another three years, the salary increase is 10%, and after 5 years of work - 30%.

Pedagogical College 1 (Kazan) Kazan Social and Humanitarian College Kazan State Vocational Pedagogical College. International College of Service TISBI Academy (college and university) Secondary special and higher educational establishments Kazan, training social workers

Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge Institute of Social and Humanitarian Knowledge(college and university) Institute of Economics, Management and Law Institute of Economics, Management and Law(college and university) Academy of State and municipal government Academy under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan social education graduate School Management Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Kazan State University of Technology Kazan State Technological University Kazan Medical University Kazan Social and Law Institute

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Authors: Beldy Natalia, 9th grade student. (VIII species); Galochkin Alexey, student of the 6th form. (VIII species); Voronina Svetlana, student of the 6th form. (VIII species); Kuzminskaya Victoria, student of the 6th form. (VIII species); Shvets Anastasia, student of the 6th form. (VIII species). Head: teacher-psychologist Paskal Victoria Viktorovna.

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Social worker must: participate in protecting the rights of people in need; promote the employment of people with problems; prevent domestic violence; support people in difficult life situations.

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Social worker Provides material and domestic assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, single elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, distressed citizens who are in a state of mental depression due to environmental disasters, interethnic conflicts and wars, loss of loved ones, family, housing, etc. Identifies citizens in need of such assistance and determines the nature and amount of assistance needed.

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The social worker must provide the ward with food, take out the trash, pay utilities, go to the polyclinic to write prescriptions, take tests and get results, buy medicines at a pharmacy, help in collecting documents, medical documents for inpatient treatment, visit a ward in the hospital, keep a record of all purchases and assignments, submit a report on work, have the phone numbers of close friends or relatives of the ward, arrange (at the choice of the ward) free lunches for one month a year or deliver a set of products for a fixed amount once a year, bring monetary material - providing assistance to wards who have a minimum pension and make regular raids in order to identify those in need of service.

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For this profession, it is necessary to have responsiveness and the ability to sympathize, since lonely elderly and sick people who are forced to seek help from the social protection service are not happy and often experience physical suffering, in this regard, a social worker must have the ability to empathize. Social workers must be able to communicate, be polite and welcoming, as their work involves contact with a wide range of people. They must have a penchant for order and accuracy, as well as unconditional honesty, because they constantly deal with a large number of people and affairs, as well as with other people's money. The social worker needs to be in good health, because he is obliged to visit the wards in any weather, regardless of heat, rain or cold.

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A social worker must have a good memory to keep large lists of groceries and errands in his head and not waste time frequently referring to his records. In addition, a good memory is needed in order to remember the names, faces and circumstances of the life of their charges in order to show attention and participation. People who are tactless, irritable, squeamish, impatient, quick-tempered, careless and dishonest are not suitable for the profession of a social worker; undesirable - slurred speech and poor hearing, because it interferes with communication with people, especially the elderly.

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flood (example of answer: melting snow, flooding of the river); the buds have opened; the birds sang; deuce; mother is angry; the vacuum cleaner is working.

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The social worker is compassionate good profession, which officially appeared in Russia only 20 years ago. With the transition of the country to market economy It was most difficult for the unprotected sections of the population to cope: lonely, weak old people, single moms and dads, the disabled, the seriously ill, and children deprived of parental care. Representatives came to help new profession- social workers. Of course they had historical predecessors(trustees, nurses, patronage nurses, Timurovites, etc.). Since ancient times, it was customary in Russia to take care of the poor and infirm. Usually lonely old people, disabled people, homeless children were taken care of by monasteries, where all the suffering could count on shelter, care and food. A respectful, caring attitude towards the elderly is an important criterion for the level of development of human society.

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A social worker is a qualified specialist who works in the public sphere, is related to people's lives and their relationships in society. This is a doctor, a priest, a psychologist rolled into one. Many of the older people today are lonely, helpless and poor. Giving them emotional support is the most important thing. They need not only medical care, medicines, but sometimes elementary care and solving everyday issues. It is difficult to find a more noble profession, people work in it by vocation, random people do not stay here. AT Western countries The profession of a social worker is one of the three most respected in society, along with the professions of a doctor and a lawyer.

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Main responsibility an employee of the social protection authorities - to help those who are not able to take care of themselves. For example, in one of the cities of Russia there is a bus service "Mercy", in winter they evacuate homeless people from freezing from the streets. Every year, employees of this service save hundreds of people from hypothermia and starvation. There are different specialties in this profession: social work, organization of sign language communication, organization of work with youth. Advantages of the profession: availability of obtaining a profession; the opportunity to do good deeds every day; high social importance. Profession Restrictions: Low Level wages; not suitable for people who are squeamish, do not have patience and do not know how to sympathize.

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The profession of a social worker belongs to the type: "Man - Man", it is focused on communication and interaction with people. This requires the ability to install and maintain business contacts, to understand people and understand human relationships, to be active, sociability and contact, to have developed speech abilities and verbal thinking, to have emotional stability. Additional profession type: " Man-Nature”, because it is associated with the care and care of living people, with the prevention and treatment of diseases. This requires a high level of development of observation, mindfulness, physical endurance, inclination and interest in working with people who need help and care. The profession of a social worker belongs to the performing class, it is associated with the execution of decisions, work according to a given model, compliance with existing rules and regulations, following instructions. It requires organization, diligence, the ability to deal with specific cases.

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The activity of a social worker includes the provision of material and domestic assistance and moral and legal support to disabled people, lonely elderly people, mothers of many children, orphans, people suffering from serious illnesses, alcoholics and drug addicts, distressed citizens who are in a state of depression due to environmental disasters, interethnic conflicts and wars, the loss of loved ones.

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A social worker most often serves persons assigned to him in need of assistance, from 8 to 16 people. He visits the wards at the place of residence, provides them with moral support, provides each with food and medicine at his request according to a pre-compiled and agreed list, pays for utilities, receives pensions and benefits accrued in the name of the ward. The social worker provides assistance around the house: he cleans and redecorates the apartment, prepares food if necessary, and feeds the ward. In the event of illness, the ward provides him with emergency first-aid medical care. Calls a doctor at home, accompanies to an appointment at the clinic. In case of hospitalization of the ward visits him in the hospital. At the request of the ward, he writes letters, makes phone calls to relatives, and also solves other issues that lonely, elderly and sick people face.

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For the successful development of the profession of a social worker, general awareness of social, humanitarian and moral issues is necessary, basic knowledge of history, the Russian language, and social science is useful. A qualified social worker should know: the basics of ethics, psychology, the basics of medicine, the basics of economics, legal regulations. A qualified social worker should be able to: establish spiritual contact with the wards, take care, provide them with moral support, perform household chores (make purchases, cook, wash), if necessary, provide first aid medical

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For successful activity as a social worker, the following professionally important qualities are necessary: ​​practical logical thinking of a subject-effective warehouse, optimism, decency, punctuality, compassion, a pronounced sense of responsibility, a pronounced inclination to work in the field of communication, a tendency to service work, lexical abilities , activity and physical mobility, high emotional stability.

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The social worker has an active, mobile work, numerous contacts, visits to the wards at home and various authorities and shops. The main means of labor of a social worker: hand tools, "golden hands" and "kind heart". The social worker fulfills clear, well-defined goals, solves standard, typical tasks. The social worker performs the tasks set by others, according to the set standards, rules, algorithms. From special conditions labor should note the moral responsibility for the wards and the high psycho-emotional load in intensive contact with representatives of disadvantaged strata of society.

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Medical restrictions for a social worker: dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, speech, vision and hearing disorders, impaired coordination of movements, serious chronic diseases that cause fatigue (anemia), diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuropsychiatric diseases.

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Basic knowledge of the profession of a social worker can be obtained in institutions of higher professional education.

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People with pronounced altruism come to the profession of a social worker, skillful hands and a leading interest in helping and supporting those who need it most. You can start your career in this profession with an ordinary position in the center of social protection, then get a specialized education. In Moscow, the following educational institutions graduate social workers: Russian State Social University (RGSU), Moscow City Pedagogical University (MGPU), Moscow State University culture and arts (MGUKI), the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) and others. You can increase the level of your knowledge at seminars, at advanced training courses.

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Social workers have ample opportunities for employment, their services are in demand in many organizations: in federal and municipal authorities authorities, in the bodies of social protection of the population (social service centers, employment centers, social assistance family and children in public institutions in the system of internal affairs and justice bodies, in educational institutions, in rehabilitation centers of various profiles, in public and private insurance and pension organizations and funds, in organizations and institutions for youth affairs in educational and career guidance centers, in children's art houses, in church parishes.

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Possible ways development of a social worker. Specialization and development of related areas Over time, you can improve your skills, learn new specialties within the profession or related professions: nurse, boarding school teacher, teacher. In case of choice this direction career development, it is recommended to master the skills of influence, teaching, to additionally get acquainted with the content of such professions as: a teacher, a master of industrial training, a psychologist. Managerial Career Development A social worker with a higher basic education and a desire to develop as a manager and manager can eventually become a leader, head a social service department in the social assistance system. In the case of choosing the administrative direction of career development, it is recommended to develop managerial skills, additionally master such professions as a manager. Entrepreneurial development. Over time, it is possible to open a non-state charitable foundation, attracting funds from private investors. In this case, it is recommended to additionally master the profession of an entrepreneur.

Or someone who: drags groceries, pays utility bills and performs other tasks for lonely pensioners. goes to old people's apartments, buys food and medicine for them))) (

What should he? 1. Social workers are obliged to be guided in their activities by the provisions of this federal law, other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, normative legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation. 2. Social workers guilty of divulging beneficiary information social services without their written consent, are liable in the manner established by law Russian Federation. 3. For dishonest performance of their duties, requirements internal regulations, non-compliance with labor protection requirements, non-compliance labor discipline social workers bear the responsibility stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Social workers are required to provide their work number mobile phone for operational communication with the recipients of services.

In accordance with GOST R, a social worker must: Provide serviced citizens with food, hot meals, industrial goods essentials, medicines according to doctor's prescriptions. Provide first aid: measuring body temperature, applying compresses, mustard plasters. Ensure interaction with institutions of education, healthcare, social services, etc. in order to most effectively provide services to clients. Organize the provision of funeral services. And so on…

Motivation To motivating factors labor activity social workers include: gratitude for their work on the part of clients -62.8%, the possibility of helping people -56.8%, the communicative component of labor - 45.3%, flexible schedule working hours - 43.9%, the provision of a ticket - 44.6%.

Internet to help God, what a difficult profession we have. My head is spinning. I read the discussions and decided that everyone has their own problems. I worked for 16 years when it was easier to start working, well, now they don’t know what to complain about, but what hang services. And everyone is frightened with something. Now they are frightening with re-attestation, if we don’t pass, they will calculate. We need to know some laws, well, do we need this? We are being beaten in the head. Hello, I have been working as a social worker in Moscow for four months already. The salary is 5th category. For me, it turned out to be the most difficult communication with the wards. After all, old people are very capricious. Taken from 6?page=83#comments

Worked for 4 months. My job was to issue financial assistance needy people. Created lists and mailed them. Looked at all my life. The work of social the worker is the most ungrateful. Side by side with practically impoverished people, the disabled... I was 19 years old. And to look at such a wrong side of life was just creepy. You have to be a cynic or a really sympathetic and kind person to work in this field.

About the salary Of course, a social worker is a hell of a job and I know this firsthand because I have been working for 14 years on the service of 6 people and I have to do absolutely everything and wash and make blanks and sew in linen and read newspapers .... a lot of work and we work every day and the social worker's rate is 2300 and with education, here are the officials and think about who goes to work for that kind of money only people with a good heart and there are fewer and fewer of them, and on the contrary, there are more and more old people every year ..

In our Voronezh region, it’s not better either. The salary has fallen to the minimum, and even minus income, you’ll get 4000 at best, 3800 at worst. And work was added and scribbles too. And in Samara, the salary has become the same certification + harmfulness experience = 8350. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO OUR BENEFICIARIES. AND THEY DEMAND FROM US ADDITIONAL .... FOR SUCH A SALARY THIS IS SIMPLY A FUCKING AGAINST US. NO HONOR, NO CONSCIENCE

They congratulated the social workers on the holiday, gave the social workers letters and thanks, it would be better if they gave money !!! Who worked for years, they say that there are a lot of these pieces of paper, but what's the point ??. at present, the manager is offered dismissal if the social worker has no education. how do you like this? nothing has been added in Moscow, and this has been going on for many years. Salary Let our government live on this money

I wrote above about the salary in Moscow, thousands - this salary is harmful + 30% experience (over 5 years) + Moscow pays extra, we call this surcharge "Luzhkov's" at present, the head has offered to dismiss if the social worker has no education. how do you like this? Hooray! Reduced!

… Every month they only talk about a raise. And when else to deal with them. And we endure working in silence. After all, salary increases are not expected. Do not hope - keep silent. Strike is not about us. So we sit and do not blather. Be afraid and be patient. You can't eradicate slaves and Chaldeans from us. But our profession all over the world is honorable and well-paid and worthy of perception, and society needs officials more than officials. Think about it. If you can still think.

Salaries of social workers will increase The wages of social workers will increase by more than 2.5 times by 2018, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin promised journalists on Friday before the awards ceremony All-Russian competition for the title of "Best Worker of a Social Service Institution".

  • Social work - professional activity organization of assistance and mutual assistance to people and groups in difficult life situations, their psychosocial rehabilitation and integration. In the very general view social work is a complex social phenomenon, an independent field of scientific and practical knowledge, a profession and an academic discipline.

  • Goals social work are associated with maintaining the personality of the client, and the tasks of social work vary depending on the areas of social practice, the nature of the problems of clients, the socio-psychological characteristics of clients, the conditions of a particular society.

  • On October 1, we celebrated the International Day of Older Persons. Every year its importance grows in Russia. This is due to public recognition and respect for the older generation.

  • In total, the Russian holiday of family, love and fidelity, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, was celebrated for the third time, and we have already managed to appreciate its special poetry and began to comprehend deep meaning. To get to the very essence here, of course, no one is given. Many couples do this all their lives, which, perhaps, is happiness. Family. Marital. Higher. It is never given to one, but only to two.

Let mom hear, let dad come

To be good parents- not simple work, and receptionists - doubly difficult

Learn to manage emotions

Mood variability, emotional instability, unexpected transitions from fun to despondency and pessimism are noted as common features of adolescence.

Fingers help you speak

Only finger gymnastics is one of the areas for the development of fine motor skills in children.

Caress my mother, the sun,

To ignite a tired heart.

Let the gray hairs thaw - break through

Primrose of noisy hair.

My slow wind is fine,

Smooth out the years on her face.

To make mom younger

And fun - fun again.

Bird, sing! Smile, sun!

Life, do not hide your bounty! ..

If youth does not return to her -

Let old age come later.

(Yuri Pashkov)

  • "Introduction to the specialty. Social work "-Pavlenok P.D., Kukanova E.V., Shapovalov V.K.
  • Lectures on the subject - introduction to the specialty
  • Internet


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