How to make my personal diary. How to keep a personal diary. Why keep a personal diary

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Do you have many hidden thoughts and secrets? Not any of them can be told to someone, for such information there is a personal diary. Buying a ready-made one is not difficult, but a self-designed diary is like your home, it is better to do everything in it with your own hands, with love. How can you make a personal diary beautiful?

Ideas for designing a personal diary

Be sure to let your own imagination run wild in creating ideas for personal diary with your own hands. Beautiful and neatly made, it will be for you best friend that keeps your secrets and thoughts. How to make original pages for a personal diary:

  1. Decide on the color scheme of the notebook and, in accordance with it, select required amount sheets. It can be multi-colored leaves, a rainbow design of 7 colors, pastel colors, imitation of stale leaves. Do not avoid dark colors either: envelopes, stickers, pictures can be attached to such pages, or they can be used to separate periods of writing.
  2. Pages can be figuratively cut along the edges, give them an interesting shape: lace, rounded corners.
  3. Select two sheets for the cover (front and back) and place them at the top and bottom of the stack.
  4. Take a hole punch and punch all the pages so that each has two holes on the left side for stitching pages. Take 2 rings, taking into account the thickness of the diary, thread them to connect the sheets into a finished diary.
  5. If you wish, you can buy a beautiful notebook, think over only its internal design.

As for the question of how to design a personal diary for girls, then it is important not only to paint, but also to carefully consider the contents of the notebook. You can make sections for:

  • motivating quotes, thoughts;
  • plans and desires for the future;
  • achievements and life failures;
  • fixing important events, date;
  • records of what is happening during the day;
  • good memories;
  • useful "reminders";
  • photographs;
  • clippings from magazines and newspapers.

It is interesting to make secret pockets easily by attaching a piece cut out of transparent plastic or by gluing an envelope on any of the pages. So you hide a photo that is dear to you or information “not for prying eyes”. Another idea for a personal diary with your own hands is the topic: about the life of your family, yours personally, about a child, career goals, achievements.

What to draw

If you are wondering how to decorate a personal diary with drawings, then it all depends on your artistic skills. Beautiful page frames are made from small leaves, flowers, or simply using a gradient line. You can select individual pages, draw a portrait, heroes of your favorite cartoons, a landscape, a still life. It will be beautiful if you decorate each page with a painted fruit, berries, bright vegetables, butterflies, ladybugs.

If this is a diary about the achievements of the child, then use the version of the drawing made by your baby yourself. With good artistic inclinations, you can create your own coloring, pencil sketches, decorate sheets with patterns, attach small drawings on stickers. The mysterious silhouette of an elegant lady, a hero from a movie - draw what you love, what motivates you.

How to decorate a personal diary

In the world of creativity, there are a lot of ideas for a personal diary with your own hands - these are origami, scrapbooking, applications:

  1. A bright application in LD can be made from buttons, colored paper, cardboard, cotton pads, sticks, all kinds of ribbons, sparkles.
  2. Clippings from newspapers and magazines are easy to make in the form of a TV screen or cargo carried by small airplanes.
  3. There are many variations in the origami technique: birds, flowers, butterflies, small bows, envelopes.

Find out what you can apply for a personal diary.

How to arrange inside

For ease of writing, you can draw sheets with colored pens, create borders with them with thin frames. It will be interesting to look if the layout of all pages is different: colored sheets, pages from school notebooks in a box, a line, an oblique line, picture inserts, postcards, colorful calendars. You can paste cool pictures, cool emoticons or a picture of a person's face with different emotions. Have you seen how cute children taste lemon for the first time or see the kiss of the bride and groom?

Find out which can also be placed inside a personal diary.

Topics for a personal diary

How to fill a personal diary with thematic sections? List of the most relevant headings in personal notebooks:

  • What happened to me during the day?
  • Lovely family.
  • My plans, what I want.
  • My job.
  • Nice memories.
  • What should I do during the day.
  • Smart thoughts and conclusions.
  • What did I manage to achieve in a day (week, month, year, life)?
  • Creative section.
  • Secret section about boys.

Do you feel that you just need to start keeping a personal diary, but do not know what to write in a diary and what keeping it will give you? In this article, we will try to direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Why keep a personal diary?

With the help of the diary, you can go back for some time and remember what time has erased, you can assess how much you have changed and in which direction over time.

What to write in a personal diary?

Since this magical book will allow you to travel through your life and look at it from the outside, you can write whatever you want in it. Here is what people usually write in their diaries:

  • Description of life. They talk about how their day, week, month went ... After all, it is not necessary to write in it every day, you can refer to the diary as often as you want.
  • Your thoughts. These thoughts can be both thoughts about events in your own life, and about events taking place in the world that impress you.
  • In addition, you can write down in your diary what you dream about, your goals, and how you think you will achieve them.
  • Their attitude to people, to their actions, in diaries people analyze their actions and deeds.
  • They also write down things they like (be it someone's sayings, poems, excerpts from books, songs).

However, keeping a diary involves some danger that they will read it and find out the most secret, something that only you should know. Therefore, be very responsible about where you keep your diary, and it is advisable not to talk about the fact that you are keeping it. If you keep a diary on a computer, then set a password for the file. If you keep a diary in a special notebook or notebook, then carefully hide it. In addition, choose a notebook with which you will be pleased to share your thoughts.

Now you know what you can write in a diary, but do not limit yourself to the items listed in the article. Write whatever you want to write in your diary.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

Whether to keep your personal diary (in youth slang “ld”) is truly a personal matter for everyone, but teenage girls, girls and women for the most part prefer to open the cherished silent sheet of paper, rather than close friends. At the same time, creative and romantic-minded people do not have questions about how to keep a diary: they write what they want, draw according to their mood, write in and paste quotes, clippings from fashion magazines, pie recipes and other interesting things.

But if your own vision of your own diary is not enough, and you don’t even know where to start, this article is for you: ideas, recommendations, highlights, creative solutions will push you to individual style and creation. So, how to create, beautifully design a flyleaf and pages, and what can be written in a personal diary?

How to start keeping a personal diary?

With desire. If a girl or girl has a desire to keep her own diary just because all the girls in the class or university group have it, then this will immediately become a failed idea: the process of communicating with a paper friend will end exactly on the second page, when the passion for fashion has suddenly flared up subside. In the world modern technologies, gadgets and social networks, the question will not be superfluous - what is it for, what does a personal diary look like and what should be in it: if the answers to these seemingly simple questions are not found, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe diary should be postponed for a while.

When deciding to keep a personal diary, think about the purpose - what will it become for you and what is its meaning?

The most obvious purpose of introducing a diary into personal life is communication: a thin or thick notebook or notebook will become the most understanding and trusting interlocutor that is lacking in social and public life. Another group of the female population will define journaling as an opportunity to capture the emotions of visiting interesting places, memories of significant events and impressions of meeting interesting people. And still others will keep a diary for introspection of their own actions, revision of the actions performed, reassessment of themselves and their mistakes, and reflection on successes. Everyone has their own goal- it is important to realize it, and then the personal diary will become a true masterpiece, and not a routine writing.

What will become a diary?

We will not consider in detail the version of the electronic diary: such are also a statement of one's own thoughts and a description of events, but not intended for internal use and for worldwide public readings. But just like with all modern gadgets, a significant mass of readers prefer books in the classic version than in audio or electronic, the same is the case with personal diaries.

The diary is a mirror of the human soul

Starting an electronic personal diary of a teenager on a computer or on a website can put some interesting or, conversely, a dramatic event, a meeting with old friends or a trip. Electronic diary on a personal computer has its advantages (a strong password, beautiful graphics for design, the ability to make an unlimited number of copies), but a special atmosphere, romance in the process of communicating with oneself and something nostalgic vintage give diaries exactly in paper execution, but here's what they should be, what kind of notebook for diary entries about life to start? And this is also a personal matter for everyone:

one will be comfortable writing on separate sheets of paper, which are always at hand, combining them as you write into a ring binder or organizers of paper materials of other options;
others will find comfortable ordinary school notebooks for 18 sheets or notepads, which can be put in a handbag - they do not take up much space and weigh almost nothing;
still others will approach the matter monumentally, starting thick barn book or diary under voluminous texts: descendants will undoubtedly appreciate the painstaking great-grandmother's work, which tells about the super-duper Seventh iPhone and the release of the next episode of Star Wars.

Keeping, writing and pictures for a personal diary - the style, design, size of inscriptions and drawings also play a role. When deciding what a personal diary will look like, one should not be guided solely by an attractive external cover: first of all, its owner should think about the comfort of entering your entries into it. And what is needed for the design of the first page of ld - this will already be decided in the process of working with it.

How long does it take to keep a diary?

How to start keeping and equipping a beautiful personal diary - the rules, as such, do not exist. As well as some official or generally accepted timing for filling it out. If you do not turn a pleasant activity into a daily many hours of recording each step, then It doesn't take much time to keep a diary.. You should not treat the diary as work: entries in it can be made hastily or in detail, but in any case, if there is desire and inspiration.

It is not by chance that the diary can be used as a planner of future affairs: it will show how much time is wasted with the hostess. Nothing to write about the last day, a couple of days, a week? - it makes sense to think: maybe time is just wasted? Such information will give impetus to a general mobilization and decisive action within the limits of one person.

Each girl or woman determines the mode of working with her diary that suits her: daily, weekly or situational

“When I want, then I write”- the correct answer to the question of how often to write in the diary. Obyazalovka will destroy a trusting relationship with such a friend, and talking about each line will not give either positive emotions or a pleasant result.

Another point that diary owners don't think about: re-read notes from time to time and desirable and necessary- this will refresh the memory of events and allow you to track how your thinking and assessment of situations and people's actions are changing. Over time, not only we ourselves change, but also our perception of the same dynamic, not worth a second of the world around us: such an analysis is useful and determines the degree of maturation of the individual.

How to keep a personal diary

Correct in this case - a synonym for "as convenient." You need to relax, stay alone with yourself, your thoughts, a pen or pencil (according to preferences) and a diary. You can not comb your hair and not, you are now nature itself. Those who have problems with the Russian language should not think about the rules of spelling and punctuation - write freely, even with errors.

For each entry, set the day, month, year - everything is forgotten over time, but the chronology will return to the exact event moment

Caution does not hurt when expressing: on the one hand, why then is a diary needed if you don’t pour out everything painful on its pages ?; on the other hand, one should not exclude the possibility of reading it by another person. And in most cases, it will be the bomb. Atomic.

How to sign and properly format a personal diary: tips and ideas

For adults, busy and working people, maybe the design of the diary is not so important - most likely, they would stop at an expensive diary with a dense stylish cover and elegant pages. But how to start and fill in the pages inside the LD of desires for a girl or teenager? For sure young ladies want something enchanting, sparkling and joyful– styles, ideas and photos of filling out a personal diary or diary can be viewed on Internet blogs, social network Pinterest images and similar resources. Or just come up with something of your own.

IN general case diary design depends on:

own desires and ideological vision of a new "friend";
creative skills (calligraphic handwriting, ability to draw);
available free time, which, without prejudice to study, work or family, can be spent on making entries.

Thematic pages and stories- a super idea, everything will be used here: from scrapbooking to stickers and Chinese calligraphy. For a trip to the sea, the page can be painted with pale blue watercolors, pearl beads and decorative colored sand can be added, the “forest page” can be perfumed with woody scented toilet water and decorated with pine or spruce needles - room for imagination.

Many already at the beginning of the journey think how to make the last page creative diary: perhaps someone will look at the idea of ​​​​a stylized door to the future, their own poem, or just a beautifully executed inscription “To be continued ...”

There are no special rules in the design either - it is only important that the owner liked the diary. For young girls who have free time, magazine clippings and scrapbooking elements, appliqué materials, a set of colored gel pens and felt-tip pens, highlighters, glue stick, self-adhesive rhinestones, decorative ribbons and paper, etc. Cute cats, cute bears, flower butterflies and angels are recognized as favorite girly pictures.

How to make it interesting and what to write about in a personal diary for a girl, girl or woman

describe emotions and attitudes- it is not the bare and boring facts that are important, the feelings caused by the situation are important;
you can throw out the accumulated verbally or graphically- as you like;
about commemorative exhibitions, cinema visits and theatrical performances, interesting trips, romantic dates will remind tickets and booklets, letters and notes of a loved one- if you wish to store them at the end of the diary on the cover, it is recommended to glue the envelope and fold them there or paste them directly on the current page;
write down and draw gift ideas for family and friends;
do sketches of favorite models in boutique windows with the expectation to sew in the near future the same, but with mother-of-pearl buttons;
to increase self-esteem, it is recommended to paste in a diary own good photos, celebrate achievements and do not be shy to praise yourself for success;
people rich in dreams are advised to write them down before they are forgotten, - dreams open the veil of the inner consciousness and experiences of a person;
women's diaries become a treasure trove quotes, aphorisms and funny jokes : the hostess of the diary, who does not rely on her own maiden memory, periodically reads them useful and brings pleasure;
useful phrases in English;
spending money, planning spending on purchases;
admired for their simplicity or sophistication cooking recipes;
words of favorite songs, poems, poems.

With desire and knowledge foreign languages you can keep a diary on one of them: agree, personal diary in English is not only intellectual and stylish, but also a great practice for expressing your own thoughts and expanding your vocabulary.

The diary of married ladies most often represents an ascetic version: short, to the point entries without additional embellishments

Thick cardboard cover will make the diary safer, and the creativity of the owner of the diary will highlight an ordinary notebook or notebook from a bunch of similar ones, creating a small personal mood corner. With the help of master classes of the online community of needlewomen and available materials, it is easy to create own textile cover with elegant lace trim and sewing and / or rhinestones and buttons (felt ones look original and cozy, but are not so practical to use - they get dirty and worn out). Covers are easy to change depending on the mood or season.

To maintain complete secrecy, you can buy notebook or notepad with lock or find a secluded place in the room for a handwritten treasure away from prying eyes and prying hands. How much does your own diary cost? It is truly priceless, but not at all because of the beautiful expensive cover - the time and heart invested in its pages will eventually make this small notebook or book a family heirloom that future generations will treasure with tenderness.


And why is all this necessary? This question returns to the first point of the article - the goal. The goal of keeping a diary will become the motivation for filling it out: feelings and thoughts, perception of people and events, analysis of one's own strengths and weaknesses, fears, achievements and actions.

A personal diary is a letter to yourself in the future and news for yourself from the past.

The diary will become not only a way of self-expression: scattered and fussy people, he will help streamline both thoughts and actions, teach planning, consistency and structuring the presentation of his judgments. Recording is required by some for the development of detailed memory and a safety net against senile sclerosis.

A personal diary is not just a biography and a psychotherapeutic attempt to understand oneself, find harmony and: in some cases it is necessary for a detailed assessment of one's life. Keeping a diary involves a person trying to become better, wiser and make fewer mistakes in the future.

February 2, 2014, 03:34 pm

It would seem that it is difficult to keep a personal diary? Sit down and write down all your thoughts in a notebook. But I want this “collection” to have some zest of its own. For the diary to inspire you, it is enough to know the little tricks of filling it out.

How to keep a personal diary - the beginning

To get started, pick up a notebook, a notebook for your notes. give preference paper media with hard cover. After all, the diary will travel with you for a long time and can get pretty worn out. Think about why you start a diary? Start from this already, choosing the design of a notebook or notebook. Some start electronic diaries. There are special programs for keeping records on the computer. You can use regular text editors.

How to keep a personal diary - tools

Be sure to pick up beautiful pens in different colors. Pick up stickers, markers, bookmarks and other little things in order to highlight your thoughts, quotes, interesting phrases. You can choose a cover for the diary, make it yourself. Start ennobling your little world with such little things.

How to keep a personal diary - ideas

No one forbids spying on the ideas of keeping diaries on the Internet and copying them to yourself.

To keep the diary interesting, use:

  • clippings from magazines, candy wrappers;
  • commemorative photographs;
  • drawings on unusual materials (napkins, living leaves);
  • dried flowers and herbs;
  • the cloth;
  • old postcards and calendars.

How to keep a personal diary - systematize

The diary can be divided into parts with special markers. For example: “Love”, “Travel and Adventure”, “Thinking Out Loud”, “Book Quotes”, etc. Write relevant information in each section. This will make it easier for you to find what you need in the future.

How to keep a personal diary - sketchbook

Now it has become very popular to keep a sketchbook. Here much attention is paid to drawings. The sketchbook is perfect for creative “souls” who are spinning in the world of needlework, design and love to constantly sketch their ideas, signing them with a few phrases. Thus, a sketchbook can be turned into a collection of recipes with author's drawings, into a collection of comics. With a sketchbook, you can do doodling. To understand the meaning of this word, remember your long phone conversations. You pick up a pen and start drawing meaningless scribbles on a piece of paper. This is doodling. "Turn off" the brain and just draw.

Journaling is an exciting journey. Thanks to him, you can speak out, generate new ideas, become a writer or even an artist. Psychologists recommend keeping diaries regularly. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and start keeping a diary!

In childhood and adolescence, many had a personal diary, which outlined the most precious and intimate. You can’t trust such a thing even to the closest people. Very often ordinary notebooks or notepads were used for the diary. To date, you can buy a ready-made version with a standard decor, but this cannot be compared with a self-made decoration. Below are a few examples of decorating a diary with your own hands.

How to decorate a personal diary with a cloth

A good decoration will turn out from a fabric that is pleasant to the touch in bright colors. You will need several pieces of bright fabric, scissors and a needle.

1) Measure the sides of the diary, cut strips with a width equal to one third of the width of the diary cover and a length equal to the width of the diary. Add 2 cm to each side for seams. Sew three pieces to make a solid canvas. Finish the side seam with a zigzag stitch.

2) Fold the cover of the diary so that the right and left edges are folded inward. Bottom and top pockets will be obtained, in which you will need to put the cover of the diary and sew. The stitching point can be marked with pins so as not to make a mistake in the calculations.

3) Seam the top and bottom edges of the cover, fold 1-2 cm and turn right side out. The cover is ready.

leather cover

You can make a stylish cover of leather or leatherette. You will also need decorative metal spikes, scissors, a glue gun, a hole punch.

1) Put the diary on a piece of skin, circle along the contour and add 4 cm on each side. Cut out the detail.

2) On the front of the cover, make holes at an equal distance from each other with a hole punch, insert metal spikes into them.

3) It remains to insert the diary into the cover, grease the edges with glue and tuck, wait until the glue dries. Ready.

Diary for girls

A gift for a little princess can be a diary, decorated with small envelopes for storing notes, lacing or a miniature lock. The diary can also be decorated with paper applications, stamps, rhinestones, beads, ribbons and lace.

Other options for decorating the diary are well shown in the video:

There are so many ideas on how you can decorate the inside of your personal diary, for example :

1) Decoration can be a picture that illustrates what is written. Or it could be a photograph.

2) Registration of the events that took place in the form of small schematic drawings.

3) Writing text in letters of various shapes and sizes, in different direction. So you can paint any facts, for example, about yourself.

4) Pockets on the pages for things dear to the heart (notes, tickets, small photographs).

5) You can not only write down thoughts and events, but also arrange them with photographs, pictures, memorabilia.

6) Come up with an interesting signature, put it at the end of each entry.

7) Use bright multi-colored pens and pencils so that the diary does not seem boring.

8) in a good way decorations are stickers.

10) Decorate the pages of the diary with watercolors: smear and splash. Write text on top. If the pages are thin, pre-glue them in two to make it neat.

11) You can make a personal diary not from a notebook or notepad, but from an old unnecessary book. It is advisable to tear out every third page in the book so that it is not too voluminous. Next, paint the pages with gouache, paste clean sheets for notes, as well as various pictures and photographs.

Thus, you can decorate the diary not only outside, but also inside.

Decorating the pages of a notebook is a very simple process, for this it is enough to dream up and come up with interesting elements.

Video on the topic of the article


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