How to write a letter of guarantee for the provision of services. How to write a letter of guarantee - sample and form. Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work

It is no secret that in the era of commodity-money relations, it was required, and is still required to this day, a guarantee that each of the parties will fulfill its obligations under the transaction. One of the documents with which you can guarantee something (in fact, promise) is a letter of guarantee.

A bit of history

In one form or another, letters of guarantee have almost always existed. As an example, IOUs, known since ancient times, reflecting the intention of one party to pay the debt by a certain date, and the right of the other party to collect this debt after the specified period.

AT ancient rome debt obligations were displayed in an analogue of a modern income and expense book by special people. There were receipts in ancient Greece.

In medieval Italy, a different species arose letter of guarantee- bill. An example that has survived to this day is an interest receipt of 1339:

« Barthalus & Co. In Pisa

In the name of the Lord Amen. Barthalus & Co. sends his regards to Barna from

Luhi & Co. Avignon.

Co. From Lukha 312 ¾ gold guilders, which we received today from

Tacredo Banachmunty and Co., accruing 4 ½% in their favor, and credit this amount

Source: Edronova V.N., Mizikovsky E.A. "Regulation and accounting of operations with bills of exchange". M., Finance and statistics, 1996. -128

The essence of the letter of guarantee

As the name implies, a letter of guarantee is designed to guarantee one party to the other party to perform certain actions within a certain period of time. Accordingly, any letter of guarantee must contain the following details:

  • letterhead (optional, but more solid);
  • parties - a guarantor and a beneficiary (for example, a debtor and a creditor);
  • in the body of the letter - a promise of one party to perform certain actions, as well as the timing of their completion;
  • according to the rules of office work - the outgoing number of the letter;
  • date of letter, signature official, his full name, position;
  • company seal;
  • if the signatory is by power of attorney, then information about this power of attorney and its copy are in the appendix. Printing in this case is not put.

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Also, it is necessary to indicate the contacts, details and address of the guarantor party.

Sample letters of guarantee

Here we will give different examples of letters of guarantee, for the purpose of your acquaintance. In general, the essence here is the same everywhere - one side guarantees something, the other is simply the recipient of this guarantee.

Letter of guarantee to the legal address

For primary state registration company, or when “moving” an already existing one, among the set of documents submitted to the registrar, there must be a letter of guarantee from the owner legal address. A sample letter would look something like this:

Romashka LLC

Letter of guarantee

Hereby Romashka LLC, represented by Director Sergeev Mikhail Mikhailovich, guarantees to provide non-residential premises at the address:

Moscow, Projected passage 5678, house 56, building 5, office 67.

as the address of the location and location of the sole proprietorship executive body, for the purposes of state registration to a company with limited liability"Volcano".

Accordingly, the guarantee of the owner of the premises is expressed here to provide this premises as a legal address for the future company.

Letter of guarantee for the supply of goods

Alternatively, a guarantee for the fulfillment of contractual obligations can be expressed in a letter of guarantee. As an example, here is a sample letter of guarantee for the supply of goods:

Romashka LLC

OGRN _____________ TIN / KPP_______________ Address: Moscow, st. Elektrozavodskaya, 45, bldg. 2, office 15/5

Letter of guarantee

Hereby LLC "Romashka" represented by Director Sergeev Mikhail Mikhailovich guarantees LLC "Buttercup" (OGRN _____, TIN _____) to supply goods under contract No. ___ dated __.__.20__. in accordance with the sent specification dated __.__.20__, up to 08/01/2019.

CEO Romashka LLC ____________/M.M. Sergeev/

Here, as we see, the supplier's guarantee is expressed to ship the goods within a certain period.

Letter of guarantee for payment. Payment can be guaranteed in whole or in part. A guarantee of payment may be given by any person, with the exception of the payer.
A payment guarantee is valid even if the guarantee guaranteed is invalid for any reason other than a defect in form.

The guarantee letter for payment is signed by the guaranteeer, indicating the place of his residence and the date of payment, and if the guaranteeer is a legal entity, then the place of his location and the date of payment.
The guarantee obligation for payment is valid even if the obligation which he guaranteed is invalid for any reason other than failure to comply with the form.

The requirement to pay a guarantee in the event that the main obligation is properly performed is regarded as an abuse of the right.
If evidence is presented of the termination of the main obligation in connection with its proper performance, which was known before the guarantor was presented with a written demand, the demand for payment under the guarantee is regarded as an abuse of the right.

Amounts overpaid under the guarantee letter are subject to return or offset. The refund of overpaid amounts is carried out on the basis of an application.

For untimely or incomplete payment of the guarantee, the person who gave the guarantee shall pay penalties (interest).

To Mosenergosbyt

Due to the heavy financial position at the open joint-stock company"RAA Law" (abbreviated name - JSC "RAA") under contract No. 1243 dated February 23, 2015 for March 2015, a debt was formed in the amount of 1200 rubles.
Based on the above, we ask you to grant a deferred payment. We guarantee payment of the resulting debt until December 31, 2015.


Rusinov Artem Alexandrovich

Below we will consider a sample letter of guarantee for payment for services for individual. As you already understood, a guarantee of payment is something of a written receipt indicating the actions and the resulting obligation.

Letter of guarantee for payment for services

Head of ______________________
(name of company)
(Full Name)


I, a citizen of _______________________________________ (passport: series ______, N ____________, issued by _________________________), I ask you to perform services in the form of:
1) __________________________________________________________;
2) __________________________________________________________;
3) __________________________________________________________.
Payment in the amount of _______________ (______________________) rubles. I guarantee from current account N ____________
________ (name of the bank) _______ within ___ (___________) banking days.

___________ __________________
(signature) (full name)

(sample) will be of interest to those who want to receive from the debtor a document in which he undertakes to perform some action within the framework of the relationship of the parties. The scope of application of letters of guarantee is extensive. In this article, you will learn how to write a letter of guarantee correctly.

What is a letter of guarantee?

A letter of guarantee is one of the documents of business turnover, which is drawn up by one of the parties to the transaction (or by an individual) and contains confirmation of compliance with certain conditions or the performance of any actions.

A letter of guarantee is one of the ways to secure obligations.

In practice, this document is found not only in the relationship between legal entities, but also in the context of the interaction of individuals. Examples of areas of application for letters of guarantee can be:

  • Labor law. In this case, a letter of guarantee for employment is drawn up. It is usually required when submitting documents to the FMS for migrants.
  • Contract law. There are quite a few situations that may require the preparation of letters of guarantee. For example, a loan agreement, lease, etc. For example, a letter of guarantee for payment of debt, a letter of guarantee from the owner of the premises.

It is not difficult to draw up a letter of guarantee (sample), since the form of its writing is arbitrary, and the content depends on specific situation.

You can send a letter of guarantee in several ways:

  1. Personally in hands. In this case, the receiving party must sign on the second form of the document.
  2. By registered mail.
  3. By email.

How to write a letter of guarantee?

The legislator does not provide for a sample letter of guarantee in the norms of law. However, when compiling it, we recommend paying attention to several circumstances:

  • be sure to indicate the recipient of the document, in particular, his full name (or name of the legal entity), address, telephone number and other information;
  • write down everything in the text of the letter in the most detailed way - on the basis of what the legal relations of the parties arose and what is provided by the letter, in what time frame certain actions will be performed, etc.;
  • you can attach to the letter all the documents with which you consider it necessary to familiarize the other party;
  • if the letter is composed on several pages, then all of them must be stitched and numbered, or each page must be signed;
  • as a rule, a letter of guarantee is drawn up in response to a claim, therefore it is advisable to reflect this fact in the text of the document itself;
  • at the end of the letter, be sure to put the date and signature, and the signature should be only of an authorized person (a legal entity additionally puts its seal).

Letter of guarantee form

The form of a letter of guarantee, which is drawn up on behalf of a legal entity, must contain all its details (full and abbreviated name, TIN, PSRN, address, telephone).

If the document is drawn up on behalf of an individual, then the order of writing is arbitrary.

Letter of guarantee - how to write?

Don't know your rights?

The letter is written in simple writing either on official letterhead of a legal entity or on plain paper by an individual.

Depending on the specific situation, the guaranteeing party must write the terms and, if necessary, the means of fulfilling the obligation assumed by it.

Of course, a letter of guarantee is not a binding document, as it is not of a normative nature. However, when compiling it, the parties hope for the decency and diligence of the debtor. That is, these relationships are based on trust.

Example of a letter of guarantee

Download letter of guarantee

Director of Horns and Hooves LLC

Ivanov Igor Viktorovich

from Petrov Vladimir Ivanovich,

residing at:

Ulyanovsk, st. Lenina, d. 1 apt. one.

Contact phone: +7 111 111 11 11

Letter of guarantee

I, Petrov Vladimir Ivanovich, undertake to pay for the work performed by Horns and Hooves LLC, in accordance with the contract for the provision of services dated May 16, 2014 No. 2 in the amount of 16,500 (sixteen thousand five hundred) rubles by May 15, 2015.

Painting (decoding)

Warranty or business letter- not a simple document, it is a confirmation of the implementation of any actions and even compliance with the conditions set. In it, you can fix the deadline for the completion of work, a guarantee of the quality of the service provided, the fact of remuneration or cash payment. In order to correctly compose a letter of guarantee, it is worth relying on existing design samples and forms.

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A sample of filling and a form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debts and for payment for the purchased goods or products

Consider the form of a letter of guarantee for payment of debt and several examples of filling it out. It is desirable that you draw up a document on a special letterhead of the organization, as well as that there be a seal and signatures of the main persons of the company.

Designed samples:

A business letter to pay for purchased goods or products looks like this:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work

The document must contain a clause indicating the performance of work, as well as the deadline for fulfilling obligations to the organization.
Form of the letter:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for the supply of goods from the manufacturer

Often, organizations themselves put forward requirements for the application for the receipt of goods. However, there is also a standard form:

Example of a letter for the delivery of goods:

Sample filling and letter of guarantee letter of employment or from the employer

The employment guarantee letter is a secondary document. It contains information that you have been considered for a specific position. In addition, your salary may be written. Some employers do without this document and simply prepare an order for admission to work. Here are some examples of an employment guarantee letter:

Most often, letters of guarantee require Foreign citizens. They require a certified document to prove that the organization can employ them and provide conditions for the employee to work.

Sample filling and letter of guarantee for employment

This document differs from the previous one in that it must contain information about your admission to the organization - the exact date. The employer is also required to record your wages, room employment contract and order number. Here is a letter of guarantee for employment and an example of filling out a sample:

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for inviting a foreigner

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for practice and training

Examples of a letter from an individual will also be filled out according to this form. There are no other forms of guarantee letters to the bank. Documents are drawn up, depending on their function. For example, a business letter may carry a guarantee of payment of a loan debt or carry a request to change personal data.

Sample filling and letter of guarantee for repairs

Sample filling and form of a letter of guarantee for equipment

A letter of guarantee is a business document containing confirmation of certain actions by one of the parties. Examples of letters of guarantee - the topic of this article. They may contain the following information:

  • request for sale certain services or goods, with their subsequent payment;
  • recognition of debt obligations that will be fulfilled within a certain period of time;
  • act as a preliminary agreement.

Often, letters of guarantee act as one of the ways to resolve a pre-trial dispute after receiving a claim. In practice, the letter may contain any guarantees regarding certain actions.

Legal force of the document

Despite the many examples of letters of guarantee, such a document acquires legal force only if the contract is signed. And the letter itself is only a confirmation of the fulfillment of a certain clause in the contract. Even in court, if an appeal without an agreement is provided as confirmation, then such a document will be considered invalid. Simply put, a letter of guarantee is just the officially expressed intentions of a legal entity.

General rules for compiling

An example of a letter of guarantee is part of the business document flow, so it must contain the following mandatory details:

  1. Compilation date and outgoing number.
  2. Recipient data.
  3. The name of the document or the subject of the appeal.
  4. The table of contents sets out the essence of the warranty.
  5. Annexes to the letter, if provided, for example, a debt repayment schedule.
  6. Position and signature of the sender.

Letters of guarantee from legal entities general rule issued on company letterhead and stamped. Although there are no strict requirements for the design of letters drawn up on the official forms of legal entities. At the same time, any bank is unlikely to accept a letter of guarantee without the seal of the enterprise.

Sample letters

Example of a payment guarantee letter:

This debt recovery document must necessarily contain the details of the agreement and / or invoice due to which the debt was formed. Such a letter can be regarded as a kind of bill, that is, an advance obligation. The signature of the chief accountant or the person responsible for making the payment in the document is mandatory.

Director of JSC "Recipient"

Addressee A.A.

ref. No. xxx. the date


Due to temporary financial difficulties at the enterprise, payment under invoice No. 000 dated (date), for the total amount of XXX thousand rubles, for the supply of materials under contract No. 111 dated (date), we guarantee to carry out before (date).

Director of Garant JSC signature Full name

Chief Accountant of Garant JSC Signature Full name

An example of a letter of guarantee for payment of a debt:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

Addressee A.A.

ref. №xxx Date


PE "Debtor" guarantees the payment of the debt of PE "Kreditor" for the services provided for the total amount of XXX rubles by (date), that is, it guarantees the fulfillment of clause xx of contract No. xx dated (date).

In the event that our company fails to fulfill its obligations to pay the debt within the agreed period, then the penalty will be paid, provided for in the contract, namely, 0.1% of the total debt for each day of delay.

Bank details of our company:

Director of PE "Debtor" signature Full name

Chief Accountant of PE "Debtor" signature Full name

Delivery of goods and performance of work

An example of a letter of guarantee for the performance of work:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

Addressee A.A.

ref. No. xxx Date


Stroitel JSC, on the basis of agreement No. 000 dated (date) with your enterprise, has undertaken to carry out all construction and installation work at the facility (name, address) by (date). I hereby confirm the previously given guarantees upon completion of work in accordance with paragraph ... of the above contract on time before (date).

Director of JSC "Stroitel" signature Full name

In the case of a letter that does not contain obligations and guarantees for payment a certain amount, the signature of the chief accountant is not required.

Example of a letter of guarantee for the supply of goods:

Director of JSC "Recipient"

Addressee A.A.

ref. №xxx Date


PE "Buyer" asks you to supply products, according to specification No. xxx dated (date), under contract No. xxx dated (date). Payment is guaranteed to be made by (date).

If the funds are not transferred within the agreed period, then this letter can be regarded as our organization receiving a commercial loan. PE "Seller" has the right to charge interest for the use of other people's Money for the duration of the delay. Based on the calculation stipulated in paragraph xxx of the aforementioned contract. That is 1% for each day of delay.

Director of PE "Buyer" signature Full name

Chief Accountant of PE "Buyer" signature Full name

An example of drawing up a letter of guarantee requires compliance with the accepted terminology in business. It is not necessary to describe the entire history of relations between legal entities and go into details, for what reason this or that situation occurred. The letter should be concise and contain clear language, for example:

Additional requirements

If a letter of guarantee is drawn up for a financial institution, then it is recommended to attach a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities so that the bank has the opportunity to confirm the authority of the head who signed the document.

If the letter is drawn up and signed by an authorized person, then documents are attached to it that can confirm the authority of this person. It can be a power of attorney or protocol. The main thing is that they contain a clear indication of the competence of the actions of an authorized person.


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