Where to find a mentor. How to find a spiritual mentor? Does a person need a spiritual mentor? How to get the most out of your relationship with a mentor

Hello my dear. Now I have a serious incentive to write blog articles regularly and this is directly related to the topic of the post.

The importance of a mentor cannot be overestimated. For 6 years of self-development, I studied a lot of biographies successful people and many of them talked about the importance of a mentor who played one of the key roles in their lives!

Here is one example. Robert Kiyosaki, in his famous book Rich Dad Poor Dad, talked about how his friend's father became his mentor, second father, and helped develop his entrepreneurial qualities. And there are a lot of such examples if you read biographiessuccessful people, you know about it.

After I left the traditional MLM Business(this will be a separate post soon), I was looking for a mentor for myself.

I had a clear understanding of what qualities and values ​​my mentor should have. It was important for me to understand that this person is close to me in spirit, a professional in his field (Internet Business), and besides this, he also shares my other interests (Sports).

And once again in my life the law of the universe worked: “Thoughts are material”.

The teacher comes when the student is ready - there is a saying.

For the first time I learned about Olesya Timofeev when he was still active network business(2010). I came across his book about training beginners in MLM. It was really useful material that I started to apply in my MLM business.

In the fall of 2012, I learned that Oles left MLM and plunged headlong into the Internet Business. At that time, I already clearly understood what I wanted to achieve in the Internet Business and was looking for new ideas.

I also understood that I needed to become a part of something big, much bigger than what I created myself (IBSTeam Club). For some time I followed well-known Business coaches, studied various communities (Business Molodist, Andrey Parabellum, Alexey Tolkachev) that exist in Runet, I was looking for the “Style” that would suit me….

However, I understood that Free courses and trainings (of which there are plenty on the Internet) would not help to realize my ideas and would not give the result that I want.

In March, I came across and was very interested in Mindvalley (one of the world's largest publishers of personal growth programs). I liked their approach to Internet Business. And also, I was very inspired by the book of Brandon Burchard “Advice for a Million. Change the world and make a fortune." As it turned out later, Oles is personally trained by these people.

In general, everything came together in one puzzle. And in May I find out that Oles Timofeev is creating a community of Internet Entrepreneurs "Genius Marketing".

After watching several videos with Oles, where he talked about his idea and shared valuable experience. Then I also saw that in addition to business, Oles pays attention to proper nutrition and sports (football), for me it is important. I made the decision to get to know him personally, to be trained by him, and to get into the community.

Having learned that several events were planned for June, I did not wait for the details (until they were published on the website), but wrote a letter to Oles myself. At the beginning of June, I went to Kyiv, where on June 5 the Free Master Class "Online Reload 2.0" took place, which was attended by 1200+ people, and on June 8 and 9 I attended the paid training "Jump into Online Business". At the training, I received very valuable knowledge, which I have already begun to apply in

In addition to teaching Internet Business, we also managed to play football with Oles and his friends (and what about without sports). It was a survival game with a hard struggle and sports passion. The guys start playing at 7 in the morning, when most people either go to work or are still sleeping :)

Now I am going through the 2-month program Olesya Timofeeva "Successful Online Business in 60 days”, during which I create my own project, which I want to implement for a very long time and which you will learn more about very soon!

That I'm all about myself, but about myself, let's talk about the most important thing, about you, dear reader!

How do you find a mentor?

Let's first figure out who, and in what cases a mentor is needed.

I believe that a mentor (coach, mentor, trainer) is necessary for absolutely every person who wants to achieve your goals in life. However, there are several stages of human development. And a person who is on the path of self-development, at the first stages, usually tries to do everything on his own. It uses free information from the Internet (websites, blogs, mailing lists, all kinds of free courses), books, video and audio materials.

And there comes a moment when a person realizes that he needs a mentor. And sometimes just a kick in the ass. Most often this happens in the cases described below.

You need a mentor if:

  • You already know what to do, but you don't
  • You need much more results than you have now
  • Do you want to take your development to the next level?
  • You have a "porridge" in your head due to an overabundance of information
  • You find yourself in a difficult life situation and cannot find a way out

Choosing a mentor is very important process Therefore, I recommend that you make your choice consciously. Ideally, you should clearly understand what exactly you want from a mentor and at what level you want to interact with him.

Describe what qualities this person should have, what values ​​\u200b\u200bhe has. In other words, paint a portrait of your mentor.

When you start your search and you come across candidates, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I in love with this person?
  • Do I like the lifestyle that this person leads?

If the answer to these 2 questions is “Yes”, then find out how you can get the experience of this person, under what conditions he can become your mentor!

Ideally, your mentor should know how to get you from point A to point B. He has already walked this path and can now help you get through it.

P.S. Write in the comments - you already have a mentor, how important is this topic for you? Feedback is very important to me, I will be glad to discuss this topic!

How to find a good suitable coach (mentor, coach) Reviewed by https://plus.google.com/u/0/106316628551306822086 on Mar 13 Rating: 4.5

Greetings, dear friends!

In this article, I will tell you about how to find a mentor, how to choose a coach, a coach, in general, the person you could follow with pleasure, learn, develop and approach your success, your goals.

After all, success largely depends on right choice mentor...

The fact is that many are looking for a coach, coach or mentor in the content component. That is, if they see that a person is competent in these matters, they think: “Yes, I will learn from you.” But this is the biggest mistake you can make. You need to look for a coach (mentor) first of all by psychotype and temperament.

If you do not understand these complex psychological terms, then I will explain it easier. If you like the way the coach talks, if you like him as a person, then such a coach will be right for you as a mentor. If he speaks faster than you think, or vice versa, speaks more slowly, it means that there is no resonance.

What is resonance? If a person “resonates” – you will feel it at the level of your heart, you will immediately like it, something “jumps” in your chest, and you will understand: “Yes, this is the person I want to follow. This is the person I want to learn from.”

Therefore, there are quite a few coaches and trainers and speakers in the same niche who talk about the same things. There is a category of people who listen to one person, there is a category of people who listen to another person, and there is a third ...

If, for example, the speaker who has good information broadcasts to an audience that simply does not perceive a person, they do not like him - she will not learn from him, she will not have a result.

Who can you learn from, and how do you choose a mentor?

Who do you think you can learn from?

That's right, for that person who is not much taller than you, but already can pass on their knowledge. If you learn from people (for example, the so-called “gurus”) who have already grown a lot compared to you, they have already forgotten something, they don’t remember something, and therefore they will not even be interested in working with you.

But that category of people who have just passed what you are now going to, that is, they have left not far from you - they will already be ready to share knowledge with you and you need to learn from them. I advise you learn only from people who are one level higher than you.

To make it clear to you, I will try to explain more specifically with an example. If you have learned to earn in your niche, in your favorite business, for example, 20 thousand rubles, then you need to learn from those who already earn 50 thousand rubles. Those who earn 150,000 rubles have a different level of knowledge, a different level of competence.

I talk about the levels of knowledge in a paid training - VIP training week "Anti-porridge in the head" . And only for those who are really interested in knowing this, we will tell you what levels of knowledge are and why many people get stuck there, at one certain level, and cannot get out of it for a long time, cannot reach a new level of income and a new level for a long time. of its development.

If you are interested, here are the ones to which I am very grateful and which significantly influenced my development and my path to success.

You can learn more about how to find a mentor by watching the following videos:

With all my heart I wish you to find an excellent coach, an excellent coach and go on your way, constantly developing and inspiring many other people.

Until we meet again!

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A good mentor plays a big role in the path to success. But how to find a mentor, how to behave with him? This is told by the former US Secretary of State, the founders of several successful startups and one of the best authors of the New York Times.

1. It's about the person, not the position

“For me, mentoring is vital. I attribute much of my success to the fact that I had many great mentors, people I could go to and ask for advice,” writes Alexa von Tobel, founder and head of the service for financial planning LearnVest.com. Alexa notes that the knowledge and personal qualities of a mentor are important: if your mentor does not think ahead or is not the most honest person, then he himself will become a problem.

2. Don't wait for a relationship - mentorship comes in many forms

“A little tip from me: don’t necessarily look for someone you can build a relationship with, but look for someone you can go to and ask a simple question, who can easily answer you by mail,” advises Janet Mock, New York author times. When you have a specific question for a specific person you trust, you can simply ask it - and the lack of a close relationship takes the pressure off your mentor.

3. Don't get attached to coffee and lunch: be flexible

How do mothers aged 35 to 45, when they work, differ from men in work? Moms want to spend time at home with their kids after work. It doesn't matter what event they were invited to - family is more important to them. “So I can't think like a 29 year old single guy. I have to think about how to attract my target audience" says Kevin Conroy Smith, founder of The Number Project. Kevin's advice is not to approach people in a way that suits you: make the meeting comfortable for the other person. Not everyone needs your coffee. Be flexible.

Geneva S. Thomas, founder and Chief Editor Jawbreaker.nyc advises taking a closer look at your co-workers: “The girl next to you may hire you for five years, or she may have contacts with a big brand whose sponsorship dollars you need. This is a small planet, relationships are very important!”

5. Your mentors usually find you (not vice versa)

“My mentors found me at work. My boss was my mentor when I got my first full-time job at 25. My first boss literally taught me how to order at a restaurant - because I was a black girl from Inglewood, California and I had never eaten sushi in my life, never been to Mr. Chow, didn't go to a restaurant on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, but for new work I had to go to these places for meetings. He bought me my first gift card at Barney's: I remember thinking “What is Barney's?” says Myleik Teele, founder of curlBOX. “People think that mentors come down from heaven like angels with wings and say, “I am your mentor.” It's not like that, it's usually someone who helps you in certain aspects of life and takes care of you."

Condoleezza Rice, director of the Global Center for Business and the Economy at Stanford University, advises against looking for a mentor who is just like you. “If I were looking for a black woman, a specialist in Soviet countries I would still be waiting,” says the former US Secretary of State. “Most of my mentors were white older men, because they are the ones who dominate my field.”

7. Don't ask for a map - ask for directions

“Being a mentor means believing in someone and caring enough to share your knowledge. My mentors didn't always have all the answers, but they were able to share their wisdom and experience. When I meet the person I want to be my mentor, I ask them to tell me stories. I want to sit around and hear as many life stories as I can,” says Scooter Brown, founder of School Boy Records. “I tell my mentors what's going on in my life and ask, 'Is there anything in your life that you can talk about to help me?' I want to learn from the mistakes of the past. I want to learn from success."

8. Learn not only to take, but also to give

Mentoring should help both sides, says Charm & Chain COO Jamie Rutenberg. “In many aspects of my career, mentoring and the idea of ​​empowering each other has been a key success factor. And I love being a mentor to other people, sharing experiences, letting people learn from my mistakes and success.”

9. Mentoring is not a life jacket

You can’t force people to save themselves, you don’t need to contact a mentor only when things are going very badly for you. Mentoring should be mutually beneficial. “If you're looking for someone you want help from but don't give anything in return, that's not cool,” says Myleik Teele, founder of curlBOX. You have to bring something into your mentor's life. "My mentor never paid for lunch with me - I paid for every lunch because I appreciate her." Who was your mentor? Was there a person or people who strongly influenced you as a person and as a professional? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich - doctor and psychologist, professor at the Bombay Vedic Health Institute. Specialist in the field of "Ayurveda", dermatovenereology, acupuncture, acupuncture, reflexology, herbal medicine, traditional medicine. He has his own methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases, which are highly effective and have been tested in the system of the Ministry of Health. Has two Russian patents for invention. He graduated from the Samara Medical Institute, internship in the specialty dermatovenereology, Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship, specializing in acupuncture.

Doctor Torsunov received his second education in classical oriental medicine Ayurveda in India. Has patients all over the world.

Vice President of the Association of Ayurvedic Doctors of Russia.

He defended his scientific dissertation on the topic of public health. Reads lectures. The results of statistical studies of people who constantly listen to his lectures are as follows:

50% - people abandon their own bad habits. The other 50% who don't quit improve their attitude towards the bad habit.

65% - people improve their relationships in the family.

67% of people improve their attitude to nutrition and daily routine.

47% of people improve their relationships at work. And many, many more.

The fundamental difference from the standard approach to human psychological health is the combination general psychology, with the ancient Vedic science of life and family relationships.

(From a lecture by Oleg Gennadievich Torsunov).
– Be careful when people start to predict something to you. It is very dangerous. But if the person really knows, why not tell? You must always be careful. That is, moving too quickly towards mentoring can lead to a serious setback in life. Often people choose as mentors those who - in general, are never even worthy in any way. And there are certain keys to these things. Here's the first thing, look, a real mentor is a servant. He will never extract money from you. Never. This is simply impossible. And even though delicately, though not delicately. Senior - will never draw money, first rule.
Second: the elder will never destroy the family for the sake of faith . Here it is “for the sake of faith” to destroy the family - it will never happen. The elder will never separate you from the children. Older ( mentor ) will never change your faith for another. Older ( mentor ) will never make you "fanate" and reject your relatives for the sake of knowledge. A senior mentor will never “overstrain” you, make you “break down”. He will always “slow down” you, on the contrary, so that you move forward more carefully. The elder is the one who - himself has senior mentors. If he does not have a classical ancient spiritual tradition, “lightning struck on the head”, and he became the elder ( mentor), never listen to this man. It is very dangerous. You see, he must deeply study the scriptures, be in some ancient serious spiritual tradition. He himself must have senior mentors. That's why, without the faith of the elders - does not happen. A person must always belong to some chain, to some kind of continuity, otherwise he will definitely get lost. A senior mentor, when talking to a woman, never “makes eyes”. If you see that the elder sympathizes with you, he is not a senior mentor. Do not communicate with him anymore as with a senior mentor, this is a mistake.
There are two deviations from senior mentors. Some elders refer only to the sacred scriptures, and have no life experience. They are “dry”, and, as it were, they always exaggerate. Others always speak from life experience and never refer to scriptures. Need a middle. Moreover, the more a person develops, the more it is necessary to communicate with him from the position of the sacred scriptures. The less developed, the less, more life experience.
A senior mentor never pulls a person “by the ears” to spiritual life. He simply inspires him to develop. The senior mentor is always a servant, not a master. He does not force himself to serve. He serves himself. Remember? If this something is missing, that person is not qualified to be a senior mentor. And being older is very dangerous. Because if you have taken refuge from a person who is not qualified, he will take you to the place where “Makar did not feed the calves”. There are scary pictures. One woman came up to me and said, even before that I advised her, that her husband fell into some kind of “spiritual” tradition, in which his elders (mentors) told him that your wife was undeveloped. Therefore, do not live with her. And in general, how would you move here, and live here, earn on us. Donate more. Why do you want to live a material life? Live - spiritual. Donate more to us here. It is very dangerous!
There are also such systems that if you pay a lot of money, you will receive initiation. And if you pay even more, you will receive an even higher dedication. It all depends on the amount of money. Therefore, in your life you need to “plow” a lot for “initiation”. It is not a religion, it is a deviation. I'm just telling you where not to go.
Or suppose someone proclaims the following principles: The main thing is freedom! Love is above everything. So whoever you want to have sex with. It's all "love". Live Free. Get undressed, go without pants. Love everyone around. All other people are clamped, notorious. You are a child of nature. Run without pants for squirrels. Live in the forest without pants, swim in clean water, have sex with whoever you want. We are children of nature”. In the next life, such people are born as monkeys. That they chose this concept, and then they get it. That is - not according to Darwin, but vice versa ( laughs).




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