The strategy of forming a management team by example. Prospects for the formation of management teams based on the team principle. Types of roles in a Belbin team

Typical problems of the management team and their negative impact on the activities of the organization OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

Today, every person working in the organization "SDM-Bank" performs many roles. When working together, the most pressing team problems are identified, and an opportunity arises to achieve a new equilibrium state, which sets a higher level of personal involvement and team climate.

At the same time, 80% of success in the implementation of tasks is due to the well-coordinated work of the management team, which, in turn, is ensured by the correct distribution of roles among the participants. Any manager should be aware that there are not only “technical” roles, but also “psychological” roles that one or more team members can play.

In general terms, the structure of SDM-Bank's problems can be expressed as follows:

Fig. 2

Broken landmarks.

Lack of an agreed position. The members of the SDM-Bank management team, having a common vision of the tasks facing the company, do not always have a common opinion on how to translate this vision into reality. In addition, members of the management team often cannot agree with each other on how to evaluate the performance of the company and its departments, who works best, and how to reward employees for special achievements.

Lack of deep understanding. Even if the members of the SDM-Bank team reach agreement on plans, their further actions do not always correspond to the decisions made. This reflects the habit of leaders, when making decisions, not to go into details and not analyze the rationale for these decisions.

Lack of focus on strategic objectives. Without adhering to the general direction, the leadership team spends most of their time on day-to-day activities and firefighting measures, rather than identifying tasks and work that only they can do.

Ineffective communication.

Lack of dialogue. Often, lengthy conversations do not guarantee that the members of the SDM Bank team will be able to reach an agreement, since they do not share important information with each other, do not express critical remarks and agree with dubious strategies just because they are afraid of a “retaliation”. All this increases mutual irritation and gives rise to many hidden problems, especially if the members of the SDM-Bank team do not know each other well and therefore there is no trust between them, or there are conflicts between individual divisions of the company.

Unconstructive behavior. Not being able to conduct an open dialogue, the SDM-Bank team often does not benefit from the diversity of points of view and experience of their colleagues, as a result their ability to work creatively and adapt to changes in the market decreases. As a result, a conflict situation arises, mutual skirmishes, even in the team of top managers. Naturally, this behavior creates fear and a willingness to defend itself, and if individual team members turn into scapegoats, then the already acute problems are only exacerbated.

Failure to update.

Personal dissatisfaction. Many members of the SDM-Bank management team, despite their successful career growth and enviable position, are deeply disappointed people: their today's work no longer requires much effort from them and therefore does not completely capture them. Both individually and as a team, top managers prefer not to delve into the essence of problems and not burden themselves with new information and experience, that is, they try to avoid everything that could disturb their peace. As a result, these top managers become downright bored and their productivity drops. This is how, until recently, a strong team can before our eyes lose the ability to energize others and adapt to change.

Isolation. As a rule, the management team of SDM-Bank does not pay due attention to information coming from outside - from other organizations or industries, although this information, if processed in time, can affect key strategic and organizational decisions. Moreover, team members rarely have the time to analyze information and assess its implications for the future of the company. Without establishing the process of collecting and analyzing information, the SDM-Bank team will not be able to identify strategically important areas of its activities.

Lack of individual skills. At SDM-Bank, there is no institution of experienced "mentors" and no one teaches top managers how to make changes in a corporation. Unlike middle managers, who work under the supervision of professionals of higher qualifications and thus undergo "advanced training" courses, top managers work without insurance and therefore have no room for error.

The researchers note that today employees see their careers not as moving up a hierarchical ladder within one organization, but as a chain of projects that are of interest to them.

A person works in a team as long as the remuneration, the content of the work itself, colleagues are of a certain interest and value to him. The team member leaves as soon as this interest disappears. This raises the question of how to form a team, how to keep it, how to motivate people to productive work, how to manage self-organization.

One of the main difficulties of SDM-Bank today is the coordination of individual and team goals, the transformation of these goals into a system-forming factor of the team. Managing the process of self-organization in a team should not allow individual goals to change under the influence of random factors.


In this subsection of the course work, we will consider the problem of the formation of management teams as a dilemma of collective and individual in the organizational culture of Russian enterprises.

The solution of modern economic problems requires from Russian enterprises the introduction of more flexible management technologies, the creation of new management structures, a more active involvement of top managers in group, team forms of work, which are widely used in countries with a liberal economy. However, the adaptation of Western advanced technologies to Russian conditions is not always successful. Often, the peculiarities of the national mentality and national organizational culture act as an obstacle to the spread of managerial innovations. As you know, each national community has its own ideas about the possible, permitted, and "correct" in group work and the corresponding method of management). These differences are significant and quite often it is seen that the seemingly promising foreign management experience does not take root or does not take root well in Russian enterprises. In this regard, the question arises of how the national characteristics of the organizational culture of Russian enterprises hinder the fruitful assimilation of advanced foreign experience in the development of command (collective) forms of management.

Recently, organizational culture has been considered as a key tool for the development of an enterprise, and therefore the attention of researchers is attracted not only by the problems of its diagnosis, but also by the possibility of forming, creating an organizational and cultural environment of a certain type. In the most general sense, organizational culture is a set of values, norms, traditions, beliefs, myths, behaviors that are most typical for an organization. Following T. Yu. Bazarov, let us consider organizational culture as a value-normative space in which the interaction of enterprise employees unfolds. In this value-normative space, one of the significant places is occupied by values \u200b\u200band norms related to the ways of interaction between an individual and an organization, an individual and a group. They determine the dominant orientation in the organization - collectivist or individualistic. It is no coincidence that the parameter "individualism-collectivism" is considered as one of the essential features that differentiate organizational cultures according to different types. 7

For many years, Russian business culture has been assessed by researchers as collectivist, which made it possible for sociologists and management consultants to make optimistic forecasts regarding the spread of group forms of management activity in Russian enterprises, and, in particular, command management.

However, in recent years, there have been significant shifts in the corporate culture towards autonomy and individualism. In this regard, the assessment of the organizational culture of enterprises on the basis of "individualism-collectivism" is often controversial, especially if external, not systematized features act as the criteria for such an assessment. Thus, many researchers note that modern Russian business culture is characterized by: the presence of a large distance between managers and subordinates, inattention of managers to the needs and interests of subordinates, and the absence of emotional contact between them. Russian organizations are distinguished by the concentration of power at the top management. The meetings at which management decisions are made are structured hierarchically. Transfer of decision-making authority to subordinates is almost not practiced. For their part, subordinates at enterprises in Russia have less trust in managers than in Western countries. At the same time, some researchers still attribute collectivist, paternalistic orientations to Russian managers. For example, the American researcher Sheela Puffer believes that the leaders of Russian enterprises with a pronounced authoritarian management style tend to show excessive concern for their subordinates to patronize them.

In our opinion, contradictions in assessments of the prevailing type of organizational culture of Russian enterprises are due not only to the different level of their organizational development (which certainly affects the characteristics of the organizational culture). They can also be caused by an ambiguous interpretation of the attribute "individualism collectivism". According to G. Hofstede, "individualism" and "collectivism" are two extreme forms of relations reflecting the nature of the relationship between the individual and the group. Organizational culture may be dominated by either “individualism”, when people define themselves as an individual and care only about themselves, about their family and their relatives, or “collectivism”, which is characterized by a close relationship between a person and a group.

With pronounced "collectivism" the group cares about meeting the needs of its members, provides them with support and security in return for their loyalty.

As correlates characterizing the type of culture according to the factor "individualism - collectivism", G. Hofstede proposes to consider indicators that reveal the nature of the manifestation of this factor in the organization (interference in the personal life of the organization, the impact of the organization on the well-being of employees, protection of interests, initiative of employees or sense of duty and loyalty, the nature of the promotion, staff motivation, social connections). 8 However, the analytical scheme proposed by G. Hofstede does not fully reveal the essence of “collectivism” and “individualism”, does not allow us to understand the nature of collectivist attitudes in Russian corporate culture ”.

To study and understand the problems of cross-cultural business interaction, Russian researcher R.V. Gordeev proposed to consider "individualism" and "collectivism" not as opposite poles of one relationship, but as two meaningfully different properties that can be used as the basis for the typology of national organizational culture ... The parameter "individualism" characterizes the way a person achieves his goals in the conditions of his functioning in the community. The extreme poles of this parameter: "atomistic individualism" (when a person, while achieving his own goals, does not take into account the interests of other people) and "interdependent individualism" (when a person, when realizing his goals, tries to take into account the restrictions imposed on him by others).

The second parameter - "collectivism" - characterizes the degree of pressure of the group on a person, the ways of forming his attitudes to adhere to some mode of behavior in the group. Its bipolar scale covers all forms of collectivism from "strict" to "flexible" collectivism. "Flexible collectivism" allows a certain degree of the individual's voluntary acceptance of group norms and values. It can be considered an open or free system, since decisions are usually made here on the basis of personal agreements, and the free expression of the individual's will is recognized. "Strict collectivism" limits active individual will and participation. In this type of collectivism, conservative and sometimes totalitarian tendencies are strong, since decisions are usually made on the basis of majority opinion and group pressure to maintain existing structures. In strict collectivism, control from above and coercion dominate. An attempt to present “individualism” and “collectivism” as different value-normative levels, one of which (“individualism”) largely belongs to the value-normative sphere of the individual, and the other (“collectivism” ) - reflects the dominant value-normative attitudes in the group, it seems to us fruitful not only to explain the contradictions and problems that arise in the conditions of cross-national communication, but also to understand the limitations and obstacles that leaders may face when introducing foreign experience. nine


For the creative and effective use of management principles, it is necessary to reveal and comprehensively investigate the objective laws and patterns of management, in turn, since the laws and patterns of management are based on the laws of development of nature, society and thinking, it is necessary to form a perfect system of scientific knowledge of each leader, the broadest cultural and professional outlook ...

The principles of management, being objective in nature, must have a legal form, enshrined in the system of normative documents, regulations, agreements, contractual obligations, legislative acts, etc. However, at the same time, the nature and forms of consolidation of management principles should be flexible enough to avoid excessive rigidity of procedures and wording. This is very important, since a change in specific historical conditions leads to a change in the operation of socio-economic laws, respectively, in the content of the management principles themselves.

The interaction of the controlling and controlled subsystems is carried out in accordance with certain principles, that is, rules. In practice, there can be a lot of such principles. Hardly the most important of these principles can be considered scientific in combination with elements of art. As already noted, management uses the data and findings of many sciences, since it is almost impossible to manage a complex modern economy "on a whim." At the same time, the situation can change so rapidly and unpredictably that there is simply no time to find a scientifically sound solution, and then you have to use non-traditional approaches. This requires a leader, in addition to deep knowledge, extensive experience, mastery of the art of interpersonal communication, the ability to find a way out of hopeless situations.

The management process should be purposeful, that is, it is always carried out for a reason, but should be focused on solving specific problems that are currently facing the organization. Any management process must be based on the principle of consistency. In some cases, the sequence of managerial actions can be cyclical, implying their repetition in the same form at regular intervals. The continuity of the implementation of business processes in the organization requires, respectively, and the continuity of their management, control and coordination of personnel. The latter requires an optimal combination of centralized regulation and self-government of individual elements of the organization. Since self-regulation is carried out by people, it is impossible without observing such a principle as taking into account the individual characteristics and psychology of workers, as well as the laws of interpersonal relations and group behavior.

In order for the management process to proceed normally, it is necessary to observe such an important principle as ensuring the unity of rights and responsibility in each of its links. An excess of rights in comparison with responsibility leads in practice to managerial collapse, and a lack of rights paralyzes the business activity and initiative of employees. Here, an important factor is considered to be the competitiveness of management participants based on personal interest in success, supported by a variety of motivators, such as material incentives, opportunities for career advancement, self-realization, and acquiring new knowledge and skills. In modern conditions, the management process cannot be truly effective without observing such a principle as the widest possible involvement of performers in the process of preparing decisions, since decisions in which their own work and ideas are invested will be implemented with greater activity and interest.

The formation of an organizational culture based on the philosophy of the common cause and teamwork presupposes a change in the nature of collectivist attitudes, the transition in the interaction of the group's personality from the strategy of “strict collectivism” to “deep, open collectivism”. Leaders play an important role in shaping the new organizational and cultural environment. The establishment of a team culture implies a reduction in the distance between the first leader and a group of top managers, the establishment of consistent intragroup relations. Modern research gives every reason to assume that the business world as a whole is moving towards convergence and complementarity. Changes in the external environment, which is characterized by high competitiveness and dynamism, put in more favorable conditions for the organization, in which the norms and values \u200b\u200bof business interaction fit from formal to personalized relations, from autocratic to humanistic management style, from conservative to innovative nature of activities.

The transformation of the rigid collectivist attitudes of top managers of modern Russian business structures in the direction of flexible, open collectivism will make it possible to actively use personal and group resources in management, providing only effective communication, but also high competitiveness and adaptation of Russian enterprises to the global problems of the world market.

List of used literature:

1. Polukarov VL "Fundamentals of Management": Textbook - 2nd ed. processing - M .: KNORUS, 2008 - 240 p.

2. Dolgov, M. Team management in Russia. Methods for the formation and development of team effects in the organization [Text] / M. Dolgov // Personnel management. - 2005. - No. 24. - S. 31 - 34.

3. Elanchuk, E. Management team / E. Elanchuk // Personnel service. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 31 - 34.

4. Nemov R.S., Altunina I.R. "Social psychology": A short course - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008 - 208 p.

5. Kanadrov IV Personnel development management .- "Phoenix", 2012.

6. Kibanov A.Ya. Fundamentals of personnel management: Uch.-M .: INFRA-M, 2011.-447s.

7. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., Rev. And add. - M .: UNITI, 2007. - 265 p.

8. Personnel management of the organization: strategy, management, marketing Textbook. / Ed. A. Ya.Kibanova - M .: Infra - M, 2007.

9. Personnel management of the organization: Textbook / Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M .: Prior, 2008

10. Shapiro SA, Shataeva OV Fundamentals of personnel management in modern organizations. - ROSBUH 2008

11. Personnel management. Theory and practice. Vesnin V.R. 2009 -517s

12. Semenova, I. I. History of management / I. I. Semenova. - M .: UNITY - DANA. 2000.

13. Berezovskaya T.P. Formation of a management team: manual / 2006. - P. 52

14. Borovikova N.V. / Petrov V.A.// Management team: status, patterns of development.-2005. - P. 2

15. Fedorova N.V. Organization personnel management: textbook / N.V. Fedorova, O. Yu. Minchenkov. - M .: KNORUS, 2011 - 487 p.

1 Berezovskaya T.P. Formation of a management team: manual / 2006. - P. 52

2 Borovikova N.V. / Petrov V.A.// Management team: status, patterns of development.-2005. - P. 2

3 Polukarov V. L. "Fundamentals of Management": Textbook - 2nd ed. processing - M .: KNORUS, 2008 - 134-135 p.

4 Elanchuk, E. Management team / E. Elanchuk // Personnel service. - 2005. - No. 1. - P. 31 - 34.

5 Semenova, I. I. History of management / I. I. Semenova. - M .: UNITY - DANA. 2000.54-56 p.

6 Dolgov, M. Team management in Russia. Methods of formation and development of team effects in the organization / M. Dolgov // Personnel management. - 2005. - No. 24. - S. 31 - 34.

7 Personnel management. Theory and practice. Vesnin V.R. 2009 -125p.

8 Personnel management. Theory and practice. Vesnin V.R. 2009 126-127 p.

9 Fedorova N.V. Organization personnel management: textbook / N.V. Fedorova, O. Yu. Minchenkov. - M .: KNORUS, 2011.- 145 p.

The relevance of the chosen topic "Technologies for the formation of management teams" is that today it is the team that becomes the core, mastering the production of a new product or introducing a new service into circulation, introducing new equipment and technology, providing access to new markets, attracting new resources and distributing new forms and methods of organizing production and management. It is the teams that become the prototype of the organization of the future.

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technologies for forming management teams

Course work


Formation of management teams as the main factor in increasing the efficiency of the organization

Management team as a phenomenon of group organization

1.1.1 Major trends in teambuilding in modern organizations

1.1.2 Specificity of the management team, its purpose and mission

1.1.3 Coaching as a way to activate the potential of the management team

1.2 Basic forms of intra-team cultural context

1.3 Team building process

1.3.1 Teams development stages

1.3.2 Team development trajectories

1.3.3 Team Formation Methods

2. Analysis of the formation of a management team on the example of OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

2.1 General characteristics of OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

2.2 Personnel of OJSC JSCB "SDM-Bank"

2.3 Typical problems of the management team and their negative impact on the activities of the organization OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

2.4 A set of measures to form an effective management team


Bibliographic list


Modern management is increasingly trying to use team methods in its work. The rigid administrative system, which has proven itself so well in the management of large industrial enterprises, is of little use today. There are two reasons for this:

  • the sharply increased rate of change in the external environment in which organizations have to work;
  • a significant increase in the share of creative work of employees.

The need to quickly respond to external changes, superimposed on the increased complexity of doing business (for successful management now requires a very deep knowledge of many disciplines), forces companies to hire specific groups of highly qualified specialists for their management. These specialists work most effectively if relationships within the group can be built in such a way that they form a management team.

Thus, for those companies that, due to the specifics of their own activities or due to the specifics of the markets in which they have to work, entered the post-industrial era, the issue of algorithms for creating such management teams and recipes for further increasing their efficiency becomes extremely important. For many companies, addressing these issues becomes a factor in their survival.

The relevance of the chosen topic "Technologies of forming management teams" is that today it is the team that becomes the core, mastering the production of a new product or introducing a new service, introducing new techniques and technology, providing access to new markets, attracting new resources and distributing new forms and methods of organizing production and management. It is the teams that become the prototype of the organization of the future.

The purpose of the course work is to analyze the entire process of forming a management team, and also to consider in practice how important the correct choice of technology for its formation is.

In term paper to achieve the goal, the following tasks have been set:

  • on the basis of literary sources to reveal the concept, essence and specifics of the management team;
  • outline the stages of development of teams, as well as the main methods of their formation;
  • analyze the formation of a management team using the example of OJSC CB SDM-Bank;

The object of research in the course work is the management team as a phenomenon of group organization, and the subject of research is the management team of SDM-Bank.

  1. Formation of management teams as the main factor in increasing the efficiency of the organization
  1. Management team as a phenomenon of group organization

1.1.1 Major trends in teambuilding in modern organizations

“The specialists in the field of highly effective management, organizational development and social psychology started talking about management teams and their creation relatively recently, a little over 30 years ago. The first studies of team activity, published in the early 1960s, focused on finding ways to improve the efficiency and productivity of managerial work.

The emergence of interest in the team approach is associated with the following trends in the development of organizations and high-performance management.

1. Modern organizations have pronounced tendencies to complicate and increase their structural and functional composition, which requires the introduction of more effective organizational forms and methods of collective management, which would minimize the time for making a managerial decision and at the same time improve its quality, i.e. productivity, expediency and timeliness. The situation can be resolved by creating a “tight-fitting” (well-formed) management team that improves the resolution of large and interdisciplinary problems.

2. Almost all successfully developing and highly competitive firms and corporations both in our country and abroad are building their development both on the basis of meeting the needs of today's consumers and the needs of tomorrow, creating departments of new technology, problem-promising laboratories and etc. Subdivisions of this kind are characterized by increased mobility of organizational structures - they are characterized by "changing geometry", depending on the change of tasks (the transition of employees from project to project, invitation of external experts and performers, creation of temporary departments, etc.). The share of this type of department, for example, in the Intel Corporation is 25% of the total number of employees. Their successful functioning is based, in particular, on increasing the innovative abilities of the research group by creating a "field of ideas", an atmosphere of creative search, as well as a team of like-minded people who take responsibility for the development prospects of the organization together with the administration, which, in fact, is a manifestation team approach in innovation management.

3. Considering the productivity of a manager as the productivity of the organization he heads or on which he has an indirect impact, they note that a further increase in the productivity of managerial labor depends on the realization that a manager of any rank is associated with the creation of a collective product of labor. The belonging of an individual employee to the "philosophy of the common cause", that is, the development of a "team spirit", is of great importance as a motivating factor for increasing the productivity of the organization as a whole.

Managers' understanding of the rules of a team game determines a quick and effective solution to situations such as a fuzzy distribution of responsibilities during project implementation, an increase in motivation for engaging in substantive activities and an awareness of the reasons for the low personal contribution of a particular group member, elimination of interpersonal friction and others in which personal motives and needs clash organizations.

4. Recognition of the very existence of the team approach is associated with the latest research in the field of the development of the organization and the perception of it as having a special culture, values, symbolic rituals. "Socio-technical model of organization" as a micro-model of human civilization most fully reflects real processes and reality. It is noted:

Today's leaders and managers see their organization's culture as a powerful strategic tool to align all departments and individuals with shared goals, mobilize employee initiative, and facilitate productive communication between them.

Organizational culture is one of the components of team management, since it is closely related to symbolic ways of representing management activities. To increase its efficiency, along with research of existing organizational and structural forms (morphology of the organization), the study of the impact of the value aspect of the coexistence of members of management groups on the performance of the organization is of great importance.

1.1.2 Specificity of the management team, its purpose and mission

“An important function of the successful work of the company's top management bodies in the field of corporate personnel is the formation of management teams, especially the top-level management team. The cohesion of such a team, its professionalism, moral and strong-willed qualities depend not only on the well-being of the company, but also often, the life of top managers. "

“The idea of \u200b\u200bteam work methods, borrowed from the world of sports, began to be actively introduced into management practice in the 60-70s of the XX century. Currentlyteam - building (team building) is one of the most promising corporate management models that ensure effective organizational development. Team building is aimed at creating groups of equal specialists of various specializations, jointly bearing joint responsibility for the results of their activities and on a parity basis carrying out the division of labor. "

“In successful management teams, the development and adoption of decisions is carried out directly by the group, and the role of the administrator is to create the necessary conditions for this, define the boundaries of the solution space and give the necessary advice in difficult cases.

A team is a small number of people (most often five to seven, less often up to 15-20) who share goals, values \u200b\u200band common approaches to the implementation of joint activities, have complementary skills; take responsibility for the final results, are able to change the functional-role correlation (perform any intragroup roles); have a mutually determining belonging of their own and their partners to a given community (group).

The management team consists of a group of specialists belonging to different areas of organizational activity and working together to solve certain problems.

The essence of a team is a shared commitment. This kind of commitment requires a purpose that all team members believe in — a mission. The team's mission must include an element related to winning, leading, moving forward. There is a difference between the goals of the team and its purpose (mission): the goals of the team allow you to track your progress along the path to success, and the mission as more global in its essence gives all specific goals meaning and energy.

No group becomes a team until it recognizes itself as a team accountable. Team accountability is a set of promises that underlie two aspects of effective teams: commitment and trust. Mutual accountability cannot be coerced, but when a team shares a common purpose, purpose, and approach, mutual accountability arises naturally.

It is important for the team that employees have a combination of complementary skills that make up three categories:

1) technical or functional expertise;

2) skills in problem solving and decision making;

3) interpersonal skills (risk taking, helpful criticism, active listening, etc.).

Team relationships, which traditionally include concepts such as a sense of community, a spirit of partnership and camaraderie, can manifest itself exclusively in the business sphere, without extending to the personal life of team members. There are many examples when successful business partners could not tolerate each other's presence when it came to other areas of communication. "

“The team is more about elements of an informal structure, in which informal relationships between workers are often more important than formal and actual roles and the influence of individuals may not coincide with their official status.

The team goes beyond the traditional working group through collective synergy (the whole is more than a simple sum of terms). "

“We must not forget that the management team is inherently a social institution and, therefore, it has the following features:

  • Social facilitation: in the presence of others, confidence and uncertainty can increase - it all depends on what dominates the person;
  • Social laziness: there is a tendency for people to make less effort when they combine their efforts for a common goal than for individual responsibility;
  • Deindividualization: the individual feels like an integral part of a whole. He is no longer personally responsible for anything - all responsibility falls on this whole, becomes anonymous;
  • Impact of the minority on the behavior of the group as a whole ”. [see: 7; 40-44]

“The management team is a collaborative group of like-minded people striving to achieve a common goal. The management team is formed by its leader with a wide range of powers. And this - the clear superiority of the rights of the leader - the management group significantly differs from quality circles and autonomous teams. "

“There are a number of subtle points in team building. One of them is how much “inconvenient” members are needed in the team, that is, people who think differently, have a different mindset and are ready to express the opposite points of view of the boss.

A very crucial moment in team building is the release from veterans who have long occupied their place in the management hierarchy, have certain connections, positions, but whose work is currently not satisfied with the current leadership.

Another subtle point is the team reward system. Top management must find a balance between personally rewarding the leader's performance and encouraging him to achieve team-wide success.

When creating a team, serious attention should be paid to the problem of team cohesion, mutual support and mutual assistance in difficult working conditions. "

“Any team, regardless of size, is more likely to be effective if it is balanced across the entire set of team roles and if it provides and encourages the team roles that are most relevant to the solution at a particular point in time. One should be tolerant of the acceptable shortcomings of individual team members and learn to manage them, rather than eradicate them. Research shows that up to 10% of people are incapable of teamwork. There are other areas of activity where they can use their abilities. "

“Finally, it should be recognized that for a team to be effective, there must be heterogeneity in it: there must be people with different views and different merits. ... While heterogeneity in terms of professional or organizational role is expected in a team, heterogeneity in terms of nationality, age, ethnicity, personality and even gender is not easily accepted. "

“All management units in the organization, says P. Drucker, except for senior management, are built to perform one specific main task. This does not depend on whether the organization is built on a functional or matrix principle, based on decentralization or a systems approach. Each building block of an organization is determined by its specific contribution to the end result.

The only exception is senior management. He does not have one main task, the management has a set of the following tasks:

1) thinking through the mission of the organization, setting goals, developing strategies for activities and tactics of making today's decisions for the sake of tomorrow;

2) setting standards for the activities and behavior of the organization, its values;

3) development of human resources, effective interaction of employees, creation of the spirit of the organization. Thinking over the organizational structure for today and tomorrow;

4) establishing and maintaining partnerships with major clients, investors, government agencies;

5) ceremonial functions - receptions, celebrations, etc .;

6) management of all affairs in the organization in the event of a major crisis or a bad state of affairs ...

Should top management be limited solely to its tasks? That is, should team members be involved in operational leadership? There are two simple rules, says P. Drucker:

1. If the work can be done by someone else, it does not belong to the responsibilities of top management.

2. People who enter top management for the first time from the bottom should leave the functional or operational work that they did before. " [see: 17]

1.1.3 Coaching as a way to activate the potential of the management team

“The problem of disunity, lack of mutual understanding between employees very often interferes with the effective solution of the company's problems. For a group of professionals to act as a close-knit team, it is necessary to unite them by striving for a common goal, to teach mutual assistance, initiative, self-confidence and focus on success. "

“Until recently, the term“ coach ”in the English-speaking environment referred only to coaching work. An important link on the way to victory is the correct team building, the formulation of the strategy and tactics of the game, the distribution of responsibilities and roles within the team. "

“Among the modern styles of personnel management is coaching (from the English.oaching - training, instruction) is one of the leading places. Most Western and domestic experts, management consulting consultants consider him the last word in human resource management - ManagementXXI century ".

“The experience of leading Russian and foreign companies shows that the key role in them is played not by individuals or groups of persons, but by cohesive structural highly professional formations - teams. Teams are the most effective form of organization of human resources, which are assessed as "the only significant competitive advantage of an organization in the XXI century" F. Lutens.

The team, after its formation, is in the phase of maximum performance. The leader is doing his job well, the goals are clear, and the team is in perfect condition. Often, such teams, balancing on the brink of success and failure, are exposed to the danger of irrational behavior, oscillating between "well-fed complacency and fear of falling."

There are several problems that are in one way or another related to the behavior of teams - "champions": overestimated goals, negligence, the effect of "squirrel in the wheel" and others. One way or another, the team may be in danger of losing emotional balance. In this case, as a rule, the team leader cannot cope. A person who knows the problems of the team is needed, who can even out fluctuations in motivation and help stabilize relationships in the team. Such a person is a coach. " [see: 18]

“Coaching is a tool designed to unleash potential, develop abilities and talents. Coaching helps learning more than it teaches; he does not give ready-made advice and recommendations, but helps to find their own solutions to problems, awakening initiative, creativity and inspiration with questions. Asking questions is a key element of coaching. And although in the classical sense coaching involves the work of a coach with an individual client, coaching techniques work very successfully in relation to a team.

After all, it is the team, possessing “team knowledge” which, in accordance with the principles of synergy, is greater than the amount of individual knowledge, is able to find a solution to difficult business issues: how to increase sales, how to ensure effective entry into new markets, how to position a product or company what the marketing strategy should be, etc.

Using coaching, involving the team in finding these solutions, we get higher efficiency, effectiveness, motivation, responsibility and creativity. And, what is remarkable, the quality of team interaction has significantly increased. " [see: 19]

“Team coaching involves direct interaction with the team to help members use their collective resources to successfully achieve their goals. Examples of coaching include a press meeting before introducing a new product, providing feedback to the team on performance, or posing thoughtful questions to the team about recommending a new strategy. ”

“Coaching is a type of counseling in which there is a mutual and voluntary interaction between the coaching client and the coach in order to increase competence, develop abilities and increase efficiency. An important addition is that coaching implies a lack of accountability, power.

Team coaching is a process in which a group of people solve a problem based on their own knowledge and experience. In team coaching, each participant is involved in the process, contributes something of his own, and then he considers the decision made as his own, which increases his involvement in the implementation of the solution.

At the same time, the group agrees on the rules of work and on the procedure. Rules are what you can and cannot do. A procedure is what the group (team) does during coaching. In other words, it is a sequence of actions that participants go through during the coaching process. An example of such a sequence of actions: define a goal, come up with ways to achieve it, choose the best way, schedule a sequence of actions for its implementation, etc. The group selects a facilitator to follow the rules and to follow the rules (sometimes called the group charter). The facilitator directs the work of the group in the right direction, as people, getting carried away, sometimes forget the original goal.

Thus, coaching helps to activate the potential of the team, get out of a temporary unsatisfactory state and achieve a stable situation in the team. This is due to the fact that coaching affects one of the most important elements of effective teamwork - a well-defined approach. This type of counseling helps team members use collective resources to successfully achieve their goals. " [see: 18]

“But do all companies need coaching? It is important to understand that while coaching would help many, the coaching format is always demanding. Only when there is a request for change and development in the client company, when they are ready for creative (and not consumer: let smart consultants come and tell what to do) work, coaching will give a real breakthrough, being applied in individual (with managers) and collective (with employees) format ". [see: 19]

Fig. 1 The Team Building Power of Coaching

1.2 Basic forms of intra-team cultural context

“Four main forms of intra-team cultural context (subculture) of management groups:“ combine ”,“ clique ”,“ circle ”,“ team ”.

1. "Combine". The main psychological characteristic of this subculture is the unquestioning subordination of its members to their strong leader, or, to use the working term of organizational consultants, to the commander. The grounds for subordination are the fear of losing a place in the group and the possibility of being left without work in the parent organization, since the groups with such subcultures are led by people who "have influence in the metropolis."

The group is based on a traditional hierarchy. This is a very stable group culture, in which the actions of its members are clearly defined, decisions are made promptly - the leader has full power and determines the policy and rules of group interaction. The external boundaries and internal structure of the group are quite rigid. Group values \u200b\u200bare placed above individual values. Control is exercised directly by the leader. Participation in the decision-making process in the group is determined by the place of the subject in the intragroup hierarchy. Decisions are made as a result of a balance of the influence of various forces on the leader, so the last word always belongs to him.

2. "Click". Such a group consists of people who absolutely trust their leader. The leader of the "clique" in an entrepreneurial environment, at the initial stage of development of an organization, is a person who is simply trusted and is internally ready to follow him. He influences followers with his vision of the future.

The group does not have a rigid internal structure. If the visionary leader considers it necessary to create a leadership link in her, then it will mainly serve to strengthen the leader's charisma and strengthen the group members in a common vision. It can help its members and regulate the distribution of common resources, and the principles and norms of distribution are also consistent with the vision of the leader.

The group, as a rule, is unstable, has blurred boundaries: in crisis situations it easily breaks up into small groups. The members of the organization realize their own interests in it, proceeding from their own goals; there is significant internal competition. The values \u200b\u200bin such an organization are individual creativity, energy in setting new goals and developing projects that are consistent with the leader's vision, and a willingness to innovate. Individual interests are higher than group interests. Information is viewed as shared knowledge that does not need to be externalized. Lack of strict regulation of group activities - it is subject to fluctuations in the leader's aspirations.

3. "Circle". This subculture is characterized by a strict distribution of powers and areas of activity within the team, a high degree of formalization and standardization. Functional areas and their interactions are governed by rules and procedures that rarely change. The source of influence is status. Leading values \u200b\u200bare synchronicity, parallelism, foresight. Everyone should know what to do and do what is prescribed. Everyone goes one way. Everyone needs to feel involved and identify with the organization. Functions and responsibilities are realized with almost automatic precision. Characterized by a feeling of security among ordinary employees, diligence, interest in deepening specialization and training skills to automatism.

The leadership of such a culture sets the context and purpose, minimizing the rest of the interference, day-to-day work goes on by itself. The main task of a leader of the “transactionor or mentor” type is to organize communication between specialists. Its effectiveness depends on the rational distribution of work and the personal responsibility of the performers.

4. "Team". This type of group is characterized by open discussion of problems, good circulation of information. Activity is focused on solving problems, goals are replaced as needed. The main focus is on achieving specific results: the right employees and the appropriate resources are pooled for the fastest and highest-quality task completion, the timing and stages of its solution are constantly monitored.

The relationship between employees is based on the principles of interdependence. Leadership is based on facilitating contacts and collaboration. Leadership acts as a catalyst for group interaction and collaboration. The effectiveness of a group is determined by individual success combined with the ability to combine personal goals of employees with the strategic goals of the organization. Teams are easily adaptable due to the matrix principle of internal organization: separate subgroups are created for the task and can be easily reorganized. Managing a group with such a subculture presupposes the creation of a rational structure, ensuring a high degree of professionalism of employees, the optimal balance of external control and independence. The leader must be flexible and confident in himself and in his employees. Influence in a team is not based on status or position, but on professionalism and competence.

It is customary for a team to cultivate such abilities of its members as the ability to improve in any aspect of team activity and the value of continuous development. "

1.3 Team building process

1.3.1 Teams development stages

“Practice shows that a team should be thoughtfully formed, while focusing on a common vision of the situation and strategic goals, as well as using well-established interaction procedures ...

Foreign experience of the early 90s of the last century shows that the development of a team goes through the stages of development from a working group, which is essentially a potential team, and only then becomes a top quality team. "

In total, there are five stages of team development:

"1. Adaptation.

From the point of view of business activity, it is characterized as a stage of mutual information and analysis of tasks. At this stage, the group members are looking for the optimal way to solve the problem. Interpersonal interactions are cautious and lead to the formation of dyads, the stage of verification and dependence begins, which presupposes orientation of the group members regarding the nature of each other's actions and the search for mutually acceptable behavior in the group. Team members get together with a sense of alertness and constraint. The effectiveness of the team at this stage is low, since its members are not yet familiar and are not confident in each other.

2. Grouping.

This stage is characterized by the creation of associations (subgroups) by sympathies and interests. Its instrumental content consists in the opposition of group members to the requirements imposed on them by the content of the task, due to the identification of the discrepancy between the personal motivation of individuals and the goals of group activity. An emotional response of group members to the requirements of the task occurs, which leads to the formation of subgroups. When grouping, group self-awareness begins to take shape at the level of individual subgroups that form the first intragroup norms.

The peculiarities of the existence of groups at this stage are characteristic of working management groups with subcultures of the "clique" type. All members of the subgroup are united around its leader, which can cause uncritical perception of the latter by individual members of the group.

3. Cooperation.

At this stage, there is a realization of the desire to work on solving the problem. It is characterized by more open and constructive communication than in previous stages, and elements of group solidarity and cohesion appear. Here, for the first time, an established group appears with a distinctly expressed sense of "WE". The instrumental activity becomes the leading one at this stage, the group members are well prepared for its implementation, and organizational unity is developed. However, in such a group there are no sufficiently pronounced psychological connections. The peculiarities of the existence of groups at this stage are characteristic of working management groups with subcultures such as "circle" and "combine".

4. Rationing of activities.

At this stage, the principles of group interaction are being developed. The sphere of emotional activity is becoming dominant, the importance of the “I-YOU” relationship is sharply increasing, and personal relationships are becoming especially close. One of the characteristic features of this stage of group development is the absence of intergroup activity. The process of separating into a close-knit, well-trained group, united in organizational and psychological terms, can turn it into an autonomy group, which is characterized by isolation on its own goals, egoism.

5. Functioning.

From the point of view of business activity, it can be viewed as a decision-making stage characterized by constructive attempts to successfully solve a problem. The stage of functional - role correlation associated with the formation of the team's role structure, which is a kind of resonator through which the group task is played. The group is open to the manifestation and resolution of the conflict. A variety of styles and approaches to problem solving are recognized. At this stage, the group reaches the highest level of socio-psychological maturity, distinguished by a high level of preparedness, organizational and psychological unity, characteristic of the command subculture. "

1.3.2 Team development trajectories

As noted, any group goes through a number of stages in its development, but the sequence of these stages depends on the group's subculture.

"1. A group with a "clique" subculture.

For the members of this group, the main role is played by the emotional relationship between them, a favorable psychological climate in the group, and only then the successful solution of the problem. Based on this, we can talk about the priority of the development of the emotional sphere; on the material of which the stages of adaptation, grouping and rationing are developed. The group turns to objective activity only when it faces the "vital" necessity of immersion in the objective, instrumental component of activity. Until the members of the group understand that their group has formed, that it is comfortable and pleasant to be in it, it will not proceed to solving the assigned tasks.

2. A group with the subculture "combine".

For the members of this group, first of all, the certainty of the tasks set, as well as their place in solving this task, is necessary. If this does not happen, the group members begin to experience discomfort and anxiety due to uncertainty. Therefore, the group, immediately after adaptation to the task at hand, proceeds to the standardization of activities, which is carried out, as a rule, by the most competent member of the group, who owns the technology for carrying out activities. Activity regulation can also be set from the outside (customer, manager, etc.). As a rule, there is no standardization in the field of communicative relations and the sphere of socio-emotional contacts. The stage is characterized by the clarity and clarity of the rules and norms of activity, which are strictly imputed to the members of the group, and the implementation of which is strictly controlled. With the strictness of norm formation, the group goes through this phase rather quickly and moves on to functioning. After creating the rules of the instrumental sphere, the group can proceed to the stage of functioning, and, only there, faced with communication problems, in the event of conflicts, will it return to “working through” the emotional sphere. At the same time, the value of the emotional sphere in the “combine” is significantly lower than that of the “clique”.

3. Group with subculture "circle".

After the stage of adaptation to the task, each member of the group determines his own place in the technology of its solution, the tools that may be necessary and goes on to independently perform its subtask, that is, the group goes to the stage of functioning. At the same time, the implementation of subtasks is combined with the regulation of activities within the group. Each of them outlines the scope of their competence, there is a regulation of the interaction of specialists. The norms cannot be imposed, as in the "combine", they are agreed in the group. Only after the establishment of the instrumental sphere, the group proceeds to the establishment of the emotional sphere. At the same time, the value of the emotional sphere in the "circle" is lower than in the "clique". The “circle” reaches the stage of cooperation (we-group) later than the “combine”, and all the more later than the “clique”, due to the prevailing value of the individual over the collective.

4. Group with subculture "team".

Developing, the group consistently replaces the emotional and instrumental spheres: adaptation - grouping - regulation - cooperation - functioning. Such development allows the group to include in its subculture the elements of "clique", "combine", "circle", while not dwelling on one of them. "

1.3.3 Team Formation Methods

“Creation and formation of a team, that is, team building, is understood as the process of purposeful“ building ”a special way of interaction between people in a group (called a team), which allows them to effectively realize their professional, intellectual and creative potential in accordance with the strategic goals of the organization."

“Team building is one of the levels of organizational consulting. There are three levels of conducting team building processes:

1) individual counseling, i.e. management of difficult problems arising from the existence in the organization;

2) direct team formation - active team involvement in planning organizational changes (a team is defined as a group of more than two people, dynamically interacting, dependent on each other and directed towards a common goal / mission. Each team member plays a specific role, takes a clear position and performs a specific function in a team);

3) building inter-team relationships. An organization may have several separate and independent groups from which it is necessary to form teams. In this case, counseling is aimed at both the process of forming teams and establishing relationships between them, since relationships between teams can facilitate organizational effectiveness, and can be a source of pleasure or frustration for individuals.

To carry out the team building process, it is necessary to use the services of consultants specializing in the implementation of this type of activity. The task of the consultant is to help the group understand their own processes by developing and improving group skills and abilities.

Ensuring that the team needs some form of building activity allows team members, management, or consultants to:

Unlimited Leader Dominance;

Warring subgroups;

Unequal participation and ineffective use of group resources;

Rigid or non-functional group norms and procedures;

The presence of rigid protective positions;

Lack of creativity when solving problems;

Limited communication;

Disagreements and potential conflicts.

These conditions reduce the team's ability to work together to collectively resolve problem situations. "

“There are four main approaches to team building: 1) goal-setting (goal-based), 2) interpersonal (interpersonal), 3) role-based, and 4) problem-oriented.

1. Goal-based approach (based on goals) - allows group members to better navigate the processes of selection and implementation of group goals. The process is carried out with the help of a consultant. Goals can be strategic in nature or set in accordance with the specifics of the activity, for example, as a change in productivity or sales level, as well as a change in the internal environment or any processes.

2. Interpersonal approach (interpersonal) - focused on improving interpersonal relationships in the group and is based on the fact that interpersonal competence increases the effectiveness of the group's existence as a team. Its goal is to increase group trust, encourage joint support, and increase intra-team communication.

3. Role-based approach - conducting discussion and negotiations among team members regarding their roles; it is assumed that the roles of team members overlap. Team behavior can be changed as a result of changes in their performance, as well as individual perception of roles.

4. The problem-oriented approach to team building (through problem solving) involves organizing a pre-planned series of facilitation meetings (with the participation of a third party consultant) with a group of people who have common organizational relationships and goals. The content of the process includes the sequential development of procedures for solving team problems and then achieving the main team task. It is assumed that along with the development of such a skill among all team members, the activity in its formation should also be focused on the implementation of the main task, interpersonal skills, and may also include goal-setting and clarification of functional-role correlation. "

“Two types of teams can be distinguished: 1) permanent,“ working ”teams with experience of working together and including a leader-leader and subordinates; 2) specific - just appeared, re-created due to organizational structural changes, mergers, tasks.

As a rule, the formation of teams proceeds in four directions:

1) diagnostics;

2) achieving or completing a task;

3) team relationships;

4) team processes of team formation.

The following stages are also distinguished:

Login to the working group (data collection);

Diagnostics of group problems;

Preparation of decisions and drawing up an action plan (active planning);

Action plan implementation (active process);

Monitoring and evaluation of results.

Let's take a quick look at how to implement each stage in the team building process.

1. Entrance to the working group. Purpose - data collection and diagnostics: meeting of a consultant with a team without guidance; participation of both the consultant and the management in the first meeting; the management of the first team building meeting without the participation of the consultant after receiving certain instructions from him.

However, the main goal of team building is self-management and overcoming their problems. This process may not take place immediately, but over a long period of time.

Oftentimes, a team is hindered from effective work by the management itself or the manager. If he (management) does not realize this, then the situation becomes especially difficult until the team members come into confrontation with him. If this problem is not solved (or avoided) in the process of team formation, then the process itself will be completely useless, since the main problem is carefully hushed up.

Another situation is also possible. The consultant clearly identifies whether team members are ready to engage in constructive dialogue with their leadership. If the team does not trust him and is afraid of punitive sanctions for criticizing the administration, then, of course, additional work is needed - first discussing issues that are safer for the team, and then - and acute ones. Once the required level of trust is achieved, the formal leader can get involved in the process.

2. Diagnostics of group problems. The goal is to discuss the effectiveness of the team in order to identify the following general and specific questions ("Where are we going?" And "How are we going to do this?") And select the appropriate form so that they can be worked out.

In the course of joint work, the most important (actual) team problems are identified, and the group can reach a new equilibrium state, which establishes a higher level of personal participation and team climate.

3. Preparation of decisions and drawing up an action plan. Typically, a group discussion is especially active when team members are asked how they think what can be done to solve their group problems.

With a clear definition of the problem, a solution is developed through consensus-building and selection of one or more execution modes.

4. Implementation of the action plan (active process). The goal is to achieve the actual result through the implementation of planned activities, management of intragroup processes.

The group criticizes its own performance, reviews its way of performing the team task, and tries to strategize to improve its performance. The general task of such meetings is to answer the question: "How can we change ourselves so that the team functions more efficiently?"

There are four main goals in the active stage of the team-building process:

1) changing the set of goals or priorities;

2) analysis and distribution of the way of working;

3) analysis of norms, method of decision-making, communications;

4) determining the relationship between people performing work.

The duration of such meetings is from one to three days. Meetings should take place outside the workplace. For situational diagnostics of urgent problems, the consultant conducts interviews with the leader, as well as with each member of the group before the meeting. The consultant may ask questions such as: "What do team members think about group functioning and what are the challenges and barriers to improving team productivity?"

Based on the information received, the consultant prepares a training program using active forms of work, aimed at the group's awareness of the current situation, emerging problems, and possible ways to solve them.

Such joint activity contributes to the emergence of a sense of "command" - unity, connectedness.

5. Monitoring and evaluation of results. The final stage of team formation - the results of the previous stages are evaluated, the identified team problems are resolved. The data obtained shows what is wrong and what needs to be worked on.

Team formation affects the effectiveness of all subsequent activities: leadership and the quality of decision-making improve; the team subculture is changing (usually towards greater openness); assertiveness appears in defending one's position, cooperation between all team members. "

2. Analysis of the formation of a management team on the example of OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

2.1 General characteristics of OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

Commercial Bank "SDM-BANK" (open joint stock company) was created in accordance with the decision of the constituent meeting of shareholders dated September 17, 1991 in the form of a closed joint stock company and registered by the Main Department of the Central Bank of the RSFSR in Moscow on November 29, 1991 for registration number 1637. The name of the Bank at the time of its establishment was the commercial bank "SDM-BANK". By the decision of the general meeting of shareholders (Minutes of March 30, 1994 No. 6), the commercial bank "SDM-BANK" was renamed into the commercial bank "SDM-BANK" (open joint stock company). In accordance with the decision of the general meeting of shareholders (Minutes No. 10 dated 04/11/1996), the commercial bank SDM-BANK (open joint stock company) was renamed into the commercial bank SDM-BANK (open joint stock company).

Commercial Bank SDM-BANK (OJSC) was registered by the Main Department of the Central Bank of the RSFSR for Moscow on November 29, 1991, registration number 1637. The central office of CB SDM-BANK (OJSC) is located in Moscow.

Among the founders and shareholders of the Bank are enterprises and companies from various business sectors. The experience and knowledge of the Bank's participants in various areas of the economy contribute to the development of the credit institution as a universal financial institution, strengthening its position in the financial market, and maintaining its traditional stability.

The purpose of creating a credit institution is to develop a diversified financial institution, to generate profit from the main activities of a credit institution, regulated by the Bank's Charter and permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The mission of the Bank is to provide highly professional services to small and medium-sized businesses.

CB "SDM-BANK" is a member of:

  • Association of Russian Banks (Moscow Banking Union);
  • National Securities Market Association (self-regulatory non-profit organization);
  • National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR);
  • Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange;
  • Association of Regional Banks of Russia;
  • Non-commercial partnership "Moscow Stock Exchange";
  • Non-commercial partnership "RTS Stock Exchange";
  • Non-commercial partnership “Stock Exchange“ Saint Petersburg ”;
  • Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia;
  • International Association Visa International;
  • International AssociationEuropay International.

In 1997, CB SDM-BANK was accredited as a participant in the Financial Institutions Development Project, which is implemented by the World and European Banks for Reconstruction and Development in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The main objective of this program is to create a small core of potentially manageable banks that are able to restore confidence in the Russian banking system, both in our country and abroad.

In October 2004, CB SDM-BANK (OJSC) received a Certificate of inclusion on October 14, 2004 in the register of banks participating in the compulsory deposit insurance system of the State Corporation Deposit Insurance Agency under number 69.

CB SDM-BANK (OJSC) has 11 branches located in Moscow and the Moscow region. At present, there is a tendency for the bulk of the client base to switch to services using remote access, in connection with which the Bank has chosen a branch network structure in which one branch will be located in each district of Moscow.

According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2008, the volume of the branch network covered 8 cities: St. Petersburg, Perm, Tver, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk and Rostov-on-Don. To improve its competitiveness, the Bank plans to further expand the geography of its business.

Throughout its existence, the Bank has been expanding the geography of its activities. With the development of modern technologies, new methods of work became available to the bank's clients: the SDM-Telebank system, the SDM-Trading system, account management via the Internet, ordering plastic cards via the Internet. New branches are successfully operating and are being created in investment-attractive regions of Russia.

As a result of the analysis of the product line for corporate clients, one of the development directions was opened - the creation of operating cash desks on the client's territory. In the short and medium term, the bank will pay considerable attention to the development of this area.

One of the areas of servicing individuals has become the formation of a network of VIP Service Centers, allowing to provide private clients with a range of high quality services, flexibly respond to changes in their requirements, create individual products and service schemes. Each client of the Bank's VIP Service Center receives a personal manager who coordinates the provision of the widest possible range of banking services, including opening and servicing current accounts, issuing and servicing international plastic cards, opening and maintaining term deposits, consumer lending, and a number of investment products.

The bank plans to consistently increase the number of its VIP clients this year, expanding this category by 1.5 - 2 times. Currently, VIP centers operate in Moscow and St. Petersburg and will soon be opened in other regional branches.

For the convenience of servicing and attracting new customers, the Bank is constantly expanding the list of services, constantly introducing new forms of service:

  • safe depositaries for VIP clients at the head office and branches of the Bank in St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk;
  • a new service for paying the MGTS subscription fee and for the electricity of AO Mosenergo through the Bank's ATMs;
  • the number of ATMs has been increased;
  • a new service, Internet Bank-Client for individuals, was introduced - a system of remote banking services for individuals via the global Internet network in real time, 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the world. Using the Internet Bank-Client system, the clients of CB SDM-BANK (OJSC) can:

Receive statements of all accounts in real time;
control the balances of all accounts and plastic cards opened in CB SDM-BANK (OJSC), and also view your personal data;
issue orders for opening various deposits, order bank plastic cards and subscribe to additional services of the Bank;
transfer funds from one of your accounts to another (including non-cash purchase / sale of currency);

Pay for the services of 16 mobile operators (including regional), commercial television, 3 large Internet providers;

Pay for housing and communal services (according to receipts of the EIRTs), electricity (according to the accounts of OJSC Mosenergo), local telephone communication (according to the accounts of AO MGTS), long-distance and international telephone communications (according to the accounts of AO Rostelecom).

In 2010, the Bank intends to implement the project of a multi-branch solution "Bank-Client" for legal entities, which will allow bringing the technical support of the system to a higher level. Over the year, the daily number of transactions of legal entities carried out through the "Bank-Client" increased by 42.8%. In this regard, it is planned to modernize the server equipment of the "Bank-Client" system: the information security of the system will be guaranteed by the installation of the currently best solution from the CryptoPro company.

The nearest plans are to provide services of mobile banking in demand today. Automation of reporting under international standards (IFRS) based on SAP will be carried out.

In order to optimize the internal workflow and increase the speed of decision-making, in the second half of 2010, the Bank began to implement electronic workflow.

In 2009, the Bank introduced an automated system for managing the processes of interaction with customers, which made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of implementing the principles of the Bank's individual approach to servicing its customers, and improve the Bank's interaction with customers.

The complex project carried out by the Bank to increase the information security of the Bank to the third level, according to the requirements of the Bank of Russia, is designed to solve the following tasks:

Strengthening protection against hacker attacks on the Bank's information system from the Internet;

Increased security of communication channels with branches;

Strengthening anti-virus protection;

Automation of control of own employees in work with confidential information, which is a bank secret.

In 2009, the mortgage program was fully operational. Mortgage loans according to uniform standards began to be provided to customers in all branches of the Bank. Factoring operations became widespread. The main clients of the Bank for factoring are companies that supply products to large retail chains.

The priority task for 2010 is to improve the quality of services for corporate clients and individuals, for which it is planned to implement a number of projects:

  • organize centralized daily interaction of the Client with the Bank on the development and implementation of individual banking products and on current issues,
  • introduce services for the selection of a range of banking services, taking into account the needs of the Client,
  • consult on the optimal placement of temporarily free funds,
  • introduce a system of personal managers for corporate clients.

To make profit as the main goal of its activities, on the basis of a special permit (license) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Bank is entitled to carry out the following banking operations:

  • attraction of funds of individuals and legal entities into deposits (on demand and for a certain period);
  • placement of attracted funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;
  • opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • settlements on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, on their bank accounts;
  • collection of funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents and cash services for individuals and legal entities;
  • purchase and sale of foreign currency;
  • issuance of bank guarantees;
  • money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts (except for postal orders).

In addition to the banking operations provided above, the Bank is entitled to conclude the following transactions:

  • issuance of guarantees for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in cash;
  • trust management of funds and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities;
  • leasing to individuals and legal entities of special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;
  • leasing operations;
  • provision of consulting and information services;
  • other transactions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations, the Bank is entitled to issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities that act as a payment document, with securities confirming the attraction of funds to deposits and bank accounts, with other securities, the performance of transactions with which does not require obtaining a special license in accordance with federal laws, and also has the right to carry out trust management of these securities under an agreement with individuals and legal entities.

All banking operations and other transactions of the Bank are carried out in rubles and in foreign currency. The rules for carrying out banking operations, including the rules for their material and technical support, are established by the Bank of Russia in accordance with federal laws.

The Bank has the right to carry out professional activities in the securities market in accordance with federal laws.

The clients of SDM Bank are legal entities and individuals. However, the Bank is expanding its complex services for especially important clients and in 2005 began to create VIP-Centers in its regional branches. VIP-service centers allow the bank to provide services at the highest level, assign personal managers to clients, respond as flexibly to their requests as possible and offer more perfect service.

2.2 Personnel of OJSC JSCB "SDM-Bank"

Let us consider using the example of SDM-Bank how the management team of bankers was formed and how it works today.

Initially, the management team was formed as an informal one; it was a group of young people who had no money, no connections, nothing but their own knowledge, a desire to work and realize themselves as they saw fit, and not as prescribed by bank instructions and orders. They were not even owners and did not have their own share in the authorized capital, but, in fact, were employees of the shareholders.

Then the bank began to grow rapidly, branches were opened. The board and groups of people who have long worked and held leading positions have formed the core of the bank. They quite strongly influenced the adoption of specific decisions and themselves performed important operations. Unfortunately, the “founding team” of “SDM-Bank” did not let go of managing even the simplest operations. Partly because of reinsurance, partly because of the low professionalism of many ordinary employees. Therefore, they often had to work as operational managers. The chairman of the bank supervised all current work. He thought it was calmer this way. Therefore, a rather rigid hierarchy arose in the bank, which, of course, sharply reduced professional interest, excitement, and the desire of employees to try themselves in a new business.

So, as the bank develops and grows, the roles and relationships within the bank inevitably change.

Today, SDM-Bank employees are professionals in their field with extensive experience in leading domestic banks. The Bank makes every effort to ensure that the standard of service for any client is as high as possible and meets the requirements of the time.

Personnel training for SDM-Bank is now of particular importance. Achieving long-term and short-term goals, the need to improve competitiveness and organizational changes require relying on well-planned and well-organized work for training and improving the skills of personnel. At the same time, the matter is not limited to the transfer of certain knowledge to employees and the development of the necessary skills. During the training, employees can be given information about the current state of affairs and the prospects for the development of the organization. In addition, training is designed to increase the level of work motivation, commitment of staff to their organization and involvement in its affairs. Therefore, today OJSC CB "SDM-Bank" considers the costs associated with personnel training as priority and necessary.

Successful activities of SDM-Bank would have been impossible without a clearly formulated and consistently pursued personnel policy, which implies both progressive methods of selection, stimulation and development of personnel, as well as the formation of a corporate culture and team spirit.

The Bank's personnel management system is constantly developing and improving taking into account current requirements.

A transition was made to a new procedure for remuneration, significantly expanding the base for contributions to the state pension fund. At the same time, on the whole, the current system of compensation payments and material assistance has been preserved.

The work on staffing the Bank's divisions with qualified specialists with the necessary experience in Russian and foreign banking structures and possessing modern banking technologies has intensified. This was facilitated by the further improvement of the forms and methods of personnel selection.

Recently, special attention has been paid to supporting professional education in the field of personnel management, strengthening the role and prestige of the personnel service in the corporate governance system of the bank, identifying and widely disseminating best practices and applying modern methods and technologies of personnel management.

2.3 Typical problems of the management team and their negative impact on the activities of the organization OJSC CB "SDM-Bank"

Today, every person working in the organization "SDM-Bank" performs many roles. When working together, the most pressing team problems are identified, and an opportunity arises to achieve a new equilibrium state, which sets a higher level of personal involvement and team climate.

At the same time, 80% of success in the implementation of tasks is due to the well-coordinated work of the management team, which, in turn, is ensured by the correct distribution of roles among the participants. Any manager should be aware that there are not only “technical” roles, but also “psychological” roles that one or more team members can play.

In general terms, the structure of SDM-Bank's problems can be expressed as follows:

Fig. 2 The structure of problems of the management team of "SDM-Bank"

Broken landmarks.

Lack of an agreed position. The members of the SDM-Bank management team, having a common vision of the tasks facing the company, do not always have a common opinion on how to translate this vision into reality. In addition, members of the management team often cannot agree with each other on how to evaluate the performance of the company and its departments, who works best, and how to reward employees for special achievements.

Lack of deep understanding. Even if the members of the SDM-Bank team reach agreement on plans, their further actions do not always correspond to the decisions made. This reflects the habit of leaders, when making decisions, not to go into details and not analyze the rationale for these decisions.

Lack of focus on strategic objectives. Without adhering to the general direction, the leadership team spends most of their time on day-to-day activities and firefighting measures, rather than identifying tasks and work that only they can do.

Ineffective communication.

Lack of dialogue. Often, lengthy conversations do not guarantee that the members of the SDM Bank team will be able to reach an agreement, since they do not share important information with each other, do not express critical remarks and agree with dubious strategies just because they are afraid of a “retaliation”. All this increases mutual irritation and gives rise to many hidden problems, especially if the members of the SDM-Bank team do not know each other well and therefore there is no trust between them or there are conflicts between separate divisions of the company.

Non-constructive behavior. Not being able to conduct an open dialogue, the SDM Bank team often does not benefit from the diversity of points of view and experience of their colleagues, as a result their ability to work creatively and adapt to changes in the market is reduced. As a result, a conflict situation arises, mutual skirmishes, even in the team of top managers. Naturally, this behavior generates fear and a willingness to defend itself, and if individual team members become scapegoats, then the already acute problems are only exacerbated.

Failure to update.

Personal dissatisfaction. Many members of the SDM-Bank management team, despite their successful career growth and enviable position, are people at heart disappointed: their today's work no longer requires much effort from them and therefore does not completely capture them. Both individually and as a team, top managers prefer not to delve into the essence of problems and not burden themselves with new information and experience, that is, they try to avoid everything that could disturb their peace. As a result, these top managers become downright bored and their productivity drops. This is how, until recently, a strong team can before our eyes lose the ability to energize others and adapt to change.

Isolation. As a rule, the management team of SDM-Bank does not pay due attention to information coming from outside - from other organizations or industries, although this information, if processed in time, can affect key strategic and organizational decisions. Moreover, team members rarely have the time to analyze information and assess its implications for the future of the company. Without establishing the process of collecting and analyzing information, the SDM-Bank team will not be able to identify strategically important areas of its activities.

Lack of individual skills. At SDM-Bank, there is no institution of experienced "mentors" and no one teaches top managers how to make changes in a corporation. Unlike middle managers, who work under the supervision of professionals of higher qualifications and thus undergo "advanced training" courses, top managers work without insurance and therefore have no room for error.

The researchers note that today employees see their careers not as moving up a hierarchical ladder within one organization, but as a chain of projects that are of interest to them.

A person works in a team as long as the remuneration, the content of the work itself, colleagues are of a certain interest and value to him. The team member leaves as soon as this interest disappears. This raises the question of how to form a team, how to keep it, how to motivate people to productive work, how to manage self-organization.

One of the main difficulties of SDM-Bank today is the coordination of individual and team goals, the transformation of these goals into a system-forming factor of the team. Managing the process of self-organization in a team should not allow individual goals to change under the influence of random factors.

2.4 A set of measures to form an effective management team

Of course, there is no perfect top management, perfect management teams. Each team should be built for a specific organization. However, in general terms, good senior leadership requires at least four types of people on a team: a person of thought, a person of action, a person who understands people, and a person of the public. These four types of abilities are very rarely combined in one person. Therefore, top management nowadays is more for a team than for one person.

There are other reasons why the top management of one person ("one-man management") is harmful to such a complex banking institution as SDM-Bank. This is an "inheritance" problem. Each change of top management causes a crisis. In addition, when the first person leaves the bank, not a single person is left who has ever done this work and has proven that he is capable of it.

Therefore, in a normally developing banking organization, top management is always carried out by a team. And for a top management team to function well, the following is essential:

  • analysis of top management objectives (starting point);
  • each of these tasks must be assigned to a person who bears full responsibility for it;
  • responsibility must correspond to the personal makeup, qualifications and temperament of the members of this team;
  • with the exception of small and simple organizations, no one with senior management responsibilities does any work other than that of the top management itself.

A management team will not work just because its members sympathize with each other. Actually, their mutual sympathies and antipathies are irrelevant. To be effective, top management must meet very stringent requirements, independent of the personal relationships between team members. These generalized requirements for a team in practice are as follows.

1. Everyone who bears primary responsibility for a particular area has a decisive word in it. Each member of the leadership speaks on behalf of the entire team. Otherwise, intrigues and politicking begin, undermining the authority of the team.

2. No one makes decisions or even expresses his opinion about matters that lie outside his own area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. If one team member comes with a similar question, he should send it to his colleague responsible for the problem.

3. Team members may not like or even respect each other. But they shouldn't agitate against each other. In public, outside the doors of the meeting room, they have no opinions about each other, they do not criticize each other, preferably they do not even praise each other. It is the responsibility of the team captain to maintain this rule.

4. Top management is not a commission, but a team. The team needs a captain. He should not be a boss, not a boss, not a master, but a leader.

5. Everyone must make decisions in their own area. But some decisions must be made collectively - only by the whole team, or at least collectively discussed. Most often, these are decisions in the field of business prospects, large investments, key personnel decisions, termination of certain areas of activity or attracting new ones.

6. The tasks of senior management require systematic and intensive communication among team members. This is especially important because top management has many challenges, and decisions for each have a huge impact on the well-being of the entire organization. Awareness is also required because each team member can operate in their area with maximum autonomy, provided that they make every effort to keep their colleagues informed.

Practice shows that the most effective means of contributing to the formation of a team are organizational-activity games (ODG), conducted by specially trained game technicians (teachers). At ODI, special multi-positional-activity relationships are created in the conditions of stage modeling of professional activity.

A group of people formed into a team during one to three weeks solves problems (a problem), for example, develops a strategy for the company, and in parallel is carried out: (modeling) entering into relationships with other members and creating socio-integrity, modeling actions to fulfill the functional duties of team members, modeling of reflection, mental state and management of joint activities.

The participation of a leader in ODI allows him to “feel” the mechanism of regulation of production-activity and subjective relations in the team. The implementation of such stages of team building as:

Coordination of goals (goal setting);

Coordination of methods of activity and its organization and management (self-government);

Strategic and everyday self-determination.

In addition, today such a method of forming management teams as re-timing (from the English re-teaming - re-forming of teams) is gaining popularity. This program is the very technology that allows you to create management teams from scratch, it was developed by Ben Furman and Tapani Ahola (Finland), founders of the Rethyming Institute International, recognized experts in the field of solution-oriented interaction.

Rethiming is an effective workforce program that addresses issues such as employee engagement instead of disunity, adaptation instead of resistance to change, targeting instead of fixing on problems, and taking on personal responsibility.

The main principle of re-timing is the orientation towards a solution, getting out of the problem field, awareness of the already existing positive opportunities by the participants. Instead of dealing with difficulties and lack of something, the participants' attention is focused on the desire to act even better, even more efficiently. The work is structured in such a way that attention is focused on both poles of the problem at once: on the desired state (modeling it and referring to this model for feedback) and on the constraining factors. The retiming procedure involves the passage of the program participants through several stages: setting goals, creating an opportunity to achieve the goal, making a decision and transforming opportunities into actions, strengthening the progress achieved.

Rethiming is, of course, a technology, but a creative technology, the choice of a common goal is a mutual exchange of opinions, ideas, vision, but within the framework of the general logic of the process, where after a certain time the result must be presented. What does the group get at this stage? Each participant expressed his point of view, and everyone was heard. Each participant heard the opinion of the other. People working in one organization are united by a common work, culture, goals and values, therefore, the choice of a common goal of the organization clarifies the direction of the organization's development for the participants.

Rethyming has a fairly wide range of applications:

1) self-management;

2) individual counseling;

3) team building training (and organization diagnostics);

4) a tool for creating management teams at different levels of the company for a specific task of the organization;

5) creation of a management team, which includes specialists from various fields of activity, for example, during the restructuring of the company, support of organizational changes.

The adaptability of the program allows us to apply it for different tasks, but as a result, we get a quick adaptation of personnel to organizational changes, reduction of lost working time, orientation towards joint decision-making and an algorithm for setting goals and teamwork to achieve results.

Researchers argue that now the economic effect from investments in personnel development is higher than from investments in means of production. Recent studies conducted in 3,200 American companies by R. Zemsky and S. Shamakole (Pennsylvania State University) showed that a 10% increase in staff training costs gives an 8.5% increase in labor productivity, while the same increase in capital investment gives a performance gain of only 3.8%.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of training is probably the most pressing and controversial issue that worries both training managers and training service providers, and, of course, the customer.

Let us calculate the direct economic effect of conducting training on team building (retiming) based on the approach created by Jack Philips, which measures the return on investment in personnel development (ROI - "Return on Investment").

The essence of the approach is to measure business indicators, (for example, the percentage of defects, lost working time, the effectiveness of trade visits, etc.) before and after the training program, to highlight the effect of the development program against other factors (changes in the market, the emergence of new products, etc.) business processes, etc.).

ROI \u003d ((Program Revenue - Program Cost) / Program Cost) * 100%

So, the cost of a two-day corporate training from Krasnoyarsk companies is approximately 40,000 rubles. The average salary of a top manager of SDM-Bank today is 20,000 rubles. Suppose one work team makes one management decision a month. After the training program in the organization, the time for making management decisions was reduced by about 5 full working days; the team consists of 10 people.

RUB 20,000 / 22 working days in a month \u003d 909.1 rubles. (gets 1 worker in 1 day)

RUB 909.1 * 5 working days * 10 people \u003d 45 455 rubles. - income from the program.

ROI \u003d (45 455 rubles - 40 000 rubles) / 40 000 rubles)) * 100% \u003d 13.6% - the first month.

For each ruble invested, the return is 13 kopecks.

The economic effect from the training will increase in the next month, but it is necessary to maintain the team effect of the staff. This is supposed to be achieved by holding less costly business games for company employees, which are aimed at developing skills and competencies within the framework of the assigned tasks of the head.

The cost of holding a business business game for up to 15 participants is 15,000 rubles.

ROI \u003d (45 455 rubles - 15 000 rubles) / 15 000 rubles)) * 100% \u003d 203% - the second month.

For each ruble invested, the return is 2 rubles. 3 kopecks, which justifies the investment.


The activity of forming management teams has long been the object of researchers - psychologists, sociologists, elitologists and others, for millennia it has been the task of all managers implementing selected strategies. Today, the task of creating teams in an organization has become an urgent task for every leader, manager, and is decisive for achieving the set organizational goals. The results of studies of managerial activity on creating teams give grounds for specialists in this area to come to the conclusion: the lack of theoretical elaboration of this problem and the unwillingness of practitioners to follow the recommendations of the theory lie at the heart of the difficulties of managers-strategists.

Having considered the need to create an effective management team in banks, it was found that teams are the best structural principle for senior management and innovation and the best addition to the functional structure, especially in large organizations. In this regard, we can talk about the degree or level of command in one or another banking institution.

The strengths of the team are obvious. Everyone always knows how the whole works and is responsible for it. The team is receptive to new ideas and new ways of doing things. She is highly adaptive. This is the best way to overcome functional disconnection. But, nevertheless, it was recently realized in management that the team is a permanent, structural principle of organization.

At the same time, the principle of command has its drawbacks. First, the team has low stability. Profitability in a managerial sense is low: relentless attention is required to the relationships of people with each other, assignments of performers of specific tasks, explanations, communication, etc. Most of the energy of the team members goes into maintaining the working progress, because nothing is done mechanically. The entire management team must constantly explain to itself and to the managers of the organization what exactly it is trying to do, what it is working on and what it has already achieved.

But only recently it has been realized in management that the team is a permanent, structural principle of organization. Precisely because a team is a fairly free form, it requires high self-discipline, which not everyone is capable of. And the lack of self-discipline and voluntary responsibility is the first reason for team failure.

Bibliographic list

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  2. Bazarova, G. Mentor or partner? / G. Bazarova, R. Kaplan // Human Resources and Personnel Service. - 2008. - No. 4. - pp. 31-34.
  3. Bragina, Z. V. Personnel management: a tutorial / Z. V. Bragina, V. P. Dudyashova, Z. T. Kaverina. - M .: KNORUS, 2008 .-- 128p.
  4. Brooks, Ya. N. Organizational behavior: individuals, groups and organization: a textbook trans. 3rd ed. / J. N. Brooks; [scientific. ed. English per. V. L. Dolbaev]. - M .: Delo and Service, 2008. - 464p.
  5. Gordienko, Yu. F. Personnel Management. Series "Higher Education" / Yu. F. Gordienko, D. V. Obukhov, S. I. Samygin. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2008 .-- 352s.
  6. Egorshin, A.P. Formation of an effective team / A.P. Egorshin // Personnel management. - 2006. - No. 13. - pp. 60-65.
  7. Islamova, F. Management team as a social institution / F. Islamova // Power. - 2008. - No. 1. - p. 40-44.
  8. Kalashnikova, L. A team of professionals is the basis of business / L. Kalashnikova, A. Shelyagov // Human Resources and Personnel Service. - 2009. - No. 4. - pp. 28-31.
  9. The best HR solutions. Expertise of the journal "Personnel business" / Ed. I. Andreeva. - M .: Vershina, 2006 .-- 272s.
  10. Pugachev, V.P. Personnel Management: Textbook / V.P. Pugachev. - M .: Aspect Press, 2006 .-- 416p.
  11. Samoukina, N. Coaching is your guide in the business world / N. Samoukina, N. Turkulets. - SPb .: Peter, 2007 .-- 192s.
  12. Semikov, V.L. Organizational behavior of the leader / V.L.Semikov. - M .: Academic Project: Gaudeamus, 2007 .-- 224p.
  13. Thompson, L. Team Building: [trans. from English] / Leigh Thompson. - M .: Vershina, 2007 .-- 544p.
  14. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T. Yu. Bazarova, B. L. Eremina. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: UNITI, 2009 .-- 506s.
  15. Khokhlova, T. P. Team - building as the basis of modern personnel technologies / T. P. Khokhlova // Personnel management. - 2005. - №1 / 2. - p. 72-74.
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Symptoms of "problems"

broken landmarks

Ineffective communication

Failure to update

Lack of agreed position

Lack of deep understanding

Lack of focus on solving strategic problems

Lack of dialogue

Disruptive behavior

Personal dissatisfaction


Lack of individual skills

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Team building approaches Team building techniques Team building techniques

Team building approaches

One of the key moments in business, management, life is the selection of the people necessary for this and the creation of a team. The desire to create their own team drives managers in painstaking and important work to develop rules for interaction with employees of the organization, different in their qualifications and personal qualities.

Domestic researchers, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the State University - Higher School of Economics, Leonid Fatkin, and Ksenia Morozova, HR Advisor of the Board of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank Investment Banking Corporation, note the following: “... The processes of team building in organizations, due to their complexity, are difficult to study and targeted management, since in order to identify the true factors of regulation

organizational behavior, it is necessary to penetrate into the deep layers of interpersonal relations ... ".

A team can be formed for various purposes. For example, Evgeny Nikolayevich Emelyanov, senior researcher at the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Svetlana Efremovna Povarnitsyna, General Director of the Shag Consulting Center, believe: “... A team is just another possible resource for a breakthrough to a new level of development. But just like other resources, it works well and gives a full-fledged effect only when applied to a place and to time ... What does it mean "to a place and to time"? First of all, each team should be created to solve very specific problems. This can be the implementation of urgent changes, or the development of a strategy, or the achievement of new development goals, or overcoming crises, or the development of a new product, or something else like that ... ".

More specifically, David A. Aaker, a professor at the Haas School of Business and the University of California, writes: “... Sometimes

the problems encountered by the company (for example, the weakening of competitive positions, or the emergence of such opportunities as technological discovery) forces it to make fundamental changes. In such cases, a deep analysis of the problem and meaningful proposals for a change in direction can be made by a dedicated team ... ”.

Domestic experts Anatoly Timofeevich Zub and Mikhail Vyacheslavovich Loktionov describe those cases when a command is needed as follows: “... Teams are most effective in cases:

developing strategies in a highly uncertain environment;

fuzziness and multiplicity of criteria for selecting strategic options;

implementation of several strategies simultaneously;

the need to coordinate complex work;

a wide range of expert opinions regarding the assessment of strategic alternatives;

conflict of interests of stakeholders;

a high degree of resistance to strategic changes ... ".

The process of team building can be both a process of reorganization of an existing working group for managing an organization and as a procedure for forming a management team, as they say, “from scratch”. But, as the established approaches testify, in any case, the process of forming a management team begins with the formation of a working group, which is then reorganized into a full-fledged team.

For example, T.P. Galkina. believes that the formation of a team consists in the implementation of the following 11 procedures:

  • 1) determine the purpose of the command;
  • 2) formulate its goals;
  • 3) set tasks;
  • 4) define the role of the team;
  • 5) develop group norms.

Further deciphering the purpose of the team in terms of the manifestation of its mission, A.P. Galkina. writes that the appointment determines the reason for the emergence and existence of the team, the reason that arises from the vision of the ideal state of the organization necessary to solve the existing problem. The mission generates the corresponding goals of the team and sets the framework for its functioning.

The goals represent a non-existent, but desirable, specific state of the organization itself, which would solve the existing problem and would allow the team's mission to be realized.

When goals are decomposed, tasks appear as actions necessary to achieve the goal. Time frames, proportions, percentages of indicators, assignment of tasks to specific performers, etc. contribute to the specific filling of the content of tasks.

Within the framework of assigned tasks, the distribution of roles necessary for the effective achievement of the team's goals often occurs.

The effective achievement of objectives is also facilitated by the adoption of fundamental rules or norms for the interaction of team members and the implementation of the corresponding processes by the team as a whole.

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. considers the process of forming management teams as a rather lengthy, painstaking and psychologically "delicate" procedure, but necessary due to the fact that this process is pivotal in the overall development strategy of the organization. This attitude to team building is based on the thesis that "the psychological and motivational attitude of employees is a factor more significant than all the investments of the company in this or that restructuring."

The duration of the process in this case is explained by the fact that it is advisable to form a team not so much from outside specialists as from the staff of the organization's employees who already know the specifics of the work and the team. At the same time, priority is given to the personal characteristics of the candidates, therefore, the missing skills are replenished in the course of team building.

Skills as a systemic category can be represented by a body of knowledge and experience. For example, a skilled car driver not only knows the traffic rules and the structure of the car, but also has experience in driving. Knowledge is a set of verbal (verbal models) descriptions of reality in the form of a categorical apparatus of a multitude of concepts and definitions, and experience is a combination of abilities established in a person from nature (to move, make sounds, perceive the surrounding reality) and skills acquired in the process of life ( computer skills, interaction with other people). The structural diagram of the skills is shown in Figure 7.1.

Fig. 7.1.

According to experts, in the process of team building, it is important to select two or three key professionals in their field of activity, and to select the rest of the team members (with their participation) to help them, giving priority to the personal characteristics of candidates. Professional and other specific qualities of the latter are formed in the course of the formation of the team. Thus, the history of the team becomes part of the history of its members, which contributes to the formation of a specific socio-culture that unites the team members.

If we consider the set of skills that potential team members should possess, then we should highlight the skills of systems thinking, communication skills and leadership (see Fig.

Systemic thinking skills are necessary for a comprehensive perception of reality and understanding the mechanisms of interaction between team members and the team as a whole with the environment.

Systems thinking provides not only the results of a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal situation, but also allows you to develop strategic solutions to the problems facing the team.

Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Frolov D.F., Grabenko T.M. Theory and practice of team building. Modern technology for creating teams. - SPb .: Rech, 2004 .-- 304 p., P. 32.

Skills to extract useful information from various sources, analyze the situation in the external and internal environment, assess the risks of scenario decisions

build confidence

form motivational incentives

give reasons for your statements

infect others with the confidence of success to establish partnerships

relationship to ensure the achievement of goals

Communication builds trust

Fig. 7.2. Skills structure that members should have

within the team, the necessary motivation of its members and the required interaction.

Leadership abilities of potential team members are necessary to determine rational solutions focused on the final result and ensure the cohesion of group members and partnership with the socio-economic systems of the external environment.

Sometimes the following approaches to the formation of teams are distinguished: role-based, which is based on a discussion on

distribution of roles in the future team; interpersonal, based on the fact that interpersonal competence increases the efficiency of the team's functioning; goal-setting, based on the joint formulation of team goals; problem-oriented, in which the formation of a team is carried out in the process of joint problem solving.

In this case, four directions are distinguished in the formation of teams:

  • ? diagnostics;
  • ? achieving or completing a task;
  • ? team relationships;
  • ? team processes of team building.

The following stages are also distinguished:

  • ? entrance to the working group;
  • ? diagnostics of group problems;
  • ? preparation of decisions and drawing up an action plan (active planning);
  • ? execution of the action plan (active process);
  • ? monitoring and evaluating results.

Meredith Belbin identifies five interrelated principles of team building, presented in Figure 7.3.

Assistance in achieving the goals of the team in two ways is manifested in the combination of a team member's performance of his personal team role and the role that he, to one degree or another, can potentially perform or performs in fact in the process of advancing the team towards its goals.

At the same time, when performing roles (functional and team), an optimal balance is required.

Harnessing the strengths of team members and neutralizing weaknesses in functional and team roles enhances efficiency

joint activities of team members.

It should be borne in mind that the personal qualities of team members aim them at certain team roles, but at the same time limit the team members in self-realization in other roles.

A complete set of team roles allows the team to make the most of its technical resources through the emergent properties of the team as a social system.

Fig. 7.3.

In addition to these principles, Belbin suggests that some employees contribute more than other team members during the formation process, regardless of how they should contribute to the success of the team in accordance with their role. And from here the conclusion is built that it is necessary to look for people who are outstanding representatives of a certain type of personality necessary for forming a team.

The American Practice Guide for Training Company Managers contains the following list of characteristics that ensure the success of a team as a whole:

  • ? openness and sociability without fear and embarrassment. The ability to listen to others;
  • ? constant willingness to lend a helping hand, respond to a request and come to help;
  • ? willingness to move to another position in the interests of the cause. The ability to compromise and change your mind;
  • ? honesty, the ability to follow through. A sense of responsibility towards other team members, the ability to gain support from others;
  • ? the ability to clearly delineate the scope of their duties, to share duties and responsibilities in such a way that it contributes to the achievement of the best results;
  • ? good awareness, development of ideas, the ability to carefully research the issue being worked out. Always ready for action;
  • ? the willingness and ability to follow the rules and procedures to be followed by all team members;
  • ? the ability to understand and accept the goals and objectives of the team. Be informed about all emerging problems, support the team and make every effort to achieve the set goals.

Michael Woodcock and Dave Francis proposed a team building program at the time, a diagram of which is shown in Table 7.1. In this case, it is important that the following conditions are met:

  • ? Team members are clear about the goals of collaboration.
  • ? The skills of each are known to others, and the functions are distributed.
  • ? The organizational structure is appropriate for the task at hand.
  • ? Joint work methods are selected jointly and jointly improved.
  • ? Self-discipline allows you to make good use of your time and resources.
  • ? There is a time and place for general discussion.
  • ? The team supports its members and ensures close communication.
  • ? The relationship in the team is open, and she is ready to overcome any difficulties and obstacles on the way.

From the standpoint of socionics, the work on team building is based on a simple rule: “creating a formal team for

solving a specific problem, select employees in accordance with their psychotypes so that in the future they can easily grow into a stable informal group - a team. " When selecting a team, Yu.V. Ivanov recommends using the algorithm shown in Figure 7.4. for cases of team formation, as they say, "from scratch", either in the process of adding new members to the team, or in the process of its reorganization.

Table 7.1

Scheme of creating a team (team) by M. Woodcock and D. Francis

Stage name

Set clear goals

  • ? Smart teams often find their own way if they know where to come.
  • ? Methodical questions often suck people headlong.

Start small

  • ? "A large oak grows out of a small acorn."
  • ? Success builds trust and creates the foundation for new success.
  • ? People prefer ideas they can figure out.


act, get agreement

  • ? Participation grows out of genuine understanding.
  • ? Almost nothing can be changed without consent.
  • ? Reaching an agreement takes a long time.

Make up real

  • ? "Moscow was not built in a day".
  • ? To learn means to unlearn something.
  • ? The cultural level changes very slowly.

Consult often and sincerely

  • ? People have a lot to say.
  • ? When you counsel, you build agreement.
  • ? Manipulation undermines the ability to build a team.

Link creation

team with


  • ? People are more willing to experiment if it doesn't require a lot of extra work.
  • ? Use regular meetings and regular assignments to build a team.
  • ? The positive results will be more evident.

Feel free to meet



  • ? Don't shelter difficult questions.
  • ? Be realistic with your plans.
  • ? If you play politics, you discredit your efforts.

Encourage openness and sincerity

  • ? Deeply rooted prejudices and attitudes are easier to deal with when discussed openly.
  • ? Don't suppress discussions.

Don't call false

  • ? The easiest thing is to promise.
  • ? Broken promises will discredit you.

Rebuild your work if needed

  • ? Organizational work takes time.
  • ? Team building can increase the individual workload.

Unknown more

scary than the famous

If you put the problem out loud, it no longer seems scary.

Development mainly


  • ? Age, ability and attitudes create limitations.
  • ? Ultimately, we are responsible for our own development.

You can "drive a horse into the water, but you cannot make it drink"

  • ? People cannot be forced to change attitudes.
  • ? People can be made to pretend they change.

Remember those on the sidelines

  • ? Envy can help develop.
  • ? People love to be participants themselves.

Team building can cause other problems

  • ? other groups of people may sense the danger.
  • ? Individual employees and supervisors can outgrow their current functions.

When creating a team, use and

  • ? Individual development can take place.
  • ? New ideas give rise to further creativity.

other possibilities

Existing systems and methods may be questionable.



  • ? people have different strengths and experiences.
  • ? Delegation of authority usually means development.

Accept outside help if needed

  • ? Choose who to contact carefully.
  • ? Take responsibility for your actions.
  • ? Each person has his own perspective and experience.
  • ? A person from the outside is more likely to be impartial.

Learn from mistakes

  • ? Admit it when you are wrong.
  • ? Review your progress regularly.
  • A.T. Zub, M.V. Loktionov Systemic strategic management: methodology and practice. - M .: Genesis, 2001, p. 456.
  • Woodcock M., Francis D. Liberated manager. For the head-practitioner: Per. from English. - M .: "Delo LTD", 1994, S. 250-252.
  • Ivanov Yu. V. Mergers, acquisitions and division of companies: strategy and tactics of business transformation. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2001 .-- S.230.

Groups are a natural and inevitable part of any organization. Whatever the name of communities of people: groups, divisions, collectives or teams, most of them realize how strongly their individual success depends on them. No one can single-handedly perform a symphony that requires the concerted play of an entire orchestra. If we keep in mind that management is the art of achieving goals with the help of subordinates, then it is necessary that subordinates know and share these goals, be motivated to achieve them.

The meaning of the term "group" historically goes back to two roots: "knot" - from the Italian groppo and the Germanic grop and "circle" - from the Germanic kruppe and the French groupe. Interestingly, both of these words were based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba circle. Hence follows the idea of \u200b\u200bequality of the group of persons forming the circle.

A group is two or more interacting and interdependent people who come together to achieve a specific goal. Groups created in an organization at the behest of leadership are called formal groups. They are designed to perform specific tasks and achieve specific goals. There are three main types of formal groups in an organization: leadership groups, work groups, and committees. The group of the leader consists of the leader and his direct reports, who, in turn, can also be leaders. The second type of formal group is a work (target) group, consisting of individuals working together on the same task. Although they have a common leader, unlike the team group, they have much more independence in planning and carrying out their work. A committee is a group within an organization that has been delegated authority to carry out a task or set of tasks. Committees are sometimes referred to as boards, task forces, commissions, or teams. But in all cases, it implies group decision-making and action, which distinguishes the committee from other organizational structures.

In order to imagine what formal groups the customs authorities of the Russian Federation are composed of, one should turn to structural diagrams, which in their essence are a means of visually demonstrating the official structure of an organization and which can be used to illustrate the composition and connections between individual working groups, departments and divisions.

Distinctive features of formal groups are: clearly defined composition and structure, including organizational norms, common tasks (goals), rigid definition and distribution of roles; unambiguous establishment of statuses, rights and responsibilities of group members.

An informal group is a spontaneously formed group of people who regularly interact to achieve certain goals. These goals are not directly aligned with the goals of the organization. There is a commonality of interests, sympathies, antipathies among members of the group, manifested in relations of mutual assistance, exchange of information, etc. Informal groups have much in common with the formal organizations in which they are inscribed (hierarchy, leaders, tasks, norms). However, they do not have a clear structure. They can be open to new members of the organization, the delineation of roles and statuses in them is not rigid and planned in advance, it is not set from the outside, but is determined by intra-group relationships. Informal groups can significantly modify the formal structure.

A special kind of group is a team. A team is a group of people who have common goals, complementary skills and abilities, a high level of interdependence and share responsibility for achieving end results.

All work teams are teams, but only formal teams are work teams. The main difference between teams and traditional working groups is the presence of a synergistic effect.

Formation of an effective management team is one of the priority tasks of the management activities of the heads of customs departments. Each manager must clearly see the immediate and distant goals of the customs activities of his unit, but he needs like-minded people who share these goals and help him turn them into reality.

Researchers have not yet come to a common typology of teams. It is most convenient to classify them according to the following four characteristics: purpose, duration, membership and structure. Today's most widely used organizations are functional teams, self-directed teams, and cross-functional teams.

Functional teams include the manager and his subordinates belonging to a specific functional department. The structure of this type of team is quite clear, the issues related to official authority, leadership, decision-making and interaction of members are quite simple and understandable. Functional teams solve specific production tasks and certain customer problems.

The management team of the head of the customs department is an example of a functional team.

Self-governing teams are functional groups of employees who work without a leader and are responsible for the entire workflow (or part of it), which consists in providing products / services to the client. Self-directed teams are responsible for both getting work done and managing.

Cross-functional teams are a mixed group of professionals in different fields who work together to perform specific tasks facing an organization.

Teamwork is increasingly used in modern organizations, but their creation and development requires some effort, which does not always correspond to the result obtained. Therefore, the use of a team is advisable only when the work requires interrelated actions that cannot be performed effectively by individual work. To determine the need for teamwork, it is convenient to use the three-level model of team building, which is shown in Fig. 4.8 (according to D. McIntosh-Fletcher) 28.

Level A. Close-knit working group. Team members see themselves as one working group, but their work mostly depends on each other, so they do not have a need to share work among themselves. They can be considered a group because they contribute in some way to the work of their unit. This group is characterized by:

Having a goal shared by all;

Everyone feels accepted by the group and has the ability to influence others.

A close-knit group focuses on the needs of its individual members.

Level B. An effective work team focuses on increasing productivity. Its members are interdependent, which makes it necessary to distribute work to achieve a common goal. This level is characterized by:

Functioning as an autonomous unit within an organization;

Team members share work information with each other;

The presence of goals and objectives shared and understood by everyone.

An effective work team is focused on increasing its effectiveness in solving work problems as a managed team.

Level C. An effective organizational complex consists of a large number of people, includes sub-teams that have different purposes or perform different stages of work. It targets the needs of the organization as a whole. This level has the characteristics of both a close-knit group and an effective work team, and, in addition:

Each team is associated with other teams in the organization or with functions to carry out various projects;

Team resources (human and material) are shared with other teams in the organization or their functions;

The team influences the strategy and policy of the organization;

People can enter and leave the team in accordance with the needs, the course of work, the time factor.

An effective organizational complex integrates the activities of individual teams of a large organization, establishes cooperation between them, operates on the principles of teamwork shared by all.

All levels of team building are represented in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation.

It has been established that for the choice of the type of working group, the nature of the task assigned to it is of fundamental importance. If the task is well structured (simple, familiar, often encountered), then it has a programmable solution. To carry out such a task, employees only need certain professional skills, they are well performed by people working independently of each other. Homogeneous groups consisting of employees with similar values, beliefs, experience, numbering up to 9 ± 2 people are effective here. If the task has a high degree of uncertainty, unstructuredness, requires an unprogrammed solution (unique, requiring a non-standard approach), then a heterogeneous group of 7 ± 2 people with a high level of teamwork skills is effective.

Having identified the need for a team, you should start building it.

Team formation is facilitated by: the presence of group members such qualities as the ability to listen, empathize, willingness to help others, common values \u200b\u200band interests, the desire to cooperate in solving complex problems, clarity and certainty of positions, openness, flexibility. The formation of a team is hampered by: the desire to dominate, constantly enter into an argument, peremptory statements, a negative assessment of the ideas of others, the habit of being always right, reasoning, indifference. Numerous studies in recent years have revealed characteristics that are common to all effective teams (Figure 4.9).

Thus, effective work teams are characterized by: the presence of clear goals; people with the necessary skills and abilities, a high degree of mutual trust between team members, their shared commitment to the team, a high level of communication, the ability to negotiate with each other and effective leadership 29.

At the initial stage of the formation of the management team, the head of the customs department plays a leading role. He sets clear goals and objectives, instills confidence in himself, helps to develop skills, approaches, improve the techniques and methods of work performed, achieve consistency of actions, while behaving more like a mentor, assistant than a controller.

Initially, the team will include the closest circle of the leader and other employees who support him, share his ideas, views on joint activities and put them into practice. At the same time, the team not only perceives the ideas and views of the leader, but also provides him with feedback, which allows him to refine and develop these ideas. The initial quantitative composition of the management team should correspond to the size of the sociocritical mass (-5% of 30 people, ~ 10-15% of 30-150 people). In the future, the team can cover all employees of the unit, thereby transforming into the team of this unit. In terms of the social and psychological development of the customs department, the process can be described by the following diagram:

manager - managerial team of the manager - unit staff.

The team building process goes through a number of stages. American researcher B. Bass identifies four stages of team development.

1. Acceptance of each other by team members. At this stage, mistrust, suspicion, and alienation are eliminated, and a willingness to cooperate appears.

2. Development of communications and development of a mechanism for making group decisions. The expansion and intensification of communication makes the group capable of making collective decisions.

3. Formation of group solidarity. Growing trust and strengthening a sense of group identity. Group members are satisfied with the very fact of being in it and help each other.

4. Striving to maximize group success through the rational use of individual abilities, opportunities and mutual assistance, providing informal collective control. This stage is characterized by a shift in emphasis from interpersonal solidarity and support to a common cause.

As you progress through the stages in the development of the team, the relationships in it reach maturity, which positively affects the effectiveness of its activities.

RM Belbin found that the distribution of roles affects the success of a management team. He found that there are two kinds of roles: professional and team. There are eight team roles: performer, coordinator, activator, "thinker", resource researcher, evaluator, collectivist, bringing to the end. The personal characteristics of team members allow them to adapt well to fulfillment of some roles and limit their ability to successfully fulfill others. The team should strive to balance the group roles played by the right people for those roles. The very same balance of roles is determined based on the goals and objectives of the group. Thus, team building includes: defining the purpose of the team (why the team exists), formulating its goal (what the team is going to do), setting objectives (how the team is going to do), defining the role of the team (the working approach that the team should take as a group), fundamental rules and regulations (guidance).

Teamwork has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include: the ability to combine a variety of skills and abilities to solve a problem or problem, mutual assistance and mutual support, the ability to learn from each other, relative independence from the rest of the organization. Among the disadvantages should be mentioned: isolation from the rest of the organization can lead to the fact that the goals of the team may conflict with the goals of the organization, conflicts arise between different teams, the pressure of the team on its members can lead to "group thinking" (unrealistic perception of the surrounding reality) ...

The general trend in the development of management in recent years is the provision of significant independence to small teams, which acquire the rights of independent teams. "Team" management technologies began to actively penetrate into the practice of public service, there is a delegation of rights and responsibilities from the upper levels of management to the lower ones. Small teams get the opportunity to manage resources, pursue their own personnel policy and even engage in strategic planning. Teams become the main tool for achieving innovation, individual commitment, focus on the main tasks. All of the above fully applies to the customs service.


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