What needs to be done to attract trade. Trade Conspiracy: A good way to bring good luck to your business. Prayer for prosperity in business and trade

What should the seller do if the product does not attract the buyer, and the losses grow, no profit? Magic comes to the rescue, which is older than trade and all humanity as a whole. There are conspiracy words and rituals to increase the flow of customers, whole rituals and simple rules for successful trading... Here we will break down a few rituals for increasing sales and successful trading.

Conspiracy for successful trades and sales

You need to read the plot in the place where sales will take place - this that room or territory where you are going to attract magical powerseven if you trade by phone or online.

Regardless of the phases of the moon or the time of day, fill a bowl with white water (exclude metal dishes), dissolve a spoonful of honey in it and read the following words in a half-whisper over the water, so that your breath touches the water:

Lord of hosts, help me in bargaining in buying, selling and exchanging. Protect from evil eyes, from envious eyes, from ruin, from corruption, from all assumed evil. As bees swiftly flock to honey, even if money buyers come running to me, praise my goods, they tell others and take them, and more than once or twice they come to my doorstep. In my words, the castle is forever and ever. Amen

Sprinkle charmed water on the corners of your workplace, counters or tables and goods on them. Try to move clockwise indoors, starting from the east side and ending again in the east, completing a full circle. The action must be carried out without witnesses otherwise the power of the ritual will be lost. And in any case, do not tell anyone about what you did in order to save your work and increase its effect.

After forty days, you can repeat the ritualthus, you will strengthen it and make a strong magical program, closing the energy cycle. Buyers will be drawn to you, on their subconscious they will have a desire to cooperate and make deals, which will bring you pleasure from work.

Money conspiracy

There is another, no less a strong ritual to bring shopping luck to your store... It is based on opening the roads to trade and allows you to make your work pleasant and easy, without losses and frustration. Attracts wealthy and generous clients.

For the ritual, you will need a medium-sized coin and eucalyptus oil. Spend the plot in the center of the hall, where the trade will then be conducted. For the ceremony, select a money day - it can be Wednesday or Saturday... These are the best days for attracting finances into your life.

Before opening the store, at dawn or at noon, stand in the center of the hall and pronounce the conspiracy words calmly and confidently three times, turning your face towards the entrance:

I give a tribute to the trade roads. As you accept my money, you will send me luck! So that the trade went uphill, the customers went in droves, but they bought everything, they did not spare money, they did not leave without shopping. Yes there is so!

When you have said the last word, throw a coin oiled with eucalyptus oil in the center of the room with the words "Paid!" and then do not lift yourself. Let a customer pick it up and pick it up. In this way, you pay to open the road to trade, which means there will be an opportunity for profitable buyers and a constant influx of finance.

From this day on, she will constantly accompany you and your business... This ritual begins to act immediately, as soon as it is performed and does not need to be forged.

Seller's Talisman

There are also some small recommendations for improving the trade in your store or in the place where you transact. Get it and brush it with orange and cinnamon essential oils. Read the words above the stone, referring to the stone as to a living being:

Carnelian stone, you are dear to everyone's heart, your face is pleasant. So make it so that I am (was) nice (sweet) for money and for prosperity, for generous people, rich and noble. Let them come to me and take my goods. Yes there is so!

Place the stone in a prominent place next to you, it will attracting the attention of buyers to youas to the nicest seller.

Trade has always been considered one of the most common areas, and each of us in some way involved in this area. Even if a person does not work directly behind the counter, the sale of personal belongings, a car, an apartment or some other property is a common thing. Despite the most different "hypostases" of traders, they are always united by one and only desire - to sell. And I want to do this with the maximum benefit for myself. In trade, as in many other spheres, along with business qualities, experience and professionalism, luck and luck are worth. A strong conspiracy for trade, like other rituals for good luck in this matter, is designed to increase trade, increase profits and speed up all these processes as much as possible.

Prayers and conspiracies for trade, like other types of magic, have their own distinctive features and characteristics.

In particular, this concerns the organization of the process of performing the ritual itself.

It is very important to consider the timing of the ritual for trading.
It is best to do the strongest trading conspiracy during the daytime: at dawn, at noon, or before dusk.
Spells and prayers for success and good fortune in the trade are to be performed during the waning month.
Like many others, powerful rituals to get rid of something (in this case, we get rid of the product) must be performed at this time.
The Good Trade Conspiracy should be read on Wednesday or Saturday if you are performing any specific rite.
If it concerns a simple spell or reading a prayer, then it is advisable to do it immediately after a successful deal.
Belief in the effectiveness of the ritual must be present.
Whatever ritual you do, whether it be prayers for a good trade, rituals for money or rituals for the mirror - the success of the entire event directly depends on your belief in the effectiveness of magic.

As you can see, conspiracies for a successful trade are not so difficult to make. The rules and recommendations are quite simple, and following them will make the rituals not only effective, but also effective.

It remains only to choose the desired spell - and conquer new buyers.

Rite of passage for successful trade

Conspiracy on successful trade will help to establish a workflow, increasing sales profit and attracting new customers. It is very important to perform this ritual during the waning month: at other times the ritual may not work. You will need an old rag to complete it.

During the daytime, dust off your workplace with a rag saying:

“Dashing beggar, dashingly unsold, don't touch me, don't touch my goods!
Get away from me, away from here through the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
Don't call me with you, take the dead crab and lie under the snag.
So as not to know poverty for me, my goods do not lie low,
Poverty and misery I send away, with a rag I sweep away all misfortunes and failures!
Power, water, tongue.

This ritual attracts good luck in commercial transactions, and takes effect immediately after completion.

Ritual for money

This conspiracy for good luck in trade should be carried out directly in the hall where the goods are located.

To implement it, you will need a medium-sized coin, which should first be dipped in eucalyptus oil.

In the center of the room, read the trade conspiracy:

“I give a tribute to the trade roads.
As you accept my money, you will send me luck!
So that the trade went uphill, customers went in droves,
Yes, everyone bought, they did not spare money, they did not leave without shopping.

Just try to make sure that if someone lifts the coin, that person is a client. Do not remove it yourself.

Baptism of goods

If things don't go uphill, and the product is not for sale, conspiracies for successful trade will help correct the situation. This rite is very powerful and should be performed at dawn before the store opens. To do the ritual, you need a small mirror. The bag option is also perfect.

Holding the mirror in your right hand, cross each counter with it three times, while repeating the words of the spell:

“I baptize goods, I baptize for sale!
To see your product as in a mirror,
So prettier and the client liked it!
So that the first one comes to buy, the second to buy,
The last one - also bought!
And no one left me without a purchase! "

This is usually enough to attract good luck and sell a product.

Salt trade conspiracy

It is advisable to make a conspiracy for good trade using salt in the first months after the start of trading activity.

During this time, you are building the energy field of your business, attracting good luck and wealth.

This ritual needs to be performed seven working days in a row.

When going to work, take some salt with you and, not reaching a few meters before the entrance, throw it over your left shoulder with the words:

“I read a conspiracy for trade, I speak salt!
Where the salt falls, clients will come to me!
No one will leave without a purchase, everyone will leave satisfied!

When you throw out the salt and say the magic words, go to work without turning around. This conspiracy for trading begins almost immediately, and the first results will be noticeable within the next few days.

However, to consolidate, you need to repeat the ritual for another six working days in a row.

Rite of passage

Sometimes it happens that a customer leaves you change. Naturally, these are not large sums, but a trifle. But if you read the correct and effective conspiracy for good trade on this trifle, then this money will attract new buyers, and, accordingly, new money.

If someone left change, do not use it at work, and take it home in the evening. At home, by candlelight, read the words of the spell:

“A full month, average month and young!
Give me a treasure from a penny.
As my mother gave birth to me, she swaddled in the first diaper,
So you too will give me a great treasure!

You need to repeat the words of the prayer three times, after which the money should be removed to the wallet and kept there as a talisman. This conspiracy to trade will help improve your financial position, will attract new customers and good luck in business.

Successful trading conspiracies are considered an effective and efficient method to attract good luck in this business. It is best to perform such rituals and read prayers during the waning month. The choice of rituals for good trade is very wide: this is the magic of a Siberian healer, and mirror spells, and strong rituals for money.

It is very important to believe in the successful solution of all problems and the high effectiveness of magical effects. Otherwise, magic can not only fail to work, but also harm in your affairs.

Due to the fact that business in our country means mainly purchase and sale operations, it will be interesting for every entrepreneur to know what ceremonies are carried out for successful trade and independently assess their effectiveness.

To skeptics, these simple actions may seem ridiculous, since they do not believe in the magical power and effectiveness of rituals, but our ancestors created them not only during pagan times, but also during Christianity. This fact alone can be the best evidence of the power and energetic power of these rituals. So why not try playing Russian Roulette with Lady Luck?

What rituals for successful trading should be trusted?

A lot of trade rituals and conspiracies have survived to this day, which are carried out on a successful, profitable trade. Among them there are very powerful, targeted rituals that remain effective throughout the year, and there are simpler ones that promise good returns only in the first few weeks after their implementation. But general rules to carry out almost all magical "operations" aimed at good trading is:

  • conducting ceremonies for the growing month, if you are a buyer - for the waning moon;
  • if you have done a rite, to increase its effectiveness, repeat the words of the conspiracy immediately in front of the counter - before, after and during the trade; reading conspiracies by heart;
  • carrying out all actions in strict sequence;
  • sincere belief in yourself and in the energy of the ritual;
  • if a product is mentioned in the conspiracy, be sure to praise it, not skimping on epithets;
  • do not focus on the financial side of the issue, ask for successful trading in order to help people;
  • performing magic rituals with a pure heart and thoughts. You cannot ask Heaven and the Higher Forces of evil to your competitors, even those who trade dishonestly.

Let's consider what types of rituals can provide the most profitable trade.

Good trade conspiracies for sellers

Coins to attract trading luck

To perform the ceremony, you will need 10 rubles in coins (5 rubles should be yellow, 5 rubles - white) and 10 rubles in a banknote:

  1. At dawn on the third, fifth, or seventh day of the growing month, come to the market or shop at dawn before all the vendors.
  2. Throw 5 rubles (half and half) over your left shoulder under the market gate (under the store door) and say:

    “I throw money under the gate, I call people to my goods, as someone takes money, so my goods will pass into the wrong hands. As she said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

  3. At your workplace, put the remaining 5 rubles under the counter (on the ground) and repeat the words of the conspiracy:
  4. Hide the banknote under the scales (or computer keyboard), and say again the words:

    “As someone takes money, so my goods will go into the wrong hands. As she said, so it will be, no one will cut my word. Amen".

Such a trading ritual works after a couple of weeks and lasts up to six months, but you can repeat it once every 3 months.

Mandatory purchase conspiracy

This trading ritual is powerful enough to be used on any day except Saturday. It is also not recommended to do it on the 13th (this number is used only by "black" sorcerers), 22nd and 27th. To complete you need a banknote, a candle and a skein of red threads:

  1. At midnight, take the bill with your left hand and hold it over the candle fire. You need to move as follows: the flame is located above the center of the banknote: on the count "1" - move the banknote to the left so that the flame moves to its end on the right; into account "2" - back to the middle; to the account "3" - from the center to the right; into account "4" - from the right side to the center.
  2. Turn the bill and do the same, counting from "5". You need to stop at "eight". On the count of 8, the candle should return to the center.
  3. The bill (its length) cleaned from the "negative" energy, measure 49 times on a thread.
  4. Wrap the thread around the left wrist, repeating the plot 7 times:

    “Trade for me, profit for me, trade for me, profit for me. All to me. Amen And to you - good and nice goods, red and beautiful and change, and for you - good and good goods, red and beautiful and change. All to you, Amen. "

  5. The thread needs to be worn on the wrist for 7 days, and then remove and rewind the peeled bill.
  6. The banknote must be placed in the wallet and not exchanged.

This is an energetically powerful ritual that will attract both profit and buyers to you. It will be active as long as the bill is in your wallet, but to enhance the energy of the conspiracy, repeat it every three months. Carrying out the ritual repeatedly, use the same thread and banknote - threads and banknotes “ground” many times will give faster and more positive results.

Salt conspiracy

A very simple but effective ceremony, which requires a handful of salt, poppy and wheat grains.

  1. At dawn, stand with your back to the shop gate or the market gate.
  2. Throw a handful of breadcrumbs over your left shoulder and say three times:

    "As the birds will peck these grains, so quickly people will buy up my goods."

  3. Go behind your counter, stand with your back to it and throw a poppy over your right shoulder, repeating:

    "As poppy seeds sprout from the ground, so quickly people will buy my goods."

  4. Turn your face to the counter, throw salt over your left shoulder: repeating the last words of the conspiracy:

    “I consolidate all my words with salt, I wish everyone successful trade in the market. Let it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy for a successful trade to god Veles

This ritual belongs to the most ancient magical actions, in which our ancestors asked for protection from the god of trade Veles.

To complete it, you will need 6 coins, a handful of wheat, poppy, rye and millet, honey and a jar with a lid:

  1. At dawn, stand at an open window so that the rays of the sun shine directly in your face and say:

    "Veles, Veles come, take an offering."

  2. Put a coin and a handful of wheat in a jar, a coin - a handful of rye, a coin - a handful of millet, a coin - a handful of poppy. Each time you place a coin, say:

    "The money is for me"

    and putting poppy seeds or millet:

    "The goods are for you."

  3. Add honey, mix everything into a homogeneous mixture and at the end place two coins on top, saying:

    "The money is for me, and the last money, Veles, is for you."

  4. Close the cover firmly.
  5. Get to your trading place and bury a jar with "tribute" under the tree nearest to it. Repeat three times again:

    “Veles, Veles come, take an offering. Money is for me, and the last money, Veles, for you. "

With this conspiracy, you can revitalize the trade, attract new customers and make the business prosperous.

Conspiracy on prosphora

This conspiracy is best done on big Christian holidays. On these days, people pray earnestly, abide in piety, and this atmosphere is transmitted to each ritual, making it stronger.

  1. On a Christian holiday (Christmas, Easter, Trinity), go to church.
  2. Endure the service and buy a church prosphora.
  3. Bring the prosphora to workplacelet it lie on the counter for exactly 3 hours, absorbing the "spirit" of trade.
  4. Take the prosphora with your left hand, mark yourself with a cross and say the conspiracy 12 times:

    “Prosphora, prosphora marked by the Lord, marked by the Mother of God! Bring me luck, bring the Buyer in business, give me money! As she said, so be it. Amen".

  5. Eat the prosphora and say:

    "So be it, amen."

The plot is simple, but our ancestors loved it very much. He awakens some forces beyond the control of man and fulfills his desire - makes the trade in a hurry.

Conspiracy on "stale" goods

To sell a product that is difficult to sell or a slow-moving seasonal product, you can perform the following ritual:

  1. Go to the forest, find an anthill and take a handful of earth from it in a jar.
  2. At midnight, place the jar on the windowsill so that the monthly rays fall on it.
  3. Light a candle and say the words of the conspiracy 7 times:

    “There are many ants in this house, and in the forest there are even more. God send me one customer at a time, and then the queue is longer. As I said, so be it, no one can interrupt this conspiracy. Amen".

  4. In the morning, take the jar with you to work and empty the ants in front of the store doors or right in front of the counter if you work outside.

After this ceremony, feel free to exhibit fur coats in July - there will certainly be a buyer for them.

Simoron ritual for good trade

The magic of Simoron is good for trading. For the ceremony, you will need a pot of earth, a houseplant, a coin and a symbol of your product (clothes from a daughter's doll, if you specialize in selling clothes, candy, if you sell sweets, etc.).

  1. First, clearly articulate your desire and imagine it has already come true.
  2. Put a layer of earth in the pot and place the symbol of your trade, saying:

    "I will trade boldly, I will trade skillfully."

  3. Then add another layer of earth and place a coin, saying:

    “To attract buyers, to give them your goods”.

  4. Plant a tree on the "lining" and water it every day, loudly repeating your desire.

The tree will grow stronger, and your trade will flourish and generate income. Simoronu will work easier if you plant a tree on the 27th - this is the magic number of this magic.

Protection from competition

To protect yourself and your business from unkind and envious competitors, make yourself a talisman:

  1. On the night of the growing month, place a scallop in front of you, a clean handkerchief, and a new pin.
  2. Read a conspiracy on them (three times):

    “O Lord my God, I stand before You, I ask you to keep me tight, to defend me with this amulet. I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits: Ivan the Much-suffering, Ivan the Theologian, Ivan the Postitel, Ivan the Baptist, Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel, Praskovya the Great Martyr. Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia. I stand under your protection, so that you defend me. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  3. Pin the pin on working form from the inside so that it touches the body.
  4. Hide the scallop in the box with the proceeds or somewhere near the cash register.
  5. Hide the handkerchief at home under the box with the family "treasury".

Spoken things will bring you luck in trading, attracting new money to what you have.

Buyer conspiracy

If you are a shopper and want to save money, be sure to read the following conspiracy before going to the market or supermarket:

“Break it off, seller, from your piece, and half is enough for you. Amen".

Now you know what rituals and conspiracies will make your trading more successful, but remember that if you use white magic, you must trade honestly, without deceiving your customers. Love your client on whose account you exist, respect him and meet him with a smile - these rules of successful trading, multiplied by magic rituals, will allow you to have a truly successful trading business.

Trading is not an easy business, and so that you do not fail in it, learn the merchant secrets for successful trade, which were collected and used by Slavic merchants since ancient times. And then, even in a crisis, you will be with a big profit, because you will know how to trade well!

If you decide to engage in trade (large or small - it doesn't matter), plant a money tree at home. It does not have to be the familiar fat woman. Any houseplant can become your money tree. Just when planting on the bottom of the pot, you need to put 3 white coins of different denominations and say:

"I plant a tree - I call good luck in trade. The tree will branch out, but I will not go astray - to trade boldly, to sell skillfully, to welcome customers, to make a profit."

And then your business will go well.

It is considered a good omen for any seller to have a small icon or just an image, printed on a printer, of the holy Martyr Anatoly of Nicaea. In any difficult business situation, you can ask him for intercession:

"Saint Anatoly of Nicaea, patron of all merchant people, do not forget about me, be my intercessor, settle my affairs - fend off enemies."

You will definitely sell out the goods and attract a solid profit if, going to trade, you pour a handful of millet under the rug in the hallway and say:

"Big bargaining - no product back. How many grains under the carpet - so many thousands today to my house."

To protect your merchandise from thieves, take a small bundle of straw, tie it with a red ribbon and say:

"Straw of gold, lock the gates, don't let the money go - take care of the goods from the thief."

Tie this amulet under the counter or under the table on which the goods are laid out.

Before you start selling, go around the trading place (store building) or just walk back and forth near the front door of your shopping pavilion, repeating to yourself 3 times:

"Mother of God, with your help, let the day be set; let there be a merchant for every product."

After that, trading will go briskly.

If you sell vegetables, fruits or anything else from your backyard, try in the morning to the first customer or just a passer-by to give something for free (an apple, a bunch of greens, a bouquet of flowers, and so on). It will attract good luck. Just giving, do not forget to say to yourself:

"I will give you, I will sell myself. Truly."

If you happen to change money to one of your fellow sellers by giving a coin or bills, first squeeze them in your fist, and then say this:

"I change money, but I will not lose myself."

If you do not do this, then you can give your trading luck.

You can use ordinary salt to forestall the machinations of competitors who want to disrupt your trading business in all possible ways. Put a small pile of salt on your right palm, and then, placing it under a thin stream of water, say:

"The water washes the salt away, my cause protects. Just as salt cannot catch on the palm, so the black thought of my competitors is not given to come true. They cannot rejoice at my failures, I do not be sad."

No one will be able to spoil and jinx success on your trading luck if you tie a green woolen thread around the wrist of your left hand, on which you tie 7 knots. While doing this, say 7 times (for each knot) such a conspiracy:

"A knot to a knot lays down, the evil eye and damage to the trading success will not happen."

If some product is stale, move a pocket mirror over it, saying:

"What will be reflected in the mirror will not be stale on the counter, there will be a buyer for that, he will return to me like a hard coin."

And everything will really be sold out soon.

If you have a very profitable customer, make a rite of passage for him to become regular customer... Give him the change or the card that he presented to pay for the goods with your left hand, and say to yourself:

"A good buyer will love any seller, but now you won't pass by, you will always turn to us. As it is said, it will be so."

You will sell significantly more the next day if you put the largest bills you can get from customers in a day in your breast pocket and say this:

"Money will reach for money, my business will not remain without large profits. What is received today - tomorrow will double. My merchant's word is strong."

To avoid trouble from those who check your point of sale services, make a talisman. On a full moon, pour any oil into the smallest bottle you can find and throw flaxseed into it. Say above the bubble:

"Along the oily path from my nut, I will brave troubles, I will sprinkle good with clean seed. If there is a check, then she will not harm my affairs, there will be no miscalculations, nothing to leave."

Hide the bubble in a secluded place in your outlet.

When ending the day, be sure to clean up your trading space. Do this especially carefully if the past day was unsuccessful: you did not please with the revenue, there were quarrels with customers, you were presented with claims for the goods sold. When the cleaning job is finished, light the church candle and say so:

"Burn it, hot fire, everything bad - send good. Day is no match for day, since I cry today, tomorrow I expect good luck. So it is."

Then pay it off and leave it at the trading place. And the next day you will definitely be lucky in business.

Conspiracies for successful trade came to us from ancient times, from merchants. At all times, in order to increase profits, they turned to, they turn and will turn to higher, otherworldly forces for help. Magic acts as an important assistant in this matter, allowing you to attract customers, increase income and prevent failure.

In such a business as trade, not only professionalism is important, but also luck. Trade conspiracies are aimed at increasing luck, profit, stability in business and a stable position in the team. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the conspiracies given in this article and apply as needed.

Trade is one of the most common fields of activity. You don't have to sit at the counter to do sales - selling a car or an apartment, etc., is a common thing. Trade conspiracies do not carry negative energy, therefore they do not have a negative impact.

The prevalence of magical conspiracies

Most big entrepreneurs believe in the power of magic, especially the luck and luck part of it. Many business participants use special trade conspiracies that attract buyers and make income stable.

There are many sellers, the competition is great, and it is not easy to attract buyers to yourself. Special magic can help in this difficult matter.


This magic conspiracy should be read in the room in which sales are directly carried out, for example, in a store. If you want to win over a certain buyer, then the ritual can be carried out directly in the presence of this person (but he should not know about it).
Put a small amount of water into a white vessel and read the words of the conspiracy over it:

“Lord of hosts, you help the servant of God (name) in bargaining, help him in buying, help in selling and exchanging. Protect me from envious eyes, from evil looks, from corruption, from ruin and loss, from all assumed evil. As bees fly to sweet honey, so let the money buyers all come running to me, let my goods praise, let others talk about them, let them turn to me more than once or twice, let them often cross my threshold. I lock my words and throw the key into the blue ocean. No one can open that lock, they cannot interrupt my conspiracy. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then you need to sprinkle all the corners of the room with charmed water.
This magical ceremony can be performed no more than once every seven days. For him, the phase of the moon, day and time of day does not really matter.


This magic rite must be carried out on the money left from the change by the buyer.

  • Most often, people leave small coins in order not to clutter up the wallet, but it is this money that will be needed to carry out a magical ritual.
  • Put all the coins left in special place and don't use.
  • Take the accumulated home, clench your fist and say the words of the spell:

“A full month, a clear month, an average month, a young month. Give me a servant of God (name), a month, from one penny a whole treasure. As my mother gave birth to, a servant of God (the name of the mother), as she swaddled me in the first diaper, so I girdle, but not with a girdle, but made of gold and silver with a tue. My will is strong, my word is strong, everything that I said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen.


So that no customer leaves your store without a purchase, be friendly with everyone, and also when the store enters potential client, look at him, smile, imperceptibly rub your hands and speak in a whisper (if you are not heard) or mentally the words:

“Take my product, Take it, it's inexpensive, Take it, you need it, Take it, you want it. Take my goods, give me your money. Take my goods, give me the money. Amen".


This magical rite can be performed on any day of the week except Saturday, and also except for the days falling on the numbers 13, 22 and 27.

  • To carry out the ceremony, come in the evening to your outlet (you must be alone), pick up a small denomination paper bill.
  • Now take a red thread and measure the length of the bill 49 times on it, cut the resulting length and wrap the segment around the wrist of the left hand.
  • While winding the thread around your hand, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I have money, I trade, I profit, I am lucky, I have a deal. And you get a deal, you get goods, you change. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen"


This magical rite can only be performed on church holidays. Before you go to trade, take a specially purchased prosphora in your left hand, cross with your right hand, and then read the words of the spell twelve times:

“Lord God, help your servant (name). As the truth was there were twelve apostles, so it is also true that I will sell all my goods. As your teaching is true, so it is true that I will receive a good profit. As your Son Jesus Christ rightly said, it is so true that my product is good, that the buyer will like it. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".


This ritual is ideal for you if you sell large quantities of goods, or sell many different items. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a jar of holy water, which is spoken with a special spell:

“Deeds, O Lord, are done by all that have been spoken by your most pure lips. Nothing can happen in this world without you, I believe in you alone, Lord, I trust in you alone. Help me, God, your sinner servant (name). I live trading alone, she gives me food and support for my family. Heavenly Lord, help me make deals, help me get profit, protect me from failure, protect me from losses and losses. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Cross the water three times and continue:

“Holy Archangel Michael, in Your holy name, I, the servant of God (name), trade. Save me, save me and bless me in my work. Protect with prayers with your saints, let me start and make a happy and prosperous trade. May it come true that said. Amen. Amen. Amen".


In order for a large deal to be successful, for trading to be as successful and profitable as possible, you need to read the spell over financial documents or over all goods:

“Gold is bright, gold is light, pour you to me like peas in a bin, like barley in a threshing floor. Bright gold, stick to my hands, like small flies to sweet honey, like night butterflies to the bright light, like green grass to the sun. Gold is bright. Pour you into my pockets without counting, without any measure, in handfuls, but in large handfuls. Gold, you stay close to me. Like ice is always next to water, like a ringing nightingale with a warm spring, like earth with grass.

I’m not a huckster, I’m not a morgue, I’m a good merchant, I sell for honor, I hang with excess, measure with a powder, cut with an increase, pour with the rest. Let there be a treasure and a treasure in my barn, and a gold warehouse. May there be ergot in everything, may there be no loss or ruin in anything. There will be no burnout and burnout all the days of my trade and bazaar. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".


  • First of all, read a prayer to an Orthodox saint. If you don't know her exact words, then they can be easily found on the Internet.
  • The most important thing is that while reading the prayer, you want with all your might to make your dream come true - a good trade.
  • If you have something else cherished desire, and you cannot get it out of your head at least for the duration of the ceremony, then the ritual may not work.
  • After reading the words of the prayer, read the conspiracy for a good trade:

“The Lord's works, His most pure lips will pray for me, the servant (name). My Lord, God, by faith in my soul you help me, multiply my deeds for trade: in buying and changing, and in everything that an honest merchant lives with, what he earns for himself and his family. In Your name, Lord, my bargaining is going on. Your protection will be for me and my cause. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen"

This is an old and very effective magic rite, which consists of a prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov and a special magic conspiracy.

First of all, read a prayer to an Orthodox saint. If you don't know the exact words of her, then they can be easily found on the Internet. The most important thing is that while reading the prayer, you want with all your might to make your dream come true - a good trade. If you have another cherished desire, and you cannot get it out of your head at least for the duration of the ceremony, then the ritual may not work.
After reading the words of the prayer, read the conspiracy for a good trade:


Looking at the buyer and smiling at him, rub your hands, say out loud:

"Take it cheap!"


“Take mine, give yours. Amen".


The ritual can be performed on any day except Saturday, as well as on the 13th, 22nd and 27th of the month. Stay alone in the room, preferably in an apartment or house. Pick up 100 rubles or any other paper bill.

The length of the bill should be measured 49 times on a red thread and cut off with scissors. Wind the thread around your left wrist, tucking the ends under the wrapped bracelet. As you wind the thread, say seven times:

“I have money, me trade.
All to me.
And you - goods and delivery. Amen".


Before you start trading, take salt in your hand and swing it over your left shoulder with your right hand, saying:

“On foot, on wheels, all come here:
Here you have a place, food and water.
I have your money, and you my goods.


Go to church on a holy day and buy a prosphora there. Going to trade, take the prosphora in your left hand, cross yourself and say 12 times:

"Lord God, help."
Then bow in the room to the front corner and say:
“King Herod had
12 daughters.
And how is the truth that they were
12, not 13,
So the truth is
That I will sell my product. "

Eat prosphora and go to work.


  • To sell a stale or slow-moving product, you do not need to arrange promotions and sales, first try the following steps.
  • Go to the forest, find an ant house there, take a pile from it, putting it in a bag or handkerchief.
  • Take your loot to the trading place and sprinkle the contents on the merchandise, saying:

“As many ants in that house, as many buyers send me, God. Amen".


Water sprinkles, which is then sprayed on the goods:

“Holy angel Michael, we trade under your protection. Save, preserve and protect us servants of God (names) with your holy prayers. Help to start and make a successful and profitable trade. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".


If you have important negotiations or you need to successfully sell an apartment, a car, any other product above the contract, invoices, any other documents, read the following conspiracy in the warehouse:

pour down to me
Like peas in the bins
Like barley in a threshing floor
Like rye on the current!
Stick to my hands
Like flies to honey
butterflies to the light,
Grass to the sun!
Fall into my pockets
Without calculation and account.
No edge, no measure!
Be by my side
Like ice with water
Like a nightingale with spring.
I'm not a huckster
but a stately merchant.
I sell in parts,
I get it in abundance
I measure by sprinkling
I cut by adding
Lew leaving.
Let it be in my barn
treasure and harmony,
So that everything is argued
It didn’t work out, without ruin,
No burnout, burnout, any day of my bazaar.


This ritual consists of a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov and a conspiracy for good trade. First, a prayer is read:

“Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker!
Helping all those who ask You!
In the days of your earthly life, no one left you thin and inconsolable,
It is good to see your face and hear your voice.
Let your gift of healings, insight, weak healing souls appear.
When the Lord called you to heavenly rest from earthly labors,
Always honoring and loving You, we believe in Your miracles, multiplying like the stars in the sky.
At all ends of the earth you appear to people and give them healing.
We ask You the same, the Grace of God.
Ask the Lord God for us with Thy prayer, giving strength and benefits that are necessary in life, useful in spiritual salvation.
Protect us from the falls and teach us to truly repent, believing in the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where You now shine in glory, singing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity for ever and ever. Amen".

"The works of the Lord, His clean lips
They will pray for me.
Lord my God, Lord God,
help my soul by faith,
Multiply all my deeds in trade:
In exchange and purchase,
In what the merchant lives.
In the name of Your Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


It often happens that your trade neighbors are jealous of your queues, income and constant influx of buyers, whom you lure not only with quality goods, but also with your courtesy, sweet smile and tactful communication.

This does not make everyone happy, so some are jealous, and the latter are dirty, using the simplest magic rituals.


To protect yourself from the negativity of competitors, make yourself a talisman.

Take a handkerchief, comb and pin that you have not used and will not use for their intended purpose, that is, new ones, and say on them:

"Oh my God,
I stand before you
I ask you to keep me tight
protect with this amulet.
I ask the holy army
Protect me from evil spirits:
Ivan the Long-suffering,
Ivan the Theologian,
Ivan the Postitel,
Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan Bezglavy,
Michael the Archangel,
Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Archangel Gabriel,
Praskovyu the Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love
and their Mother Sophia.
I stand under your protection
For you to defend me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Always carry the amulet with you, do not show it to anyone, and even more so - do not tell about it.


Stand facing east, read the prayer "Our Father", and after it such a conspiracy:

“I'll go to the open field,
I will pray to the Lord God.
There are 3 roads on the way,
On which the holy Apostle steps.
How evil does not touch him,
He does not touch either the body or the face,
Not to the point, not to the word,
Not to holy feet
So that no one touches my money:
Neither people are evil nor
envious eyes.
So that they do not oyk and gasp over them,
No matter what they ask, they don't judge me,
Like a holy Apostle,
God blessed.
Endowed with holy power,
Likewise, God, grant me three holy powers:
One beside, one behind
And the third force is ahead.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Dirt is taken from a place where there are livestock or animals. Hot coals are taken out of the stove, onto which dirt is thrown. This should be done around noon, when the service is being held in the church. After that, the coal is carried outside the threshold, and they themselves quickly return to the house, saying three times:

"As these animals walked and ran a lot, so I wouldn't count the profits, the work would not be redone."


It reads for honey, which needs to be smeared when going to trade:

“As bees swarm near the hive, so all the buyers would come to me, the seller, to praise the goods, to snatch out of their hands large boxes, full of bins. Amen".


“Break off, seller, from your piece, half is enough for you. Amen".


Conspiracy for good trade

Great for store owners ...

Speak water and spray it where you trade. Water conspiracy:

Help, Lord, in my bargain,
for sale, purchase, sale:
from evil, envious eyes, from damage and ruin, from all evil of guidance.
Like bees flock to sweet honey,
so let the buyers come to my shop,
praise my product and take it,
more than once they will come to my doorstep.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

well, others for bargaining ...

To sell out quickly
A very strong conspiracy, but it can only be done on industrial goods, on food products, otherwise they will deteriorate. Reading at the workplace, having prepared the product for sale, but before starting to trade, you can whisper. You cannot be distracted when reading or get lost, otherwise there will be no trading, but this risk is worth the result if you do everything right:

Devils brothers, come here, help me. Stand by my side, call everyone, help me, sell my goods. Grab, hold, lead everyone to me. Sell \u200b\u200bmy goods to everyone, force everyone to buy it, forcefully and powerlessly force, don't let anyone go without shopping.
You, Ancient Satan, You have been given an inconceivable power, I incline my relics to You, I ask You for help: attach a pair of devils to each product. Let everyone be forced to buy my product, no one is allowed to go without purchases, they should be kept, grabbed, forced to buy, let all my products be sold, and all the money they give me.
Become devils near, sell to the whole squad. Amen.

If the trade is stagnant

If the product is not for sale, then take one money, as large as possible, go to the one who is trading well and ask to exchange money for small ones. As it begins to change, have time to say to yourself:

I change the emptiness, I change the hassle. Take stagnation for yourself, and my product is not simple, but my product is gold, everyone likes it, everything is fine with me. All with my product, and I with profit and fat. Amen.

It is possible to "exchange stagnation" only with someone who trades in an equal commodity, as a last resort, if you do not trade food products, then the "exchange" should be done with someone who also sells non-food products, and vice versa. But still, ideally, the "exchange" should be done by someone who sells the same as you. And yet, do not make an exchange with the same person more than once a month.

If you nevertheless "exchanged stagnation" with the same person twice in one month, then the second time you simply drag over not only his trading problems, but also your first "stagnation", so always make a "change" with different people, at least for a month, and in the new month you can "exchange stagnation" again with anyone.

So that the goods are quickly sold out

I go to trade, sell the goods. And you come up to me, take my goods, pay with money. Whoever comes up to me will not leave without shopping. I go with the goods, I will return with the broth. Truly so.

Collect ten pinches of basil, five pinches of mint, three pinches of coarse salt, dried and powdered peel from three apples, three copper coins, and one white metal coin into a small green bag. Read a conspiracy on this bag:

Business behind, business ahead, profit in the middle.

Then hang it where you do business. At the beginning of each week, take this bag in your hands and, kneading its contents with your fingers, repeat the conspiracy you already know.

If you want to lay a good foundation for your future financial success, then light a green candle, pour clean water into a shallow bowl, and toss a copper coin into it. Place the melted candle wax in the water directly on the coin and say:

How soft turns into hard
thus my wealth will be established and multiplied.
From day to day, from week to week
from year to year, from this moment to the end of centuries.

Then pour the water on the ground, and keep the coin in your wallet as a money talisman.

To attract customers to your firm and increase profits, drill holes in three nutmegs and string them on a green string, the ends of which are tied together with a triple knot. Hang the resulting "necklace" over your office door.

For career luck

Mix the powdered sugar with the yarrow herb. Scatter a few pinches of this compound in front of your doorstep in your office and around the area in which you do business. And if you have a competitor, sprinkle powdered motherwort herb mixed with baking soda around his office.

For success in your professional field

  • Take some chopped sticks and straws from the anthill (without destroying it).
  • Fill a small green pouch with them, making sure that there are no ants in it.
  • Then write on a piece of paper your business plans and goals or the amount of money you want to receive. Roll this sheet several times and place it in the bag you have prepared.
  • Hang this talisman in the room where you do your business.

To attract customers

As well as prevent theft and loss in your office, chop fresh basil leaves and pour boiling water over them. When the water has cooled, spray the infusion outside your office doorstep and around the entire building in which you do business. Inside the room, you need to spray the infusion of cinnamon. Instead of the plants themselves, you can use their essential oils. In this case, add twelve drops of basil oil and nine drops of cinnamon oil to the water.

For attractiveness

For those people whose business depends on their personal magnetism, attractiveness and sociability, it will be useful to carry out such witchcraft: heat some dark honey over low heat and add a few pinches of finely chopped basil leaves or three drops of the essential oil of this plant to it. Heat this compound over a fire for a while. While taking a bath, add one spoon of the resulting potion to the water.

Mix equal proportions of bergamot, sandalwood and basil oil.

  • Apply one drop of this composition to the doorknob of your office, store or office so that everyone who opens your door receives the desired magical impulse and does not leave you without a contract or a purchase.
  • Of course, after applying the oil, the doorknob should be wiped well with a napkin so that it is not sticky and greasy.
  • This will not affect witchcraft: even microscopic doses of the magic composition will be enough to influence your customers and customers.


This profit conspiracy is read at work. Your workplace will become enchanted and will bring good profit if no one interrupts your work - for this you can make a talisman. This simple ceremony is performed in the evening, after the end of the working day, when most of the employees go home.

  • You should be the last to leave work.
  • Next, you need a place where your proceeds are stored. It can be a cash register or a safe.
  • Unsigned contracts or other guarantors of profits are required, namely money. The more, the better.
  • Open the cash register or safe and read:

From under Mount Shiyan, the Jordan River flows. Mother of God walked over the river, spoke with water. The mother river flows quickly and violently, washing the golden banks. It will preserve my good, my gold will warn. My goodness is inviolable to be, a servant of God (name) comes to me. As a fish cannot walk against water, so there can be no gold against me, to swim into my hands. Dawn morning, evening, at every hour, every day, under the bright sun or a clear month, under dark clouds or formidable thunderstorms, under the whole world of God. To my words, a key and a lock, by the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

After you read these words, you should close your cash register or safe and go home. Don't dare to speak to anyone before you close the front door of the house behind you. As soon as you step over the threshold of the house, you pour water into a glass and say something to it:

On the Siyanskaya mountain, on the Egyptian Land, the Mother of God walked, collected fresh dew, carried it into the house, helped the servant of God (name). To be a full cup at home, not a stranger, but ours. With the help of God, we are happy, not envy of anyone. Wealth multiply, multiply, multiply. For joy, for good, so that everyone will be light. Amen.

It is desirable that no one is at home yet and no one distracts you from witchcraft for money. You need to wash with spoken water three times. You cannot wipe your face, the skin must dry naturally. A few drops of water should be dripped into every corner of the house, without missing a single room. Drink the rest of the water.

Another version of the ceremony

The above ritual cannot be called accessible to everyone. Not everyone has access to enterprise money. In addition, it is not too easy to be the last to leave work and be the first to come home. If this ritual does not suit you, you can slander any coin that is used in one of the countries of the world at the moment:

As a fish in the seas to be found-untranslated, as in the sky the stars glow-non-luminous, as in a pole the grasses spike-not twist, so I (name) have money, not to be translated. To the Alatyr stone to repeat my words, no one will ever break them. Key, lock, tongue.

The charmed coin is kept at the workplace, ideally near the tool that brings you income. This can be a cash register, computer or telephone. It is advisable to place the coin on the right side of you. From time to time it needs to be recited again.

Conspiracy for money work

A cash job conspiracy will help you find a new job with a good salary. It is often used when there is already a job, but you want more both in terms of income and in terms of self-realization. Of course, you still have to go to interviews, visit job sites and do other things. But witchcraft will increase your chances of getting a job that suits you perfectly.

When undertaking any job search or professional development activity, read:

I come as a catcher, I come as a merchant. I will be a wolf, a lion, a fox, there will be stairs everywhere. I should be above everyone, not below anyone. Everyone should love and respect me, read me and invite me to important positions. My words should be sticky like hooks. What has been said cannot be reversed, what has been done cannot be interrupted. Amen.

Before starting searches on the labor exchange or on the Internet, newspapers and other sources, you can read the old conspiracy three times:

I go to the boyars to plow for free,
I'm going to get a job, the owner will come in handy.
Everyone to be touched by me
It is good for the owners to smile
Feed enough, pay generously
It is in vain not to scold and beat.
The Lord God is my King,
Highest sovereign to me.
Lord, help. God help me.
Lord bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for a good money job - the magic of nature

The forces of nature are always ready to come to the aid of a person who conserves its resources. There is an old Slavic conspiracy for a good money job, but it is only suitable for lovers of home plants or garden owners. It is read during the planting of any plant - tree, bush or house flower:

I will plant it soot, I will bless you for growth. Soot color and growth, my good growth. My cause to blossom with him, to bring me wealth.

  • You need to read continuously while you are planting a plant. He will have to be carefully looked after. If the plant dies, do not hesitate to plant and plot a new plant.
  • By the way, the death of a plant spoken or planted for magical purposes means that you jinxed... Damage is also possible, aimed at the area of \u200b\u200blife that you are trying to influence.
  • In this case, we are talking about damage to poverty or business.

If you have the opportunity to head out into the woods alone, you can read the conspiracy for a new money job. This should be done in the morning. Find a large stump in the forest, stand in front of it and say:

Hello, tree stump, dear friend. You lived and lived, you were a tall tree, you saw a lot. Show me where the job is good. I'll sit on a tree stump and find a job in three days.

  • Now sit down on a tree stump. Sit for a minute, not allowing unnecessary thoughts.
  • Already on the way back, the thought of employment may come to you.
  • This conspiracy helps well when there are not even ideas for finding a new job.

In general, conspiracies to increase profits and earnings, as well as finding a new good job, can be useful to everyone. Those who know witchcraft rituals are not afraid of either unemployment or crisis.

Self-conspiracy on a fountain pen that you constantly use

“Serve me with faith and truth, be friends with a pen, live and not grieve, write letters together and solve problems. How much ink is in the pen, so much strength! To write with a pen and write, but I need to find a job! So that money is paid, so that it is cherished and appreciated, so that it is not boring, so that it is handy. As said, so be it. Forever and ever. Amen".

  • Having pronounced the conspiracy, tie the handle with white thread,
  • put it in your pocket and keep it in your pocket all day long,
  • without taking it out and not showing it to anyone.

For the first month after the conspiracy, you should only use this pen. Soon you will notice positive changes both in your attitude towards work and in your luck associated with business - it will turn to face you again!

Orthodox prayer for good luck at work

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, for now, for centuries, for all times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the garden of Adam there is a tree, under that tree the grass grows, once in a thousand years it blooms. I will come closer, I will bow lower. Overcome the grass, I did not give birth to you, I did not baptize you, I did not water you, I did not praise you. The earth gave birth to you, rain and dew poured. I beg you, I beg you, I glorify you. Help me, God's servant (name). Let everything go well around me, do not jinx the evil eye. Defeat the grass, defeat the evil people, so that I at my work would be in high esteem. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

It sometimes happens that all further work depends on the success of a single, concrete case. Agree, it's a shame when the whole thing collapses because of some trifle! It's time to read the free strong good luck conspiracy at work.

Conspiracy for a good deal

“In the open field Michael the Archangel. He stabs with a pitchfork, he stabs with knives, he speaks of all my words, all my deeds, he ties things together with desire so that it can be fulfilled, he blesses him himself. My talented hour, the matter is disputed from Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.
I have, servants of God (name), a holy magician, everything that I said will be so. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". &1

Video An independent conspiracy for luck and from enemies at work


Good luck conspiracies

  • Before using such conspiracies, you must carefully clean your workplace.
  • Superfluous - throw it out.
  • And neatly arrange the necessary things in their places.
  • Then retire to your study and start prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Have mercy on us, for now, for centuries, for all bright times.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
There is a tree in the garden of Adam, under that tree the grass grows,
It blooms once every thousand years.
I'll come closer, bow down to her.
"Overcome is the grass,
I did not give birth to you, I did not baptize you with your name,
I didn't water you, I didn't praise you.
The earth gave birth to you, rain and dew poured.
I beg you, I beg you, I glorify you.
Help me, God's servant (name).
Let everything go well around me, do not jinx the evil eye.
Overcome - grass
Defeat the wicked people
That I would be in high esteem at my work. "
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever and forever and ever, Amen

To attract customers

If work and income directly depend on clients, then there is a special conspiracy so that there are more clients, and therefore more money. For it, you need to purchase three spools of thread in three different colors: white, green and black. Find an aspen twig and wind the whole black coil around it, while saying:

I don’t know any obstacles in my work, I don’t meet with failures and troubles.
White spool on a birch thread, saying:
Let the work flow like clockwork, profit and money.
And wrap both branches with green threads, while saying:
May it be as I command, may it be as I say!
After the ceremony, leave these branches in the immediate vicinity of your workplace.

  • There is one more effective ceremony. For it, you need a yellow piece of colored paper.
  • On it you need to draw the sun with a red pencil or marker.
  • Then you need to take a purple piece of paper, and draw a month with a black pencil or marker.
  • Then fold the drawings to one another.
  • Then fasten them together with red threads, saying:

The sun is red, the moon is clear. As you do not quarrel, do not argue, do not push each other, give way to each other, change day and night, so let me have peace, harmony and harmony at work. Let it be so.

  • Then the drawings must be burned. Pour the ashes into an envelope and store it at your workplace.

Most importantly, using these rituals, you need to sincerely believe in them. And it is advisable not to overdo it with them. After all, if you use prayers and conspiracies for good luck in work for every little thing, then luck can get angry with you. Perseverance and persistence are good in moderation. Follow these simple recommendations and then luck will be on your side. You will become the standard of luck. You will be able to feel successful and become a little happier.


And the boss won't find fault

Many suffer from poor boss attitudes. There is a ritual that will help establish normal relations with the authorities.

Take a spoonful of sugar at home and read the conspiracy over it at midnight:

“Bake, dry on my sugar Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup: With your heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, So you, the servant of God (...), turn around & Take my advice, in the absence of pressure. Appreciate the way the most valuable and dearest are valued. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "

Then you need to come to work earlier than others and sprinkle the charmed sugar in front of your manager's office. It is clear that this must be done so that people do not see you.

Otherwise, mistrust, ridicule, nagging will be even worse, and not only on the part of the authorities, but also on the part of your work colleagues, they may begin to shun you, mock you and find fault even more. Any magical actions do not like fuss and are done quietly and secretly.

Conspiracy so as not to be reduced

Very often at work there is such a situation that you have to cut staff. It seems that the boss also appreciates, and for many years they worked in their place, and you treat the work well, but when the reduction is underway, you can lose your place.

  • When the company is downsizing, the following words can be pronounced:

"My right hand, my right foot, my just cause. Was, is and will be. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • These words should be read by going to the door directly of the person who resolves issues with hiring and firing to work.
  • If in your organization such a decision depends on several persons, then you should do this in front of the doors of all these people.

There is another powerful ritual to be left at work. But before you do it, think if you can fulfill all the conditions that this rite imposes on you. To do this, you will need to go to the forest, collect or collect 36 oak leaves on the ground.

Reduction ritual

They must be folded in a pile, as a deck of cards is folded. Then look for a clearing with a tree stump. Around this hemp, draw a circle with a stick and sit near the hemp, pretending that there is an ordinary table in front of you. Then you should call the devil so that he plays cards with you. You can invite him in the following words:

"Devil, brother, go play cards."

Then you start handing out these leaves for two and say:

"Damn, damn, I'll lose to you in the oaks, and you do it for me (ask what you want from him ...)".

After that, you need to very finely tear those pieces of paper that you handed over not to yourself, but to your partner in the game. You take your own leaves with you and carry them to the building where you work and scatter them in front of the front door.

But the most important thing is that after that, for the rest of your life, you should not even touch the cards, let alone play them. Think if you can fulfill this condition! This prohibition must be taken very seriously.

Conspiracy for people to love and respect

Dfor the love and respect of the people around them, there is often not enough good attitude towards them, honesty and decency, because people can envy, gossip, and slander. In such situations, old people advise to read such a conspiracy:

“In the morning I will wake up at dawn, I will cross myself three times at the icon, I will bow down to Mother Earth. I leave the house - there is lightness around, From me comes true beauty. People are not higher than me, I am not lower in front of people. I will rise above all. Let the old old men, Young men, Young girls, Gloomy widowers and widows appreciate me. To be loved and respected, Accepted with honor and joy, They got up with honor, They gave the Word everywhere in everything. How people wait for spring red, How they cherish all their good, To be expected and protected, They would cherish me, They would be friends with me, Look at me, look, Keep their eyes on the slave (...), Everyone would love and respect. I come to you, people, with Christ's Easter, And you people to me, to one with affection. My head, ore in my veins. Not an oak, but iron, Flint and fire. Amen".

  • As you can see, these words are aimed at all the people who surround you in life. You do not wish harm to anyone with these words, but only try to attract respect and veneration to yourself.
  • You don't want to do anything bad to anyone, and therefore such a conspiracy does not entail, as they say in such cases, a "rollback", because the message to the Universe is good.
  • Before reading these words, it is advisable to do what is said in them at the very beginning, that is, to pray sincerely in front of the icons, to ask God in your own words for what you want: a kind disposition to yourself, so that you are loved and respected in the team.
  • And then immediately after the prayer read these words.
  • It is clear that after reading such conspiracy words, you yourself should not backbite, make scandals, get angry, but try to carry out all orders in good faith.
  • With such good behavior, you will only strengthen the words of the conspiracy, because in this world everything is interconnected.

If you give your best, try, but feel that your boss and colleagues underestimate you, and sometimes just do not take you seriously, then you can carry out such a simple ritual, which is very effective and will help establish relationships with those who work with you in the same team. To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare in advance:

  • spring water;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • glass.

On Sunday, at night, you should go to the window and open it. Put a glass on the windowsill, pour water into it and dip a spoonful of honey there, stir well until the honey dissolves completely. A glass of water must be taken in hand and the following words must be read over it:

“As the water became sweet from honey, as the water became tasty, and all people love, so they will love me and respect me at work, but they will not be able to step without me in business. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The glass must be left on the window until morning. In the morning, before leaving home for work, take some of this sweet water and rinse your face. This magic "washing" should be done every day before work and do it until then.

Conspiracy to respect the boss

Only for this you have to learn the conspiracy by heart. Seize the moment when you are behind your boss. A very suitable situation is when the boss walks in front of you along the corridor. You quietly whisper a conspiracy in his back:

“As the toothless wolf no longer bites, and the hornless bull no longer butt, so you, servant of God (the name of the boss) will never find fault with me and my deeds again. Let it be so. Amen".

Do this discreetly so that people do not think anything bad about you or notice anything. This inherently simple action can change the situation for the better.

There is another rather simple ritual that will help keep your job in your place, as well as find a new one if you are looking for and do not yet have a permanent job. It should be carried out on a Friday evening after the sun has hidden behind the horizon. You should take a spoonful of honey and read over it:

Honey conspiracy

“Like a bee, a hive will always find its own, and bring honey to it. So the servant of God (name) will find work to his liking, he will find a sweet place, like this very honey. Let it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to eat this honey without washing it down. In the morning, when you go to an interview or to your work, do not talk to anyone until you find yourself in the walls of the office where the preliminary conversation is taking place or at your workplace.

  • No matter what people you know along the way, you will have to be silent, not say hello. In the event of a job search, this ceremony must be carried out until a place is found.
  • As you can see, these conspiracies are aimed only at improving the situation in the company or in the institution where you work, at softening the temper of the bosses, at creating a prosperous environment.
  • Performing such rituals, you do not bring trouble to someone, do not wish anyone harm, therefore, you will not receive anything “as a gift” from the Cosmos.

After all, thoughts are material and desires for evil, curses especially return not even to those who perform this or that magical action, but to their children and grandchildren. And then we throw up our hands and say: "Well, why is it so unlucky, why misfortune befall me?" It is better not to wish harm to anyone in particular, then it will not return to you either. It is not for nothing that they say that it will come around as well as it will respond.


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