The best parables about happiness. Proverbs about life with morality - short. Short parable about life

Prepared for you 3 short parables about love and happiness that will help you understand these concepts more deeply and allow you to better understand people and lives.

We really hope that these parables will raise your mood.

Read Short Proverbs about Love and Happiness

To one Dervish, who was sitting on the market square, approached a rich young man and, putting a golden bowl for a bowl, said:

Feather, I need your advice. I like one girl. Really like. And I'm suffering now, for I don't know what to do: marry or not.
- Do not marry.

But why?!
"If you really wanted this, you would not ask."

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Short parable about life

One student often suffered from a protracted depression.

The doctor persistently advises me to start receiving the medicine to cope with depression, he said.

Well, so why don't you start? - asked his master.

I'm afraid, no matter how it damages the liver and did not reduce my life.

What do you prefer - a healthy liver or joyful mood? One year of life is more valuable than twenty years of hibernation.

Later he appealed to his disciples:

Life is like a fairy tale: no matter, it is long or short; It is important - whether she is good.

Short parable of happiness

Master Bahauddin was happy all his life, the smile never went with his face. His whole life was impregnated by the aroma of the holiday! Even dying, he laughed cheerfully. It seemed as if he enjoyed the arrival of death. His disciples were sitting around, and one asked:

Why are you laughing? All your life you laughed, and we all did not decide to ask how you do it? And now, in the last minutes, you laugh! What's funny here?

Old master replied:

Many years ago I came to my master with a young man, seventeen years old, but already deeply suffering. The master was seventy, and he smiled and laughed just like this, without any visible reason.

I asked him:
"How do you manage it?"

And he replied:

"Inside I am free in my choice. Just this is my choice. Every morning, when I open my eyes, I ask myself to choose today - bliss or suffering? And so it happens that I choose bliss, because it is so natural. "

One day, happiness went through the forest and suddenly fell into the pit, sits in her and bitterly crying.
It was past a man, happiness heard steps and shouting out of the pit:
- Human! Kind! Pull me out of here!
- What do you give me for it? - Write a person.
- And what do you want? - In response, happiness asked.
- I want a big and beautiful house overlooking the sea that is worth a million dollars ...
Happiness gave a man a house, he was delighted and immediately retired in him, completely forgetting to help happiness. Sitting happiness in the pit, cries even louder. The second person went past, heard the happiness steps and shouts to him:
- Mil Man! Pull me out of here!
- What do you give me for it? - asks that.
- And what do you want?
- I want a lot of beautiful and expensive cars, a wide variety of brands.
He gave the happiness to man all that he asked. And he was so glad that the ravis machines were immediately stuffed with their new way ...
I completely lost hope happiness. Suddenly hears, there is a third person. Blind of his happiness:
- Good person! Pull me out of here, please ... a man pulled out happiness from the pit and went on. Fraging happiness from joy, happiness ran after him and asks:
- Buddy, and what do you want for helping me?
"Yes, I don't need anything," the strange man smiled. So since then and runs happiness for those man, never behind him ...

Another option is shorter:

One day, three brothers saw happiness sitting in the pit. One of the brothers approached the pit and asked for happiness of money. Happiness gave his money, and he left happy. Another brother asked beautiful woman. He immediately got and ran away with her off his happiness. The third brother leaned over the pit:
- What do you need? Happiness asked
- What do you need? - Brother asked.
"I take me out of here," asked happiness.
Brother stretched out his hand, pulled his happiness from the pit, turned and went away. And happiness went behind him ...

Old wise Lev. Launched in the grass and married the sun. Little l bvenok suddenly drove by. He joked, then it's a deal circling around myself.

What are you doing? - Lazily asked Lion.

I want to catch my tail! - replied to Lionok.

But why do you need e.then? - grinned lion.

I was told that in the tail - my happiness. If I understand myself by the tail, I will catch my happiness. Therefore, I am running for the second day for your tail. However, he eludes me all the time.

Yes, - grunted the old wise king of animals, - once I, like you, ran for my happiness, and it eluded me all the time. Then I decided to leave this venture. Over time, I realized that it is pointless to chase happiness, as it always follows me. Wherever you are, your happiness is always with you ... You just need to remember it!

Parable "Who creates happiness"

God blinded a man from clay, and he remained unused piece.

- What else to make you? God asked.

- I tag me happiness, "the man asked.

God did not answer, and only put a person in the palm of the remaining piece of clay.

Parable "True Life Length"

One person was looking for an ideal place. I was looking for a long time. And in the distant country he found a place where he was good. He wandered around the city, which he liked so much, and looked around. But when he wandered on the cemetery, he was horrified. At all the tombstones, the dates of death indicated that these people lived two or three years with an accuracy of the closed hours. In fear, a person ran out from the city, but on the square faced with an old man. In horror, man shouted: - You are monsters! Do you kill your children? The old man showed him a book, which hung on his neck on a chain, and said: - When a child reaches maturity, we give him such a book. And every moment, every minute or an hour of real happiness in our lives each of us enters this book. After death, all these moments we fold. And these are the real days of our life.

Parable about freedom of choice

"There was one teacher, this strange man remained happy all his life, the smile did not go for a second from his face! The whole of his life was as if performed by the scent of the holiday ... And even on the death apparatus, he continued to laugh. It seemed That he enjoys the arrival of death! His disciples were sitting around - puzzled, confused - and wondered.

And finally, one of them did not suffer and asked:

- Teacher, why are you laughing? All my life you laughed. But we did not decide to ask you how you do it. And now we are confused. Dying, you continue to laugh! But what about this funny?!

And the old man replied: - Many years ago I came to my teacher. I was then young and stupid as you are now. I was only seventeen years old, and I was already a sufferer - exhausted and embittered to life. My teacher was then seventy, and he laughed just like that, without any reason. I asked him: "How do you manage it?" And he replied: "I am free in my choice. And this is my choice. Every morning, when I open my eyes, I ask myself: what will you choose today - bliss or suffering?" And so it turns out that since then I also choose bliss every morning. But it is so natural! "

Angel de Kuhate, "Golden section".

Parable "Happy Chicken"

Once the thief climbed into someone else's chicken coop and stole a chicken. When he flew, he overturned the lamp, and the chicken coop caught fire. The chicken looked back and seeing the fire of the fire, understood: he saved her life. When the thief snapped the chicken with a swarm and bread, he understood the chicken: he cares about her. When the thief woven from the city to the city, hiding the chicken for the sinus, the chicken understood: he loves her. When the chicken saw that the thief swung on a knife, she understood: he wants to commit suicide. She jumped on the knife and covered the thief with her body. And died happy.

About coffee and life priorities

A group of graduates who have been successful who made a wonderful career came to visit their old professor. Of course, soon the conversation went about work - graduates complained about numerous difficulties and vital problems. By offering their guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray, tired of the most different cups - porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal and simple, and expensive, and sophisticated. When graduates disassembled cups, Professor said: If you have noticed, all the expensive cups are dismantled. No one has chosen the cups simple and cheap. The desire to have only the best and there is a source of your problems. Understand that the cup itself does not make coffee better. Sometimes it is just more expensive, and sometimes even hides the fact that we drink. What you really wanted was coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups .. and then looked at someone who got it. And now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society is a cup. These are just tools for storing life. What kind of cup we have does not determine and does not change the quality of our life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself. Enjoy your coffee! "The happiest people do not have all the best. But they extract all the best of what is. Happiness is to want what you have. And not to have what you want.

I came down somehow an elder in Poltava, sat in Green Guy, not far from the Assumption Cathedral, and began to shout out:

I sell wisdom; One wisdom - a penny, on a plot - whole two!

That came to him the rich, and he says:

I, - Say, - Let's give you golden if you answer me two questions.

I agree, "said the elder," I'm sitting in a row, let's talk.

The rich was hooked up to the eagle and asks:

Here is my first question: Does the sage be sising like this fishery?

Why not, - said the elder. - This is the only thing I have. And I need money. Look around: people from the wind make money, and I am from heartfall.

Then here is my second question, "says the rich. - Is it possible to buy wisdom for money?

You can, if the word to the place, if said it will help a person to overcome the problem.

And do you earn a lot so much?

This is the third question, "said an elder. - But I will answer. Sage - as a sower - always sows seeds of wisdom. He just does not forget that the crop depends on many natural conditions.

Then let me answer another question, and you will get two gold from me.

Well, ask.

Here I always have a good harvest, but there is no happiness. Why is that?

And the elder said:

Your crops are yours. Your eyes are open, and the sun do not see. The more grains you have, the more rats you have in the barn. This, like me, do not think about profit or loss. Remember: on arithmetic of happiness - one penny is equal to two gold, and vice versa: two gold - as one penny, nor more, no less.


The rich lady, driving past the poor house, heard a cheerful laughter and told the servant:

Go find what they have a holiday.

This is a family lumberjack, "the servant reported. "Today he sold firewood and fed all porridge." Here they are rejoicing.

"And my husband is doing worse!" - Dad thoughtfully thought.

Soon the lady again drove by the same house and again heard laughter. The sent servant explained:

Son's logger was born! He's not enough food on three children, and he fourthly rejoices.

"And my daughters bring me some problems!" - The lady thought sadly.

When the lady for the third time heard laughter in a small house, she knocked on the door herself and asked the hostess why they always had fun.

Everything is good for us, here and have fun, "the woman replied ingenuously.

Here the rich lady could not stand and went to the sorcerer. She told him about the family of lumberjack and exclaimed:

It is unfair! My life is solid torment, and this family has solid joy.

You have wealth, husband, clever daughter. What do you want? - Soldon was surprised.

Fall me happiness.

I can't find you what you do not want to see with you, - signed sorcerer.

"Time for happiness"

One lady lunch with her friend. At the next table, a very drunk and because the excited man intrusively tried to tie a conversation with them. Losing finally patience, the lady asked him to calm down.

What is war? - he wondered. - I'm talking about love So, no one sober will say! I am fun, I'm trying to communicate with strangers ... What's wrong here?! What's wrong?

Now is not the time ... - tried to calm his lady.

That is, you want to say that there should be a special time to demonstrate happiness?!

And after this phrase drunk invited to reconcile to them at the table.

When one is founders they Beatles John Lennon was small, his mother told him that happiness is the main thing in life. IN primary school Children gave a task to tell who they want to become when they grow up. John wrote "happy." Teachers said: "You do not understand the task!". The future great musician answered: "You do not understand life!".

And he was right. The dream of any person is to be happy. But what is this feeling, and how to feel and keep it?

Let's try to find answers to questions with the help of the parable of happiness. After all, these short and wise stories respond to the most important questions in life. And explain what happiness, parables will also be able to.

Proverbs about happiness

Best selection of life stories.

Knocks me happiness

God blinded a man from clay, and he remained unused piece.
- What else to make you? God asked.
- I tag me happiness, "the man asked.
God did not answer, and only put a person in the palm of the remaining piece of clay.

Happiness in a pit

Happiness wandered through the light, and everyone who met on the way he was wishes. One day, happiness by negligence fell into a pit and could not get out of there. People came to the pit and made their desires, and happiness performed them. Nobody hurried to get up to the top of happily.
And the young guy approached the pit. He looked at happiness, but did not demand anything, but asked: "To you, happiness, what I want?".
"Get out of here," answered happiness.
The guy helped him get out and went his way. And happiness ... Happiness ran after him next.

Can I buy happiness?

One day a woman dreamed of a dream that the Lord God was standing behind the store.
- Lord! It's you? She exclaimed with joy.
"Yes, this is me," God replied.
- And what can you buy? - asked a woman.
"I can buy everything," the answer sounded.
- In this case, give me, please, happiness.
God smiled benevolently and went into the utility room for the ordered product. After some time, he returned with a small paper box.
- And it's all?! - exclaimed surprised and disappointed woman.
"Yes, that's all," God replied. - Didn't you know that only seeds are sold in my store?

Parable about science to be happy

Somehow went on the way the sage, admired the beauty of the world and rejoiced his life. Suddenly he noticed an unfortunate man, born under understanding.
- Why do you get yourself on such suffering? - asked the sage.
"I suffer to the happiness of my children and grandchildren," the man replied. - My great-grandfather suffered all his life for the happiness of his grandfather, Grandfather suffered for happiness my father, his father suffered for my happiness, and I will suffer my whole life, just that my children and grandchildren became happy.
- Was there anyone happy in your family? - asked the sage.
- No, but my children and grandchildren will definitely be happy! - answered the unfortunate man.
- An illiterate will not teach read, and the mole does not raise an eagle! - said the sage. - Learn at the beginning to be happy myself, then you will understand how to make your own children and grandchildren!

Three ideas about happiness

We lived on white light three friends, and everyone dreamed of her happiness. But happiness was presented in different ways. The first thought that happiness is wealth, the second happiness seemed talent, and the third believed that happiness was a family.
How long, briefly, but they all reached their own happiness. However, everything has an end. Friends gathered before the death hour to sum up. The first said:
- I was rich, and happiness did not experience. Dying the miser and mansman.
Second said:
- I was talented, and happiness did not experience. I am leaving the life of loneliness.
The third said:
- And I knew what happiness is. I am leaving the most valuable - new people left and leave the land.

Parable about hidden happiness

Once the gods, gathering, decided to challenge. One of them said:
- Let's take something away from people?
After many rapidly, the other exclaimed:
- I know! Let's save happiness! The problem is only in where to hide it so that they do not find.
The first said:
- Let's hover it on top of the highest mountain in the world!
"No, remember that they have a lot of strength, someone can climb and find, and if one finds one, everyone else will immediately find out where happiness," answered another.
Then someone put forward a new offer:
- Let's hide him at the bottom of the sea!
He was answered:
- No, do not forget that they are curious, someone can construct the apparatus for underwater swimming, and then they will definitely find happiness.
"I hide it on another planet, away from the ground," someone else suggested.
"No," rejected his offer, "Remember that we gave them enough of the mind, someday they will come up with a ship to travel around the worlds, and open this planet, and then everyone will find happiness." The most elderly God, who has kept silence throughout the conversation and only listened to the speakers carefully, said:
- I think I know where you need to hide the happiness so that they never found him.
Everyone turned to him intrigued and asked:
- Where?
- Hiding inside them themselves, they will be so busy with his search outside, that they will not come to mind to look inside them.
All the gods agreed, and since then people spend all their lives in search of happiness, not knowing that it is hidden in themselves.

Parable about happy people

Once a group of former comrades in school, and now highly qualified professionals, successful, respected and rich people, gathered to spend their old favorite professor. They came to his house, and very soon the conversation went about the incessant stress, which provokes and work, and modern world, and in general, life in general.
The professor invited coffee to all his disciples and, having received consent, retired to the kitchen. He returned with a big coffee pot, next to whom on a tray we were ridiculed by different coffee cups. Cups were multicolored, solidine. Among this company were expensive porcelain, and ordinary ceramic, and just clay, and glass, and plastic. They differed in shape, decor, convenience of handles ... Professor arranged a coffee pot in the middle of the table and suggested that everyone chose a cup of herself to him and filled it with just welded coffee. When the cups were disassembled and Coffee is poured, the professor hesitated a bit and quietly, with incredible warm benevolence turned to his guests:
- Did you notice that the most beautiful and expensive cups broke up first? Are the simplest and cheap? This is normal, as everyone wants better for himself. In fact, this is in most cases the cause of stress that you said. I will continue: the cup did not add taste or quality of coffee. The cup only masks or hides what we drink. You wanted coffee, not a cup, but instinctively you were looking for the one that is better.
Life is coffee. Work, money, social status is just cups that give the shape and hide into something. And the type of cup does not determine and does not change the quality of the life we \u200b\u200blead. On the contrary, if we concentrate only on the cup, cease to enjoy coffee. Enjoy your coffee!
Self happy people Not those who have the best, and those who make the best with what has. Remember.

Parable of happiness and misfortune

One Chinese peasant lived all his life in the works, the good did not profit, but gained wisdom. He handled the Earth with his son from morning to night. Some times the son said Father:
- Father, we have a misfortune, our horse is gone.
- Why do you call it misfortune? Father asked. - Let's see what time will show.
A few days later the horse returned and led a horse behind him.
- Father, what happiness! Our horse returned and put a horse with him.
- Why do you call it happiness? Father asked, - see what time will show.
After some time, the young man wanted to settle the horse. The horse, who is not accustomed to wear the rider, rose to the rates and reset the saddle. The young man broke his leg.
- Father, what misfortune! I broke my leg.
- Why do you call it misfortune? - He calmly asked his father. - Let's see what time will show.
The young man did not share the philosophy of his father, and therefore politely silent and cried on one leg to the bed.
A few days later, the Emperor's messengers arrived in the village with order to pick up all capable young people at war. They came to the house to the old peasant, they saw that his son could not move, and left the house.
Only then, the young man understood that it would be impossible to be absolutely confident that there is happiness, and what is a misfortune.
You must always wait and see what the time will tell about what is good, and what is bad.
Life is so arranged: what seemed bad, turns into good and vice versa. It is best not to hurry with the conclusions, but to give time the opportunity to call things with your own names. It is better to wait at least until tomorrow. In any way, everything that happens to us carries a positive principle for our life experience.

Happiness is the way

We expect life to be better when we will be 18 years old when we get married when we get the best place Works when we have a child, the second ...
Then we feel tired, since our children grow slowly, and think that when they grow up, we will feel happy. When they become more independent and they have a transitional age, we complain that they are hard to get along with them, and when they pass this period, it becomes easier.
Then we say that our life will be better when we finally buy a big house and the car is better, we will be able to go on vacation, we will retire ...
The truth is that the best moment to feel happy does not exist. If not now, then when?
It seems that life is about to begin, real life! But always on the way there is one problem, one unfinished business, one outstanding debt that need a primary decision; And then after this life will begin. And if we look at, we will see that these problems are infinite. Of them, in fact, life consists.
It helps us see that there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way. We must appreciate every moment, especially when we divide him with someone expensive, and remember that time is not waiting for anyone.
Do not expect when the school is completed or the college will start when you lose five kilograms when you have children, when children go to school, marry, divorced, new year, spring, autumn or winter, next Friday, Saturday or Sunday, or of the fact that you die to be happy.
Happiness is the way, not fate.
Work as if you do not need money, love so as if you were never wounded, dancing as if no one sees you.

Parable about the search for happiness

It was a long time ago, when the Lord created the land, trees, animals and people. The man became Vladyka over all of them, but when he was expelled from Paradise and became unhappy, he asked him beasts to bring him happiness.
"Good," the beasts said, accustomed to obeying a person. And they went through the light in search of human happiness. For a long time they were looking for, but did not find his happiness, because they did not even know how it looks. And therefore decided to bring that they themselves did happy. Fish brought fins, tail, gills and scales. Tiger - severe paws, claws, fangs and nose. Eagle - wings, feathers, strong beak And sharp eyes. But nothing of this did a man happy. And then they told him the beasts so that he himself went to look for his happiness.
Since then, each person walks on the ground and is looking for his own happiness, but few people guess to look for him in themselves.

Big dog, seeing a puppy, chasing his tail, asked:
- What are you so chase after your tail?
- I studied philosophy, "Puppy replied," I solved the problems of the universe that did not solve any dog \u200b\u200bbefore me; I learned that the best for the dog is happiness and that my happiness is in the tail, so I chase after him, and when I catch it, he will be mine.
"Son," said Dog, "I also interested in global problems and made my opinion about it." I also realized that happiness is perfect for the dog and that my happiness is in the tail, but I noticed that wherever I went, whatever did, he follows me.


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