Raw materials for the production of plastic fittings. Review of equipment for industrial production of fiberglass reinforcement. How much money does it take to manufacture composite rebar

Composite, or fiberglass, reinforcement is a high-tech material with technical characteristics suitable for the conditions of the modern building materials market, which requires relatively small capital investments. GRP can easily replace metal in concrete structures of any size, without requiring as frequent replacement as steel products.

Anyone who is familiar with the technology, the requirements for the premises and the necessary equipment can start the production of fiberglass reinforcement.

The main advantages of glass fittings

Fiberglass reinforcement is becoming more and more popular with customers and, due to its merits, is crowding out the dominant steel counterparts. Its main advantages include:

  • lightness in comparison with steel reinforcement: 160 kg of fiberglass in volume is equivalent to two tons of metal material;
  • production costs are 30% lower than standard investments for the manufacture of competing analogues;
  • high and fast payback;
  • tensile strength 3 times higher than other materials;
  • no need for a large room, heavy transport and numerous service personnel;
  • fiberglass reinforcement is not subject to corrosion.

Raw materials for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforcement

Composite reinforcement is rods with a diameter from 4 to 18 mm with a spiral profile. The structure of the material is represented by a main shaft of parallel fibers and an outer layer that can be varied (single winding, bi-directional winding, sand spraying).

Reinforcement is often found in coils with a diameter of 10 mm, i.e. in a twisted form. The two main constituents of the material are roving and epoxy. The former acts as a reinforcing material, while the latter acts as a binder. In addition to the base, you also need:

  • acetone;
  • braided thread;
  • ethanol;
  • dicyandiamide.

On average, the cost of manufacturing 1 kg of fiberglass reinforcement is 127 rubles.

Necessary equipment for the production of fittings

The central element of the fiberglass reinforcement manufacturing system is a specially designed line, or conveyor, for this purpose. Its components include:

  • racks for roving;
  • unit for impregnation of glass fiber with resin;
  • oven;
  • wrapper;
  • bunker for finishing coating;
  • magnesite furnace;
  • air cooling unit;
  • pulling mechanism;
  • cutting machine;
  • tray for finished products;
  • control block.

Despite the rapid pace of development of the industry, not every supplier can offer equipment suitable for the needs of small businesses. Typically, the number of options available is severely limited by the entrepreneur's initial financial capabilities.

Some manufacturers offer equipment worth from 1 to 1.7 million rubles - this price range is the most optimal for beginner individual entrepreneurs, since the volume of such production will correspond to the performance of a small enterprise. In this case, the production speed of fiberglass reinforcement will be approximately 2–4 m / min. Equipment with a capacity of 6–12 m / min will cost two to three times more.

In the absence of funds to buy new equipment, it is worth considering renting or purchasing a used device. Good value for money is offered both abroad, for example, in China, and on the Russian domestic market.

Requirements for the production area

Even when you need to remember the safety rules. For this reason, any room chosen for the production of fiberglass fittings must comply with generally accepted standards in order to avoid accidents and problems with the functioning of the production line. The main requirements are:

The room for the production of fiberglass reinforcement must meet all the requirements for normal operation

  • remoteness from residential buildings position;
  • the height and length of the room - at least 2.5 and 22 m, respectively;
  • good ventilation;
  • technical equipment: supply of water, electricity and sewerage;
  • height difference - no more than 5 cm;
  • heating up to 16-18 ° C.

In addition, at the initial stage of production, an energy source with a capacity of 12 kW will be required. Then, after debugging the production process, this indicator can be reduced to 4 kW. With regard to ventilation, forced ventilation of the room will be the most acceptable. The tunnel oven requires a separate hood that can be connected to the overall system.

There are no separate requirements for the width of the room, since the conveyor is much longer in length than in width. To reduce costs in case of renting, you can opt for real estate outside the city - even with a simultaneous increase in transport costs, this will significantly reduce the monthly expenses for maintaining the business.

Production technology of fiberglass reinforcement

The key to manufacturing quality products is strict adherence to the developed technology. Fiberglass reinforcement is produced in several stages.

Roving processing

Glass roving is the basis of composite reinforcement, which is obtained by melting aluminoborosilicate glass. The material is pulled into a thread with a cross section of 10–20 microns, then the threads are impregnated with a sizing agent and woven into bundles. Initially, the main material is placed on special racks that evenly feed it further along the line.

The filaments collected in a dense bundle are dried and heated with hot air, and then the heated roving passes through an impregnating bath, completely immersed in the epoxy resin. The impregnation unit is a mechanism with four grooves, through which threads of various diameters (from 12 to 18 mm) are pulled.

Shaping and winding

After processing, the roving goes into the shaping die, which determines the diameter of the future building material, and then to the bundle winding, which adjusts the thickness of the rods to a certain parameter and provides strength in contact with the concrete base.

Those products that turned out to be of the required thickness remain in the form of finished products, and those that are thinner are additionally sprinkled with sand. The wrapper, like the impregnation unit, consists of four strands and is powered by two belt motors. Due to the circular trajectory of rotation, the winding device allows you to obtain products of the correct cylindrical shape.

Winding roving

Furnace for fittings

The formed products are fed into an 8 m long magnesite tunnel kiln for residual chemical reactions (resin polymerization) to occur.

The final stage

Ready-made, but still hot products are sent to a bath filled with running water to cool down to room temperature. The last step is a cutting machine that divides the material into rods according to the specified parameters. Since even the simplest machines use a diamond-coated circular saw, the cut is precise and even.

The conveyor line for the production of composite reinforcement is fully automated and controlled by a software unit. Before starting the production of fittings, all the necessary parameters of future products are set by an operator engineer.

Composite reinforcement has managed to get a lot of positive feedback from specialists in the construction industry. According to the most conservative estimates, its production on a small scale can pay off in a year and a half, provided that the goods are fully sold. Fiberglass material is reliable, resistant to external destructive factors, easy to transport and is far superior to metal in all technical and economic aspects.

Composite rebar is a rebar made from composite materials rather than steel. Their components are glass roving and / or basalt fibers, which are held together by polymer binders. It, unlike metal, is not welded, but fastened with special clamps. Also, composite rebar is known as non-metallic.

Here we will talk about the production of composite (fiberglass and basalt-plastic) reinforcement, its manufacturing technology, raw materials and equipment for this business.

Composite reinforcement is used primarily, of course, in construction, but it can also be used in everyday life, for example, for assembling greenhouses.

Video review of the material and its advantages

A short visual video about what it is:

The main advantages of composite rebar:

  1. Compared to metal, the composite has a significantly higher strength index - 1100 MPa, and standard steel - only 390 MPa. Tensile strength compared to steel reinforcement of class A ІІІ - three times more;
  2. Composite reinforcement is a material that does not lend itself to corrosion;
  3. Ideal for working in seawater, as it does not undergo acid corrosion;
  4. More elastic than steel;
  5. Does not conduct electric current;
  6. Does not conduct heat energy;
  7. Composite reinforcement is radio-transparent;
  8. Does not change its strength characteristics under the influence of electromagnetic fields;
  9. Does not change its strength characteristics under the influence of low temperatures (down to -70 ° C);
  10. Much lighter (more than nine times) compared to metal fittings.

Regardless of the required and desired volume, investments of 4-16 million rubles are required for the production of fiberglass reinforcement.

Technology and equipment for production

Raw materials for the manufacture of composite reinforcement:

  1. Roving (basalt and / or glass roving);
  2. Resins;
  3. Braid thread (roving, which will be used for winding);
  4. Acetone;
  5. Ethanol;
  6. Dicyandiamide.

Raw materials can be different in composition.

Fiberglass (SPA) and basalt plastic (BPA) fittings are the most popular in Russia today, but there is also a combined type - a fiberglass rod, and the relief (ribs) from "basalt".

Thermosetting synthetic resins most often act as binding elements, including organosilicon and phenolic resins (they harden during the polycondensation reaction); epoxy and unsaturated (do not emit by-products during the curing process).

Other polymers that have taken a strong niche include polyimide, polybenzimidazole, and polybenzothiozole. These resins are often used with the addition of other polymers.

In order to obtain fiberglass reinforcement at the outlet with a high level of resistance to various kinds of corrosion, an epoxy phenol binder should be used. The polyester binder will impart enhanced electrical properties to the reinforcement.

For one kilogram of fiberglass reinforcement, 0.862 glass rovings of such grades as RBN-10-2520 or RBN-10-2520-4E should be used; epoxy resin requires 0.134 of the following grades: ED-20 or ZIS-1; phenol-formaldehyde resin 0.116 grade LBS-1 is required; dicyandiamide - 0.03; ethyl alcohol - 0.015; braid thread - 0.01 kg; acetone - 0.021.

The basis for the production of non-metallic reinforcement has become the traditional method of production of fiberglass - drying and unwinding of fiber, impregnation of it with a binder, polymerization.

Manufacturing process video:

Equipment for the production of composite reinforcement (fiberglass or basalt plastic):

Line device (it may be different). Prices for such lines start at 3,000,000 rubles.

The principle of continuous pulling makes it possible to manufacture non-metallic reinforcement from any type of fiber, while its manufacturability and temperature regimes of binder hardening should be taken into account.

For a novice entrepreneur, the production of fiberglass fittings is one of the most promising options for starting a business. Since it does not require huge investments and labor costs.

Of course, today in the construction industry a lot of materials are used, on the release of which you can earn a lot of money.

If you set up a business in the production of composite rebar of proper quality, with an appropriate organization of production and a well-developed clientele, then you can return primary costs in a fairly short time and receive net proceeds within the next 2-3 years after opening.

At its core, fiberglass or composite rebar is a bundle of solid glass fibers characterized by high strength. The finest threads are connected by means of synthetic resin to form a strong rod.

Such products, as a rule, are used in the field of construction production and decoration or in everyday life (for example, for assembling greenhouses). In addition, unlike metal fittings, fiberglass products are not welded, but fastened with special fasteners (clamps).

Fiberglass (composite) reinforcement is also known as "non-metallic".

Composite Rebar Manufacturing Equipment

How much money is needed to start a composite rebar business

The amount for start-up investments (starting a business for the production of composite reinforcement) is approximately 1,400,000-1,700,000 rubles.

How to start a fiberglass rebar business

Assessing the fiberglass reinforcement business, we can say the following:

  • The saturation of the market is still in the average stage and still has free niches for filling it by newcomers.
  • The difficulty of opening on a 10-point scale is 6 points.

Of course, for the prospective development of business, it is first of all necessary to purchase high-quality and warranty equipment. By purchasing it, setting up and launching production, it is possible to supply the market with the demanded fiberglass (composite) fittings, both to small private builders and large construction companies.

At the same time, even with an insignificant investment, paperwork and the choice of a place for building a workshop, for the successful development of business in this field, it is necessary to carefully work out a business plan for the production of fiberglass reinforcement, in which the following points must be taken into account:

  • analytical forecast of the development of the market and the competitive base in this area;
  • production technology;
  • technical equipment of the workshop premises;
  • financial justification for the production of products from fiberglass reinforcement.

How much can you earn in a fiberglass rebar business

For example, with an average productivity of 150 thousand running meters. of finished monthly products, its cost on the large wholesale market will be about 6-10 rubles per running meter, with a revenue of 1.5 million rubles. At the same time, in order to reach the figure of net profit, it will be necessary to deduct from the total revenue the variable costs of purchasing raw materials, paying taxes and wages to employees, as well as expenses for communications, transport and utilities.

From practice it becomes obvious that the monthly net proceeds of the enterprise will be about 100,000 rubles, that is, in such a favorable situation, the payback of the business will be 2-2.5 years.

All these indicators, with the full sale of products, must be calculated in the business plan. Since in this case it will be seen whether the production is profitable or not.

What equipment to choose for the production of fiberglass reinforcement

Since special equipment is used in the production of fiberglass reinforcement, which must be maintained and operated under certain conditions, when opening a business, it is imperative to understand and know what it includes and what parameters of the conditions for maintaining premises will need to be taken into account in the production of building fiberglass material.

So, the equipment for the production of composite reinforcement includes the following list of key points:

  • creel, which is a machine for unwinding roving threads (fiberglass threads or basalt fiber);
  • an impregnating device for impregnating the filaments with a binder;
  • an impregnating bath, which will contain a special mixture based on epoxy resin;
  • rib wrapper, device for forming a profile and twisting the thread;
  • thermal polymerization chamber;
  • fittings for cooling fittings;
  • pulling device;
  • a device for winding the reinforcement onto a drum or a cutting device;
  • computerized line control system.

A similar production line can be set up in one or two streams. At the same time, when delivering the ordered equipment, it is recommended to purchase a set of technological and technical documentation, and the installation and commissioning with the launch of a trial batch, a selection of recipes and technological parameters for the production of composite reinforcement, taking into account the individual conditions of product release, training of service personnel should be included in the order price.

The conditions imposed on the premises in the production of fiberglass reinforcement are as follows:

  • The air temperature should be from +16 to + 20ºС.
  • The room should be 250cm high and above, with a minimum length and width of 25x4m.
  • The production workshop must be equipped with an exhaust ventilation and fire extinguishing system, with access and water consumption of at least 0.5 m 3 / h.

If all the indicators, as well as the data specified in the business plan for the sale of composite reinforcement, designed for high profitability, are observed, under the conditions of one hundred percent sale of goods and the content of the package of documents in the proper order, it is quite realistic and profitable to open the production of reinforcement. Good luck!

How much money is needed for the production of composite rebar

The main expenses of the activity are:

  • Rent of the workshop and its equipment in accordance with the norms - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of a special production line - 1 million rubles;
  • Purchase of additional instruments - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of raw materials - 400 thousand rubles;
  • Registration and other expenses of economic activity - 100 thousand rubles.

What OKVED should be indicated for business

When registering fiberglass reinforcement, the OKVED code is indicated 23.14.

What documents are needed to start a business project

The optimal choice of the legal form is the registration of a legal entity, namely LLC. For its registration, it is worth providing the appropriate package of documents, which includes the company's charter and the decisions of all founders to organize a production workshop. The business is designed for cooperation with large construction companies that are more willing to cooperate with a legal entity than with an individual entrepreneur.

What taxation system to choose for the production of composite reinforcement

Both for ITP and LLC it is rational to use the STS. The tax rate is selected individually: 6% or 15%. You should entrust accounting and legal issues to a company providing accounting and legal services.

Do I need an activity permit

The organization of a production workshop is not subject to licensing. But it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire inspection and other regulatory authorities. The document is issued for the compliance of the premises with the standards. You should also issue certificates for products.

Composite rebar production technology

Composite rebar is a popular building material. But do not count on excess profits in the first months of work. Regular customers appear over time. If we talk about the production process, then it is worth noting that it consists of several stages:

To begin

Could the production of fiberglass rebar become an idea for a profitable business in the field of building materials? This modern analogue of steel reinforcement has a number of positive characteristics that make it highly demanded in the market. We will tell you how much money you need to invest in such an enterprise, what equipment you need to purchase and when you can expect to reach a net profit.

Fiberglass or composite reinforcement is a modern analogue of metal reinforcement, superior in quality characteristics. The plastic frame is made of artificial fiber ribbed rods with a diameter of 4 to 18 mm. Often, individual rods are connected to each other with synthetic resins for strength.

This is a popular building material that is gradually replacing traditional metal counterparts from the market. It is distinguished by an impressive list of useful characteristics:

  1. High strength. This material is 3 times stronger than steel.
  2. Moreover, plastic material is much lighter than steel - at least 6-9 times.
  3. Does not rust and without damage tolerates exposure to sea or fresh water, acidic or any other aggressive environment.
  4. Dielectric - does not conduct electricity, can be used in insulation works.
  5. Frost resistant - does not deteriorate even at very low temperatures.
  6. Not exposed to electromagnetic fields.
  7. Long service life - at least 50 years.
  8. The ability to make seamless styling.

As for the disadvantages, we can note the lack of elasticity and weak resistance to high temperatures. Fiberglass reinforcement is not welded, but tied - otherwise it will collapse under the influence of a large amount of heat. Fiberglass rods are so inflexible that they cannot be bent on their own: the rods are bent at the right angle during production. Also, over time, the strength characteristics of the material decrease.

The material is well known among professionals, but ordinary consumers (they are also potential customers of the enterprise) do not distinguish this material from steel reinforcement and often prefer it. Composite rods do not have pronounced marketing advantages, obvious benefits for buyers, which can also be called one of its disadvantages.

Fiberglass or composite reinforcement is a modern analogue of metal reinforcement, superior in quality characteristics

Where is applied

The main field of application of plastic fittings is road, industrial and civil construction. This material is used to reinforce concrete structures, including foundations. Fiberglass reinforcement is well suited for fixing thermal insulation and concrete floors: it improves the adhesion of concrete elements. The use of such reinforcements facilitates the construction and reduces the cost of work.

Resistance to aggressive environments made this material in demand in the construction of concrete structures in chemical plants. High strength ensures the popularity of artificial fibers for bank protection, drainage and sewerage construction. When building roads, it helps to increase the strength and durability of the road surface.

Is such a business relevant

Any production of building materials is a relevant business, and the production of modern and innovative ones is even more in demand. There are a lot of areas of application for fiberglass reinforcement, so a manufacturer of a quality product will always find distribution channels.

The competition in the field is quite high, but the market is not overcrowded. As a rule, in each region there are from 3 to 10 medium-sized enterprises producing such valves.

At the same time, there are significantly more construction companies and institutions responsible for road construction and bank protection. It follows from this that there will always be demand for the material, so novice manufacturers must initially identify their competitive advantages and actively promote their products.

Composite reinforcement is 6-9 times stronger than steel

Business organization

The production of composite rebar requires an impressive organization cost. Practice shows that very few people manage to create a full-fledged enterprise for less than 3 million rubles. Equipment and raw materials are expensive. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to provide for working capital for the period until the company sells the first consignments of goods.

A business plan will help you think over your work. It needs to include not only the opening costs, but also the calculation of profitability, the goal for 6 and 12 months, the approximate staff, as well as a list of potential partners. The sooner an entrepreneur finds stable sales channels, the faster the company will reach the level of net profit.

Production technology

Composite reinforcement is manufactured on a conveyor line. Human intervention in the equipment is minimal. Production begins with the processing of glass roving - the material is pulled into threads with a cross section of up to 20 microns and impregnated with a special grease agent. The impregnated yarns are woven into bundles and dried with hot air. After drying, the glass roving is impregnated with epoxy resin.

At the next stage, the threads fall into a special mold for plastic substances (dies), where the diameter of the future reinforcement is determined. Then the workpieces are wrapped with a rope: it provides the required thickness and improves the characteristics of adhesion to concrete.

Formed and wound fittings are fired in a magnesite tunnel kiln. There the resins are polymerized. At the final stage, the composite fibers are cooled to room temperature in running water. After that, the material is actually ready for use. It is cut to size with a diamond saw. The cut is precise and even.


A conveyor of equipment for the manufacture of composite reinforcement will cost 1-1.7 million rubles. This is the main part of spending on starting a business. The list of machines and equipment includes:

  1. Bath for impregnating glass roving with wringing function.
  2. Dies (molds for plastic substances).
  3. Rebar pulling machine.
  4. Thread twisting machine.
  5. Polymerization oven with temperature control function.
  6. Cooling apparatus.
  7. Diamond saw / rebar cutter.
  8. Apparatus for twisting finished reinforcement.

All machines line up in a conveyor with a length of 15-20 meters. In addition to this equipment, you will need to purchase forklifts, scales, racks for raw materials and finished products. Such a kit will be sufficient for production within a small enterprise.

Production begins with the processing of glass roving - the material is pulled into threads with a cross section of up to 20 microns and impregnated with a special grease

Room requirements

Since the conveyor of machines for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforcement takes at least 15 meters in length and about half a meter in width, the room must have a suitable length. Placement of equipment should be comfortable for workers. Therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises cannot be less than 200 square meters. The workshop is divided into 3 zones: work space, warehouse, staff room.

The floor of the room should be flat, without height differences (in extreme cases, no more than 5 centimeters). Ceiling height from 2.5 meters. The manufacture of composite reinforcement requires maintaining a stable temperature regime at the level of 16-18 degrees, therefore, it is desirable to have a special heat control system. Good lighting guarantees quality work, this characteristic should not be ignored. It will not be possible to do without powerful ventilation (with an air outflow of at least 250 liters of air per minute). The location of the workshop does not really matter, you can place it on the outskirts or outside the city.

Raw materials

What materials are required for the production of composite rebar? The basis is glass roving - threads of molten aluminoborosilicate glass with a diameter of 10 microns. In the manufacture of reinforcement, the fibers are supplied in large sealed bobbins. They are transported at temperatures exceeding 35 degrees and at a humidity level of no more than 70%.

The second key component is epoxy. It is a colorless or light yellow viscous liquid with a honey-like consistency, used in the primary processing of roving. It makes future fittings resistant to aggressive media.

In addition to these two components, the production of composite reinforcement requires:

  • braided thread;
  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • dicyandiamide.

Business costs

Setting up a business for the production of fiberglass reinforcement will require at least 3 million rubles. About half of this amount will be spent on purchasing equipment and equipping the workshop. Approximately 1 million - for the purchase of raw materials and working capital for the first months of work. It also includes the cost of renting a workshop, transportation and other expenses.

The sum of 3 million rubles cannot be called small. Compared to some other building materials industries, the manufacture of composite rebar is really expensive. The high price is associated with the manufacturability and "artificiality" of the material - in fact, it is entirely prepared from chemical components.

Composite rebar is widely used in construction and road works

Profit calculation

Depending on the diameter, the price for composite reinforcement starts at 10 rubles per meter. But the average cost is higher - 50-70 rubles. Moreover, the material is always sold in large quantities, usually from 1000 meters, that is, the minimum purchase price is 50 thousand rubles. A low-capacity enterprise produces about 2000 meters of material per hour, that is, 16,000 meters per shift. The revenue per shift is about 800,000 rubles. It seems that this is a lot, but part of the funds (about 40%) will be the cost price. The same funds will be used to pay utility bills, employee salaries and other mandatory expenses.

The presence of stable distribution channels will help to recoup the investment in an average of one and a half years. Some manufacturers manage to reach the level of net profit faster, but this is rather an exception to the rule. 16-18 months is a more realistic period, given the significant amount of initial investment.


The production of composite reinforcement is undoubtedly a promising direction in the building materials market. The organization of the enterprise will require at least 3 million rubles, while the payback is possible within 16-18 months. Fiberglass reinforcement has proven itself well due to its strength characteristics, but this product is not yet widely known on the market.

Fiberglass reinforcement (FRP) is gradually replacing the usual metal reinforcement. This building material is actively used in the developed countries of the world. In Russia, it is still not widespread (the market share is about 5%), although construction companies are increasingly switching over fiberglass (the trend is typical for million-plus cities).

The production of composite reinforcement is a promising direction for business. In this regard, we will tell you how to organize the production process and touch on all the points that are important for the success of the business.

Main characteristics and advantages of ASP

Fiberglass reinforcement is a composite material with a complex composition. It is a fiberglass hardened in a reinforcing bar, "bound" with synthetic resins. These resins combine heavy-duty glass fibers into one whole, which protects against mechanical damage and aggressive environmental influences.

ASP has a high tensile strength - 2-3 times stronger than steel analogs. Differs in low weight - 6-9 times lighter than steel fittings. Not subject to corrosion, resistant to water (sea or fresh), has a high elasticity. The composite is a dielectric, not affected by electromagnetic fields, and is completely chemical inert. The guaranteed service life of the ASP is 100 years.

It is important for business that the cost of such fittings is lower than the cost of metal ones.

Scope of fiberglass reinforcement

Building material is used in various fields of construction:

  • in road and industrial and civil construction (creation of bridges and airfields);
  • when reinforcing all types of foundations (as rods and meshes);
  • when reinforcing concrete structures - including in environments that are aggressive to metals;
  • for strengthening various types of concrete using chloride and mineral additives;
  • during the construction of agricultural facilities (due to the absence of fumes harmful to animals);
  • for strengthening brick buildings, walls;
  • when creating all types of drainage, sewerage;
  • to strengthen the coast in ports.

ASP belongs to the 4th hazard class (low hazard), non-toxic. It can be used in residential construction.

Market situation

The USA, Japan and China are the leaders in the use of non-metallic fittings with 40%, 35% and 30% shares, respectively. Entrepreneurs in Russia are showing great interest in this building material. According to the forecast, until 2021, the spread of the ASP market is expected to be 11.4% annually, and the Russian Federation has good prospects in this regard.

Construction volumes in our country have returned to stable growth after a noticeable drop in recent years. According to the Ministry of Construction, as of the beginning of May 2018, 16.7% more housing was commissioned (20.2 million sq. M.) Compared to the same period in 2017.

Construction companies and private developers strive to minimize the cost of housing without compromising quality, and this opens a window of opportunity for the production of composite rebar.

Production technology

Building materials are manufactured using special equipment. The process is automated, the staff only controls and maintains the equipment.

  1. The fiberglass strands are heated and soaked in resin.
  2. The threads are collected in a bundle, tied into one piece, pulled through a die (holes of a certain diameter).
  3. The resulting rods pass through a polymerization chamber (tunnel oven), processed under high temperature.
  4. The composite reinforcement is cooled and dried.
  5. ASP is rolled into coils or cut into pieces of the required size, followed by stacking in diameter.

You can make reinforcement of any design length.

Initial investment

It doesn't take a lot of money to set up this business.

Table 1. The sum of initial costs by item for the production of fiberglass reinforcement.

The main expense item is production equipment. Additional costs include the costs of preparing the premises, fuel and lubricants, electricity.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people.

Raw materials and supplies

As the main raw material, the production of fiberglass reinforcement uses glass roving - molten glass fiber in the form of threads 10-20 microns thick. These threads are gathered in bunches impregnated with a special sizing agent. Basalt and carbon fiber can be used instead of glass.

We need synthetic resins and polymers. Phenolic and epoxy resins solidify at the final stage of production, "tying" the threads into a heavy-duty core. Epoxy resins do not emit harmful substances during production. Various polymers (polybenzothiozole, polybenzimidazole, polyamide) are also added, which improve the characteristics of ASP.

You also need ethyl alcohol, acetone and a hardener (dicyandiamide).

There are many manufacturers of raw materials for polymer reinforcement on the market. It is important to buy only high-quality materials manufactured in accordance with all technical standards.


The entrepreneur will sell products to construction organizations, work with wholesale and retail companies, and supply large quantities of goods. It is recommended to open a business in the form of a legal entity (LLC). It is more expensive and will take more time, but it will allow working with large players in the market.

There is no special OKVED code “Production of fiberglass reinforcement”. You can choose one of the following:

  • 23.19 "Manufacture and processing of other glass products, including technical glass products."
  • 23.14 "Fiberglass production".
  • 36.63.7 "Manufacture of other products not included in other groups".

All norms and requirements for building materials are given in GOST 31938-2012, adopted in 2012. In addition to Russia, 7 more CIS countries adhere to it.

For work, you need a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST.


  • the length of the room where the equipment is located and production is carried out - from 25 m;
  • ceiling height - 2.5-3 m;
  • the presence of a flat floor with differences of no more than 5 cm;
  • the presence of a stable air temperature - 16-18 ° C. This means the presence of heating and air conditioning systems;
  • the presence of a good ventilation system.

Rent a space of 150 sq. m. In addition to the workshop, place here warehouses for raw materials and finished products, administrative premises, a room for staff, a bathroom. Choose a location with convenient access roads and space for loading and unloading.


Consider the production line PLPSA-20 for the manufacture of fittings with a diameter of 4-24 mm. Differs in high productivity: makes 2 bars at a time.

This is a set of devices for automated work. Consists of:

  • devices for feeding glass roving threads;
  • tensioner with heating and resin impregnation option;
  • winding mechanism;
  • tunnel oven;
  • long water cooling unit;
  • pulling device;
  • a rebar cutter;
  • a mechanism for twisting bars, a coiler.

The line is controlled by a remote control. You can turn on the option to cut bars of a given length or twist the bars into coils. The resulting reinforcement has a constant cross-section, 1-2 stiffeners.


Recruit qualified workers.

Table 2. The number and job responsibilities of personnel in production.


Main responsibilities

Senior operator (technician), 1 person

Senior in production (control over the work of the operator, worker, maintenance of equipment)

Operator, 1 person

Work on equipment

Auxiliary worker, 1 person

Loading and unloading operations, supply of raw materials, storage of finished products

Sales manager, 1 person

Development of a policy for the promotion of building materials, establishing the first contact with corporate buyers

Sales representative, 2 persons

Conclusion of contracts, work with clients

Driver (with car), 1 person

Logistics, delivery of goods

It is better to "create" a senior operator yourself by sending the employee to the manufacturer / seller of equipment for training. An accountant can be outsourced.

Sales of finished products

There are several channels for the implementation of composite reinforcement:

  • sale directly to private developers;
  • sales through construction stores, large chains, wholesalers, small retail stores;
  • work with large construction companies.

For direct sale, you need to send information about the offer through various advertising channels (media, Internet, BTL-promotions, posting ads). The implementation of ASP through wholesale and retail networks will allow concluding contracts for the supply of large volumes of goods, gaining a foothold and increasing market share.

It is most beneficial to conclude long-term contracts with construction companies. This will allow you to load production to the maximum, sell more goods.

Financial plan: profitability and payback

  1. The initial cost is RUB 2.635 million. (2.7 million rubles).
  2. The prime cost of 1 running meter of reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm (the most common type) is 7.6 rubles.
  3. The line capacity is 7 m per minute. Accordingly, 7 m × 60 min × 8 hours × 22 d \u003d 73,920 linear meters can be produced per month. m.
  4. Average price of 1 lin. m of material on the market - 13 rubles. At this price, the net profit will be 5.4 rubles. (13 - 7.6). With the sale of all the products produced in a month, you can gain almost 400 thousand rubles.
  5. To recoup the costs, go to zero, in theory, it will take 7 months. But keep in mind that you won't be able to sell everything at first. The real payback period of a business is 2 times more - it is about 1.5 years.

For clarity, let's draw up the calculations in a table:

Fiberglass reinforcement is a "fresh" product for the Russian construction market. Business in this direction has excellent prospects. It will take less than 3 million rubles to organize a business - given that you are going to open a mini-plant, such costs seem trifling.


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