Technical modernization of the agricultural sector. "technical and technological modernization, innovative development". The role of ethics and ecology



The article deals with the main problems of technical and technological re-equipment of agriculture. The main approaches to solving this problem are presented. Special attention is paid to the need to create conditions for a large-scale transition to new technologies.

Key words: agro-industrial complex, technological modernization, machine-technological development.

Agriculture is a consumer of the products of many industries and services, providing employment for millions of people of working age; the state of the agro-industrial complex directly affects the country's food security and the living standards of the population.

The agro-industrial complex is currently going through a difficult period of reform. Despite the difficult economic situation, the industry grew by 1.2%. It should be emphasized that in recent years the processes of horizontal and vertical integration have intensified in the agricultural sector of the economy, large integrated complexes and cooperative associations of small forms of agribusiness are being created. They bear the main burden of agricultural production.

At the same time, the agro-industrial complex continues to be one of the most problematic areas of the Russian economy. The most pressing issue for the country's agriculture is the general technical and technological lag behind its main competitors in the world food market. According to some estimates, it reaches almost 20-30 years. Modern Russian farmers and livestock breeders inherited costly technologies from the past.

The formation of the course of modernization, announced by Russian President Dmitry A. Medvedev in 2010, has become a major event for the national economy. Currently, agriculture is faced with the task of technical re-equipment and industrial development, for the solution of which it is necessary to create high-tech production, corresponding to the

temporary requirements for the level of economic efficiency.

The Russian agro-industrial complex must go through a real technological revolution. This is clearly evidenced by the experience of countries with a developed agricultural sector.

We also have positive examples. Some farms in Tatarstan, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Kursk and other regions have been very successful in no-till farming, and are building world-class livestock complexes. However, modern technologies have not yet reached the majority of farms in the Russian hinterland.

Therefore, on a new round of agricultural reforms, there is an urgent need for the production and distribution of technical and informational means of modernizing agro-industrial enterprises.

But the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is hampered primarily by the low technological level of industry, including agricultural engineering. It is in this relationship that we must look for ways to modernize agriculture.

The solution to the problems of agriculture is directly related to the transfer of the industry to modern agro-industrial technologies. It is necessary to introduce the latest scientific developments in the agricultural sector as soon as possible. Raising the technological level is becoming a strategic factor in strengthening the competitiveness of agriculture, and for specific Russian agro-climatic conditions - one of the basic conditions for the stability and sustainability of the agro-industrial complex.

It is the modernization of the technological base that lays the material foundations for increasing the comfort of rural life, for expanding access to information and, in general, for increasing the quality of life in the countryside.

Technological, technical re-equipment immediately gives a return. Suffice it to say that the use of new technology allows farms to significantly increase labor productivity and equally significantly reduce the fleet of tractors and agricultural machines, and reduce fuel consumption in the industry as a whole by 20%. That is, we are talking about significant cost savings, because in the machine-technological sphere, from 40 to 60% of the costs for the final agricultural products are formed.

However, conservative farming is carried out so far only on 15% of farmland, since agricultural producers do not have enough resources for large-scale technical re-equipment. The industry does not use effective market regulation mechanisms. Their development is hampered by the financial insolvency of a significant part of the farms, as well as the incompleteness of reforming land relations.

The level of comprehensive mechanization in potato and vegetable growing, the most technologically complex sub-sectors of agricultural production, is very low. The equipment of farms with machinery is currently 50-60%, which leads to a violation of the cultivation technology of many crops and the timing of field work.

Given the favorable landscape resources of the country, the technological modernization of the agricultural complex allows, first of all, to significantly raise the level of productivity in crop and livestock production and to approach the average world parameters in this indicator. The implementation of the new technological policy will allow to raise labor productivity in the industry by at least four times by 2020. This requires the introduction of system technologies based on highly effective knowledge.

A distinctive feature of new crop and livestock technologies is the development of methods for managing the production process in agricultural production. This cycle of agricultural production has not yet received due attention and, as a result, it is not possible to ensure a high competitive level of productivity of plants and animals.

The majority of agricultural producers use two-cycle technologies - of the “sow - harvested” type, without controlling the production process during the growing season and ripening of plants. The greatest success in the production economy can be ensured precisely when agricultural objects are affected in the process of their cultivation and use. This has been proven by science, best domestic practice and the functioning of foreign agriculture.

It is in this process that the bulk of innovations are contained: from the use of cosmomonitoring and geographic information systems to monitoring crops in on-line mode. Even with simpler methods of managing the production process without high costs and with the available tools (equipment, chemicals, varieties, etc.), it is possible to multiply the efficiency of using energy, material, technical, biological and financial resources.

Its key areas of development are already visible: biotechnology based on the achievements of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence systems and global information networks. Thus, together with the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we obtained herbicide-resistant forms of wheat, clonal rootstocks of apple and pear trees, and strawberries with increased resistance to gray rot. Domestic devices have been created for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA and RNA, which in terms of test systems are not inferior to foreign ones, and in some parameters they exceed them.

Scientific institutions of the Russian Agricultural Academy are actively conducting biotechnological research in the field of animal husbandry and poultry farming. Seven types of transgenic farm animals have been obtained and studied. Transgenic chickens were obtained for the first time. In the field of cell engineering, methods of in vitro fertilization of cattle eggs have been developed, which make it possible to obtain embryos for transplantation. Methods have been developed for molecular monitoring of the genome, which can significantly increase the efficiency of selection in animal husbandry. A cycle of works on the use of biotic microflora to eliminate lysine deficiency in animals has been completed.

The initial stage of modernization of agriculture can be provided with agricultural technologies developed in zonal research institutes and agricultural universities, using the experience of advanced

farms. These technologies are categorized as normal, intense, and to some extent high-intensity (precise). They are determined by varieties (respectively, tolerant, plastic and intensive), natural resource potential (climate, soil, relief, etc.), production and resource potential (availability of production resources, professional level of producers), economic structures.

Technologies are linked into a single agricultural landscape management system through crop rotations, soil cultivation, fertilization and plant protection systems, that is, they are an integral part of adaptive landscape farming systems, however, they have an individual value, determined by the characteristics of the variety, since each of its types corresponds to a certain management system the production process and the structural model of the agrocenosis.

The efficiency of agricultural technologies strongly depends on the correct choice of the level of intensification. Intensive and high agro-technologies are possible in favorable conditions of climate and soil fertility. As these conditions worsen, they become more expensive. For them, varieties with high genetic potential are used, capable of using a large amount of nutrients. Such technologies are designed on ecologically homogeneous fields or, more often, on production areas of fields.

The task is to help science realize its potential, commercialize developments, and ensure their mass promotion. However, appropriate conditions must be created for this. At the same time, the ratio of government spending on science to GDP is only 0.29%. And given the low profitability of agricultural producers, the prospects for modernization remain at least difficult.

We emphasize once again that the key to modernizing the agro-industrial complex is the task of equipping farms with modern equipment, the share of which does not yet exceed 20-30%, and for some types of equipment it is even less. This primarily concerns tractors and combine harvesters. Due to the high intellectual rent, it is economically inexpedient to saturate your agriculture with only foreign technology, and it is hardly possible. Therefore, we have one way - to develop Russian agricultural machinery at the modern world level.

The main requirement for the re-equipment of the agricultural sector is not so much the quantitative compensation for the departure of machines and agricultural equipment, but the introduction of new modern technology, progressive energy-saving technologies, and highly efficient use of material and energy resources.

The problem of energy efficiency in agriculture is very urgent. This problem is highlighted by the President of Russia as a priority. The transition of agriculture to an innovative type of development is constrained primarily by its low energy supply. Now there are 128 hp per 100 hectares of sown area. instead of the technologically required 350 hp Therefore, an agricultural producer needs machines with increased energy saturation - tractors with a capacity of 300,500 hp, combines with a capacity of 300-350 hp, multifunctional units that are not inferior to foreign counterparts in terms of technical reliability, that is, an MTBF of at least 800-1000 hours. instead of the current 200-250 h.

So, without machines of a new technological generation - highly reliable, productive, labor-saving - it is difficult for domestic agricultural machinery to compete with foreign firms.

To solve the problem of the machine-technological development of agriculture, along with the modernization of the production base of agricultural machine-building, it is extremely important to form an engineering and technical service sector in the countryside. This will make it possible to ensure full technical readiness of the units, which does not yet exceed 70-80% of the total amount of equipment.

At present, the engineering and technical support of the majority of agricultural producers in Russia does not meet modern requirements and has become a constraining factor in further growth in agricultural production and its quality, labor productivity and innovative development of the industry. This problem is more and more aggravated in connection with the arrival of complex and expensive imported equipment in the agro-industrial complex, for which in many farms there are no technological conditions for ensuring its high-performance operation, and in repair enterprises - technical service and repair.

Recently, due to the growth of imports, there has been an active displacement of growth

russian agricultural machinery - the share of imports in the sales of tractors in the country as a whole is over 45%. Currently, the upward trend in the share of imported equipment continues. At the same time, there is an accelerated retirement of domestic agricultural machinery - the retirement outstrips the receipt by 2.3-5 times, depending on the region. In such conditions, repair, technological and service enterprises must carry out a comprehensive technological modernization - this will help to carry out the necessary transition to a new technological level, providing 100% quality and post-repair resource of expensive and technically complex modern agricultural equipment.

A number of technological sections are needed to ensure high-life repair of complex components and assemblies of domestic and foreign technology at a modern technological level. The repair center should be equipped with the latest repair and technological equipment of foreign and Russian production, the most reliable solutions should be used in the technological process, allowing to repair any complex units of domestic and foreign agricultural equipment.

Such a repair center can become the basis for a systematic approach to ensuring high performance, a high level of technical readiness of equipment and resource conservation at the regional level.

The technical and technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex of Russia presupposes the availability of highly qualified personnel. The insufficient level of human capital development in the agro-industrial complex is especially evident in the discrepancy between the quality and structure of human capital and innovative needs:

Along with the development of technology and technology, significant changes are needed in the direction of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel (for work on 1000 hectares of grain with modern equipment and technology, only two, but highly qualified workers are enough; with loose cow keeping, one qualified worker can serve at least 60 heads, etc.);

Rural personnel are aging, the shortage of specialists is increasing (less than 40% of farms are provided with highly qualified agronomists,

zoo engineers, mechanics and economists with higher education);

The institutional environment for the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is not developed, which, for example, is manifested in the backwardness of consulting and research and implementation institutions. While one highly qualified consultant may well replace the work of the relevant specialists of 10-12 medium-sized farms in terms of their effectiveness.

Technological and technical re-equipment of the industry will require, especially at its initial stages, the active participation of the state, its budgets and regulatory bodies in stimulating modernization processes. Together with business, the state, as a priority, will need to build an effective system for the innovative development of agriculture, stimulate the participation of agricultural science and the educational system in this process, and modernize domestic agricultural machinery and engineering and technological infrastructure.

The state leadership pays attention to the development of the agro-industrial complex, summarized the best domestic and foreign experience, adopted the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" and a five-year state program for the development of agriculture, including in terms of machine and technological modernization. The production of a number of samples of modern technology has been established.

The plans to support the domestic agricultural machinery industry also include measures to direct budgetary funds allocated to support agriculture, exclusively for the purchase of domestic equipment, the provision of state funds for the development of agricultural leasing services, as well as an increase in import customs duties on new and used imported agricultural equipment.

The modernization of agriculture cannot be carried out on the basis of mainly foreign equipment and technologies; they are much more expensive due to intellectual rent. Russian agrarian science has accumulated many practical solutions for agricultural producers.

Now it is necessary to create conditions for a large-scale transition to new technologies, and civil society institutions should contribute to the development of such a set of measures that will allow our agriculture

to become high-tech, cost-effective and competitive.


1. Bessonov VA Transformational recession and structural changes in the Russian agro-industrial complex // Scientific works. M., 2011. No. 30.

2. Kablov EN The sixth technological order // Science and life. 2010. No. 4.

3. Mamontov V.D. On the issue of the need for technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. Tambov, 2011. No. 12.

4. Sayapin AV, Kozodaeva ON State and prospects of development of peasant farms in the region: production and financial and investment aspects // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. Tambov, 2010. No. 5.

5. Sayapin A.V., Kozhevnikova T.M., Belchenko O.A. Past and present of the agrarian economy of the Tambov region // Socio-economic phenomena and processes. Tambov, 2011. No. 11.


7. URL:


A. A. Burmistrova, N. K. Rodionova, I. S. Kondrashova

In article the basic problems of technical and technological reequipment of agriculture are considered. The basic approaches to the decision of this problem are presented. Special value is given to the necessity of creation of conditions for large-scale transition to new technologies.

Key words: agro-industrial complex, technological modernization, machine-technological development.

In the NATURAL conditions of the republic, with the use of modern technologies, it is possible to obtain high results in agriculture and animal husbandry. However, most regions and agricultural enterprises are still working significantly below their capabilities, which is explained by the imperfection of their organizational structures and implemented production technologies. And the worst of all is the situation with the economy of the agro-industrial complex. The management mechanisms formed at the stage of the revival of the Belarusian countryside ensured a significant increase in the gross output of the agro-industrial complex, but turned out to be insufficiently effective for solving the most urgent problem - strengthening the economy of agricultural organizations. The lack of financial resources has now become the main obstacle to the full-scale implementation of the industry's production programs, and therefore, its further development.

Are there real opportunities in the republic to significantly strengthen the agrarian economy? Definitely YES. The government policy pursued in the country has created a solid foundation for achieving this goal.

Highly productive domestic varieties of agricultural crops have been created, their seed production has been established, and cultivation technologies have been developed for any soil conditions.

Technologies of intensive livestock breeding of highly productive breeds of dairy cattle have been studied and tested, new and reconstruction of existing dairy farms is underway with the installation of world-class technical means and the use of modern technologies.

Agricultural machine building is being strengthened, producing the most sophisticated equipment for the countryside, which fully makes it possible to re-equip agriculture with the latest technical means that are not inferior to foreign analogues. The Belarusian peasant cannot be blamed for the lack of hard work.

What are we missing? First of all, understanding the situation of todaywhen the agro-industrial complex of the republic becomes a subject of the world food market with all the ensuing consequences. And most importantly: without timely adoption of appropriate measures in connection with the entry of the republic into the Customs Union, and through it, in fact, into the WTO, the situation will inevitably become more complicated in the short term.

In the future, Russia will be obliged to sell us energy resources at world prices, and this will significantly increase the cost of agricultural production and dramatically worsen the base of economic growth. In addition, food from European and other countries will be supplied to the Belarusian market through Russia at unrestricted prices at prices against which domestic agricultural products may lose their competitiveness. The import customs tariff will cease to play the role of the main mechanism for protecting the domestic market.

The entry of Belarus into the Common Economic Space predetermines the need to coordinate the mechanisms of management in the agro-industrial complex, first of all, the unambiguity in the level and direction of state support for agricultural producers.

PROCESS Reducing government subsidies for production costs in the agro-industrial complex will not be easy, since due to high and versatile state support in recent years, agricultural producers of the republic have formed a predominantly dependent mentality in relation to the state budget, while issues of their own agrarian economy have faded into the background. Therefore, there is no significant increase in profitability on this basis in the domestic agro-industrial complex, there is no alternative to intensifying the production of products competitive in the markets, mainly on the basis of a competent and highly efficient use of internal reserves. Within the next 2-3 years, it is necessary to significantly restructure the agricultural sector, to prepare it for effective functioning in a single European and world food market. Hence, the most important task of agricultural producers is to do in 2-3 years what they have not done in decades, to learn to work on the principles of self-financing in the context of new mechanisms of state support. It is not easy to solve, but possible through a full-scale modernization of all spheres of production in the agricultural industry, on this basis, to achieve a significant increase in the efficiency of the use of natural resources, strengthen the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, further step-by-step reforming it by improving the organization of production, actively introducing technical and technological innovations.

The complex nature of measures aimed at increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural organizations requires, at the current stage, adjustments in almost all areas of the agro-industrial complex. The most important of them, which constitute an integral system of organizational and technological measures, subject to unconditional implementation, were considered at a meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food with the participation of the head of state and were supported by him. Their main essence is a deep modernization of agricultural production, which provides for an output in the near future of 60 thousand dollars per worker. This is what we need to implement together. What needs to be done for this?

1. The economy of the industry cannot work if the assessment of its personnel is carried out only on the basis of production indicators. This aims at achieving a result at any cost, does not induce agricultural producers to use economically viable management mechanisms that increase the economic stability of enterprises. As a result, according to the results of production activities of agricultural organizations and regions, there is no direct relationship between the level of gross output and indicators of economic efficiency of management. On the contrary, examples can be cited when the regions that are the best in terms of production performance have low economic indicators. So, in 2011, the Minsk region for the production of main types of products per 1 point-hectare of agricultural land ranked first in the republic, and in terms of net profit it was below the average (Table 1).

Production of main types of products and net profit per 1 point-hectare of agricultural land in 2011


Production of main types of products per 1 point-hectare, kg

Net profit per 1 point-hectare (system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food), thousand rubles



Raising livestock and poultry (live weight)






Across the republic

Therefore, as the main criterion for assessing the work of agricultural organizations and regions, it is proposed to introduce an objective economic indicator - profit per 1 point-hectare of the cadastral valuation of agricultural land, adjusted for the objective conditions of its formation (for example, joining unprofitable farms). This will make it possible to create a mechanism for the economic assessment of the results of farming on land, orienting agricultural producers to strengthening the economy, encouraging increasing agricultural production exclusively on an innovative basis through the use of the most economically beneficial organizational, technical and technological approaches recommended by science and best practice.

2. It should be clearly understood that the economic mechanisms of management and the rate of profit in agricultural organizations can work successfully if their leaders are personally interested in these processes. The existing mechanism of remuneration for labor is somewhat cumbersome and complicated, not always accessible and understandable to a simple employee, and even to individual managers. The main thing is that it does not stimulate either managers or labor collectives of enterprises to achieve high economic indicators.

Therefore, in order to improve the wage system in agricultural organizations, to realize the potential of employees' personal interest in the financial results, the Ministry of Agriculture, together with the National Academy of Sciences, will soon develop an appropriate Regulation, which will be submitted for approval to the Government. I believe that it should provide for the creation of an economic and legal environment in which not only the leader, but also each employee could legally ensure a decent level of material well-being through highly professional work. For these purposes, it seems appropriate to calculate the official salary of managers and specialists of agricultural organizations on the basis of the volume of products sold, taking into account the objective conditions of management, primarily the cadastral assessment of agricultural land. In addition to the monthly salary, give the right to the heads of agricultural enterprises at the end of the year to distribute in the normative manner a part of the profit received in the form of bonuses, which should be high enough. For the newly elected heads of unprofitable farms, proceed from the reduction of losses for the worked year.

Of course, the wages and salaries of the labor collective should be tied to the economic results of labor at each production site, and even better at the individual level. This should be achieved through the introduction of rigid mechanisms of commercial cost accounting, without which it is now impossible to talk about a significant strengthening of the economy of agricultural organizations. Already today, it is necessary to set the task on the basis of a sharp increase in the economic efficiency of the work of agricultural organizations, at the stage of completion of the Program for Sustainable Rural Development, to reach an average monthly wage in the agricultural sector of $ 500, and in the future see the goal of $ 1,000.

A certain reserve in the formation of the wage fund is the long-overdue reduction in the number of management personnel in organizations, taking into account the current potential of information systems and by improving the organization of production. The Ministry of Agriculture, together with the National Academy of Sciences, will have to develop standards for this position.

3. It is necessary to optimize the production structure, to deepen the specialization of the industry, taking into account the soil and climatic conditions of the regions and giving real priority to animal husbandry. It accounts for about 60 percent of the value of all products produced by agricultural organizations, 79 percent of proceeds from the sale of products and more than 90 percent of food exports.

Pig breeding and poultry breeding should receive further development. At the same time, taking into account the situation on the world market for pork, the prospects for a sharp increase in its production in Russia, the main consumer of our export for this product, I think it is inexpedient to launch the construction of new pig breeding complexes. It is necessary to significantly reconstruct the existing ones, equip them with modern energy-saving equipment, resource-saving growing technologies and automated control systems for production processes. This will contribute to an increase in the production of pork with a technology that provides a daily productivity in growing and fattening 650-700 grams at a feed cost of 3.0-3.2 centners of feed units.

The situation is similar in the poultry industry. In 2020, the industry's enterprises should produce 625 thousand tons of poultry meat in live weight and increase its export to 150 thousand tons. The average daily gain of broilers is expected to be 65 grams, or 30 percent more than in 2010. Feed costs for the production of one quintal of broiler weight gain should be reduced to 1.6 quintals, or by 20 percent by 2011.

WITH CONSIDERING significant advantages in the soil-climatic zone of the republic, the potential of herbal resources over grain crops and the prospects for the development of world food markets, the primary role should be given to the development of dairy and beef cattle breeding. The main criterion will be a significant increase in livestock density. By 2020, it is necessary to increase the number of cattle to 100, and cows to 30 heads per 100 hectares of farmland, the productivity of a dairy herd on average in the republic should be at least 6500 kilograms, the weight gain of cattle for fattening - up to 1 kilogram. For comparison, I note that in 2011 the density of cattle in the republic was 52 heads, cows - 17 heads. The milk yield from a cow was 4522 kg, the average daily weight gain of cattle was 606 grams (table 2).

Planned livestock of dairy cows in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus in 2015-2020


2015 year

2016 year

2017 year

2018 year

2019 year

2020 year

thousand heads

percent by 2014

thousand heads

percent by 2015

thousand heads

percent by 2016

thousand heads

percent by 2017

thousand heads

percent by 2018

thousand heads

percent by 2019






Across the republic

But in our country, many farms have a high density of livestock, but they do not receive products, which is what we have to figure out.

4. Increasing the milk and beef productivity of livestock requires a revision of the structure of forage production.Let's remember that in 2010 the republic milked less milk from a cow than in 2009. In 2011 - less than in 2010. Today, with a certain positive trend, it will provide only half of the planned increase in milk yield from a cow. And this despite the fact that in recent years there have been no significant problems with feed, and in the Gomel region, the production of silage significantly exceeded the demand. So what's up? With what will we come to the end in 2015 of the Sustainable Rural Development Program?

Unfortunately, being unrelated to economic indicators, the production of the republic has chosen the most costly and most harmful to the health of animals of all possible types of feeding for both dairy and beef cattle - concentrate silage.

Imperfect feed production is the main reason for the cow's short productive life. In private yards in the years of our youth, the cow, fed mainly on hay and chopped straw, was kept for at least 10 years, practically "not communicating" with the veterinarian. The long period of her reproductive life is predetermined by physiology: genetically, a cow reaches its maximum productivity with the birth of the sixth calf. At the present time, on new farms, the cow is exploited for 2-3 years, and in the last year of her life it is more often a defective animal with paralyzed legs. More than 400 thousand cows and about 170 thousand heifers, or 570 thousand broodstock, leave the country per year. The livestock of cows in two regions is cut out, and mainly of the most productive age.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the reproduction of livestock. With a sufficient supply of feed (in feed units) in 2011, 232 thousand cows did not come to hunt for insemination within the normative period, 145 thousand were inseminated three or more times. Over the past three years, the yield of live calves per 100 cows has decreased from 84 to 79 heads. Last year, almost 25 thousand pregnant cows were delivered to meat processing plants.

The analysis of the biochemical parameters of the blood of cows with a milk production of more than 6500 kilograms, carried out by the Belarusian State Veterinary Center for the republic, showed that there are practically no healthy animals among them.

In addition to the shortage of products, the existing system of livestock feeding leads to difficulties with the renewal of the dairy herd. The current level of reproduction of young cattle with an extremely short duration of productive longevity of cows is no longer enough to restore the livestock and fill new and reconstructed dairy farms. Importing heifers is a high-cost undertaking. How can the problems of “big milk” be solved with such methods of dairy industry management? And what does the world experience teach?

IN 1970 the average milk yield per cow in the United States was 4300 kilograms. And for ten years, until 1980, it remained at the same level (4300-4500 kilograms). During this period, corn silage accounted for 70 percent in the rations in voluminous forages, as now in our average milk production farms. The current situation in dairy production forced American farmers to reconsider their positions in fodder production, to sharply increase the role of alfalfa in livestock feeding. As a result, the milk yield from a cow on average in the country had already increased to 5911 kilograms by 1985, by 1990 - to 6643, and in 1999 it exceeded 8000 kilograms. With a steady 1: 1 ratio of corn silage to alfalfa haylage in dry matter ration, cow productivity in the United States is now at 9,300 kilograms. Isn't it an example for borrowing this experience in our republic?

The experience of the Leningrad region, which was described on May 31 of this year by “Belorusskaya Niva”, is no less instructive than the American one.

I understand that it is not entirely modest, but for the sake of the good of the cause I will give my own experience. The dairy herd of the Pravda-Agro agricultural branch of the Dzerzhinsky agricultural plant in the Dzerzhinsky district in 2008, based on corn silage, had a milk yield from a cow of 4988 kilograms. In 2009, 20 percent in the structure of grass fodder was made from leguminous silage, milk yield increased to 6280 kilograms. In 2010, haylage occupied 30 percent in the structure of grass fodder - milk yield amounted to 6632 kilograms, in 2011, respectively, 40 percent and 7757 kilograms, although in general throughout the republic during these years the productivity of cows decreased. During the year, 1200 hectares of corn were replaced by alfalfa. In the current year, cows receive 50 percent of corn silage and 50 percent of alfalfa hay in the structure of grass feed. According to a very realistic forecast for the year, the productivity of cows will reach 8100 kilograms.

Interesting results at the district level are shown in table 3... Here, in 2010, all districts, except for Kletskoye, which received milk yield from a cow over 6 thousand kilograms, had an approximately equal ratio of the production of green mass of perennial grasses and corn. Kletskiy district took a benchmark for corn, and look how it ended. The prime cost of milk and meat is the highest here, cattle breeding as a whole, instead of profit, brought a huge loss. In the group of districts that received less than 3500 kilograms of milk yield, corn has a clear advantage in fodder production, but Postavsky stands out. There are twice as many herbs here. However, their efficiency turned out to be low due to the unsatisfactory botanical composition: legumes in the structure of crops occupied only 28.4 percent. And silage from cereal grasses, and even almost always harvested with a delay, is no better than corn silage.

Information on the productivity and efficiency of animal husbandry in individual regions of the republic in 2010


Green mass production, tons

Milk from a cow, kg

Cost of 1 ton of milk, thousand rubles

Profit / loss (-) from milk sales, million rubles

perennial herbs


Areas that received milk yield from a cow over 6,000 kg




Areas with milk yield from a cow less than 3500 kg









What other evidence needs to be cited in favor of the effectiveness of grass cultivation? Instead, the area under crops of grasses is constantly decreasing, and corn is growing, despite the lack of the necessary volumes of organic and mineral fertilizers for this crop, and technical means for harvesting. The more maize is sown for silage, the lower its productivity. This is especially clearly seen in the example of the Gomel region. When cultivated in 1986-1990, within reasonable limits, the region ranked first in the republic in terms of the yield of green mass, and with an increase in the sown area twice on average for 2009-2012, the region turned out to be the last in terms of the productivity of this crop.

Of course, corn silage should retain its rightful place in the system of feed production for livestock, at one time it saved this industry from hunger. But now it is necessary to competently work with this crop in order to optimize the feed economy of the republic, taking into account the current situation, when a cow needs to be fed in order to receive milk from her. But what will corn silage cooked at the end of October, and even in November, from lignified stalks give?

THE BEST , the world's most competitive dairy products are produced with herbal feed. Calculations show that with a competent structure of grasslands in meadows and arable land, optimization of the technology for the production of their green mass in the republic, only in this area it is possible to get about 17 million tons of full-fledged feed units that do not require protein enrichment. This is enough to produce 9 million tons of cheap milk and 900 thousand tons of cattle meat, if this feed is distributed equally between the two types of products. I believe that with the real inclusion of economic mechanisms of management, and there are no other ways now, this potential will be fully utilized. Alfalfa, clover, its mixtures with cereals should take their rightful place in grass fodder production.

5. The basis of agricultural activity is land. All omissions in the agricultural sector will inevitably have a negative impact on animal husbandry. An agrarian economy was born in it. However, in recent years, and even decades, very little attention has been paid to the crop rotation system of agriculture, as a result, the placement of crops on arable land is random without taking into account their biological requirements. The structure of sown areas, which has no economic justification, has led to the fact that good predecessors for grain crops, primarily winter crops, have virtually disappeared. The worst situation is in Vitebsk and Gomel regions, where even wheat has to be sown after grain crops. I believe that this factor is the main reason for the lowest grain yield in both regions. So, according to the SPC for Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, when re-sowing grain crops, as well as when using perennial grasses as a precursor for them, the yield of winter wheat decreases by about 40 percent, triticale - by 30 and winter rye - by 15 percent. Therefore, the optimization of the structure of the sown area, the restoration of the crop rotation system on this basis is the main and uncontested reserve for improving the economy of crop production.

AUTUMN Last year, the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus developed a program to improve the structure of sown areas for the 2012 harvest, taking into account the increase in the economic efficiency of agriculture in general and the qualitative improvement of the fodder base for livestock in particular. In the final version, the accumulated materials were brought to a wide production meeting in Smolevichi with the participation of the Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich and with the presence of the chairmen of all regional and district executive committees. All participants of the meeting unambiguously approved the proposals of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. But they practically did the opposite: they increased the sowing of corn, and reduced perennial grasses. I take the liberty of saying that there will be no more such amateur performances. The key to this is the approval of our approaches by the head of state. We will have to turn to him for help in ignoring our proposals, if we do not find mutual understanding at the regional level.

6. Improving the infrastructure of the livestock industry. In the current five-year period, 16 sectoral and regional programs are being implemented, within the framework of which further modernization of agricultural production is carried out. The most important and costly objects in animal husbandry. In the period until 2015, it is planned to build 711 dairy farms here.

An extensive program for renewing the industry infrastructure for the period 2016-2020 is planned. It is planned to build 933 livestock complexes in dairy production and 115 complexes for fattening cattle, allocating 123 trillion rubles for these purposes in current prices, of which at least 30 percent - the own funds of farms.

In addition to new construction, it is planned to reconstruct by 2015 almost all current livestock facilities and complexes suitable for the introduction of modern technologies.

Under the current conditions, regional executive committees, together with regional executive committees, independently form lists of production facilities planned for modernization. And, of course, they are fully responsible for their implementation on time and achievement of the planned program parameters.

Each project for the construction of new dairy farms should have a feed production program as an integral part, providing livestock with full-value feed in the amount of full demand and without the involvement of additional protein raw materials. Without the implementation of this program, developed on the basis of proposals from agricultural science, it will not be possible to achieve the desired success in cattle breeding.

The program of reconstruction of dairy farms in the current year, where the current state of affairs is far from the desired, is worth a separate mention. What purposeful work and concentration of forces can be said if, fulfilling the instructions of the head of state on reconstruction and modernization in each farm of 1 dairy farm, in most regions no effective measures have been taken for half a year. Whatever the assurances of the Vitebsk regional agricultural product, but in 2013 at 123 farms, cows will be milked in buckets, and this is the day before yesterday. Extremely low rates of work in this direction in the Gomel region. Here, only on October 24, a list of reconstructed farms and a range of equipment was approved. And Vitebsk, Minsk and Grodno regions are still raising questions about revising the range of ordered equipment.

7. Targeted measures to strengthen the economy of agricultural organizations. Of course, further development should be received by all business entities of the agro-industrial complex, but the mechanism for strengthening the economy in them should be determined by their current state. Ultimately, the goal is to close the gap between lagging and successful organizations as much as possible. So, the variation in grain production per 1 point-hectare of sowing in 2011 was in the range of 92.1-116.2 kilograms, in 2012 - 91.4-136.4. For milk, respectively, in 2011 20.6-32.3 kilograms, for 9 months of this year - 16.7-26.9. In the context of regions, this variability is much greater. There is a huge difference in the economic performance of farms. According to the results of the first half of this year, 363 of them (29 percent) formed 68 percent. of total revenue and 76 percent of profit, and 906 (71 percent), respectively - 32 percent of revenue and 24 percent of profit. Consequently, it is the second group of farms that is the main reserve for further increasing production volumes and strengthening the agricultural economy. And it is necessary to attach paramount importance to working with it in order to bring them to the level of successfully operating farms.

According to the current financial condition and the scale of the upcoming measures to strengthen the economy, agricultural organizations can be divided into 3 groups according to the volume of proceeds from the sale of products: the first (high level) with revenues of over 15 billion rubles, the second (average) - with revenues of 5-15 billion and the third (low level) - up to 5 billion rubles.

Farms with a high level of production and efficiency, about 30 percent can now continue their intensive development, focusing on strengthening infrastructure and innovative technologies, approaching the average European level of agricultural production efficiency. The work should be aimed at achieving by 2015 revenue per employee 60 thousand dollars, added value

To address the issues of technical modernization, since 2013, the State Program for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex has introduced a measure of direct support for the agricultural machinery industry - subsidies to equipment manufacturers. She played a serious role, but was unable to radically change the situation with the shortage of agricultural machinery. So, today the farmers have 428 thousand tractors, 125 thousand grain harvesters and 17 thousand forage harvesters, which is at least 25% less than what is required for seasonal field work in optimal agro-technological terms, said Dzhambulat Khatuov.

At present, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, the most effective instrument of state support for the technical modernization of the agro-industrial complex is preferential leasing. According to the results of the analysis carried out by the department together with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, while maintaining the existing support measures under Government Decree No. 1432, the annual need for subsidies from 2019 to 2025 may increase from 19.6 billion rubles to 38.9 billion rubles.

In this regard, in order to increase the efficiency of the use of federal budgetary funds and based on world experience, the Ministry of Agriculture considers it necessary to define leasing supplies of agricultural machinery and equipment as a priority measure of state support. This mechanism is proposed to be included in the passport of the project "Technical modernization of the agro-industrial complex" and to begin its implementation no later than 2020.

“The new leasing product will be an interest-free installment plan for a period of 5 years with an advance payment of 20%. Under such conditions, even small farms, which could not do this even with a discount, will be able to renew the fleet of equipment, ”noted Dzhambulat Khatuov.

This advantage allows farmers not to withdraw funds from circulation, but to direct them to further business development, which makes it possible, among other things, to update 4 times more conventional units of equipment at equal costs. At the same time, the emphasis in state support will be shifted towards stimulating effective demand, rather than production.

“The demand declared by the regions for purchasing equipment on preferential leasing terms in the next 3 years is 33.8 thousand units for 139 billion rubles. This speaks of the relevance of the proposed support mechanism, ”stressed Dzhambulat Khatuov.

According to the first deputy minister, with an annual state co-financing of 8 billion rubles, leasing companies will be able to deliver 29.3 thousand cars in 3 years, meeting the needs of the regions by 86%. At the same time, Russian machine builders will be able to plan production processes more efficiently, and only modern domestic equipment, or one that has no analogues in the country, will be leased. In addition, it is proposed to increase the range of leasing products by expanding the types of equipment supplied, which will allow farmers to purchase exactly the equipment that they really need.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to achieve the targets, it is also necessary to improve the mechanism of concessional lending for the purchase of new equipment. The department proposes to increase its term from 5 to 8-12 years, which will help build a more convenient schedule for repayment of loan debt and reduce the current costs of borrowers.

Vladimir Kashin also noted the advantages of agricultural machinery supplies using preferential leasing in his speech. According to the parliamentarian, due to the availability of the proposed mechanism, farmers will be able to multiply their equipment with modern machines.

Taking this into account, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed to update the program for the development of agriculture, extending it until 2025. The total amount of financing of the state program from the federal budget from 2013 to 2025 will amount to 3.42 trillion rubles, another 477 billion from regional budgets and 300 billion from extra-budgetary sources.

Particular attention in the documents is paid to the technical modernization of the industry. Indeed, until recently, the degree of wear and tear of equipment in the agro-industrial complex was estimated at 70%, and the need for equipment was satisfied no more than half. To speed up the process, the state program "Technical modernization of the agro-industrial complex", which subsidizes manufacturers of agricultural machinery, will also be updated. The amount of funds transferred on it amounted to over 44 billion rubles from 2013 to 2018. This made it possible to supply agricultural producers with more than 27 thousand units of agricultural machinery.

Now the program will also be extended until 2025. Within its framework, the coefficient of renewal of tractors in agricultural organizations in 2020 should be 2.9 percent, grain harvesters - 4.7, forage harvesters - 4.3 percent.

In general, the pace of equipment replacement can be increased, some experts believe.

Now the share of imported equipment, despite its higher price and complex service, exceeds 65 percent, over the past year the share of Russian equipment has grown by only 3.7 percent. To solve this problem, within the framework of the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture, measures will be taken to support the domestic agricultural machinery industry. It is planned that the volume of sales of tractors by 2021 will reach 12.5 thousand, by 2025 - 13.4 thousand, by 2030 - 14 thousand units of equipment. Accordingly, the market for grain harvesters will reach 7100, 7600 and 8100 units, - comments Viktor Kidyaev, the first deputy head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma.

The Ministry of Agriculture plans to submit the updated state program to the government by the end of the year. At the same time, the document says, in the event that additional funds are allocated for state support for investment activities and technical modernization, it is also planned to capitalize on Rosselkhozbank and Rosagroleasing.

Recall that earlier Alexey Lavrinenko, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues, as well as Mikhail Shchetinin, a representative of the Altai Territory in the Federation Council, who proposed to allocate 30 billion rubles for organizations that ensure the modernization of farms in the regions of the country, already spoke about the need for additional capitalization of Rosagroleasing this year.

According to experts, the results will not be long in coming. For example, this year Udmurtia has resumed participation in the program for the renewal of the agricultural machinery park, which is being implemented by Rosagroleasing. 12 agricultural enterprises of Udmurtia became recipients of equipment under the federal leasing system. In total, under the Rosagroleasing program, the machine and tractor fleet of the region's agro-industrial complex will be renewed by 13 units of domestically produced equipment this year. Rosagroleasing is especially proud of the results of its work in the Saratov region, where due to the supply of machinery, LLC Rodina, despite the annual drought, in 6 years was able to 50 times increase the volume of grain production.

And in the Foothill region of the Stavropol Territory, a dairy complex is being built - "Agrofirma" Selo Voroshilova "plans to build a complex with a milking parlor of the" carousel "type for 2.7 thousand heads of milking herd. the complex will increase the production of high-quality milk in agricultural organizations up to 20 percent.

In the Leningrad region last year, a number of companies also decided to increase the production of raw milk by increasing the livestock and modernizing production. For 1 billion rubles it is planned to solve the problem of lack of raw materials for the dairy industry in the region. Raw milk is more expensive here than in other regions.

In addition, five investors in the region are thinking about creating cheese factories in the Leningrad Region with a total cost of 2 billion rubles. Now this niche in the region is practically not occupied. Moreover, as regional officials believe, investors will be able to rely on compensation for direct costs incurred from the regional budget.

Thanks to the new technology, the farm in the Saratov region has increased production volumes 50 times in 6 years
In general, according to the rating of investment activity of the regions in September 2018, the Lipetsk region took the first place in terms of investments in the agro-industrial complex (26 percent of the total volume). The Angel Yeast dry yeast plant is slated to launch in October - November 2018. Angel Yeast will produce feed, nutritional and alcoholic instant yeast, as well as raw materials for the production of medicines. At the final design stage - the plant "ZGPK" KornBioTech "for deep processing of corn in the village of Kazaki, Eletsky district, Lipetsk region. The company will specialize in deep processing of corn and the production of corn starch, bases for the production of oil, gluten, ingredients and ready-made feed for animals and birds In addition, the agricultural firm "Vegetables of Chernozemya" received a loan from Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 1.7 billion rubles for the construction of the second stage of a greenhouse complex in the Usmansky district of the region.

In second place is the Primorsky Territory with 18 percent of investments in the agro-industrial complex. Here the production of Rusagro was launched in the Mikhailovsky ASEZ of the Primorsky Territory. This is the largest project in Russia for the construction of pig farms with a capacity of 82 thousand tons, the production of compound feed and a meat processing complex. The first products will appear in early 2019, and the enterprise plans to reach full capacity in 2020.

In addition, the regional administration, Rosselkhozbank JSC and NK Lotos LLC entered into a trilateral agreement on cooperation in the implementation of a large-scale investment project to create a greenhouse facility worth about 3 billion rubles. And in the TOP "Nadezhdinskaya" will create the production of biotechnological feed. The company intends to produce biotechnological feed proteins, amino acids, vitamins, enzymes and products based on them for the development of the region's feed base.


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