Numerology for business company name online. Numerology in business: what number will bring good luck. Protection from the evil eye and damage on your own at home

Folk wisdom has long noted that the success or failure of its carrier depends on the name of a person or the name of a ship. The same is true in business: it is important not only to choose the exact day of the creation and registration of the company, but also to choose the ideal number of the name - code number.

Numerology facilitates this task by offering a simple calculation: determine the numbers corresponding to the letters of the name, and add them up to a final prime number. Let's take the name PHOENIX as an example, and the numerical value of each letter can be seen in the table.

F-3, E-6, H-6, I-1, K-3, S-1, then add up: 3+6+6+1+3+1=20 = 2. The code number for the name "Phoenix" is 2. Now it is easy to find out what prospects this number holds for your company, what it threatens for your type of activity, whether or not to leave this name.

Code number 1

This is a very favorable number, especially if there are plans for a significant development of activities. Number 1 patronizes just now open cause, created to meet the demand of people and bearing signs of novelty, innovations that are not widespread. Any product will be successful if the company name has a 1 in the code. However, it is worth considering that if the company does not expand, but simply works to generate constant income, the unit can negatively affect the business and expel you from the market. The exception is small companies that produce original and rare goods. The unit must be allowed to develop the company, and then your business will flourish.

Code number 2

This number is influenced from the outside, it has no power, therefore trading is contraindicated for it. A trading branch with its name, containing the number 2 in the code, will bring profit to the main company for some time, but is inevitably doomed to closure - it will not bring profit. The deuce in the name brings the company problems with documents and other obstacles, which can be avoided if you correctly select employees from the point of view of numerology (you know exactly the numbers of their names and surnames). Positive vibrations of staff names can help to avoid many problems of the company.

Code number 3

This number goes well with activities related to children: private Kindergarten or a game room under the vibration of the troika will work successfully. Also, this number patronizes the business associated with flowers, and the billiard club, as well as the club of hunters. The troika is in charge of the atmosphere of leisure, this number attracts customers, makes their stay in the gaming establishment pleasant and useful.

Code number 4

Four is responsible for success in activities related to two types of goods. The first type - goods of daily demand, the second - exclusive goods related to luxury items, things of the author's performance. Goods of the first type will always sell well in a store whose name contains the number 4: the four attracts customers and makes them regular customers. If you sell large household appliances or furniture, there may be some business problems at first, but the four is able to establish a business and overcome all problems. It is desirable that the number four be in harmony with the date of the opening of the store and its registration. The vibration of the number 4 multiplies the efforts of the industrious owner. If you rely only on the name of the company and its code number, you will not see success, the store will burn out.

Code number 5

The five in the name gives the company not constant, but variable success in its activities, and this is the problem. It is necessary that the name of the business owner be in harmony with the name of the company: for example, if the owner has a name code number of 3, then he will not be able to cope with a business with the number 5 in the name. Such a business is threatened with debts, customer dissatisfaction. If the name of the company cannot be changed, we advise you to carefully select employees: the calm vibrations of their names will not allow staff turnover to occur. Nevertheless, a company with a four in the name may well operate successfully and receive a good income. The four have a negative effect on trading activity- the shops. Favors travel agencies, tour agencies, companies involved in cargo transportation (furniture, things, building materials). Five together with three gives success to the leisure and entertainment industry.

Code number 6

The six favors those places in the trade sector where there are always a lot of visitors, especially children: a children's goods store, a toy store or a pyrotechnics salon will be very successful. For any business, the interest of consumers is always important, let it be hotel business or refresher courses. Six is ​​harmoniously combined with the sale of consumer goods and food products: stores will always be profitable, despite different amounts of income.

Code number 7

This number in the title will help companies specializing in the production of expensive goods (jewelry), as well as companies producing cosmetics, perfumes, clothing, etc. under the brand name. It is especially important not to miss a chance that seems random to you - this is the most likely path to success. It is important that the number of the name of the owner of the company does not oppress the positive vibration of the number that is successful for the business. If everything can be harmonized, the company will receive guaranteed success, and the brand - popularity.

Code number 8

This number in the title should be large companies, shops and firms: the eight loves large scales. Ideally, the number 8 is suitable for establishments such as a sports club or fitness center. It will have the most favorable impact on companies that develop their own network of stores or representative offices. The vibration of the eight was created for large-scale, global projects that have every chance of becoming well-known.

Code number 9

Nine patronizes companies whose activities are related to the accumulation of funds. These are commercial establishments: banks, financial institutions, paid educational establishments, various funds, incl. charitable. Nine will help very well such an institution as a shelter for stray animals. The vibration of this number must be supported by giving the name of the company in two words.

Everyone knows that whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail, so the most important thing in creating a company is to find a bright and concise name for it that will “cling” and attract, and it must also tell what it does this organization. There is another essential point in choosing the right name - an appeal to numerology, with the help of the science of numbers, you can choose not only a beautiful name for an enterprise, but also bearing certain information about the services or products that provide.

The meaning of the numbers

1. This name is usually given to firms that decide to expand on a large scale. The leaders will succeed, but you need to act, and not sit still, otherwise you can only wait for losses. As for a suitable production for this name, it is better that this be a law firm - many clients, courts won and much more. Also, the vibration of one is good for small firms in the mega-company, they will have great success and recognition.

2. With such a name, it is good to develop a family business or focus on lovers and family, the “deuce” is perfect for a restaurant, pizzeria, children's center, etc., it will always be comfortable for sociable and sociable people, lonely people will feel uncomfortable, which is take their attention away from the organization. One important note - if the company has a vibration of a deuce, then it may have problems if there are two owners or bosses (preferably one or more), because both will pull the leader's blanket over themselves and, as a result, will be torn in half.

3. Leisure and childhood figure, so will suit a variety of children's entertainment centers or private schools and gymnasiums, it also harmonizes with companies and organizations focused on communication between children and adults, these can be gaming establishments or interest clubs. An excellent option is creative clubs, where mothers do their own thing, and children do their own, and then unite into one team.

4. This firm will prosper on one condition - its leaders must have the same digital vibration. Usually this figure is favorable for companies that are focused on the sale of luxury and originality - paintings, panels, podium and wedding clothes and other works of art, but you will have to work hard and promote things you have created yourself, but if you sit back, nothing will work out. . The motto of this organization is diligence, patience and exclusivity.

5. This figure is suitable for travel agencies, carriers and other companies where you need to move. And if laziness is still acceptable to the authorities, then subordinates must work tirelessly, then the matter will be argued and bring considerable income. It is worth paying attention to this fact - among the workers there should not be people with a vibration of more than five, otherwise the business will collapse under their pressure. The best tandem - five and three, one five - is also contraindicated.

6. "Six" - an excellent vibration for shops and hotels, then the enterprise will bring worthy and stable income. The owners will only have to prepare safes and bags where to put the earned profits, however, it should be remembered that you should not tell anyone about your expenses and incomes, otherwise the company will break up with envy into small pieces, which will be very difficult to collect.

7. Developers of their own perfume or jewelry line are best to choose a name with the vibration of the seven. By the way, "seven" is the number of intuition, so you should always listen to her prompts, she will not let you down. Quite often, the owners of companies with this name have a problem, they cannot make the right choice, and so the best option will always be the first, it will become branded.

8. Such a figure is suitable for a business that is always relevant - fitness rooms, chain stores, beauty salons, etc., but you should be guided by such a rule - never trust anyone with money matters, since a stranger can introduce endless problems, of which practically it will be impossible to get out.

9. This vibration of kindness and charity, so the name "nine" is ideal for banks, educational institutions, charities, orphanages and animal shelters. Great, when it is headed by a person with the numerological code "nine", such a combination of a company and a boss will only bring success - financial and media. It is worth taking note of the fact that it is desirable to give a double name, that is, consisting of two words, then no one and nothing will help hinder the development of the work begun.

The course of business life, the prosperity of business is influenced by many factors: the personal qualities of a businessman, his experience, the right direction of activity. At the same time, few people think about the fact that the combination of numbers that make up the date of registration of the company can also affect the business.

For some reason, many people think that numerological forecast they do it only in order to or in order to better understand themselves,. Not many people know that using the principles of numerology, you can find answers to questions about business and commerce. If you are interested in how things will turn out for any enterprise, firm or store, you should seek help from numbers and the science that studies them - numerology.

To do this, you first need to install exact start date of the company, is the date of its registration. Remember the date of birth of your business, add up all the numbers of the date, then reduce the numbers of the result to a single digit (from 1 to 9). So you will find out the numerological number of your company and, accordingly, its energy vibrations, its purpose and destiny.

Numerological number of the business by the date of registration of the company. Online calculation

Enter in the field the date of registration of the company in numbers in the form ddmmyy and click the "Find out" button. For example, for a company registered on December 8, 2008, enter 8122008 in the field.

- This is the target number. The future of business associated with this vibration portends success and recognition. The new company will quickly gain a leading position, and its products will be in high demand. Any undertakings in such an enterprise bring success, and the energy of the "unit" contributes to the subsequent expansion of the business.
To get a financial return, in such a firm, several ideas must be implemented. In addition, it is necessary to properly regulate income, as there is a risk of bankruptcy, or that the money will be spent for other purposes. The manager should Special attention pay attention to the psychological atmosphere in the team; make every effort to avoid interpersonal conflicts; exclude envy and competition; strive to ensure that none of the employees fought for the title of "favorite".

- "Deuce" portends both ups and downs for the company. Such an enterprise will grow slowly, but if you put enough effort into it, you can expect a return. However, it should be remembered here that any undertakings will require significant efforts. Such a business will require constant monitoring, it is impossible to relax and let things take their course.
The “two” company will often have financial difficulties, therefore, in order to protect it from bankruptcy, it is necessary to keep some part of the capital in the bank on deposit. Such a reserve will help the company to function in difficult periods when revenues will be minimal or large investments will be required.

- The company, born under the influence of the "troika", as if created in order to generate income. Successes from the very beginning will follow one after another. There will always be money in such an enterprise, only their quantity will be inconstant.
In such a company, one should be especially careful about new partners - the "troika" radiates so much monetary energy that everyone will think about what the enterprise is - a real "gold mine", and everyone will want to bask near it.
The energy of the "troika" is aimed at achievements, new goals and creative realizations, therefore stagnation and monotony will lead such a company to destruction and collapse. For a successful existence, a company must constantly explore the market, introduce new ideas, introduce something new, reshape the old, only then can one count on its successful development.

- The vibration of the "four" means strength and stability, balance and stability. The future of such an enterprise is quite reliable - competitors will have to work hard if they want to get the ground out from under his feet.
You should not expect that such a company will immediately begin to bring huge profits - this is a slow-growing business. He is undoubtedly set for success and a career, he only requires an attentive attitude and needs a constant influx of new solid ideas.

- The vibration of the "five" is favorable for risk. The future of such a firm will present enough situations where everything needs to be at stake. Such an enterprise is capable of generating high incomes, although there is a risk of conflicts, both within the team and with competitors.

A company with a vibration of the "five" should be wary of theft, which can be in all areas, both material and intellectual. In addition, the manager should carefully monitor the costs, as well as the actions of competitors.

- The future associated with the vibration of the "six" portends business stability and reliability. A firm of this type is capable of generating income, which, although it will not be in the millions, will be constant and stable. Here, of course, the family will play an important role, since family business also falls under the energy of this number.

By helping someone, such a firm will gain more and more respect, and hence success. You should be careful with loans and borrowings, as they carry the negative energy of uncertainty. Do not hope that loans will be a lifeline - money will have to be mined on your own or family forces.

- A company with the vibration of the "seven" will have a successful future. The enterprise will not be left without attention, and the company's products will be in demand. Success will accompany any direction, the main thing is to carefully consider the strategy of the organization, set clear goals for yourself.

Here, however, there is one caveat - the "seven" promises easy profit, but perhaps this is just an illusion. You should not get involved headlong into adventures - only the awareness of future risks can lead to prosperity and prosperity.

- Vibrations of the G8 promise profit and material success. Any financial transactions will be very profitable and profitable. The main condition here is that all ideas must be carefully thought out and planned, and then they will bring incredible income.

In addition, for successful development and the prosperity of the company will require considerable effort, which may force you to forget about rest for a while. However, a huge flow of energy will create tension that will affect all participants, so that such work does not affect health, everyone must correctly allocate time between work and rest.

- "Nine" symbolizes stamina and stability. Even if there are significant financial losses, the company is able to quickly recoup the losses. The main thing is to find errors in the calculations in time, to draw the right conclusions.
"Nine" patronizes charity, so any generous donations will eventually return as a profitable investment. The risk in such a company will not pay off - you need to think through everything a few steps ahead.

The article contains only actual information, which is directly related to the name of the company in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui company name for a successful business

Feng Shui in translation means harmony, according to this the name should consist of promising words or words. It is best to consult with relatives, close people who, knowing you, will suggest something that comes from a pure heart. A good choice would be a 5-letter word with a vowel at the end.

With the help of numerology, you can find out whether a business with such a name will succeed, for this you need to calculate the word by adding all the letters into numbers. Write numbers from 1 to 9, write letters under them in order. For example, take the word "Paradise" R-9, A-1, J-2. 9+1+2=12 1+2=3

In this case, the number is 3.

1. A number suitable for a business that will develop on a large scale in the future. There is a high probability that it will turn out to open a whole network. This number is good for new business helping him develop in the right direction.

2. This figure is not ready to drive the business forward. Yes, everything will be fine at the very beginning, but over time, the business will “deflate”.

3. A great choice for a people-based business, such as a kindergarten, night club, cafe or restaurant. A place where it will be comfortable for visitors to spend their leisure time.

4. This figure is suitable for a business that will offer non-essential goods that people will buy regardless of the amount of funds. Namely, luxury goods, author's things. What people buy for pleasure.

5. A chic figure for any undertaking, it will help a person in all matters. But the five do not like debt, so when doing business, try not to accumulate unnecessary burdens and debts, so that, God forbid, you do not go broke. Suitable for services, beauty salons, massage room and other.

6. With such a figure, one can only dream of buyers. The business will not even be able to develop, let alone survive in the market. Consumers will bypass your establishment.

7. A good option for expensive goods, jewelry. Will patronize only strong personalities. In order to open such a business, you must have everything thought out to the smallest detail.

8. This figure patronizes those who are ready to invest their souls in business. Wants to develop to the volume of large cities.

9. Ideal for businesses that raise money. Bank, charity.

How to Choose a Feng Shui Name for an LLC

The name should be pleasant to the ear, it is best if it carries some meaning, and not just a set of letters. Oddly enough, but naming stores or other establishments by their names is not very profitable.

People say: "Whatever you call a ship, so it will sail." The success of a company is influenced not only by the day of its foundation or registration, but also by the code number of the company name.

For example:

C-1, E-6, M-5, L-3, R-6. We get 1+6+5+3+6=21=2+1=3

Thus, the code number for the company name "Family" is 3.

The number obtained by this method is the number of the firm. After you calculate the number of the company, read the decoding of the code number, and think about whether you should leave this name or think about another one that is more suitable specifically for the type of activity of your company.

Code number 1

An excellent number that is suitable for organizations intending to expand globally. The unit favorably affects the newly formed demand-driven business modern consumer, suggesting a certain innovation, something that has not been experienced before, that has not yet taken root on a huge scale. And it is not so important what the enterprise produces, the name of which has the vibration of one, because the product will be successful. But it should be borne in mind that if the business owner does not intend to expand, but only plans to have fixed income, then this number may crowd out his business due to inconsistency with the market. An exception may be small firms focused on specific products that are not on the market in sufficient quantities. If you approach vibration wisely, you can most likely help the business without holding back its development.

Code number 2

Vibration that can be affected. She has no power because she is not trade oriented. This vibration may have a branch of the enterprise, which has its own name, but after a while it will close due to non-repayment. A firm with a vibration of a deuce will be forced to face obstacles, and problems with documentation are not ruled out. If you approach the selection of personnel responsibly, taking into account the vibrations of their names and surnames, then by "launching" positive vibrations to help the main one, you can avoid many problems.

Code number 3

This vibration will be an excellent choice if you intend to open a children's playroom or a private kindergarten. Three is the best for you. But this number is also in harmony with the business, focused on the sale of flowers, as well as with the atmosphere billiard club. Troika promotes leisure activities. Its vibration attracts customers and multiplies their positive from spending time in a gaming establishment. If you are running a private hunting club, vibration is also for you.

Code number 4

There are two different product categories for this vibration. The first is the goods that a person needs on a daily basis, and the second is luxury items and exclusive items, possibly of the author's performance. Regarding the first category, one can be sure of constant consumer demand, sometimes more, sometimes less. The number can attract customers and, at the same time, they will be tempted to visit the store again and again. If the goods sold are large Appliances, furniture, then, perhaps, not everything will develop as we would like, but the vibration will eliminate all inconsistencies and will contribute to debugging the business. Well, if the vibration is in harmony with the date of opening and registration of the enterprise. It should also be borne in mind that the vibration of a number helps hardworking people, and if you have hope for only one vibration, then the company will not "survive".

Code number 5

Vibration symbolizes variable success, and in order for things to work, the name of the owner of the company must be in harmony with its name. If the name of the owner of the company is under the influence of the troika, then he will not be able to manage an enterprise with the name of vibration "5": debts, indignations of dissatisfied customers are not excluded. If it is impossible to compromise for some reason, choose the staff very carefully, with calm vibrations, otherwise staff turnover is guaranteed. Despite such influence, the firm can operate successfully and generate a stable income. At the same time, its dependence on the field of activity should also be taken into account. I must say, vibration is not for stores. She fits best travel agencies, tour agencies, cargo transportation and furniture companies, building materials. The number 5, like 3, helps in organizing leisure and entertainment.

Code number 6

Excellent vibration for companies where interested visitors do not drop out. The interest of the consumer is at the heart of the business, whether it be hotels or refresher courses. This vibration is also suitable for stores that sell goods consumer goods and groceries: at the same time, the store will generate a stable income, despite the ups and downs. This vibration can make a children's, toy or fireworks store a success.

Code number 7

A good vibration for businesses that produce expensive products, such as jewelry, and can also patronize companies that offer their own cosmetic or perfume line, clothing line, and so on. Here, in no case should you miss random chances that will lead to success. But sometimes it happens that the vibration of the owner's name depresses positive influence a good number for business development. Basically, if you manage to debug everything according to the plan, then the success of the enterprise is guaranteed, and the brand becomes popular.

Code number 8

Vibration of a wide scale, which does not accept small organizations or institutions. If you intend to open a fitness center, then the vibration of this number will be ideal. The G8 patronizes firms that aim to develop their own chain of stores or businesses. Vibration seems to be designed for huge projects. Such enterprises become widely known.

Code number 9

Vibration has a positive impact on fundraising firms. It could be commercial Bank, paid educational institutions, charitable foundations. The nine will contribute to the success of those who intend to organize a nursery for homeless animals. The vibration of the nine must be maintained, which can be ensured by the name of the organization: make it up not from one, but from two words.


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