What does the master of civil works. Profession: master of general construction works. current provision of food, clothing, footwear, soft furnishings, household items, personal hygiene, medical preparations, funds for cultural masses




OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

Official edition


Agreed Approved

Department educational institutions Deputy Minister

Gosstroy of the Russian Federation

Letter N 28-9/341





OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

Official edition

Agreed Approved

Department of Educational Institutions Deputy Minister

and advanced training education of the Russian

Gosstroy of the Russian Federation

Letter N 28-9/341




Initial vocational education

2Profession: master of general construction

work OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

2Profession: waid-range master in

building industry


Introduction date

Explanatory note

to the federal component of the State Educational

dart primary vocational education Profession "Master"

general construction works"

Federal component of the State Educational Standard

primary vocational education in the profession "Master of Public

construction works" includes documents:

a) professional characteristics;

b) the federal component of the content of the professional cycle

The organization of training in the profession is carried out on the basis of the List

no professions and specialties of primary vocational education

Documents defining the federal component of the content of general technical

technical and sectoral training cycles, represent the standards


In the system of continuous education, the profession "Master of General Construction"

telnyh works "refers to the 3rd stage of qualification.

Level general education required for a profession

Average (full) general; vocational education - primary


OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 C.5

Tariffication of works by the profession "Masters of general construction works"

established by the enterprise together with an educational institution in

in accordance with the tariff system in force in the country (industry).

Advanced training of "Masters of general construction works" is carried out


In institutions of primary vocational education and

enterprises in order to update and expand knowledge and skills, as well as

obtaining a professional qualification in new specialty in ram-

kah profession.

In the system of continuing professional education to achieve

a higher level of qualification in this area (industry)

professional activities on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions


Types of professional Theoretical basis professional

activities │onal activities



21. General professional parameters

Performs the simplest stone, Technology of the simplest stone

furnace, assembly, electric welding, nyh, furnace, assembly, electric

sling, concrete, reinforcing welding, sling, concrete

works and reinforcing works

Performs masonry and repair of ka - The main types of wall materials

interchangeable structures of buildings, bridges, rials

industrial and hydraulic

structures of thieves

Punches nests, furrows and Ways of punching nests, furrows

holes in brick and rubble and holes in brickwork

masonry, concrete and reinforced concrete


Disassembles manually rubble fun - Rules for disassembling masonry fun-

damnts, brickwork of walls of damnts, walls and pillars,

pillars, unlined stoves and piles

hone hearths, protozoan formwork The main types of rigging

tooling designs

Lays brick columns under the Rules for laying brick

sex joists of columns

C.6 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

Falls asleep channels or boxes on - Tools and adapt-

powdered materials or mil - leniya used for stone

masonry and installation

mineral wool building structures

Installs Metal Temporary Installation Technology

temporary furnaces with hanging metal furnaces

Cleans and scrapes the front. Rules of technical ex-

surface of furnaces for operation and maintenance of equipment

vanity, fixtures and


Performs the simplest work with the main types of slings, capture-

installation of steel and prefabricated concrete fixtures, rigging

equipment and reinforced concrete structures

Performs the simplest welding devices of machines and mechanisms

work, uses manual and electric - for the production of welding

trified tool and work

construction machines and furs - The principle of operation of the electric

nisms of rock machines and apparatuses

Carries out a surfacing of simple neot - Rules for the maintenance of electrical

important parts of welding machines

Performs slinging and linking groups - Rules for slinging typical

calls of various lengths and weights of products

Rules for slinging, lifting and

movement of various goods

Design features

lifting devices

(slings, traverses, grabs and


load-handling cranes and

safety measures at work

both boom self-propelled cranes

new near power lines

OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 C.7



Basic provisions about the system

labor safety standards

Observes the load during lifting, Permissible loads of slings

moving and laying and ropes

Performs the simplest work in the preparation of vegetable

preparation of concrete mix and uk - thieves and concrete mixes by hand

adjusting it in the design

Ways of notching concrete


Carries out a notch of concrete on - Methods of supply of concrete mixes -

surfaces of this design

Accepts concrete mix and Concrete Care Rules

prepares solutions by hand

Dosing components at - Techniques and rules for disassembly

the power of devices by weight and volume - concrete and reinforced concrete

him (wheelbarrows, mernikov) structures, foundation masonry

goods, walls and pillars

Formwork dismantling methods

the simplest designs

Disassembles concrete and reinforced concrete - The main types of wall

tons of designs by hand materials and materials mentioned-

piped during production

stone kiln works

Methods for installing metal

personal temporary ovens

Hooks steel concrete and requirements

reinforced concrete structures inven - to the quality of work performed,

tare slings for mounting pets - including for adjacent operations

whether, staples, hooks, etc. to walkie-talkies or processes

Sorts, unwinds, cuts, Rules and methods of unwinding

straightens, bends, pulls ar - and cutting reinforcing steel

satin wire by hand swan - Rules for transportation and

kami, on manual machines storage of finished carcasses -

C.8 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000



Prevents and eliminates de - Types of defects and their methods

elimination work defects

Complies with safety rules Labor safety rules

22.Special options

2A. Profession - bricklayer

Lays simple brick walls The main properties of wall ma-

and small blocks for plastering and materials and mortars, as well as

with jointing along the masonry; waterproofing materials,

lays foundations made of bricks and func-

reinforced concrete products; lays down dams and walls

walls and corners of buildings

Fills stud walls Simple Systems masonry and re-

seam knitting

Arranges foundations from butovo - Techniques for laying simple walls

of stone and brick rubble under

bay; performs laying of the foundation,

building corners

Arranges a cement screed, Ways of spreading the solution

on the wall, laying bricks and

Satisfied with horizontal hydro - Pneumatic operation rules

foundation insulation with rolled and electrified tools

cop materials

Closes up with brick and concrete. Main types of parts and assembly

furrows, nests and openings of the structures used

in the construction of stone buildings

and facilities

Punches openings in brick and Requirements for the quality of brick

concrete walls. masonry and precast concrete

structures mounted in

changing buildings

Performs installation in stone buildings - Reinforced concrete installation technology -

lines of reinforced concrete lintels

over windows and doors

OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 C.9



2B. Profession - baker

Arranges the grounds and lays down the basic requirements applicable to

foundations for ovens washed to the quality of bricks and concrete

Lays temporary type furnaces with Methods for laying foundations under

Installs and strengthens stoves Laying methods for temporary stoves

Sorts and matches by color Simple suture dressing systems

(shade) stove tiles

Rubs the edges of tiles Methods for dismantling lined

stoves, hogs and chimneys

Prepares solutions from vertical

Gzhel and refractory clay cuttings

2B. Profession - installer for the installation of steel

2and reinforced concrete structures

Performs stripping of assembled steel parts

structures and prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete

ton structures

Performs mounting mounting Types of the main rigging and

bolts of connections of the mounting equipment and at-


Produces the installation of a self-tapping screw - Rules for transportation and

bolts for storage of structures and

C.10. OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000



Checks with kerosene and chalk Devices and methods of time

welds when checking their interchangeable fastening of structures


Rules shaped steels on manual Simple Ways welding checks

screw press seams

Lays paving slabs - Basic properties and grades of be-

ty ton mixtures

Provides temporary fixing Rules for surface preparation

structures for insulation

1.1.3.General construction works: purpose, types, volumes.

Stone work: types, classification depending on the type

masonry and materials used.

Furnace works: types, purpose, technology of laying furnaces,

applied material.

Installation work: purpose, types, classification depending on

bridges from the structures used.

Electric welding works: purpose, classification of weldings

depending on the materials used.

Slinging work: purpose, types, classification of slings

depending on loads of different weights

Concrete work: purpose, types, classification depending on

bridges from structures and materials used.

Reinforcing work: purpose, classification depending


S.18 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

1.1.4. Instruments, mechanisms, devices for general construction

telny works: purpose, classification, device, technical


Control and measuring devices: purpose, device,

operating rules.

Manual mechanized tools.

Selection and use of tools and devices.

1.1.5. Solutions: types, methods of preparing solutions

personal compositions.

Determination of the composition of solutions and the size of the fill

Solution Mobility Test (2)

Neutralizing compounds: types, methods of preparation.

1.1.6. Preparation of reinforcing steel for work: main types,

sequence of operations for knitting frames.

1.1.7. Preparation of concrete mix for laying in the structure:

main types, sequence of operations.

1.1.8. Preparation of foundations for the bay and furnaces: types, methods

masonry, masonry requirements, sequence of operations

1.1.9. Preparation of goods for slinging: types, weight, height, size

measurements, conditional signaling.

Requirements for the safe conduct of work for slingers.

1.1.10. Preparation of parts for welding: types, applied ma-

1.1.11. Materials for general construction works: classification,

purpose, application, composition, properties.

Hand Mixing Basic Mixes(2)

Application of materials on surfaces(2)

OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 P.19


22.1. Technology of stone works

2.1.1. Wall materials and solutions: types, purpose, properties

tva, compositions, recipes and methods of preparation of solutions.

2.1.2. Tools: types, purpose, classification, application

nie, rules of work and care.

Selection and use of tools and fixtures(2)

2.1.3. Ways of laying and dressing seams (2). Quality requirements


2.1.4. Laying stone structures, buildings, bridges and soo-

ruzhen:sequence of operations (2).

Installation of foundations, cement screed, waterproofing:

research and features of the work.

Technology for performing preparatory and auxiliary

masonry operations(2)

2.1.5. Technology of installation of reinforced concrete lintels over windows

nymi and doorways and niches(2)


23.1. Technology of furnace work

3.1.1. Basic materials and solutions: types, purpose, composition

tav, properties, methods of preparation of special solutions.

Preparation of solutions from Gzhel and refractory clay (2).

Sealing cracks in the furnace masonry with clay mortar (2)

3.1.2 Suture dressing systems (2).

S.20 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000

3.1.3. Furnace appliances and tiles: types, purpose, classification

tion, technology of installation and replacement of stove appliances(2)

Color matching, sorting and lapping of stove tiles(2)

Execution of work on the replacement of devices in unlined furnaces (2).

3.1.4. Laying stoves, hearths and pipes: methods of laying the foundation

commodities for furnaces, foundation technology, sequence

masonry and dismantling of furnaces (2).

Carrying out work on dismantling the lined furnace (2).



4.1.1. The main rigging, mounting equipment and accessories

notices: types, purpose, rules of transportation and storage

Slings and grippers: types, purpose, right


Fastening structures: sequence of operations

tions, rules for signaling during installation (2).

Closing furrows, nests, potholes and holes(2)

4.1.2. Loading and unloading and warehouse works (2).

4.1.3. Installation of prefabricated partitions and internal walls: after-

the importance of performing operations (2).

Performing the simplest work on the installation of steel and reinforced concrete

ton structures (2). Inspection of welds (2).

cutting bolts (2).

OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 P.21


25.1.1. Electro technology welding work

5.1.1. Preliminary preparation of welding consumables:

dy, purpose, sequence of operations.

5.1.2. Electric welding machines and devices: types, purpose,

classification, device, specifications, regulations

maintenance and operation(2)

5.1.3. Control and measuring devices: types, purpose,

application, causes and ways to eliminate defects

electric welding works (2).

5.1.4. Preparation of products and assemblies for welding: successor -

work performance(2)

Surfacing of simple non-critical parts (2). Protection of welded

seam during welding (2).


26.1. Sling technology

6.1.1. Cargoes: variety, classification depending on

weight, volume, length, various dimensions, flowability.

6.1.2. Load-handling devices: types, purpose, application

Slinging and lashing of goods: types, purpose. ways and

sequence of operations(2)

Ways of moving and bridging (2).

Rules and requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for safe

operation of lifting equipment(2).

S.22 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000


27.1. Technology of concrete work

7.1.1. Preparation of concrete mix: general concepts, types of

tone mixers, device, performance, storage methods and


7.1.2. Cement: types, purpose, classification of binders

and additives(2).

Water: composition, properties, purpose, requirements, presentation

to the water.

7.1.3. Transportation of concrete mix: purpose and characteristics

teristics of machines for transporting the mixture, requirements, allowances

our terms of transportation of ready mixes, preventive measures

delamination and drying of the concrete mixture.

7.1.4. Laying concrete mix: rules and methods.

Machines for preparing and laying concrete mix: principles

organization of work on machines, characteristics of belt conveyors -

ditch, concrete pavers, concrete mixing plant fixtures

ki and in the shop.

7.1.5. Norms of time and output for laying and compacting be-

ton mixture.

7.1.6. Ways of concreting structures: methods of laying be-

ton mixture in foundations, foundations and massifs(2)

Formwork: types, purpose, designs, installation sequence

novation and dismantling of formwork of various designs(2)

Simple formwork demolition(2)

S.23 OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000


28.1. Technology of reinforcing work

8.1.1. Basic information about reinforcing steel: types, purpose

nie, assortment (2).

Methods for cleaning, straightening, stretching, straightening reinforcement


Unwinding, cutting and bending methods(2)

Preparation of reinforcing steel for reinforcing work (2).

8.1.2. Tool, fixtures, machines: variety,

purpose, device, principle of operation, handling rules,

production standards.

Selection and use of tools and devices (2).

8.1.3. Methods for marking the location of rods and frames.

Receptions: knitting knots of rods; assembly, installation and fastening

simple reinforcement and reinforcement structures; assembly and knitting of meshes and flat

wireframes on multiple templates(2).

Assembly and knitting of nets and flat frames(2)

OST 9 ON 02.22.3-2000 P.24

Distribution of study time by profession

"Master of civil works"

under the section "Professional training"


│ Number of hours on base │


│basic general education-│basic general │secondary│

│niya without obtaining secondary│education with po-│(full - │

│(complete) general education-│radiation of secondary│th) general-│

│ niya │ (full) general │th form-│

│ │ education │ calling │


│ Terms of study │ │


│ 1-2 years │ 3 years │ 1 year │

├─────────────────────────┴──────────────────┘─────── │

│ Vocational training │

├──────────────────────────────────────────────────── │

│ Reserve time │

│ Consultations │

│ Exams │




Director of the Institute

professional development

Education Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Deputy Director of the Institute

professional development

Education Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Development manager:

providing construction professions

IRPO certificates, Ph.D. n.


Head methodological laboratory

providing construction professions

IRPO certificates, Ph.D. n.


Department of Educational Institutions and

advanced training

Qualification - bricklayer (4th category);

electric welder manual welding(3rd category)

Normative period for mastering the program on the basis of basic general education with secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 5 months.

Objects professional activity :

Buildings and structures, their elements;

Materials for general construction works;

Technologies of general construction works;

Construction machines, small-scale mechanization tools, tools and devices for general construction works.

The master of general construction works will know:

Technology of stone, assembly and electric welding works;

The main types of wall materials, properties of wall materials and mortars, as well as waterproofing materials used in the insulation of foundations and walls;

Tools and devices used for masonry and installation of building structures, basic equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, including related operations or processes;

Basic information about the device of electric welding machines and apparatuses;

The principle of operation of electric welding machines and devices for arc welding of alternating and direct current;

Types of basic rigging and mounting equipment and fixtures.

The Master of Civil Works will be able to:

Perform installation in stone buildings and reinforced concrete lintels above window and door openings and niches;

Perform stone, installation and electric welding work;

Perform laying and repair of stone structures of buildings, bridges, industrial and hydraulic structures;

Laying simple walls made of bricks and small blocks under plaster and with jointing along the masonry, foundations made of bricks and reinforced concrete products, laying walls and corners of buildings, filling frame walls;

Perform installation in stone buildings and reinforced concrete lintels above window and door openings and niches;

Perform manual, electric arc and gas-electric welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steels in the lower and vertical positions.

Subjects studied:

Fundamentals of materials science;

Fundamentals of electrical engineering;

Basics of construction drawing;

Fundamentals of technology of general construction works;

Life safety;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Entrepreneurial activity;

Performing stone works;

Performance of welding works by manual electric arc welding.

Job Opportunities: the graduate will be able to work in construction enterprises, as well as in other industries. The profession "Master of General Construction Works" is currently in demand in our region.

ELECTRONIC WORKBOOK PROFESSION "MASTER OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORKS" FOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FOR THE 1st YEAR REMINDER Dear friends! Electronic workbook will help you to replenish and consolidate knowledge on the basics of the theory of technology of stone work. It contains questions and tasks on 17 topics of industrial training that characterize the features of stone work. The proposed tasks are designed for your independence in learning activities and provides for work with a textbook and additional literature. You are given the opportunity to express your own opinion on the studied problem. In search of answers to these questions and tasks, you will be able to better understand the main thing, control yourself, find out what you know and can do, and what you still need to repeat. I wish you interesting work! Symbols - A question for reflection, recall and consolidation t - Test, consolidation of theoretical knowledge † - Working with a book, reference literature U - Exercise - Research and creative tasks - Solve the problem K - Guess the crossword puzzle Z / E - Task for erudition CONTENTS 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Labor safety rules, Fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops" 2. Topic: "Excursion to the construction site and industrial enterprises on the manufacture of building structures" 3. Topic: "Excursion to the construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures" 4. Topic: "Introduction to the organization of the workplace of a bricklayer" 5. Topic: "Tools, fixtures and equipment" 6. Topic: "Installation orders, stretching the moorings" 7. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" 8. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" 9. Topic: "Types of masonry, cutting rules" 10. Topic: "Working out methods of laying bricks in a clamp" 11 12. Topic: "Practice of laying bricks side by side" 12. Topic: "Practice of laying bricks side by side with mortar cutting" 13. Topic: "Practice of laying bricks semi-adjacent" 14. Topic: "In-line method" 15. Topic: "Step method » 16. Topic: “Mixed method” 17. Topic: “Verification work based on the results of the first half of the year” 1.1. Introduction to the profession 1.2. Labor safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Labor safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops" 2. Topic: "Excursion to the construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures" Click on the brick 3. Subject: "Excursion to the construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures" Click on the brick Click on the brick Organization of the workplace 4. Topic: “Introduction to the organization of the workplace of a bricklayer” 5. Topic: “Tools, fixtures and equipment” Click on the brick mooring" Click on the brick 7. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" Click on the brick 8. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" Click on the brick 9. Topic: "Types of masonry, cutting rules" masonry 10. Topic: "Working out the methods of laying bricks pressed" Click on the brick Instructional - technological map Laying by pressing 11. Topic: “Practicing techniques for laying bricks side by side” Click on the brick solution 13. Topic: “Working out the methods of laying bricks halfway” Click on the brick Instructional - technological map 14. Topic: “In a row way” Click on the brick Instructional - technological map 15. Topic: "Stepped way" Click on the brick Instruction - flow chart 16. Topic: "Mixed way" Click on the brick Instruction - flow chart 17. Topic: " Verification work according to the results of the first half of the year "Click on the brick


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