Regulation on the Commission for Quality in Production. Commission on topical issues of quality of CJSC "Plant Sovitalprodmash. Symbols and abbreviations

- What is the main task of the quality service today?

Any organization can experience some quality problem. For example, with suppliers (disruption of supplies, defective raw materials), with consumers (complaints, dissatisfaction with the work of the company on the part of consumers), internal organizational problems etc. The most important task of our service is to keep records of these problems and promptly correct them.

But it is, in principle, possible to establish accounting of problems with the help of one quality department. But the fix is ​​much more complicated. After all, such overlaps usually occur at the junction of the responsibility of different departments!

A complaint from a consumer is accepted by the sales department, but the reason for its origin may lie in the depths of production.

- Is this where your employees should intervene?

Yes, you can give tremendous powers to the quality service, turn it into some kind of internal gendarme with the right to get involved in everything that happens in the organization. But practice shows that quality service employees do not understand the specifics of the work of any department and cannot work instead of an employee of this department.

The only way out is to work with the department to solve the problem!

The secret of company value

I will utter the hackneyed phrase: "Is quality a matter for everyone?" Why with a question mark, I will answer. As you know, the creation of company value is the work of every employee. But then the quality should also depend on the result of the work of everyone who participates in the common work.

Therefore, an employee who successfully and efficiently performs his work ensures the success of everyone and should, among other things, receive universal respect and honor. The one who does it poorly - harms the success of each of us, and should be publicly condemned in the same way.

But why isn't this happening? Usually the situation develops this way not only due to the lack of attention of the management of all levels to this problem, but also "due" to the passive attitude of the employees. In order to assess quality, it is necessary to control the results of work. This should be done at every workplace.

Do all employees check their work? Do all bosses consider it their duty to check the work of their subordinates? Far from it.

- In your opinion, the results of the work of each employee have crucial in common business?

Undoubtedly. The quality of the overall result depends on the quality of the work of a particular employee. And it doesn't just depend - this is it. Only if success adds up, then defeats multiply. If one employee received an unacceptable result, then it may turn out that the overall result will be zero. Success depends on the customer's shared perception of the entire work. The quality of the company's work depends on how well we have learned to combine our efforts into a single result, how coordinated our actions are.

Individual level

Therefore, quality can be ensured only when everyone involved in the creation of the product works according to general rules, under a single leadership, a close-knit team. If there is no coherence, a single spirit and focus on results in this particular team, a situation arises, as with professional hockey players: they are going to the national team under the guidance of a deserved coach and cannot win the championship, although each of them individually is the strongest player. And the overall result falls short of the individual level.

- Maybe it is worth increasing the number of quality service workers?

I proceed from the premise that any control is unproductive losses that need to be reduced. What is the essence of control? She is in disbelief. That is, I, the controller, control the worker, because I DO NOT BELIEVE that his products are 100% usable. So you can trust the controller?

Therefore, the number of the quality management team (two dozen employees) for this period is considered optimal.

To the "human" factor in the conditions of CJSC "Plant Sovitalprodmash" are added the problems of wear and tear of tools and equipment, not only physical, but also moral. The most tense situation is in the sector of PVC profile extrusion and stamping blank production. Affected by the lack of duplicate equipment.

The statistics of claims is unforgiving, the figures are as follows: in 2013, 45,833 cabinets were produced, during the same period, 145 claims were received (which amounted to 0.3%). It seems to be a little, despite the fact that half of the claims are due to the refusal of purchased components. But every return is a lost customer in the future.

- What does the commission on topical issues quality?

Since February 2013, a commission on topical quality issues has been working at the enterprise on a weekly basis. There are 10-15 problematic issues in the minutes of the “quality hour” meeting. And the meeting never took place in a calm atmosphere.

Based on the foregoing, I see the future of quality management staff in the following way. Quality control inspector should not be a referee, laying out products into two piles - "good" and "defective", but a traffic controller who determines where to go technological process At the moment. He must identify defects, collect statistics and must be the first to try to determine the cause of the defect and stop the process if its defectiveness increases. The QCD inspector is the first assistant technologist in solving the problem of statistical process control.

Management of nonconforming products. Regulation on the decision-making commission.


The regulation was developed in the development of the STP “Enterprise Standard. Quality Management System. Management of nonconforming products. Basic Provisions ".

The regulation was developed by the quality control department.

  1. Application area
  2. Normative references
  3. Symbols and abbreviations
  4. General Provisions
  5. Algorithm of actions of the commission
  6. Types of commissions
  7. Functions, responsibilities and powers of the members of the commission
  • Approval sheet
  • Change registration sheet
  • Reference list

1 area of ​​use

This provision is intended to organize the work of commissions of different levels for the analysis of inconsistencies (deviation from the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation), for the development of corrective and preventive actions, for making economically feasible decisions in order to minimize losses from inconsistencies:

  • products;
  • processes;

The position is mandatory for all divisions of the enterprise.

2 Normative references

  • Instruction. QMS. Management of nonconforming products. Problem solving history
  • Guidance document. Using the 8D Methodology for Corrective Action for Nonconformities.
  • Enterprise standard. QMS. Management of nonconforming products. Basic provisions.
  • Organization standard. QMS. Management of nonconforming products. Basic provisions.

3 Symbols and abbreviations

  • BTK- Bureau of technical control
  • IRP- Problem solving history
  • KI- components
  • OGK- department of the chief designer
  • CDP- department of the chief technologist
  • Quality control department- technical control department
  • RD- guidance document
  • QMS- Quality Management System
  • HUNDRED- organization standard
  • STP- enterprise standard.
  • 8D- 8 types of actions (methodology)

4 General

4.1 The functions of the decision-making commission (hereinafter referred to as the commission) are determined by this regulation.

4.2 The Commission is convened depending on the level:

  • the management of the enterprise;
  • an interested party at the level of the head of a structural unit.

4.3 The Commission can be convened at three levels;

  • shop commission;
  • interdepartmental commission;
  • factory commission.

4.4 Commissions should be convened on the basis of the required minimum number of participants.

5 Algorithm of actions of the commission

5.1 The main purpose of the commission work is a comprehensive analysis of nonconformities, making decisions on nonconforming products and eliminating the occurrence of nonconformities in the future.

To achieve the main goal, you must:

  • Determine the source of the nonconformity;
  • Assess the actual situation (in production, in a warehouse, with personnel, with documentation, etc.);
  • Determine the cause of occurrence and not detection;
  • Develop measures to address the root cause;
  • Draw up a document (protocol, act, etc.);
  • Organize control over the implementation of activities;
  • Analyze the effectiveness of the actions (measures) taken.

5.2 To determine the sources of nonconformity, the following objects, factors, conditions are considered:

  • Materials, semi-finished products, components;
  • Personnel qualifications;
  • Selected flow chart;
  • Tool and equipment;
  • Technological equipment;
  • Blank, part, assembly unit;
  • Equipment;
  • Deviation from the technological process;
  • Error or design flaw;
  • Software;
  • Process instability;
  • Climatic conditions;
  • Storage;
  • Transportation;
  • Violation of the requirements of the QMS.

5.3 An overview of the actual situation affecting the occurrence of the nonconformity should include:

  • Definition necessary knowledge and staff qualifications;
  • Determination of the relevance and relevance of guidance documents;
  • Determination of the condition and operation of tooling, tools and equipment;
  • Determination of compliance of basic materials with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;
  • Determination of the compliance of auxiliary materials with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;
  • Risk identification;
  • Definition of similar products;
  • Determination of the influence of the environment;
  • Determination of organizational factors.
  • 5.4 When developing measures, actions are determined with products under suspicion in the places of their storage:
  • During the production process;
  • In operational warehouses;
  • At the finished goods warehouse;
  • In the central warehouse;
  • In a consignment warehouse.

5.5 When conducting a nonconformity analysis, it is necessary to use at least 1 quality management tool. Quality management tools:

  • 5 Why ?;
  • Scatter plot;
  • Statistical data;
  • Charts;
  • Ishikawa diagram;
  • Pareto chart.

5.6 An obligatory result of the commission's work must be a formalized protocol signed by the responsible person. In the case of the development of measures, the responsible persons and terms are indicated. It is recommended to use Form 8D Appendix A, B. The document (protocol, form IRP or 8D) is drawn up by the responsible person appointed by the chairman of the commission. The chairman of the commission is the organizer of the analysis. The executed document is put under the control of execution and sent (allowed in the form of a message by e-mail) to all participants and interested parties for management and execution.

5.7 Newly developed measures are agreed with the head of the department responsible for implementation. In the absence of coordination, the decision is made at the level of the heads of directorates.

5.8 Monitoring the effectiveness of the actions (measures) taken Control over the implementation of measures according to the decisions of the commission is carried out by the heads of the divisions of the enterprise, including the quality control department.

All documents must be issued to the responsible employees against signature.

The recipient of a copy of the document must clearly write his surname, certify it with a signature and indicate the date of receipt of the copy. Copies of the decisions of the commissions must be sent out within 24 hours after the signing of the protocol. Sending by e-mail with notification of receipt and reading is allowed.

Particularly important events requiring mandatory compliance with the deadlines, at the discretion of the director in the direction, can be put on electronic control of execution.

The performance assessment is carried out by the chairman of the commission or a person authorized by him.

When drawing up protocols 8 D or IRP, the corresponding columns are filled in “7. Analysis of the effectiveness of final actions "," 7. Checking the effectiveness ".

If the protocol is drawn up in a different form, performance control is carried out at operational production meetings.

5.9 The participation of invited representatives at the appointed time is mandatory, regardless of the level of the commission.

6 Types of commissions

6.1 Shop commission

6.1.1 The shop commission is convened by the shop manager, technologist or quality engineer. The initiator determines the composition of the commission and organizes the notification of the members of the commission.

6.1.3 If necessary, the composition of the commission can be changed.

6.1.4 Algorithm of action of the shop commission in accordance with section 5.

6.2 Interdepartmental shop commission

6.2.1 The interdepartmental commission meets at the initiative of the workshop commission under the chairmanship of senior management. It is recommended to convene a commission on the territory of the shop-consumer of products, raw materials, materials, components, to demonstrate the result of the influence of the products of the shop-supplier on the quality of the final (intermediate) consumer.

6.2.2 The interdepartmental commission is organized by the head of the shop to resolve issues related to the quality of products from the consumer.

6.2.3 Typical composition of the interdepartmental commission when considering the nonconformity of products of the supplier's workshop:

  • shop representative - supplier;
  • shop representative - consumer;
  • CDP representative;
  • OGK representative;
  • representative of quality control department;

representatives of interested factory services.

6.2.4 If necessary, the composition of the commission can be changed.

6.2.5 Algorithm of the shop commission action in accordance with section 5.

6.3 Factory commission

6.3.1 The factory commission is convened by the management of the enterprise on the basis of the decision of the commission of a lower level. The composition, place and time of the convocation of the commission are determined by the directive indication of one of the Heads (Director for direction).

6.3.2 The Factory Commission is organized by the Director for the direction to resolve issues related to the quality of the consumer's products.

To save the time of the company's specialists, it is recommended to consult with employees of the interested services before convening the commission.

7 Functions, responsibilities and powers of the members of the commission

The main function and responsibility of the commission members is to analyze the identified inconsistencies in terms of:

  • determination of the cause of occurrence and non-detection of non-compliance;
  • making a decision on the identified inconsistencies and previously manufactured products;
  • development of corrective and preventive measures.

7.1 Engineers and heads of technological departments and bureaus (shop technologist, CDP representative, head of the technological bureau, chief technologist)


To make changes to the current technological documentation aimed at the implementation of the planned measures in terms of the use of materials, work modes, workplace organization, automation and mechanization tools and tools. To control the order and correctness of work in the manufacture and testing of products, including pilot batches of products, to develop solutions based on the results of the work. Make changes to the technological documentation in the prescribed manner.

A responsibility:

The representative of the technological service is responsible for the validity of the adoption and the effectiveness of measures aimed at changing the technological process.

7.2 Engineers and heads of design departments and bureaus (design engineer, representative of the OGK, head of the design bureau, chief designer).


Make changes to the current design documentation based on the development of design documentation for products. To carry out work on the development of design documentation for the modernization of individual units, blocks and product complexes. Participate in testing and making decisions based on test results. Make changes to the design documentation in the prescribed manner.

A responsibility:

The representative of the design service is responsible for the validity of the adoption and the effectiveness of measures aimed at changing the design documentation.

7.3 Representatives of the Quality Directorate (Head of BTK, Senior Quality Engineer, Quality Engineer, Senior Controller, Head of Quality Control Department).


Provide data on the registration of defective products and quality indicators, characterizing the developed and manufactured products. Take measures to prevent production and prevent the release of products that do not meet the established requirements. Give suggestions for improving the quality of manufactured products. Assess the reasons for the deterioration in the quality of products (works, services). Participate in the commission for the development of measures for identified defects in production and operation.

A responsibility:

The representative of the Quality Directorate is responsible for identifying the root cause of the inconsistency and non-detection, monitoring the fulfillment of the deadlines for the implementation of the planned measures, their effectiveness and the correctness and completeness of the documentation by the decision of the commission.

7.4 Representative production unit(Site manager, workshop manager, foreman, deputy workshop manager, representative of the production directorate).


Organize the work of performers at workplaces in accordance with the requirements of technological operations in accordance with the qualifications of performers. Timely bring to the personnel the information obtained as a result of the work of the decision-making commission. Provide for the consideration of the commission data on employees and their competence involved in the performance of technological operations. Control the equipping of workplaces with the necessary documentation and tools.

A responsibility:

The representative of the production unit (site, workshop) is responsible for organizing work in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation and organizing the identification and traceability of products and personnel in the production process.

7.5 Representative of the Procurement and Logistics Directorate (Head of OMTS, Procurement Manager, Representative of the Procurement and Logistics Directorate).


Work with a supplier to improve the quality of purchased products.

Request analysis results and batch details from the supplier guaranteed quality the component responsible for the inconsistencies. Provide for the consideration of the commission data on the batches of components and materials involved in the performance of technological operations.

A responsibility:

The representative of the Directorate for Procurement and Logistics is responsible for ensuring production with components and materials that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and timely receipt of corrective and preventive measures from the supplier in the event that the supplier is at fault.


The article describes the work of one of the most important and basic mechanisms of quality management at an enterprise - the quality commission. Explains why a quality commission is needed and how it works. The features of the commission's activities, the role of management in it and the benefits of its functioning are described.

The realities of quality work

Like any other professional activity, the theory of quality management is very different from real practice. A young specialist who has got into the organization is trying in vain to find a way to use all those beautiful theoretical tools that were so clearly and competently presented during his studies at the institute. Everyday life and practice are much more complicated and confusing than formulas and schemes described in textbooks.

Time passes, experience comes and gradually there comes a clarification and understanding of important and basic things.

Like any other management activities, the basis of quality management fundamentals: - correct planning processes and products

Correct control, accounting and correction of problems

When translating into simple colloquial language, we must think over how to work and correctly correct the problems that arise in the course of work.

Correct planning of processes and products

Quality management is an activity that involves people, resources and time. We want to achieve certain goals with the help of the efforts of some people and are willing to spend a certain amount of money on this. To do this, we must think over who, how and where will do this, draw up a plan and regularly check the implementation of this plan.

Therefore, annual and monthly quality plans should be an integral part of the overall work plans at the enterprise. The most important question that arises in connection with the emergence of quality plans - who and how will check the implementation of these plans?

Accounting and analysis of quality problems

In any organization, there are some quality problems. Problems with suppliers (disruption of supplies, defective raw materials), with consumers (complaints, dissatisfaction with the company's work on the part of consumers), internal organizational problems, etc.

The most important task of a quality department or service is to keep a record of these problems and promptly correct them.

It is, in principle, possible to establish a record of problems with the help of one quality department. The fix is ​​much more complicated.

The trouble lies in an important circumstance - quality problems usually occur in the junction of responsibility of different departments!

A complaint from a consumer is accepted by the sales department, but the reason for its origin may lie in the depths of production.

Yes, you can give tremendous powers to the quality service, turn it into some kind of internal gendarme with the right to get involved in everything that happens in the organization. But practice shows that quality service employees do not understand the specifics of the work of any department and cannot work instead of an employee of this unit.

The only way out is to work together with a unit to solve the problem!

Employee engagement

One of the main and widely declared principles of ISO 9001 is the involvement of personnel in work to improve quality. Preachers and quality gurus enthusiastically talk about how in faraway Japan everyone, well, absolutely all employees of enterprises are eagerly improving quality, bringing cleanliness and order, uniting in groups, submitting suggestions to management on how to work better and more competently.

Yes, of course, it would be nice to have such an enthusiastic staff who is ready to put his heart into it, just to help the owner enrich himself. Unfortunately, the reality is far from the Japanese dream. Even if they don't drink at work, it's already good, say some executives, sighing as they read articles about the Japanese miracle. Well, real practice proves that the contribution of key employees and managers in the organization is more important than the contribution of ordinary employees. That's why they are key frames, "cadres decide everything," as one well-known character said.

So, if we cannot involve everyone, then we need to involve all key leaders in the work to improve quality. I'm talking about the heads of the purchasing department, sales department, production department, warehouse, personnel service, transport department, etc. These people are able and should control and solve all quality problems in the organization.

Let the attentive reader exclaim, why can't all quality issues be resolved within the framework of regular regular workshops? Why reinvent the wheel? The fact of the matter is that it is not possible to solve these special "cross-functional" problems in the framework of ordinary meetings. Practice has proven that the best way resolve quality issues - the creation of a special department or quality service, the allocation of authority to this department for control and improvement, the creation of a separate system of accounting, control and analysis. One of these separate tools is the quality committee, which helps to involve key managers and specialists in quality work.

Mechanism for coordinating quality work

Coordination is the key word in management. The Quality Commission primarily coordinates the efforts and interaction of various departments. Write a letter of claim to the supplier - coordination of the quality service and supply is required. Deal with a consumer complaint - coordination of sales, production and quality services is required. But you never know what problems arise in complex and problematic work modern enterprise... This is where the quality commission comes to the rescue. During its implementation, it is possible to analyze what is happening with the quality, what has been done, what has not been done, who is responsible for what, when and who needs to carry out the planned quality work. One central mechanism for coordinating quality work is the main role of the commission.

The difference between regular and project activities

Any project specialist will find a lot of similarities between the work of a quality commission and the work of any project team... The Quality Commission is essentially one big ongoing project.

Regular activities are repeated from day to day, with resources allocated for them within the normal enterprise management structure. People doing this work are also located and coordinated within the framework of the usual organizational structure and are subordinate to their chiefs of services and departments.

But project activity usually requires the involvement of different people from different departments, has a clearly defined beginning and end, and expected results in advance. All this is very similar to the structure and forms of work of the quality committee, which, in fact, is a cross-functional group consisting of employees from different departments.

The quality commission oversees the quality work. This work itself is a lot of small "projects", actions, activities for which are responsible different people, for which resources are allocated and the completion of activities should take place in a predetermined time frame. Well, what is not a typical project activity?

Project management rules and quality commission

Let's take a look at the most important rules project works that should be applied in the work of the quality commission:

The Commission monitors the implementation and coordinates the work of a large number of individual "projects" (measures to correct problems or work to improve quality)

All these activities have a start date and a date for the expected completion of the work.

Each event has a person responsible for the implementation of the event

All work, deadlines and responsible persons are recorded in the protocol of the quality commission

The commission includes employees and leaders of various key departments in the organization, who carry out activities in parallel with their normal work activities.

How the quality commission works

Usually the commission is collected monthly. For her work, reports are prepared on various aspects of quality in the organization. It is clear that each organization has its own characteristics and its own important statistics on quality. The most common quality indicators are:

-% of consumer complaints

-% of defective products

Quantity or% of defective raw materials (components)

Customer Satisfaction Index

The number of deviations / irregularities in the work of the organization.

The number of inconsistencies found during internal reviews (audits), etc.

A protocol is attached to the reports, which lists all the ongoing and completed activities from the previous meeting of the commission. Both the protocol and the reports are sent to the members of the commission and the management of the organization in advance, so that the participants can read them and prepare for the meeting.

During the commission, reports and plans are reviewed, the implementation of measures is checked, on the facts of new problems, new measures are assigned, proposals for improving and correcting problems are accepted. The commission works as a group, where each participant has the right to vote, comments and suggestions. This is by no means a forum where the CEO or Quality Director “broadcasts” to the audience and they listen in silence!

After the next meeting, the modified protocol is sent to all participants, each of whom must check what tasks are assigned to him and when he must complete them.

Roles of participants in the commission

Service / quality department- is responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the commission, for the preparation, presentation and maintenance of reports and minutes, for the appointment of those responsible for the events.

Organization leadership- empowering those responsible for events, delegating authority to the quality service, disciplinary action violators of quality work, personal participation in the work of the commission, personal analysis of data and activities (the so-called management review in ISO 9001).

Individual participants- are responsible for familiarization with the reports and the protocol, the implementation of activities in which they are responsible and participation in the discussion of problems.

It's hard to make a person think, so there is no point in obliging the commission members to suggest improvements and look for ways to solve the problem by force!

But properly morally and financially motivated employees (whose salary is tied to quality indicators, whose name is mentioned in the results of achievements and improvements in quality), usually willingly participate in the work of the quality commission, in an attempt to thereby improve their salary and status.

And the decrease in the number of showdowns and problems with the help of the commission also makes life easier for managers in the future, and they understand this, trying with the help of the commission to reduce the number of problems and headaches in their division.

Like any project, the quality commission requires during its implementation:


The head of the commission

Time control during discussions

Features of the work of the quality commission

  1. Commission meetings are not a place where complex issues and problems of the organization are resolved - it is rather an element of coordination, questions are raised at it ("there is a problem ..."), ways of their solution are outlined ("we create working group to solve the problem with ... "), the fulfillment of tasks is checked (" after the change in production technology from 21.08.10 there is no defect on the line "). If you forget about this, the meetings of the commission will turn into endless disputes, and you will never have time to solve all the problems.
  2. Commission members should be taught to work together, they should understand the principles of data analysis, know the rules of brainstorming, and be able to listen to each other. Do not suppress less authoritative participants with your authority, etc.
  3. For successful work the commission needs to remove the element of managerial terror from the organization's work - employees should not be afraid to admit their mistakes ("yes, we were wrong with ..") - otherwise everything will be hiding and the commission will be looking for a "black cat in a dark room" in vain. It is also important to create an atmosphere where the employee can admit that he does not understand or know the situation (managers are usually very ambitious and for many it is a big problem to announce “their imperfection”).
  4. Commission work is usually in addition to the usual job responsibilities, and it is the first to be shelved in case of congestion. Therefore, it is very important to constantly remind the participants of their duty to work in the commission and to strictly control the implementation of the assigned tasks. The percentage of completed activities and the names of those who do not carry out the activities should be announced at each quality commission!

The role of the company's management in the work of the commission

The commission will not be useful if the top management of the organization does not personally participate in it. Firstly, it is a signal to the entire organization that the management considers this activity important and personally controls what is happening in the commission. Secondly, personal participation allows management to understand what is happening and the quality problems facing the organization, which facilitates the interaction of the quality service and management. For Russia, where even today the country's leadership personally delves into the analysis of problems at the level of the work of the municipality, personal participation general director can be the most decisive factor for the success of quality work.

Management review

ISO 9001 requires an organization to conduct a management review. In many companies, it is a formal unsubscribe and is held every six months. The Monthly Quality Panel can be a great tool for your analysis because the reporting forms I listed above meet the requirements of the analysis standard. And most importantly, this approach brings real benefits, and not just wastes time, money and, most importantly, does not discredit work in terms of quality, as it happens with a formal approach.

The bottom line - the benefits of the commission

So, to summarize - the quality commission is an effective group tool for conducting quality work in an organization. She coordinates activities and plans for quality, creates and analyzes all quality reports, gives the organization's management the opportunity to assess the state of affairs with the quality of products and processes in the company, is the answer to the requirement of ISO 9001.

An additional benefit from the work of the commission - it brings key employees together into a single team, allows them to show their analytical and creative abilities in solving problems, helps to overcome the boundaries between departments. Sometimes the commission is the only opportunity for employees of the organization to voice their problems in their work, which have not been resolved for years.



On the creation of a permanent working commission on quality problems
and product safety

the text of the document is given taking into account the changes and additions made by:
- by order of the head of the regional administration from 28.02.01, N 213-r

In order to implement a unified state policy for the implementation of federal laws and to promptly consider issues of ensuring the quality and safety of goods in circulation in the region:

1. To approve the composition of the permanent working commission on the problems of quality and safety of goods sold in consumer market area (Appendix 1).

2. To approve the regulation on a permanent working commission on the problems of quality and safety of goods sold in the regional consumer market (Appendix 2).

3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the first deputy head of the regional administration Zelepukhin A.G.

4. The order comes into force from the date of its signing.

First Deputy Head of Administration

Appendix 1. COMPOSITION of the permanent working commission on the problems of quality and safety of goods sold in the consumer market of the region

Annex 1
at the disposal of the head
regional administration
from 21.07.2000
N 857-p

Eremin I.V. - Chairman of the Commission, Deputy Director of the Department of the Regional Administration for Economics
Filippov V.A. - secretary of the commission, consultant of the group on the quality of goods and protection of consumer rights of the committee of the consumer market and standard of living of the department of the regional administration on economic issues

Commission members:

Grebeneva Elena Leonidovna - Head of the Department of the State Trade Inspection for the Orenburg Region (as agreed);
Rev Gennady Antonovich - Deputy Director of the Orenburg Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (as agreed);
Sizova Galina Vladimirovna - Head of the Food Hygiene Department of the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the Orenburg Region (as agreed);
Kondrasheva Elena Vyacheslavovna - the detective of the department for combating crimes in the consumer market of the UBEP of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Orenburg region (as agreed),
Khudyakov G.N. - Deputy Head of the Regional Veterinary Directorate
Eremyakin I.P. - Head of the Regional State Inspection for the Supply and Quality of Products
Shabanova L.N. - Head of the Department of Rosgoskhlebinspektsiya under the Government Russian Federation in the Orenburg region (as agreed)

Appendix 2. REGULATIONS on the permanent working commission on the problems of quality and safety of goods sold in the consumer market of the region

Appendix 2
at the disposal of the head
regional administration
from 21.07.2000
N 857-p

1. General Provisions

1.1. The permanent working commission on the problems of quality and safety of goods sold in the consumer market of the region (hereinafter - the Commission) is a permanent body under the administration of the region, ensuring the prompt consideration of issues of ensuring the quality and safety of goods sold in the consumer market of the region.

1.2. The Commission in its activities is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Orenburg region on product quality assurance.

1.3. The main tasks of the Commission are:

- consideration of the most important issues of ensuring the quality and safety of goods sold in the consumer market of the region;
- analysis of proposals for the formation of a regional policy in matters of quality and for the implementation of regional programs on the problems of quality and competitiveness of products manufactured in the Orenburg region;
- determination of a set of measures on urgent and promising issues of ensuring the quality and safety of products.

2. The main functions of the Commission

2.1. Comprehensive solution of issues of creation and functioning of a quality and safety management system for products in the regional consumer market, determination of priorities for the development of the region on these issues.

2. Consideration of issues related to the analysis of the quality and safety of products sold in the consumer market in the regions by preparing proposals for their improvement.

2.3. Analysis and generalization of information from regional control and supervisory bodies, business entities of all forms of ownership and public organizations on the problems of product quality and safety.

2.4. Hearing in the prescribed manner the information of the heads of administrations of cities and districts of the region, heads of enterprises of all forms of ownership, individual entrepreneurs on the implementation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of ensuring the quality and safety of products.

2.5. Development of proposals and recommendations for rendering assistance to territorial structures federal authorities executive power in the implementation of their functional responsibilities and the tasks set in terms of the implementation of state control and supervision over the quality and safety of products, compliance with the rules and regulations in the consumer market of the region.

2.6. Preparation of proposals and recommendations for the dissemination of positive experience in ensuring the quality and safety of products based on the study of the experience of individual enterprises.

3. Rights of the Commission

3.1. The Commission, in accordance with the tasks assigned to it and the functions performed, has the right to:

- request and receive in the prescribed manner from enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the region, regardless of the organizational and legal form, from territorial structures of the federal executive power, administrations of cities and districts of the region, information, as well as reference and other materials on quality and safety products for the preparation and consideration of relevant issues;
- invite to their meetings representatives and specialists of territorial structures of the federal executive power, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations located in the territory of the region, regardless of the organizational and legal form, heads of administrations of cities and districts, bodies local government and to hear their information and reports on matters within the competence of the Commission;
- to create, in agreement with the interested bodies, temporary working groups of specialists on the problems of quality and product safety in order to promptly resolve individual issues;
- to propose to the regional control and supervisory authorities to carry out appropriate inspections and analysis of the actions of economic entities in terms of ensuring the quality and safety of products;
- propose to licensing authorities in accordance with current legislation consider the issue of suspension or revocation of licenses from enterprises, institutions and organizations upon establishing the facts of repeated, gross violation of license requirements and conditions.

3.2. On the issues discussed, the Commission makes decisions that are binding on district administrations and recommendatory for city administrations, territorial structures of the federal executive power, economic entities, other state and public institutions and organizations located in the region,

4. Organizational basis for the work of the Commission

4.1. The commission is created and stops its work by order of the head of the regional administration.

The composition of the Commission is formed from representatives of the regional administration, territorial structures of the federal executive power.

4.2. The meetings of the Commission are held at least once a month and are competent if 2/3 of the members of the Commission are present at the meeting.

4.3. The decisions of the Commission are considered adopted if they are voted for by more than half of the members of the Commission present at the meeting.

4.4. The decisions taken at the meetings are formalized in minutes, which are signed by the chairman of the commission and sent to the members of the Commission and interested enterprises and organizations.

4.5. Materials for the meetings of the Commission are prepared by the department of the regional administration on economic issues with the involvement (if necessary) of the territorial structures of the federal executive power.

4.6 The Chairman of the Commission directs the work of the Commission, determines the range of issues to be considered, gives instructions, informs the members about the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission.

4.7. The Deputy Chairman of the Commission ensures the organization of the Commission's work in the areas determined by the Chairman of the Commission.

4.8. Members of the Commission participate in the preparation of materials for consideration at the meetings of the Commission, participate in the study and discussion of recommendations and proposals, carry out other assignments related to the activities of the Commission.

4.9. Secretary of the Commission:

- accepts and summarizes the incoming proposals on the work plan of the Commission;
- takes part in discussions and in the preparation of documents of an analytical and recommendatory nature;
- informs the members of the Commission about the planned activities, brings to their attention information related to the content of the work of the Commission;
- draws up minutes of meetings, prepares draft decisions, organizes the distribution of materials from the Commission to its members and interested organizations.

the text of the document is verified by:
file distribution of the regional administration

The formation of an order on the creation of a commission in an organization occurs in cases when the solution of any tasks requires the participation of several employees at once.

By tradition, standard files of the form and sample of the standard order:


For what purposes are commissions created at enterprises

The creation of various kinds of commissions is a fairly frequent phenomenon in organizations. They are formed for a variety of reasons: for the assessment of any property, for an inventory of the material and technical base, for writing off fixed assets, for an expert assessment of something, for certification of employees, etc.

Who can be included

The composition of the commission may include any employees of the enterprise who have necessary education, qualifications, knowledge and skills to solve certain issues. As a rule, these are specialists of a sufficiently high level, which allows them to solve the tasks assigned to them.

In some cases, outside experts may also be involved in the commission, for example, when it comes to some high-tech equipment, technology, specific objects, etc.

In order for the commission to work “without a hitch without a hitch,” a chairman is elected among its members, who is responsible for carrying out all the necessary activities, as well as drawing up the accompanying documentation. Sometimes, if there is a special need, a secretary of the commission is also appointed.

In any case, each specialist included in the commission must be mentioned in the corresponding order of the head.

Commission term

The period of activity of a particular commission is determined by the tasks that it faces, and is regulated at the disposal of the head of the organization. Practice shows that, as a rule, this period does not exceed one month.

After this period, the commission is obliged to provide the director of the company or a person authorized to act on his behalf, the results of its work.

Who writes the document

As a rule, the direct drawing up of orders at enterprises is the responsibility of one of the "grassroots" employees who have certain skills in creating this kind of papers. Usually this:

  • lawyer;
  • personnel officer;
  • secretary of the organization.

But, regardless of who is responsible for the execution of this task, the document must be endorsed by the director of the company, since without his signature it will not acquire legal force.

Is it possible to do without an order

Some heads of organizations mistakenly believe that it is not necessary to draw up a written order on the creation of a commission - it is enough to get by with an oral order.

Disregard for this document fraught with the fact that the actions performed by the members of the commission may be recognized as illegal (for example, in the case of inspection by supervisory authorities - the tax service or the labor inspectorate, depending on what function the commission performed).

Therefore, it is important not only to draw up an order, but also to monitor its implementation at all stages.

Basis and justification for the order

Without exception, every order must have a basis and justification. In this case, the basis is understood as a reference to the document that triggered the writing of the order, and the justification is the reason for its formation.

As a basis for drawing up an order on the creation of a commission, one can name the norm of legislation governing the creation of a commission for certain areas of activity of legal entities, and as a justification, name any objective circumstances.

Since 2013, the mandatory unified forms of primary accounting and personnel documents have been canceled, so that the order can be written in any form or according to the template operating within the company.

In particular, an order on the creation of a commission must necessarily have:

  • room;
  • place and date of compilation;
  • the name of the organization in which it is created;
  • justification (purpose of the commission, reasons);
  • reference to the base;
  • a list of persons included in the commission: their positions, surnames, names, patronymics;
  • period of work of the commission,
  • its functions and tasks.
  • If necessary, you can add other information to the order, as well as include additional documents attached to it as a separate item.

    In conclusion, the order identifies the persons responsible for its implementation (usually these are personnel workers or lawyers of organizations).

    What to look for when drawing up a document

    There are no unambiguous criteria both for the preparation of the form and for its design: both printed and handwritten versions of the document are acceptable. The order can be written on the company letterhead or on an ordinary clean slate any convenient format.

    In this case, the form must be signed by the director of the organization or a deputy authorized to act on his behalf.

    It is not necessary to stamp the document with stamp products, because legal entities since 2016, they have every right not to use various seals and stamps to certify their documentation (only if such a rule is not spelled out in local acts firms).

    An order is usually made in one copy and must be recorded in the logbook of internal documents.

    Where, how and how long to keep the order

    For the entire period of validity, this order must be in a separate folder along with other administrative papers of the company.

    After its relevance expires, it can be transferred to storage in the archive of the enterprise, where it must lie for the time prescribed by law or the period prescribed in the company's internal regulations, then it can be disposed of (also in a strictly defined order).

    Order on the creation of a commission to test knowledge on labor protection

    The Occupational Safety Commission (sometimes called a committee), in accordance with the provisions of Art. 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, formed from representatives of the employer and the body. Protecting the interests of employees, for example, a trade union. The commission for testing knowledge on labor protection is a somewhat different structure, regulated by clause 3.4 of the Appendix to the decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 13.01.2003 No. 1/29. Unlike the first structure, which is created at the behest of the employer, the formation of this commission at the enterprise is mandatory.

    The creation of such a commission is initiated by the order of the management of the enterprise. The order is written in the form accepted in the organization. In addition to standard elements ("heading", order number, date, etc.), the following provisions should be reflected in it:

    • the name of the document, reflecting its essence;
    • links to state regulatory documents;
    • the names and positions of the appointed members of the commission;
    • instructions on familiarization with the order of employees;
    • The person exercising control over the execution of the order.

    LLC "Tradescantia"
    ORDER No. 003/4
    On the creation of a permanent commission to test knowledge and
    labor protection requirements of the organization's personnel

    17.05.2017, Yekaterinburg

    In order to comply with the regulations Labor Code RF, GOST 12.0.004 - "Organization of occupational safety training", Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 "On the procedure for training in occupational safety and testing of knowledge of occupational safety requirements of employees of the organization"

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission to test the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the organization's personnel, consisting of:

    Chairman of the Commission: Chief Technologist L. O. Rudakov;

    Commission members:

    • occupational safety engineer S.V. Furmanov;
    • economist L.I. Volchenko

    2. Commissions for testing the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the organization's personnel should be guided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, GOST 12.0.004 "Organization of occupational safety training", decrees of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1/29 of 13.01.03 "On the procedure for training in safety labor and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of the organization. "

    3. Personnel Inspector Berezovsky P.I. familiarize the responsible persons with this order by personal signature within 10 days.

    General Director of OOO Tradeskantsiya / Lukomorov / P.I. Lukomorov

    If the organization is small and does not have a labor protection service, and there is no labor protection engineer on its staff, this does not cancel the requirements of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on responsibility in this area. In this case, the management should appoint a person responsible for all labor protection measures, including knowledge testing. For this, a special order is also issued.

    Sample order on the appointment of a person responsible for the organization of labor protection

    LLC "Servus"
    ORDER No. 11/1
    On the appointment of a responsible person
    for the organization of work on labor protection

    May 19, 2017, Tula

    In accordance with article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and GOST SSBT 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety management systems. General requirements"In order to ensure the requirements of labor protection, control over their implementation

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint a technologist NN Poltavchuk as a responsible person for organizing work on labor protection, control over the fulfillment by employees of the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection.

    2. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

    General Director of Servus LLC / Dubovitsky / A.A. Dubovitsky

    I have read the order / Poltavchuk / N.N. Poltavchuk

    Order on the creation of a commission for testing knowledge on electrical safety

    If the enterprise has electrical equipment, then the personnel must be aware of the rules for working with it and safety when using it in order to avoid serious consequences. To test the possession of this knowledge, the management appoints a special commission that regularly checks the knowledge of personnel on the rules and regulations for handling electrical equipment.

    The order of the management expresses its demand to establish a commission and conduct an examination of the knowledge of personnel in this area. It is drawn up according to generally accepted standards of document management and must contain instructions for regulatory documents.

    LLC "Artemis"
    ORDER No. 15/2
    On the appointment of a commission for testing knowledge of electrical safety

    In accordance with the requirements of the Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers and the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations:

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint a commission to test the knowledge of the rules and regulations for working with electrical equipment, consisting of:

    Chairman of the Commission: Chief Engineer Dmitrenkov Yu.L., Electrical Safety Group

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Deputy Chief Engineer Lebutenko G.I., electrical safety group.

    Commission members:

    • occupational safety engineer Levanevsky K.M.
    • electrical installation engineer Mikhailovsky R.P .;
    • electrical installation engineer K.I. Zaturin

    2. To the personnel department the order should be brought to the employees of the organization in the part that directly concerns them.

    3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

    General Director of Artemis LLC / Ladinsky / K.P. Ladinsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for the write-off of material assets

    In order to write off material assets from the balance of the organization, you need to regularly record them. Writing off is possible only at the conclusion of the commission that made the accounting of inventories that make up the values ​​of the organization, which made a conclusion regarding their income and expense. And for this, such a commission should be established by order of the leadership.

    In the order, in addition to the goal, it is necessary to indicate the period of relevance of the commission's activities, if it is not permanent, as well as, without fail, the names and positions of its chairman and members. Be sure to mention the control over the observance of the order and the responsibility for this of a specific person.

    LLC "Aiskrim"
    ORDER No. 11/3
    On the creation of a commission for accounting and write-off material values for 2017

    In order to account for the income, consumption, ensure the safety and reasonable timely write-off of material assets

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission during 2017 consisting of:

    Chairman of the Commission: Chief Engineer R.I. Kolobchuk;

    members of the commission:

    • Process Engineer P.I. Markiyanov;
    • manager Lestritskaya A.T .;
    • accountant Smirnova E.K.

    2. In necessary cases, a financially responsible person is additionally introduced to the commission, to whom the corresponding inventory items are accountable.

    3. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the chief accountant Fiolentova A.I.

    General Director of Aiskrim LLC / Trubetskoy / A. Trubetskoy

    Order on the creation of a commission for the write-off of fixed assets

    In order to write off certain fixed assets that have become unusable or for other reasons decreasing from the balance sheet of the organization, it is necessary to appoint a special commission that will give an opinion on these tangible assets. The commission can be permanent or appointed to write off, for example, one or another equipment or vehicle... In this case, the order must indicate the specific purpose of creating the commission and its competence.

    LLC "Lukomorye"
    ORDER No. 14/1
    About creating a commission for writing off fixed assets

    04/18/2017, Saint Petersburg

    To write off from the balance of the organization of equipment (woodworking machine)

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a commission consisting of:

    chairman of the commission: head of the woodworking shop R. Patrakovskiy;

    members of the commission:

    • chief accountant Mikhailishina V.K .;
    • master-adjuster Rubakhin OL;
    • technologist Shchusenko E.N.

    2. To assign the following competences to the created commission:

    • inspection of the woodworking machine to be written off (using the necessary technical documentation and accounting data);
    • identifying the reasons for the need to decommission equipment;
    • identification of persons, through whose fault there was a premature wear of the machine;
    • establishing the possibility of using individual parts of the machine, capitalized as a result of dismantling the equipment, and their assessment in accordance with the current market value;
    • drawing up an act to write off the machine.

    3. The certificate for the write-off of equipment, approved by the head of the organization, is subject to transfer to the accounting department of Lukomorye LLC.

    4. I reserve control over compliance with this order.

    General Director of Lukomorye LLC / Sedykh / P.I. Sedykh

    Order on the establishment of a commission to investigate the accident

    Industrial accidents are always an emergency, so there cannot be a permanent commission to investigate them at an enterprise. Every incident that occurs requires special approach depending on the specifics, and, as a consequence, the appointment of a separate commission of inquiry, which will include the relevant specialists.

    The manager issues an order, after which the investigation activities begin. The order must refer to state regulations, briefly describe the characteristics of the accident with the obligatory mention of the victim's surname, and also mention the person responsible for obeying the order.

    LLC "Irida"
    ORDER No. 4/11
    On the creation of a commission to investigate the accident

    May 29, 2017, Moscow

    For the purpose of investigating an accident that occurred on May 28, 2017 in a woodworking shop, when, when working on a woodworking machine at 11:07 am, master Domenko V.A. got an injury to the right hand,

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a commission to investigate the accident, consisting of:
    Chairman of the Commission: Occupational Safety Engineer K.E. Ravenilov;
    members of the commission: the head of the woodworking shop Osadchiy OL;
    engineer P.R. Starovoitov;
    Technologist A.P. Leschov

    2. Commissions to start work immediately, in their work guided by Art. 229, 230 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts on labor protection.

    3. To the technologist A.P. Leschov ensure the preparation, maintenance and further storage of documents for the investigation of the accident.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    5. All employees of the woodworking shop are instructed to provide the commission with assistance and provide the necessary information.

    General Director of Irida LLC / Zatonsky / N.I. Zatonsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for the categorization of an object

    Inspection and categorization of objects on which people are massively (mainly, these are objects belonging to the sphere of culture and sports) is carried out with the aim of countering terrorist actions and assessing the level of their security. Such actions take place within a broad framework, for example, a region or a province, but may also apply to individual organizations. They are initiated by an order on the creation of a commission for the survey and categorization of the corresponding object or group of objects. This order appoints the chairman and the composition of the commission, the person responsible for the execution of the order, and lists the categories of responsibility.

    Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia
    ORDER No. 27/2
    On the survey and categorization of objects of culture and sports

    01/19/2017, Petrozavodsk

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 Federal law"On countering terrorism", Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 No. 202 "On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of sports facilities and the form of a safety passport for sports facilities", and the establishment of differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic Karelia

    I ORDER:

    1. To create a Commission for the survey and categorization of sports facilities of the subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia in order to assess the state of protection of sports facilities in the following composition:

    chairman of the commission: Deputy Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia R.O. Zamyatin;

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: L.V. Leontyeva, head of the department of educational and sports work;

    committee secretary: Labor protection specialist of the Department of Culture and Sports, L.D.Dashkin;

    commission members:

    • Deputy Head of the Administration of the Republic of Karelia on social issues Rosenkov A.A .;
    • KR Romanov, Chief of Police, Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belomorsky District of the Republic of Karelia;
    • senior operative of the department in Petrozavodsk of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Karelia Malovik O.E. (by agreement).

    2. To develop safety data sheets for subordinate facilities of cultural and sports institutions of the Belomorsk region of the Republic of Karelia by 01.09.2017.

    3. To charge the management of the subordinate institutions with responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorist security with the appointment of persons responsible for the relevant measures.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    Minister of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia / Voronov / A.M. Voronov

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