How the boss will like it at the new job. How to please the new bosses to get hired. Ask for a favor

New client- like a girl going on a blind date. Here is curiosity, fears, and the willingness to flee away with any wrong move. How not to scare a newbie away? I shared my observations and experiences withFounder and President of the Service Quality Institute, author of service books and training programs, speaker and consultant on the implementation of a service culture John Schole.

There is a contact!

I really enjoy meeting new people and helping them - not only because this is the basis of my business, but also because this is how I myself constantly learn. Customers are a treasure trove of information. Learn to connect with them, listen to them and hear them, and you will find that serving customers - and doing it well - will become much easier.

Many people think that service is some kind of complex science. In fact, everything is quite simple and built on common sense... The difficulty is that very few people do it. I will give you some simple tips.

- Show more interest in your customers - this way you can better connect with them.When a client first comes to a company, he is not only a stranger to you, but you are also strangers to him. This is a kind of blind date, during which both parties try to learn as much as possible about each other and find something in common. Strong relationships often start with friendship. It's the same with the service. Focus on the client, show your interest, let them know that you can be trusted and worth doing business with.

- Learn to ask questions to understand the needs of the client. This is the only way you can offer the solution you need. In addition, the questions show that you care, attract the client to you and help to establish contact. This approach also puts you in the position of an expert, and people tend to trust an expert.

- Learn to be silent. Asking questions is good, talking about the solutions the company is offering is great, but don't allow yourself to turn the entire conversation with the client into your monologue. Let the client speak, listen carefully and try to understand not only the words and ideas, but also the client's feelings.

- Put yourself in the client's shoes. Your task is not to sell the goods and services of the company, but to offer the client a solution to his problem. As a company representative, you are the client's assistant in his business. In my opinion, this is already a great basis for a long-term relationship.

- Do not spray. Focus on the customer. If you are on a date with one girl, then do not look at others during this time. It's the same with the client. Maintenance and grooming generally have a lot in common.

What is a service? Service is the art of attracting new customers, retaining existing customers, and delivering service that will convince customers to work with you for years to come. If we talk about attitude and behavior, then service is:

  • Attentiveness;
  • Politeness;
  • Honesty;
  • Helpfulness;
  • Efficiency;
  • Utility;
  • Friendliness;
  • Knowledge;
  • Professionalism.

For each person, service means something different. At its lowest level, it simply means meeting the customer's needs. At a higher level, the client receives more than expected. I call this a wow service. Gone are the days when it was easy enough good service... Customers today need to be surprised - and constantly amazed.

The service is amazing in the sense that its level needs to be constantly improved, but it needs to be done consistently. If today you surprise your customers, and tomorrow everyone comes to you with a complaint, then your service is poor. The law of the arithmetic mean does not work here. Every contact with customers should be a plus.

Look at the missions of the leading companies. Disney: "Making People Happy". 3M: "Solve unresolved problems and do it innovatively." Notice, not a word about profit. Connect with customers, surprise them, solve their problems and make them happy, and the profit will not keep you waiting.

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When we meet people, we try to get as much information as possible from a completely miniscule segment of the meeting. What if I told you that in the first 90 seconds, the girl sitting across from her already has a strong opinion of you? But this is true.

We recommend that you use 10 steps, which, as a rule, guarantee the appearance of sympathy with the interlocutor or interlocutor. This knowledge is important, since you will have to communicate a lot and with people completely different in temperament.

1. Warmth

There is such a thing as benevolence. It is difficult to characterize it, but easy to feel. When you talk to a benevolent person, you feel like the only person in the room, even in the universe. All attention is paid to you, the person does not show negative emotions, no jokes and manipulations that provoke a conflict. Goodwill is not easy to learn, but it creates warm feelings between two people.

2. Smile

It is not customary to smile in Russia. Here we are all harsh, sad and somehow embittered. It is easy to distinguish a Spaniard from a resident of Novosibirsk - look at the expression on his face, a smile adorns a resident of the Pyrenees. But let's not talk about sad things. Just know that a smile is one of the effective ways evoke positive emotions in the interlocutor. It's obvious, but we still rarely use this wisdom. Smile at strangers and they'll smile back and both of you will feel like the conversation is heading in the right direction.

3. Look in the eyes

Make sure to maintain eye contact. You do not need to stare - it scares and leads to certain thoughts. But constantly averting your eyes is a sign of cowardice. How long does it take to look in the eyes? Here the rule is simple: if you remember the shade of the eyes, then you can already stop drilling with your eyes. If you only remember that they were colored, then you did not look long enough.

4. Attention

Do not be distracted from the interlocutor, even if a guy who looks like Jesus Christ sat down at the next table. Forget about your phone, chats, social networks - your subscribers can wait. Ignore the vibrations of the phone, let the person understand that all your attention is devoted to him.

5. Be more active

How many times have you been at the bar fiddling with your phone while everyone else seems to be having a great time? Doesn't that suck? Be more active at meetings, the pleasure of attending them will immediately increase, and you will learn how to communicate. Do you see the people at the bar? Walk up to them, ask them about the party, the guests and the best local cocktail.

6. Body language

While you are telling one story with your tongue, yours is about another. Calm and firm gestures are good anyway because they speak of stable mental health. And if you twitch, gesturing aggressively, and fidgeting nervously in your chair, then people will doubt your normality.

Learn to control your body. Most people do not pay attention to their legs and arms, giving power over them to their subconscious. Be stronger than this: relax your limbs, keep straight and smile.

7. Spontaneous compliments

Compliments are one of better ways start a conversation. But please don’t need these: “Your parents are not bakers by chance? Where did they get such a crumb? " That is, the compliment should be adequate, which confirms the presence of a brain in your head. You can spot a piece of clothing, a hairstyle, but do not be intrusive - obsession is wretched in its essence.

8. Find common ground

People love it when a common topic of discussion appears in conversation with strangers. This brings them closer together, shows that there is belonging to one tribe. A tribe of Game of Thrones fans or fans of Dean Koontz's novels. Sometimes these connections are obvious (place of work, alma mater, school), sometimes they need to be found. The faster you find general theme, the sooner you will find a new friend.

9. Make the other person laugh

Is one of the most important social skills that needs to be improved. Many are deprived of this feeling, many do not know how to understand or joke. Treat humor like a muscle to train. Ultimately, the efforts will not be in vain. If you can make a person laugh, it will be a real success, it will show that you are interesting to him, and in general it is cool to communicate with you.

Humor, by the way, stimulates the same part of the brain as many drugs. Maybe for this reason people like to laugh, who knows?

10. Choose an image

First, let's define that this is not a deception. Why? Because even now you carry several images at once: the second for your mother, the third for your friends. Everywhere you behave differently, sometimes you even speak differently. And when you meet a new person, then you are free to choose, accordingly, any image suitable for acquaintance that is suitable for specific situation... There is nothing wrong with that.

Correctly performing your duties, being a pro in the workplace - it seems that these are the basic rules that should instantly move you along career ladder... However, not everything is so rosy. Do you understand that real world is a relationship between people that is based on subjective assessments. People look at you from different angles. Someone notices such moments when you work in the sweat of your brow, someone - only such moments when you are resting (messing around). The second happens much more often, since bosses tend to criticize staff, rather than praise them.

In such conditions, you need to please, show your the best sides and create a great impression of yourself with the boss. Let's talk about some of the techniques that help to show yourself in a favorable light. By the way, it is easier for a woman in this matter if the boss is a man, since you can use all your charm (the main thing is not to overdo it).

How to please your male boss: basic tricks

- People love praise... This is especially true for men, and bosses are no exception. However, you also need to be able to praise. If you have previously been quiet all the time, closed on your problems, not noticing anyone, then such a sharp change in behavior may cause suspicion. The boss will immediately sense that something is wrong and think that you are an ordinary sycophant.

A subtle game is needed here. Study your boss, start noticing something good about him. Perhaps he changed his suit for a new one, or made a good deal? Rejoice and congratulate him sincerely. The key word here is sincere. Falseness always creeps out, so praising through hate is a very bad option. Start praising your boss once a week, then more often, gradually increasing the number of cases for compliments. At the same time, notice all the good things that are in it, even if you don't like it at all.

- Be visible, but not too often. Constantly being in sight, you annoy people with your appearance and behavior. However, being visible is still necessary. Remind yourself by walking with the folder wherever you go. Even if you want to go to the ladies' room or make yourself a coffee, take a folder with documents with you: it adds solidity and gives you the look of an always busy employee. “Talking to colleagues? Probably on an important matter, ”the chief thinks. Pretending, too, do not get carried away: sooner or later the deception will be exposed. Main essence this technique is to show that you are really doing something in the workplace.

- Share the good news and trust others to deliver bad news. In ancient times, messengers with bad news were deprived of their heads. Although today they are "left without a head" in a more civilized way, the essence remains the same. It is enough to come to the boss 2-3 times with bad news for you to start associating with the negative. What do they do with such a person? They are trying to get rid of. If you constantly call your boss good mood, then perhaps he will not notice some of your missteps.

- Appreciate your boss's time and show it with all your looks. Any boss will appreciate your efforts to save his precious time. Even if he has been sitting in social network and watches funny movies. When entering his office, do not forget to ask if you are distracting him from an important matter. Formulate what you wanted to communicate very briefly and clearly, without unnecessary emotions and preludes (leave emotional conversations about anything for the evening for your friends), trying not to stutter or get nervous (bosses do not like this either).

- A cold is not a reason to skip work. Have a cold and want to stay on sick leave? The boss will immediately suspect. Of course, you shouldn't “burn out” at work, giving your last strength and health. Why not call a cold something more serious? For example, a sore throat with a high fever. If you are really sick, do not ask for sick leave. Instead, show your boss all the way that you feel bad, but you continue to do your job. Wrap a scarf around your throat, take a scarf in your hands. Walk like this for a day or two. Perhaps the chief will take pity and send you home himself.

- Don't show your boss that you are holding on to your job. as for the last and only chance. The fact that you have been chosen is only yours. Surely the employer had other candidates, but he chose you. Remember that you too have made a choice from a certain number of vacancies, and this one just suits you better than others at the moment. Never hold on to work and do not humiliate yourself, even if you got the job with great difficulty. Maintain your dignity, be benevolent, and you will succeed.

- Accept criticism adequately... Did your boss go overboard in reprimanding you? He may have raised his voice, but you shouldn't react with tears or take every comment with hostility. Calmly answer him that you admit your mistake and correct it. A neutral business tone is very appropriate here. It neutralizes the negativity directed at you. If your boss takes offense at you for any reason, it may be worth talking to him when he's calmed down and finding out the real reason for this dislike of you.

- You always look 100%... Stick business style and remain a woman. Beautiful, neat, but not bright makeup, not too revealing clothes that emphasize your dignity, well-groomed hands - all this is liked by any man with a normal orientation, regardless of whether he is a boss, a colleague or a subordinate.

- Give no reason for criticism... Learn to organize yourself, your workplace, timetable. Write down all the things to be done, draw up a checklist and put "ticks" in it, completing the task. Do not be late and try to arrive early: a few minutes earlier than the boss. Punctuality is a big plus for you.

And remember: you can always tolerate the boss's bad mood, his not quite affectionate attitude towards you. However, if for the sake of work you have to humiliate your dignity and waste your health, think: maybe it is worth finding the best place under the sun?

You got a job and everything seems to suit you, but the relationship with the boss does not work out in any way. How to build them - with minimal moral and material losses for you? Remember our 10 tips.

1. Review the list of your job responsibilities. Each enterprise should have such approved lists or your responsibilities: they should be clearly stated in the work contract. Usually such a contract is concluded after probationary period... Remember our 10 tips.

Having a clear definition of your responsibilities and accountabilities will help you build a clear service relationship with management. The contract and the prescribed duties - all this disciplines both the employee and the manager.

If your boss is incompetent, it is very possible that he does not clearly know how responsibilities are distributed among employees. Therefore, after the trial period, write them yourself, as you imagine them and agree on the list with the boss, with subsequent entry into the work contract.

2. Find out what type of leader are you dealing with?

According to the service hierarchy, you should adapt to the boss, not he to you, so understand his requirements. Is he meticulous? Submit detailed reports to him.

Is he an amateur in your business or does he prefer to solve global problems without going into details? Try to give him two or three a week. good ideas, even if he finds flaws in them.

In summary, try to analyze the strengths and weak sides your boss, this way you can avoid his irritation and give a positive assessment of your actions.

3. What worries your boss the most?

You need to know the priorities of the leadership. This will allow you to direct your own efforts in the right direction and avoid completely unnecessary waste of time and energy to do work that will not be appreciated by your boss.

4. Take advantage of the leader's weaknesses

Perhaps your manager's weakness lies in the fact that there is work that he does not do for any reason. Perhaps due to excessive employment or due to ignorance, financial problems... Instead of slandering your boss while he is trying to be a supply or personnel officer, if you have experience, try to offer him help. In addition to the fact that your actions will improve the relationship, the higher management (if any) will appreciate your initiative and take note of you.

5. Focus on the success of the entire team

Your work should contribute to the achievement of success in the work of the entire enterprise, the entire team. If the firm is doing well, your input will be appreciated and you will greatly improve your relationship with management.

6. Organize your workflow

Every time the manager calls you to give a new assignment, always have with you a list of works accepted for execution, where the deadline for their completion is indicated. This will help to reasonably explain that you will be happy to take on task X, but then the task will be postponed for such and such a period.

This is a civilized form of not saying “no”, and, moreover, it allows one to assess the priorities of the chief, who will know that the execution of the “gamer” task is being postponed. Always have a clear idea of ​​the order of work, and do not start task # 5 until task # 1 is completed.

7 ... Meet with your manager regularly

It doesn't matter if the boss calls you: take the initiative. At least once a week ask him for an audience at which to present a progress report. Tell us about the difficulties you faced and what solution you found.

This will help you prioritize work, advise on how to get it done, and help your boss get his job done, even against his will.

8. Don't let antipathy win

Each of us sympathizes with some people, and does not tolerate some at all. At work, however, your success depends on how well you can work with different psychological types of people. If you have difficulty communicating, read the literature on this topic. You don't have to "love" your boss, the first step is to make sure he doesn't hate you.

9. Look at the situation with optimism.

As bad as your boss seems to you, the theory of probability says that he can't be completely "lame". Discover the positive sides in your manager, they are always there, appreciate them, and this will help to overcome professional difficulties. Remember, whatever your boss is, he’s better off if he likes you as an employee.

10. Remember, write down and take into action our advice: you will succeed!

1. Already walking down the hallway on the day of the interview, pay attention to what the employees of the company are wearing and how they behave with each other. This will help you understand the climate in your organization.

2. On the very first working day, the employees, looking at you, will draw conclusions, and it will be very difficult to dissuade them later - therefore, make special efforts to ensure that these conclusions are in your favor.

All yours appearance, tone, gestures indicate what kind of person you are - check that the way you look matches the image that you would like to create.

3. By the way, about gestures and facial expressions. Everything about you should indicate that you are very interested in others. Their opinion is important to you, you are not closed from the world (for example, do not cross your arms over your chest when talking or listening, and always look the other person in the eyes).

4. Even if you are chronically disorganized, remember that your new colleagues do not know about it yet. A new job is a chance to start over, change, or at least change the way people perceive you. Make sure your work area is always tidy. Even if others don't, be sure to wash your coffee cups, never be late. So not only will your new colleagues get used to the fact that you are a very collected and organized person, but you yourself. You may even like the new you so much that it will motivate you to continue to maintain your reputation as the tidiest employee in the company. Let others follow you, and not vice versa.

5. As with any socializing situation, the main way to please your colleagues is to show that you are interested in them. First, of course, in a professional sense. Always listen to their point of view on how to solve the problem, ask additional questions, ask their opinion.

Remember, people are very fond of talking, and at the same time they are much less likely to like to actually do something. This human quality will play into your hands if you mean colleagues whose opinion you are not interested in.

Even if you think a person is completely unsuitable for a job, let him speak, ask for advice, take a few minutes to let him feel involved in your business. And then, when he has advised you enough, do as you see fit. The part of the work that interests your unpleasant colleague is over - he talked about it. Do it all the same to you.

6. In any team, employees are divided over time into groups - in this sense, nothing changes from school. There are beautiful, smart, trendy, nerds, cool and boss favorites. These groups, as a rule, compete and dislike each other.

Don't get caught: No matter how insignificant you think the employee is, be sure to maintain a warm, even relationship with him. Representatives of all groups should like you, not just the one you like.

7. Never get into a work panic. Even if this is your nature, keep yourself in control. People are very fond of those who are in crisis situations keeps composure. At a difficult moment, it can be difficult to think about it, but if you look back at the various emergencies that happened at your work, you will notice that no matter how hopeless the situation then seemed, you still managed to find a way out. Armed with this knowledge, you can become a leader that the rest of the company will follow. You already know that a solution will be found. So calm the rest.

8. And by the way, never, under any circumstances, raise your voice. People not only do not like this and do not forgive, but also never forget. Sometimes you have every reason to explode, and yet hold back.

9. Colleagues gathered to sit in a bar after work or go to barbecue at the weekend, and you already cannot see them. Not to mention the fact that ruining your precious day off by interacting with the people with whom you spend all week seems like sheer stupidity. However, as lazy as you are, no matter how bad your headache may be, never neglect an invitation to spend some extra time with your coworkers. People who don't do this automatically fall out of the group and lose credibility.

And if your next presentation was not greeted with a standing ovation, and no one supported an idea that seems completely brilliant to you, this may not be due to the quality of your work, but to the fact that you refuse to have a glass of wine with these people after work.

10. And remember, you don’t have to pretend to be pleasing to your colleagues (although sometimes it’s not harmful). You just need to make your best qualities the main ones. And if your colleagues like you, they will move mountains for you. You will be supported, you will be helped, you will have inevitable career growth.


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