How to photograph your face correctly. How to beautifully and correctly photograph yourself: tips and examples for girls. How to beautifully photograph yourself

Not easy to do good photo yourself. When you photograph yourself, you not only think about whether you look good, but also about whether you are photographing yourself from the right angle? But, if you prepare everything correctly, you will know how to best pose and follow a few simple rules, you can take great photos of yourself. If you want to know how to photograph yourself successfully, read on.


Preparing to photograph yourself

    Prepare your hair. If your hair sticks out in all directions or obscures part of your face, your photos may not be the best. Make sure your hair is combed and styled in a way that doesn't create any bad effects.

    • They don't have to be perfectly styled, just make sure they don't distract from your face.
  1. Make up. When photographing yourself, you should use a little more makeup than usual so that your facial features don't appear washed out by the bright light. But, do not overdo it, otherwise you will not look like yourself, or create a mask effect. If you don't wear a lot of makeup in your life, you can simply use mascara and lip gloss to draw attention to your facial features.

    • If your skin is naturally slightly oily, you can use face powder or apply natural oily skin products to your skin. Such skin can look even fatter in the photo.
  2. Prepare lighting. Natural lighting is best, but you can experiment with lighting in different rooms. Always take photos in rooms where there is enough light to show all of your facial features.

    • If you are in the house, stand by the window.
    • If you are outdoors, take photos early in the morning or late at night so that strong sunlight does not spoil the photos.
  3. Choose the right background. The background you choose shouldn't distract attention from you, or make you look boring compared to it. If you are in the house, a plain white or colored wall will do. Do not stand in front of a wall with posters and bright patterns, otherwise you will not stand out.

    • If you are away from home, choose a calm background such as trees or a lake. Try not to pose in front of other people and moving objects (such as buses).
  4. Try to keep the camera in a straight hand. This is the most common way to take pictures of yourself, so you should practice before you get serious. This way, you will not have photos in which the forearm looks too large and takes up half of the photo.

    • As your hands will get tired, remember to take breaks to adjust lighting or change clothes.
  5. Set yourself up to be positive. Your photos will turn out much better if you feel good. You will be more relaxed in front of the camera, and you will be in a mood to experiment. During the photo session, turn on music that cheers you up, or hum yourself your favorite melody.

In the process of photographing

  1. Prepare the camera. You should try a few poses to find which one best emphasizes your features. If your camera has a timer or multiple shots, you can have the camera take multiple photos in a row, which will give you the time you want to take the desired pose and smile. You can do better if you don't need to operate the camera and pose at the same time.

    • Set the camera timer so that you have enough time to calmly return to your seat and take the desired pose.
    • If you like taking pictures with a timer, you can buy a remote control camera.
  2. Experiment with shooting angles. You should try as many angles as possible to find the most suitable one. You should not take pictures with the camera under you, otherwise you will appear shorter and you will have a double chin. If the camera is slightly taller than you, you will appear slimmer and taller.

    • Do not take pictures with the camera directly in front of your face, otherwise your face will look "square". It is better to hold the camera slightly to the left or right for more dynamic photos.
    • Try 10 or 20 different angles. Just play until you find the best angle for your face. Remember, just because one hairstyle looks great from one angle doesn't mean the other hairstyle will look good from that angle too.
    • Try to take pictures in front of a mirror. This will give a new perspective to the photographs.
  • If you don't like decorations but want your photos to express your character, you can experiment with backgrounds. You can add backgrounds after you take a photo simply by using programs on your computer.
  • If you want to emphasize your personality with decorations, you can hold your guitar if you are a musician, or stand next to a horse if you are horseback riding.

The most beautiful pictures of girls are usually taken on time. But the fact is that not every woman has a familiar photographer, and there is not always time for such photo sessions. But girls need new photos quite often. At least to update the avatar in social network or, for example, send your photo to a new admirer. So what to do in such a situation, when a new picture of yourself is simply necessary, and there is no one who could take a picture of you? Let's take a closer look at how to beautifully photograph yourself if there is no one else to photograph you.

How to beautifully photograph yourself?

So there are several different ways how to take your own photo. The choice of method depends on what kind of photographing device you currently have. Let's consider each of these methods separately and with all possible details.

Webcam. Taking a picture of yourself on a webcam - it would seem, what could be easier? But it was not there. In general, when you urgently need a new picture of yourself at home, your thoughts immediately turn to your webcam. This is really very convenient, since the photo will immediately appear on the computer, where it can be quickly processed and used for its intended purpose. But there are a few buts that make a webcam not the best choice for. The quality of such photographs often leaves much to be desired - blurry, blurry, poor lighting ... This does not play into your hands at all. But if there are no other options and you need to be photographed with a webcam, then try to sit in a room with good lighting, perhaps even near a window. And do not forget that photos against the background of unmade beds, carpets and other not very attractive home environment can hardly be called beautiful, even if you look charming in them.

Telephone. Since nowadays manufacturers mobile phones began to equip their creations with high-quality cameras, many girls do not even have a question about how to take a picture of themselves - she stretched out her hand, clicked the button and you can already admire the next picture. But here the weight is not so simple. One photo out of ten taken this way will look really good. Therefore, remember that when photographing yourself with an outstretched hand, you must keep the camera at eye level, while not lifting your head or lowering it too low, it is better to take such pictures half-turned. In addition, now you can often see photographs of yourself in the mirror. Although this is not new, but often such photos look very good. The main thing - do not forget to turn off the flash and look not down into your own phone, but into the mirror so that everyone can see your beautiful eyes and a positive smile in the picture.

Camera. If you are the happy owner of a camera, perhaps even a professional one, then there will be no problems with photographing yourself. Of course, in this case the rules mentioned above apply - it is necessary to select good lighting, a beautiful place and so on. But since the quality of the photos will still be much better, here on the way of the amateur photographer comes less problems... In addition, there is another option for how to take a good photo of yourself - if you have a tripod, then you can simply put the camera on the self-timer with a timer, first thinking about your pose. The shots will turn out to be very beautiful, with the whole landscape, and not just your face. In addition, it will even be difficult to guess here - you yourself took pictures or not.

So we figured out how to properly photograph ourselves. Do not forget about a beautiful smile, as it is the key to a good shot. And use Photoshop, because with it you can make a good photo just great, but, most importantly, do not overdo it.

Everyone with a digital camera has taken pictures of themselves. The easiest way out is to ask a relative, neighbor, or friend to photograph you. In practice, everything is much more complicated. Most people do not have photography skills, and either part of your head or legs may be missing in the picture. What can we say about the composition. You can photograph yourself in a large mirror, but not everyone has such a mirror. If you still have the opportunity to take a picture with a mirror, then you need to take into account some of the nuances. Focusing should be adjusted to a distance equal to two distances to the mirror. The main lighting on the face should fall from the side of the mirror (see Fig. 1). If the light is behind the back, the image will be dark. It is better not to use the built-in flash for this type of shooting.

Figure: 1. Self-filming with a mirror

The description of shooting oneself with a mirror was not given by chance first. Many do not know how to properly photograph with a mirror.

Along with a mirror, a self-timer is often used, or, more simply, a timer. All modern cameras are equipped with this function. Such shooting is most often used when the photographer wants to be in a group photo with family and friends. To create such a frame, you need to install the camera on a fixed support (tripod, railing, table, sofa back, etc.). The camera must be set up so that everyone is in the frame. In this case, you need to choose in advance the place where the photographer himself will be. Having set the timer, you need to start it and quickly take your place in the team.

It is rather difficult to organize such a shooting without assistants and any landmarks. A similar situation can arise in the forest or on the beach.

Figure: 2. Using the viewfinder as a "sight"

Alternatively, a mirror can be attached to the front of the camera near the lens. Some modern compact camera models have displays on the front of the camera. They are located there specifically for shooting yourself. There are not many such cameras, and most photographers use devices with a viewfinder, and they are not equipped with such delights.

What about the owners of DSLRs? A homemade "sight" can come to the rescue. It can be made from LED and external power supply. A point light source (LED) is placed near the viewfinder eyepiece. A switch and a battery must be connected to it.

Figure: 3. Schematic diagram of the "sight"

Figure 2 shows the lines of sight when using the viewfinder as a sight, and the beams when using the "sight". For one lens, the angle of view and the angle of beam propagation will be the same. Being in the area in which the photographer will get into the frame, he will see a luminous point in the viewfinder lens. If the subject moves out of the field of view, it will lose sight of the luminous point. By moving around and watching the appearance and disappearance of a luminous point, you can precisely define the boundaries of the picture and choose a location for shooting.

Fig 4. Constructive "sight" for mirrorless cameras: 1 - body; 2 - battery; 3 - switch; 4 - LED; 5 - camera mount

For the manufacture of illumination of the eyepiece (sight), an economical light source will be needed. A flashlight LED works best. The power supply is best organized with two batteries connected in series. The connection diagram can be seen in Fig. 3. Batteries are designated as GB1. To save energy in between shooting, a switch SA1 is installed in the circuit. Resistor R1 is needed to limit the current. passing through the LED HL1. The device should be designed as an attachment to the camera. It should be held on the camera body with a bracket (Fig. 4). The bracket and body can be made of plastic. This device will be useless in pentaprism cameras. The LED light will not be clearly visible as a dot, but as a large spot of light, which will make orientation difficult.

Figure: 5. Constructive "sight" for DSLRs with pentaprism: 1 - frame viewfinder (U-shaped bracket); 2 - LED; 3 - body; 4 - mount; 5 - battery; 6 - switch

A SLR camera with pentaprism can be equipped with a frame viewfinder, which will have to be made on your own. 5). The role of the frame is performed by a plastic or aluminum bracket. One hole is made in each side of the bracket. One hole for the target frame and the other for the frame. The angle of view of the homemade device should be the same as that of the lens. For the eyepiece, the hole can be only a few millimeters (4-5), but for the frame you will have to select the size experimentally. For experiments, it is best to make a bracket from cardboard. After the size is precisely matched, you can start making a denser staple already ready-made template... an LED is attached near the eyepiece. When the LED is attached to the bracket, this assembly can be housed in a housing that would house the power supplies and the switch. A hole is made in the front wall of the case, the size corresponding to the size of the frame in the bracket. A terminal is attached to the body, which acts as a "sight" fastener on the camera.

Such a sight makes it possible to shoot in complete darkness. This can be useful in many situations.

Love yourself to shoot and upload fresh photos on instagram? Then I will reveal to you a few secrets that will make you look beautiful and natural when taking selfies.


Most best shots obtained in natural daylight from a window. To do this, you will need to get closer to him and turn your face. If direct sunlight hits you, I advise you to cover the window with a translucent white curtain or just step back a little. Such light is very soft and lays down beautifully, as well as hides imperfections and evens out the skin.

When outdoors, opt for shadows and light white / gray walls to reflect light and not distort colors.

The best time is from sunrise to 9-10 am and a couple of hours before sunset.

To hide the double chin, you can hold a white sheet at chest level. It will also brighten the face a little.


Want to take a close-up photo of your face? Best option - lift your smartphone and take a picture of yourself from above. This will make your face narrower and more expressive eyes.

Try both left and right, look for your work side. In this case, what can you do with your head: move a little higher, a little lower, a little to the left, a little to the right, tilt a little to one side, then to the other. Work your shoulders, you hardly need a face like a passport) The more you bend, the more feminine.

Want a full-length photo? Then you will have to move away from the mirror, raise your hand with the phone to chest level and move it slightly to the side. Take it higher, so you visually narrow the figure. If you want to lose some weight, turn a little in profile, focus on one hip, put your front leg (on the toe), bend over to emphasize the roundness.

Facial expression

Be interesting, sweet, thoughtful, smile sincerely! You can also curl) Want to make your lips plump? Open them slightly, but don't duckface.

Try to remember a funny incident and keep your camera ready.


Even the most best photo can spoil trash in the background or tiles recognizable in the shopping center toilet.

Minimalism - look for light, solid walls, nothing colorful and flashy, preferably in your color scheme.

Nature - sunset sky, meadows, mountains, flowers, beach.

Found a celebrity - catch it soon!

Extreme conditions - great!

Are there any cute animals nearby? Success is guaranteed.

Phone settings

Everyone knows that the main camera has best quality, but it is more convenient to photograph yourself from the front. Here, either put up with it, or take a selfie stick, or get used to using the buttons on the phone.

Focusing and adjusting the exposure (light) on the face.

White balance check - sometimes you need third-party applications like VSCO, where you can tweak it - so that white is white and gray is gray, and not blue, pink or another color.

Turn off the flash if possible.

Wipe down and keep your phone camera clean.

Processing applications

It remains only to slightly correct the photo - and you're done! Here is a selection of some of them:

  1. Facetune 2
  2. Youcam perfect
  3. Makeup Genius
  4. Retrica
  5. Meitu
  6. TouchRetouch
  1. BestMe Selfie Camera
  2. Bestie
  3. Candy Camera
  4. Retrica

The technique is not new, but you can refresh it. not only in mirrors, but also in other reflective surfaces: shop windows, doors, water and glasses of a gaping comrade's glasses. It is better to turn off the flash, otherwise it may overshadow you.

Take a picture of your shadow

Landscapes and sights without people is boring! Add your shadow to them - and now you have a photo with character. Also, your flaws are not visible in the shadow, and you can present the figure in a favorable or funny light.

Use a tripod or selfie stick

If you don't have a tripod, you can use any suitable surface to mount your phone or camera. The main thing is not to be dragged away by clever fraudsters while you pose with rapture. There are fewer problems with a selfie stick, and, fortunately, passers-by no longer react so surprised to a person with such a device.

Take pictures of things in hand

In this way, you will also give the picture an emotional flavor. Plus, the size of the thing will be clear, that is, the photo will turn out to be more informative, and, therefore, more interesting.


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