The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is a quarrel of birds. Fairy tale "Quarrel of birds" What helped the bird catcher? Name the heroes of the work

Final examination. Literary reading. 4th grade. Read the text. Quarrel of birds. One bird-catcher spread a net in the forest, and various birds fell into it. They began to say: "The bait seduced us, so we got caught," said the crows. - Let's think about how we can break free, - suggested the starlings. - We will try all as one, maybe we will free ourselves. Birds thought, thought and thought. - Come on, - the pigeons began to speak, - let's all flap our wings at once, - can we take off, raise the net? “That's right,” said the rest of the birds. - Maybe we can raise the net if we take it together. All the birds flapped their wings in unison, lifted the net and flew away. He saw the bird-catcher that the net with the birds was flying, - he was amazed and rushed after him. Birds fly above with a net, below a bird-catcher runs after them. He was running, keeping an eye on his net, but as he ran up closer and saw the birds, he thought: “There are different birds in the net! .. Maybe they will quarrel? Then they will not be able to fly so fast, and the net will pull them to the ground! And then I will catch them ... "And indeed, for a while all the birds flapped their wings in unison, and then the crows cawed:" Nobody tries as hard as we crows! If we were as lazy as everyone else, the net would have fallen to the ground long ago! The pigeons heard this and got angry: - Will boast to you! We try no less than yours! Now it was the turn of the starlings to take offense. They also got into an argument. All the birds began to scold, reproach each other ... They barely waved their wings, and the net pulled them to the ground more and more. Soon they flew very low, but did not notice it. When friendship is apart, work does not go well, As soon as the bird-catcher was able to reach the rope, he grabbed it tightly and pulled the net to the ground. He took away the bird-catchers and transplanted them into their cages. (304 words). Part 1. When completing the tasks of this part, choose the correct answer. 1. Where are the events described at the beginning of the text occurring? 1) in the village 2) in the field 3) in the forest 2. Why did the birds get caught in the net? 1) they were tempted by the bait 2) it was curious to know what was inside 3) they wanted to get into the cell 3. Choose the correct version of the meaning of the expression "all as one. 1) friendly 2) fun 3) fast 4. What helped the birder catch the birds a second time? 1) the birds are exhausted 2) the birds have started a quarrel and lost height 3) the birds are entangled in the net 5. What figurative expression helps to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? 1) together, not overweight, but apart at least 2) friends are known in trouble 3) debt payment is red 6. Think about what is included in the title of the text? 1) main idea 2) theme 7. In which collection can this work be placed? 1) a collection of fairy tales 2) a collection of fables 3) a collection of epics 4) a collection of stories 8. The main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich fable is consonant with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work? 1) I. Krylov "Swan, Cancer and Pike". 2) I. Krylov "Monkey and glasses". 3) I. Krylov "The Cat and the Cook". Part 2. When completing the tasks in this part, briefly write down the answer. 9. Name the heroes of the work. 10. Can the events described in the text take place in winter? Prove - why? 11. Explain the meaning of the expression "wondered." 12. Restore the correct sequence of points in the plan of the read text. A) Again in captivity B) Birds keep advice: how to break free C) Friendly flight D) Having been seduced by a bait, the birds fall into the net E) A feigned quarrel of birds 13. Write a sentence from the text that helps to understand what the author wanted to tell us the main thing ... 14. Remember the names of the works (1-2), the heroes of which are also the birds mentioned in the tale. Part 3. Formulate and write down the answer (5-6 sentences) to the question. 15. Did you like this piece and how?


A. Lopatina

Fairy tales, games, conversations, quotes and creative assignments on 50 topics:

How to find a friend, Power of Unity, Love for the Motherland,
The meaning of life, the beauty of the soul and many others.
Lessons teach children to express their thoughts,
work in groups, stage performances, paint.




We learned to fly in the sky like
birds, and swim in the sea like fish, but
never learned one simple thing
- to walk on the ground like brothers.

Martin Luther King

Help Chain game

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher reads a situation to the children, for example:

The house is on fire;

The man is drowning;

A girl is lost in the city;

The boy has a bad memory and is a poor student;

The man slipped and broke his leg.

Within one or two minutes, children should remember the names of different objects or actions that are necessary in this situation. After that, members of each team line up in a chain of help, consisting of as many children as they can remember, and take turns calling their elephant. For example, in the event of a fire: one child calls the word "fireman", the second - the word "fire engine", the third - the word "hose", etc. The team with the longest chain of help wins.


Do you know people who live in peace with everyone and never quarrel? What qualities do you need to have for this?

At what moments in your life do you find it very difficult not to quarrel?

How do you like to work more: in a team or
by oneself?

Read the tale:


Indian fairy tale

One birder spread a net in the forest, and various birds fell into it: crows, starlings, pigeons. And they began to say to each other:

We were seduced by the bait. Let's all flap our wings at once and take off. Maybe we will be able to raise the network ..

And, indeed, they succeeded - they flapped their wings, raised the net and flew.

I saw the bird-catcher: the net with the birds was flying and ran after him. Above, birds in nets fly through the air, and below the bird catcher runs in pursuit. He runs and thinks: “But different birds have got into the net! You look and quarrel. But they will quarrel, they will not be able to fly fast - the net will pull them to the ground! "

And so it happened. At first, the birds dragged the net together, but then they argued. The crows croaked:

Nobody tries as hard as we crows! And if we were lazy, like you, other birds, the net would have fallen to the ground long ago with all of you. The pigeons listened to them and got angry:

It will be for you, crows! they said. - Stop boasting! We try harder than you.

Then all the other birds entered into an argument, and a squabble began among them. The birds argued, stopped trying - they barely flap their wings - so the net began to descend to the ground. The bird-catcher ran up, grabbed the rope from the net and pulled the net to him along with the birds. He took them away and put them all in cages.

Questions and tasks for the tale:

How else do you think the birds could have survived?

Why do you think people fight?

What is necessary to understand in order not to quarrel?

Tell us what a fight can lead to: in the family, at work, in the classroom, on the bus, etc.

Game "Get ready to flock quickly"

The teacher gives everyone a card with the name of one of four birds, for example: crow, sparrow, woodpecker, duck. Children don't show their cards to each other. Then everyone scatters around the classroom, flutters merrily and depicts their birds by cries. For example, crows shout - "kar-kar", sparrows - "chik-chirik", woodpeckers - "knock-knock", ducks - "quack-quack". Warn the children to observe each other carefully to remember which bird is depicting which. At the signal of the teacher, the children become silent and quickly gather in their flocks. The flock wins, which will gather the whole and the fastest. You can complicate the task and play the game in the dark.

Drawing "Bird of the world"

Draw a card with a bird of peace that flies over the earth and teaches people to live in peace and unity.

Read the tale:



One night a storm raged in the mountains. Lightning flashed in the sky, pouring rain. Raging streams rushed into the valley, destroying everything in its path. They uprooted trees, dug ravines. From the white granite rock that hung over the narrow mountain road, a block came off and fell down. She fell in the middle of the road, sinking deep into the damp earth.

The next morning the clear summer sun shone. Drops of dew glistened on the leaves plucked by the storm, and the fallen grass rose. On the road that led from the awakened village, a cart appeared, pulled by two steep-horned buffaloes. It was a village shopkeeper on his way to town for salt and tar. Having reached a huge stone at a bend in the road, the buffaloes stopped: a block blocked their way. To the left, in a deep abyss, a muddy river rustled, to the right steep cliffs towered. The shopkeeper scratched the back of his head and got off the cart. Approaching the stone, he laid his back on it, but could not move it.

What a lump! You can't budge. I'll wait, maybe someone stronger than me will come and throw her down. And he sat down by the road, took out a knife and, taking a stick, began to plane it. A little later a cart loaded with firewood drove up. Behind her was a stout Turk, belted with a red sash. He shouted from afar:

Hey, why stop in the middle of the road? Come on, turn aside, let me pass! I'm in a hurry.

You may be in a hurry, ”said the shopkeeper. - Yes, only first you need to move this block, and then continue to go.

The Turk came up, looked, leaned on the stone on one side, on the other, but the stone was not moving.

It can't be helped, ”he said, shaking his head. - Let's wait, maybe a stronger person will come up and clear the way.

He sat down next to the shopkeeper and lit a cigarette. A little time passed, and a new driver arrived. He was old, hunched over, his neck was thin, his arms were sinewy, and you see he was hot. Know whips horses with a whip. Seeing two carts on the road, he screamed, jumped off the beam, ran around the stone. But he could not budge the block. Calmed down, sat down next to the other two. A little later two carts with pots drove up. These carters were hurrying to the fair. Seeing that they could pass, one of them in their hearts began to whip the lump with a whip. The rest of the carters, looking at him, rolled with laughter. And le timebody. Soon a whole train was standing on the road. The crowd was noisy, the carters one after another tried their strength, but they could not even shake the granite block ... But the old man appeared on the road. On his shoulder he carried a stick, and on it hung a basket of cherries. The old man greeted the carters and wanted to pass by.

You are good, you will go through and sell the cherries in the market, ”the potter shouted enviously after him.

You go too, said the old man.

How so?


What is needed here is not intelligence, but strength, - the potter was angry.

No matter how we fought, none of us could movestone from the place.

Why not try it all together? How many of you are there. Or are you waiting for Marko the King to rise from the grave and move the stone?

Your truth! said one carter. - Well, brothers, let's all at once lean on a stone!

The carters crowded in front of the heavy block, spat on their hands, pulled themselves up and pushed it down.

With a crash a huge stone rolled into the abyss. The road was clear, and the drivers drove on.

Questions and tasks for the tale:

Why do you think the drivers themselves did not guess to try to move the stone all together?

What do you think, if such situations arise on the scale of a city or country, who should advise people on how best to act to solve this or that problem?

We compose a fairy tale "If all together"

Read the proverb: "As soon as the magpies unite, the eagle will be afraid of them."

Have you ever watched how small birds can chase away a large predator together? Come up with and write a fairy tale about it.


Record a quote from Verna M. Kelly: "Snowflakes are almost nature's most fragile creatures, but just look how strong they become when they come together!"

Write a story about how you and your friends have tackled something that you could not do alone.

Scene "Make peace with friends"

Divide the children into groups of three. Children should come up with a small scene about how two friends are quarreling, and a third friend reconciles them.


The teacher writes several quotes about the world on the board:

"The world begins at home." (Mother Teresa)

“War turns people born to be brothers into wild beasts”. (Voltaire)

“We learned to fly in the sky like birds and swim in the sea like fish, but we never learned one simple thing - to walk on the ground like brothers.” (Martin Luther King)

Children should write down the quote they like best in a notebook and write a letter about peace to all people on earth.


An exhibition of the world is made from drawings and homework of children. You can invite children to send their drawings of birds of peace and letters about peace to children of a school in another country or in another city.

Lesson 13


Some people, regardless of age,
never lose their beauty - just the beauty of the face
turns into the beauty of the heart.

Martin Baxbaum

Game "Ring of beauty"

Tell the children you have a beauty ring. It is worth directing the ring to any person, as all the most beautiful becomes immediately visible in it. Children melt into a circle and stretch their folded palms forward. The teacher discreetly puts a ring in someone's palms. Then the children shout in chorus: "Ring, ring, go out on the porch." The one who received the ring runs out to the middle of the circle. He must touch his friends with a ring, see something beautiful in each and tell about it. The one who has seen more beautiful in his friends gets the right to wear a ring of beauty on this day.


Questions and tasks for conversation:

What deeds and actions, in your opinion, can be called beautiful? Can beautiful deeds beautify a person's appearance? Can, on the contrary, bad deeds spoil a person's appearance?" STEPS WISDOM "

Indian fairy tale "Quarrel of birds" for children, according to the reading program: go to the 2nd grade

Indian fairy tale for children. Quarrel of birds

One bird-catcher spread a net in the forest, and various birds fell into it.

They began to speak.

“The bait seduced us, so we got caught,” said the crows.

- Let's think about how we can break free, - suggested the starlings. - We will try all as one, maybe we will free ourselves.

Birds thought, thought and thought.

- Come on, - the pigeons started talking, - all at once flap our wings - maybe we will take off? Let's raise the network?

- That's right, - the rest of the birds picked up, - maybe we'll raise the net if we take it together!

All the birds flapped their wings in unison, lifted the net and flew away. He saw the bird-catcher that the net with the birds was flying, - he was amazed and rushed after him.

Birds fly above with a net, below a bird-catcher runs after them. He runs, does not take his eyes off his net, but as he ran closer and saw the birds, he thought:

“There are different birds in the net! .. Maybe they will quarrel? Then they will not be able to fly so fast, and the net will pull them to the ground! And then I will catch them ... "

Indeed, for a while all the birds flapped their wings in unison, and then the crows croaked:

- Nobody tries as hard as we crows! If we were as lazy as everyone else, the net would have fallen to the ground long ago!

The pigeons heard this and got angry:

- Will boast to you! We are trying no less than you!

Now it was the turn of the starlings to take offense. They also got into an argument.

All the birds began to scold, reproach each other ... They were already waving their wings barely, and the net pulled them to the ground more and more. Soon they flew very low, but did not notice it. When friendships are apart, work doesn't go well. As soon as the bird-catcher was able to reach the rope, he firmly grabbed it and pulled the net to the ground. He took away the bird-catchers and transplanted them into their cages.

The Indian fairy tale "Quarrel of Birds" teaches children not to quarrel. When friendship is apart, work does not go well

Quarrel of birds. To read

One bird-catcher spread a net in the forest, and various birds fell into it.

They began to speak.

“The bait seduced us, so we got caught,” said the crows.

- Let's think about how we can break free, - suggested the starlings. - We will try all as one, maybe we will free ourselves.

Birds thought, thought and thought.

- Come on, - the pigeons started talking, - all at once flap our wings - maybe we will take off? Let's raise the network?

- That's right, - the rest of the birds picked up, - maybe we'll raise the net if we take it together!

All the birds flapped their wings in unison, lifted the net and flew away. He saw the bird-catcher that the net with the birds was flying, - he was amazed and rushed after him.

Birds fly above with a net, below a bird-catcher runs after them. He runs, does not take his eyes off his net, but as he ran closer and saw the birds, he thought:

“There are different birds in the net! .. Maybe they will quarrel? Then they will not be able to fly so fast, and the net will pull them to the ground! And then I will catch them ... "

Indeed, for a while all the birds flapped their wings in unison, and then the crows croaked:

- Nobody tries as hard as we crows! If we were as lazy as everyone else, the net would have fallen to the ground long ago!

The pigeons heard this and got angry:

- Will boast to you! We are trying no less than you!

Now it was the turn of the starlings to take offense. They also got into an argument.

All the birds began to scold, reproach each other ... They were already waving their wings barely, and the net pulled them to the ground more and more. Soon they flew very low, but did not notice it. When friendships are apart, work doesn't go well. As soon as the bird-catcher was able to reach the rope, he firmly grabbed it and pulled the net to the ground. He took away the bird-catchers and transplanted them into their cages.

Topic: Indian fairy tale "Quarrel of birds"

Class: 2

Lesson type : learning new things.

Purpose: teaching expressive reading in whole words.


- teach conscious, correct fluent reading in full words;

Systematize and generalize new material;

Developing :
- develop coherent speech of students;

Develop the ability to compare, observe, draw conclusions;

Develop phonemic and speech hearing;


Fostering respect for the oral creativity of the peoples of the world;

Fostering a careful, attentive attitude to the word;

Create conditions for the development of educational and communication skills.

Equipment: for teacher : TSO, presentation.for students : notebook, textbook (Kubasova.O. // Literary reading. 2nd grade. 2012)

Planned results:

- navigate books, work with text;

Analyze the text to find out the subtext;

Analyze the text to identify cause and effect relationships;

Analyze the text to determine its idea;

Analyze the text of the definition of its genre;

- enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to another, observe the rules of communication;

Argue your opinion;

- to form moral and ethical guidelines;

Develop reflection;

-Hello guys. My name is Alina Sergeevna and today I will give you a reading lesson.

Check it out my friend

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything okay

A book, pen and notebook?

Have you checked? Sit down!

Work hard!

Check their readiness for the lesson. They sit down.


Regulatory: students independently determine their level of readiness for the lesson;
Communicative: students plan educational cooperation with the teacher, with peers

Updating basic knowledge

To update previously acquired knowledge; identify gaps in knowledge among students, eliminate them;

Guys, let's check your homework.

What were you asked?

What are you all great. Well prepared.

Who wrote the tale?

And today we will also study a fairy tale, only not Russian folk, but Indian.

Guys, have any of you been to India?

What do you know about this country?

India is a country located in South Asia. The country has a very hot, humid climate. The Indian Ocean surrounds the country on almost all sides. There are a lot of poor people in the country. The cow is considered a sacred animal in the country. They are allowed to go wherever they want.

This is how India is.

Just as in Russia in India, legends were passed from mouth to mouth, and today we will study the Indian fairy tale "Quarrel of the Birds"

The class was divided into groups and prepared a scene from the read work. (Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane")

Students go to the blackboard and show their presentation.

(4 groups)



Elephants live there and it's very hot.

Conversation; TSO (presentation, diagram)

Communicative: students enter into an educational dialogue with a teacher, classmates, participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior;
Personal: students have a positive attitude to learning, to cognitive activity, show a desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, and improve existing ones.

Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

Formation of general educational skills and abilities

We open the textbook with you on page 66. And we follow me.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Do you understand all the words?

    Birder - a person who catches birds.

    Temptation - something attractive.

    Boast - brag.

    Scold - swear.

Who are the main characters in the tale?

What trouble did the birds get into?

How did the birds decide to escape?

Did they manage to escape?

They follow the text with their eyes.

No, because the birds were not saved.


Birders, birds.

We got into the bird catcher's net.

Take off at the same time.

No, they quarreled on the way and caught the birder.

Installation; illustration;


Cognitive: learners are aware of the cognitive task; understand the information.
Regulatory: pupilsindependently plan future activities;

Physical minute

Relieve fatigue and stress; make an emotional charge; improve general motor skills


Personal: students master new types of activities, participate in the creative, constructive process

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

To form the ability and ability to work independently, to generalize knowledge

Now let's read with you on a proposal.

Well done boys.

How do you understand the expression"I was surprised"

- Now let's think, what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale?

Guys, open the printed notebook on page 35-36 and perform exercise 1.

1. Underline the letters that distinguish the words and read them correctly.






    Get out, get out

    We noticed, fell silent

    Praised-picked up

2. Find and correct mistakes, read them correctly.

All the birds flapped their wings together,understood network and flew. He saw the bird-catcher that the net with the birds was flying, - he wondered andasked for after.

And indeed, for a while, all the birds are togetherplowed wings, and then the crows croaked:

Nobody is like thaterased like us crows!

3. Explain how you understand the expression.

Wonder was given -___________


Narrate the story so that the ending is happy. Tell her

Children reading text


Current control carried out by the students themselves.

Communicative: be able to listen; enter into dialogue; participate in brainstorming.

Lesson summary

Summing up the results of the lesson; evaluation of one's own and other people's work

Guys, what fairy tale have we studied today?

So what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale?

D / s s. 65-67 retelling,

H. 4

- "Quarrel of Birds"

Be friendly, be at the same time. Do a common cause together

Regulatory: pupils

adequately assess their own and others' achievements; acquire self-service skills

GBPOU SPO "Dzerzhinsky Pedagogical College"

Summary of a trial lesson in reading

Topic: "Quarrel of birds" Indian fairy tale

2 "A" class

Conducted by: student of group PNK-4

Bykova Alina


Teacher: Garyanova. S. N.

Methodist: Isaeva. S.A



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