Job description - Construction site foreman. Job description of a road master Job description of a road master

limited liability ">Limited Liability Company "Beta"
Beta LLC

General manager
Beta LLC
___________________ A.I. Petrov


Job description road master

25.03.2013 № 325-CI

Moscow city


1.1. Real D The job description defines official duties, rights and responsibilitiesRoad masterBeta LLC.

1.2. Road master is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by ordergeneral directorBeta LLCon presentationwork producer.

1.3. Road master reports directlyto the work manufacturer.

1.4. For the position Road mastera person who hashigher professional (technical) education, without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in road maintenance units for at least three years.

1.5. The road master should know:
laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulations content and renovation highways;
specifications equipmentroad maintenance section, road-building machines and mechanisms;
pay regulations inroad maintenance units;
fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;
fundamentals of labor legislation;
protection rules environment;
labor protection and fire safety rules.

1.6. In its activities Road master guided by:
- laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning Xia issues of maintenance and repair of highways;
- local regulationsBeta LLC, including the Rules of internal work schedule;
- orders (orders) and immediate supervisor;
- rules on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- real D Job description.

1. 7 ... During the period of temporary absenceRoad masterhis duties are vested inexecutive appointed by orderGeneral Director of Beta LLC.


Road master performs the following job duties:
2.1. Provides the repair of highways and their maintenance in a safe condition m for vehicle traffic.
2.2. Supervises the cleaning of roads from snow, ice, garbage etc. depending on the effects of natural and climatic conditions, as well as backfilling of roads with abrasive materials in case of icy conditions.
2.3. Organizes asphalting of roads.
2.4. Participates in the development and holding measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of repair construction works .
2.5. Monitors compliance by employeesplotproduction and labor discipline, rules for labor protection and fire safety.
2.6. Teaches workers how to work safely.
2.7. Conducts labor safety briefings for employees.
2.8. Supervises the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, overalls and special food.
2.9. Takes part in the investigate accidents and clearance and acts.
2.10. Introduces advanced methods of work that ensure cost reduction, cost reduction, increased labor productivityLocation on.
2.11. Submits suggestions for revising production rates and prices.
2.12. Provides help in design and development rationalization proposals.
2.13. Conducts technical training and assists employees in improving their qualifications fication.
2.14. Manages employeesplot, monitors compliance with productionmental and labor discipline.
2.15. Provides the maintenance of the established documentation.


The road master has the right to:
3.1. Require your immediate supervisor andgeneral directorBeta LLCassistance in the execution job duties and the exercise of rights.
3.2. Improve your qualifications.
3.3. Request, personally or on behalf of a direct supervisor, from employees reports and documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
3.4. Get acquainted with project solutionsGeneral Director of Beta LLCconcerning activitiesRoad master.
3.5. Submit proposals to your immediate supervisorconcerning him professional activity, vincluding raising questions about improving their work, improving the organizational and technical working conditions, increasing the size of wages, about payment overtime work in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the employee remuneration systemBeta LLC.
3.6. Receive from employeesBeta LLCinformation required to maintain labor activity.


Road master is responsible:
4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties under this D Job descriptions - in accordance with applicable labor legislation.
4.2. For other offenses committed during the period labor activities (incl.h. associated with causing material damage and damage to business reputationBeta LLC), - in accordance with the current labor, civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms, rules, instructions; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations. 4.8. Submit for the management's consideration of the idea of ​​hiring, relocating and dismissing workers, on the encouragement of distinguished workers and on the use of disciplinary action to employees who violate labor and production discipline. 4.9. Require the direct supervisor to assist in the performance of their duties and rights. 4.10. ... (other rights) 5. Responsibility 5.1.

N 1028n "On approval Model Norms free issue special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment for employees of enterprises for the extraction and processing of uranium ores, for enrichment with uranium and its compounds, for the manufacture of fuel for nuclear reactors and for the production of electrical and thermal energy at nuclear power plants, employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution ”and other regulatory legal acts governing labor legal relations. one. General Provisions 1.1. The road master belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [the name of the position of the leader].
1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education is accepted for the position of a road foreman, without presenting requirements for work experience. 1.3.



Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description. 3.3. Participate in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered.


3.6. On favorable conditions for professional activity. 3.7.
Single qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and other employees (TSA), 2017 Qualification characteristics positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations "The section is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2009 N 977 Commandant departmental protection object Table of contents Master road (on the railway) Job responsibilities. Provides the repair of departmental highways and their maintenance in a condition that ensures the safety of vehicle traffic.
Supervises the cleaning of roads from snow, debris, etc. depending on the impact of natural and climatic conditions, as well as backfilling of roads with abrasive materials in case of icy conditions. Organizes asphalting of roads. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of repair and construction work.

Road site foreman

  • Job description of the road master
  • Road site foreman
  • 403 forbidden

Job description of the road master Education and work experience: the master must have a secondary vocational education (technical), education in the specialty (construction railways, track and track facilities, bridges and tunnels) and work experience in track facilities for at least three years. In the presence of a higher vocational education(technical) in the specialty: construction of railways, track and track facilities, bridges and tunnels, work experience in track facilities for at least one year.

Implementation of advanced working methods that ensure cost reduction, cost reduction, and increase in labor productivity. 3. Rights of the employee The road master has the right to: 3.1.
The road foreman is appointed and dismissed from office by order of [name of the manager's position]. 1.4. The road master must know: - laws and other normative legal acts Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning the construction, maintenance and repair of highways; - decisions, orders, orders of higher authorities; - methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials related to production and economic activities; - technical characteristics of equipment used for road construction, road-building machines and mechanisms; - regulations on remuneration in divisions; - fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules for the protection of the environment; - rules for labor protection and fire safety; - internal labor regulations.

Duties of the road master

Participates in the development of new and improvement of existing technological processes as well as production schedules. 2.5. Checks the quality of work performed, takes measures to prevent defects and improve the quality of work.
2.6. Participates in the acceptance of completed works. 2.7. Organizes the introduction of advanced methods and techniques of labor. 2.8. Ensures that workers comply with production standards, the correct use of equipment, tooling and tools.

2.9. Carries out the formation of teams (their quantitative, professional and qualified composition), develops and implements measures for the rational maintenance of teams, coordinates their activities, takes measures to create enlarged integrated teams. 2.10.

Sophia dorn


Implementation of advanced working methods that ensure cost reduction, cost reduction, and increase in labor productivity. 3. Rights of the employee The road master has the right to: 3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description. 3.3. Participate in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered. 3.4.

Give orders to subordinate employees in accordance with their level of competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation. 3.5. Coordinate and monitor the work of subordinate employees.

3.6. On favorable conditions for professional activity. 3.7.
Management of works on repair and current maintenance of railways. 2.2. Monitoring compliance with the technological process for track repair.
3. Job responsibilities The road master performs the following duties: 3.1. Carries out, in accordance with the standard regulations on the foreman of the production site, the management of the site headed by him. 3.2.

Ensures the execution of works on the repair and current maintenance of the superstructure of the track, roadbed, artificial structures in a timely manner and proper quality, to ensure the safety and smooth movement of trains at set speeds. 3.3. Prepares the production of work in a timely manner, ensures the placement of workers and teams, monitors the observance of technological processes, promptly identifies and eliminates the causes of their violation.

Job description of the master of road facilities

During the absence of the road foreman of the site (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. 1.6. ... 2. Job responsibilities Road foreman of the site: 2.1.

Carries out in accordance with the Model Regulations on the foreman of the production area, the management of the area headed by him. 2.2. Provides the execution of works on the repair and maintenance of the upper structure of the track, roadbed, artificial structures on time and of high quality, to ensure the safety and uninterrupted movement of trains at set speeds.
2.3. Prepares the production of work in a timely manner, ensures the placement of workers and teams, monitors the observance of technological processes, promptly identifies and eliminates the causes of their violation. 2.4.

Job description of the road master [name]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with, All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) (adopted by the decree of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 N 367), the All-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by the decree of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 298), by the Order of the Ministry health and social development RF of December 24, 2009 N 1028n "On Approval of the Model Norms for the Free Distribution of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Employees of Enterprises for the Extraction and Processing of Uranium Ores, for Enrichment with Uranium and Its Compounds, for the Production of Fuel for Nuclear Reactors and for the production of electrical and thermal energy at nuclear power plants, employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution "and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor legal relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The road master belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [the name of the position of the leader].

1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education is accepted for the position of a road foreman, without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. The road foreman is appointed and dismissed from office by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. The road master should know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning the construction, maintenance and repair of highways;

Resolutions, orders, orders of higher authorities;

Methodical, normative and other guidance materials related to production and economic activities;

Technical characteristics of equipment used for road construction, road construction machines and mechanisms;

Regulations on remuneration of labor in divisions;

Fundamentals of Economics, Labor Organization and Management;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Environmental protection regulations;

Labor protection and fire safety rules;

Internal labor regulations.

1.5. Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

1.6. The duties of the road master in his absence are performed by [write in the required information].

2. Job responsibilities

The following job duties are assigned to the road master:

2.1. Determination and setting of goals, tasks related to construction on a fixed section of the road.

2.2. Organization, planning and coordination of the activities of the division aimed at high quality road construction with least cost(material, labor, etc.).

2.3. Organization and planning current activities, ensuring timely and quality road construction.

2.4. Provision of road construction of a fixed section of a motor road building materials that meet the requirements for them.

2.5. Monitoring compliance with technological processes, prompt identification and elimination of the cause of their violation.

2.6. Organization of asphalting of a fixed section of the road.

2.7. Ensuring correct use of equipment.

2.8. Control over the correct and rational use of material, technical, financial and labor resources, reducing the cost of road construction.

2.9. Organization of work with personnel, selection and placement of personnel, control over their rational use and continuous professional development.

2.10. Training employees in safe working practices.

2.11. Conducting labor protection briefing for employees.

2.12. Conducting technical training and providing assistance to employees in improving their qualifications.

2.13. Monitoring compliance by employees with industrial and labor discipline, labor protection and fire safety rules.

2.14. Control over the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, overalls and special food.

2.15. Conducting timely investigation of accidents and registration of acts.

2.16. Organization of accounting and reporting on the assigned section of the road.

2.17. Analysis and evaluation of performance results, quality control and timeliness of road construction on a fixed section of the road.

2.18. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of construction work.

2.19. Development of measures to implement the saving of fuel resources.

2.20. Development and implementation of measures to improve road construction, identify and use reserves for increasing the volume and improving the quality of road construction.

2.21. Implementation of advanced working methods that ensure cost reduction, cost reduction, and increase in labor productivity.

3. Employee rights

The road master has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities.

3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Participate in conferences and meetings where issues related to its work are considered.

3.4. Give orders to subordinate employees in accordance with their level of competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation.

3.5. Coordinate and monitor the work of subordinate employees.

3.6. On favorable conditions for professional activity.

3.7. Introduce to the management the idea of ​​encouraging or imposing penalties on employees under his supervision.

3.8. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.9. For the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

3.10. To improve their qualifications in the manner prescribed Labor Code RF and other federal laws.

3.11. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.12. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Employee responsibility

The road master is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties as provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Supervisor structural unit

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]



[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

1028n "On Approval of the Model Norms for the Free Distribution of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Other Personal Protective Equipment to Employees of Enterprises for the Extraction and Processing of Uranium Ores, for Enrichment with Uranium and Its Compounds, for the Production of Fuel for Nuclear Reactors and for the Production of Electric and Heat Energy for nuclear power plants employed in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution ”and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General Provisions 1.1. The road master belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [the name of the position of the leader]. 1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education is accepted for the position of a road foreman, without presenting requirements for work experience. 1.3.

Education and work experience: the master must have a secondary vocational education (technical), education in the specialty (construction of railways, track and track facilities, bridges and tunnels) and work experience in the track industry for at least three years.
1.6.2. If you have a higher professional education (technical) in the specialty: railway construction, track and track facilities, bridges and tunnels, work experience in track facilities for at least one year.
1.7. The road foreman of the linear section is guided in his work by the PTE, instructions and rules, provisions on the discipline of workers railway transport, this job description.
1.8. The road foreman of the linear section is replaced by the foreman of the track of the same section, trained, tested and appointed by the order of the head of the track distance.

Duties of the road master 2.1.

The employee must know: - decrees, orders, orders and other guiding, methodological and normative documents concerning the work of railway transport; - technical requirements on the current maintenance of railway sidings; - technology of track works; - organization and schedule of train movements, a scheme of transport communications; - technical characteristics of track machines and measuring equipment; - fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management in railway transport; - provisions on wages, norms and prices for work performed; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety. Requirements for qualifications.

Road site foreman


The road foreman is appointed and dismissed from office by order of [name of the manager's position].

1.4. The road master must know: - laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning the construction, maintenance and repair of highways; - decisions, orders, orders of higher authorities; - methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials related to production and economic activities; - technical characteristics of equipment used for road construction, road-building machines and mechanisms; - regulations on remuneration in divisions; - fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules for the protection of the environment; - rules for labor protection and fire safety; - internal labor regulations.

Control over the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, overalls and special food.



Organization of accounting and reporting on the assigned section of the road.

2.17. Analysis and evaluation of performance results, quality control and timeliness of road construction on a fixed section of the road.


Participation in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of construction work.

2.19. Development of measures to implement the saving of fuel resources.
2.20. Development and implementation of measures to improve road construction, identify and use reserves for increasing the volume and improving the quality of road construction.
Of the II stage of control and controls the implementation of the track of the I stage by the foremen. 2.14. Timely implements the adopted rationalization proposals and inventions.
2.15. Constantly improves his qualifications, technical and economic knowledge, cultural level.

Must be well versed in the organization of work, wages, in the design of tracks, structures, track machines and mechanisms, to know the rules of their use, labor protection requirements and labor legislation, as well as have educational skills.

403 forbidden

Internal labor regulations; - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection; - .1.4.

The road foreman in his activities is guided by: - ​​the Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation; - this job description; -. (Other acts and documents directly related to the labor function of the road foreman 1.5.

The road master reports directly. (Name of the position of the head) 1.6.

During the absence of the road master (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).

2. Functions 2.1. Management of works on repair and current maintenance of railways. 2.2.

Job description of the road master

Control over the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, overalls and special food. 2.15.

Conducting timely investigation of accidents and registration of acts.

2.16. Organization of accounting and reporting on the assigned section of the road. 2.17. Analysis and evaluation of performance results, quality control and timeliness of road construction on a fixed section of the road. 2.18. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of construction work. 2.19. Development of measures to implement the saving of fuel resources. 2.20. Development and implementation of measures to improve road construction, identify and use reserves for increasing the volume and improving the quality of road construction. 2.21.

Provides the maintenance of the established documentation. Should know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning the maintenance and repair of highways; technical characteristics of the equipment of the road maintenance section, road construction machines and mechanisms; regulations on remuneration in road maintenance units; fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules for the protection of the environment; labor protection and fire safety rules; internal labor regulations. Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in road maintenance units for at least 3 years.

Job description of the road master

The road foreman is appointed and dismissed from office by order of [name of the manager's position]. 1.4. The road master must know: - laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents concerning the construction, maintenance and repair of highways; - decisions, orders, orders of higher authorities; - methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials related to production and economic activities; - technical characteristics of equipment used for road construction, road-building machines and mechanisms; - regulations on remuneration in divisions; - fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; - fundamentals of labor legislation; - rules for the protection of the environment; - rules for labor protection and fire safety; - internal labor regulations.

Duties of the road master

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. ... The job description was developed in accordance with (name,. Number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit (initials, surname) (signature) "" 20 g. AGREED: Head of the legal department (initials, surname) (signature) "" 20 C familiarized with the instructions: (initials, surname) (signature) "" 20

1.general responsibilities

Internal labor regulations; - rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection; -. 1.4. The road master in his activities is guided by: - ​​the Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation; - this job description; -. (other acts and documents directly related to labor function master of the road 1.5. The master of the road obeys directly. (name of the manager's position) 1.6. During the absence of the road master (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).

1.7. ... 2. Functions 2.1.


Management of works on repair and current maintenance of railways. 2.2. Monitoring compliance with the technological process for track repair. 3. Job responsibilities The road master performs the following duties: 3.1.


Carries out, in accordance with the standard regulations on the foreman of the production site, the management of the site headed by him. 3.2. Ensures the execution of work on the repair and current maintenance of the superstructure of the track, roadbed, artificial structures in a timely manner and of proper quality, to ensure the safety and uninterrupted movement of trains at set speeds. 3.3. Prepares the production of work in a timely manner, ensures the placement of workers and teams, monitors the observance of technological processes, promptly identifies and eliminates the causes of their violation.


Road site foreman

Control over the provision of workers with personal protective equipment, overalls and special food. 2.15. Conducting timely investigation of accidents and registration of acts. 2.16. Organization of accounting and reporting on the assigned section of the road. 2.17.

Analysis and evaluation of performance results, quality control and timeliness of road construction on a fixed section of the road. 2.18. Participation in the development and implementation of measures to prevent marriage and improve the quality of construction work. 2.19. Development of measures to implement the saving of fuel resources.

2.20. Development and implementation of measures to improve road construction, identify and use reserves for increasing the volume and improving the quality of road construction. 2.21.
The road foreman is brought to responsibility: - for improper performance or non-performance of his duties, provided for by this job description, - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing property damage - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. ... 6. Final Provisions 6.1. An employee is introduced to this job description when hiring (prior to signing an employment contract).

Sophia dorn

Analyzes the results production activities, controls the expenditure of the wage fund established by the site, ensures the correctness and timeliness of the preparation of primary documents for recording working hours, production, wages. 2.14. Promotes the dissemination of advanced experience, initiative, development of creative initiatives, implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions. 2.15. Monitors the observance by workers of labor protection and safety rules, production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations.
2.16. Submits proposals for rewarding workers who have distinguished themselves at the site or bringing them to disciplinary responsibility for violation of production and labor discipline. 2.17.

Road construction master job description

Establishes and timely brings production assignments to teams and individual workers (who are not part of the teams) in accordance with the approved plans and schedules of the distance, targets for the use of machines, mechanisms, equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, wages. 3.10. Carries out production instructions for workers, takes measures to comply with the rules of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, technical exploitation equipment and tools, as well as control over their observance. 3.11. Analyzes the results of production activities, monitors the expenditure of the wage fund established by the site. 3.12. Ensures the correctness and timeliness of the preparation of primary documents for recording working time, production, wages. 3.13.

He studies in detail the structure and condition of the track, turnouts, artificial structures, track facilities within the entrusted site, their design features and behavior under train load. Studies the causes of emerging disorders and takes measures to timely eliminate malfunctions and prevent their occurrence. 2.2. Provides safe and uninterrupted train traffic at set speeds, safe working conditions for workers.

2.3. Strictly adheres to the frequency and order of inspections of tracks and structures, inspecting them when walking, passing on locomotives or platforms of a tail car passenger train, when escorting track measuring cars and flaw detection bogies. Carries out control over the timely and high-quality measurements of the track by the foremen of the track.
Monitoring compliance with technological processes, prompt identification and elimination of the cause of their violation. 2.6. Organization of asphalting of a fixed section of the road. 2.7. Ensuring correct use of equipment. 2.8. Control over the correct and rational use of material, technical, financial and labor resources, reducing the cost of road construction. 2.9. Organization of work with personnel, selection and placement of personnel, control over their rational use and continuous professional development. 2.10. Training employees in safe working practices. 2.11.
Conducting labor protection briefing for employees. 2.12. Conducting technical training and providing assistance to employees in improving their qualifications. 2.13. Monitoring compliance by employees with industrial and labor discipline, labor protection and fire safety rules. 2.14.


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