Wrap a bird of happiness from the fabric. Fabulous bird from fabric. How to make a paper amulet

Amulet with a bird of happiness is an old Slavic charm, protecting the house and family from all negative. The so-called "doll" in the form of a bird with a flushed tail and wings have long been hanging in the middle of the room or over a samovar. Couple coming from Samovar, forced the bird to circling - she looked like in all the corners with sharp eyes, removed and neutralized everything bad that found in the house.

This talisman has not yet lost its strength and popularity, and besides, it is amazingly beautiful and able to become a highlight of almost any interior. The amulet can be purchased in a special shop or make it yourself, looking at the special master class and reading the literature on the manufacture of talisman - a chipped bird of happiness.

Amulet value

The mascot in the form of a wooden bird is called differently - it is magnifying "chopful bird", "Northern Bird", "Arkhangelsk", "Pomorsky Golovka". The prototype of this amulet is a fabulous heat-bird, endowed with the magic force and powerful solar energy. She gives up health and happiness good people, burns with magic fire, quarrels and trouble. Another prototype of the talisman is a Phoenix bird, whose magic is also associated with fire. Burning on fire, it is also reborn in it, and its tears have a healing force.

The amulet value reveals the ancient northern legend about how in the harsh cold in the family of one person heavily fell ill. The child did not rise from bed and Drezil only about the sun, which had been hiding for many days behind the clouds and pellery blizzards. At night, sitting by the bed of the sick son, the father picked up a few slivers from the floor and decided to make a toy from them. He sincerely wanted to deliver the child joy, so he made a very beautiful toy bird from a pinch and soused her on a thread in front of the hearth.

Waking up, the boy saw a spinous heat-bird, through the carved feathers of which flashed fiery sparkles. She seemed to him by a real miracle - as if the Solnyh shifter had glanced. Delight and joy helped the child to recover, and the bird remained hanging on a thread in the middle of the house, as a charm and talisman. The legend says that children never hurt in this family.

Nikolay Gnatyuk Bird of Happiness

VIA "Hello, Song" - "Bird of Happiness"

Vitas - Bird of Happiness in Circus on Color / Bird of Happiness In Circus

It is believed that amulet - a bird of happiness protects the inhabitants of the house from:

  1. Diseases (primarily children, but also adults);
  2. Theft and any other losses;
  3. From fires and other disasters;
  4. From the witch-exposure: damage, attitude, evil eye;
  5. From people with bad thoughts;
  6. From quarrels and conflicts inside the family.

If one day you will see that the amulet fell or broke, it means that you or your home were subjected to some danger, and the bird took a blow to ourselves. When this talisman breaks, it is impossible to simply throw it - it is necessary to burn, since it is in the fire that the bird of happiness and its light energy is reborn and return to you. Now you can buy or make a new amulet - it will defend and protect you again.

How to make an amulet from a tree

Of course, the easiest way to get a similar mascot already in the finished form, especially since they are sold in a wide range - all amazingly beautiful and different. But people endowed with a seamant in working with a tree can create an amulet manually, nourishing it with its own positive energy, love and warmth. For the manufacture of a talisman, choose high-quality wood varieties, such as pine, tree or fir. You will need two bar - from one to the torso, and from the other - wings.

Feathers for wings and tail should be the same form - in this you will help you pre-drawn pattern from cardboard. Applying a template to part of the bar, scheduled "under the tail", circle the outline and give the bar the appropriate shape. Now the tail should be split into thin plates, each of which is a separate pen. The thickness of each stick should be about a millimeter or a little more so that the bird looks easily and openly.

Breakdown by the tail, carefully flexing the feathers in turn - in the right and left. On the second bar, you need to draw the contours of the left and right wing feather and in the same way to split them on the planks. Then the wings also "dissolve", flexing the feathers and fixing them among themselves. The harvesting with wings attach to the body, and in the center of the back we make a hook for thread or twine.

How to make a paper amulet

If the manufacturing technology of the woods from the tree seems to you through Chur complicated, you can try to make it out of paper. To do this, you will need a square sheet - cut it from the album sheet (A4 format). The leaflet bended diagonally, and then to the fold line bend the corners. I turn the leaf to the other side and again bend the corners to the center.

Now the workpiece must be bent in half (along the central line), and the left angle is to get up to top and slightly diagonally (it will be the neck of the bird). Bend the left corner inside, and its tip bend in the form of beak. The right corner is also bend inside. Thus, we get the body torso.

Wings and tail are made from corrugated paper - just fold it with "accordion" and figurily cut out. The edges of the "feathers" can be painted with a darker tone. In the same way, we build a joke. We make a slot on the torso and insert the wings, and the tail and the joke are glued. Paper bird - the charm turns out easy, beautiful and air.

In the myths of Slavs there is a legend about a magic bird, which is famous for protective properties. This is a powerful charm for home, family.

The amazing property of this guard is that it can bring joy and calm to the house. Bird of happiness and is now able to bring good luck and peace into your home.

What does the legend say?

In times of paganism, when people worshiped not to one concrete God, but at once many. But one of the gods, which was in a special place for people, then was the God of the Sun. The legend says that one family lived in the north side, a little boy lived in it. Once this boy was very cold, he did not recover for a long time, he was so hard that he did not get out of bed.

The father of a small boy was frustrated because of this, he wanted to somehow help his son, so he asked him the question:

"Boy, and what can I help you, what do you want?".

What the Son replied that he wants to see the sun.

The fulfillment of such a desire turned out to be a challenge. After all, the family lived in the north side, and in the street there was a busy winter. The days were cloudy, the sky was covered with dark clouds. Father thought, sitting near the home the hearth, how to fulfill the desire of the Son. At that moment, he just put the firewood into the fire, and pinch came there. Looking at these sins, the father came to mind an interesting idea.

He found a sins, joined them with each other and decorated with manual carvings. All night held a father for such work. By the morning he turned out an amazing bird of an openwork species, which had magic light wings. Father suspected this invention over a homemade hearth. The air, which proceeded from the home of the hearth, forced the bird, her feathers spin on the roasting. When the son woke up and saw this amazing bird, he was delighted and said: "The sun, right here!".

Such a bright childhood impression led to the fact that the Son began to recover quickly. From this day, the bird of happiness was recognized as a homely champion. It was very valued, and the diseases in the house almost stopped entering.

It is believed that from the same time it makes this charm in all houses. It is customary to hang it over a samovar so that warm air forced the bird of happiness. It is said that when the bird is spinning, she browsing all the corners of the house, if a disease is sought somewhere or unclean strength, or a bad energy was accumulated, then the overall will definorate all this from the corners of the house.

What does the bird of happiness mean?

In the amules of the Slavs contains a sacred value. To some extent, this charm symbolizes the sun. It is solar energy in the image of this talisman fights every bad energy. The sun through this talisman literally burns all the bad things in the house.

Walked "Bird of Happiness" with his own hands. Northern fairy tale

talismans and charms. Stork - Bird of happiness. Folk superstition

The mascot of our Slavic ancestors also symbolizes in amulets there is a connection between heaven and land. Legend, of course, tells about the talisman, which has large sizes, the bird resembles a peacock. Poultry feathers, her tail personifies the fire that blinds a man with his shine.

There is a legend about the firebird, where the main character is sent in search of a magical pen from this bird. In this fairy tale, the bird has wisdom, beauty and knowledge that she gets from gold apples that feeds on. Feathers of this character have a magical power. They are able to give health, get rid of unclean power in the house. If a person is angry, then the power of fire in amulets, the bird feathers eclipse him with their radiance, and if the feathers of this bird see a good man, then visual acuity will be back to him.

If you take the european mythology, then it will be about magic bird Phoenix. This ptah was born in fire and he died, too, on fire. The Slavic Ancestors of Ptah was born in the spring, and died in autumn. In the amulets of Europeans, there is also such a symbol.

Previously, it was a great honor to have such a talisman in the house. Each man in the house tried to master the skill to make such a legendary ptah with her own hands and thereby conclude the power of fire in amulets. For the manufacture of this charm, you need to use certain species of trees, it is cedar or pine. In addition, you need to have good skills in the craft, as it is very thin work.

The main properties of the overag?

The main importance of Ptah happiness is that it personifies the light, respectively, he struggles with all the dark, evil. With the help of Ptah, happiness can be overcome different diseases. The fact is that many diseases are due to the destruction of the energy body. You can also hurt because of bad energy in the house. So such a talisman is able to level the energy, both a particular person and the energy of the whole house as a whole. Ptah happiness that you made with your own hands or purchased in the finished form, can protect you:

  • The amulets are the power that raises immunity with your children.
  • In amulets there is a protection of the house from the penetration of thieves, the loss.
  • In amulets, protection of the house from the fire.
  • The value of Ptah happiness is to divert the damage from the house, the evil eye, generic curses.
  • Joy from such a guard is also that he will assign unkind people from your threshold.

If the family is experiencing crisis, husband or wife knows that the spouse has a passion on the side, if you are afraid that someone will make a spell on your spouse, then you will definitely purchase this Slavic Talisman. So that he earned in full power, activate it. The power of fire, the power of life of this charm will help to overcome all obstacles to family well-being.

For a woman, such a charm can be a real salvation. A woman is much more sensitive than a man immediately feels if her chosen one looks at the side, then you can immediately apply this charm.

Very well charm works with children. In children rises immunity, they are very interesting to them visually, they love to consider it, so it is better to absorb its energy.

How to consecrate the charm?

An important point is the proper activation of the overag. If you do not spend the ritual of sanctification, then the charm will remain only a beautiful handicraft. To spend this ritual you need to prepare 10 candles from the church, incense. It is very important that the rite is spent in a sunny time.

To make a ritual, you need to go out in an open field or park. All candles need to be fixed in the ground, then burn them. Then you need to open incense and read the prayer three times. When the sun rises especially high, Ptah need to raise high in the sky and say such words:

"In the woodworking tree, raw there in Bor. The tree grows yes to the sky stretches, as can. How it rises to rise so with him and fell children of his branches. There are no growth, they have no bloom, so there is no growth and blossoms of my diseases yes. The sacred fire burns you, the fire sacred will drive you. The Lord is guarding me yes he raises. Amen".

Thanks to this text, PTs will be filled with healing solar energy. After this conspiracy, I personally ask the talisman to guard your home.

After that, the amulet with the bird needs to be placed in his house, in the room where your family is most often going. You can hang the talisman over the bed of the child for a while. Also, as well as the observed doll, the bird of happiness wubble protects the baby from evil.

If there is a desire, you can independently make an overlap, for this there is a special master class.

"! Many believe in virtue of the faucenes. Special force they possess if made independently for themselves or loved ones. Varieties of such little thing a lot. Girls for home with your own hands with photos :

Some of the strongest are those who are hung over the entrance to housing. Do everyone know about the horseshoe for good luck? But about the bird-guard heard not all. Meanwhile, it is very simple to make it, but besides the protection of the house, it will also help create in it a unique decor.

In order to make a protecting bird with their own hands, you will need a twine, three multi-colored threads for wings and tail, beads for the eyes, a red thread, which will be born all parts of the body, scissors, ruler, thread or lace for hanging.

The twine must be chopped on the threads of two sizes. Approximately 40 pieces (torso, head and tail) should be about 30 cm long, and for wings - 50 or 40 pieces of 20 cm.

The thread sliced \u200b\u200bfor the body you need to wind up in the middle so that the loop is obtained in size for one and a half centimeters more than the volume of the bundle of the rope. Secure the knot and doinched the ends. Now we start forming the head of the birds, not forgetting to prepare a place for the eyes.

In order for the beak to be the right form, it is necessary to wrap it very tight first in one, and then in the opposite direction.

After the beak is made, go to the formation of the neck. To do this, it is necessary to retreat a pair of centimeter from the end of the beak and wrap tightly thread a small section of the beam.

Wings are the main decoration of the birds. In order for them to get flat, prepare a cardboard shape. Attach it to the body and start mounting the second beam of the threads around it, slightly smaller. After the work is finished, the threads must be cut along the edge, and the form itself is removed.

Beautiful tail is made easy. The usual method of weaving pigtails allows you to achieve a stunning visual effect. Weave very tight in a checker order.

Similarly, decorating and wings.

In Russia, children's toys often have both overalls. One of these fun for kids served a bird of happiness. Fabulous birds were made by their own hands from undergraduated materials (wood, straw, fabrics, etc.) and suspended over the cradle. Whether the happiness was happily from this in the peasant family, it is unknown, but where children love and try to make various toys for them, it, of course, lives.

It will take:

  • beautiful flap flap;
  • any filler (wool, rags, syntheps);
  • red thread number 10.

Procedure for performing work

  • Cut the square of a beautiful fabric. For guard fabric rip do it yourself. Filter the fabric diagonally and form the keyboard of the bird of happiness, wrapped even The number of times the thread. Make 3 nodes, wrapped and leaking the coil under the thread, tightening and without tearing.

  • Right at the nodal itself, put a little wool and form your own head.

  • Remove the threads and 3 knots again. Do not break the thread.

  • Making the wing bird of happiness. Divide the remaining fabric to three equal diagonals and make extreme closer to the head.

  • Put through the neck of the birds of happiness thread on the other shoulder and make the second wing.

  • Make your waist. On the back should turn out "Velezov Cross". For this odd Make the number of turns in one direction diagonally, and the same in the other.

  • Under the cross Clean the thread and hang the bird of happiness to the chandelier.

The photo shows how to make a bird, cutting out on this pattern from any piece of fabric only two details. Please note that the drawing shows the pattern of the tummy and half of the back. For the backrest, the cloth must be folded in half. Then it is necessary to cut the details, retreating 5 mm on the seams and sew.

This simple soft toy Very easy to manufacture. It can be complicated by sewing a black big beak, and it turns out a cheerful crow. For those who do not know how to make the feather bird, this pattern can also become a hint. Just need to sew a long beautiful tail, a pinch of a little hooker and a toy is ready.

Angrybirds - urban crow

This toy - an angry crow appeared, like many others from the famous cartoon. Sew angrybirds is better from a subtle drape, felt or velor. It is necessary to cut the details of the bird from the fabric that will not be poured. The photo shows the pattern without allowances on the seams.

It is necessary to start to sew a crows from the torso, collecting it with your own hands in 4 segments of the seam through the edge. Separately sew the beak. Put it and crows with any filler. Send all the details, glue the eyes and eyebrows. All, Crow is ready.

This soft toy, made with your own hands, can be a comfortable accessory as a sofa pillow. And replacing a small beak on a wide and removing scallop, a charming duck will be.

And the rooster and duck are sewn equally and very simple. Susch the square bag, and then fold together the upper corners and burst perpendicular to the bottom. Click the filler and attach the beak, comb, eyes and wings.

It is possible to make such an owl with your own hands from two small flaps of the fabric, raving them, as shown in the photo. For the body you need to cut two details shown. On one of them to sew your forehead, eyes and paws, sew a bag, fill it with cotton wool and attach wings.

  • tree;
  • skin;
  • metal.
  • A special symbolism is applied to the amulet surface. The image can be manually drawn or print a finished picture. Such a guard is better to always carry.

    Washer traveler

    If a person is often on the road, he will be useful to the Slavic faithful traveler, thanks to which the traveler will always clearly think, will be able to avoid any danger that rests it on the road. In antiquity, this charm was mostly warriors. Today they can enjoy the weak sexual representatives.

    Materials for making talisman:

    • high-quality metal;
    • tree (pine, ash).

    A conspiracy bag with salt from accidents on the road

    Our ancestors honored a large salt, believing that she protects against evil spirits and evil eyes. It was used in different rituals, and also made protective overalls from it. Make such a talisman is very simple. This will require:

    • thursday salt;
    • dried grass of the Hypericum;
    • fabric bag.

    In the bag, place the salt and grass, leave him and leave the mother's icon before the icon. In the morning, taking charm in hand, read the "Our Father". After that, read the conspiracy three times:

    "Oh, Mother of Christ, and my guardian angel, you, the defenders of the slave of God (name). Slave of God, like a zarry, not to turn his departure and sorcerer, no evil chance. Keep the same slave of God (name) in everything, in all the roads, and in the morning and on the night. Save, Lord. "

    Site "Magina"

    After that, turn it around three times and tell me:

    "Jesus Christ in front of me, the Most Holy Mother of God for me, the guardian angel over his head, keep me whole."

    Site "Magina"

    The resulting charm always carry with you. It can be put in a bag or hang in the car on the rearview mirror.

    Wubble Salok Good luck

    Good luck's silk can be made of threads. The threads are better to take silk. If you can do it - well, if not, then a fairly free loop.

    The color of the thread depends on what exactly you want to attract in your life.

  • red, if you call love, spring, health, want to conceive a child;
  • if you need more monetary success - the Silks are put green;
  • if you want to assemble a rich harvest, to spend your households and those who are near, put brown slices.
  • Salok may be long - and then it is hanging on the entrance to the dwelling, above the window.

    If you do more more - take the tape. Then it can be done not only by a magical instrument, but also decoration of the house.

    Remember that for whom you wouldn't catch - this is honest forces: no node will catch joy or grief for you or who they are intended, they only make luck or fail, and keep it, hook, or, on the contrary, Catch and overcome - need to be able.

    Making talismans of different nations

    Each people have their own principles and features of the manufacture of faiths. They work due to faith that makes them special and gives them great power.

    Ukrainian talismans

    The clothes and interior of the housing were decorated with magic symbols. Ukrainian talismans enclose symbols of four elements:

    • water;
    • air;
    • land;
    • the fire.

    Embroidery played a big role in creating talismans. Each pattern personifies something to:

    • embroidery colors prevailed on clothes of unmarried women;
    • married - plants with fruits;
    • idle guys - branches of oak and green leaves.

    Often, special conspiracies read the embroidery.

    Popular Ukrainian chambers can be attributed to the Motanka doll, the "welfare bags", herbal fees. The wanings of this people not only perform a protective function, but also differ in beauty.

    Udmurt Augera

    Udmurt charms decorated with ornaments and drawings characteristic of this culture. They were made of such materials:

    • copper;
    • bronze;
    • iron;
    • wood;
    • bones and animal horns.

    Houses and household items This people to this day decorate embroidery with symbolism. Function of the Oberegov - Protect the owner from any negative influence On his soul and psycho-emotional state.

    Cossack amulets

    Cossack talismans and amulets served as protection against enemies. The wealthy Cossacks had several faiths at once, which were also defended them from damage and evil eye.

    Engaged in the manufacture of magic items of the character. When Amulet was ready, special rites were held over him during the lunar month. The zochar gave Talisman Cossack, told about the rules of care and storage.

    At a special price there were chambers created during a strict post.

    Khanty Neighborhood

    Khantychain are often performed in the form of rag dolls, feeding them with a special grass collected at a certain time. Such talismans protect against the negative and help to gain personal happiness.

    The people of Khanty often decorate their clothes embroidery. Khanty ornaments there are quite a lot:

    • lap fox;
    • bear trail;
    • hare ears;
    • cedar bump and others.

    Some of them embroider strictly at a certain time. For embroidery, different threads (woolen, paper, silk) are used.

    Japanese talismans

    Japanese talismans are planned for success or happiness, help to achieve their goals, sometimes can be inherited. Japanese houses are decorated with many sculptures and statuettes. At first glance, it may seem that these are ordinary trinkets. But each of the things has a magical force:

    • protect the dwelling;
    • bring good luck;
    • protect children.

    The popular Japanese talismans include lotus flower, coke doll, Japanese Maenki-Naco Cats. Magic objects made of glass, porcelain, plastic.

    Neighborhood for happiness with your own hands

    You can make the charm on happiness yourself. Sew the bag of burlap, fill it with herbs and decorate various elements. As decoration will fit:

    • corn;
    • sunflower seeds and pumpkins;
    • beans;
    • coins;
    • cereals;
    • herbs that can be braid into the pigtail.

    If the charm is intended for a man, you can attach red pepper to it, and the woman will suit the Ryabina and Rosehip fruits.

    Family well-being is a bird of happiness, which can be made from Jute. This will require:

    • jute thread:
    • woolen threads of different colors;
    • CD.

    Photo Gallery: Independent Making Bird of Happiness from Jute

    Take the box from the CD and make about 30 turns on it. Remove the twine from the box and in the scene, stretch one more thread Make two loops from the thread
    Collect the loops together and, wrapped them with a red thread, make the beak Take the harness and wrap it in the place where the neck must be Take the scissors and cut the loops below to get the tail
    Make one more winding out of 30 threads and insert it in the torso where the wings should be. Separate the harness torso from the tail. Do the same with wings. After that, cut the loops and hang. Your Bird of Happiness is ready!

    Bird of happiness will be an excellent decoration of the house, will bring the housing and wealth.

    How to Clean and Charge Amulet

    Cleansing is a magical effect, which is carried out with various overalls, amulettes and talismans. It is necessary to make a ritual in a relaxed atmosphere, no one should distract you. It is important to stay in a good spirit.

    For cleansing, the forces of four elements are used:

    1. The fire. To clear the magic item with the help of fire, purchase a white candle. Light it, carry the amulet through the flame. A candle after use must be thrown. If the charm is easily flammable, clean it with sun rays. To do this, put it on the street on a clear sunny day and leave until the evening.
    2. Land. In the evening, the talisman must be buried in a dry ground and leave until the morning. Also, the magic item can be simply left on Earth surrounding stones.
    3. Air. Exit on a clear day to the street. Become a face east and raise your hands holding an amulet in them. Wait so half a minute. After that, do the rite, turning alternately to the south, west and north.
    4. Water. The charm needs to be rinsed in clean water (flowing or sprinkling). If the talisman is made of materials, contact with moisture for which is destroyed, then just spray it with drops of rainwater, then dry.

    How to clean the charm of silver

    If you want to clean the fosher from silver, the most simple way Will put it in a flowing water that will wash all the negative. Do it with the words:

    "Let the water wash off all the troubles and misfortunes from silver, and I will give protection from negative and happiness."

    After that, remove moisture residues with a napkin or tissue. Whether a few hours leave outdoors. It is important to ensure that the sun rays are hit, which will be able to charge it.

    Cleansing after a long wearing or from someone else's negative energy

    Clear the charm before putting on, after a long wearing or from someone else's energy, you can also with the help of the forces of four elements. To do this, you need to fulfill such a rite:

    1. Type in a bowl or can with clean water, add salt there and leave a cleaned object for several hours in this water.
    2. Get the thing, do not pour water.
    3. Take the capacity to the street and leave in the sun during the day. This will make rid of negative energy.

    Things that cannot be wetted can be cleaned with the help of incense. Fit aromatic sticks. The chaff is necessary to lay them with smoke.

    Make a mascot or amulet with your own hands is easy. The main thing is to invest in the process of creating a soul, and believe that the magic subject will surely help you. Do not forget to clean and charge it before use.


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