Hypersonic speed in kilometers per hour. Supersonic speed. Thin layer of shock wave

Honorary General Director and Honorary General Designer of JSC "MIC NPO Mashinostroyenia", professor of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University - on the creation and development of hypersonic aircraft

The creation and development of hypersonic combat aircraft is one of the biggest secrets not only in Russia, but also in the USA, China and other countries of the world. Information about them belongs to the "top secret" category. In an exclusive interview with Izvestia, the legendary designer of rocket and space technology Herbert Efremov, who has devoted more than 30 years to the creation of hypersonic technology, said what hypersonic vehicles are and what difficulties one has to face when developing them.

- Herbert Alexandrovich, now there is a lot of talk about the creation of hypersonic aircraft, but most of the information about them is closed to the general public ...

- Let's start with the fact that products that develop hypersonic speed have been created for a long time. For example, these are the usual heads of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Entering the Earth's atmosphere, they develop hypersonic speed. But they are uncontrollable and fly along a certain trajectory. And their interceptions by means of anti-missile defense (ABM) have been demonstrated more than once.

As an example, I will cite our strategic cruise missile "Meteorite", which once flew at a crazy speed of Mach 3 - about 1000 m / s. Literally on the verge of hypersound (hypersonic speeds start at Mach 4.5 - Izvestia). But the main task of modern hypersonic aircraft (GZLA) is not just to quickly fly somewhere, but to perform a combat mission with high efficiency in the face of strong enemy opposition. For example, the Americans have only Arleigh Burke-class destroyers with 65 anti-missiles at sea. And then there are 22 Ticonderoga-class anti-missile cruisers, 11 aircraft carriers - each of which is based on up to a hundred aircraft capable of creating an almost impenetrable anti-missile defense system.

- Are you saying that speed alone does not solve anything?

- Roughly speaking, hypersonic speed is 2 km / s. It takes 15 seconds to travel 30 km. In the final section of the trajectory, when the hypersonic aircraft approaches the target, the enemy's anti-missile and air defense systems will be deployed, which the GZLA will detect. And to get ready to modern air defense and missile defense systems, if they are deployed in positions, it takes a matter of seconds. Therefore, for the effective combat use of the GZLA, one speed will not do in any way, if you have not ensured electronic invisibility and impermeability for air defense / missile defense systems in the final phase of the flight. Here both the speed and the possibilities of radio-technical protection of the apparatus by its own radio-technical interference stations will play a role. Everything in the complex.

- You say that there must be more than just speed - the product must be controllable in order to achieve the goal. Tell us about the possibility of controlling the vehicle in a hypersonic stream.

- All hypersonic vehicles fly in plasma. And nuclear warheads fly in plasma, and everything that went beyond Mach 4, especially 6. An ionized cloud is formed around it, and not just a stream with vortices: the molecules are broken down into charged particles. Ionization affects communication, the transmission of radio waves. It is necessary that the control and navigation systems of the GZLA at these flight speeds pierce this plasma.

On "Meteorite" we had to see the earth's surface by radar. Navigation was provided by comparing the location pictures from the rocket board with the video standard embedded in the system. It was impossible otherwise. "Caliber" and other cruise missiles can fly like this: I made reconnaissance of the terrain with a radio altimeter - here is a hill, here is a river, here is a valley. But this is possible when flying at an altitude of hundreds of meters. And when you rise to a height of 25 km, you cannot distinguish any hillocks there with a radio altimeter. Therefore, we found certain areas on the ground, compared them with what was recorded in the video standard, and determined the displacement of the rocket to the left or right, forward, backward and by how much.

- In many textbooks for dummies, hypersonic flight in the atmosphere is compared to sliding on sandpaper because of the very high resistance. How true is this statement?

- A bit inaccurate. At hypersound, all sorts of turbulent flows, vortices and shaking of the apparatus begin. The modes of heat intensity change depending on whether the flow is laminar (smooth) on the surface or with disruptions. There are many difficulties. For example, the heat load increases sharply. If you fly at a speed of Mach 3, the heating of the GZLA skin is somewhere around 150 degrees in the atmosphere, depending on the altitude. The higher the flight altitude, the less heating. But at the same time, if you fly at a speed twice as high, the heating will be much greater. Therefore, new materials must be used.

- What can be cited as an example of such materials?

- Various carbon materials. Even fiberglass is used on nuclear warheads, which stand on intercontinental "hundred parts" (UR-100 ballistic missiles developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia). With hypersound, the temperature is many thousands of degrees. And steel only holds 1200 degrees Celsius. These are crumbs.

Hypersonic temperatures carry away the so-called "sacrificial layer" (the coating layer that is consumed during the flight of the aircraft - Izvestia). Therefore, the shell of nuclear warheads is designed in such a way that most of it will be "eaten up" by hypersound, while the inner filling will remain. But GZLA cannot have a “sacrificial layer”. If you are flying on a controlled product, you must maintain an aerodynamic shape. It is impossible to "blunt" the product so that it burns the toe and edges of the wings, etc. By the way, this was done on the American Shuttles and on our Buran. There, graphite materials were used as thermal protection.

- Is it correct to write in the popular science literature that it is precisely in a hypersonic atmospheric apparatus that the structure should be like a single monolithic solid?

- Not necessary. They can consist of compartments and different elements.

- That is, a classical rocket structure scheme is possible?

- Sure. Select materials, order new developments, if necessary, check them, work them out at stands, in flight, correct them if something goes wrong. You also need to be able to measure it with hundreds of telemetry sensors of incredible complexity.

- Which engine is better - solid or liquid for a hypersonic vehicle?

- Solid fuel is generally not suitable here, because it can accelerate, but it is impossible to fly with it for a long time. Such engines are used for ballistic missiles such as Bulava and Topol. In the case of GZLA, this is unacceptable. On our Yakhont missile (an anti-ship cruise missile, part of the Bastion complex - Izvestia), there is only a solid-propellant starting booster. Then she flies on a liquid ramjet engine.

There are attempts to make a ramjet engine with an internal content of solid fuel, which is smeared over the combustion chamber. But it will not be enough for long ranges either.

For liquid fuel, you can make the tank smaller, of any shape. One of the "Meteorites" flew with tanks in its wings. It was tested because we had to achieve a range of 4-4.5 thousand km. And he flew on an air-jet engine that ran on liquid fuel.

- What is the difference between an air-jet engine and a liquid-propellant jet engine?

- A liquid propellant jet engine contains oxidizer and fuel in separate tanks, which are mixed in the combustion chamber. The jet engine is powered by one fuel: kerosene, decilin or bicillin. Oxidant - incoming air oxygen. Bitsilin (a fuel obtained from vacuum gas oil using hydrogenation processes - Izvestia) was developed by our order for Meteorit. This liquid fuel has a very high density, allowing for a smaller tank.

- There are photographs of hypersonic aircraft with a jet engine. They all have an interesting shape: not streamlined, but rather angular and square. Why?

- You are probably talking about the X-90, or, as it is called in the West, AS-X-21 Koala (the first Soviet experimental GZLA. - Izvestia). Well, yes, it's a clumsy bear. In front are the so-called "boards", "wedges" (structural elements with sharp corners, ledges. - "Izvestia"). Everything in order to make the air flow entering the engine acceptable for combustion and normal combustion of fuel. To do this, we create the so-called shock waves (a sharp increase in pressure, density, temperature of the gas and a decrease in its velocity when the supersonic flow meets any obstacle. - Izvestia). Jumps are formed just on the "boards" and "wedges" - those structural elements that dampen the air speed.

On the way to the engine, there may be a second shock, a third. The whole nuance is that air should not enter the combustion chamber at the same speed as the HZLA. It must be definitely reduced. And very much even. It is desirable to reach subsonic values \u200b\u200bfor which everything has been worked out, checked and tested. But this is exactly the task that the creators of the GZLA are trying to solve and have not solved in 65 years.

As soon as you jump over Mach 4.5, in such a high-speed movement, air particles slip into the engines very quickly. And you have to "bring together" the atomized fuel and the oxidizing agent - atmospheric oxygen. This interaction should be with high efficiency of fuel combustion. Interaction should not be thwarted by some vibrations, an extra breath inside. No one has yet figured out how to do this.

- Is it possible to create a GZLA for civil needs, for the transportation of passengers and goods?

- Maybe. An airplane developed by the French together with the British was shown at one of the Paris air shows. The turbojet raises it to a height, and then the car accelerates to about Mach 2. Then the ramjet engines are opened, which bring the plane to a speed of 3.5 or 4 Mach. And then he flies at an altitude of 30 kilometers somewhere from New York to Japan. Before landing, the reverse mode is turned on: the car descends, switches to the turbojet engine, like a normal plane, enters the atmosphere and lands. Hydrogen is considered as a fuel as the most high-calorie substance.

- At present, Russia and the United States are most actively developing hypersonic aircraft. Can you assess the success of our opponents?

- As for the assessments, I can say - let the guys work. For 65 years, they have not really done anything. At speeds from Mach 4.5 to Mach 6, there is not a single actually made GZLA.

Which is defined as follows: where u is the speed of the flow or body, is the speed of sound in the medium. The sound velocity is defined as, where is the adiabatic index of the medium (for an ideal n-atomic gas, the molecule of which has degrees of freedom, it is equal). Here is the total number of degrees of freedom of the molecule. Moreover, the number of translational degrees of freedom. For a linear molecule, the number of rotational degrees of freedom, the number of vibrational degrees of freedom (if any). For all other molecules,.

When moving in a medium with supersonic speed, the body necessarily creates a sound wave behind it. With uniform rectilinear motion, the sound wave front has a conical shape, with apex in a moving body. The emission of a sound wave causes an additional loss of energy by a moving body (in addition to the loss of energy due to friction and other forces).

Similar effects of wave emission by moving bodies are characteristic of all physical phenomena of a wave nature, for example: Cherenkov radiation, a wave created by ships on the water surface.

Classification of speeds in the atmosphere

Under normal conditions in the atmosphere, the speed of sound is approximately 331 / sec. Higher speeds are sometimes expressed in Mach numbers and correspond to supersonic speeds, with hypersonic speeds being part of this range. NASA defines "fast" hypersound in the speed range of 10-25 M , where the upper limit corresponds to the first cosmic velocity. Speeds higher are considered not hypersonic speeds, but " return rate»Spacecraft to Earth.

Mode comparison

Mode Mach numbers km / / sec General characteristics of the device
Subsound <1.0 <1230 <340 Most often, an aircraft with a propeller or with Theater, straight or sloping wings.
Trans sound (English)russian 0.8-1.2 980-1470 270-400 Air intakes and slightly swept wings, air compressibility becomes noticeable.
Supersonic 1.0-5.0 1230-6150 340-1710 Sharper edges of planes, all-turning tail unit.
Hypersound 5.0-10.0 6150-12300 1710-3415 Cooled nickel-titanium body, small fenders. (X-43)
Fast hypersound 10.0-25.0 12300-30740 3415-8465 Silicon tiles for thermal protection, supporting the body of the apparatus instead of the wings.
"Return rate" >25.0 >30740 >8465 Ablative heat shield, no wings, capsule shape.

Supersonic Objects

Spaceships and their carriers, as well as most modern fighters, are accelerated to supersonic speeds. Several supersonic passenger aircraft were also developed - Tu-144, Concorde, Aerion. The bullet velocity of most modern firearms is greater than the M1.

see also


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  • Electrical voltage
  • Mach number

See what "Supersonic speed" is in other dictionaries:

    SUPERSONIC SPEED - the speed of movement of a medium or a body in a medium that exceeds the speed of sound in a given medium. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. M .: Soviet encyclopedia. Chief editor A.M. Prokhorov. 1983 ... Physical encyclopedia

    SUPERSONIC SPEED - SUPERSONIC SPEED, the speed exceeding the local speed of sound. In dry air at a temperature of 0 ° C, this speed is 330 m / s or 1188 km / h. Its value is usually expressed by the MAXA number, which is the ratio of the speed ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Supersonic speed - 1) gas velocity V exceeding the local speed of sound a: V\u003e a (M\u003e 1, M Mach number). 2) S. p. flight speed of an aircraft exceeding the speed of sound in an undisturbed flow (often for a flight from a semiconductor, one understands flight at a speed ... ... Encyclopedia of technology

    Supersonic speed - the speed of movement of the body (gas flow), which exceeds the speed of sound propagation under identical conditions. It is characterized by the values \u200b\u200bof the Mach number (M); has M values \u200b\u200bfrom 1 to 5. Speed \u200b\u200bexceeding the speed of sound more than 5 times ... ... Marine dictionary

    SUPERSONIC SPEED - the speed of movement of the body (gas flow), which exceeds the speed of sound propagation under identical conditions (the speed of sound in air at 0 ° C is equal to 331 m / s). It is characterized by the Mach number M (), which has values \u200b\u200bfrom 1 to 5. Speed \u200b\u200bexceeding M ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    supersonic speed - Gas velocity exceeding the local speed of sound,. [GOST 23281 78] Topics of aircraft aerodynamics Generalizing terms gas flow characteristics EN supersonic velocity ... Technical translator's guide

    supersonic speed - viršgarsinis greitis statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Skraidymo aparato greitis, viršijantis garso greitį terpėje arba aplinkoje, kurioje jis juda. atitikmenys: angl. hypersonic velocity; supersonic velocity vok. ... ... Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

    supersonic speed - viršgarsinis greitis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. hypersonic velocity; supersonic velocity vok. Überschallgeschwindigkeit, f; Ultraschallgeschwindigkeit, f rus. supersonic speed, f pranc. vitesse hypersonique, f ... Fizikos terminų žodynas

    supersonic speed - viršgarsinis greitis statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Greitis, viršijantis garso greitį. atitikmenys: angl. supersonic speed; velocity rus. supersonic speed ... Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas

General information

Flight at hypersonic speed is part of the supersonic flight regime and is carried out in a supersonic gas flow. Supersonic air flow is fundamentally different from subsonic and the dynamics of aircraft flight at speeds above the speed of sound (above 1.2 M) is fundamentally different from subsonic flight (up to 0.75 M, the speed range from 0.75 to 1.2 M is called transonic speed ).

Determination of the lower limit of hypersonic speed is usually associated with the onset of the processes of ionization and dissociation of molecules in the boundary layer (BL) near the apparatus, which moves in the atmosphere, which begins to occur at about 5 M. Also, this speed is characterized by the fact that a ramjet engine (" Ramjet ") with subsonic combustion of fuel (" SPVRD ") becomes useless due to the extremely high friction that occurs when braking the passing air in an engine of this type. Thus, in the hypersonic range of speeds to continue the flight, it is possible to use only a rocket engine or a hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine) with supersonic fuel combustion.

Flow characteristics

While the definition of hypersonic flow (HF) is rather controversial due to the absence of a clear boundary between supersonic and hypersonic flows, HF can be characterized by certain physical phenomena that can no longer be ignored when considering, namely:

Thin layer of shock wave

As the velocity and the corresponding Mach numbers increase, the density behind the shock wave (SW) also increases, which corresponds to a decrease in volume behind the shock wave due to the conservation of mass. Therefore, the shock wave layer, that is, the volume between the vehicle and the SW, becomes thin at high Mach numbers, creating a thin boundary layer (BL) around the vehicle.

Formation of viscous shock layers

Part of the large kinetic energy contained in the air flow at M\u003e 3 (viscous flow) is converted into internal energy due to viscous interaction. An increase in internal energy is realized in an increase in temperature. Since the pressure gradient normal to the flow within the boundary layer is approximately equal to zero, a significant increase in temperature at high Mach numbers leads to a decrease in density. Thus, the PS on the surface of the vehicle grows and at high Mach numbers merges with a thin layer of the shock wave near the bow, forming a viscous shock layer.

The appearance of waves of instability in PS, which are not characteristic of sub- and supersonic flows

High temperature flow

The high-speed flow at the frontal point of the vehicle (point or area of \u200b\u200bstagnation) causes the gas to heat up to very high temperatures (up to several thousand degrees). High temperatures, in turn, create non-equilibrium chemical properties of the flow, which consist in the dissociation and recombination of gas molecules, ionization of atoms, chemical reactions in the flow and with the surface of the apparatus. Under these conditions, the processes of convection and radiative heat transfer can be significant.

Similarity parameters

It is customary to describe the parameters of gas flows by a set of similarity criteria that allow us to reduce an almost infinite number of physical states into similarity groups and which allow us to compare gas flows with different physical parameters (pressure, temperature, velocity, etc.) with each other. It is on this principle that experiments in wind tunnels and the transfer of the results of these experiments to real aircraft are based, despite the fact that in pipe experiments the size of the models, flow velocities, thermal loads, etc. can differ greatly from the modes of real flight, at the same time, similarity parameters (Mach, Reynolds, Stanton numbers, etc.) correspond to flight ones.

For trans- and supersonic or compressible flow, in most cases such parameters as the Mach number (the ratio of the flow velocity to the local speed of sound) and Reynolds number are sufficient to fully describe the flows. For a hypersonic stream, these parameters are often insufficient. First, the equations describing the shape of the shock wave become practically independent at speeds of 10 M. Second, the increased temperature of the hypersonic flow means that the effects related to imperfect gases become noticeable.

Taking into account the effects in real gas means more variables that are required to fully describe the state of the gas. If a stationary gas is completely described by three quantities: pressure, temperature, heat capacity (adiabatic index), and a moving gas is described by four variables, which also includes velocity, then a hot gas in chemical equilibrium also requires equations of state for its constituent chemical components, and a gas with processes dissociation and ionization must also include time as one of the variables of its state. In general, this means that at any given time for a nonequilibrium flow, 10 to 100 variables are required to describe the state of the gas. In addition, the rarefied hypersonic flow (HF), usually described in terms of Knudsen numbers, does not obey the Navier-Stokes equations and requires modification. HP is usually categorized (or classified) using total energy expressed using total enthalpy (mJ / kg), total pressure (kPa) and stagnation temperature (K) or velocity (km / s).

Ideal gas

In this case, the passing air flow can be considered as an ideal gas flow. The GP in this regime is still dependent on the Mach numbers and the simulation is guided by temperature invariants, and not by the adiabatic wall, which occurs at lower speeds. The lower boundary of this area corresponds to speeds of about 5 M, where SPVRMs with subsonic combustion become ineffective, and the upper boundary corresponds to speeds in the region of 10-12 M.

Ideal gas with two temperatures

Part of the case of a high velocity ideal gas flow regime in which the passing air flow can be considered chemically ideal, but the vibrational temperature and the rotational gas temperature must be considered separately, resulting in two separate temperature patterns. This is of particular importance in the design of supersonic nozzles, where vibration cooling due to molecular excitation becomes important.

Dissociated gas

Beam transport dominance mode

At speeds above 12 km / s, heat transfer to the vehicle begins to occur mainly through radial transfer, which begins to dominate over thermodynamic transfer along with an increase in speed. Gas modeling in this case is divided into two cases:

  • optically thin - in this case, it is assumed that the gas does not reabsorb radiation that comes from its other parts or selected units of volume;
  • optically thick - where the absorption of radiation by the plasma is taken into account, which is then re-emitted, including to the body of the apparatus.

Modeling optically thick gases is a challenging task, since due to the calculation of radiative transfer at each point in the flow, the amount of computation grows exponentially with the number of points considered.

Promising Russian bomber - a response to the concept of a rapid global strike?

The competition for the development of hypersonic speeds by aviation began during the Cold War. In those years, the designers and engineers of the USSR, the USA and other developed countries designed new aircraft that could fly 2-3 times faster than the speed of sound. The race to speed has spawned many discoveries in atmospheric aerodynamics and quickly reached the limits of the physical capabilities of pilots and the cost of manufacturing aircraft.

As a result, the missile design bureaus were the first to master hypersound in their offspring - intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and launch vehicles. When launching satellites into near-earth orbits, the rockets developed a speed of 18,000 - 25,000 km / h. This far exceeded the limiting parameters of the fastest supersonic aircraft, both civil (Concorde \u003d 2150 km / h, Tu-144 \u003d 2300 km / h) and military (SR-71 \u003d 3540 km / h, MiG-31 \u003d 3000 km / h). hour).

Separately, I would like to note that when designing the MiG-31 supersonic interceptor, aircraft designer G.E. Lozino-Lozinsky used advanced materials (titanium, molybdenum, etc.) in the airframe design, which allowed the aircraft to reach a record manned flight altitude (MiG-31D) and a maximum speed of 7000 km / h in the upper atmosphere. In 1977, test pilot Alexander Fedotov set an absolute world record for flight altitude - 37650 meters on his predecessor, the MiG-25 (for comparison, the SR-71's maximum flight altitude was 25929 meters). Unfortunately, engines for flights at high altitudes in a highly rarefied atmosphere had not yet been created, since these technologies were only being developed in the depths of Soviet research institutes and design bureaus within the framework of numerous experimental works.

A new stage in the development of hypersound technologies was research projects to create aerospace systems that combined the capabilities of aviation (aerobatics and maneuver, landing on a runway) and spacecraft (entering orbit, orbital flight, orbiting). In the USSR and the USA, these programs were partially worked out, showing the world the space orbital planes "Buran" and "Space Shuttle".

Why partially? The fact is that the launch of the aircraft into orbit was carried out using a launch vehicle. The cost of the withdrawal was enormous, about $ 450 million (under the Space Shuttle program), which was several times higher than the cost of the most expensive civil and military aircraft, and did not allow making an orbital aircraft a mass product. The need to invest huge amounts of money in the creation of infrastructure that would provide ultra-fast intercontinental flights (cosmodromes, flight control centers, fuel filling complexes) has finally buried the prospect of passenger transportation.

The only customer, at least somehow interested in hypersonic vehicles, was the military. True, this interest was episodic. The military programs of the USSR and the USA for the creation of aerospace aircraft followed different paths. They were most consistently implemented in the USSR: from the project to create a PKA (gliding spacecraft) to MAKS (multipurpose aeronautical space system) and Buran, a consistent and continuous chain of scientific and technical groundwork was built on the basis of which the foundation of future experimental flights of prototype hypersonic aircraft.

Rocket design bureaus continued to improve their ICBMs. With the advent of modern air defense and missile defense systems capable of shooting down ICBM warheads at a great distance, new requirements were imposed on the destructive elements of ballistic missiles. The warheads of the new ICBMs had to overcome the enemy's anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses. This is how warheads appeared, capable of overcoming aerospace defense at hypersonic speeds (M \u003d 5-6).

The development of hypersonic technologies for warheads (warheads) of ICBMs made it possible to start several projects to create defensive and offensive hypersonic weapons - kinetic (railgun), dynamic (cruise missiles) and space (strike from orbit).

The intensification of the geopolitical rivalry between the United States and Russia and China has revived the topic of hypersound as a promising tool capable of providing an advantage in the field of space and missile and aviation weapons. The growing interest in these technologies is also due to the concept of inflicting maximum damage on the enemy with conventional (non-nuclear) weapons, which is actually being implemented by the NATO countries led by the United States.

Indeed, if the military command has at least a hundred non-nuclear hypersonic vehicles that easily overcome the existing air defense and missile defense systems, then this "last argument of the kings" directly affects the strategic balance between the nuclear powers. Moreover, a hypersonic missile in the long term can destroy elements of strategic nuclear forces both from the air and from space in no more than an hour from the moment a decision is made to the moment the target is hit. This ideology is embedded in the American military program Prompt Global Strike (quick global strike).

Is such a program feasible in practice? The arguments "for" and "against" were divided approximately equally. Let's figure it out.

American Prompt Global Strike Program

The Prompt Global Strike (PGS) concept was adopted in the 2000s at the initiative of the US Armed Forces Command. Its key element is the ability to deliver a non-nuclear strike anywhere in the world within 60 minutes after a decision is made. Work within the framework of this concept is being carried out simultaneously in several directions.

The first direction of PGS, and the most realistic from a technical point of view, was the use of ICBMs with high-precision non-nuclear warheads, including cluster ones, which are equipped with a set of homing submunitions. The Trident II D5 sea-based ICBM was chosen as the development of this direction, delivering submunitions to a maximum range of 11,300 kilometers. At present, work is underway to reduce the CEP of warheads to values \u200b\u200bof 60-90 meters.

The second direction of PGS selected strategic hypersonic cruise missiles (SGKR). Within the framework of the adopted concept, the X-51A Waverider (SED-WR) subprogram is being implemented. On the initiative of the US Air Force and the support of DARPA, since 2001, the development of a hypersonic missile has been carried out by Pratt & Whitney and Boeing.

The first result of the ongoing work should be the appearance by 2020 of a technology demonstrator with an installed hypersonic ramjet engine (scramjet engine). According to experts, the SGKR with this engine can have the following parameters: flight speed M \u003d 7–8, maximum flight range 1300-1800 km, flight altitude 10-30 km.

In May 2007, after a detailed review of the progress of work on the X-51A "WaveRider", military customers approved the missile project. The Boeing X-51A WaveRider experimental SGKR is a classic cruise missile with an under-fuselage scramjet engine and a four-cantilever tail unit. The materials and thickness of the passive thermal protection were chosen in accordance with the calculated estimates of heat fluxes. The rocket nose module is made of tungsten with a silicon coating, which can withstand kinetic heating up to 1500 ° C. On the lower surface of the rocket, where temperatures up to 830 ° C are expected, ceramic tiles developed by Boeing for the Space Shuttle program are used. The X-51A missile must meet high stealth requirements (RCS no more than 0.01 m 2). To accelerate the product to a speed corresponding to M \u003d 5, it is planned to install a tandem solid-propellant rocket booster.

It is planned to use US strategic aviation aircraft as the main carrier of the SGKR. There is no information yet about how these missiles will be deployed - under the wing or inside the strategist's fuselage.

The third area of \u200b\u200bPGS are programs for the creation of systems of kinetic weapons that hit targets from the Earth's orbit. The Americans calculated in detail the results of the combat use of a tungsten rod about 6 meters long and 30 cm in diameter, dropped from orbit and striking a ground object at a speed of about 3500 m / s. According to calculations, an energy equivalent to an explosion of 12 tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT) will be released at the meeting point.

The theoretical justification gave a start to the projects of two hypersonic vehicles (Falcon HTV-2 and AHW), which will be launched into orbit by carrier rockets and in combat mode will be able to glide in the atmosphere with increasing speed when approaching the target. While these developments are at the stage of preliminary design and experimental launches. The main problematic issues so far remain the basing systems in space (space groupings and combat platforms), high-precision target guidance systems and ensuring the secrecy of launching into orbit (any launch and orbital objects are revealed by Russian missile attack warning and space control systems). The Americans hope to solve the stealth problem after 2019, with the commissioning of a reusable aeronautical space system, which will launch a payload into orbit "by airplane" by means of two stages - a carrier aircraft (based on a Boeing 747) and an unmanned space aircraft (based on prototype X-37V).

The fourth direction of PGS is a program to create an unmanned hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft based on the famous Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird.

A division of Lockheed - Skunk Works, is currently developing a promising UAV under the working name SR-72, which should double the maximum speed of the SR-71, reaching values \u200b\u200bof about M \u003d 6.

The development of a hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft is fully justified. First, the SR-72, due to its colossal speed, will be of little vulnerability to air defense systems. Secondly, it will fill in the "gaps" in the operation of satellites, quickly obtaining strategic information and detecting mobile complexes of ICBMs, ship formations, groupings of enemy forces in the theater of operations.

Two versions of the SR-72 aircraft are being considered - manned and unmanned; it is also possible to use it as a strike bomber, a carrier of high-precision weapons. Most likely, lightweight missiles without a main engine can be used as weapons, since it is not needed when launched at a speed of 6 M. The released weight will likely be used to increase the power of the warhead. Lockheed Martin plans to show a flight prototype of the aircraft in 2023.

Chinese project of hypersonic aircraft DF-ZF

On April 27, 2016, the American publication "Washington Free Beacon", citing sources at the Pentagon, informed the world about the seventh test of the Chinese hypersonic aircraft DZ-ZF. The aircraft was launched from the Taiyuan cosmodrome (Shanxi province). According to the newspaper, the plane made maneuvers at speeds from 6400 to 11200 km / h, and crashed at a training ground in Western China.

“According to the United States intelligence, the PRC plans to use a hypersonic aircraft as a means of delivering nuclear warheads capable of overcoming missile defense systems,” the newspaper noted. "The DZ-ZF can also be used as a weapon capable of destroying a target anywhere in the world within an hour."

According to the analysis of the entire series of tests carried out by US intelligence, the launches of the hypersonic aircraft were carried out by short-range ballistic missiles DF-15 and DF-16 (range up to 1000 km), as well as medium-range DF-21 (range 1800 km). Further development of launches on ICBM DF-31A (range 11,200 km) was not ruled out. According to the test program, the following is known: separating from the carrier in the upper atmosphere, the cone-shaped apparatus with acceleration glided down and maneuvered along the trajectory of reaching the target.

Despite numerous publications by foreign media that the Chinese hypersonic aircraft (HVA) is designed to destroy American aircraft carriers, Chinese military experts were skeptical about such statements. They pointed to the well-known fact that the supersonic speed of the GLA creates a plasma cloud around the device, which interferes with the operation of the onboard radar when adjusting the course and aiming at such a moving target such as an aircraft carrier.

Colonel Shao Yongling, professor at the PLA Missile Forces Command College, told the China Daily, “Its ultra-high speed and range makes it (GLA) an excellent weapon for destroying ground targets. In the future, it can replace intercontinental ballistic missiles. "

According to the report of the relevant commission of the US Congress, the DZ-ZF can be adopted by the PLA in 2020, and its improved long-range version by 2025.

Scientific and technical backlog of Russia - hypersonic aircraft

Hypersonic Tu-2000

In the USSR, work on a hypersonic aircraft began at the Tupolev Design Bureau in the mid-1970s, based on the Tu-144 serial passenger aircraft. The study and design of an aircraft capable of reaching speeds up to M \u003d 6 (TU-260) and a flight range of up to 12,000 km, as well as a hypersonic intercontinental aircraft TU-360. Its flight range was supposed to reach 16,000 km. A project was even prepared for a passenger hypersonic aircraft Tu-244, designed to fly at an altitude of 28-32 km at a speed of M \u003d 4.5-5.

In February 1986, R&D began in the USA on the creation of the X-30 spaceplane with an air-jet propulsion system, capable of entering orbit in a single-stage version. The National Aerospace Plane (NASP) project was distinguished by an abundance of new technologies, the key of which was a dual-mode hypersonic ramjet engine, which allows you to fly at speeds of M \u003d 25. According to information received by Soviet intelligence, the NASP was being developed for civil and military purposes.

The response to the development of the transatmospheric X-30 (NASP) was the USSR government decrees of January 27 and July 19, 1986 on the creation of an equivalent to the American aerospace aircraft (VKS). On September 1, 1986, the Ministry of Defense issued the terms of reference for a single-stage reusable aerospace plane (MVKS). According to this terms of reference, the MVKS was supposed to ensure efficient and economical delivery of cargo to near-earth orbit, high-speed transatmospheric intercontinental transportation, and the solution of military tasks both in the atmosphere and in near space. Of the works submitted for the competition by the Tupolev Design Bureau, Yakovlev Design Bureau and NPO Energia, the Tu-2000 project received approval.

As a result of preliminary research under the MVKS program, a power plant was selected based on proven and proven solutions. Existing air-jet engines (VRM), which used atmospheric air, had temperature limitations, they were used on aircraft whose speed did not exceed M \u003d 3, and rocket engines had to carry a large supply of fuel on board and were not suitable for long-term flights in the atmosphere ... Therefore, an important decision was made - in order for the aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds and at all altitudes, its engines must have features of both aviation and space technology.

It turned out that the most rational for a hypersonic aircraft is a ramjet engine (ramjet), in which there are no rotating parts, in combination with a turbojet engine (turbojet engine) for acceleration. It was assumed that a ramjet engine running on liquid hydrogen is most suitable for flights at hypersonic speeds. A booster engine is a turbojet engine that runs on either kerosene or liquid hydrogen.

As a result, a combination of an economical turbojet engine operating in the speed range M \u003d 0-2.5, the second engine - a ramjet engine, accelerating the aircraft to M \u003d 20, and a liquid-propellant engine to enter orbit (acceleration to the first space speed 7, 9 km / s) and providing orbital maneuvers.

Due to the complexity of solving a complex of scientific, technical and technological problems for the creation of a single-stage MVKS, the program was divided into two stages: the creation of an experimental hypersonic aircraft with a flight speed of up to M \u003d 5-6, and the development of a prototype of an orbital VKS, which provides a flight experiment in the entire range flights, up to spacewalk. In addition, at the second stage of the MVKS work, it was planned to create versions of the Tu-2000B space bomber, which was designed as a two-seater aircraft with a flight range of 10,000 km and a take-off weight of 350 tons. Six engines powered by liquid hydrogen were supposed to provide a speed of M \u003d 6-8 at an altitude of 30-35 km.

According to experts of the OKB im. A.N. Tupolev, the cost of building one VKS was supposed to be about 480 million dollars, in 1995 prices (with the cost of development work $ 5.29 billion). The estimated cost of the launch was to be $ 13.6 million, with 20 launches per year.

The first time a model of the Tu-2000 was shown at the exhibition "Mosaeroshow-92". Before the work was stopped in 1992, for the Tu-2000 were made: a wing box made of nickel alloy, fuselage elements, cryogenic fuel tanks and composite fuel lines.

Atomic M-19

A longtime "competitor" in strategic flying vehicles OKB im. Tupolev - Experimental Machine-Building Plant (now EMZ named after Myasishchev) was also engaged in the development of a one-stage videoconferencing system within the framework of R&D "Kholod-2". The project was named "M-19" and provided for elaboration on the following topics:

  • Topic 19-1. Creation of a flying laboratory with a power plant on liquid hydrogen fuel, development of technology for working with cryogenic fuel;
  • Topic19-2. Design and engineering work to determine the appearance of a hypersonic aircraft;
  • Topic 19-3. Design and engineering work to determine the appearance of a promising VKS;
  • Topic 19-4. Design and engineering work to determine the appearance of alternative VKS options with a nuclear propulsion system.

Work on the promising VKS was carried out under the direct supervision of General Designer V.M. Myasishchev and General Designer A.D. Tohuntsa. To carry out the component parts of R&D, plans for joint work with enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry were approved, including: TsAGI, TsIAM, NIIAS, ITAM and many others, as well as with the Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Defense.

The appearance of the M-19 single-stage VKS was determined after researching numerous alternative options for the aerodynamic layout. In terms of research on the characteristics of a new type of power plant, scramjet models were tested in wind tunnels at speeds corresponding to the numbers M \u003d 3-12. To assess the effectiveness of the future VKS, mathematical models of the systems of the apparatus and the combined power plant with a nuclear rocket engine (NRE) were also worked out.

The use of the aerospace system with a combined nuclear propulsion system implied expanded opportunities for intensive exploration of both near-earth space, including remote geostationary orbits, and deep space, including the Moon and near-lunar space.

The presence of a nuclear installation on board the VKS would also make it possible to use it as a powerful energy hub to ensure the functioning of new types of space weapons (beam, beam weapons, means of influencing climatic conditions, etc.).

The combined propulsion system (KDU) included:

  • Marching nuclear rocket engine (NRE) based on a nuclear reactor with radiation protection;
  • 10 by-pass turbojet engines (DTRDF) with heat exchangers in the inner and outer circuits and afterburner;
  • Hypersonic ramjet engines (scramjet engines);
  • Two turbochargers to pump hydrogen through the DTRDF heat exchangers;
  • Distribution unit with turbopump units, heat exchangers and pipeline valves, fuel control systems.

Hydrogen was used as a fuel for DTRDF and scramjet engines, and it was also a working fluid in a closed loop of a NRE.

In its finalized form, the M-19 concept looked like this: a 500-ton aerospace system performs takeoff and initial acceleration like a nuclear aircraft with closed-cycle engines, and hydrogen serves as a coolant that transfers heat from the reactor to ten turbojet engines. As the acceleration and climb progresses, hydrogen begins to be supplied to the afterburners of the turbojet engine, a little later to the direct-flow scramjet engines. Finally, at an altitude of 50 km, at a flight speed of more than 16M, an atomic NRM with a thrust of 320 tf is switched on, which provided an exit into a working orbit with an altitude of 185-200 kilometers. With a takeoff weight of about 500 tons, the M-19 aerospace spacecraft was supposed to put a payload weighing about 30-40 tons into a reference orbit with an inclination of 57.3 °.

It should be noted that a little-known fact is that when calculating the characteristics of the CDU at turboproot-flow, rocket-direct-flow and hypersonic flight modes, the results of experimental studies and calculations were used, carried out at TsIAM, TsAGI and ITAM SB AS USSR.

Ajax "- hypersound in a new way

Work on the creation of a hypersonic aircraft was also carried out at SKB "Neva" (St. Petersburg), on the basis of which the State Research Enterprise of Hypersonic Speeds (now OJSC "NIPGS" HC "Leninets") was formed.

The NIPGS approached the creation of GLA in a fundamentally new way. The concept of GLA "Ajax" was put forward at the end of the 80s. Vladimir Lvovich Freistadt. Its essence lies in the fact that the GLA does not have thermal protection (unlike most videoconferencing and GLA). The heat flux arising during hypersonic flight is admitted into the HVA to increase its energy resource. Thus, the GLA "Ajax" was an open aerothermodynamic system, which converted part of the kinetic energy of the hypersonic air stream into chemical and electrical energy, simultaneously solving the problem of cooling the airframe. For this, the main components of a chemical heat recovery reactor with a catalyst were designed, placed under the skin of the airframe.

The aircraft skin in the most thermally stressed places had a two-layer skin. Between the layers of the shell, there was a catalyst made of a heat-resistant material (nickel sponges), which was an active cooling subsystem with chemical heat recovery reactors. According to calculations, in all hypersonic flight modes, the temperature of the GLA airframe elements did not exceed 800-850 ° C.

The GLA includes a ramjet engine with supersonic combustion integrated with the airframe and the main (sustainer) engine - a magneto-plasma-chemical engine (MPKhD). MPKhD was intended to control the air flow using a magneto-gas-dynamic accelerator (MHD accelerator) and power generation using an MHD generator. The generator had a power of up to 100 MW, which was quite enough to power a laser capable of hitting various targets in near-earth orbits.

It was assumed that the sustainer MPKM would be able to change the flight speed over a wide range of the flight Mach number. Due to the deceleration of the hypersonic flow by the magnetic field, optimal conditions were created in the supersonic combustion chamber. During tests at TsAGI, it was revealed that the hydrocarbon fuel created within the framework of the Ajax concept burns several times faster than hydrogen. The MHD accelerator could "accelerate" the combustion products, increasing the maximum flight speed to M \u003d 25, which guaranteed an entry into a near-earth orbit.

The civilian version of the hypersonic aircraft was designed for a flight speed of 6000-12000 km / h, a flight range of up to 19000 km and the carriage of 100 passengers. There is no information about the military developments of the Ajax project.

Russian hypersound concept - missiles and PAK DA

The work carried out in the USSR and in the first years of the existence of the new Russia on hypersonic technologies makes it possible to assert that the original domestic methodology and scientific and technical groundwork has been preserved and used to create Russian GLA - both in rocket and aircraft versions.

In 2004, during the Security 2004 command-staff exercise, Russian President V.V. Putin made a statement that still excites the minds of the "public". “Experiments and some tests were carried out ... Soon, the Russian Armed Forces will receive combat systems capable of operating at intercontinental distances, with hypersonic speed, with great accuracy, with wide maneuver in height and direction of impact. These complexes will make any examples of antimissile defense, existing or prospective, unpromising ".

Some domestic media have interpreted this statement to the best of their understanding. For example: “Russia has developed the world's first hypersonic maneuvering missile, which was launched from the Tu-160 strategic bomber in February 2004, when the Security 2004 command-staff exercise was held ...

In fact, an RS-18 "Stilet" ballistic missile with new combat equipment was launched during the exercise. Instead of a conventional warhead, the RS-18 had some kind of device capable of changing the altitude and direction of flight, and thus overcome any, including the American, missile defense. Apparently, the device tested during the Security 2004 exercise was a little-known X-90 hypersonic cruise missile (GKR), developed at the Raduga ICB in the early 1990s.

Judging by the performance characteristics of this missile, the Tu-160 strategic bomber can take on board two X-90s. The rest of the characteristics look like this: the mass of the rocket is 15 tons, the main engine is a scramjet engine, the accelerator is solid propellant, the flight speed is 4-5 M, the launch height is 7000 m, the flight altitude is 7000-20000 m, the launch range is 3000-3500 km, the number of warheads is 2, the yield of the warhead is 200 kt.

In the dispute about which plane or rocket is better, planes most often lost, since the missiles turned out to be faster and more effective. And the plane became a carrier of cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at a distance of 2500-5000 km. When launching a missile at a target, the strategic bomber did not enter the area of \u200b\u200bopposing air defense, so there was no point in making it hypersonic.

The "hypersonic competition" between aircraft and missile is now approaching a new denouement with a predictable result - missiles are again ahead of aircraft.

Let's assess the situation. The long-range aviation, which is part of the Russian Aerospace Forces, is armed with 60 Tu-95MS turboprop aircraft and 16 Tu-160 jet bombers. The service life of the Tu-95MS will expire in 5-10 years. The Ministry of Defense has decided to increase the number of Tu-160s to 40 units. Work is underway to modernize the Tu-160. Thus, new Tu-160Ms will soon begin arriving at the Aerospace Forces. The Tupolev Design Bureau is also the main developer of the promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA).

Our “potential enemy” is not sitting idly by, he is investing in the development of the Prompt Global Strike (PGS) concept. The capabilities of the US military budget in terms of funding significantly exceed the capabilities of the Russian budget. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Defense are in dispute over the amount of funding for the State Armaments Program for the period up to 2025. And we are talking not only about the current expenses for the purchase of new weapons and military equipment, but also about promising developments, which include PAK DA and GLA technologies.

In the creation of hypersonic ammunition (missiles or projectiles), not everything is clear. The clear advantage of hypersound is speed, short approach time to the target, high guarantee of overcoming air defense and missile defense systems. However, there are a lot of problems - the high cost of disposable ammunition, the complexity of control when changing the flight trajectory. The same shortcomings became decisive arguments when reducing or closing programs for manned hypersound, that is, for hypersonic aircraft.

The problem of the high cost of ammunition can be solved by the presence on board the aircraft of a powerful computing complex for calculating the parameters of bombing (launch), which turns conventional bombs and missiles into precision weapons. Similar on-board computing systems installed in the warheads of hypersonic missiles make it possible to equate them with the class of strategic precision weapons, which, according to military specialists of the PLA, can replace ICBM systems. The presence of strategic-range missile GLA will call into question the need to maintain long-range aviation, as having limitations on the speed and effectiveness of combat use.

The appearance in the arsenal of any army of a hypersonic anti-aircraft missile (GZR) will force strategic aviation to "hide" at airfields, tk. The maximum distance from which cruise missiles of a bomber can be used, such GZR will overcome in a few minutes. Increasing the range, accuracy and maneuverability of the GZR will allow them to shoot down enemy ICBMs at any altitude, as well as disrupt a massive raid of strategic bombers before they reach the launch lines of cruise missiles. The pilot of the "strategist" may detect the launch of the air defense missile system, but he is unlikely to have time to take the plane away from defeat.

The GLA developments, which are now being intensively carried out in developed countries, indicate that a search is underway for a reliable tool (weapon) that can guarantee the destruction of the enemy's nuclear arsenal before the use of nuclear weapons, as the last argument in protecting state sovereignty. Hypersonic weapons can be used in the main centers of political, economic and military power of the state.

Hypersound has not been forgotten in Russia, work is underway to create missile weapons based on this technology (Sarmat ICBMs, Rubezh ICBMs, X-90), but rely on only one type of weapon ("miracle weapon", "weapons of retaliation ”) Would be, at least, not correct.

There is still no clarity in the creation of the PAK DA, since the basic requirements for its purpose and combat use are still unknown. The existing strategic bombers, as components of Russia's nuclear triad, are gradually losing their importance due to the emergence of new types of weapons, including hypersonic ones.

The course of "containment" of Russia, proclaimed the main task of NATO, is objectively capable of leading to aggression against our country, in which the North Atlantic Treaty armies trained and armed with modern means will participate. In terms of the number of personnel and weapons, NATO surpasses Russia by 5-10 times. A "sanitary belt" is being built around Russia, including military bases and missile defense positions. Essentially, NATO-led activities are described in military terms as theater of operations (theater of operations). At the same time, the United States remains the main source of arms supplies, as it was in the First and Second World Wars.

A hypersonic strategic bomber can, within an hour, find itself anywhere in the world over any military facility (base), from which the supply of resources to groupings of troops is provided, including in the "sanitary belt". Low vulnerability to missile defense and air defense systems, it can destroy such objects with powerful high-precision non-nuclear weapons. The presence of such a GLA in peacetime will become an additional deterrent for the supporters of global military adventures.

The civilian GLA can become the technical basis for a breakthrough in the development of intercontinental flights and space technologies. The scientific and technical groundwork for the Tu-2000, M-19 and Ajax projects is still relevant and may be in demand.

What will be the future PAK DA - subsonic with SGKR or hypersonic with modified conventional weapons, it is up to the customers - the Ministry of Defense and the Government of Russia.

“Whoever wins by preliminary calculation before the battle has a lot of chances. Whoever does not win by calculation before the battle has little chance. Whoever has a lot of chances wins. Those who have little chance do not win. Moreover, the one who has no chance at all. " / Sun Tzu, "The Art of War" /

Military expert Alexey Leonkov

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