Biology in professions where you need to know. What professions are related to biology and chemistry: a list. Medical Research Fellow

Every person dreams of choosing a profession that would not only be always in demand, and therefore highly paid, but also benefit society. One of these professions is undoubtedly the profession of a biologist. It is these specialists who study everything related to living organisms on our planet. Our health, development and future largely depend on their professionalism. Therefore, it is not surprising that the profession of a biologist ranks second in the world in popularity.

Every person dreams of choosing a profession that would not only be always in demand, and therefore highly paid, but also benefit society. One of these professions is undoubtedly biologist profession. It is these specialists who study everything related to living organisms on our planet. Our health, development and future largely depend on their professionalism. Therefore, it is not surprising that the profession of a biologist ranks second in the world in popularity.

True, get this right and promising profession unfortunately, not everyone can, since it puts forward a number of requirements that only people with certain inclinations and character traits can meet. But what is the peculiarity of this profession, you will learn from our article.

What is a biologist?

From Greek biology translated as "the science of life" (bios - life, logos - science). Accordingly, the name of the profession of a biologist suggests that this is a specialist who studies aspects of the life of all living organisms on planet Earth. That is, his close attention is drawn to the origin, evolution, growth and development of living organisms, regardless of whether it is a microbe, a plant or an animal.

Officially, biology was singled out as an independent branch of science only in the 19th century. However, its formation dates back to even more ancient times. It is known that already the great Aristotle in the 4th century BC. made the first attempts to streamline information about nature, highlighting four steps in it: people, animals, plants, and the inorganic world.

Today, the profession of a biologist brings together specialists of very different specializations, each of which is engaged in the study of only a certain class of representatives of living organisms. For example, anatomists and physiologists study the structure and characteristics of human life, zoologists specialize in the anatomy and physiology of animals, and a botanist deals with the plant world. And this is not a complete list of biologist specializations. There are also such modern areas as genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, embryology, breeding, biophysics, biochemistry, virology, etc.

But in any case, no matter what specialization you choose biologist, his duties are almost completely identical. The duties of any biologist include: studying, systematizing, studying the general properties and patterns of development of a particular group of living organisms, conducting research in the laboratory, analyzing the results and issuing practical advice to improve conditions within the framework of his specialization, etc.

What personality traits should a biologist have?

It is not difficult to guess that a biologist, first of all, should love nature and be interested in the emergence and development of life on Earth. In addition, a real biologist is different:

  • analytical and logical way of thinking;
  • curiosity and patience;
  • accuracy and care;
  • observation and rich imagination;
  • well-developed figurative visual memory;
  • perseverance and ability to concentrate;
  • responsibility and honesty.

It should be noted that since biologist work involves participation in laboratory studies in which various chemicals are often used, the specialist should not be prone to allergies.

Benefits of being a biologist

As mentioned above, biology is an actively developing branch of science, which opens up huge prospects for career growth and self-realization for specialists. Another undoubted advantage of the profession of a biologist is demand. According to labor market experts, this profession may become one of the most demanded and highly paid in the coming years.

An important advantage of this profession is also a wide variety of institutions and organizations in which you can show your talent and professional skills. Today, biologists are happy to be employed in laboratories at research institutes, environmental organizations, nature reserves, botanical and ecological gardens, research institutes, environmental organizations, agricultural and educational sectors (schools, colleges, universities).

Disadvantages of the Biologist Profession

Despite the fact that biology is one of the most demanded branches of science in the world, in Russia this field of activity is still in its infancy, so the salary of biologists is low. Especially if they work in public institutions(for example, in laboratories at research institutes or schools).

The work of a "practicing" biologist (a specialist who studies living organisms in their natural habitat) involves frequent business trips. These specialists can be found everywhere: in the desert, and in the tundra, and high in the mountains, and in the field, and at an experimental agricultural station. Naturally, it is not always possible to conduct research in comfortable conditions, so future biologists must be prepared for life in Spartan conditions.

For successful employment of young professionals, most often, one theoretical training is not enough. So biology students need to take care of practical experience work (that is, even in the process of learning to look for a job in a specialty that is as close as possible to the future profession).

Where can you get a degree in biology?

It is very easy to get the profession of a biologist in Russia today, since almost every medical university has specialized faculties (biological, bioengineering, agronomy, etc.). Therefore, the choice of a particular university depends solely on personal interests and opportunities. Naturally, among universities there are undoubted leaders, biology graduates received high paying job much more often than graduates of other educational institutions. Therefore, if you are interested in successful employment, we recommend that you, first of all, try to become a student of such universities as:

  • Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov - Faculty of Biology;
  • Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev - faculties: agronomy, soil science, zooengineering, agrochemistry and ecology, horticulture and vegetable growing;
  • St. Petersburg State University - Faculty of Biology and Soil;
  • Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology - faculties: automation of biotechnical systems and food biotechnology;
  • Moscow state academy veterinary medicine and biotechnology them. K.I. Skryabin - faculties: zootechnologies and agribusiness, veterinary and biological.

Scientists of the 19th century discovered that living organisms differ in some features. To conduct their research, study the structure, features of interaction with each other, evolutionary development, a separate part of it - biology - was singled out from the generalized field of natural science. Modern science is based on five basic principles: the study of cell theory, evolution, genetics, homeostasis and energy. And if you ask yourself what professions need biology, then you can make an impressive list of all types of human activities that require fundamental or general knowledge of science.

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not be interested in birds, animals or plants. But there are people who want to devote themselves to a profession related to living organisms, to comprehend this mysterious and mysterious world. Touching the mysteries, unraveling natural patterns encourages many to choose a profession in science, medicine, education, agriculture, industry. Applied areas of using biology are reflected in the activities of:

  • pharmacists;
  • doctors;
  • paramedics;
  • veterinarians;
  • ecologists;
  • zoologists and others.

The acquired knowledge is implemented by specialists in medicine, pharmacology, Food Industry and other areas of the national economy.

Who is a biologist

The profession of a biologist combines a wide range of specialties where you can realize your interests and acquired knowledge. In each individual area, a person is engaged in a certain type of representatives of biological individuals. Physiologists, anatomists master skills by studying the characteristics of the life of the human body, zoologists cannot do without knowledge of the anatomical mechanisms that occur in animals, botanists comprehend the multifaceted cellular world of plants. The specialization of a biologist has a rather extensive list of professions, to devote oneself to which means to know the multifaceted animal, plant world or the human body.

There are a number of advanced research areas in the field of genetics, microbiology, biotechnology, biophysics, biochemistry, virology, and other areas. But whatever the focus, the responsibilities come down to solving the same tasks:

  • research;
  • systematization of the laws of development of a certain group of organisms;
  • conducting laboratory experiments;
  • analysis of results;
  • providing specific recommendations for the application of methods and developments.

Professions related to biology are always fantastically popular; not a single industry can do without them, where doctors, livestock breeders, livestock specialists, and breeders work.

Specialists are always needed at zoos, circuses, nature reserves, botanical gardens, hospitals, research laboratories.

The field of application of knowledge of biology with a rapidly developing scientific base allows not only to comprehend certain patterns of life of living organisms, but to be able to maintain the natural balance. A person who has devoted himself to a profession that requires biological knowledge can realize his potential in scientific institutions, environmental organizations, ecological communities, nature reserves, botanical gardens, and other associations.

Agriculture is one of the areas of human employment, where specialists need a certain level of knowledge in the field of growing and protecting plants. The store of biological knowledge helps breeders to carry out worthy care of crops. The agronomist needs to apply various methods control of harmful insects, prevent plant diseases, fight their manifestations. The specialist organizes work to prepare the soil for sowing, planting crops, and also ensures the proper level of storage of the harvested crop. Profitability depends on his qualifications farms, which significantly affects the well-being of both the working team and the development of agriculture as a whole.

Ecologist profession

The desire of mankind to improve the world with industrial achievements negatively affects the natural balance throughout our planet. Environmental engineers are called upon to monitor how polluted water bodies, air, balance of flora and fauna. Specialists are entrusted with the study of the consequences of the impact of space rocket launches, they also prevent environmental pollution from the impact of hazardous industrial waste, including radioactive waste.

In the profession of an ecologist, deep knowledge of physics, biology, chemistry helps to cope with various disruptions in the work of many enterprises. Sometimes people are at risk because they often work in extreme conditions. But the specialty of ecologist has a promising future. It attracts hardy people, with a fighting character, a broad soul, an open heart.

landscape designers

The attraction of citizens to create the comfort and beauty of their homes, in the areas around offices, houses, household plots has increased so much over the past decades that the profession of designer is the most popular and in demand. After all, now people are not only decorating territories with high-tech building materials, but also try to decorate them with fresh flowers, shrubs, and other plants. Interest in the profession is also caused by the fact that the combination of fundamental knowledge of biology and architecture allows you to work successfully, make a dizzying career. The work of a designer is considered prestigious not only for all countries of the world, but also for Russia.

Medical workers

Every student knows that knowledge of biology is needed in all areas of medical activity. A thorough study of biological processes inside the body allows you to effectively prevent various diseases, diagnose diseases, and treat them. Chemistry, physics - these sciences are closely related to biology. As a result, the profession of a biophysicist or biochemist allows one to comprehend the secrets of natural processes within organisms. Engineers in this field come into contact with living beings, they use the latest advanced technologies to further solve the most complex problems in medicine and other fields.

Mankind has achieved tremendous results in medical care. Many diseases are a thing of the past, and surgeons perform the most unique operations for transplanting the heart and other organs. Perhaps in the near or distant future, biologists will find the elixir of health, beauty and eternal youth!

Everything related to life on Earth is part of biology, which deals with the study of life. Why is biology needed? This science affects many aspects of human existence, there are a huge number of professions that in one way or another affect this fundamental science. This list includes career and a limitless number of job opportunities.

Biological Sciences

Why is biology needed? - one of the widest and most important areas in the world today. Biology covers everything from molecular research life processes up to studying animals and What can you do with a degree in biology? Depending on individual interests and preferences, you can choose any profession you like in areas such as healthcare, medicine, the environment, education, biotechnology, forensics, politics, and many others.

Why study biology?

What is biology for? Its study teaches you to ask questions, make comments, evaluate evidence and solve problems. Biologists learn how living things interact with each other, what they are made of and how they develop. They study evolution, natural history, and the protection of endangered plant and animal species, as well as research into the interactions of living organisms with light, the environment, and each other.

What do biologists do?

Biologists study the natural world using the latest scientific technologies, tools and methods, both in the laboratory and in the natural environment, to understand how living systems work. Why do they need biology? Many work in exotic locations around the world and what they discover may find practical use to solve specific problems. Biologists are developing public health campaigns to fight diseases such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer and heart disease. Their mission is also to prevent the spread of rare, incurable diseases such as the infamous Ebola virus.

What professions require biology?

Where is biology needed? Knowing biology can lead to a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, or medical research. These industries help to better understand the natural world, address issues of personal well-being, and also touch on the topics of deterioration. environment, which threatens human health, and the depletion of natural and food reserves.

Veterinarians treating sick and injured animals, doctors, dentists, nurses and others medical workers support the overall health and well-being of their patients. Many of these professions require additional education and vocational training. In the field of nature management and environmental protection, biologists are engaged in solving environmental problems and preserving natural diversity for future generations.

Biology (English - Biology, French - Biologie, German - Biologie, Italian - Biology, Spanish - Biology). The term BIOLOGY comes from two Greek words bios - life and logos - a word, teaching and was proposed in 1802 two scientists - the Frenchman J. B. Lamarck and the German G. R. Treviranus, independently of each other. Biology is a complex of knowledge about life and a set of scientific disciplines that study living things. Biology explores the diversity of existing and extinct living beings, their structure, functions, origin, evolution, distribution and individual development, communication with each other, between communities and with inanimate nature. Biology considers the general and particular patterns inherent in life in all its manifestations and properties: metabolism, reproduction, heredity, variability, adaptability, growth, development, irritability, mobility, etc. Biology includes the following disciplines: zoology, botany, microbiology, ecology, etc.

Directions of biology science:

  1. botany;
  2. zoology.

man nature

Professions: seed grower, master livestock breeder, livestock specialist, agronomist, dog handler, chemical and bacteriological analysis laboratory assistant, etc.

Among the professions of the "man - nature" type, one can distinguish professions whose subject of labor is: plant organisms, animal organisms, microorganisms, i.e. professions of the natural cycle.

These are professions related to agriculture, food industry, medicine and scientific research(biology, geography). Oddly enough, a psychologist, a tourism and hotel business manager should have a certain interest in nature (although, of course, not the main one) ...

This division does not mean, of course, that human labor is directed only at the objects mentioned above. Crop growers, for example, work in a team, use a variety of techniques, deal with issues economic evaluation of his labor. But still, the main subject of attention and concern for plant growers is plants and their habitat.

On the other hand, when choosing a profession of this type, it is very important to understand exactly how you relate to nature: as a place for recreation or as a workshop in which you are going to give all your strength to production.

And one more thing to consider when choosing a profession. The peculiarity of biological objects of labor is that they are complex, changeable (according to their internal laws), non-standard. And plants, and animals, and microorganisms live, grow, develop, and also get sick, die. A worker needs not only to know a lot about living organisms, but to foresee possible changes in them, which are sometimes irreversible. A person needs initiative and independence in solving specific labor problems, caring, foresight.


Botany (from the Greek "botane" - grass, greens), or phytology (from the Greek "phyton" - plant and "logos" - teaching), is the science of plants, their structure, biology, physiology, ecology, distribution, evolution and systematics. These questions are studied by independent sciences. For example, plant morphology studies external structure, the shape of individual organs, their change depending on external conditions and in the process of development.

Plant anatomy studies their internal structure.

Plant physiology considers the processes occurring in the plant organism. Plant taxonomy classifies and identifies relationships between plants. Plant geography studies the patterns and causes of the distribution of plants on the globe, reveals the boundaries of their distribution.

Ecology studies the relationship between plants and the environment, the influence of various factors on plants.

Geobotany studies the composition, structure, development and distribution of plant communities (phytocenoses) in connection with the characteristics of the habitat, their use and the possibility of transformation.

Paleobotany is the science of extinct fossil plants from past geological eras. Phytopathology studies diseases and pests of plants and develops measures to combat them. Modern stage The development of botany is characterized by its links with other sciences. The value of plants in nature, the national economy and human life is determined by their ability, using the energy of light, to create organic matter from inorganic (photosynthesis). Green plants enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, which is necessary for the respiration of living beings inhabiting the Earth. Plants absorb water and minerals from the soil. The elements contained in them are included in the composition of organic compounds that go to build the body of the plant itself and serve as food for animals and humans. Plants are used by humans not only as a source of nutrition, but also as raw materials for various industries: food, textile, paper, chemical, etc. Depending on the use, plants are divided into groups: cereals (wheat, rice, corn, etc.); fruit (apple, pear, cherry, etc.); legumes (peas, beans, soybeans, etc.); oilseeds (sunflower, flax, etc.); sugary (sugar beet, sugar cane, etc.); fibrous (cotton, flax, etc.); essential oil (coriander, lavender, etc.); rubber-bearing (guayule, hevea, etc.); decorative (rose, chrysanthemum, aster, etc.); medicinal (valerian, sage, belladonna, etc.). These are mainly cultivated plants, but a person also uses many wild plants for his needs. The diversity of the plant world is manifested in the life form (trees, shrubs, shrubs, herbs), structure and life expectancy (annual, biennial, perennial), growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Along with highly organized multicellular organisms, there are also unicellular ones. Plant organisms can be found in soil, in water and in the air (in forests, fields, lakes, rivers and seas). Plants are seedless, i.e., dispersed by spores (algae, mosses, ferns), and seed plants, i.e. propagated by seeds: gymnosperms and angiosperms (flowering). Among flowering plants, annuals are distinguished, which live one year, during which they grow from seeds, bloom, bear fruit and die. Biennials live for two years. In the first year, the vegetative part of the plant develops from the seeds, in the second year a flowering shoot is formed. After fruiting, the biennials die off. Perennials live more than two years, some up to 100 years or more. Sequoias can be considered an example of longevity; according to research, they live for more than one hundred years. Having reached a certain age, perennials can bloom and bear fruit every year. Annuals and biennials are herbaceous plants, while perennials can be either herbaceous or shrubby or woody plants. Grasses are the life form of plants with succulent, green and non-woody shoots. Shrubs are a life form of perennial plants that have several skeletal axes (the main stem develops only at the beginning of life). Trees are the life form of perennial plants with a single stem (trunk) that persists throughout its life. All this is characteristic of higher plants, which are divided into leaves, stems, and roots. In lower plants there is no division into root, stem and leaves. The body of lower plants is called the thallus or thallus (from the Greek "thallus" - sprout). The flora of the globe is rich and diverse and has more than 500 thousand species. In it you can find microscopic algae invisible to the naked eye and gigantic trees. Some tropical creepers and seaweeds reach 100 m or more in length. The whole world of living organisms is divided into two large groups: pre-nuclear (prokaryotes) and nuclear (eukaryotes). Pre-nuclear organisms include bacteria and cyanides (formerly called blue-green algae), which are part of the kingdom of Drobyanka. In nuclear organisms from the kingdoms of Mushrooms, Plants and Animals, the nucleus is an obligatory structural element of the cell.


Vertebrate zoology studies animal organisms belonging to the chordate type. Important branches of vertebrate zoology according to the studied taxa: ichthyology (the science of bony fish), herpetology (the science of scaly reptiles), ornithology (the science of birds), theriology (the science of land mammals)


(from Greek γενητως - originating from someone) - the science of the laws and mechanisms of heredity and variability. Part of general biology. Her achievements are used in the field of genetic engineering. Initially, genetics studied the general laws of heredity and variability based on phenotypic data.

Understanding the mechanisms of heredity, that is, the role of genes as elementary carriers of hereditary information, the chromosome theory of heredity, etc., became possible with the application of the methods of cytology, molecular biology, and other related disciplines to the problem of heredity. Today it is known that genes really exist and are specially marked sections of DNA or RNA - a molecule in which all genetic information is encoded. In eukaryotic organisms, DNA is folded into chromosomes and is located in the cell nucleus. In addition, own DNA is present inside mitochondria and chloroplasts (in plants). In prokaryotes, as a rule, it is closed in a ring (plasmid) and is located in the cytoplasm. Plasmid can be several.


The science of creating new breeds of animals, plant varieties, strains of microorganisms. Breeding is also called the branch of agriculture engaged in the development of new varieties and hybrids of crops and animal breeds. General information about selection

Genetics is the theoretical basis of breeding, since it is the knowledge of the laws of genetics that makes it possible to purposefully control the appearance of mutations, predict the results of crossing, and correctly select hybrids. As a result of applying knowledge of genetics in practice, it was possible to create more than 10,000 varieties of wheat based on several initial wild varieties, to obtain new strains of microorganisms that secrete food proteins, medicinal substances, vitamins, etc.

The tasks of modern breeding include the creation of new and improvement of existing plant varieties, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms.

Many years of breeding work has made it possible to breed many dozens of breeds of domestic chickens, which are distinguished by high egg production, large weight, bright colors, etc. And their common ancestor is the bankley chicken from Southeast Asia. Wild representatives of the gooseberry genus do not grow on the territory of Russia. However, based on the gooseberry species deviated, found in Western Ukraine and the Caucasus, more than 300 varieties have been obtained, many of which bear fruit well in Russia.

An outstanding geneticist and breeder, academician N. I. Vavilov, wrote that breeders should study and take into account the following main factors in their work: the initial varietal and species diversity of plants and animals; hereditary variability; the role of the environment in the development and manifestation of the traits required by the breeder; patterns of inheritance during hybridization; forms of artificial selection aimed at isolating and fixing the necessary features.

Experts say that the optimal way to choose a profession is based on three pillars: “I want”, “I can” and “I must”

I want - these are professional inclinations and interests. I can - the ability of a person. It is necessary - the requirements of the labor market, the demand for a similar profession and the specifics of this demand.

№ Type of profession Examples of professions with higher education Examples of professions with an average vocational education 1 person - nature Veterinarian, geneticist, agronomist, biologist, microbiologist, soil scientist, anthropologist, ichthyologist, zoopsychologist, ecologist, breeder, etc. Farmer, soil scientist, livestock breeder, plant breeder, veterinarian, dog handler, huntsman, forester, florist-decorator, etc. 2 people — equipment Biotechnologist, materials scientist 3 people — person Lecturer, doctor, psychologist, employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Nurse 4 people - sign Chemist, biologist, bioengineer Meteorologist 5 people - artistic image Technologist of artistic metal processing (jeweler), landscape designer, make-up artist Make-up artist, florist

Materials technology: materials technologist, rubber technologist, glass technologist, fuel and energy industry technologist, food industry technologist, art metal processing technologist (jeweler), nano technologist

Security Specialist chemical protection, for biological protection, for radiation safety, forensic officers.

In agriculture: agronomist, livestock breeder, veterinarian, breeder, plant protection specialist, ecologist, agrotechnician, landscape designer.

Medicine - doctors, laboratory assistants, paramedics, geneticists, nurses, doctors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

A specialty is the name of a specific type of professional training that culminates in the award of a qualification (for example, bachelor, specialist or master).

Valeologist - a specialist in the preservation of human health and disease prevention, giving recommendations on the formation healthy lifestyle life in order to improve the quality of life, social adaptation, improving performance and active longevity of people.

An anesthesiologist-resuscitator is a doctor who ensures the painlessness of surgical interventions, as well as the safety of the patient during and after surgery.

A chiropractor is a doctor who treats the spine, muscles and joints by working on them with their hands.

A phoniatrist is a doctor who specializes in voice problems.

A pharmacist is a highly qualified pharmacist who has the right to independent pharmaceutical work (production of medicines) and to manage a pharmacy.

Hematologist - detects blood diseases and treats them. .

Andrologist Venereologist Virologist Emergency doctor Gynecologist Dermatologist Dental technician Immunologist Infectionist Cardiologist Cardiac surgeon Cosmetologist Speech therapist Neurologist Neurologist Neurosurgeon Nephrologist Oculist Oncologist Orthopedist Otorhinolaryngologist Pediatrician Proctologist Sexologist Sports doctor Dentist Therapist Toxicologist Traumatologist Urologist Pharmacist Paramedic Surgeon

The field of information technology is one of the most promising. Their distribution and influence on human life is already enormous, and in the future it will only increase. IT professionals and computer hardware developers

The profession of an engineer is already becoming more and more in demand. In Russia, there is an acute shortage of professional specialists in production. An important point: engineers with a combination of technical and humanitarian education will be especially appreciated. Engineers

The biotechnologist is engaged in developments in the field of molecular medicine, biology, biopharmaceutical production and other industries. Electronics and Biotechnology Specialists

There is a forecast that in about 10 Russian market there will be a glut of goods and services. For their sale will require specially trained people - marketers. They will be doing pretty much the same thing they are doing now - strategy, leadership, networking, etc. - but on a broader level. Marketers

If the level of income growth in our country does not decrease (and according to forecasts it will increase), then the size of the middle class and the general standard of living will increase significantly. This means that the need for quality service and, consequently, for service professions will increase. Service professionals

They organize the delivery and transportation of goods, their storage, solve transport issues, organize communication between production, warehouse, customs, and the customer. This is a challenging profession that will require good training and quality education. Logistics

The problems of environmental pollution, climate change and lack of resources are becoming the most relevant today. Ecologists are called upon to deal with these problems and look for new and modern ways to solve them. Ecologists

Physicians are waiting for the widest field of activity: from the cultivation of artificial organs, to the use of nanotechnology. The medical profession will probably never lose its relevance and relevance. Medicine as a science is becoming more and more complex, and doctors need more and more knowledge and more and more extensive and deep education. Medics

First of all, chemists will be involved in the field of energy, in particular, in the development of alternative energy sources. Chemists

Sites of choice educational institution Portal https: //www. ucheba. ru/ section “For high school students and entrants” (“universities”) – search for a university where your profession is taught. A complete list of specialties that are presented in Moscow universities can be found on the website http: //www. provuz. ru/. When you click on the number of the specialty, we get a list of Moscow universities that teach this specialty.


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