Antarctica is the most mysterious continent of the Earth. Satellite view of Antarctica. Presentation "Mysterious continent Antarctica" on geography - project, report Presentation how Antarctica differs from other continents

Antarctica-continent of paradoxes The presentation was prepared by O. G. Bondarenko, teacher of geography, secondary school No. 475, Moscow " Lesson objectives: 1) To study the features of the geographical location of Antarctica. 2) Get acquainted with the history of the discovery and development of Antarctica. 3) Learn about the peculiarities of the climate and nature of the Antarctic continent. 4) Learn about the development prospects in the development of the continent. Lesson type - lesson in the formation of new knowledge. Methods of carrying out - explanatory-illustrative, comparative, generalization method, reproductive, problem method. Teaching aids - Physical map Antarctica, textbook, Appendix 1 (inquisitive notes), atlas, presentation. ...

The area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica is 14 million square kilometers Washed by 3 oceans

The mainland Antarctica is the land of eternal winter. Southernmost south

Geographical position
  • Antarctica is the southern polar region of the Earth, including Antarctica and the adjacent parts of the oceans and islands... Its border runs in the strip between 48 ° and 60 ° S. sh., where the warmer (northern) and colder (southern) waters of the oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, converge. The Antarctic area is 52.5 million km2. This includes the mainland Antarctica with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 14 million km, a number of islands in the southern part of the World Ocean (Peter I, Scott, Balleny, Crozet, South Georgia, Kerguelen, etc.), the marginal Antarctic seas - Ross, Weddell, Bellingshausen, Amundsen and etc. These seas are the most turbulent in the World Ocean. Waves here sometimes reach a height of 20 m. In winter, the seas freeze and ice surrounds Antarctica with a ring, the width of which ranges from 500 to 2000 km. In summer, currents carry ice to the north, together with giant icebergs, fragments of the ice sheet (ice shelf) of Antarctica. About 80% of all fresh water of the globe is concentrated in the ice cover of the mainland. If it happened that all the ice of the continent melted, the level of the World Ocean rose by 60 m. (At an altitude of about 4 5 houses). hemispheres. The continent is not crossed by the tropics, but is crossed by the Antarctic Circle. The prime meridian divides Antarctica into western and eastern parts. Antarctica is located inside the Antarctic Circle and in the center of the Earth's South Polar Region.
Search for an unknown land The honor of discovering the sixth continent fell to Russian sailors. Two names are forever inscribed in the history of geographical discoveries: Faddey Faddeevich Bellingshausen and Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. On July 16, 1819, they set sail on two well-equipped sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny". The goal was formulated briefly: discoveries in the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole.

On January 7, 1820, they crossed the South Polar a circle and the next day came close to the ice barrier of the Antarctic continent. Lazarev from his ship observed "hardened ice of extreme height", and "stretched this as far as sight could only reach." This ice was part of the Antarctic ice sheet. And January 28, 1820 went down in history as the date of the discovery of the Antarctic continent.

Two more times (February 2 and 17) "Vostok" and "Mirny" approached the shores of Antarctica. A year later, on January 28, 1821, in cloudless, sunny weather, the crews of the ships observed a mountainous coast extending to the south beyond sight. ...

Now there is no longer any doubt: Antarctica is not just a giant ice massif, not a “continent of ice”, as Bellingshausen called it in his report, but a real “terrestrial” continent. The voyage of the Russian ships lasted 751 days, and its length was almost 100 thousand km (the same amount will be obtained if we circled the Earth around the equator two and a quarter times). 29 new islands were mapped. So Russian sailors were the first in the world to discover a new part of the world, Antarctica, refuting the opinion of the English traveler James Cook, who argued that there is no continent in the southern latitudes, and if it does exist, then only near the pole, in an inaccessible area for navigation. Now there is no longer any doubt: Antarctica is not just a giant ice massif, not a “continent of ice”, as Bellingshausen called it in his report, but a real “terrestrial” continent. The voyage of the Russian ships lasted 751 days, and its length was almost 100 thousand km (the same amount will be obtained if we circled the Earth around the equator two and a quarter times). 29 new islands were mapped. So Russian sailors were the first in the world to discover a new part of the world, Antarctica, refuting the opinion of the English traveler James Cook, who argued that there is no continent in the southern latitudes, and if it does exist, then only near the pole, in an inaccessible area for navigation. "Roald Amundsen" "South Pole Discovery" . Short biography. Roald Engelbergt Gravning Amundsen - born July 16, 1872 into the family of a wealthy shipbuilder. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of connecting his life with the sea. From the age of 15, he led a Spartan lifestyle: a strict diet, exercise, sleeping in the open air, even in winter. Roald is interested in the life of the Eskimos in polar conditions. While serving in the Swedish army, he makes small trips, studies all available books on the Arctic, navigation. First expedition. In 1896, Amundsen was hired on the Belgian Antarctic expedition on the Belgica. The vessel was captured by ice for 13 months. Almost the entire team fell ill with scurvy, and to save Amundsen, together with the doctor, they forced the entire crew to eat raw meat of seals and penguins, which saved people. Young Captain Having successfully passed the exams for the rank of captain, Amundsen on July 16, 1903 on his own yacht "Joa" set off in search of the shortest route between Europe and Asia. After 2 years, the trip was completed with the discovery of this Northwest Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Fram is heading for Antarctica! The tireless traveler Amundsen decided to get to the North Pole itself. Nansen, who built the ship "Fram", gave it to Amundsen for this. But in April 1909, while the Fram was still docked, the American explorer Robert Peary reached the North Pole. Then Amundsen decides to conquer the South Pole. Neither a sleigh with a motor, nor a pony Could not be the first here, Where the blinding cold buries the Living breath of the earth. By a wall of impassable hummocks, Hard, painful labor; Ice cross heroes will stay here forever. At each forgotten parking lot, Warmed by frozen guests, Your remains are resting - Gnawed piles of bones. And people are rightfully proud of Victory, and look through the darkness Creators of human glory - Silent shadows of dogs December 14, 1911 In February 1911, the ship "Fram" sailed to Whale Bay. And on October 19, Roald Amundsen, along with four companions, four sleighs and thirteen dogs, set off. They placed seven warehouses along the route. The path was marked with jerky fish, which served as food if necessary. They managed to move at a speed of 40-60 kilometers a day. And on December 14, they triumphantly stood at the South Pole, human voices for the first time in history broke the silence of the southernmost point of the Earth. Struggle for the conquest of the South Pole I must say that at the same time an English expedition headed by Robert Scott - a very active, knowledgeable and strong man - was going to the South Pole. His team reached the South Pole 1 month later. But the expedition died due to mistakes in preparation. ... Relief

Antarctica is the highest continent Earth, the average height of the continent's surface above sea \u200b\u200blevel is more than 2000 m, and in the center of the continent it reaches 4000 meters.

The structure of Antarctica is a giant, ancient platform. The area of \u200b\u200bthis platform exceeds 11 mln. sq. km. The Antarctic platform has a three-tiered structure. Volcanoes formed on the mainland, which are still active.\u003dXgpVmHlyQFw Volcanism

Antarctica is a tectonically calm continent with low seismic activity, manifestations volcanism concentrated in West Antarctica and associated with Antarctic Peninsulathat arose during the Andean orogeny. Some of the volcanoes, especially the island ones, have erupted in the past 200 years. Most active volcano Antarctica - Erebus... It is called "the volcano guarding the path to South Pole».

volcano erebus

Mineral resources Geologists have established that the bowels of Antarctica contain a significant amount of minerals - iron ores, coal, traces of ores of copper, nickel, lead, zinc, molybdenum were found, rock crystal, mica, graphite were found. Climate

  • Antarctica is the coldest continent. Station "Vostok" - Pole of Cold -89.2
  • The continent of Antarctica is one of the "refrigerators" of the Earth, which regulates ocean currents and climate on the planet.

Antarctica does not belong to any state

The present and future of the mainland

And six months a night with severe frosts, hurricanes,

snow storms, when the wind rips clothes and knocks down.

Consolidation of knowledge and skills 1) Which of the oceans does not wash the mainland: A. Tikhiy, B. Sev. Arctic, V. Atlantic, G. Indian. 2) Antarctica was discovered by A. M.P. Lazarev, B.J. Cook, V.F.F.Bellingshausen, G.F. Magellan. 3) In which hemispheres does Antarctica lie: A. Northern, B. Southern, V. Western, G. Eastern. 4) The South Polar Region is called: A. Arctic, B. Antarctica. 5) The first to reach the South Pole: A. R. Scott, B. R. Amudsen.

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Presentation for children "Amazing Antarctica" Performed by the teacher of GBDOU No. 97 of St. Petersburg Vera Ivanovna Volodarskaya 2016

Amazing Antarctica Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on our planet with an area of \u200b\u200bover 14 million square kilometers and at the same time the least explored and mysterious of all seven continents. For many years, scientists have been wondering what is hidden under the ice of Antarctica, exploring the flora and fauna of the continent.

Do you know where the largest desert on Earth is? Of course, you will say that this is the Sahara Desert, and you will be wrong :) According to its definition, Antarctica by all criteria is a real desert, despite the fact that it is covered with a huge layer of ice - this ice has been on the continent for a very, very long time. Amazing, isn't it?

The largest iceberg in existence broke away from the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica on March 20, 2000. Its area is 11,000 square kilometers, length - 295 kilometers and width - 37 kilometers. The iceberg goes 200 meters deep and rises 30 meters above the sea level. Imagine the impressive size of this whopper ...

Have you heard of Icefish? They are the most cold-adapted creatures on the planet and the only white-blooded vertebrates. They are perfect for camouflaging themselves against the backdrop of glaciers because of their ghostly white color. These creatures live at temperatures from + 2 ° C to -2 ° C for 5 million years (-2 ° C is the freezing point of sea water)

If you drill into ice in Antarctica, you will end up with a long cylinder of ice that scientists call the ice core. These ice cores are used by researchers to study Antarctica, allowing them to go back tens of thousands of years in the past, providing valuable information about the Earth's climate throughout history. In this way, you can get water that was frozen at the time of Jesus Christ.

The Antarctic ice sheet is composed of 29 million cubic kilometers of ice. If all the ice in Antarctica melted, it would cause an increase in ocean level by 60-65 meters. But don't worry - under current conditions it would take about 10,000 years.

Only 0.4 percent of Antarctica is ice-free. The ice of Antarctica contains 90% of all ice on the planet and 60-70% of all fresh water in the world

Antarctica is the best place in the world to find meteorites. Dark meteorites are easily detected against a background of white ice and snow and are not covered with vegetation. In some places, meteorites accumulate in large quantities due to ice streams

During the feeding season in Antarctica, an adult blue whale eats approximately 4 million shrimp per day, which is 3,600 kg daily for 6 months

At the beginning of winter, the sea begins to freeze, expanding by about 100,000 square kilometers per day. Ultimately, this doubles the size of Antarctica. It's incredible how such a huge territory forms and then disappears again from year to year

Did you know ... - The coldest regions on Earth are the poles. It is cold at the poles of the earth because the sun's rays fall there not vertically, but obliquely. And the sunbeam warms the more, the more vertically it falls on the Earth. At the poles, the sun's rays seem to glide over the Earth, and therefore do not heat. - Where is colder - at the North Pole (in the Arctic) or in the South (Antarctica)? The first thing that comes to mind is colder in the north. And this is wrong! The lowest temperature recorded on our planet was recorded at Vostok station near the South Geomagnetic Pole and amounted to -86.9 ° С. The average temperature of the southern continent is -49 ° C, which is the coldest climate on Earth. In the Arctic, the average winter temperature approaches only -34 ° C, while in summer it is even warmer. - The Arctic is only a frozen ocean cover, and Antarctica is a huge continent. Antarctica covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 14 million km 2, which is almost twice the area of \u200b\u200bAustralia and one and a half times the area of \u200b\u200bEurope! Therefore, the climate in the Antarctic Circle is more severe than in the Arctic. In addition, Antarctica is covered with ice, and ice reflects 95% of solar radiation. And finally, in the cold climate of Antarctica, an area of \u200b\u200bhigh atmospheric pressure with descending currents of air that does not form clouds is to blame. For the same reason, there is no precipitation in Antarctica.

Did you know that ... Antarctica is so cold that the snow never melts in some parts of the continent. This continent contains almost 90% of the world's ice reserves, containing about ¾ of our planet's fresh water. - Antarctica is the only continent that does not belong to anyone, but is a continent of international cooperation. Scientists from different parts of the world are the real masters of the continent. Antarctica does not have an indigenous history and is under the jurisdiction of the Antarctic Agreement, which requires conservation of land and resources and their use only for peaceful and scientific purposes.

Antarctica is one of the most amazing places on Earth. Here the night lasts six months of the year, winter nine. This is the only territory that does not belong to anyone: no government, no administrative and social institutions - nothing at all that we are used to on the mainland. Nothing but scientific research stations. This alone is worth visiting the sights of Antarctica.

But since a trip to the ends of the world will take a long time, and the pleasure is not cheap, it may be available to a very small number of people. However, this is not a reason to limit your curiosity and deny yourself the opportunity to explore the main attractions of Antarctica. Photos with names and descriptions will help you imagine this icy land as clearly as possible.


Antarctica is translated from Greek as “a place opposite the Arctic”. It is located at the South Pole and covers an area almost 2 times larger than Australia, and one and a half times larger than Europe. In addition to the mainland Antarctica itself, it also includes many adjacent islands: about. Peter I, about. Anvers, about. Adelaide, about. Alexander, South Shetland Islands. Territories on the mainland are named after historical figures and discoverers: Macrobertson's Land, Kemp's Land, Princess Elizabeth's Land, Wilhelm's Land and others.

Almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica is covered with ice, and only narrow sections of the coast and islands, peaks and ridges are free of ice cover. These ice contains 80% of the entire Earth's supply.

Territory of science

In 1820, a Russian scientific expedition led by Lazarev and Bellingshausen discovered Antarctica, and since then, for almost two hundred years, scientists around the world have been continuously studying the continent. On December 1, 1959, an amicable agreement was adopted, according to which Antarctica is recognized exclusively as a scientific zone and cannot belong to any particular state. Scientists from the USA, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, Chile are working on its territory. The search for new energy resources, which this land is rich in, according to researchers, is of the greatest interest. In its depths there are rich deposits of oil, gas, coal and charcoal, as well as precious metals.


Antarctica can hardly be called a comfortable place to live - the air temperature here does not rise above 0 even in summer, and in the winter months it can drop to -89 degrees. That is why there is no permanent population here.

The number of research workers living on the mainland ranges from 1000 in winter to 4000 in summer. But there are regular tourists eager to see the sights of Antarctica. The season for visiting opens in November and ends in March - these are the months when summer arrives on the mainland.

Kingdom of eternal ice

What attracts people from all over the world to this uninhabited, cold, windy land? First of all, this is a special atmosphere: silence, unusual for the inhabitants of a densely populated land, a spectacle of the incredible beauty of the Northern Lights, majestic and harsh icebergs and a unique animal world. The only place on Earth where humans can directly approach cosmic energy is Antarctica.

The attractions that more active tourists offer to visit here are the opportunity to go mountaineering, diving, kayaking (traveling by the sea and exploring the glaciers on boats - kayaks), skiing, and even camping is possible. There are special photo tours from which you can bring a huge amount of unforgettable photos. Of course, if you want to see the sights of Antarctica, you will have to pay a considerable sum for it. A trip for 13-18 days will cost a minimum of $ 10,000.

Most tourists get here either on cruise ships that depart from the shores of South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina and Australia, or by plane from South Africa and Chile.

In the world of penguins and sea lions

The South Shetland Islands are, as a rule, the first thing that Antarctica opens to its guests. The sights of these places are literally breathtaking. They consist of 11 large and many small archipelagos. This is the warmest and wettest part of the mainland. The animal world is very diverse here. Clumsy on the ground and incredibly graceful penguins, seals, overweight are found at every turn. But the main interest is the Deception Island (translated into Russian it means "the Island of Deception"). This is an extinct volcano, as a result of the eruption of which a large closed ring was formed.

Among them, you can even swim in hot thermal springs. Those interested can also visit one of the research stations, whose work is devoted to the study of penguins.

A desert among the ice

You will be surprised if you find out what is hidden among the frozen water. The McMurdo Dry Valleys have had no rainfall for millions of years. The land here is freed from the ice shell, it is covered with sand frozen to a stone state. The speed of the winds that rage here can reach 320 km per hour. The conditions in the three valleys - Victoria, Wright and Taylor - are as close as possible to the conditions on Mars, which astronauts use to prepare for flights. In one of the lakes, unknown bacteria were found, after which scientists for the first time were able to answer the question in the affirmative: "Is there life on Mars?"

Dry valleys are in the first positions of the list, which contains the attractions of Antarctica. Photos and descriptions of these places can be found in any self-respecting diving guide, because the lakes located on their territory are a godsend for those who like to study the underwater world. However, it is not so easy to get under the ice layer, as its thickness is about 3 meters. Experienced divers have to use explosives before diving into the incredible world of flora and fauna.

Mysterious sights of Antarctica: Blood Falls

One of the most intriguing landmarks, Blood Falls, is located in the Dry Valleys. If your imagination has already drawn a chilling picture in the spirit of Edgar Poe, or you thought about an old legend with ancient spirits bathing in the blood of their victims, then, as always happens in reality, reality is much more prosaic, but no less interesting. Although the sight is actually quite frightening.

If you decide to explore the sights of Antarctica, you should definitely see the Blood Falls. They were discovered in 1911 by Griffith Taylor, an Australian explorer. He believed that red was imparted by algae located at the bottom. However, further study showed that it was all about the microorganisms that live in the lake. At a depth of 400 meters, deprived of their usual nutrients and the sun, they have adapted to get everything they need from sulfites, which are rich in salt water. Sulfite is iron that oxidizes when it interacts with oxygen, giving the water a rusty color. This is a stunning example of how living organisms are able to adapt to survive in extreme conditions.

South Pole Guardian

What miracles do not the sights of Antarctica reveal to us! Photos with the names of the main ones can be found on many resources dedicated to this ice-bound land. Be sure to check out one of the most mysterious - the Erebus volcano. The composition of the lava it erupts is significantly different from the eruptions of other volcanoes located on the Great Earth. This is not the only difference. Actually, everything in it is unusual. First, Erebus never sleeps. Many volcanoes doze for hundreds of years before pouring out boiling lava from their bowels, while Erebus is always active. Secondly, it has two craters - one inside the other. The temperature of the cooling magma, located in the deepest of them, reaches 900 degrees Celsius.

Travel enthusiasts and those interested in the wonders of nature will appreciate the sights of Antarctica. The short description given in this article can only pique their curiosity and push them on a crazy expedition to this harsh and attractive land. It is not for nothing that the name of the continent is consonant with the mythical Atlantis - here everything is arranged completely differently from the rest of our Earth. It is full of mysteries and secrets, which nature generously scattered over its icy covers and reliably hid under them.

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The area of \u200b\u200bthe continent is about 14,107,000 km² (of which ice shelves - 930,000 km², islands - 75,500 km²). Antarctica is also called the part of the world, consisting of the mainland of Antarctica and adjacent islands.
Antarctica (Greek ἀνταρκτικός - the opposite of the Arctic) is a continent located in the very south of the Earth, the center of Antarctica roughly coincides with the southern geographic pole. Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean.

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Antarctica has an extremely harsh cold climate. In East Antarctica, at the Soviet Antarctic station Vostok on July 21, 1983, the lowest air temperature on Earth in the entire history of meteorological measurements was recorded: 89.2 degrees below zero. The area is considered the cold pole of the Earth. Average temperatures in winter months (June, July, August) are from −60 to −75 ° С, in summer (December, January, February) from −30 to −50 ° С; on the coast from -8 to -35 ° С in winter, 0-5 ° С in summer.

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Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth, the average height of the continent's surface above sea level is more than 2000 m, and in the center of the continent it reaches 4000 meters. Most of this height is the permanent ice sheet of the continent, under which the continental relief is hidden and only ~ 5% of its area is free of ice - mainly in West Antarctica and the Transantarctic Mountains: islands, coastal areas, so-called. “Dry valleys” and individual ridges and mountain peaks that rise above the ice surface.

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Ice sheet
The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest on our planet and is approximately 10 times larger than the nearest Greenland ice sheet. It contains ~ 30 million km³ of ice, that is, 90% of all ice on land.
It has the shape of a dome with an increasing steepness of the surface towards the coast, where it is framed in many places by ice shelves. The average thickness of the ice layer is 2500-2800 m, reaching a maximum value in some areas of East Antarctica - 4800 m.

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Lake Vostok is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Antarctic station "Vostok" (under an ice sheet about 4000 m thick and measures approximately 250 × 50 km. The estimated area is 15.5 thousand km². The depth is more than 1200 m.
Lake Vostok is unique primarily in that it may have been isolated from the earth's surface for several million years. The four-kilometer ice shell above it has served as a natural insulator of the lake. Scientists believe that living organisms can live in the waters of the lake

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Antarctic icebergs
In translation from German iceberg means "ice mountains". In fact, these are fragments of ice consisting of fresh water. Due to the difference in density between water and ice, 90% of the iceberg is under water. The iceberg is the most breathtaking sight in Antarctica. One of the largest icebergs was seen in Baffin's Land, its length was 10 km and a width of 5 km. The dark blue icebergs are an amazing sight and an impressive sight. Icebergs temporarily take on this color if they capsize in the water. The distance that an iceberg can travel depends on its size and the current in which it falls.

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Antarctica is the only continent that does not belong to anyone, but is a continent of international cooperation. Real owners
Did you know that ...
continent are scientists from different parts of the world. Antarctica does not have an indigenous history and is under the jurisdiction of the Antarctic Agreement, which requires conservation of land and resources and their use only for peaceful and scientific purposes.

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Did you know that ...
Antarctica is located within the Antarctic Circle. Consequently, the change of day and night occurs only during short off-season intervals, and basically either an endless polar day or an endless polar night lasts here.

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The presentation on the theme "Mysterious continent Antarctica" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 6 slide (s).

Presentation slides

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Antarctica Grade 7 Karpova Svetlana Semyonovna

The most mysterious continent

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Antarctica is a giant, ancient platform. The area of \u200b\u200bthis platform exceeds 11 million. sq. km. The Antarctic platform has a three-tiered structure. Volcanoes formed on the mainland, which are still active.

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Antarctica is the coldest continent. Station "Vostok" - pole of cold -89.20.

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There are no rivers on the mainland, but there are some kind of Antarctic lakes located mainly in coastal areas. About 80% of the Earth's fresh water is located in the ice sheet of the mainland.

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The organic world of Antarctica is very poor. Living Organisms are represented by mosses, lichens, microscopic fungi and algae. Life is everywhere, even on the ice dome in the center of the continent, bacteria are found.

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Most animals live in the ocean. There is a lot of plankton in the coastal waters, which feeds on fish, whales, and seals. About 10 species of birds live on the coast: penguins, petrels, skuas, etc.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project presentation

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience with leading questions, playful part, do not be afraid to joke and sincerely smile (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don't just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will allow you to better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text should be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your presentation, think about how you greet the audience, what you say first, how you end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently, and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.


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