Ability to overcome difficulties. The myth of overcoming difficulties. Overcoming must be short term

One day a daughter, a young woman, came to her father and said with sadness:- Dad, I’m so tired of everything, I have constant difficulties at work and in my personal life, I simply don’t have the strength ... How to cope with all this?
█ █ Failure does not mean that I am a failure;It means that success is yet to come.Failure does not mean that I have not achieved anything;It means that I have learned something.

Sit back, relax. Refer to your breath, trust it without trying to control it. We have difficult questions to address, and it's important that you feel comfortable ...

█ █ Pay attention to any occasion (no matter how small) that makes you feel good. Use affirmative sentences.

█ █ They come when you have lost your way so badly that the light at the end of the tunnel has become barely perceptible.

█ █ Once upon a time, there was a Little Soul who said to God:- I know who I am!

█ █ I spoke to my inner lover and asked: why such a rush? After all, we feel that there is a certain spiritual force that loves birds, animals and insects.

█ █ Once a small gap appeared in the cocoon, a man who was passing by chance stood for many hours and watched a butterfly trying to get out through this small gap. Much time passed, the butterfly seemed to abandon its efforts, and the gap remained the same small.

█ █ How did I create this situation? - you ask from the position of the owner. - I take responsibility for the situation I created.

█ █ When we give ourselves a second chance and get a little help, very often we DO IT WORK!

█ █ The hallmark of the happiest people is the ability ... to overcome the most serious obstacles.And happy people get fired from their jobs, they also go broke, get sick and get depressed!Like everyone else, they have many problems.But they have the mental strength to focus not on problems, but on solving them.

█ █ "WHY me?" "Why now?""WHY did she make a fool of me?"This question can drive anyone crazy.


██ ██ A dystopian book from a contemporary writer. Interesting)In the world where the main character, Celestina North, lives, there are certain rules, for violation of which a person can get a stigma.For a wrong decision - a stigma on the temple.For a lie - on the tongue.For an attempt to rob society - on the right palm.For treason to the Tribunal - Brand on the chest, where the heart is.For not keeping pace with society - on the sole of his right foot.Therefore, if a person does not want to be branded, then it is worth leading a decent lifestyle, watching out for his appearance and speech, not contradicting the Tribunal, for he is the law, in general, it is worth being perfect in everything ...


If you feel bad or difficult, find someone who is worse and more difficult than you, and help him.

If your life is a struggle with a headwind, then stop this pointless activity and use the time to talk with yourself, think about your own life. Then you may be surprised to find that the wind has changed direction.

Luule Viilma

I don't like difficulties ...
I love sweets!

Under no circumstances should you give up hope. Feelings of despair are the true cause of failure. Remember, you can overcome any difficulty. Be calm even when you find yourself in a difficult and confusing situation: it will have little effect on you if your mind is calm. On the contrary, if the mind allows you to be angry, then you will lose peace, even if the world around you is serene and comfortable.

If you fell, then try to pick up something from the floor while you are lying.

Scottish proverb

Difficulty is a good thing. When everything is convenient, easy - well, boring, because you want it even softer, and you feel that you do not directly touch you at all, you can no longer do anything at all. Therefore, difficulties must be perceived as a medicine, as a salvation, as a blessing. Peter Mamonov

We get in trouble from time to time. Do you know why they come? They come in order to make you aware of the pleasantness that you have. It makes life more alive. Accept this.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for the good, and dreams do not come true for the better.

Everything has a reason. Everything is done with a purpose, and every failure carries a lesson in itself. I realized that losses - both personal, professional, and even spiritual - can significantly expand the horizons of an individual. They lead to inner growth and provide a range of spiritual gains. Never regret the past. Treat him better as a kind teacher. Robin Sharma


Many believe that the trials of this life are necessarily the reckoning for past sins. But is the metal in the forge heated because it has sinned and must be punished? Is this done in order to improve the properties of the material?

If you are in a bad mood, if you are offended or upset, use the power of a smile. Even if no one sees you, try to smile to show yourself that you are above all difficulties. Think that you are invulnerable, immortal, eternal. Give yourself a smile, as you do sometimes when passing by the mirror. Even if your smile is a little forced, it will still help. As soon as you smile, you will feel in a better mood. And in a good mood, it will be easier for you to solve your problems.You cannot imagine how many good things an ordinary smile can give you and the people around you. Having received another blow from life, tell yourself: "Everything could be much worse" - and smile ...

Mother Teresa

Turn troubles into strength

contributing to your spiritual development.

If you remember the benefits of problems and apply them in the practice of transforming thinking, they become desirable for you. From harmful, they turn into good and useful.

Some situations you can handle while others have to endure. For example, no matter how upset you are that your house is not made of gold, you are still powerless to turn your bricks into gold. No matter how upset you are that the earth is not heaven, you are unable to turn the earth into heaven. And there is no point in worrying about such things. No matter how upset you are with your problems or annoyed by little things in other people, there is absolutely no cause for concern.

Lama Sopa

I asked for strength - and God sent me trials to temper me.
I asked for wisdom - and God sent me problems to puzzle over.
I asked for courage - and God sent me dangers.
I asked for love - and God sent the unfortunate ones who need my help.
I asked for benefits - and God gave me opportunities.
I didn't get anything I wanted, but I got everything I needed!
God heard my prayers ...

Mother Teresa.

Take a broader view of your troubles. If someone accuses you of something, do not answer him with abuse: imagine that this accusation weakens the fetters of your narcissism, and therefore increases your ability to care for others.This method is quite difficult to apply, but if successful, it will bring many benefits.

Dalai lama

Life gives you only the experience that best contributes to the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know what kind of experience you need? It's very simple - the one you are living at the moment.

Eckhart Tolle

The best indicator of the level of consciousness is the ability to calmly relate to life's difficulties.
They pull the unconscious person down, while the conscious person rises more and more.

Eckhart Tolle

When you ask God about your problem, don't give Him instructions, just tell Him about it ...

Living life is not a field to cross. On your way, you will face loss, loss of loved ones and friends, and experience physical and emotional pain. However, if you change your way of thinking, be ready for change, develop a positive attitude and realize the importance of relationships with people, then you are not only live life, but you can achieve success.


Embrace change

    Accept the inevitability of change. There is nothing more permanent than change. Seasons, weather, trends, technologies - continue the list yourself. Everything is constantly changing. It is important to understand that nothing is eternal. If you are facing difficult times, they will not be forever. On the other hand, if your life is wonderful now, then learn to rejoice, but remember that joy will also be replaced by trials.

    Expectations must be real. If your expectations are too high and unrealistic, then the result will always upset you. If you drive yourself into a rigid framework, then you will have no room for growth and change. Reasonable expectations can help boost your self-esteem and prepare yourself for whatever the day ahead has in store.

    Learn from your own experience. Empirical experience is gained through action, research, and discovery. Give the lecture to the students and they will probably forget it. Explain the subject actively to them and they can remember it. But if you get them to participate and get experience with this subject, then they can learn. In education, students engage in experiential learning through the following six steps. They can also be used in everyday life.

    • Experiencing / Exploration - In this case, this step means “living” and gaining experience.
    • Discussion / Reflection - Discuss your reactions and observations about specific events in life with friends or a psychologist, and write them down in a journal. Think about what happened and what you were able to find out.
    • Reflection / Analysis - Determine what was important in such a life experience. What problems are you facing? How did you solve them? What repetitive motives were present?
    • Generalization - Find connections between experiences and events to identify trends. You must realize all the principles of real life that you have noticed.
    • Application - Decide how to apply the lessons learned in similar or different situations.
  1. Live in the present. You do not need to constantly think about the future and dwell on the past in order not to miss the present moment.

Develop positive thinking

    Recognize the power of optimism and stick to it. The range of a person's capabilities determines his attitude, not skills and abilities. In other words, all your successes and achievements in life are closely related to the perception of life, situations and people. A positive attitude towards life really improves the physical and mental condition, and also prolongs life.

    Identify negative thoughts. Optimism requires you to change your thoughts. To think positively, you need to identify negative self-talk.

    Fight useless thoughts. Negative beliefs rob you of hope. By examining them under a microscope, you will realize that such thoughts are not very rational. Ask aloud the following questions for each negative thought on your list:

    • How reasonable is it to believe this belief? The future is impossible to predict, so no one can claim that there will always be one.
    • Do you have confirmation of the falsehood of such thoughts? Have you already loved someone in the past?
    • Do you have any confirmation of the veracity of such thoughts? Again, the future is a mystery.
    • What is the worst outcome of this “negative” turn of events? You will be left alone.
    • What is positive with such a “negative” development of events? You can learn to love yourself and follow your heart.
  1. Positive judgments. Affirmative judgments are positive and helpful statements that describe a goal and are repeated in order to cut into the subconscious. Take your folded piece of paper and on the right, write down the judgments that turn every negative and limiting thought into positive, transformative beliefs. Repeat these statements regularly.

    • “My life is terrible” turns into the following: “I am having a difficult time now, but the trials will make me stronger.”
    • "I will always be alone" becomes "Now I am lonely, but this will not always be so."
  2. Learn to be grateful. Learning to be grateful can help you develop a positive outlook on life. Notice the good, don't dwell on the bad. Grateful people feel better, have a healthy psyche, a high level of empathy and a low level of aggression, high self-esteem, sleep better and make friends more often. Show appreciation in the following ways:

    • Write down your gratitude. Start keeping a gratitude journal.
    • Tell people how you value them.
    • Meditate and pay attention to the spirit of gratitude.
  3. Change your worldview. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by a wave of life crises. It does not allow you to look at the situation objectively and find an acceptable solution. Instead, we are overwhelmed by the dramatic aspect of events. Try to make an effort and take a look at your life.

    • Imagine that what is happening to you is happening to your coworker or close friend. What advice would you give him in this situation? Do you have negative thoughts or high expectations in this regard?

Build relationships with people

  1. Surround yourself with positive people. This will keep you always on the positive side. More importantly, despite any trials in life, the strong support of such people will be your support and hope. Communicating with optimists increases your chances of living a happy and successful life.

    • Look for people who have a positive impact on you. Such people know how to be grateful and try to find joy in every day.
    • End relationships or distance yourself from people with negative influences on you. Such people are fixated on problems and difficulties. They rarely smile and laugh, and their mood can be transmitted to those around them.
  2. Develop spirituality. If you believe in the existence of a reason for your life, a higher purpose, then spiritual development will help you in difficult times.

  3. Help others. Intimacy with people can have positive consequences for all parties if it is based on compassion. By helping others, we become deeper satisfied with our lives, develop a sense of purpose, strengthen self-confidence, reduce stress and improve mood.

    • Not sure how to help others? Here are some ideas: invite your neighbors to sit with their child so they can go out on a date; teach your nephew to play a musical instrument; offer your help in the homeless cafeteria; donate your toys to the children at the shelter.
  4. Feel free to ask for help. Coping with life's difficulties is easier when you know how to ask and accept help. Seeking help from others can help you bond with those people and help them feel useful. We often mistakenly believe that asking for help makes us weak. We also often underestimate the willingness of others to come to our aid.

    • Think about the things in which you could benefit from help.
    • Think of times in the past when friends offered to help you.
    • Compare these two points. For example, if a friend of yours enjoys baking, you might ask her to help organize a party. Surely she will be delighted with such a request.
    • Finally, be direct. Requests for help often go unnoticed if expressed too vaguely. For example, your chances of getting help are much better if you ask, "Could you take the kids to practice on Saturdays?" instead of saying "Could you sometimes help me with the children?"

Take care of yourself

  1. Exercise regularly. Exercising regularly can work wonders. They increase optimism, help recharge you with extra energy, fight overweight and disease, and prolong life.

    • Choose active activities that you like. This can be jogging on the school playground, group fitness classes, rowing, or hiking.
  2. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet of fresh and natural foods will improve your well-being and keep your body functioning properly. Choose foods from each food group — vegetables, fruits, proteins, dairy, and whole grains.

    • Try to limit your intake of processed foods and sweets.

Amy Morin

To withstand any challenge, you need to be able to control your thoughts, feelings and actions. There are four simple tips to help you do this.

1. Accept reality

Acceptance does not mean consent. You just need to admit that this or that event is a fait accompli. By resting and repeating that this should not have happened, you are just wasting time and energy. By accepting what is happening, you will take the first step in order to find a way out of the situation.

Imagine a traffic jam. One person will think, “How unfair! And why does this always happen to me? " He will start to get angry, nervous and fight with other drivers.

A psychologically stable person will simply remind himself: "Every day millions of cars drive on the roads, naturally, there will be traffic jams from time to time." This attitude will help you stay calm. Such a person will turn on and wait for the movement to recover.

To accept reality, we need to understand what we can control and what we cannot. In situations that you cannot influence in any way, try to control yourself.

2. Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Accepting reality will help to streamline thoughts and feelings. This is the key to productive behavior. How we behave when faced with a problem determines how quickly we find a solution. Even if our problem cannot be solved (for example,), we still choose how to react to what happened every time.

Don't indulge in self-pity. It will not allow you to move on and will completely deprive you of fortitude. Ask yourself, "What can I do right now to help myself somehow?" You may have to overcome your fear or do something unpleasant. The main thing is to act.

3. Control sad thoughts

The mind can be both our best ally and our worst enemy. If you allow negative thoughts to take over, you simply cannot do anything.

Thoughts like “I’ll never be able to do this” or “I can’t take more than a minute” will prevent you from achieving your goals. Therefore, try to notice when your thoughts become overly pessimistic.

If you feel like you are panicking, think about what you would say if your friend were in this situation. Surely you would have encouraged him and assured that he will succeed.

4. Train mental resilience in advance

A crisis situation is not the right time to start developing psychological resilience. This must be done in advance.

You won't wait until you have to lift something heavy to start pumping muscles, do you? It is unlikely to help you if you take it five minutes before moving the sofa. But by building up strength gradually, you will be able to lift more weight.

The same can be said for psychological resilience. So that you have the strength of mind to overcome life's difficulties, train it every day.

Formation of future events. A practical guide to overcoming the unknown Shterenberg Irina Irekovna

15. Overcoming life's difficulties

Difficulties occur in the life of every person. Sometimes they are resolved by a person easily, and sometimes they unsettle him for a long time. In our life there are real difficulties that we cannot change and that have arisen objectively. These can be natural disasters, diseases, and more. And there are contrived difficulties that can arise and exist only in our minds, but which can disturb as much as real difficulties. In order to determine whether the difficulty is real or not, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

Difficulties may be contrived:

- which we may experience from the fact that any of our expectations regarding the behavior of other people have not come true. Or we may have strong feelings because we think that someone is deliberately giving us trouble, because of the negative opinion of others about us. In reality, we cannot know exactly what the other person thinks and why he acts in one way or another, we can only make assumptions. We will worry about these assumptions if we only allow ourselves to waste our time and energy on these unnecessary experiences;

- difficulties that have not yet arisen, have not taken place, have not occurred, the occurrence of which is only supposed to be tolerated by a person. However, he worries and worries so much as if this has already happened. Usually a person just has a habit of worrying, and it doesn't matter for what reason. The expectation of failure is more traumatic than the failure itself. Disaccustom yourself to think about possible misfortunes. Much of what a person is afraid of will never happen, and what happens can be easily eliminated, provided that the person acts calmly, confidently, getting rid of his fears and anxiety.

Until the thing is broken, it is not worth repairing it. Difficulties should be fought, dealt with as they come;

- difficulties, size, the scale of which is greatly exaggerated. They arise from fears, anxiety, the habit of worrying about trifles, increased emotionality. The person himself inflates the problem, looks for more and more possible negative consequences, constantly comes up with various details of possible unfavorable scenarios for the development of the situation.

In such cases, they correctly say: “Do not make an elephant out of a fly”;

- there are times when a person who has some kind of difficulty, a problem in one of the spheres of life, transfers, extends it to other spheres of life. In this case, a completely unreasonable feeling of global bad luck and a deterioration in the state of affairs may arise. In such cases, you need to spare yourself, not bring yourself to a painful state, a state of breakdown. Allow yourself a little respite. Forgive yourself if you feel guilty about yourself. Allow yourself to live and be wrong.

“A person is never as happy as he wants, and as unhappy as he thinks” (La Rochefoucauld);

- a person may also be drowning in worries about the difficulties that happened to him in the past, but which, however, are perceived by him as occurring at the present time. That is, the person remained in the past, experiencing past difficulties. Learn to separate the past from the present. In a moment of intense experience, ask yourself: are you worried about what is happening now, or have the ghosts of the past overtaken you again?

Ghosts are unreal, they will disappear if you ask them to, if you are ready to say goodbye to them.

"Everything passes".

To deal with contrived difficulties:

Method 1.

List your difficulties. Write down any difficulties you have experienced recently. Determine which difficulties are real and which are contrived. Create a hierarchy of contrived difficulties. Place each challenge in the context of your entire life. Is this the most difficult test for you? Or can you still change your attitude towards him?

Talk to your difficulty.

Ask her why she is present in your life, what you must learn, what you must understand. Ask her for guidance on what you should do.

Make a decision about what to do next. Make at least the smallest plan for further action. What can you start doing now? What will you do tomorrow? Only when you decide to do something to change the situation will you begin to really change it and feel reassured.

After making a list of contrived difficulties, studying it, working on it, then tear it up and throw it in the trash can or burn it.

Method 2.

If you cannot stop the flow of anxious thoughts related to a difficulty:

- Imagine what awaits you in the worst case, in the case of the most unfavorable further development of events for you;

- accept it as inevitability, accept this outcome of the case;

- what conclusions can be drawn, what can be gained from this state of affairs? How can the situation be changed?

Method 3.

Start living in the present.

To acquire the ability to live in the present, you need to learn to concentrate on what is happening in your life here and now. After all, it exists realistically and objectively, not in thoughts, not in stories, not in photographs, not in books, not in memory, but exists in reality. It exists only here and now, at the present moment of time, it exists at arm's length, it is painted in clear and distinct colors, it is exposed in tangible forms, it has real smells, it has a real taste that exists in reality. These are moments of life that can never be returned later. These moments need to be appreciated.

"Only the present is ours" (Aristippus). There is only the present, because the past has already died, and the future has not yet been born.

The exercise

Inspect the objects around you, focusing your attention on their shape, smell, color, roughness or smoothness of their surface. Think about the meaning of these items in a person's life at a given moment in time and in a given place. Choose the subject that interests you more than others, study and describe it in more detail, being present in the present moment, here and now.

Method 4.

If your goal is specific and very desirable, then you simply will not pay attention to many difficulties.

The more a person forbids himself to think about something, the more persistently he thinks about it. Tell yourself that you will never think about your goal, never, for anything, under any circumstances, and you will immediately notice that it is not so easy to do this.

Method 5.

Often a person is afraid of difficulties arising from a lack of necessary information and experience. In this case, a person feels his own inconsistency, his helplessness in any area. Determine what skills, knowledge, skills you lack and how you could get them. You can develop them yourself, you can sign up for courses, take individual lessons, learn from other people. The main thing is to make a decision to learn new things.

There are situations in life when the suffering due to the difficulties experienced is very strong, especially if these difficulties are real. At such moments, you can recall the Prayer for Equanimity:

"God, grant me equanimity to come to terms with what I cannot change, and courage to change what I can change, and wisdom to distinguish one from the other."

A person who wants to be successful faces difficulties more often than someone who does not have big demands. Any failure or difficulty is not forever, it is only a temporary deviation from the intended goal, from the chosen path. It must be passed as a test in order to become stronger and wiser. Each difficulty is a small obstacle on our way, overcoming which, "climbing" it, we become higher and see new horizons, new opportunities. Our consciousness as a result of overcoming difficulties expands, and vitality increases.

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Voltaire [Marie Francois Arouet]

The need to overcome various life difficulties arises in our life all the time. This is the kind of work that we regularly have to do. After all, it is simply impossible to imagine life without difficulties. Difficulties arise for everyone and always. No matter where and how a person lives, he will constantly face certain life difficulties, because they are inevitable. And since they are inevitable, we all need to be able to overcome them. And in order to overcome difficulties, you need to be able to perceive them correctly and correctly evaluate them, in order to then develop the necessary strategy to overcome them. All this can be learned - any of you, dear readers, can learn this. And in this article, I'm just going to teach you how, firstly, to perceive difficulties correctly, secondly, to analyze them correctly, and thirdly, to find the right solutions to overcome them and then immediately proceed to the necessary actions. ... Read the article to the end - and no life difficulties will be terrible for you in the future.

But before we move on to our main task, let's quickly find out what difficulties are. We must know what we are dealing with. Difficulties are such obstacles on the way of a person that arise in unfamiliar, unusual circumstances for him, when he has to solve non-standard and therefore difficult tasks, which we often call problems. It is difficult for him to solve them because he simply does not know how exactly this should be done, and not because they are very complex in themselves. That is, those obstacles, barriers, barriers, hindrances that we perceive as difficulties arise first of all in our head and are related specifically to us. In reality, difficulties can be the same ordinary things that a person does in his life all the time, without even thinking about how difficult they are for him. But, if they turn out to be unusual, unusual, non-standard things for him, which he does not know how to do, he will have difficulties. In other words, we are talking about new life tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to understand them. And until a person understands them, they will remain difficulties for him. A difficult situation is simply an unusual situation when a person is faced with tasks, the experience of solving which he does not have. That, in fact, is all. And there is nothing wrong with difficulties. This is very important to understand, friends. After all, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Difficulties become difficulties only because we treat them as difficulties, endowing this concept with negative connotations. Let's now see what is the meaning of difficulties in order to learn how to perceive them normally and calmly.

What is the meaning of difficulties

So, let's think about why life cannot be such that it does not have any difficulties and problems at all, so that you can live and not worry about anything, not worry about anything, not rack your brains over all sorts of difficulties that always complicate and make our life worse. Therefore, our life cannot be such that the absence of any problems, difficulties, obstacles in it would make it very boring, not interesting and meaningless. The absence of difficulties in life would not allow it to develop, you and I would stop developing, and everything would remain at the same level, nothing would change in our life. And if a person does not develop, then he begins to degrade. After all, life itself, if we take a closer look at it, is a constant process, it is a movement from something to something - from birth to death, from an undeveloped state to a developed one, from simple to complex, from one form to another. And it is thanks to this movement, this continuous process of transition from one state to another, that we live, we value and love our life, value it, support it, see meaning in it. Therefore, our life cannot but have difficulties, for difficulties are life. It is they who make us change, it is they who support the vitality in us and guide us through life. And the one who denies the necessity of difficulties, in fact, denies life itself. And this speaks of the initial stage of degradation. The need for lack of difficulty is not a normal need. The normal need is the need for problem solving. Only in this case a person lives, and does not live his life. Therefore, the meaning of difficulties is to maintain life, to make it interesting, to give it meaning, and also to develop people, that is, you and me. So life without difficulties is not life, it is something else.

Thus, in order not to go against the fundamental laws of life, you and I need to recognize the usefulness and interest of all those difficulties that life regularly throws at us. This will allow us, you, friends, to change our attitude towards them. And thanks to this, you will take the first step towards overcoming them. We will learn how to smoothly overcome difficulties so that you don’t even notice how they will turn from difficulties into part of everyday tasks that you can easily solve. But keep in mind that the ease with which they are resolved will depend on your attitude towards them, not on the process itself.

How to deal with difficulties

Now let's talk in more detail about how to perceive difficulties in order to learn how to overcome them. I have already said above that it is important, very important to understand the usefulness and necessity of various kinds of difficulties in our life. And also their inevitability. It is important to understand that various difficulties and problems are our life. Or rather, an integral part of it. Without them, you would not be interested in living, without them you would not see life at all, not to mention the fact that without difficulties you would not be able and would not want to develop. And life cannot be improved without development. Therefore, life always keeps us in good shape when it throws us certain difficulties. And I believe that these difficulties should be viewed as a test that each of us must pass regularly in order not to lose interest in life, and in order to constantly develop. Therefore, let us take them just that way - as tests. And even better, as a game in which we need to pass these tests in order to become stronger. Do you like this approach to difficulties? I love. I hope you do too.

Therefore, one should not look at difficulties as something bad, wrong, harmful, undesirable - rejoice in them, accept them, look at working with them as a game in which you need to win. Moreover, this is such a game that spins in a spiral, this is when overcoming all kinds of difficulties - you become stronger and stronger, moving from one difficulty to another. And as you become stronger, you improve your life, because you start to get a lot, you can do a lot. Think about what your abilities you can develop in yourself - by taking on the solution of this or that problem. And how these abilities will affect your future life. It is clear that it is positive, because the more we can do, the easier it is for us to live. So difficulties are a kind of personal growth trainer, with the help of which you will make yourself stronger and rise to new heights for you. It's so great, you must admit. I tell you this, as a person who constantly solves some problems, not only his own, but also those of others. And when I solve other people's problems - I make them my own problems, I get used to them, I take the place of another person, as far as possible and begin to live with his problem, in order to solve it later. And you know what? I like it. I have long ceased to be afraid of any problems and difficulties in life, because I know that all problems can be solved. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that by solving these problems, I stop seeing problems in problems, I become stronger and overcome difficulties without noticing them. This is how difficulties affect our lives, if treated correctly.

This is how you, friends, need to perceive difficulties in your life in order to treat them correctly. Our understanding and acceptance of them begins with our correct attitude towards them. Why do we need an easy and carefree life, well, think for yourself, why? Just to burn it faster? What is the point in just being, what joy is there? It is much more interesting to live, overcoming difficulties and constantly developing oneself with their help, in order to thereby expand the horizons of your life and see something new, experience new sensations, and achieve more. This is such an interesting game. We need to say thank you to life for it.

Overcoming difficulties

Having dealt with the correct perception of life's difficulties and our attitude to them based on this perception, we will move on with you to ways to overcome them. And in order to overcome difficulties, no longer in my head, which I wrote about above, but in real life, it is extremely important to identify the causes of their occurrence and understand the foundations of these reasons. That is, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of our difficulties in order to understand why they have arisen and how best to overcome them, with the help of which specific actions.

Some difficulties arise for objective reasons, when life circumstances do not develop in the best way for a person, and nothing can be done about them - you need to either accept reality as it is, or look for opportunities to leave it in another reality. Well, you know, how sometimes it happens when a person is surrounded by the wrong people whom he cannot change with all his might - he has no choice but to simply leave them, get rid of their environment. Or, say, a person can live in a country in which, for a number of reasons, he has no prospects, and then it is easier for him to change this country than to change it. Difficulties arising from objective reasons require us to make the right decisions. They just guide us through life. But it also happens that people themselves drive themselves into difficult life situations and then, instead of admitting their own mistakes and starting to solve them, they blame other people for their problems, thereby shifting responsibility for their lives to everyone except themselves. And this is a dead end, friends, this is a dead end. And you can't get out of it - if you don't start to figure out what happened and for what reason, and what exactly you did wrong, because of which certain difficulties arose in your life. There is no need to blame anyone for this - not the circumstances, not other people - this is pointless. If you yourself are stuck in a labyrinth, then you also have to get out of it. Blaming the labyrinth for its existence is as senseless as blaming life for what it is. Our discontent and accusations of everyone and all of the fundamental laws of nature do not change. By the way, you don't need to blame yourself for anything either. If you yourself have created problems for yourself, then look at it philosophically - you will do it better than other people. This will allow you to be in control of your life.

Now let's move on to looking at step-by-step actions with which you can overcome your difficulties.

1. Concentration... To cope with a problem, to solve a problem, to overcome some difficulties, you need to be able to concentrate on them. This is not an easy task - I know from myself. But doable, I know that too. To concentrate on something, you need to put things in order in your head - throw out all the useless thoughts that create noise from it, streamline your thinking, put everything on the shelves, and then carefully and consistently begin to study your problem, or better to say, the task. Many difficulties disappear already at this stage of working with them, when there is no need to look for solutions, and no action is needed. It is enough just to concentrate on your difficulties and understand what exactly they are, what caused them and what they need from you. So concentration is very important, it will help you not to mix your thoughts with each other and not to lump them together. This only aggravates the problems, and the tasks become more complicated. If you don’t know how to concentrate, you don’t know how to control your attention - learn! This is within the power of every person. You definitely need to be able to manage your attention, otherwise other people will control it, they will just start stealing it from you and using it in their own interests. You don't need that, right? In the future, I will write articles for you, dear readers, on the topic of concentration, to teach you how to concentrate. We will study this topic in the most thorough way. So please don't forget to keep the site updated.

2. Analysis... Now let's move on to the analysis. Let's talk about how to conduct it. You need to analyze the situation in which you find yourself, as well as an analysis of the actions that you have performed, you came to this situation and then an analysis of the difficulties that you encountered. After analyzing the situation, you will immediately understand its pattern, which means you can eliminate the root cause of your problems. The difficulties themselves always tell us a way to overcome them, if we study them carefully. I will write a separate article on how to analyze a particular situation, but for now I will point you to the most important side of this work. You do not have to consider all the reasons due to which certain difficulties have arisen in your life - it is enough to find the main reason, or several main reasons. And for this it is necessary to think not in breadth, but in depth.

How to do it? Through the study of causal relationships. It is possible, and vice versa, to study cause-and-effect relationships, it is not so important what is primary and what is secondary. But I think that it is much easier when analyzing a situation to move from effect to cause, and not from cause to effect. It seems to me that it’s more convenient. So, let's say you find yourself in a situation due to which you have certain difficulties, and this situation is a consequence, a consequence of some of your actions and circumstances. The question is - which ones? To understand this, you need to remember everything that you did exactly, before you had difficulties. Do not take into account only what, from your point of view, could lead you to the situation in which you find yourself. You could be wrong. Therefore, take into account all the decisions you make and the actions you take. Then determine their sequence in order to understand which of your actions was performed earlier and which later, that is, which followed which. This will help you find one or more root causes. Then you need to turn your attention to objective factors that may have been decisive in the formation of your situation, and perhaps not. You also need to decompose them in time in order to understand how it all started. Let's say you have material difficulties in your life, and you must understand why this happened. Perhaps it's all about a crisis that crippled many people, not just you. This is, so to speak, an objective factor. Or perhaps the whole point is in the decrease in your income, which decreased for certain reasons that depend on you. You need to find out for what reasons this happened. In other words, all difficulties have basic reasons, which in turn can be in the form of objective and subjective factors. As a rule, both those and other factors to a certain extent affect the formation of various life situations. Only some of them play a more important role, and some less important. And the easier it will be for you to understand the cause of certain difficulties, the more fundamental the factors that you found that led to them turn out to be.

Simply put - you need to find the root of your difficulties in order to eliminate it as the root cause. Thus, the analysis will allow you to split your situation into those time intervals from which it developed, and when you find the main reason that led you to this situation, you can eliminate it. Well, or the specialist you turn to for help, having studied your situation, will do it for you.

3. A responsibility... The next thing you should turn your attention to in order to overcome difficulties and solve all sorts of problems is that you do not need to blame them on anyone. Basically, I'm talking about people's complaints about their lives, about how they cry, telling other people about their difficulties and often want to be sympathized with, to be pitied. Not to help, to suggest what and how to do to solve their problems, but simply to sympathize. Friends are a very bad habit. It may be useful for psychological relaxation to someone to cry, to complain, talking about their problems, but this teaches a person to put up with them, put up with their difficulties, instead of overcoming them. And if a person does not overcome his difficulties, but resigns himself to them, then he deprives them of their meaning. Difficulties arise in a person's life not in order for him to complain about them, but in order for him to overcome them. Life wants a person to become stronger, to develop, to take a worthy place in society, so she trains him through her trials. And if a person refuses them, from these tests - he goes against the laws of the universe, against the laws of the Universe, against the laws of God. This is what is important to understand. Therefore, there is no need to complain, no need to cry - look for a solution to your problems, do it yourself or with the help of specialists whose knowledge and experience will help you solve all your problems. That's what is required of you - the ability to solve problems, including non-standard ones. This is what you do, with the help of your own and other resources. And you don't need to whine and complain about your life - it won't give you anything. But if you need it, then please - whine, complain, feel sorry for yourself. But then, when it becomes easier for you, start solving your problems, overcome the difficulties that have arisen in your life. The problem is not tears and snot, the problem is inaction. The main thing is that you are not passive, that you don’t come to terms with your problems and difficulties, and don’t shift the responsibility for them onto other people, just to do nothing. You yourself understand that this will not lead you to anything good, your problems will only get worse.

4. Emotions... Emotional control is also quite important in coping with difficulties. Emotions, you know, push us to the most primitive actions, to the most obvious decisions, to absolutely ill-considered actions. Because of this, we make mistakes, thereby not solving, but exacerbating our problems. Emotions are inevitable and, moreover, necessary, but they must be able to control. There are good ways to do this, and I have written about them many times on this site. The main thing is to turn on your thinking when emotions begin to overwhelm you, and for this you need to load yourself with questions, and of course, start looking for answers to them, and then the thinking process will start. By pacifying your emotions, you will significantly simplify for yourself the solution of the problems and tasks facing you. After all, we are mainly because of them, because of emotions - we make an elephant out of a fly, sometimes seeing difficulties and problems in something that actually does not exist. So who knows, perhaps by calming yourself - you will immediately get rid of all your problems. But, in some cases, in order to have an impetus for action, it is necessary to experience strong emotions. It does not matter whether they are positive or negative emotions, different people have different motivations, it is important that, having experienced these emotions, a person gets off the ground and takes action. So, if, for example, you are experiencing difficulties in life, which are mainly associated with your passivity and laziness, then a portion of strong negative emotions will clearly not hurt you if it makes you move. Emotions give a person the energy to perform actions, so I am not urging you to abandon them, you just need to learn how to control and manage them. If you learn this, and I am sure that you will - I will teach you this, then the number of mistakes you make in your life will decrease significantly. And you can motivate yourself with the help of your emotions, to overcome the same difficulties, if, or rather, when, you take them under your control.

5. Confidence... Without a doubt, self-confidence helps to solve all the problems that can arise in our life, and, accordingly, it also helps to overcome life's difficulties. But now I would like to point out to you another certainty, one that is connected with the difficulties that life throws at us as, as we agree with you, tests. Friends, I am absolutely convinced that life always throws us only such difficulties that we are able to overcome. She has no goal - to break us, she does not need it. But nobody canceled the law of natural selection - if you want to survive, you must be strong. And to be strong, you have to put yourself under stress - physically, mentally and intellectually. And the difficulties that arise in our life do exactly this - they load us moderately. Therefore, even if you are an insecure person, then at least be sure that the difficulties that you face in your life are quite capable of overcoming. This I guarantee you. This is indeed the case. The confidence that all the trials that life puts you, you are able to pass - that's what you need to overcome difficulties. At the same time, I repeat, you can even be an insecure person, it doesn't matter, you can still overcome all the difficulties that are in your life. These difficulties are prescribed to you by life according to an individual prescription. So they are in your teeth, do not doubt it. But if you also develop self-confidence, it will be absolutely wonderful.

These are, in fact, all the basic steps that you need to take to overcome various difficulties in life. I did not go into too much detail on this topic, otherwise the article will turn out to be too long, not everyone will dare to read it. Better in the future, I will return to this topic again and consider it from other points of view, for a better understanding of it. In the meantime, you must admit that there is nothing complicated in the actions I have described. First of all, you must change your attitude towards difficulties so that they do not frighten and suppress you, then analyze them in the way I have proposed, then develop a simple action plan and proceed to its implementation. Everything else is procedures accompanying this process.

So, as you can see, friends, it is within the power of every person to overcome difficulties, whatever they may be. You just need to accustom yourself to this, and then you will not even notice many difficulties and problems, because they will not give you any discomfort, and you will automatically begin to solve them all. This is called unconscious competence, when everything turns out as it should, without any tension.


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