How to resign from a position at work. How to refuse a promotion. When to give up and how not to harm your career. Is it advisable to say "no"

Have you thought about when you will finally be offered a promotion and waited for this moment, but realized that you were not ready for such a turn of events? Yes, a good gift of fate, of course! How can you delicately refuse the director's proposal and keep your “I”?

What's the matter? Yes, the fact that we were forced to believe that absolutely everyone must be a successful leader, or, at worst, make a big name for himself, otherwise he will simply be considered a loser, a simple “loser” ...

And all would be fine, but few people think about the fact that not all people are given to be leaders. And the main reason is that if everyone is great bosses, then they simply won't have someone to lead.

Secondly, it is worth noting that only a few have the qualities that a person needs in order for him to be able to lead others and do it on decent level... He must be able to take responsibility for the actions of other people, and not just be very famous and respected ...

The truth of life is that most people feel comfortable enough in the role of a performer, since they do not need to think about some global problems and think about how to solve them.

So, if you understand that you are simply not ready to lead someone and decide why Ivanov began to work so badly and who to take in the place of the recently resigned Taldykin, well, or you just don’t want to take on all this responsibility, and you are offered an increase, then in this case, it is much better to simply refuse it.

In the event that you nevertheless agree, then you will have to pay dearly for your thirst for a career, moreover, either with your health or with your psychological comfort, which is clearly disrupted as a result of the fact that you have to do a lot of overwhelming work every day. There is another variant of the development of events - you, having failed to cope with the task at hand, will have to look for another place of work.

Having answered yourself honestly and realizing that this job is not for you, do not be lazy to explain to your superiors the reason for your refusal to be promoted. Say that you are very flattered by the trust placed in you, but still have to refuse, because you are sure that you simply will not cope with all the responsibilities, and therefore you prefer to remain in your former place.

And the person who is not ready for the next step up the career ladder, will get the so-called burnout syndrome.

Believe that the new opportunities that have opened up before you, and the high salary, and all other benefits will very soon recede into the background for you, so the realization that you have tried to jump above your head will come.

We assure you that realization will not keep you waiting long, and just after one or two months you will clearly understand that you have made the biggest mistake in your life, but it will be extremely difficult to fix everything: you will become a hostage of the current situation, and therefore You will either have to pull yourself together and continue to work no matter what until you are completely exhausted and exhausted, or put a letter of resignation on the director's table.

Agree that none of these options is impressive or attractive, but therefore, if you feel that you are not ready to shoulder this overwhelming burden, you better give it up yourself. Do not be afraid to disappoint the management with your refusal, as practice shows that failure to fulfill duties upsets the bosses the most, and not that you were honest with them. Trust that a failed project will not impress anyone.

The bottom line is this: if you are suddenly offered a promotion, and you feel that you are not yet ready for this, then do not be afraid to explain your position, do not be afraid to talk about it openly, do not hesitate to seem like a fool who does not appreciate such a generous gift that fate presents him.

Note that you have slightly different values ​​in life, and at this point in time you still do not possess the set of qualities necessary for improvement.

Expert Advice - Job and Career Consultant

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There can be many reasons to resign. For example, your personal plans simply did not include a promotion anytime soon because you were going to devote time to your family or wanted to take a sabbatical. It is somehow not accepted to render such proposals, so it is necessary to take time for reflection and think carefully about how to refuse, without putting either yourself or the leadership in an awkward position. Just follow this simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track when dealing with your financial issues.

Quick step-by-step guide
So, let's look at the actions that need to be taken.

Step - 1
Whatever reasons you may be guided by, the arguments that you give as the reason for your refusal must be thought out, balanced and formulated so that the employer feels that you are considering your refusal from his position as well. To prepare and justify the refusal, take a time out. Next, we move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 2
Assess the implications of your transition from an employer's perspective. An excellent motivation will be the confidence you expressed that if you move to another position, you will have to leave the job to solve problems that are very important for the company. Explain to your employer that finding a replacement for you will be time consuming and costly for the business. Next, we move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 3
In a situation when you want to refer to the impossibility of accepting the offer due to the fact that at the moment you need to solve some family problems, you do not need to start the conversation by mentioning them. First, thank you for your trust and say that this offer is very interesting to you. Show how much you are in control of the situation and that you are aware of the policies of the company. Then say that you have analyzed your possibilities, but you will be able to fully realize them only after a while, because on this stage you are facing an important family problem that requires your participation. Such a refusal will not be perceived as an insult, and at the same time, you will show yourself as a responsible person, demonstrate the inclinations of a future leader. Next, we move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 4
It also happens that you are not satisfied with the direction of activity that they are going to entrust you with. In this case, it makes sense to directly say about it, thanking for the trust. Share your plans and consult with your manager if it will be possible to bring them to life.
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Refusal to raise: who needs it and why

Oddly enough it sounds, but promotion is not always a joy. For someone new position may not fit into a personal career development plan, someone is not ready to take on more responsibilities due to family circumstances, and someone does not see himself as a leader at all. The main thing is to reject the offer for a promotion so as not to harm the career, if not contribute to its development.

Different reasons

The reasons for rejecting the proposed increase can be very different. This may be the fear of not coping, and the unwillingness to switch from interesting professional tasks to administrative ones, and the desire to move in a different direction, and the unwillingness to take a different level of responsibility and work schedule, or the unwillingness to change the existing relationships in the team.

Training managers advise you to plan behavior based on your own goals. For example, they can be like this: you do not want and never want to become a leader, you want to become a leader, but a little later, say, after a couple of years, you want to become a leader in a different professional field.

Whatever the reasons for the refusal, according to experts, it should be thoughtful, balanced and formulated from the standpoint of the interests of the employer.

Weighty arguments

Such a decision and its reasoning require preparation. So it's better to take a little time out, think it over and, if necessary, discuss it with family members. “Well-prepared arguments will allow you to avoid a situation where the employer might think that you are adding value to yourself and do not refuse seriously,” says Marina Mironova and advises to evaluate the positive and negative consequences this transition for the employer himself. You can motivate your decision, for example, by showing that you will have to give up a number of important tasks for the company, and the search for a replacement will be long and expensive.

Those who are not yet able to accept the offer due to family circumstances should start the conversation with the fact that the offer is generally interesting to you, then show ownership of the situation and understanding of the goals and objectives of the unit and its leader. And then say that you have comprehensively analyzed your resources and capabilities and realized that you will be able to achieve these goals only after a while, and voice the reasons. Thus, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your leader by showing that you value their choices and think like a team player.

If the reason for the refusal is the unwillingness to change your status in the team and the need to change the attitude of others towards yourself, show the employer that this appointment can cause conflicts, and possibly the departure of valuable employees.

And not really

Refusal due to unwillingness to change the existing work schedule is not the most the best way, because with a competent distribution of time, the manager may well fit into the usual work schedule.

But the worst part is rejection for fear of additional responsibility. After all, responsibility is present in one way or another at every workplace, and the employer may suspect that, avoiding greater responsibility, you will also strive to minimize the existing one.


Whatever reasons you may be guided by, the arguments that you give as the reason for your refusal should be thought out, balanced and formulated so that the employer feels that you are considering your refusal from his position as well. To prepare and justify the refusal, take a time out.

Assess the implications of your transition from an employer's perspective. An excellent motivation will be the confidence you expressed that if you move to another position, you will have to leave the job to solve problems that are very important for the company. Explain to your employer that finding a replacement for you will be time consuming and costly for the business.

In a situation when you want to refer to the impossibility of accepting the offer due to the fact that at the moment you need to solve some family problems, you do not need to start the conversation by mentioning them. First, thank you for your trust and say that this offer is very interesting to you. Show how much you are in control of the situation and that you are aware of the policies of the company. Then say that you have analyzed your possibilities, but you will be able to fully realize them only after a while, because at this stage you are facing an important problem in the family, which requires your participation to resolve. Such a refusal will not be perceived as an insult, and at the same time, you will show yourself as a responsible person, demonstrate the inclinations of a future leader.

It also happens that you are not satisfied with the direction of activity that they are going to entrust you with. In this case, it makes sense to directly say about it, thanking for the trust. Share your plans and consult with your manager if it will be possible to bring them to life.

Refusal of a job is an unpleasant, but inevitable procedure: out of many applicants who have responded to a vacancy, you always have to choose only one or at most a few.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - access to the Internet;
  • - Email.


If your company is looking for employees using recruiting agencies, as best you can describe the person you see on the free. Report level, work experience, knowledge foreign languages, the presence of a driver's license. Thus, it will be possible to avoid interviews with absolutely unsuitable candidates for the vacancy. And, accordingly, you will not have to refuse those who have not passed.

In a situation where several candidates fit all parameters, you need to re-interview. Arrange a joint interview with all applicants. Ask to complete tasks in the specialty. Whoever copes better and faster will get the position. After the meeting, explain to the others that they are not suitable for you, because the other candidate was more successful. Don't be afraid of negative reactions. Your company has the right vacant place the very first-class employee.

Sometimes you have to interview a large number of applicants - fifty or more people at the same time. Usually it happens at auditions or when admitted to a hypermarket chain. In this case, after talking with all applicants, ask those who are suitable to stay. Just list the names of those who passed the test. Express your gratitude to everyone else for the time spent and wish you success in your further searches.

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"We will call you back" - this phrase has long become synonymous with refusal, although sometimes HR managers do call the applicant back and offer to meet again. The rest of the methods of working with candidates are rarely practiced, despite the fact that this can damage the image of any organization. How can you refuse a job seeker without affecting anyone's interests?


Following the results of the first interview with applicants for the position, be sure to announce another round of interviews if there are two or more worthy candidates. Send refusals to the rest of the applicants. writing... In this case, it is imperative that the text contains links to relevant articles. Labor Code.

If the candidate is not suitable for you professional qualities, don't write about it directly. It is best to say this in a veiled form. For example, that you, having considered the resumes of all possible candidates, have come to the conclusion that your company is simply not in a position to hire everyone. And therefore, in view of the next revision staffing table, CVs of all applicants will be stored in a special folder in order to reduce the time needed to search for specialists in the future. It is not known whether your firm plans to expand the staff or not, but such a form of refusal, most likely, will not offend the candidate, but instill confidence in his abilities.

If the candidate does not suit you in terms of personal qualities (untidy appearance, repulsive manner of communication, etc.), refuse him due to his lack of the qualities necessary to perform this work in accordance with job description... Of course, if you are recruiting a staff of managers, then the applicant's lack of communication skills and the concept of cleanliness can be considered as a mismatch of the position in terms of objective indicators. But in case you are hiring workers in the workshop, such a wording is clearly not suitable. Try another round of interviews (for example, in the form of completing an assignment to prove qualifications).

You can write a waiver in two steps. First, send a notice to the applicant who does not like you for the position that his candidacy (and several more) is under consideration by the head of the organization. A few days later, send another letter with regret about the impossibility of hiring him, since the manager chose another candidate from among the possible applicants for the position. Be sure to notify your manager of all your actions and give in a conversation with him the real reasons for refusal.

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When the appearance vacant post employers make an offer about the vacancy actually available in his organization. If the candidate is not suitable for it for any reason, he has the right to him refuse in hiring. But if the applicant writes a letter or a statement of disagreement with this, the employer must correctly in writing to issue a refusal to accept for this position.


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