Internal transfer statement sample. Application for transfer to another position. Is it obligatory to draw up an additional agreement

In order to move an employee within the organization to another position, he needs write an application for transfer to another position ()... This procedure is carried out only with the consent of the employee himself, as evidenced by his written statement. The application for transfer to another position should be considered by the head of the company and given a reasoned answer.

Transfer of an employee to another position is carried out on the basis of the appropriateness of such a step. To make a decision, the manager takes into account the following nuances:

Does the employment contract provide for a condition on the basis of which it is possible to post transfer of an employee to another position... Sometimes the contract provides for the working out of a certain period in a certain position, then the transfer of an employee is impossible.
Are there suitable working conditions for the employee (organizational and technological)?
Whether the employee is suitably qualified.
Does the employee's health correspond to the new working conditions.
What does the immediate supervisor of the employee think of such a transfer?
How the employee perceives the transfer new leader in the future division.

Individual conditions must be documented. For example, transfer an employee is possible only on condition of a vacant position in another unit. There must be a corresponding document on this. It should be signed by the representative of the personnel department - the head.

To confirm the level of the employee's qualifications, the results of his last certification are taken. If on new position the employee is required to have specific skills and knowledge, the application for transfer to another position will need to be supported by certificates that confirm that the employee has such skills and abilities.

A medical certificate will be required to confirm your health status. It must be registered at a medical facility. It must necessarily contain a record that the employee can perform duties at the new workplace, since his health allows him.

The former boss can document his opinion or permission to transfer an employee in the form of a visa on the employee's application for transfer. He can also provide a description of the employee or a memo.

Your opinion new boss can also state in the form of a visa on the application. If the opinion is positive, a corresponding order is issued for the unit to hire a new employee.

Itself application for transfer to another position (you can download a sample below) is written in free form.

How to write an application for a transfer to another job within the organization correctly?

I have been working in the organization for several years, but not in my specialty. The employer offered me to transfer to another job within the organization. The new job will correspond to the previously acquired specialty and will be better paid. The personnel department was asked to write an application for a transfer to another job. How to properly draw up such an application?

Transfer to another position or work within the organization is a change labor function the employee provided for by the employment contract. can be both temporary and permanent. In any of these cases, the terms of the employment contract are changed, therefore, the written consent of the employee himself for the translation is required.

For reference
temporary transfer, for a period of up to one month, is allowed without the consent of the employee, but only in cases directly established by labor legislation. The list of such cases is listed in parts two and three of Article 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

My personal opinion is that the written consent of the employee does not have to be expressed through a personal application for transfer to another job. For translation, an additional agreement to employment contract... With his signature, the employee, as one of the parties to the employment contract, expresses his consent.

We write an application for transfer to another job

The initiator of the transfer to another job can be both the employer and the employee himself. Therefore, the application for a transfer to another job will be slightly different.

If the employer is the initiator of the transfer, then in the application it is necessary to agree with his proposal for the transfer.

If an employee is the initiator of the transfer, then in the application it is necessary to ask the employer to transfer to another job.

In any case, an application for a transfer to another job must contain the following elements:

  • name of company;
  • position and setting data of the head of the organization;
  • the position and setting data of the employee;
  • the position to which the employee is transferred;
  • date of transfer;
  • the nature of the transfer (temporary or permanent);
  • the reason for the transfer (if necessary);
  • date and signature of the employee.

An application for a transfer to another job is submitted in the name of a simple writing... Both the employee and the employer can refuse to transfer. However, labor legislation provides for cases when an employee cannot refuse to transfer. On the other hand, there are categories of workers that the employer cannot refuse to transfer to another job.

In practice labor relations the transfer of an employee to another position within the organization can occur for various reasons: the employee's illness, which prevents him from working in his position; reduction of company staff; unsatisfactory certification; production necessity, etc. The transfer can take place both at the request of the employee and at the initiative of the company's management. It can be permanent or temporary.

Permanent transfer to another position

If the initiator of such a transfer is an employee, then he submits an application for the transfer.

So, an employee can apply for a transfer when the performance of work in his position has become dangerous to his life or health (Article 220 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the company's management is obliged to provide him with another job. If such work cannot be provided, then the employee can refuse to perform the work, and the company must pay him the downtime.

An employee can apply for a transfer even if the company has a vacant position that he would like to take. However, in this case, the transfer to another position is not mandatory for the company and the employee may be refused.

Application for transfer to another position (sample)

When a company initiates the transfer, the employee is presented with a notice proposing a vacant position or positions. Such notification can be made, for example, in the case of:

  • organizational and staff activities;
  • unsatisfactory results of attestation, when the employee was recognized as inappropriate for his position;
  • when an unlawfully dismissed employee of the company is reinstated;
  • when an employee was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of disqualification;
  • expiration, suspension, revocation of the employee's special right (driver's license, weapon license, etc.) when a special right is required to perform work;
  • the end of the admission to state secrets (when this admission is required to perform the work).

In these cases, the employee should be offered vacancies available in the company. In accordance with the Labor Code, either equivalent positions (in terms of pay and qualifications), or lower and lower paid positions should be offered. The employer is not obliged to offer higher positions, but he can do it at his own discretion.

At the same time, the company is obliged to offer vacancies available in the area. With regard to vacancies by location separate subdivisions companies in other localities, the company is not obliged to offer them, unless otherwise stated in the labor or collective agreement... Under a different area, as explained Supreme Court Russia in the Resolution of the Plenum of March 17, 2004 No. 2, it is understood the area located outside the administrative boundaries settlement at the place of work.

Notice of transfer to another position (sample)

Temporary transfer of an employee to another position

The Labor Code allows such transfers, but establishes mandatory requirements that must be met when making them. Let's name the basic rules for temporary transfers:

  • such a transfer is allowed for a period not exceeding one year or until the release of the main employee;
  • such transfer is carried out on the basis of a written agreement between the employee and the employer (with some exceptions, which we will discuss below);
  • with a temporary transfer, an entry in the work book about the transfer to another position is not made.

Thus, a temporary transfer is only possible with the consent of the employee. In this case, the parties conclude an additional agreement on the performance of work by the employee in a temporary position.

An exception to this rule are cases where an employee is instructed to perform work for a period not exceeding a month, provided for in Art. 72.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such cases include extraordinary circumstances (disasters, accidents, fires, earthquakes, etc.) when there is a threat to the life and living conditions of the population. The consent of the employee in such cases is not required, including when assigning him work of lower qualifications.

Without the consent of the employee for a period of up to a month, he can also be transferred in case of downtime, the need to ensure the safety of property, replacement of a temporarily absent employee, when this occurs due to the above extraordinary circumstances. But at the same time, for his translation to perform work of lower qualifications, his consent is required.

In all these cases of transfer related to extraordinary circumstances, the employee must be paid a salary in the amount of earnings for a temporary position, but not lower than the average earnings for a previous job.

Transfer to another position - actual question for those who, for whatever reason, are going to change the type of activity within the same company. It is formatted differently depending on the type of translation.

The procedure for transfer to another position

A transfer is a change in the functions performed by an employee. Sometimes it is associated with the re-profiling of an entire department, and sometimes it is only a temporary measure. The transferred subordinate is still reports to the same employer.

There are temporary and permanent types of transfers.

The following cases are not considered a translation:

  • change of workplace (office, transition to remote work) at the same boss while maintaining the same functions;
  • change of a working tool, machine, mechanism, machine tool, if it does not require a change in the employment contract.

These cases do not require prior acquaintance of the employee with a signature, so the management has the right to confront him with a fact.

Each real transfer with a change of duties has a number of conditions that must be met by both parties, and therefore must be agreed with the employee.


Permanent translation can be called:

Both the boss and his subordinate can initiate the transfer. But its implementation is possible only upon reaching full mutual understanding between the parties.

Permanent translation is not possible without the written consent of the employee!

Consent can be expressed in free form either in a separate statement from the employee, or directly on the boss's proposal document.

To transfer a subordinate, the employer must complete several mandatory steps.

  1. As working conditions change, the employment contract must also be changed. It is not necessary to rewrite it completely, it will be enough to conclude an additional agreement between the parties. The new document should indicate the full name of the new position, changed working conditions, requirements and responsibilities, as well as the amount of remuneration. The employer ensures that the agreement is in the form of two originals. One remains with the management, the second with the employee. The subordinate is obliged to confirm the receipt of his document by signing on the boss's copy.
  2. Issue an order in Form N T-5.
  3. Within a week after the release of the order, write down its details in column 4 work book... In the same place, indicate the fact of transfer.
  4. Enter the data in the personal card, section 3. Take a signature from the subordinate that he is familiar with this information.

Sometimes a transfer requires the signing of an employment contract with a specific period of validity. To avoid possible problems due to the fact that the new agreement has a limited effect, the best way- terminate the existing one and sign a new one with the employee.


With this type of job change, a person changes work functions for a certain period of time. Such transfers include:

  • change from one job to another. The consent of both parties is required. If a person works or plans to work in another position for more than a year, the transfer loses the right to be called temporary;
  • transfer in order to replace an employee who is temporarily unable to fulfill his duties (for example, is on maternity leave). In this case, a specific term may not be prescribed; instead, the wording “until employee N leaves for work” is used;
  • translation according to medical or other indicators, recorded by the corresponding conclusions. This type of translation can later become permanent.

The registration procedure is almost the same as for permanent transfers. Required:

  • order form N T-5;
  • two certified copies of the addendum to the contract concluded between the chief and the subordinate at the beginning of the work of the latter;
  • a note in the third section of the employee card.

but it is not required to record changes in labor.

Situations are not excluded when the approved deadline has come to an end, but the person does not want to return to the previous position... If the subordinate is satisfied with everything, and objective reasons it is not returned (for example, the replaced employee decided to quit), the temporary transfer agreement becomes permanent. To avoid legal misunderstandings, it is better to fix such changes in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract... On its basis, the chief issues an order in free form, containing a statement of the fact that the temporary transfer is now considered permanent. Also you will need to make an entry in the labor.

It is not uncommon for a new job to require a lower qualification, which implies appropriate pay.

Within a month from the date of transfer, the wage subordinate from his previous position.

If such a translation associated with temporary disability caused by work injury or other working conditions, the previous wage is maintained until the subordinate recovers, or until the disability becomes permanent.

If new job will be paid lower, the employer is obliged notify the employee about it under signature.

The head is obliged to temporarily transfer the subordinate to another job if:

Sometimes the worker there is no way to interrupt the maternity leave or work off part-time shifts... The employer has no right to force her to interrupt her vacation. You can issue the required documents by sending a courier to the employee. Also, lawyers strongly recommend that you familiarize a woman with the new instructions for her position, so that additional or changed work duties do not come as a surprise to her. This should be done before the agreement between the parties is signed.

The employment contract is terminated if the employee refuses temporary transfer four months or longer. If a subordinate needs a transfer for a shorter period of time, he has the right to refuse the position offered by the employer, but the boss cannot fire him. In such cases, the employer retains the position for the person, removes him from work for the required period and does not pay him a salary.

Does the employee have to write a statement?

If a subordinate has expressed a desire to move to another employer, his current manager must express his consent in writing.

Regardless of the nature of the transfer - external, internal, time-limited or not, written consent or request of the employee is required... The application is drawn up in any form.

The document must be endorsed by the following superiors:

  • the head of the department where the employee leaves;
  • the head of the department to which the employee is assigned;
  • the head of the personnel department or general director organizations.

The retention period for such a statement is 75 years.

For your attention, detailed and visual instructions on how to correctly and competently arrange the transfer of an employee to another position.

Transfer to another position is a permanent or temporary change in the work function of an employee or a change structural unit in which he works. A change of place of work or position can occur at the initiative of the employee or employer.

According to article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, transfer to another job at the request of the employee is carried out at his written request. The transfer application is drawn up in any form and signed by the employee. Please note: the employer has no right to refuse to transfer to another job for some categories of employees. We are talking about pregnant women, mothers with children under one and a half years old, people with disabilities and employees who have been injured as a result of work.

How to draw up an application for transfer to another position: sample

A transfer application usually contains the following information:

  • name of company;
  • Name and position of the head;
  • Name and position of the employee;
  • description vacancy the employee claims to be;
  • the reason for the transfer;
  • date and signature.

The following documents may be attached to the sample application for a transfer to another job: a certificate of education, a medical book, a characteristic, an attestation sheet. The document must bear the visas of the following officials:

  • the head of the structural unit from which the employee leaves;
  • the head of the structural unit where the employee is transferred;
  • the head of the personnel department or the head of the organization.

An application for transfer to another position (job) is registered in the application register and stored in the organization for 75 years.

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