Biopharmaceutical company BIOCAD. Vacancies of the company "biocad, biotechnological company BIOCAD at the international conference" Biosimilar Drug Development "

Biotechnology company BIOCAD is an international innovative biotechnology company that unites world-class research centers, modern pharmaceutical and biotechnological production, preclinical and clinical studies that meet international standards. BIOCAD is a full-cycle drug creation company: from molecule search to mass production and marketing support.

We do not just develop domestic high-tech biosimilars, but above all create innovative drugs using advanced developments in the field artificial intelligence and biotechnology, so that Russian patients will be the first in the world to have access to new generation drugs affordable price... After all, the key task, the mission that the company faces is to increase the life expectancy of people and improve its quality.

The company employs over 1,500 people, of which 55% are scientists and researchers. Offices and representative offices are located in Finland, USA, Brazil, China, India, Vietnam and other countries.

Areas of our activity

The company produces original and reproduced drugs and develops in the most complex therapeutic areas: oncological and autoimmune diseases.

The company's product portfolio includes more than 45 items, 10 of which are biotechnological drugs. In the development of more than 40 innovative medicines in different directions.

Our large-scale projects:

MABnext - allows the development of drugs of the future based on monoclonal antibodies. The company has created the world's largest library, which contains billions of genes of various antibodies.

CHEMnext - creation of drugs based on original chemical substances.

The projects have implemented a full development cycle: from computer modeling and genetic engineering to clinical trials.

* Mabnext
** Himnext

We realize scientific potential

Our main production facilities engaged in the production of finished dosage forms are located in the village of Petrovo-Dalnee (Moscow Region), and the production of monoclonal antibodies is carried out in St. Petersburg, on the territory of the SEZ "Neudorf". Now a research and production center is being built in the SEZ "Neudorf" - a unique infrastructure facility where drugs will pass the entire life cycle: from development to commercial production and distribution.

At the moment, the company has three own R&D centers: "Neudorf" (settlement Strelna, St. Petersburg) and "Front" (settlement Strelna, St. Petersburg), as well as "Lyubuchany" (Moscow region).

BIOCAD today is:

  • The most modern and high-tech equipment, both in laboratories and in production.
  • The development of drugs using structure-based drug design technology, using methods of computer modeling, which makes it possible to make the search for molecules targeted.
  • The only biotechnology company in Russia in which the development of drugs based on monoclonal antibodies is carried out on the basis of research of its own bioinformatics center.
  • Research base, compliant with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) and GCP (Good Clinical Practice) standards.
  • State-of-the-art pharmaceutical and biotechnological production that fully complies with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) requirements.
  • Advanced research - development of gene therapy drugs for the treatment of hemophilia A and B, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy; work on the creation of a highly effective therapy for leukemia and lymphoma based on genetically modified human lymphocytes, better known as CAR-T therapy.

We develop international business

We are growing globally. Our global business expansion strategy is focused on developing technology and competencies in scientific research and developments. Biosimilars based on monoclonal antibodies are the key drugs offered by the company for export.

Of the greatest interest are the countries of the CIS and Southeast Asia, some countries of the Middle East and North Africa, South America and China.

In the European direction of international business, joint research projects in the field of immuno-oncology and the promotion of our innovative molecules in the markets of European countries will be implemented

Offices and representative offices of the company are located in Finland, Brazil, India, China, USA, Vietnam, Belarus and Ukraine.

We care about employees

Our employees are our main value, therefore we create a corporate climate that inspires breakthrough developments and ambitious ideas.

  • « Best Employees companies BIOCAD "and" Base of ideas "- special corporate programs that allow you to show your potential and provide an opportunity for career growth.
  • CUB (BIOCAD Corporate University) is responsible for internal and external employee training.
  • Corporate events help us get to know each other better and improve efficiency in work processes. Every year we celebrate the company's birthday, New Year, as well as conduct teambuildings, sports days and master classes.
  • Within the framework of the company, corporate teams in football, volleyball, bowling are organized. We regularly train and participate in tournaments.
  • The social package includes: a VHI policy, compensation for a subscription in a sports club, free meals, fruit days, rewards and bonuses based on performance.

We invest in the future

We continuously develop talent in knowledge-intensive areas and set ourselves the task of training a new generation of leaders in the Russian pharmaceutical industry.

  • The company has launched scholarship programs for students and schoolchildren.
  • The Department of Recombinant Protein Technology was opened on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy (SPKhFA). The teachers of the department are employees of the company, highly qualified specialists with academic degrees and extensive experience in scientific work. More than 100 SPHFA alumni are BIOCAD employees.
  • For undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postgraduate students studying in specialized fields, our company provides an opportunity to undergo an internship at production sites and in R&D centers. The internship competition is 6 people per place.
  • Designed by educational portal for pupils and students interested in science. The site contains the latest information in the field of biotechnology, including disciplines such as chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science. (12+)

BIOCAD company - one of the three largest russian companies by the number of clinical trials conducted. The medical department of the company employs doctors - experts in the field of oncology, neurology, infectious diseases, who are involved in planning clinical trials and analyzing their results, as well as specialists in conducting clinical trials who organize and monitor trials in accordance with the standards.

The company's activities are focused on the development of original and generic drugs in the following therapeutic areas:

  • urology / gynecology / dermatovenerology
  • oncology / hematology
  • autoimmune diseases
  • infectious diseases

The company's products are developed in its own research division - the Center for Engineering Immunology in the village of Lyubuchany, Chekhovsky District, Moscow Region. The production of medicines is carried out at a modern plant with the implementation of "good manufacturing practices" (, GOST R 52249-2009). The company independently produces almost all the necessary medicinal substances. BIOCAD is the leader among domestic manufacturers in terms of the number of clinical trials proving the effectiveness and safety of medicines.

The development of original and reproduced drugs is carried out in the company's own research centers: at the Neudorf site, St. Petersburg and in the village. Lyubuchany, Moscow region.

BIOCAD production organized according to the European level of guidance on proper industrial practice for pharmaceutical companies - (Good Manufacturing Practice) and complies with the guidelines of the International Organization for Harmonization - ICH. Production laboratories for quality control of incoming raw materials and finished products also comply with European standards - Good Laboratory Practice.

The international level of requirements for the quality of raw materials, reliably built systems of audit and relationships with the supplier, incoming quality control excludes the entry into production of inappropriate raw materials and materials.


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