Workbook for materials science and tkm part 2. Workbook for materials science

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan educational institution Secondary vocational education "Nurlat Agricultural College" WORKBOOK on the discipline "MATERIAL SCIENCE" for the specialty 262019 Design, modeling and technology of garments Developer: teacher of special disciplines Zaitseva T.P. Nurlat 2013 Explanatory note The workbook is intended to assist students of the specialty SPO 262019 Design, modeling and technology of garments (basic training) in mastering the discipline OP.03 Materials Science. The workbook contains the structure of materials science of clothing production, a terminological dictionary, assignments for consolidation and verification of educational materials. General information about materials for sewing production. The notebook also includes laboratory and practical and control work, with the help of which students can collect materials to confirm their professional competence. It is offered for students of NGO institutions studying in the professions "Operator sewing equipment", as well as for the training and retraining of the unemployed population. BASICS OF MATERIAL SCIENCE OF SEWING PRODUCTION Structure Determine the type, structure and properties of sewing materials. Result 1. CODE: Determine the type of sewing material according to the classification A) The type of sewing material according to the production method is correctly determined. B) The classification of textile fibers is named correctly. B) The type of fiber according to the sample is determined correctly. Result 2. CODE: Determine the type of textile threads according to the classification. A) The types of textile threads according to the classification are named correctly. B) The types of yarn according to the sample are correctly identified in accordance with the classification. C) The type of basic fabric finishing according to the sample is correctly determined. Result 3. CODE: Determine the structure of tissues. A) The parameters of the tissue structure are named correctly. B) The front side in the tissue samples is determined correctly. C) The direction of the warp and weft threads in the fabric samples is determined correctly. D) Types of weaving weaves are identified correctly. E) The classification of fabrics according to the fibrous composition is named correctly. E) The composition of the fibers of the fabric according to the sample is determined correctly. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT SEWING MATERIALS INTRODUCTION Most recently, you have been busy looking for an outfit for prom. At the same time, many questions arose before you related to the properties of the materials from which the clothes are made: * What materials are suitable for the selected product; * products; What properties should be considered when choosing a material for * What properties of materials affect the design of clothing and should be taken into account when building a design drawing and making product patterns; * What properties of sewing materials determine the parameters and processing modes in the manufacture of products at a sewing enterprise; * How will the materials behave when the clothes are used, cleaned and washed? These questions are also faced by the creators of high-quality clothing. Making clothes is an art. It requires creativity, imagination, skill, understanding of the beautiful, the ability to feel the material. The latter is acquired by students in the study of the discipline "Materials Science". This workbook is part of the study guide General information about sewing materials is part of the course "Fundamentals of Materials Science garment production» and developed on the basis of competence-based learning, the main task of which is to activate the independent work of students throughout the entire period of study. In the workbook, students record the results of their educational activities aimed at achieving a certain level of professional competence, expressed through the Result. The ways in which this Outcome (competence) is achieved are described in the Performance Criteria (CRA). Upon completion of study this manual students will be able to identify the type, structure and properties of sewing materials. After studying Outcome 1. Students will be able to identify the type of sewing material by the method of production, classify textile fibers and determine their type from the sample. After studying Result 2. Students will be able to classify textile yarns, identify types of yarn and type of basic fabric finishing from the sample. By studying Outcome 3, students will be able to determine the structure of tissues. Namely, to determine the front side in the fabric samples, the direction of the warp and weft threads, the type of weaving, the composition of the fibers. The study of Outcome 4 will allow students to determine and characterize the main properties of tissues: mechanical, physical, technological, optical. The terminological dictionary offered in the manual will help students complete tasks. To confirm their professional competence, the student must collect and demonstrate evidence of their knowledge and skills for each Outcome, which is facilitated by laboratory exercises and tests. Laboratory work should be drawn up in accordance with the guidelines. At the end of the work, they are handed over to the teacher for verification. If the work is unsuccessful, the student can repeat the collection of evidence of competence. Requirements for the performance of examinations are set out at the end of each of them. In case of non-fulfillment of these requirements, the student must additionally work out the educational material of one or another Result and do the work again. The teacher helps students achieve a particular Result (competence level), monitors the progress of tasks, keeps records of the achievements of each student. Suggested tutorial can be used in the training of skilled workers in the professions "Tailor", "Cutter", "Operator of sewing equipment", as well as in the specialty 262019 "Design, modeling and technology of garments" and will allow them to be competitive in the labor market. TERMINOLOGICAL GLOSSARY     Absolute density - the actual number of threads per 100 mm of fabric. Angora is the wool of the angora rabbit. Hardware yarn is a thick, loose, fluffy, low-strength thread. Finishing - applying a special composition to the fabric to give it density, stiffness, or softness, better whiteness, gloss and other properties that improve quality and wear resistance.  Reinforced yarn is a yarn having a core entwined along its entire length with cotton, wool, linen or chemical fibers.  Acetylation - processing of cotton waste with acetic anhydride in an icy environment acetic acid for the production of acetate fibers.  Whitening - giving the fabric a stable whiteness.  Birdo - consists of flat metal plates (teeth), fixed vertically on two slats, serves to nail the newly laid weft thread to the previous one, ensuring the uniformity of the threads.  Shine - the ability of a fabric to reflect incident light.  Felted - fabrics that have been rolled during the finishing process and have a felt-like covering on the front side (cloth, coat fabrics).  Viscose is an artificial fiber made from cellulose.  Water resistance - the ability of fabrics to resist the penetration of water.  Air permeability - the ability of fabrics to pass air through themselves and ensure ventilation of clothing.  Fibrous composition of fabrics - the composition of the fibers from which the fabric is made.  Fiber is a flexible, thin, durable body, the length of which is many times greater than the cross-sectional dimensions. Racking Result 1. Determine the type of sewing material according to the classification Theme 1. INTRODUCTION Task 1 FIXING MATERIAL Using educational material 1, try to complete the tasks. TASK 1. What is the subject of study of sewing materials? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ TASK 2. Select textile materials from the proposed list (mark with \/): - natural leather - sewing threads - fabric - knitwear - fluff - artificial fur - yarn - non-woven materials TASK 3. Determine the expressions of the right and left columns corresponding to each other : technology selection of materials for the product material science construction construction designing modes and processing parameters equipment product care TASK 4. What are the requirements for sewing materials. ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ TASK 5. Complete the table by writing in the free column your thoughts on the functions of clothing materials. Groups of sewing materials Functions (role in clothing) Upper materials Lining materials Lining materials Insulation materials Finishing materials Clothing accessories Materials for joining parts Task 1.2 CHECKING THE DEGREE OF MATERIAL DIGESTIVATION ASSIGNMENT. For the proposed samples of materials, indicate the method of production and purpose. Sample No. 1 Sample No. 2 Evaluation material for Result 1 Sample No. 3 CONTROL WORK No. 1 Option I Complete the tasks. TASK 1. For the proposed material sample, determine its type, origin, chemical composition and properties. Mark the answer with \/. 1.1. Presented fiber: - wool - silk - cotton - linen 1.2. Origin of this fiber: - vegetable - animal mineral natural artificial - synthetic 1.3. Elongation of the presented fiber: - plastic - elastic - elastic 1.4. Fiber heat resistance, 0C: 1.5 Fiber strength, cN/tex: 1.6 Fiber chemical composition: - 110 - 150 - 120 - 180 - 140 - 200 - 24 - 36 - 35 - 70 - 35 - 72 - 13 - 24 - 10 - 14 - 32 - 55 - sericin - keratin - fibroin 1.7 chemical resistance of the fiber: - cellulose - alkali-resistant - not alkali-resistant - acid-resistant - not acid-resistant thus: - strength - elongation - hygroscopicity - heat resistance - chemical resistance - special properties TASK 2. Find a correspondence between the expressions of the left and right columns: Fabric textile knitted material Knitwear non-textile material Natural leather textile woven material TASK 3. List artificial fibers. ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ TASK 4. Describe the nature of the burning of lavsan. ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ To confirm the competence, it is obligatory to complete tasks 1, 4 in full.

The workbook reflects the main topics of the course "Materials Science", studied in the preparation of specialists in metalworking. The presented tasks develop thinking, contribute to the consolidation of the material studied in the classroom, instill the ability to independently receive necessary knowledge with textbook and reference literature. Illustrations help students answer questions and remember educational material.
The notebook allows you to independently work on a particular topic and make the right decision in the process of practical exercises.
For students of primary vocational education institutions.

Specify which cast irons are most widely used in mechanical engineering:
a) hypoeutectic;
b) hypereutectic.
Underline the correct answer.

Underline the name of the ore with the highest iron content:
a) brown iron ore (limonite);
b) red iron ore (hematite);
c) magnetic iron ore (magnesite).

Select cast irons that you consider to be pig iron:
a) synthetic;
b) white;
c) gray;
d) malleable;
e) high-strength;
e) doped.
Underline the correct answers.

Chapter 1. Basic information about the structure, properties and methods of testing metals and alloys
Chapter 2. Basic information on the theory of alloys
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Polymer materials

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Download the book Materials Science (metalworking), Workbook, Sokolova E.N., 2008 -, fast and free download.

  • Materials science, Laboratory workshop, Sokolova E.N., 2017
  • Materials science of welding, fusion welding, Zorin N.E., Zorin E.E., 2017
  • The world around us, Workbook, Grade 4, Part 2, To the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, E.A. Kryuchkova "The world around. 4th grade. In 2 hours. Part 2", Sokolova N.A., 2020
  • The world around us, Workbook, Grade 4, Part 1, To the textbook by A.A. Pleshakova, E.A. Kryuchkova "The world around. 4th grade. In 2 hours. Part 1", Sokolova N.A., 2020

The workbook in mathematics of the series "USE 2018. Mathematics" is focused on preparing high school students for the successful passing of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics in 2018 at the basic and profile levels.

This manual is intended to prepare for solving stereometric problems of the first part of the exam in mathematics. It consists of three parts: “Polyhedra.

Prisms”, “Polyhedra. Pyramids” and “Body of rotation”, each of which opens with an initial diagnostic work and includes several thematic modules, as well as training work for each of these modules.

In addition to the training work, each module provides the necessary theoretical information and brief guidelines with an analysis of typical examples. The manual concludes with final diagnostic work, which includes tasks on all topics of each of the parts.

All training and diagnostic work is given in two versions. The notebook is intended for students high school, math teachers, parents.

The publication complies with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).


1 State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Tyumen Region Tobolsk Multidisciplinary College

2 The workbook of the discipline "Fundamentals of Materials Science" was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession of a technical profile "Welder" (electric welding and gas welding), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2009 Development organization: GAPOU TO " Tobolsk multidisciplinary technical school "Developer: Tomilov A.V., teacher of GAPOU TO "Tobolsk multidisciplinary technical school" Considered at a meeting of the cyclic commission teaching staff technical direction Minutes 8 of April 22, 2015 Conclusion of the Methodological Council 6 dated June 25, 2015 2

3 Contents Guidelines on the use of the workbook General information about materials science. The concept of materials Metals, alloys and their properties Ferrous metals and alloys Non-ferrous metals and alloys Powder metallurgy Heat treatment of metals Polymeric materials Ceramic materials Inorganic glass List of recommended sources of information 36 Applications 37 3

4 Guidelines for the use of the workbook The workbook for the discipline "Fundamentals of Materials Science" was developed for the profession "Welder" (electric and gas welding) and the specialty Welding production. A workbook can be useful in teaching any professions and specialties with an emphasis on metalworking. The workbook can be used in lectures and practical classes, for organizing extracurricular independent work. When defining clear criteria for evaluating tasks, the notebook can serve as a control and evaluation material. The use of workbook resources allows the teacher to significantly reduce the time for searching and selecting practical material. A variety of tasks: from simple to complex, from standard to creative, allows students not only to consolidate their knowledge and master skills, but also to expand and deepen them. The non-standard setting of tasks will increase interest in the discipline and, accordingly, motivation for learning. Before using the workbook, for one purpose or another, students need to give clear explanations for each task, as well as formulate the purpose of the work, only at the first stages. Each teacher determines the evaluation criteria and presents them to students independently, depending on the level of study of the discipline. Each task is conditionally marked by the author with signs: o simple task; task of medium difficulty; difficult task; creative tasks. The workbook is disposable and is used for individual use. 4

5 Section 1. General information about materials science. The concept of materials o 1.1. Explain what the science of materials science studies 1.2. From the proposed list of domestic scientists, the founders of materials science, it is necessary to find portraits and sign them: P.P. Anosov, M.V. Lomonosov, S.S. Steinberg, D.K. Chernov, A.M. Butlerov, M.A. Pavlov, I.P. Bardin, S.V. Lebedev, N.A. Minkevich. 5

6 1.3. Define: Materials are Structural materials are 1.4. Fill in the scheme: o 1.5. List the characteristic features of the proposed materials: Metals Plastics Wood Rubber Ceramics Glass o 1.6. Give three examples various kinds materials: Raw materials - Semi-finished products - Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. History of materials science. 2. Interdisciplinary connections of materials science with other sciences. 3. The importance of materials science for the profession of a welder. 4. The subject of materials science. 5. Extraction and production of raw and semi-finished materials in the world and in our country. 6. Prospects for the development of materials science. 7. Ecological characteristics of the production and use of materials. 6

7 Section 2. Metals, alloys and their properties o 2.1. Define: Metals are 2.2. Give examples on various grounds for classifying metals: 1. Give examples: ferrous metals and alloys of non-ferrous metals and alloys, indicate the characteristics of classification 2. Give examples: low-melting metals refractory metals, indicate the characteristics of classification 3. Give examples: heavy metals, light metals, indicate the characteristics of classification 4. Give examples: pure metal alloys indicate signs of classification 2.3. Specify the Latin and Russian names of metals: For example: Fe Ferrum iron Cu Al Mg Ti Fe Zn Pb Sn Ni Cr o 2.4. Underline the correct statement: - all metals have an amorphous structure; - all metals have a crystalline structure; - all metals in the solid state have a crystalline structure; - only structural metals have a crystalline structure in the solid state, the rest are amorphous. o 2.5. Cross out the wrong statements, crystals are transparent bodies; - solid bodies having the correct shape; - solids, the atoms of which are located in a certain sequence Decipher the abbreviations of elementary cells: BCC FCC GPU 7

8 or 2.7. Give a definition: An elementary crystal cell is 2.8. Sign the elementary crystal cells: 2.9. Give a definition: Isotropy is Anisotropy is Match elementary crystal lattices and metals with lines: (γ-fe, Ni, Al, Cu, Au, Ag) (Mg, Zn, Cd) (α-fe, Cr, V, Mo, W) . o Sign what the elements of the cell stand for: 1 2 o Sign the type of point defect: o Sign the type of linear defect: o Give a definition: Alloys are 8

9 o Choose the correct answer, the structural elements of the alloy are: 1. ingredients; 2. components; 3. coefficients. 4. elements Describe the phases of the alloys: Mechanical mixture Solid solution Chemical element o List the alloys: iron-based copper-based aluminum-based o Underline the groups of properties synonyms: service; operational; physical; chemical; technological; mechanical. o Use arrows to match the metals and the corrosions that form on them: Copper rust Steel gray coating Aluminum oxide film Lead patina o Underline the most correct statement: corrosion occurs only as a result of the interaction of metals with liquids; corrosion occurs only as a result of the interaction of metals with gases; corrosion occurs only as a result of the interaction of metals with the atmosphere; Corrosion occurs when metals interact with their environment Determine and sign the types of corrosion of metals: a b c d e f g h 9

10 2.22. Sign and characterize metal coatings as a way to protect metals from corrosion: Give a definition: Metal burnishing is o Describe the process of metal burnishing Cross out three non-mechanical properties: Hardness Wear resistance Fatigue Strength Impact strength Elasticity Density Plasticity Cold resistance dimensions under the action of loads Write down which mechanical property is determined by the methods of Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers Solve puzzles: Task "The MOST - the most". Write in suitable metals and their designations most metal most metal hard soft refractory fusible heavy light expensive cheap common rare 10

11 2.30. Shade on the diagram areas, the moment of crystallization of alloys. Rice. 1. Diagram "Fe-Fe 3C" Sign the name of the following lines of the diagram (Fig. 1): ACD-AECF Sign the designation of the phases of the diagram (Fig. 1): A-; F-; F-; P- ; L-; Fe3C (C) Indicate the eutectic and eftectoid points on the diagram. o Underline the correct one. To which group of properties does the weldability of metals belong? mechanical; physical; chemical; technological According to the diagram (Fig. 1), determine and record the melting point of pure iron. C Identify and label which process is shown in the figure? eleven

12 o It is called dendritic Write down the name of the Russian scientist in the white ovals of the gold medal. Studied and fully described the process of crystallization of alloys. Who is rightly called the father of metallurgy. This medal with an imprint of his portrait was awarded to him for his services in the field of science. Write the Greek word for tree, nerve cell and crystal. What is shown in the picture? And to whom this thing belongs? Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. Life and work of DK Chernov. 2. The most promising structural metals and alloys. 3. Casting alloys. 4. Anisotropy of metals. 5. Polymorphic transformations. 6. Protection of metals from corrosion. 7. History of the use of metals. 8. Precious metals. 9. Deformation of metals. Hardening. 10. Low-melting metals. 12

13 Section 3. Ferrous metals and alloys o 3.1. Write down what metals and alloys are classified as ferrous? 3.2. On the diagram, continue one of the lines 1, 2, 3 (top), which, in your opinion, separates steel from iron, and also indicate the value of carbon concentration along this demarcation line %C Cross out which of the following is not a raw material for iron smelting Indicate arrows, what is obtained from what: 13

14 3.5. What is the name of this oven? What is it used for melting? Write down the main structural parts of the furnace 3.6. Fill in the diagram: 3.7. Sign Steel Furnaces 14

15 3.8. Fill in diagram 3.9. Arrows match the microstructure and the name of cast iron. gray ductile iron cast iron cast iron Write down the notation of words related to metallurgy. lacquer ihta tein Lines match the metals introduced into the composition of alloyed steels and their values. Cobalt (Co) increases hardness and strength Niobium (Nb) Chromium (Cr) Nickel (Ni) provides corrosion resistance and increases hardenability increases heat resistance and increases impact resistance helps to improve acid resistance and reduces corrosion in welded structures. 15

16 3.12. Decipher the marking of structural steel. ST 45 15KhSND 38KhN3MA Decipher the marking of tool steel. U10A 9HVG R6M5F Decipher the marking stainless steels. 03ХН28МДТ 03Х16Н15М Arrows, compare the tables on the weldability of steels. Decipher the marking of cast irons. LR6 PL2 KCh ChN3HMDSH ChG6S3SH AChS-3 16

17 3.17. Name five products made of cast iron. o Choose the correct answer. Ligature is: - type of steel; - property of steels; - a component added to the composition of metals to change its properties; - a catalyst used in chemical reactions during the smelting of alloys. Can iron be found in nature in its pure form, if so, in what quality? Explain the reasons for the difficulty of welding cast iron. Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. Domain process. 2. Products of the blast furnace process and their application. 3. Types of iron ore. 4. Deposits of iron ore in the Russian Federation. 5. Application of structural steels. 6. Application of tool steels. 7. Application of stainless steels. 8. Cast iron conversion. 9. Charge for steel smelting. 10. Intensification of the domain process. 17

18 Section 4. Non-ferrous metals and alloys o 4.1. What metals are classified as non-ferrous? o 4.2. Check the box which method of smelting non-ferrous metals does not exist? 4.3. Fill in the diagram, classification of non-ferrous metals, specific representatives Electrolysis, what metal is shown in the figure? 4.5. Lines match the ore and the metal obtained from it. eighteen

19 4.6. Solve puzzles Determine and sign what metals products and parts are made of. (copper, nickel, aluminum, titanium, lead, magnesium) 4.8. Fill in the pyramid of "gravity" of metals, from bottom to top, in descending order. (titanium, magnesium, copper, nickel, steel, zinc) 4.9. Sign the name of copper alloys. Copper + tin (up to 6%); Copper + zinc (up to 45%); Copper + nickel (40%) + manganese (1.5%); Copper + nickel (3%) + manganese (12%); Copper + nickel + iron and manganese (up to 1%); Copper + nickel (15%) + zinc (20%); Copper + nickel (6-13%) + aluminum (1.5-35). nineteen

20 4.10. Fill in the pyramid of the melting point of metals. (iron, titanium, aluminum, lead, magnesium, nickel) Sign the composition of aluminum alloys. Duralumin Aluminum + ; Magnalium Aluminum + ; Silumin Aluminum + ; Avial Aluminum Solve the crossword Horizontally: 1. Gas-fired furnace for steel smelting. 2. Cast iron is blown into it to steel. 4. Splavvek. 5.Welding is. property. 7. Copper-based alloy, almost "Konstantin". 8. She covers cast statues. 12. The process of electrical production of aluminum. 15. Soldiers from it. 16. The metal used to process the bodies of stainless cars. 17. Alloy characterizing the nerves. 18. Eats metal, worse than termites wood. Vertical: 3. Blast furnace waste. 6. "Beautiful" structure of metals. 9. Secondary crystallization. 10. Brinell property. 11. "Recarburized steel." 13. Dad of metallurgy. 14. Coal in the blast furnace. twenty

21 4.13. Identify the metal from the description. - Metal, silver-white, light, ductile, protected from corrosion by a dense oxide film, fusible. - The metal is pinkish-red in color, heavy, ductile, fusible, has good conductivity, and is resistant to corrosion. - Silver-white metal, light, ductile, subject to corrosion, ignites at high temperatures. - Silver-colored metal, light, resistant to corrosion, refractory, has high specific strength. - Silver-gray metal, ductile, fusible, heavy, delays γ-radiation, poisonous. o Write down the definition. Babbit is Name a few items made of pure non-ferrous metals: Describe non-ferrous metallurgy in relation to ferrous. Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. The use of non-ferrous metals. 2. Cast non-ferrous metals. 3. Copper metallurgy. 4. Aluminum metallurgy. 5. Titanium metallurgy. 6. Low-melting metals and their alloys. 7. Weldability of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. 8. Prospects for non-ferrous metallurgy. 9. History of non-ferrous metallurgy. 10. Precious metals. 21

22 Section 5. Powder metallurgy o 5.1. Arrange the numbering of train cars according to the sequence of stages of powder metallurgy. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of powder metallurgy. o 5.3. By analogy, complete the expression. Metallurgy metals and alloys. Powder metallurgy Fill in the table. powder type purpose alloy raw materials For plain bearings Iron and graphite powders Copper, tin and graphite powders For brake discs Copper, tin, lead, graphite, asbestos powders, etc. Iron, lead, graphite and asbestos powders For filters Bronze shot For machine parts from steel and heat-resistant and scale-resistant alloys For wire. For lamps For contacts and permanent magnets For cutting tools. Drag, borax Powders of iron and various metals Powders of tungsten, molybdenum and other refractory metals Powders of copper, tungsten, etc. Powders of iron, aluminum, nickel and cobalt. Powders of tungsten carbide, titanium carbide, cobalt 22

23 5.5. List the methods for obtaining powders in powder metallurgy, define the term by definition - artificial material, which is a heterogeneous composition of metals or alloys with non-metals (ceramics) List 10 products from ceramic-metal materials. Questions for additional study (topics for reports, abstracts, presentations) 1. History of powder metallurgy. 2. Prospects for powder metallurgy. 3. Methods for obtaining products from cermets. 4. Main components of powder materials. 5. Electrodes for arc welding from powder materials. 23

24 Section 6. Heat treatment of metals o 6.1. Give a definition. Thermal (thermal) treatment is 6.2. According to the diagram, determine and write down the types of steel annealing: 6.3. The figure shows structural transformations in eutectoid steel during full annealing, identify and write down the depicted steel phases. A- ; C-; F-; P Mark which of the graphs presented characterizes the heat treatment of metals. o 6.5. Write down what the heat treatment is for. 24

25 6.6. Fill in the diagram “Types of heat treatment: 6.7. Define the concept: processing is a hardening heat treatment of metal products at ultra-low temperatures (below minus 153 C). o 6.6. Fill in the diagram: 6.7. Solve the puzzle. (!hint: gives away carbon!) 6.8. Give an assessment of the weldability of hardened steel. Write down what substances the metal is saturated with during the types of diffusion heat treatment and why they are produced. Aluminizing Chrome plating Silicon plating Boriding Sulfiding Sulfocyanating. 25

26 6.10. Number the types of heat treatment according to the cooling rate. (1 largest, 4 smallest). o Insert missing properties. When steel is hardened, it increases and decreases Determine from the schedule and sign the type of heat treatment 1; 2; 3; 4. What do the dots mean, which of the values: Ac1, Ac3, o Underline the correct answer: Aging in heat treatment is A) The process of metal destruction due to its fatigue. B) Damage to the metal by corrosion, threatening performance. B) Type of leave. D) Mechanical property. 26

27 6.14. Fill in the second column of the table, arrange the temperature value. Basic transformations in iron-carbon alloys during slow heating and cooling Diagram line Transformation temperature, C Description of transformation Designation of critical points PSK Transformation of pearlite into austenite. Austenite to pearlite transformation Ac1, Ar1 MO GS SE IE - ECF - Loss of magnetic properties for steels with carbon content up to 0.5%. The emergence of magnetic properties for the same steels. The end of the dissolution of ferrite in austenite in hypoeutectoid steels. The beginning of the separation of ferrite from austenite in hypoeutectoid steels. End of dissolution of cementite in austenite in hypereutectoid steels. The beginning of the separation of cementite from austenite in hypereutectoid steels. Beginning of melting of steel upon heating. End of solidification of steel upon cooling Beginning of melting of cast iron upon heating. End of hardening of cast iron during cooling Ac2, Ar2 Ac3, Ar3 Acm, Arm Fill in the table Defects during annealing and normalization Type of defect Causes of occurrence Remedies Defects during hardening Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. Heat treatment of alloyed steels. 2. Heat treatment of aluminum and alloys based on it. 3. Heat treatment of copper and alloys based on it. 4. Heat treatment of titanium and titanium alloys. 5. Heat treatment of magnesium and its alloys. 6. Heat treatment of cast iron. 7. Heat sources during heat treatment. 8. Heat treatment when welding metals. 27

28 Section 7. Polymeric materials 7.1. Fill in the scheme: o 7.2. Give a definition. Plastics (plastic masses) are 7.3. Arrange the type of polymer according to the numbering. 28

29 7.4. Fill in the table composition of complex plastics component purpose what is used as a component resin fillers plasticizers lubricants stabilizers dyes catalysts o 7.5. Describe the type of plastics: Thermosetting Thermoplastic 7.6. Fill the table. Thermoplastic plastics plastics area of ​​application polyethylene polystyrene polyvinyl chloride (PVC) polycarbonate polycarbonates thermosetting plastics plastics area of ​​application phenolic plastics aminoplasts fiberglass polyesters epoxy resin o 7.7. Give a definition. Rubber is o 7.8. Specify the main properties of rubber: 29

30 or 7.9. Define the term: it is a highly vulcanized rubber with a high sulfur content, usually dark brown in color, chemically inert, has high electrical insulating properties List the main rubber ingredients Indicate the positive and negative aspects of the use of plastics On the thermomechanical straight line, determine the state of the polymer in different temperature ranges: I -II-III-30

31 7.13. Solve the puzzle. o Arrange the numbering of train cars according to the sequence of steps in the manufacture of rubber products. List the reinforcing substances for the manufacture of polymer composites: o List the methods of welding plastics. Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. The history of the use of plastics. 2. History of the use of rubber. 3. History of the development of synthetic rubber Lebedev S.V. 4. Prospects for the development of polymeric materials. 5. Ecological component of polymer production. 6. Environmental assessment of polymeric materials. 7. Polymeric materials with special properties. 8. The use of plastics in welding. 9. Application of ebonite. 10. Processing of plastics in various conditions. 31

32 Section 8. Ceramic materials o 8.1. Give a definition. Ceramics is 8.2. Fill in the diagram: 8.3. Specify the difference between ceramics and glass-ceramics How ceramics save people and military equipment? 8.5. Choose the most promising way welding of technical ceramics. o 8.6. Arrange the numbering of train cars according to the sequence of stages of ceramics technique. Fill in the table “Types of technical ceramics”. Groups of technical ceramics 1 structural Type of ceramics (1-2 of the group) Composition Application 2 instrumental 3 electro-radio engineering 4 with special properties 32

33 8.7. Name the origin of the word "Pottery" 8.8. Solve the puzzle Name the advantages of ceramic materials over others Select any classroom, workshop or room in the house and list all materials made from ceramic. Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. History of ceramics. 2. Classification of ceramics. 3. Application of ceramics. 4. Prospects for the development of ceramic materials. 5. Use of ceramics in welding production. 6. Advantages of ceramics over other materials. 33

34 Section 9. Inorganic glass o 9.1. What is called glass? 9.2. Write down in the scheme "types of glasses" (by glass-forming substances) according to the formulas: o 9.3. Define the term: - this is crystalline glass. o 9.4. What kind of glass is the most common, and is used for the manufacture of windows in everyday life? 9.5. Indicate the main properties that determine the use of glass Fill in the table “Glass materials”: ​​type of material 1 sheet glass 2 triplex 3 thermopane what is the application 4 stalinite 5 glass fiber 6 glass wool 7 glass block 8 foam glass 34

35 9.7. Write down the main fields of application of glass materials, give examples. Lines match the types of glasses and their formulas. What are photochromic glasses and how they are used in welding production. o Describe what filters are for and where they are used. o Specify wine glass with the given composition Specify methods of glass welding: Questions for additional study (topics for messages, abstracts, presentations) 1. History of glass. 2. The contribution of domestic scientists to the study of glass. 3. Light filters for welding. 4. Glass making. 5. Classification of glasses and glass materials. 6. Armored glass. 7. Prospects for the use of glass materials. 35

36 Sources of information References 1. Adaskin A.M. Materials science (metalworking): textbook. for the beginning prof. obrazov./ A.M. Adaskin, V.M. Zuev. 6th ed., ster. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. - (Professional education). 2. Vishnevetsky Yu.T. Materials Science for Technical Colleges: Textbook. M .: Dashkov and Co., Zaplatin VN Reference manual on materials science (metalworking): textbook. allowance for the beginning prof. education / V. N. Zaplatin, Yu. I. Sapozhnikov, A. V. Dubov; ed. V. N. Zaplatina. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", p. 4. Materials Science: Textbook for free software. / Adaskin A.M. and others. Ed. Solomentseva Yu.M. M.: Higher. shk., Materials Science: Textbook for SPO. / Ed. Batienko V.T. Moscow: Infra-M, Moryakov O.S. Materials Science: Textbook for open source software. M .: Academy, Fundamentals of Materials Science (metalworking): Proc. allowance for NGOs. / Zaplatin V.N. M.: Academy, Solntsev Yu.P. Materials Science: Textbook for open source software. M.: Academy, Handbook of structural materials. / Ed. Arzamasova B.N. Moscow: MSTU im. Bauman, Cherepakhin A.A. Materials Science: Textbook for open source software. M.: Academy, Chumachenko Yu.T. Materials science and plumbing: Proc. allowance. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, Chumachenko Yu.T. Materials Science: Textbook for open source software. Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, List of periodicals 1. “All materials. Encyclopedic reference book. Ch. editor acad. RAS A.A. Berlin. Publishing house "Science and technologies". 2. Journal "Materials Science". Ch. editor acad. RAS K.A. Solntsev. Publishing house "Science and technologies". 3. Journal "Issues of Materials Science". Ch. editor d. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor A. S. Oryshchenko. Publishing house of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute of KM "Prometey". 4. Journal "Technology of metals". Ch. editor dr tech. sciences, prof. S.B. Maslenkov. Publishing house "Science and technologies". 5. Electronic scientific and technical journal "News of materials science science and technology" List of Internet resources 1. Materials science. Free educational resource. Access mode: 2. Materials science. Crib. Access mode: 3. Materials science. Lecture course. Access mode: 4. Materials science. Technology of construction materials. I. A. Khvorova. Textbook in electronic form. Access mode: 5. Materials science. A.V. Elantsev. Access mode: 6. Materials science. Cheat book. E.M. Buslaeva. Access mode: 36

37 Appendix Table 1. Symbols of alloying elements in metals and alloys Element Symbol Designation of elements in grades of metals and alloys Element Symbol Designation of elements in grades of metals and alloys black colored black colored Nitrogen N A - Neodymium Nd - Nm Aluminum A1 Yu A Nickel Ni - N Barium Ba - Br Niobium Nb B Np Beryllium Be L Tin Sn - O Bor B p - Osmium Os - Os Vanadium V f Vam Palladium Pd - Pd bismuth Bi V V Platinum Pt - Pl Tungsten W V - Praseodymium Pr - Pr Gadolinium Gd - H Rhenium Re - Re Gallium Ga Gi Gi Rhodium Rh - Rg Hafnium Hf - Gf Mercury Hg - P Germanium Ge - G Ruthenium Ru - Pv Holmium Ho - HOM Samarium Sm - Dysprosium Sam Dv - DIM Lead Pb - C Europium Eu - Eu Selenium Se C ST Iron Fe - F Silver Ag - Cp Gold Au - Zl Scandium Sc - C km In - Yn Antimony Sb - Cv Iridium Ir - Tthallium Tl - Th Ytterbium Yb - ITN Tantalum Ta - TT Yttrium Y - IM Tellurium Te - T Cadmium Cd Kd Kd Terbium Tb - Tom Cobalt Co K K Titanium Ti T TPD Silicon Si C Kr (K) Tm - TUM Lanthanum La - La Coal genus C U - Lithium Li - Le Phosphorus P p F Lutetium Lu - Leung Chromium Cr x X (Xp) Magnesium Mg W Mg Cerium Ce - Ce Manganese Mn G Mts (Mr) Zinc Zn - C Copper Cu D M Zirconium Zr C TsEV Molybdenum Mo M - Erbium Er - Erm 37

38 Table 2 Table 3. Approximate chemical compositions of industrial glasses Glass SiO2 Al2O3 СаО MgO Na2O K2O B2O3 BaО F PbО Window Polished Container High-quality Chemical-laboratory Electrovacuum Optical Crystal glass 71.6 73.2 73.7 74.5 68.7 71.9 53.5 57.5 1.5 1.3 0.2 0.5 3.8 8.8 0.5 7.8 7.8 9.1 6.5 8.4 5.5 4.0 3, 8 1.75 2.0 0.8 3.5 15.1 13.9 15.2 14.0 9.7 16.l 2.0 6.1 1.0 16.2 15.5 2.5 16 ,2 1.0 2.0 ZnO 1.0 technical requirements, which are formulated in GOSTs (state standards). 5,

Annex 6 to OSPORB-99/2010 Activity of radionuclides in sealed radionuclide sources, above which a license is required to handle the source (the minimum licensed activity is

Preface PART 1 Metal aviation materials Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the theory of alloys 1.1. Atoms and bonds between them. 1.2.Crystal structure of metals. 1.3. Fundamentals of the structure of alloys. 1.4.Crystalline

Zinc Unalloyed zinc - ingot Zinc-aluminum alloy in blocks Antifriction zinc alloys in ingots Cast zinc alloys in ingots Cast zinc alloys in castings Zinc master alloys Zinc anodes



Task for the OrgSRS on the topic "Diagram of the phase state of a binary system" in the discipline "Materials Science" (direction 240100 Chemical Technology) I. Task 1) Describe the main phases, polymorphic forms

Regional State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution "Valuy Industrial College"

Control questions for self-examination 1.1. The structure of metals and alloys. Crystallization of metals 1. What is the essence of the metallic type of bond? 2. What is polymorphism? 3. What is the crystal parameter

State educational institution of primary vocational education vocational lyceum 7 Program of the discipline "Fundamentals of Materials Science" Profession "Mechanic for the repair of construction

AREA OF ACCREDITATION Analytical Certification Testing Center Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Resources. N.M. Fedorovsky (FSUE VIMS) 119017, Moscow, Staromonetny

GAPOU NSO Novosibirsk Engineering College Guidelines for solving test papers OP.04 Materials science in the profession of secondary vocational education in the training program

GBOU SPO MO LUHOVITSKY AVIATION TECHNICIUM 2012 1 Topic 1: Crystal structure of metals 1. Materials science

Properties of metals Lecture 3 Metal (the name comes from the Latin metallum mine) is one of the classes of elements that, unlike non-metals, have characteristic metallic properties. Metals are

State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Samara Region "Novokuybyshevsky Petrochemical College"


Appendix A A set of assessment tools (control materials) for the discipline Appendix A-1 Guidelines for laboratory work (Electronic version) Appendix B-1 Current control tests



Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution Bashkir Agro-Industrial College

Modern construction materials Lecture 3. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys Introduction Today, there are more than 60 metals in metallurgy and more than 5000 alloys based on them. Non-ferrous metals and their alloys are


GBPOU "Ural College of Chemical Technology" METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS for performing control work on the academic discipline "Materials Science" Specialty: 15.02.01 "Installation and technical operation

ABSTRACT WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE OP.04 educational program training of mid-level specialists in the specialty 3.0.07 Maintenance and repair

INITIAL PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION E. N. SOKOLOV MATERIALS SCIENCE (metalworking) WORKBOOK Recommended by the Federal government agency"Federal Institute for the Development of Education"

State state-financed organization Kaliningrad region professional educational organization"Polesye College of Professional Technologies" MATERIALS SCIENCE PROGRAM


Abstract PROGRAMS OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE OP.04 MATERIALS SCIENCE 1.1. Scope of the program The program of academic discipline is part of the training program for skilled workers serving in accordance with



CONTENTS Preface... 3 Introduction... 4 Section 1. Patterns of formation of the structure of materials... 6 Chapter 1. Structure and properties of materials... 7 1.1. Crystalline and amorphous bodies... 7 1.2. Elements

Appendix to the work program of the academic discipline OP.0 MATERIALS SCIENCE, specialty 6.0.05 Operation of ships power plants(reception '08) by correspondence course. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT


1. PASSPORT OF THE PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE OP.03. BASICS OF MATERIAL SCIENCE 1.1. Scope of the program The work program of the academic discipline is designed to implement the requirements of the Federal State

Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region GOU SPO Professional College of Novokuznetsk

Explanatory note A specialist with a secondary vocational education must have both theoretical and good practical training meeting the requirements of today's rapidly developing

APPROVED by the Director of GBPOU AATT N.F. Argany 2017 1 AGREED at the meeting of the DCC in 2017 Minutes Chairman of the Commission E.V. Rozhnova Working

Test in the discipline "Fundamentals of Materials Science" 1. Choose the correct answer: Metallurgy is a science that studies: the structure of metals and alloys the structure and properties of metals the structure, properties, composition of metals

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education PETROZAVODSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE VOLOGDA REGION BPOU VO "Vologda Polytechnic College" PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "Materials Science" Vologda 016 Program of the academic discipline "Materials Science"

Ministry of Education Nizhny Novgorod region State budgetary vocational educational institution "Regional multidisciplinary technical school" Work program of the academic discipline OP.03. Materials Science


The program of the discipline "Materials Science" was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education, according to the program for the training of qualified

Preface Introduction Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the theory of alloys. 1.1. Structure of matter. 1.2.Crystal structure of metals. 1.3. Fundamentals of the structure of alloys. 1.4. Crystal structure of alloys. 1.5.Principles of crystallization.

Explanatory note The content of tasks in control work corresponds to the work program of the academic discipline belonging to the professional cycle of disciplines and is aimed at providing students with


2 3 CONTENTS. PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE...4 Scope of the program 4.. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the educational program. 4.2. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline requirements

LIFELONG PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION A. M. ADASKIN, V. M. ZUEV METAL SCIENCE (METALWORKING) Expert Council on vocational education as a teaching aid for educational

Group 1BS70 Topic 1.2 Properties of metals and mechanical tests. 1. Study theoretical material 2. Complete task 1 3. Fill in the table. Theoretical material Hardness is the resistance of a material

3.0.7 Car repair and maintenance master 3.0.7 Car repair and maintenance master. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE .. Scope of the exemplary program Working

1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: Materials science. 1.2 Labor intensity of the discipline: 1.2.1 Labor intensity of the discipline according to the curriculum of full-time education: 50 hours (1 ZET), of which:

Control questions in the discipline "Materials Science" Question 1 Materials Science is the science of ... 1. structure, properties, methods of testing and improving materials 2. all building and structural materials

The content of the sections of the discipline Section "Materials Science" Topic 1. Fundamentals of the structure and properties of metals 1.1. Structure of metals Characteristic features of aggregate states of matter. Main types of crystalline



DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE VOLOGDA REGION BPOU VO "Vologda Polytechnic College" PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "Materials Science" Vologda 2015 Program of the academic discipline "Materials Science"


Methods of CCA measurements used by the Testing Analytical Center in the analysis of geological and technological objects Rocks

1. GOALS AND TASKS OF THE DISCIPLINE, ITS PLACE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS 1.1. The purpose of teaching the discipline To give knowledge about the basic materials used in the production and operation of transport equipment, as well as

Primary vocational education E. N. Sokolova MATERIAL SCIENCE Control materials

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow COLLEGE OF AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORT 9 WORKING PROGRAM Subject: "Materials Science"

Federal Agency for Education Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" METAL SCIENCE AND HEAT TREATMENT

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "TYUMEN STATE OIL AND GAS UNIVERSITY"

Au Au Au Nb Mn Mo Re Se VANADIUM. Sr TU Sb 48-4-272-73 Tl Cr Brand (correspondence): VNM-1, VNM-2. Brand (correspondence): MnS25, MnS22, MnS17, MnS12. BARIUM. TU 48-4-465-85 BERYLLIUM Ingots. BISMUTH. GOST 10928-90

CONTENTS Preface... 3 PART I. METAL SCIENCE AND HEAT TREATMENT 5 Introduction... 5 I. Crystalline structure of metals... 7 1. General characteristics and structural methods for studying metals...

Isotope ANNEX 17 to the Rules for the transport of dangerous goods under railways ACTIVITY LIMITS OF RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES PLACED FOR CARRIAGE IN A TYPE A PACKAGING AND LIMITS

Lecture 9 Iron-carbon alloys. State diagram of iron-carbon. 1. Structures of iron-carbon alloys 2. Components and phases of iron-carbon alloys 3. Processes

Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Penza State Agricultural Academy Department "Fundamentals of Designing Mechanisms and Machines" Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" OJSC & "Kniga-Service Agency" LLC MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Penza State Agricultural Academy Department "Fundamentals of Designing Mechanisms and Machines" .I.O.)____________________________________ Penza 2015 1 Copyright OAO Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service UDC 620.22(075)+621.7(075) LBC 30.30+34(y7) C72 Reviewer – A.A. Orekhov, candidate technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Technical Service of Machines" Published by the decision of the Methodological Commission of the Engineering Faculty of the Penza State Agricultural Academy dated October 12, 2015, Protocol No. 02 Spitsyn, Ivan Alekseevich C72 Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials. Section "Materials Science": workbook for laboratory work / I.A. Spitsyn, N.I. Potapov. - Penza: RIO PGSHA, 2015. - 45 p. The workbook is intended for students of the engineering faculty of the Penza State Agricultural Academy, studying in the directions 35.03.06 "Agroengineering" and 23.03.03 "Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes." In accordance with the work program of the discipline "Materials Science and Technology of Structural Materials", the section "Materials Science" provides for the implementation of 8 laboratory works. In the workbook for each work, homework is given, the completion of which allows you to study part theoretical issues and make better use of the time allotted for laboratory work . Schematic representations of equipment and diagrams are given, which require some refinement, as well as; Control questions. © Penza State Agricultural Academy, 2015 © I.A. Spitsyn, N.I. Potapova, 2015 2 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” Laboratory work No. 1 DETERMINATION OF THE HARDNESS OF METALS Purpose of work: To study the methodology and acquire practical determination of the hardness of metal alloys and other materials of skills Work tasks: 1. To study the design of devices to determine the hardness of metals. 2. To study the methodology for determining the hardness of metal alloys and other materials. 3. Acquire practical skills in working with Brinell and Rockwell devices. 4. Determine the effect of carbon content on the hardness of annealed carbon steel. Material and methodological support: 1. Samples of metal alloys and other materials. 2. Hardness testers Brinell (type TSh), Rockwell (type TK). 3. A magnifier for measuring the diameter of a ball imprint, posters, teaching aids. Homework 1. Give the concept of hardness as a property of a metal (item 1). 2. Give the essence, diagrams and describe the formulas for determining the hardness of metals using the Brinell and Rockwell method (paragraphs 2.1., 2.2). 3. Perform a description of the schemes of devices such as TSh, TK. 4. Prepare for control questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Laboratory task To study the design of devices for determining the hardness of metals. To study the method of determining the hardness of metals on existing hardness testers. Select the modes for determining the hardness of alloys by the Brinell method, perform tests, measure the diameters of the indentations and determine the hardness of the samples. Record the test results in Table 1.1. Select the modes for determining the hardness of alloys by the Rockwell method and determine the hardness of the samples. Record the test results in table 1.2. Construct and explain the dependence of the hardness of steel on the carbon content in it. Give conclusions on the work. Performance of work 1. Hardness is ... 2. 1 The Brinell method is based on the fact that ... Figure 1.1 - Scheme for measuring Brinell hardness: D - d - ; h− 3 ; Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Brinell hardness is determined by the formula HB  where P - 2Р   D(D  (D 2  d 2)) ;D− , ; d− . 2.2 Figure 1.2 shows a diagram of a Brinell lever hardness tester (TSh type). It consists of: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - Figure 1.2 - Scheme of the Brinell lever hardness tester 3.1 Mode selection procedure and procedure for testing the hardness of alloys by the Brinell method: 2 On the instructions of the teacher, determine the hardness of alloys and enter the results in Table 1.1 thickness - Diameter Load, Time 1 meas. 2 rev. Wed on the ball sample, P, kgf exposure value tsa, mm mm under load, s 1 2 3 Hardness, HB 4.1 The Rockwell method is based on the fact that… Fig. 1.3 - Rockwell hardness measurement scheme: P0 ; Р1 − ;Р− ; h0 - ; h − Rockwell hardness numbers are measured in conventional units and determined by the formulas: a) when a diamond or hard alloy cone is pressed in h  h0 HRC  100  0.002 b) when a ball is pressed h  h0 HRB  130  0.002 where 4.2. Figure 1.4 shows a diagram of a hardness tester of the TK type (a) and an indicator (b, position 12). b) a) Figure 1.4 - Scheme of hardness tester type TK: 1 - 3 - ;4 - ; 5, 6, 7 - 10 - ; 11 − 5 ;2− ;8− ; ;9− ; Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 4.3. Mode selection procedure and test procedure: 4.4. On the instructions of the teacher, determine the hardness of the samples and enter the results in Table 1.2. Table 1.2 - The results of determining the hardness of samples from various alloys by the Rockwell method Soder-Load-Inden-Scale- Hardness by Hardness Material , % bead) 1 2 3 Avg. mm 5 According to Table 2, build a graphical dependence of hardness on the carbon content in steel. HB 250 200 150 100 50 0 0.2 0. 4 Figure 1.5 − Dependence of steel hardness on carbon content 6% C each, indicate the factors affecting the hardness, explain the resulting graphical dependence). Control questions: 1. What is meant by metal hardness? 2. What device is used to determine the diameter of an imprint obtained by indenting a ball and how? 3. What is included in the mode of determining the hardness of the material by the Brinell method? 4. What determines the choice of the ball diameter when determining the hardness by the Brinell method? 5. How to set the holding time under load when determining the hardness by the Brinell method? 6. What and how is the preload created when determining the hardness by the Brinell method? 7. What determines the choice of load when determining hardness by the Brinell method? 8. Why is it impossible to determine the hardness of the material over HB 450 on the Brinell device? 9. What does the entry HRC 50 mean? 10. To determine the hardness of what materials on the Rockwell device use a load of 150 kgf, 100 kgf and 60 kgf? 11. On what scale (by color) is the Rockwell instrument used to read when determining the hardness of hardened steel? 12. On what scale (by color) is the Rockwell device used to read when determining the hardness of steel subjected to chemical-thermal treatment? 13. What is equal to, what is created and how is the preload controlled when determining the hardness of the metal on the Rockwell device? 14. When determining the hardness of what materials on the Rockwell device, a ball is used as an indenter? 15. How to convert the value of material hardness, determined on the Rockwell device, to Brinell hardness? 16. What is used as an indenter when determining the hardness of hardened steel? The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ________________ 7 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” Laboratory work No. 2 ANALYSIS OF THE STATE DIAGRAM OF IRON-CARBON ALLOYS Purpose of the work: Studying the methodology and acquiring practical skills in constructing cooling curves of iron-carbon alloys and their analysis Tasks of the work : 1. To study the allotropic forms of iron and the areas of their existence. 2. To study the phase composition and structural components of iron-carbon alloys. 3. To study the transformations occurring in iron-carbon alloys with different concentrations of components during cooling or heating. 4. Acquire practical skills in constructing cooling curves for iron-carbon alloys with determining the degree of freedom of the system state. 5. Acquire practical skills in determining the content of components in phases at a given concentration in the alloy and temperature. 6. Acquire practical skills in determining the percentage of phases at a given concentration of components and alloy temperature. Material and methodological support: 1. Diagram of the state of the "iron-carbon" system (electrified control and training stand). 2. Posters: cooling curve of pure iron, cooling curves of iron-carbon alloys. 3. Guidelines for laboratory work. Homework 1. Draw a cooling curve for pure iron, explain each temperature stop and characterize  and  - iron. 2. Give the concepts: system state diagram, component, phase. 3. Provide definitions for the phases and structural components of the state diagram of the "iron-carbon" system, indicating the areas of existence. 4. To reveal the essence of peritectic, eutectic and eutectoid transformations. 5. Explain the formation of secondary and tertiary cementite during cooling of alloys. 6. Bring and describe the Gibbs law, the first and second rule of segments. 7. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Fill in the table with the characteristic points of the state diagram of the "iron-carbon" system. 2. Using the phase rule, plot the cooling curves for the two alloys on the right side of the diagram. 1. С= ___% 2. С= ___% 3. On each section of the cooling curve of the first alloy, indicate the names of the phases, and on the cooling curve of the second alloy, on the right, the names of the phases, and on the left, the names of the structural components. 4. For the first alloy, determine the carbon content in the phases and the quantitative ratio of the phases at t =____ °C. 5. For the second alloy, determine the carbon content in the phases and the quantitative ratio of the phases at t =____ °C. 8 Copyright JSC "TsKB "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Performance of work 1. Figure 2.1 shows the cooling curve of pure iron. t,0С 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 , s ferrite, cementite, and structural components - austenite, ferrite, cementite (primary, secondary, tertiary), ledeburite, perlite. Austenite - Ferrite - Cementite - Ledeburite - 9 Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Perlite - 4. Peritectic transformation proceeds at a temperature t =____ °С and consists in ... Eutectic transformation proceeds at a temperature t =____ ° С and consists in .. The eutectoid transformation proceeds at a temperature t \u003d ____ ° С and consists in .. 5. Secondary cementite is formed .. Tertiary cementite is formed .. 6. The Gibbs law (phase rule) has the form С = К − Ф + 1, where S − K − The first segment rule − The second segment rule − 10 ;Ф "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 7. Fill in the table and give a description of points, lines and transformations. Table - Characteristic points and lines of the "iron - carbon" diagram Designation - Coordinates Description 0 t, С С, % 1 2 3 4 А Н IBCDNECFGPSKQL ABCD AHIECF HIB 12 1 ECF 2 End of table 4 3 PSK ES PQ GS 8 Glue a piece of A4 paper to the right side of the iron-carbon state diagram (p. 12) and plot the cooling curves of the alloys in accordance with the task (points 2 and 3 of the laboratory task). 9 Complete points 4 and 5 of the laboratory task with an explanation of the actions taken. 13 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Conclusions: (practical meaning of the diagram, the meaning of the rule of phases and segments) Control questions: 1. What is a state diagram of a binary alloy system? 2. What is meant by the alloy phase? 3. What is the difference between an interstitial solid solution and a substitution solid solution? 4. Under what conditions are chemical compounds formed? 5. Why use the rule of phases? 6. What do you need to know to determine the degree of freedom of the system? 7. If the degree of freedom of the system is zero, what does this mean? 8. What can mechanical mixtures consist of? 9. Define austenite and ferrite. 10. Define ledeburite and perlite. 11. What is cementite? Under what conditions does it form? 12. Give the temperature range at which ledeburite consists of perlite and cementite? 13. Explain the reason for the formation of secondary cementite. 14. What transformations take place at a constant temperature? 15. What should be done to determine the carbon concentration in the phase? 16. How to determine the quantitative ratio of phases in an alloy? 17. Under what conditions does austenite turn into pearlite? 18. Under what conditions does a liquid solution turn into ledeburite? 19. Under what conditions does the peritectic transformation take place and what does it consist of? 20. What is iron allotropy? 21. Name the phase composition of alloys with carbon concentration from 0.006% to 6.67%. The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ________________ 14 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Laboratory work No. 3 MICROSCOPIC METHOD FOR STUDYING METALS AND ALLOYS Purpose of the work: Studying the technology of preparing a microsection and acquiring practical skills in the microscopic examination of metals and alloys Tasks of the work : 1. To study the technology of microsection preparation. 2. To study the structure of microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 3. Acquire practical skills in working with microscopes. 4. Determine the grain size in steel. Material and methodological support: 1. Microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7, spare parts for microscopes. 2. Microsections from various alloys. 3. Object-micrometer and eyepiece-micrometer. 4. Textbook on the study of the design of microscopes, the technology of preparing microsections, determining the grain size in steel, the scheme of microscopes. Homework 1. Describe the technological process of microsection preparation, reagents for etching steel and cast iron. 2. Perform a description of the schemes of microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 3. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Study the main components and parts of microscopes, familiarize yourself with the adjustments. Set the desired magnification. 2. Place a microsection on the microscope stage and adjust the microscope for visual observation. 3. Give diagrams explaining the visibility of the grain under the microscope. 4. Give a diagram and determine the division value of an eyepiece - a micrometer. 5. Determine the grain size in steel. Doing work 1. Technological process preparation of a microsection consists of the following operations: For etching steel and cast iron, the following reagents are used: − 3− 4− 5− 6− 7− 8− 9− 10− 11− 12− 13− 14− 15− 16− 17− consists of the following parts and assembly units: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - Figure 3.2 - Optical scheme of the microscope MIM-7 16 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" The magnification of the microscope is determined by the formula or by the table.. 3. Schemes explaining the visibility of grains with different colors. Figure 3.3 - Scheme explaining the visibility of ferrite grain boundaries under a microscope Figure 3.4 - Scheme explaining the appearance of inhomogeneous grains micrometer, at a given magnification of the microscope, is determined by the formula C T Tsok \u003d about, A where Tsob is the division value of the object - micrometer (0.01 mm); T - number of combined divisions of the object - micrometer; A - the number of combined divisions of the eyepiece - micrometer. Figure 3.5 - Combination in the field of view of the scales of the object - micrometer and eyepiece - micrometer Coc = 5. Determination of grain size in steel microscopes, the appointment of an object - a micrometer and an eyepiece - a micrometer) Test questions: 1. What is called microanalysis? 2. Name the main operations of microsection preparation technology. 3. How is polishing different from sample grinding? 4. Why is the sample surface etched? 5. What determines the choice of reagent for etching the sample surface? 6. How is the sample viewed under a microscope after the polishing operation? 7. How are grain boundaries visible under a microscope and why? 8. What determines the magnification of an optical metallographic microscope? 9. How can you determine the size of non-metallic inclusions in a metal? 10. What is the purpose of the object - micrometer and eyepiece - micrometer? 11. How is the grain size in steel determined? 12. What is the purpose of the main parts and assembly units of microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ________________ 19 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Laboratory work No. 4 STUDYING THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF CARBON STEEL IN EQUILIBRIUM STATE Purpose of the work: Acquisition of practical skills in conducting microanalysis of carbon steel structures Tasks of the work: 1. Familiarize yourself with the classification of carbon steels in an equilibrium state by structure. 2. Acquire practical skills in conducting microanalysis of structures, and determining the critical points of carbon steels. 3. Acquire practical skills in determining the carbon content and the approximate steel grade. Material and methodological support: 1. Microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 2. Microsections of carbon steels in an equilibrium state. 3. Photographs of carbon steel microstructures with different carbon content. 4. Posters and guidelines. Homework 1. Draw a section of the "iron-carbon" diagram with a carbon content of up to 2.14% and indicate the structural components in each area. 2. Give a classification of carbon steels in an equilibrium state by structure and characterize the structural components of carbon steels (definition, structure, properties, as viewed under a microscope). 3. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Examine microsections of steels with different carbon content under a microscope. 2. Draw diagrams of the microstructures of the considered microsections, indicating the structural components. 3. Determine which structural class the considered steel belongs to (hypoeutectoid, eutectoid, hypereutectoid) and critical points. 4. Based on the microstructure, determine the concentration of carbon and the approximate grade of steel. 20 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Performance of work 1. Draw a steel section of the iron-carbon state diagram 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 4.1 - Part of the "iron - carbon" diagram (steel section) 2. Characterize the structural components of carbon steels. 21 2.0 % C Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service 3. Schemes of steel microstructures, their description, critical points and names of steels by structure (steel class by structure) No. Scheme of microstructure Description 1 Magnification - Steel grade ___________________________ Carbon content ____________________ Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Critical points: A1 _______, A3 (st)__________ Name of steel by structure ______________________________________ 2 Magnification - Steel grade ___________________________ Carbon content ____________________ Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Critical points: A1 _______, A3 (st) __________ Name steel by structure _______________________________________ 3 Increase - Steel grade ___________________________ Carbon content ____________________ Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Critical points: A1 _______, A3 (st)__________ Name of steel by structure ______________________________________ 4 Increase Steel grade ___________________________ Carbon content ____________________ Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Critical points: A1 _______, A3 (st) __________ Name of steel according to the structure _______________________________________ 22 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 4. Determination of the carbon concentration in hypoeutectoid steel by its microstructure (item 4) is as follows: Conclusions: (disclose the effect of carbon concentration in steel on the change in microstructure and physical and mechanical properties) Control questions: 1. How are carbon steels classified according to their purpose? 2. What is the quality of carbon structural and tool steels? 3. What elements that make up steels mainly determine their quality? 4. What groups are carbon structural steels of ordinary quality divided into and on what grounds? 5. How are carbon structural steels of ordinary quality and quality marked? 6. How are quality and high quality carbon tool steels marked? 7. How does the structure of carbon steel change with an increase in the carbon content in it? 8. What is the method for determining the carbon content in steel by its microstructure? 9. Decipher the steel grades: Bst2, steel 45, U8A, Steel 65G, St3kp, U12, Vst6. 10. How are grains of ferrite and cementite seen under a microscope? 11. How is perlite seen under a microscope? 12. What are the mechanical properties of pearlite and ferrite? 13. Where are the critical points A1 and A3 on the iron-carbon diagram. 14. How to determine the temperature of the critical point Ast for steel U13? The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ________________ 23 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Laboratory work No. 5 STUDYING MICROSTRUCTURES AND PROPERTIES OF CAST IRON Purpose of work: Acquisition of practical skills in microanalysis of cast iron structures Tasks of work: 1. Familiarize yourself with the classification cast iron depending on the state of carbon. 2. Acquire practical skills in conducting microanalysis and describing the structures of cast irons. 3. Acquire theoretical knowledge on the production of cast irons with different structure and mechanical properties. Material and methodological support: 1. Microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 2. Microsections of cast irons. 3. Photographs of cast iron microstructures with different carbon states. 4. Posters and guidelines. Homework 1. Draw a section of the iron-carbon diagram with a carbon content from 2.14% to 6.67% and indicate the structural components in each area. 2. Give a definition and classification of white cast irons by structure and characterize their structural components (definition, structure, properties, as viewed under a microscope). 3. Give a classification of cast irons depending on the form of graphite inclusions and the conditions for their production. 3. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Examine microsections of white cast irons with different carbon content under a microscope. 2. Draw diagrams of the microstructures of microsections of white cast irons, indicating the structural components and their names according to the structure. 3. Examine microsections of gray, ductile and high-strength cast irons under a microscope. 4. Sketch diagrams of microstructures of microsections of the considered cast irons (item 3) indicating the names of their metal base. 24 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Performance of work 1. Draw a cast-iron section of the iron-carbon state diagram t,0C 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 2.0 2.5 3 .0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0% C … 25 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBKOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” 3. Depending on the form of graphite inclusions, cast irons are divided into three groups: ….. 4. Table - schemes of cast iron microstructures, their description, conditions for obtaining and name according No. Scheme of microstructure Description 1 2 3 1 Magnification - Description of microstructure structure _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 Magnification − Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Obtaining conditions ______________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of cast iron taking into account the structure _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 26 receipt ______________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of cast iron, taking into account the structure _______ ________________________________ _______________________________________ No. 1 Scheme of the microstructure Magnification − 2 Magnification − Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Obtaining conditions_________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ structures _______________________________________ __________________ ____________________ 4 Enlargement − Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Obtaining conditions_________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of cast iron taking into account the structure _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 27 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBKOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” Conclusions: (explain the difference in the structure and properties of cast iron; establish the influence of each structural component on the properties of cast iron, including the shape of the graphite inclusion; reflect practical use cast irons). Control questions: 1. What is the carbon content in cast irons? 2. How are white and gray cast iron produced, and what is their main difference? 3. Name the main chemical elements that make up cast irons. 4. In what form can graphite be in cast iron? 5. What determines the strength of cast iron? 6. How is gray cast iron produced on a ferritic metal base? 7. How is malleable iron based on pearlitic metal produced? 8. How is ductile iron produced on a ferritic-pearlitic metal base? 9. For the manufacture of which parts are blanks made of gray, malleable and high-strength cast iron used? 10. How are grey, malleable and high-strength cast irons marked? 11. How do silicon and manganese affect graphitization? 12. The fluidity of cast iron depends on the content of what elements? 13. How are white cast irons classified according to cast irons? 14. At what temperature does the eutectic transformation occur during the production of gray cast iron and what does it consist of? 15. Decipher the grades of cast irons: SCh 15, SCh 20, KCh 35−10, KCh 37−12, VCh 50, VCh 100. 16. Why is the strength of ductile iron greater than gray? 17. What is the structure of white hypereutectic iron? The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ____________ 28 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Laboratory work No. 6 HEAT TREATMENT OF CARBON STEEL Purpose of the work: Establishing the effect of heat treatment of steel on the mechanical properties of steel Tasks of the work: 1. To study the technology of execution main types of heat treatment of steel. 2. To study the transformations occurring during isothermal holding and continuous cooling of austenite. 3. Familiarize yourself with the equipment for heat treatment of steel. 4. Acquire practical skills in assigning heat treatment modes for carbon steel. 5. Determine the effect of cooling rate during heat treatment on the hardness of carbon steel. Material and methodological support 1. Muffle furnaces with thermostats, baths with hardening media, tongs, files, sanding paper, napkins. 2. Carbon steel samples. 3. Hardness tester type TK. 4. Posters and guidelines. Homework 1. Classify and define the types of heat treatment. 2. Using the diagram of the isothermal transformation of austenite, give an explanation of the processes occurring during isothermal holding of austenite and martensitic transformation. 3. Give a definition and a brief description of perlite, sorbite, troostite, bainite and martensite. 4. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Using the iron-carbon state diagram, determine the heating temperature of carbon steel for complete hardening. 2. Determine the time of heating and holding steel at a given temperature. 3. Produce heating and subsequent cooling of the samples in water, oil, air and together with the oven. 4. Measure the hardness of the samples on a hardness tester of the TK type and plot the dependence of the steel hardness on the rate of cooling of the cooling medium. 29 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & OOO Agency Kniga-Service Performance of work 1. The main types of heat treatment (HT) include: quenching, normalization, annealing and tempering. Quenching − .. Normalizing − .. Annealing − .. Tempering −.. 2 . Diagram of the isothermal transformation of austenite is constructed in the coordinates "temperature - time" Figure 6.1 - Diagram of the isometric transformation of austenite During the isothermal transformation of austenite, the following transformations occur: pearlitic, intermediate and martensitic. Pearlite transformation - .. Intermediate transformation - .. 30 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Martensitic transformation - .. 3. Perlite - .. Sorbite - .. Troostite -.. Upper bainite -... Bainite lower - ... Martensite - ... 4. 1 The heating temperature of carbon steel - steel 45 is determined from the iron-carbon state diagram as follows: .. 4.2 The heating and holding time of a sample of steel 45 depends on. 31 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Table - Summary data on the heat treatment of carbon steel p thermal treatment medium deg/s T 0, work τ, s t, °С HRC HB HB 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 with furnace air oil water . Conclusions: (explain the effect of cooling rate on the hardness of carbon steel) 32 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Control questions: 1. Name the main types of heat treatment of steels. 2. How is the steel heat treatment schedule built? 3. What is steel hardening intended for? 4. Why is steel annealed? 5. What is steel normalization? 6. For what steels do they spend vacation, and what types of it are there? 7. What is called steel improvement? 8. What should be the heating temperature of steel 60 to perform the "Hardening" operation. 9. What should be the heating temperature of U12 steel to perform the "hardening" operation. 10. What is called the critical hardening rate? 11. What will be the structure of steel 50 after partial hardening? 12. Explain the essence of the intermediate transformation during isothermal holding of austenite. 13. What is martensite and when does it form? 14. Why and how is intermittent hardening carried out? 15. How and why does the cooling rate affect the hardness of hardened steel? 16. Give the main types of marriage during hardening. 17. Why and how is diffusion annealing carried out? 18. What is the essence of recrystallization annealing, and for what steels is it carried out? 19. How is annealing for granular pearlite carried out? 20. Name the types of cooling media during hardening. 21. Assign a heat treatment mode for a chisel made of U10 steel to obtain a hardness of 45 HRC. 22. Set the steel heat treatment mode to 50 to obtain a hardness of 60 HRC. 23. Assign a heat treatment mode for a spring made of steel 65G. The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by ______________ 33 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Laboratory work No. 7 STUDY OF MICROSTRUCTURES OF ALLOYED STEELS Purpose of the work: Acquisition of practical skills in conducting microanalysis of the structures of alloyed steels Tasks of the work: 1. Familiarize yourself with the classification alloyed steels in an equilibrium state. 2. Acquire practical skills in microanalysis of structures. 3. To study the features of the technology for performing heat treatment of alloy steel. 4. To study the technology of performing heat treatment of high-speed steel P18. Material and methodological support: 1. Microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 2. Microsections of alloyed steels in an equilibrium state. 3. Photographs of microstructures of alloyed steel with different contents of alloying elements. 4. Posters and guidelines. Homework 1 Give a classification of alloy steels according to purpose, chemical composition and structure. 2. Give the essence of the marking of alloyed steels, indicating the steels. 3. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Describe the features of heat treatment of high speed steel. 2. Set the microscope magnification to 400…500 times. 2. Place a microsection of alloyed steel on the object table, sketch the visible microstructure and give its description, indicating the name according to the structure, chemical composition and purpose. Specify the scope of steel. Performance of work 1. Alloy steels are classified according to their purpose, chemical composition and structure. According to their purpose, steels are divided into: 34 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" According to the structure in the equilibrium state, steels are divided into five classes: According to the chemical composition of steels, they are divided into three groups: 2. Alloyed steels are marked with a combination of numbers and letters, namely: 3. Features of heat treatment of alloy steel, in particular high speed steel, are as follows (explain on the basis of the graph): : A1 ; Mn; Mk A; K| ; K|| Aost;M; Mo P;K. 36; ; ; Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 4. Schemes of steel microstructures, their description, critical points and the name of steels by structure (steel class by structure) Chemical composition ______________________ Description of the microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Heat treatment mode _____________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of steel by structure _________ ______________________________________ 2 Magnification - Steel grade ______________________________________ ___________ _______________________________________ Name of steel by structure __________ 3 Magnification - Steel grade ___________________________ Chemical composition _____________________ Description of microstructure _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Heat treatment mode ____________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of steel by structure __________ 4 Magnification Steel grade ___________________________ Chemical composition _____________________ Description of microstructure _______________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Heat treatment mode ____________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________________ Name of steel by structure__________ _______________________________________ 37 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Conclusions: (at show what elements give steels special properties, what is the peculiarity of the heat treatment of alloyed steel, the scope of structural and tool steels). Control questions: 1. What steels are called alloyed? 2. How do alloying elements affect the critical points of steels? 3. What do alloying elements form in steels? 4. Why do alloy steels need to be heated stepwise during heat treatment? 5. How to choose the heating temperature of alloy steel when quenching? 6. What is used as a cooling medium during hardening of high speed steel? 7. Why is high-speed steel tempered? 8. What classes are alloyed steels divided by structure in an equilibrium state? 9. What steels are classified as low-alloy, medium-alloy and high-alloy steels? 10. Decipher the following steel grades: 10KhSND, 12KhN3A, 20Kh, 18KhGT, 25KhGT, 40KhN2MA. 11. Choose from the given grades of ball-bearing steels and decipher the grades: 50KhGA, ShKh15, ShKh15-Sh, 40KhN. 12. Select free-cutting steels from the given steel grades: 12XH3A, AC40, 18XGT, AS40XGNM. 13. Specify corrosion-resistant steels: 20X, 30X13, 12X17, 08X13, 40X13, AC40, 25XGT. 14. Under what operating conditions does wear-resistant steel 110G13L have advantages over other steels? 15. What alloying element gives high-speed steels red hardness? The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by __________ 38 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Laboratory work No. 8 STUDYING THE MICROSTRUCTURES OF NON-FERROUS METALS AND THEIR ALLOYS Purpose of the work: Acquisition of practical skills in conducting microanalysis of the structures of non-ferrous metals and their alloys Tasks of the work : 1. Familiarize yourself with the marking and chemical composition non-ferrous alloys and their purpose. 2. Acquire practical skills in microanalysis of structures. 3. Acquire practical skills in choosing non-ferrous alloys for the manufacture of structures. Material and methodological support: 1. Microscopes MIM-6 and MIM-7. 2. Microsections of non-ferrous alloys. 3. Photographs of microstructures of non-ferrous alloys of various chemical compositions. 4. Posters and guidelines. Homework 1. Give non-ferrous metals, describe them and indicate their applications. 2. Give the dependence of the mechanical properties of brass on the zinc content (Fig.). 3. Prepare for control questions. Laboratory task 1. Examine the microstructures of non-ferrous metals and alloys under a microscope, draw them. 2. Describe the structures in the form indicated in the table. 39 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" Performance of work 1. a brief description of non-ferrous metals and their alloys: 40 Copyright JSC Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 2. Draw the dependence of the mechanical properties of brass on the zinc content. c, MPa ,%  50 350 40 280 30 210 20 140 10 70 0 10 20 30 Figure 8.1 - Dependence of the flow limit of brass on the content of zinc in it.  in 40 50 Zn% and relative elongation  3. Explain the influence of inclusions  - phase on the properties of brass and  - phase on the properties of bronzes. 41 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBKOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 5. Diagrams of microstructures of non-ferrous metal alloys and their description No. Scheme of microstructure Description microstructures_______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 Magnification - Name and grade of alloy _______________________________________ Chemical composition ______________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ __ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 Magnification - Name and grade of alloy _______________________________________ Chemical composition ______________________ _______________________________________ ______________________________________ Heat treatment ___________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Description of microstructure _______________ ____________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4 Zoom ____ ______________________________ _______________________________________ 42 Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Kniga-Service" Conclusions: (the use of the considered metals and alloys in mechanical engineering). Control questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Name non-ferrous metals and give their areas applications. What is brass? Bring stamps. What is bronze? Bring stamps. What groups are brass divided into according to the method of manufacture? How are wrought brass marked and what is made of them? How are foundry brasses marked and what is made of them? What element gives brass its high corrosion resistance? What groups are bronzes divided into? How are cast and wrought bronzes marked? What element gives bronze anti-friction properties? What bronzes are springs made from? What protects aluminum from corrosion? What groups are aluminum alloys divided into by technological properties? How are aluminum alloys that are not hardened by heat treatment marked? What are duralumins? Give examples. What alloys are called silumins? What gives them high casting properties? What groups are magnesium alloys divided into? Give brands and areas of application of magnesium alloys. What are the groups according to the method of production of titanium alloys? Give grades and areas of application of titanium alloys. The work was carried out by _____________ The work was accepted by __________ Materials Science. Technology of construction materials. Book. 1 / V.A. Oskin, V.V. Evsinov. - M .: Kolos, 2008. - 447 p. 2. Materials science and technology of materials: textbook / Ed. A.I. Batysheva and A.A. Smolkin. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 288 p. 3. Material science and technology of metals: textbook / G.P. Fetisov, M.G. Karpman, V.M. Matyunin and others; ed. G.P. Fetisova. - M .: graduate School, 2002. - 638 p. 4. Technology of structural materials: textbook / A.M. Dalsky, T.M. Barsukova, L.N. Bukharkin and others; under the general editorship of A.M. Dalsky. - 5th ed., corrected. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 2003. - 512 p. 5. Kitaev Yu.A. Materials Science. Technology of structural materials: guidelines for preparing for practical exercises. Questions, tests, answers / Yu.A. Kitaev, N.I. Potapov. - Penza: RIO PGSKhA, 2010. - 90s. 44 Copyright OJSC “Central Design Bureau “BIBCOM” & LLC “Agency Kniga-Service” CONTENTS Laboratory work No. 1 Determination of the hardness of metals…………………….... 3 Laboratory work No. 2 Analysis of the phase diagram of iron-carbon alloys………… …………………………………………………………………………. 8 Laboratory work No. 3 Microscopic method for the study of metals and alloys ……………………………………………………………………………….. 15 Laboratory work No. 4 Study of the microstructures of carbonaceous steels in equilibrium………………………………………………………………. 20 Laboratory work No. 5 Study of the microstructures and properties of cast irons………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24 Laboratory work No. 6 Heat treatment of carbon steel ……………………………………………………………………………………. 29 Laboratory work No. 7 Study of the microstructures of alloyed steels……… 34 Laboratory work No. 8 Study of the microstructures of non-ferrous metals and their alloys……………………………………………………………………… …….. 39 Literature……………………………………………………………………………. 44 Contents……………………………………………………………………………… 45 Spitsyn Natalia Ivanovna Potapova MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS SECTION "MATERIAL SCIENCE" Workbook for laboratory work Editor I.A. Spitsyn Computer layout I.A. Spitsyn Signed for printing Format 60x84 1/8 Paper Goznak Print Printed on a risograph Convention. oven l. , edition copies. Order No. ___________________________________________________________________________ RIO PGSHA 440014, Penza, st. Botanicheskaya, 30 46


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