The main profession is mom. Mom's profession is a class hour on the topic. Mom's main assistant

A woman who has just given birth to her first baby is developing a new one for herself profession... Now she - Mum. Mum Is status, achievement, prestige, pleasure and work. Agree, all of these epithets are quite applicable to many modern professions. Only at work such words are pronounced with pride and appreciated by others, but at home by family members mom's work taken for granted. It was the husband who came home tired, and the wife was already at home \u003d did nothing. Oh, did you sit with the child? So for this special efforts and qualifications are not required! This is most often thought by people who have not directly encountered children.

We have two children in the family - boys 4.5 and 1.5 years old. We are often called for a visit or for a walk by our friends. Since I cannot leave the kids and go to entertainment events together with my husband, I stay at home and let him go. He needs relaxation after work. So my husband's working day is over, but mine continues. Misunderstanding friends sometimes remain at a loss: "Why, Vika doesn't want to walk with us?"

And only attentive fathers and experienced mothers understand that maternity leave is two-shift work plus night duty.

For some reason, such phrases make you think. What is this such a profession - mom? Not fashionable. Not prestigious. Not tempting. Moms start to have complexes. And a simple question: “ What do you do on maternity leave?"Already leads to a dead end. After all, it is already undignified to deal with a child on maternity leave. We are taken as an example of mothers who, a month after the birth of a child, are already at work in their former form again. As if nothing had changed with the birth of a child. Yes, all friends and acquaintances are simply delighted with such a mother: “Such a fellow! As if she hadn't given birth! Already went to work! " Bravo, and nothing more. But there is a child! Has it really changed with his arrival in mom's life: neither interests, nor priorities?Who came up with the idea that a woman after childbirth necessarily “falls down” and is lost to society? After all, its whole meaning now is in pots and diapers. What does it mean? Someone goes down, and someone rises.

It's just fashionable now to work, build a business and make a career, and not spend time with your own child, who needs a mother most of all. In my opinion, up to 55 years - the age of retirement - still work and work, and it is quite possible to allocate 3 years for your own child. And don't be confused mom is not the same as housewife!

A woman was created to become a mother. And this is its most important implementation, the most important one. Everyone can give advice to mothers, but not everyone knows how to fully appreciate their happiness and realize themselves in the female field. I personally like it, this field, very much. And I would not trade it for anything else. My eldest son, shortly after the birth of his brother, announced that he also wanted to breastfeed him. How does it feel? Realizing that he was not given, he was sincerely upset. He saw that pregnancy and breastfeeding of the youngest was not a burden for me, and easily accepted the changes in our family. And I think it will be just as easy for him to raise and educate his own child.

I think mother's work requiring a special approach, skills and qualifications... Maybe someone has a decree and looks like Groundhog Day, but every time I have to come up with something new, constantly master the principles of time management, self-organization, and also take care of myself. And then suddenly they will think that "I am starting to sink and degrade." By the way, do you remember Chekhov's story "Duel" from the school curriculum on literature? What does the hero say about his mother?

“Men in domestic life are frivolous, live with their minds, not hearts, do not understand a lot, but a woman understands everything. Everything depends on her. Much has been given to her, much will be demanded from her. Oh, dear, if she were in this respect stupider or weaker than a man, then God would not entrust her with raising boys and girls. "

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Collective creative work in parallel to classes, aimed at uniting children's groups, creating conditions for the development of students' creative abilities. the formation of the image of the mother, family values.

Event type: Extracurricular activity for students of 5th grade in the form of a collective creative work.


  • create conditions for the formation of a respectful attitude towards mothers, grandmothers, women, a desire to help them;
  • create a warm emotional climate between parents and children, students of the 5th grade of the school;
  • strengthen friendly relationships with the families of students;
  • involvement of students' parents in conducting class and school activities.


  • Contribute to the emergence of positive emotions in children and adults from joint participation in various types of creative activities.
  • Promote the disclosure of individuality, support the manifestation of initiative, creativity, independence, the development of memory, attention, organization.
  • To create conditions for the development of communication skills among students during the preparation and conduct of a collective creative work.

Preliminary preparation:

  • Students have written essays in advance on the topic "The main profession is MAMA", they can be decorated in the form of greeting cards, letters, wall newspapers and used to decorate the hall.
  • In music lessons and during extracurricular activities, songs and dances, poetry, etc. are learned.

Event progress

1 presenter: Good afternoon (evening), dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our warm, cozy hall. Make yourself comfortable, prepare smiles and receive warm wishes.

2 presenter: Maxim Gorky wrote: “Without the sun, flowers do not bloom, without love there is no happiness, without a woman there is no love, without a mother there is no poet or hero, all the pride of the world is from Mothers!”

1 presenter: from Rasul Gamzatov: “Mother is the soul of the world, its beginning and infinity. She is a living soul, great destiny, an object of love and inspiration. The word "mother" cannot but make us shudder, feel warmth and light. "

2 presenter: The most beautiful word on earth is MOMA. This is the first word that a person pronounces and which is in the language of any nation.

1 presenter: In all languages, this sacred word sounds equally tender and affectionate, light and significant.

Dedicated to all mothers ( read by three students):

  1. I sing about what is forever new
    And, although I do not sing a hymn at all,
    But a word born in my soul
    Finds his own music.
  2. This word is a call and an incantation,
    In this word there is a soul.
    This is the first spark of consciousness,
    Baby's first smile.
  3. This word will never deceive
    The creature of life is hidden in it.
    It is the source of everything.
    There is no end to it. Stand up! I pronounce it

(word appears on slide)

Sings ...

1 presenter: We all wrote an essay on the topic "The main profession is MOM!" Let's flip through the pages of our works: “For me, my mother is the closest dear person. Mom takes care of my brother and me, gives us her kindness, tenderness and motherly love. She knows how to support in difficult times and warms me with her warmth when I am sad. "

2 presenter: And here's another: “For every child, a mother is the closest and dearest person. And I'm no exception here, because my mother is the best in the world! Mom is a very difficult profession. No money is paid for this work, no vacation is given, and no thanks are given. But this is a huge daily work. We often, willingly or unwillingly, offend our mothers, do not attach importance to their anxiety, not realizing that happiness is when mother is around. "

1 presenter: a poem performed for our wonderful mothers ...

2 presenter: We continue to read: “My mother is a housewife. Mom gets up before everyone else. She prepares my brother and me breakfast and sends us to school. Mom takes care of her little sister all day. She has time for everything, both to cook and to clean the house. She never sits idle. Mom also manages to wash and iron, check my lessons, in the summer she is engaged in a vegetable garden, loves to grow flowers. I'm proud of her! "

1 presenter: But listen: “Mom ... - this word resonates in my soul with beautiful music. I just want to repeat this word many, many times. I want to snuggle up to her, hug her, whisper magic words so that she smiles in response and says: "I will always be there." At this moment it seems that I can hear our common heartbeat. "

2 presenter: sings for you ...

1 presenter: how beautifully it is written in another essay: “My mother is the wisest, most beautiful, intelligent, cheerful person in the world. For me, she is a faithful friend, a good teacher and just a loved one. It seems to me that a person on earth has not yet come up with a word that would express my love for my mother. "

2 presenter: “Mom is the closest and dearest person. She protects her children from envy and anger. She will always support you in difficult times. Mom teaches courtesy and kindness. "

1 presenter: for you, our dear mothers, ...

1 presenter: dance performed by ...

2 presenter: And I liked this composition: “I love my mother’s smile and big green eyes. My mom is very kind and smart. She supports me in difficult times. Mom teaches me the necessary and useful knowledge that will be useful to me in life. It's always fun and interesting with my mom. I want my mother to never be upset ... "

1 presenter: And here's more about my mother: “My mother is very beautiful, intelligent, kind, affectionate, gentle, caring, but sometimes she is strict. Mom loves sweets, flowers, plush toys. My mom is my soul. Next to mom, any sea is knee-deep. For me there is nothing more painful than seeing my mother's tears. "

2 presenter: It plays for you ...

1 presenter: I completely agree with the author of these lines: “There is a profession that is not taught at the institute. No salary is paid for her, and the best reward is a loving look and happy smiles of children. Mom needs a lot of strength and patience, to master a large number of different professions. Sometimes we forget about it, but she has the right to rest. I think being a mom is the most difficult profession. "

Dedicated to all mothers:

(a group of students 5b is coming out)

  1. Any trouble will make a noise and rush away,
    Like spring thunder at times,
    If she is with you, if she is always there
  2. Maybe thirty-three to her or seventy-three -
    No matter how much she is, age has nothing to do with it:
    In anxiety, in business from dawn to dawn
    The person who holds the house.
  3. Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet
    Maybe he is a minister, a miner, a doctor -
    She is more important than all, there is no doubt about that, -
    The person who holds the house.
  4. Very rare, but still sick,
    And then everything around is somersault, upside down,
    Because she, because she -
    The person who holds the house.
  5. The impetuous century is taking us somewhere.
    In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget about
    That she is not a foundation, she is a person
    The person who holds the house.
  6. So that it is light in the heart and in the house,
    Answer her kindness with kindness.
    May she always feel love and warmth
    The person who holds the house.

3 presenter: a song is performed by students ...

3 presenter: "Mum! There are only four letters, and the meaning is life-long ... How much warmth is concealed by the word, which is called the closest, dearest and only person. "

4 presenter: And here's more about mom in verse:

“There is nothing nicer than a mother’s smile
As if the sun's light flashes, the shaky darkness will dispel!
Like a goldfish flashing its tail.
Mother's smile will bring joy to the heart! "

3 presenter: dancing for you ...

3 presenter: Dedicated to all mothers ( read by students in grade 5)

3 presenter: how many epithets our classmates have picked up for the word "mom": "Mom is joy, care, loud laughter, warmth of gentle hands, the most dear, kind smile, tenderness, faithful eyes."

A song performed by ...

4 presenter: I want to read these lines to you: “In the morning, when I get up for school, there is a ready-made hot breakfast on the table, cleaned trousers and an ironed shirt are hanging on the chair. My mom works, but she always finds time for me and my brother. We read books, draw, sculpt crafts from plasticine, collect puzzles. It's so good that I have such a wonderful mother! Mom is the most beautiful word invented by a man! "

Dance performed by ...

3 presenter: the poem reads ...

3 presenter: and here is what is written about the grandmother: “Grandmother, like a second mother, will always find the right words to support her grandchildren at a crucial moment in life. Grandmother has magic hands, Or maybe just skillful ones? They solve matters every day. And the pancakes are delicious! Only a grandmother can bake the most delicious pies, the most delicious ruddy buns. She is the wisest, most understanding, resourceful in the world. "

For the most wonderful grandmothers, a poem is performed by….

Common song "Mama" (choir of 5th grade students).

4 presenter: So our concert has come to an end.

1 presenter: Dear and beloved mothers and grandmothers, we want to congratulate you once again on your holiday.

3 presenter: And once again to remind you that we love you very much.

2 presenter: Although sometimes we upset, and anger, and cause trouble.

4 presenter: But we are your children. And you are our mothers and grandmothers.

1 presenter: And the fact that we are together and love each other is the most important thing in the world!

Just think how the world has changed! ..

There remains, perhaps, the only profession that, thanks to Mother Nature, has been entrusted entirely to the share of one sex - the profession of a mother.

A man can never become a mother, even if he is raising a child alone. A man is never destined to give birth and experience the feelings and experiences that a woman feels during childbirth. It is not given to a man to breastfeed a baby, and the phrase “maternal instinct” will forever remain unconscious for him.

It's a pity, but most men do not even understand that mom is even much more than a profession. Mothers have no monthly vacations, no days off, and working hours are not limited to eight hours a day. There is not even a guaranteed one hour lunch, there are only technical breaks that last while the child sleeps. And even then, for sure, any responsible mother does not devote this time to rest, but iron, iron or wash - in a word, she continues her work.

Mother's labor

And the most offensive thing is that this is the hardest job on earth - it is also the lowest paid. Add up the sum of all benefits and maternity allowances that are given to each mother, and then divide that by the number of hours worked, days or, if you like, months, and you will be horrified how small the figure will be! Do you think that mothers are more than compensated for this moral? Hardly. Any psychologist or sociologist will tell you that the essence of a child under 5-6 years old is selfish to the limit, and the approval and support of 90% of husbands are also not seen by their other halves. And how can a man understand how hard this work is?

To convey this to a man does not prevent any woman, only in no case should you try to do this in the form of notations or instructions. And it doesn't just “don't hurt”: the accomplishment of this task is invaluable for a woman as a person and a keeper of the hearth. When a husband understands the importance and difficulty of the process of raising a child and, accordingly, takes part in this, this is true happiness. However, not all dads are easy to get involved in. The most effective advice to all mothers for whom this issue is problematic is to involve the husband in taking care of the child as early as possible. This will only be a benefit to everyone. For a child, for example, there is no image stronger in terms of protection and authority than a father, therefore nothing can replace communication with him. The head of the family himself will appreciate the work of his wife more and will be more attached to the child. And the mother will have time to change her occupation, which will help her unload psychologically.

Mom's main assistant

Moreover, if your husband still decided to help, in no case should you scold him, even if he did something wrong. Did you put on a diaper badly, and you criticized him for that? He will be offended and will no longer help. It is much better to sincerely praise for your help and efforts, and then carefully correct the inaccuracy. Many women, in order at first to force a man to devote time to a child, go to all sorts of tricks. They refer to poor health, an urgent need to leave somewhere, etc. - if the husband "voluntarily" shirks help, then such methods are pious. And if the only snag is that the spouse considers the mother's profession not so time-consuming and difficult, offer him at least one Saturday or Sunday to fully take care of the child. Ultimately, the man will either agree with your point of view or bend over. Just don't forget to keep an eye on the process on the sly: an inexperienced man in such matters, of course, can do worse than an elephant in a china shop. And, again, do not feel sorry for the language to praise and encourage, otherwise it will be the last father's day in your life.

The most difficult time of raising a child, perhaps, lasts until the moment he goes to kindergarten. Of course, at each stage there are difficulties, but it is until the above mentioned event that most mothers pull all the work associated with growing up a baby exclusively on their shoulders. And it’s hard not only physically, but also psychologically. Mom, stuck in constant responsibilities (cook, feed, clean, wash, wash, dry, iron, fold, entertain), is completely deprived of the opportunity to take time for herself. This entire short list of tasks is exhausting in its cyclical nature, moreover, often the same actions have to be performed with the husband when he comes home from work. Lack of free time, or even a complete lack of it, becomes the root cause of postpartum depression or stress. In addition, a woman ceases to take care of herself, which can give rise to a new circle of problems. Therefore, the best result in the maternal profession can be achieved only when the mother has a quality assistant. Remember that a child who is raised by both parents is much more likely to become a full-fledged and psychologically stable person who will achieve something worthwhile in life.


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