Carrying out a New Year's party for adults. Scenarios for the new year for adults. New Year's table-top fairy tale "Hello, New Year!"

On the threshold of the New Year 2020! I would like to meet him in some unusual and fun way in the company of my best friends. Gather at a cozy dacha at a party or at home, but at the same time organizing a real memorable party for everyone. Ringing laughter and jokes, good-natured communication and humor should become the main accompanying companions of the upcoming New Year's Eve. But a collective get-together is not an easy task, because you need to be able to properly adjust the atmosphere of a holiday and an unforgettable celebration in the circle of your friends, taking into account their characters and moods. If you are endowed with impeccable toastmaster skills, then the cards are in your hands, but in the case when your disposition is no different from ordinary people, creative ideas are not your strong point, then you have to work hard so that the event does not turn into a boring bunch of drinks.

To do this, we have prepared for you a very useful and, at the same time, interesting article, after reading which you will learn what options you can prepare for exciting and funny scenarios for the New Year 2020 for adults gathered in a friendly noisy company. Our tips and excellent video ideas will make your holiday entertaining. Tempting games that will fill your party will not become intrusive and tedious for you and your guests, on the contrary, they will significantly cheer each person up and liberate them. With a little effort, you will certainly achieve success in the New Year's celebration, and the happy eyes of your friends and warm smiles will tell you about it.

We celebrate the New Year in a fun and easy way

So, you have decided on the number of guests and the location of the holiday dedicated to the New Year 2020. Also, you have taken care of a delicious menu and bought everything you need for this. Now you should start compiling entertainment program activities for adults. Moreover. this should be done based not only on personal motives, but also based on the contingent of invited guests. It can be a masquerade party, a traditional feast, or a retro-style celebration. There are many possible options interesting scenarios celebrations, choose what is right for your company. Yes, and in the case of a fancy dress evening, warn people in advance to prepare a special outfit.

Features of the New Year's scenario for an adult company

You are lucky if among your friends there is a person who is able to come up with his own entertainment program for the New Year 2020. However, this is not always the case. Just for such cases, there are already ready-made scenarios that you can freely use without bothering to draw up personal plans. Of course, if some of the nuances do not suit you very much in the proposed list of games, you have the right to remake something for yourself - remove some points, add some, and leave something. Remember the basic rules that should be taken into account during any New Year's program 2020 for adults:

  • the opening of the holiday should be the opening speech of the owner of the house or the person who, in fact, organized the event (no more than 5-10 minutes);
  • after that, it is necessary to give people the opportunity to calmly drink and have a snack, usually it takes about 30-40 minutes;
  • contests and dances should not go in a row, take pauses (at least at intervals of 15 minutes);
  • consider the availability of small souvenirs for all guests, without exception;
  • you should not force a person to take part in the competition if he gave a firm negative answer.

Here, in general, are all the requirements that must be observed when preparing and holding a festive celebration for the New Year 2020. And now we bring to your attention a very funny video that will become for you a clear example of which contests should be included in your list entertainment.

Video: funny New Year's scene

Competitions for adults

You must determine the number of contests held for the New Year 2020 yourself. As the adult program progresses, the number may vary depending on the setting. If in your festive scenario the appearance of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden is planned, then think over the most suitable moment for this, so that it is, so to speak, not too late and not too early. Here is one of the brightest examples of how you can professionally include everyone's favorite New Year's characters in the current atmosphere of celebration and fun.

Video: New Year's entertainment competition with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

In this funny way, you can cheer up all the guests at your party. They will certainly be delighted to participate in such New Year's games, in which everyone should get their little nice souvenir. In order for your festive night to turn into a magical and unforgettable one, we recommend that you look through our prepared versions of quite interesting contests. Whatever you like best, be sure to include in your list of New Year's surprises.

  1. "The most courageous"... For this game, you need to choose a girl who will play the role of the Snow Maiden. She needs to be placed on a chair and 5 men should be seated directly opposite, each of whom has one trouser leg rolled up to the knee. Now the participants must try to melt the Snow Maiden's heart by giving her compliments in turn. The whole humor is that the winner will not be the most eloquent man, but the owner of the hairiest leg.
  2. "Bride of Santa Claus"... This game involves lovely ladies and Santa Claus. The task of women is to please grandfather, depending on what task she gets: sing a song, perform a dance, make laugh, etc. Such a funny game will cheer everyone up for the New Year 2020. For adults, this will become a real relaxation and removal from their annoying problems. Such a competition should certainly be included in the list of your script.

  3. "Guess who?"... For this part of the event, all participants need to split into two teams and stand opposite each other. Now the leader blindfolded one of the first team members. Immediately after that, people from the second team dress up in the New Year's attributes given to them: funny caps, ears, noses, etc. Then the presenter announces the start of the competition, and the blindfolded participant must guess by touch who is in front of him. The human task is to recognize as many people as possible. Then the teams change roles. At the end of the game, the winning team is revealed.

  4. "Pop the ball"... If you do not know which contests are better to include in your list of scenarios for the New Year 2020 for adults, so that it is funny and fun for the whole environment, then you can immediately use the option we have proposed. For this game you will need four regular balloons. Inflate them in advance. Four people are invited to participate: two men and two women, who are divided in pairs. Then the presenter distributes a ball to the couples (man - woman) and announces the beginning of the competition. The task of the couple is to burst the balloon by means of the pressure of both bodies. The participants who manage to do this first will win.

  5. "Bananas burst the bomb"... For this competition, you need to prepare two well-washed bananas and two strings. The presenter invites two men, each of whom ties his hands behind his back and brings them to a table with bananas. The task of men is to be able to peel and eat their banana without using their hands. The winner is the one who does it first. This kind of entertainment will make a positive impact on the holiday.

  6. "Drunken Checkers"... For this game, a real chessboard is used, and instead of checkers, you need to take piles. On one side of the player, the container is filled with, say, red wine, and on the opposite side, with white. Well, this is if women will take part in this competition. For a strong floor, it is recommended to use cognac and vodka. The technique of this entertainment is fully consistent with the game of checkers. Mowed the enemy - drink the contents. The person who, so to speak, gets more addicted will win. But we warn you right away that physically you need to be very strong and self-possessed, otherwise you will have to sleep through the whole holiday later. Add this entertainment to your list for New Year 2020 for adults, and you will see that everyone will be happy.

These and many other contests will perfectly diversify the upcoming New Year's Eve. The main thing is not to forget that the whole atmosphere simply has to be relaxed and unobtrusive. Your friends should feel relaxed and joyful, only in this case, your party will go off with a bang! And we suggest you look through another option interesting competition, which can perfectly complement your playlist.

Video: New Year's entertainment contests


These are the holiday scenarios for the New Year 2020 for adults that you can use at your event. As you can see, preparation for the New Year's celebration should be done responsibly. However, this does not exclude healthy humor, funny contests and reckless dances. Approach this matter lightly and without being too serious. After all, in the end, this is the kindest and most magical holiday that we have been expecting throughout the whole year! Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!

Corporate events have long turned from fun event into boring coercion. Often, bosses will assign someone to organize everything at the last moment. New Year's scenes for adults, all the more interesting, are quite difficult to come up with on your own.

Use already ready-made scripts, complementing them with a flavor inherent only in your team.

Do not do as we do

On the New Year's holiday, adults can feel like little naughty children and laugh at their shortcomings. We propose to make psychological relief and ridicule the unseemly actions of colleagues, so that they do not repeat them.

The two presenters act out the dialogue:

1: Dear friends, now I will tell you how to properly celebrate the New Year.

2: Why isn't it me?

1: You don't know how to celebrate perfectly!

2: Oops! And this is said by the one who puts the same boxes under the tree every year! Also empty! As if everyone loved him so much and gave him so much!

1: And you always bring a box of stale "Bird's Milk" as a present to the boss's secretary!

2: And you every December 31 at work until the last you stick out and then go to visit so that you don't cook anything at home!

1: And you overeat olivieshka at the table all night and dance while sitting to the "New Year's light"!

2: And you never bought fireworks! Only at strangers all night from the window you stare!

1: And you are howling the national anthem for karaoke! I could not learn the words!

2: And for all the holidays you send other people's SMS messages to all your friends, and then you get them back with your signature!

1: And every time you make legendary plans to spend the night in Morocco, and then snore in the salad before midnight!

2: And you burn pieces of paper to the chimes, and then you chew the ashes with moonshine instead of champagne and believe that your grandmother will finally churn out and leave you a palace on the Cote d'Azur!

1: And for a whole year you steal stupid pens with the logo of our company from everyone and then give them to your colleagues at work!

2: And you live at a party from New Year to Christmas! Until the hosts run out of food in the fridge!

1: And you watch "Home Alone" forty times in a row all New Year's weekend!

2: And every year you snatch out the champagne and shouting "I'll show you the class now" fill the whole table, and you get into your mother-in-law's eye with a cork!

1: Okay, we're both good ...

2: Therefore, beloved friends, so that New Year's Eve will pass with you safely ...

Together: Never do as we do!

Impromptu about the Christmas tree

A wonderful version of the scene - staging a children's fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" in an adult way.

We offer one more scene for adults who want to fool around and remember their childhood. It is desirable that the company was already warm enough. The point is to play "Song of the Christmas tree" in the roles and as funny as possible. The most artistic and funny will receive a prize - sweets.

From among the participants in the corporate party, you need to choose the 9 most fun. It is necessary to print in advance the text of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." in 10 copies.

  • herringbone;
  • blizzard;
  • freezing;
  • bunny coward;
  • angry wolf;
  • Upland horse;
  • little man;
  • woodwork;
  • leading.

It is advisable to determine the roles by drawing lots so that no one is offended. The task will be to play the song as funny and emotionally as possible, listening to the words of the presenter. The participant begins to play his role when he hears the name of the desired hero.
To the chorus, you can start a round dance around the Christmas tree.

Old Year VS New

To organize a New Year's scene, 6 people are required, a sign with the inscription "2018" and a plaque with the inscription "2019", 2 costumes of D.M., one of them must be noticeably shabby.

  • 2018 year - Old year in the suit of a shabby D.M. with a nameplate;
  • 2019 - in a new suit of Grandfather and with a sign;
  • leading;
  • employee 1 - C1;
  • employee 2 - C2;
  • employee 3 - C3.

Host: On New Year's holiday, when one year succeeds another, it is customary to remember the Old and meet the New. And if you had the opportunity to choose, whom would you leave?

Art. Mr. “looks reproachfully at the employees”: That's how you thanked me! And it was so good for us together! I did everything for you! And you drive me away! Traitors!

C1: What good did you do for us? Did you even love us a little? Every day, food went up in price, things were lost, girls refused and nothing worked at all!

S2: You promised the fulfillment of desires, but what happened?

Art. A.G .: Why did you think that the dollar would cost 8 rubles? What am I to you the National Bank?

C3: What, were you sorry? Why did we burn the paper and spoil the champagne with ash?

Art. A.G .: Why did you decide that what you have written should be executed? Then can I start to execute the inscriptions from the entrance? There are very good desires come across.

C1: There is no need to get away from the topic, it is better to leave at all.

Art. A.G .: No question, since you want it so badly. But who will you stay with if not with me? WITH THIS? At least you already know me well, nothing unpredictable, and this is a year in the bag! On the contrary, I can give you a guarantee that gasoline will not rise in price anymore, oil will not become much cheaper, the president will always be the same, retirement age it will not last until 80, taxes on idleness will not be introduced, it will not become more expensive to get divorced, the Russian Orthodox Church will not cancel more concerts!

S2: Well, that the national team will not win even with him, and the president will not change with him, and this one can guarantee “points the finger at NG”.

Do you want to celebrate this New Year like that?


Art. A.G .: Well, I don't understand why he bribed you? Will you have five holidays a week? Have you checked with your liver, does it fit? Here you are, remember "addresses to C1", I gave you a meeting with your soul mate! But you, "turns to C2" took an apartment in the mortgage. Three-room apartment by the way! So that the mother-in-law could move to you!

S2: Thank you, dear! Until the grave, I will definitely not forget you!

Art. A.G .: But for you, "turns to C3" hasn't anything positive happened at all? You went to China!

C3: I went! They fed them with mouse tails, then for a month I was afraid to look at something other than water!

Art. g .: Oh so! Well, I'm leaving you! But you will still cry for me! Remember how good I really was to you! And only from photographs can you remember these unforgettable moments. And when you leave, then stones are thrown after you: it has deteriorated, it did not work out, not ... Why do I need all this ?!

Employees approach the Old Year, hug it.

C1: Do not be offended, you were really great important events were at the employees'.

S2: We didn't mean to offend you.

Art. A.G .: Thank you, my dears! Goodbye, I'll leave you, and you live with him "points to N. g." Year from year should be somehow different "slowly and sadly leaves."

NG: Of course it should! Let's start with utility tariffs! "Distributes receipts to employees."

C1: Is this a joke ?! 75 percent?

Everyone runs after the Old Year and starts shouting: “Stop! Don't go away! Come back! We will forgive you everything! We changed our minds! "

Seven-flowered flower

For impromptu sketches, it is better to invite artistic and expressive people, this is where the success of the event lies.

For a short funny scene, you need to prepare a flower with many petals, on which the most daring, absurd, but funny predictions are written.

For example:

  • I will dye my hair purple;
  • I'll divorce and go hippie;
  • I will buy myself a pony;
  • I will find treasure, etc.

Each member of the corporate party blindly pulls out a petal with a prediction and fantasizes how the written can be embodied.

A staged and costumed story about Grandfather and the Snow Maiden

In a small miniature, it is advisable to make only colleagues who can quickly improvise participate.

Characters and props:

  • Snow Maiden - a hat with braids;
  • Santa Claus - hat and beard;
  • Grandfather Mustafa - turban and beard;
  • Akyn - skullcap and tambourine.

The presenter reads out the text, the actors need to come up with and say a line at the right moment after his pause, in addition to perform actions from the script. Uninvolved guests support members.

Q: It's frosty and cold outside the window, so for a start, we organize ourselves a spring mood. Who knows how to whistle - let him whistle, the rest loudly knock on glasses and glasses with forks.

"Summer. Heat.

D. Frost drags along with a dirty empty sack. He has a hangover.

Behind, holding on to Grandfather and Novaya that she is hot, the disheveled Snow Maiden can hardly weave.

To meet them actively, cheerfully, jumping, whistling and carrying a huge bag of alcoholic gifts, grandfather Mustafa walked, he hurried to Navruz.

Noticing the unfortunate travelers, he stopped, sat down on the ground and shouted ...

A dancing Akyn appeared on the horizon, he immediately began a soulful song about everything that he saw around.

He really liked the Snow Maiden, and he decided to sing of her beauty.

D. Mustafa burst into tears, stretched out his hands to the sky and sang ... "come up with a phrase"

D. Frost fell to the ground, stretched and pulled with all his might by D. Mustafa's beard, snapped him on the nose and with unbearable bitterness in his voice said "..."

Granddaughter-Snow Maiden plopped down to Grandfather Frost on his knees and sarcastically said "..."

Akin was at a loss, dropped his instrument and could not sing anything. Nothing at all.

D. Frost bravely tried to get up.

He didn't succeed.

D. Moroz finally stood up proudly and said "..."

D. Mustafa reached for the Snow Maiden and shouted "..."

D. Moroz looked around, determined where the north lies, and with complete confidence waved his hand, saying "..."

Then he went to the left and "..."

The Snow Maiden kissed D. Mustafa on the forehead and chased D. Moroz.

Mustafa was not particularly surprised, thoughtfully scratched the back of his head and said "..."

Akin planned to sing a new song, but we will not allow him, otherwise we will have to listen to this chaos until morning.

End! And look for morality yourself! "

Roles are best printed on pieces of paper. Distribute the roles by pulling them out of the hat, or let the presenter appoint them.

Corporate party script for lazy organizers

  • cleaning woman;
  • Father Frost;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • leading.


  • a bag with small gifts;
  • pieces of paper;
  • a snowflake with many corners - the task number is indicated under each corner;
  • hat.

Scene 1

Host-B: Greetings, my dears!

A little more and the New Year will come - a holiday when miracles happen and all dreams and wishes come true!

And to begin with, I have to fulfill several desires that I could not fulfill on time, and all because of our mail - gifts were not presented on time. We will now fix this awkward situation.

Holds out his hand into a small bag of gifts.

Approaches the leader.

Q: Did you, boy, ask Santa Claus for a typewriter in childhood?

Manager: Yes!

Host: Here is your present "holding out a toy car."

The presenter goes to the rest of the little guests and gives them presents too!

Host: This is how childhood dreams come true! Let's drink to this!

Scene 2

Q: Not everyone is probably aware of it, but Santa Claus has a spouse! And her name is Winter! She has prepared tasks for you!

They bring out a snowflake with tasks:

  • on the 1st corner - a poem about NG;
  • in the 2nd corner - a dance with a colleague;
  • on the 3rd corner - a riddle about a holiday, etc.

Scene 3

A cleaning lady follows the leader, waves a mop and scolds him.

Ub .: Just look! How well settled down! Should I clean up after him? Confetti, garlands will be scattered all over the place, and then I have to clean it up all day and night!

Host: Well, Klava Ivanovna, why are you slandering me, did I do something bad to you? But you look at others "pokes at guests."

Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to meet you again in our hall. We see you once a year, and we remember all 365 days a year. A year ago we celebrated the Year of the Horse together with you. And now we will see him off. Yes, everyone was tired, this year did not really favor us, but we worked, worked and worked again. But so that this noble animal does not take offense at us, let us leave all the grievances and sorrows in the past, and we will remember only the good. This year has passed quickly, like a horse of pure blood. Let's try to say only good things about the past year on a competitive basis. Ready?

1. Who will remember the poem about the horse or the lines about it? ("I love my horse ...", "I look, a horse is slowly climbing up the hill ...", "Do you know, isn't it time for a filly to go sledging ...").
2. Do you know fairy tales about horses? ("Sivka-burka", "Little Humpbacked Horse").
3. Of all the genres, let's remember songs. ("And three white horses December, January and February carry me away into the ringing snowy distance ...", "Just whistle in an open field, horses, horses, horses are racing", "I bought
mother is a bunk, but a bunk without a leg "," The horses went to a watering hole along the Berlin roadway ").
3. We completely forgot about folk wisdom - proverbs and sayings. (A woman with a cart - it is easier for a mare. Those who are lucky, on that and go. Not for the horse feed. The wolf is not a horse's comrade).
4. And now we will find out which of you is the best connoisseur of horse breeds. List the horse breeds. (Heavy loader, Budenovskaya, Don, Terek, Polish, English, Oryol, Percheron, American, Russian).
I think that the Year of the Horse is not offended by such knowledge.

The presenter puts three chairs with a back in a row.

Leading. I need three brave, dashing men, three brave Cossacks. I think the steppe knights did not transfer to the Don.

The presenter seats the men on chairs.

Leading. How are you with your imagination? OK? Perfectly! Flip the chairs upside down and sit like a horse. No. 1 - you have a bay. No. 2 - black. No. 3 - brown. What must be said for the horse to ride?
(But). And for the horse to stop? (Whoa). Well, then - let's go. Who is faster to board his horse to the opposite edge? (The winners of all competitions are awarded).

Leading. It's time to say goodbye to the Old Year. Toast!
Let's raise our glasses
For the outgoing year, friends!
Lift up our eyes, noble couples
Giving each other smiles.

Leading (about 10 minutes later).

Something Santa Claus is delayed. Let's call him, let's shout together: "Grandfather Frost!"
My name is. A little puny Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost. Here I am!
Hello friends!
You haven't seen by chance
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Leading. No, Santa Claus. Weren't you together?

Father Frost. What, what are you saying?
I became old, hard of hearing,
Where is my Snow Maiden?
Help me friends.
Shout in chorus,
Perhaps she will appear.

Everybody shouts:"Snow Maiden!" A tall Snow Maiden comes in and wears a short fur coat, from under which the elastic bands of the stockings are visible. There is a cigarette in my teeth. He comes up to Santa Claus and blows smoke on him.

Snow Maiden. Hello old man! Where are we going?

Father Frost(brushes off the smoke).
Where are we going?

Snow Maiden. Are you a parrot?

Father Frost. No, Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. I don't care who you are. So to you or to me? Think faster, time is money!
(Points to watch).

Father Frost. We go to the guests.

Snow Maiden. Do you know the price?
Father Frost (taken aback).

Snow Maiden. With me so much (lowers the elastic of the stocking, on the leg there is an inscription of $ 500), and with guests or with guests this much (lowers the elastic of the other stocking, on the other leg there is an inscription of 1000 $).

Father Frost (scratches the back of her head).
And in what company do they pay like that?

Snow Maiden."Winter confused".

Father Frost (baptized).
Holy, holy

Snow Maiden. So let's go?

Father Frost. Hey, Snegurochka, won't you arrange me for your company? And then these (nods at the guests) pay 300 rubles per hour.

Snow Maiden. And you work for these grandmothers?

Father Frost. So can you help?

Snow Maiden. What you can't do for a relative! We have a place in the male striptease. For the New Year, they have just the outfit of Santa Claus. That hurts you feeble. (Walks around Santa Claus). Okay, let's try.

Father Frost. And what to do?

Snow Maiden. In, frame, have you seen? Take off your clothes slowly to the music. The slower and sexier, the more heifers put in swimming trunks.

Father Frost. Why do the heifers need swimming trunks, honey?

Snow Maiden. Your brains are frozen, or what? They will put money in your swimming trunks for work. Maestro, music! Come on dance and take off your clothes.
Santa Claus dances and takes off his belt, robe (under the robe - a T-shirt, tie, felt boots, socks, family panties). Music of the group "Freestyle" - "Oh, what a woman."

Snow Maiden(gives directions).
Slower! Emphasis on masculine strength! The movements are sexier. Santa Claus has only his underpants. He grabs the elastic of his panties, pulls it off, shyly, and slowly begins to lower the panties down, takes it off and throws it. Underneath are more panties. (The more panties, the more interesting).

Snow Maiden. In, give! Very sexy! Come on, I'll arrange for you now. (Santa Claus collects things and leaves).

Leading. That's Santa Claus! What to do? We'll have to call another. Competition. (Makes an order by cell phone). While Santa Claus is driving, your kids want to congratulate you. What are you talking about? Do your kids celebrate the New Year in restaurants and bars? But these babies are small - your illegitimate ones, who were born after that New Year with us.
Adults disguised as babies come in. The teacher carries a pot in front. He's lining up the kids. One "girl" comes up to the table and asks a sitting man for candy.

Girl. Daddy, give me some candy!

Educator. Masha, let's sing a song first, then dad will give you a candy! (The girl sits down on her knees and kisses him on the cheek, then steps back into place).

Boy(to the educator).
Olga Pavlovna, I want a pot.

Educator. Go faster, Petya!

Boy. I was kidding!

Educator. That's how dad joked a year ago. As a result, you appeared.

Educator. Dear daddies of these kids! The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is being performed for you.
They sing, someone picks their nose, someone pushes or pulls the hair. After singing the song, the "children" run to different men shouting "daddy", "daddy", "daddy".

Educator. Children, it's time to join the group. Your daddies will come to us in a year, and you will have brothers and sisters after this New Year. We will not be bored. Your daddies will provide us with frames. (They are going away).

Leading.On New Year's Eve, what miracles do not occur. I am happy for you, dear men. What a joy it is to find your children, whose existence they did not even know. Now the gypsy theater "Carmen" will perform in front of you. The gypsy song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is being performed.

Gypsies come out, in long skirts, scarves on their hips, tambourines in their hands, and sing to the melody "Black Eyes."

Oh, in the forest, ne-ne,
Gave birth to a Christmas tree,
And on it, ne-ne,
One needle, ne-ne,
Oh, in the forest, ne-ne,
She gave birth,
Yes it is worth
All green.

Elements of gypsy dance are dancing.

Leading. Dear guests! The Alexandrov Twice Red Banner Military Ensemble has come to our city on tour. Their first performance in our city is in front of you.

The same group comes out. The skirts are clamped between the legs and pinned with a pin at the waist - imitation of trousers, on the head - caps. They approach the tree in formation.

Commander. Company! Stop there, one, two! Be equal! Attention! The soldier's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is being sung.
To the tune of the song "Soldiers, on the road".
Hello, dear Marusya,
Sorry I didn't write.
I for these two weeks
Half of Europe walked.
Soldiers, on the way, on the way, on the way!
A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
It has one needle.
She grew up in the forest
It was green.
Soldiers - into the forest for the tree
And behind her needle.
Goodbye, the trumpet is calling.
Soldiers, on the march!
They leave, we form under the command of the commander: "Soldiers, go ahead for the tree!"

Leading. New Year is at the gate. It's time to call Santa Claus. (Name). Let's call Snegurochka right away, otherwise something might come out again. (Name).

Already new "normal" Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are entering.

Father Frost. I am very glad that in this room
Moroz was recognized after all.
They did not forget to call for the holiday
And they dressed up a wonderful tree.

Snow Maiden. Yes, the tree is removed for a miracle,
She is very smart and beautiful.

Father Frost. But I see a mess in her. Let's say together: "One, two, three - burn the Christmas tree!"
A Christmas tree is lit.

Leading. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, your path was not close. Relax a bit, watch the performance of our guests from the Academic Bolshoi Theater. (Sits them down). The pas de deux from the ballet "Swan Lake" is performed - the dance of small swans with black legs.
Fat women in black tights, ballet tutus come out and dance a fragment of the dance, then lie down on the floor and "die". Then they raise their heads and say in chorus through the “window” from their hands: “Happy New Year!”, And they run away.

Father Frost. I saw a miracle
I will never forget you.
You danced beautifully
Only poetry was not read to me.
A competition of poems about the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, the New Year is announced. For the poem - candy. Round dance at the Christmas tree with Santa Claus and Snegurochka.

Snow Maiden. The guests sang, danced and recited poems, it was time to distribute gifts.

Father Frost. I’m right, granddaughter, I’ll go and call for a magic bag.
Well, the bag is not in a hurry to us,
Maybe he sleeps under the tree?
I'd rather go after him myself,
If he sleeps, I will wake him up.
Leaves. A bag appears. The legs are inserted into the slots, the head looks out. The bag is tied around a person's neck.

Bag. I've been waiting for you completely,
So he went and walked.
You tell me friends
Maybe you don't need me?
Snow Maiden.
We've been waiting for you all the holiday
And now they just called me.
You did not come to our call,
Frost followed you.
I will put you here
And I'll go get my grandfather.
Leaves. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. A! The bag is already here.

Bag. You can't handle the bag
Santa Claus conjured
So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga. Do not contradict me, you impudent!

Bag. Well then I ran!

Baba Yaga. Stop! Where! Stop!

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost. Oh, you're an old villain, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga (pulls out a mirror, looks into it).
And not at all old. I just did a facelift for the holiday, shortened my nose, whitened my teeth. (Goes up to a seated man, smiles and asks coquettishly). How do I look, honey? Just tell me it's bad, my teeth are sharp, my nails are long. (He does not pay attention to Santa Claus, goes to the tree).
Oh, where have I ended up?
What a wonderful room here?
And all around the people are sitting,
Yes, looking at the tree.

Father Frost. What a miracle is this? And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga. You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty!
Why don't you like my appearance?
You, dear grandpa,
I'd rather dance with me.
Dancing with Santa Claus "Lady". Baba Yaga breaks down and runs away.

Father Frost. Evil is done away with
It's time to give out gifts. (Distribute).

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus! Are we going to hold an auction?

Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! So I grabbed the second bag.

Santa Claus pulls out of the bag, without showing, the thing, the Snow Maiden describes this thing, calls
the original price, in consultation with Santa Claus.

Auction items:
Erotic aphrodisiac. (Clerical button).
One-bedroom apartment for a single man. (Family cowards).
Two-compartment refrigerator for storing milk. (Brassiere).
Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing, dishes).
Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon". (Broom).
Mercedes car. (Children's car).
Cream for 007 on a mission to Africa. (Shoe cream).
An object, at the sight of which you want something. (Beanbag).
Summer version of the "Reebok" sneakers. (Traces).
The garbage bin is cotton. (Handkerchief).
Duryu soap. (Laundry soap).
Hair lightener. (White).
Hairdryer "Roventa". (Comb).
Food processor. (Knife).

Father Frost. It's time to say goodbye to us.

Snow Maiden. Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that there is no alarm or misfortune
They did not guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly
Everything that the heart waits for came true.
And just to make it gratifying
Your whole life is like New Years.

Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will part for a whole year.
And in a year the blizzard will start again
And Santa Claus will come with winter.

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And again meet us with songs and dances,
And we will bring you the best gifts.

Leading. Have a good trip! And we still have a guest. Meet the animal of the New Year.
The "sheep" enters.

Sheep. Happy New Year! I want to please you. This New Year will be successful for everyone. I will introduce you to the forecast for this year. This forecast is musical. To have good luck with you, each sign must sing its own song. (The horoscope is read out).

This year will be successful for all people who have the characteristics of this animal in their character, they:
Your character traits that others don't like will bring you confidence and happiness in the New Year.

They will be overloaded at work and will closely tackle career issues. Just do not butt your boss with your horns and you are guaranteed a promotion. The motto of the year is the lyrics of the song by A.B. Pugacheva: Business is time, yes-yes-yes-yes, And fun is an hour.

They will be involved in various love and adventurous situations. There is a risk of getting involved in illegal actions and then sorting out relations with law enforcement agencies. It is recommended that, in order not to get into such a situation, remember the words from the song of A. B. Pugacheva: Oh, what a man he was!

This year is not conducive to active career action. So do your best at home. Gemini's motto for this year is
Grandmother is next to grandfather.
Oh, in vain, aunt, you drink medicine,
Your husband is a strong family man.

The best time to study or improve your qualifications. In this matter, show not only goat stubbornness, even donkey stubbornness is better - and you are guaranteed a career. Crayfish motto - lyrics:
We are blacksmiths
And our spirit is young.
We forge the keys of happiness.

You should avoid wasting money and throwing money left and right. But in the personal life of Lviv, new romantic meetings await. Motto of the Year:
The knot will be tied
The knot will be untied.

Many Virgos will be successful in business. But be wary of new proposals. Many are expected to receive a salary increase. The motto of the year is the words from A. Buinov's song:
My finances sing romances.

You should be careful about your health. Be patient a little, and everything will go on the mend. At the end of the year, luck will float into your hands. The motto of the year is the lyrics from the song:
Get hardened if you want to be healthy.

Some of the Scorpios will meet their love at the beginning of the year. And for some it is better to lay low. You should not conclude large contracts, because they can burn out. The motto of the year is the lyrics from the song:
The most important thing is the weather in the house.

To achieve success in all matters, one must act carefully, combining will and perseverance with restraint and discretion. Control your every step - and you will succeed. Motto of the Year:
Wait, who's coming?
Wait, who's coming?
And the enemy will not slip through
And the enemy will not pass.

This year is conducive to traveling abroad and establishing contacts with representatives of other states. Personal life will have to be postponed for a while, because during this period you will not have time for love. The motto of the year is the lyrics from the song:
Let me go to the Himalayas.

This is the time of reckoning for karmic debts and financial obligations. At the end of the year, there will be relief - you will begin to pay financial debts, At the end of the year, go on a trip. The motto of the year is the lyrics from the song:
Tablecloth, tablecloth
The long way goes.

In terms of partnership, the year promises to be very promising. Businessmen, doctors and teachers will do well. But there will be new problems with finances, tie the knot tighter until October, then you can relax. Partnerships can end in a wedding, civil marriage. The motto of the year is the words from the song of A. Derzhavin:
Someone else's wedding, someone else's wedding.
Well, that's all, you are married now!

Congratulation sheep
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness with all my heart!
To live this year for you
Without sorrow and worries.
So that you work successfully,
And have fun on the holiday
And good luck in your business,
And smiles on our lips.

For the New Year!

1. Gifts of Santa Claus.
5-6 people are called. They should illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave Dad a comb.
Show with one hand how he combes his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he goes skiing.
He gave mom a meat grinder.
Show how she turns the meat.
He gave his daughter a doll.
She flaps her eyelashes and says "mom."
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy that shakes his head. "
All movements are performed simultaneously.
2. Long arm.
Place glasses of drink on the floor at your feet and step as far as possible. And then get out your glass without leaving the place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.
3. Lady.
Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing phrases:
"Soaked brooms in the bathhouse" (in a low voice).
"Spindle not crushed" (high).
"And not dried wet" (low).
All: "Lady, lady, lady-madam."
4. Whose ball is bigger?
Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without bursting, wins.
5. Apple.
Each dancing couple holds an apple between their foreheads, a small ball. The musician changes the melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to keep the apple. The last one sounds "Apple", it is proposed to dance squatting down.
6. Towel.
Four brave women walk out the door. 6 bottles of champagne or other drinks are placed on a long towel. The first woman is invited. They explain that she must pass without knocking down a single bottle, blindfolded. Viewers give commands:
Higher legs!
To the left! Directly!
Raise your skirt higher, or you'll knock it off.
To the right!
Higher, higher leg.
Then the bottles are quickly removed, and a man is placed on the towel. A woman is untied her eyes and shown whom she stepped over.

This scenario is designed for big company in 20-50 people. It can also be used for a corporate party, or for a closer circle with friends and family.
The room where the holiday will be celebrated can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, Christmas decorations, balloons and posters. Because the decorated hall will give the guests a sense of celebration.

The New Year's table is, of course, very important, but the guests are not going to spend the whole festive night without leaving it. If the feast and dances diversify win-win lottery, games, fun, guests will certainly not get bored at your party.

Let each guest receive a new "name" at the entrance: attach a plate with a nickname - "wolf", "phone", "car", "bun" on his back. Anyone can read the name of another, but not know what his "name" is. The main thing is to find out your "name" from the others during the party. All questions can be answered only "yes" - "no". The winner is the one who is the first to know his New Year's nickname.

Make jelly. The task of the players is to eat their portion as quickly as possible with the help of matches or toothpicks.
Invite guests to tear the newspaper into small pieces with either hand extended forward. The winner is the one who tears as little as possible. You cannot help with the other free hand!
Divide into two teams and, without using your hands, pass the fake thermometer at speed so that it is sure to be under the left armpit.
In a word, have fun for health. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a belief: how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. May fun and prosperity not leave your home on this day and this year, but the best decoration will be a joyful shine in your eyes and a smile.
First, as is customary, they sum up the results and see off the old outgoing year.
Then, to take a break until the New Year itself, you can hold a small eloquence competition among those present at the table.

I wish you...
The host announces a competition for the best wish. It is desirable that all those present take part in this competition, and say two or three words, starting with the words: "I wish you (you) in the New Year ...". The request can be addressed to everyone or to someone separately. Or you can make wishes to the neighbor sitting on the right, and so on in a circle until the turn comes to the first speaker.
With the chimes, a toast is raised to the fulfillment of all desires.
So that the New Year's Eve does not turn into an ordinary gathering, with unnecessarily eaten and drunk, I propose to hold fun and exciting games and contests throughout New Year's Eve that will amuse guests, cheer up and leave memory for many years.

Snow show or the choice of Santa Claus
Only men participate in the snow show. The entire competition is divided into three stages.
All participants in the show are given scissors and napkins, from which they must cut a snowflake. Those who get the best snowflakes will receive prizes and proceed to the next stage of the competition.
Snowball game
The winners of the first stage continue the game. Each participant is given five A4 sheets. Opposite each participant, about 2 meters from him, put a hat on the floor. At the command of the leader, the participants should take sheets of paper with their left hand, crumple them into "snowballs" and throw them into their hat. We do not help with the right hand. Those who turn out to be the fastest and most accurate get prizes and move on to the next stage.
Ice breath
For this competition, you will need the snowflakes that were cut in the first step. Participants place snowflakes on the floor in front of them. Their task is to blow the snowflake to the specified place at the command of the presenter.
The winner is the competitor whose snowflake was the last to hit the destination. This is due to the fact that this participant had the most "icy breath". The winner is awarded a prize and awarded honorary title Santa Claus for this season. As a title, you can put a cap on your head.
Required props for the competition: scissors, paper, cap, prizes.

Election of the Snow Maiden
After choosing Santa Claus, a competition for the best Snow Maiden of this season is announced. The competition is held in three stages.
Golden pens
The presenter announces that Santa Claus gives gifts, and the Snow Maiden packs them. Therefore, all participants are encouraged to practice gift wrapping. And you need to pack the most expensive thing, that is, a man. Assistants are invited for each participant - men, who will play the role of "gifts", and rolls of toilet paper, which will be the packaging material, are presented. At the command of the presenter, the participants of the competition begin to "wrap gifts" with toilet paper at their discretion. Three minutes are allocated for the entire action, after which the best "packages" are chosen by a general vote. The winners receive prizes and go to new stage competition.

Dance while you're young ...
Participants, at the command of the presenter, must dance three dances to the soundtrack: lambada, rock and roll and Russian dance. The phonogram is prepared in advance and all the participants of the competition dance at the same time. The best dancers are awarded prizes and move on to the next stage.

Affectionate granddaughter
The designated Santa Claus is invited, and each of the participants, in turn, gives him compliments. Every compliment must necessarily contain "winter" words, such as snow, frost, winter, and so on. The most eloquent participant is awarded a prize and the honorary title of Snow Maiden.
Required props: rolls of toilet paper, soundtrack of melodies and prizes.
Now you have Santa Claus and Snegurochka at the holiday, as it should be traditionally. So that they do not get bored on New Year's Eve, they can be instructed to distribute gifts and souvenirs to guests and participants of competitions.

After a break for a feast or dance, the host suggests playing the following game:
Rehash about winter.
All comers take turns remembering and singing at least one line from the songs that mention winter and everything connected with it. Songs can be for children, adults, Russian folk or contemporary. The participant who sings the most songs wins a prize.
Again a break, after which it was time to identify acting talents among those present. For this, all guests are convened for a New Year's performance.

New Year's performance.
Participants are invited, each of whom is assigned a role. It is best for this performance to prepare in advance tablets with the names of the roles and hang them around the neck of the artists, since the performance is played out without costumes.
Characters: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Rogue, Bear, Sparrow, Cuckoo, Mouse, Horse, Oak, Throne, Sun, Window, Curtain.
If there are a lot of people present, then you can add additional roles: Bees, Breeze, Rustle, Horizon, Keg of honey, Rays.
After the roles have been assigned, the facilitator explains the terms of presentation and participation. Artists should play their roles, focusing on what the presenter will read. The most interesting thing is that the artists will not know in advance the content of the production, and all their actions will be a complete improvisation at their discretion. The presenter's task is to give the artists the opportunity to take certain poses depicting the actions that the presenter calls. In the text, such necessary pauses will be indicated by three dots.

So, we begin our presentation, which consists of five actions.
Action one
THE CURTAIN opens ... A spreading OAK stands on the stage ... A light WIND blows its foliage ... Small birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - flutter around the tree ..., birds chirp ..., occasionally they sit on twigs to clean the feathers ... A BEAR waddled past ... He dragged a BARREL WITH HONEY and waved away the BEES ... A gray vole MOUSE was digging a burrow under the OAK ... THE SUN slowly rose above the OAK crown, scattering its RAYS in different directions ... A CURTAIN closing ...

Second action
THE CURTAIN opens ... A THRONE stands on the stage ... The KING enters ... The KING stretches ... goes to the WINDOW. Opening the WINDOW wide, he looks around ... He wipes the traces left by the birds from the WINDOW ... Sits on the THRONE in thought ... The PRINCESS appears with the footsteps of a doe ... She rushes to the KING's neck ... and kisses him .. and they are sitting together on the THRONE ... And at this time, a robber prowls under the WINDOW ... He ponders a plan to capture the PRINCESS ...

Act three
THE CURTAIN opens ... ON THE STAGE A CUT ... THE QUEEN shed tears on the shoulder of the KING ... The KING wipes away an avaricious tear ... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage ... The PRINCE appears ... The KING and QUEEN describe in colors the abduction of the princess ... They stomp their feet ... THE QUEEN falls at the PRINCE's feet and begs to save her daughter ... ...

Act four
The CURTAIN opens ... A spreading OAK stands on the stage ... A light WIND blows over its foliage ... Little birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - are sleeping on a branch ... Under the OAK, sprawling, lies a BEAR ... A BEAR is sucking a paw ... Occasionally he plunges it into a BARREL WITH HONEY ... Hind paw ... But then a terrible noise breaks the peace and quiet. This is the ROBBER dragging the PRINCESS ... The animals scatter in horror ... The robber ties the PRINCESS to the OAK ... SHE cries and begs for mercy ... But then the PRINCE appears on her dashing horse ... A fight ensues between the PRINCE and the ROBBERY .. With one short blow, the PRINCE defeats the robber ... the robber under the OAK gives the oak ... The PRINCE unties his beloved from the OAK ... Putting the PRINCESS on the HORSE ... he jumps himself ... And they rush to the palace ... the CURTAIN closes. ..

Fifth action
THE CURTAIN opens ... On the stage the KING and QUEEN are waiting for the return of the young at the open WINDOW ... THE SUN has already set behind the HORIZON ... And then the PARENTS see in the WINDOW the familiar silhouettes of the PRINCE and PRINCESS on a HORSE ... PARENTS jump out into the yard ... CHILDREN fall at PARENTS 'feet ... and ask for blessings ... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding ... THE CURTAIN is closing ...
We invite all artists to bow.

Next, I will cite a few more contests that your guests will definitely like. You can add something of your own. As prizes, you can use various sweets, soft toys, lottery tickets, New Year's attributes, etc.
Candlelight ball
When the guests and household members are already tired of the New Year's impressions and want to relax, it's time to light candles and turn on slow, calm music. Let the soft, wavering flame of a candle replace the bright light of the chandelier and plunge you into the poetry of twilight and the mysteries of New Year's Eve. It's time to dream, make a cherished wish, tell fortunes ... Let everyone choose their own cherished candle - an elegant white, red, pink ... And all the guests plunge into the festive and uniquely romantic atmosphere of candlelight dancing!

Help the owners
The hosts, on whose territory the New Year is being celebrated, scatter pieces of newspaper and paper on the floor with a wide gesture. Participants are encouraged to help the hosts collect all the trash. But it is necessary to collect it not just like that, but in the container offered by the host, for example, in a bottle of champagne. Whoever is the first to cope with the task becomes the winner.
Required props: paper or newspaper, champagne bottles.

Thinking out loud
Everyone is welcome. Participants should take turns trying to reach their heels without bending their knees. In this case, the presenter writes on a piece of paper everything that each of the participants says, trying to reach the heel. If the participant is silent during the task, the leader can ask suggestive questions, for example, "what are you feeling now?", "what are your feelings?" etc.
After everyone tried to reach the heel, the presenter makes an announcement: "Dear friends, now we find out what our respected (name) said during (event or action)." Any event can be selected, for example, wedding night, birth, first conversation with mother-in-law, morning with a hangover, etc. And the participants are listed and who pronounced which of them during the assignment.

Ear, nose and two hands
This competition can be conducted while sitting at a table. Everyone is encouraged to grasp the tip of the nose with their left hand, and the left earlobe with their right hand. By clapping the leader, it is necessary to change the position of the hands, that is, with the left hand, grab the lobe of the right ear, and with the right hand, the nose. At first, the intervals between claps are long, and then the facilitator increases the pace of the game, and the intervals between claps become smaller and smaller. The winner is the one who lasted the longest and did not get entangled in hands, noses and ears.

Creative duet
Several couples are invited. A sheet of Whatman paper is spread in front of each pair, and felt-tip pens are given out. One of the members of the pair is blindfolded, and the second member of the pair will have to guide the hand to the drawing artist when he draws the picture. You can come up with any picture on new year theme, for example, Christmas tree, snowman, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, etc.
At the command of the presenter, all pairs begin to draw at the same time. The winner is the couple with the best and funniest picture drawn.
Required props: Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, blindfolds.

Anyone present can take part in this competition. All comers are given balloons and are invited to "open" a new planet, that is, to inflate the balloon as quickly as possible. Further, it is proposed to "populate" the planet as soon as possible, that is, draw little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. The winner is the one who has as many "inhabitants" as possible on the "planet".
Required props: balloons, felt-tip pens.

Dress up the Christmas tree
All those wishing to participate in the competition are divided into two teams. They are given two sheets of Whatman paper with Christmas trees painted on them. "Decorations" are laid out on the table: drawings cut out of paper along the contour of objects with glued pieces of scotch tape, which would be convenient to stick to the Christmas tree. As pictures you can do as Christmas decorations, and any other items: dishes, clothes and shoes, etc. Blindfolded players select ornaments by touch and "hang" them on the tree. The winner is the team that is the first to hang more "correct" decorations on the tree in the allotted time.
Required props: Whatman paper, jewelry, blindfolds.

Funny, funny contests will allow you to have a good rest and have nice fun at the New Year's party. The presenters who are entrusted with organizing the entertainment part, we offer original selection games, contests and quizzes for the scenario of a festive corporate party!

The New Year traditionally comes with bitter frosts, snowdrifts, as well as corporate parties gathering "labor associates" into one cheerful noisy company. Indeed, it is always a pleasure to meet colleagues in a relaxed festive atmosphere - away from the office routine and busy work schedules.

In order for the holiday to be bright and unforgettable, it is important to draw up a script of the entertainment program in advance. So, funny funny scenes for the New Year 2019 for adults will add a touch of humor and raise the degree of everyone's mood - be it short thematic productions, long performances, modern based on old good fairy tales... We suggest using our cool video ideas and acting out scenes on corporate party in honor of the New Year. Undoubtedly, the Yellow Earth Pig will appreciate your acting talent and give his favor.

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party - script ideas

Joke: "A fabulous gift!"

Multiple participants are called. Behind the back, Santa Claus or the presenter shows a picture, but so that the participant himself does not see anything. Santa Claus, before presenting the gift, asks the participant questions, and he must answer them.

After all the questions have been answered, and all the watching spectators laughed heartily at the participant's answers, Santa Claus pulls out their gifts from his bag (baby pot, enema, and a set: handcuffs, whip, gag): and hands them to the participants as a keepsake ...

1st Participant - picture "baby potty":

Santa Claus addresses the first participant :: I have prepared a very interesting gift for you. But first, you must answer a few of my questions.

So the questions:

  • How much do you think you need this gift?
  • How often do you think you will use it?
  • And if this gift asks you best friend- will you?
  • How long can you do without it?
  • To whom of the people closest to you are you ready to donate it? Who needs it more than you?
  • Is there such a person here who has such a gift? And who is it?
  • Could anyone around you steal it from you?
  • How will you return?

The second participant is called. Behind his back, Santa Claus shows a picture on which an enema is drawn.

  • Do you think this is a very dear present for you?
  • Who loves you so much that they could give it?
  • Will you use it every day?
  • What feelings will you experience while doing this? Please list!
  • Do you think sooner or later he, this present, might bore you?
  • Who could you give it to? Who is especially dear to you among those present?
  • Will you watch him use your gift?
  • And can you give any advice on operation?

The third participant is called. Santa Claus holds behind him, but so that everyone else can see the picture of handcuffs, a gag and a whip (set for role-playing games).

  • Do you think you need it?
  • How many years have you been missing this gift?
  • Will you like it?
  • Can you share it with your friends, or, for example, use it at the same time, sitting in the same company?
  • What sensations will it give you? How do you feel about using this gift?
  • Will you invite your colleagues to purchase this gift?
  • Would you buy a boss for his birthday?
  • This gift is very unusual and unique. Do you think it's worth filming it when using it?
  • If you were asked to describe him in three words, what would you say about him? What is it for?

Santa Claus addresses the audience: Well, who else wants gifts from me?

Funny contest: "Sweet kiss!"

To conduct it, several participants are called in pairs.

The number of men and women should be equal. Each pair is given a balloon, on which a young man, looking at his pair, draws the eyes and lips of his competition partner with a marker.

To the music and at the command of the presenter, the balls are placed between the faces in each pair. A woman can hold with her forehead, nose, cheek, or lips. Women's hands are behind their backs. Do not touch the ball. But the partner holds the ball with his hands, like the face of a beloved girl, and with a kiss, or rather teeth, gnaws the ball.

From the outside it looks like a passionate kiss! Whoever will burst faster, and whoever will do it more believably and artistically, won the “Sweet Kiss!” Competition. A couple of winners are rewarded with a slow romantic dance.

Funny: Re-enactment of the reworked song "New Year's Song!"

Preliminary preparation:

Recording of the "backing track" of the song by Mikhail Nozhkin - "I haven't seen Mom for so long!"

6 men are participating. They should look "rumpled". Ties sideways, shirts not properly buttoned and not tucked in properly. Jackets are either inside out, or dressed on one sleeve, the other is dragged. Shaggy hairstyles, very tired look. They support each other.

All in chorus 1 verse:

We have not rested for so long, we have not rested for so long, We did not drink beer and did not eat salad, We only plowed every day, every day, And everyone is glad to give strength for work.

The 1st Participant sings: There is fire all around, there are problems, but we knew that

2nd Participant: What you need exactly, you need to win for sure.

3rd Participant: Clutching a chair, gritting their teeth, they waited,

4th Participant: When will we be able to pour a glass!

5th Participant: Not all of us, not all of us will reach the goal.

6th Participant: Some were tired, some even got sick.

1st Participant: But surely we, but surely everyone wanted it that way,

2nd Participant: So that the New Year, so that the New Year has time for everyone!

3rd Participant: Let someone there, let someone there, in the forest wander.

4th Participant: And looking for an elegant Christmas tree in the forest.

5th Participant: Let no one, let no one condemn us.

All in chorus: After all, the holiday of happiness, the holiday of a fairy tale on the nose!

The men hug and, congratulating each other on the New Year, leave the stage!

New Year's corporate party is a bright and long-awaited event that opens a series of winter holidays. However, not everyone likes to simply treat themselves to salads and raise table toasts. Show a bit of imagination by diluting the traditional scenario of collective gatherings with cool scenes - here you will find original ideas for adults. So, funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 contribute to the unification and maximum involvement in the process. We are sure that no one will be bored!

Ideas of funny modern scenes with gags for a New Year's corporate party

According to tradition, in some countries on New Year's Day it is customary to pour water over each other - as a sign of cleansing from everything bad, as well as the most good wishes... If you decide to surprise your colleagues and bosses, play out a funny scene for the New Year 2019 with "water" jokes. So, we stock up on two capacious jugs - pour water into one (about half the volume), pour multi-colored confetti into the other.

First, the presenter makes a toast with the best wishes of happiness and well-being to all present. Then there is a proposal to follow the example of Thailand or Cuba - to arrange a dousing with water to attract good luck in the New Year. The first jug is brought out "to the public", demonstrating the presence of water inside the vessel. While everyone is preparing for congratulations, a jug of water is imperceptibly replaced by a second container - with confetti. Raising the jug, the host "splashes" its contents onto his colleagues on a grand scale, which is quite expected, causes a lot of violent emotions. Here is such a funny joke scene in honor of the New Year 2019!

The corporate theme is truly inexhaustible - for the New Year you can play funny funny scenes with Santa Claus and Snegurochka. The idea is that the HR manager is interviewed for these fabulous positions. Colleagues will act as candidates for Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens - they will have to sing, dance or tell a cool New Year's anecdote. Of course, the decision on hiring will be made by the audience of this funny scene about the New Year.

Funny scenes for a corporate party for the New 2019 - fairy tales with gags, ideas, videos

Many people still remember children's New Year's parties filled with touching warmth and soulfulness. As a rule, the basis for the scenario of such an event is folk tales, with the obligatory invitation "to visit" Baba Yaga, Dunno, Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf and other famous characters. However, the fabulous theme can be successfully used for a corporate party - the scenes for the New Year 2019 with jokes will be remembered for a long time. We are sure that our video ideas will inspire you to create original reprise, funny fairy tales in a new "adult" way.

A selection of ideas for funny fairy tale scenes for adults for the New Year - 2019

The well-known children's fairy tale "Kolobok" is an excellent basis for a cool corporate scene for the New Year. We need Grandfather, Grandma, Hare, Wolf and Fox. It is better to choose an actor of impressive build for the main role. So, Kolobok sits down on a chair, and the presenter begins the tale with the words: "Once Grandfather and Grandma baked Kolobok - cute, but very voracious."

According to the scenario, here Kolobok threatens to eat Grandma and Grandfather, and in response the old men promise to rewrite the apartment for him. Then the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox appear on the stage in turn - Kolobok addresses each one with the same "formidable" phrase. In order to avoid such a fate, the Hare offers a carrot (you can take any fruit or a bottle of alcohol). The wolf promises to give the Hare - immediately catches it and gives it to Kolobok. And the cunning Fox is going to eat Kolobok herself, and almost realizes her plan, having first selected the "carrot" and the Hare.

However, Gingerbread Man makes a marriage proposal to Fox - the bride and groom sit together on the same chair, and the rest of the participants sit around. On this cheerful note, the presenter ends the tale with the phrase: "And so they adopted the Hare, and began to live and live, and make good money."

A cool fairy tale-tale for the New Year 2019 for adults "Three Little Pigs", video

The New Year of the Pig 2019 is already on the doorstep - we propose to play a cool scene for adults "Three Little Pigs". On the video you can watch your favorite children's fairy tale in a modern "adult" version.

Short sketches for the New Year 2019 for adults - funny impromptu videos

New Year's parties have long become a tradition and an obligatory "meeting place" for employees of many companies and firms. Such events usually leave no one indifferent, and time passes quickly in a kaleidoscope of fun entertainment and surprises.

Each festive scenario contains funny funny scenes - for the New Year 2019, you can come up with and act out your own production. For example, it can be impromptu, the organization of which does not require special props or costumes. We have selected several options for funny short scenes for adults and videos - a great number for the New Year.

A short funny scene for adults to celebrate the New Year

In every house, for the New Year, a festive table is set with a variety of delicious dishes - there are aromatic hot dishes, a variety of salads and delicious snacks. We offer to play funny impromptu scene with a "culinary" bias in the preparation of the famous salad "Herring under a fur coat." So, one participant will play the role of a cook - you will need props in the form of a white cap and an apron. On the stage, we put two chairs opposite each other at a distance of two meters.

The cook begins to "cook", taking turns naming the ingredients of the salad. First comes a large and juicy herring - stately large men are suitable for this role. Two men sit on chairs. A pair of blonde women will perfectly imitate a “bow” cut into rings and laid on top of a “herring” - girls need to sit on men's knees. On top of the "onion" we rub boiled "potatoes" (men), then grease with "mayonnaise" (ladies). We also choose men for the role of "carrots" and "beets" - do not forget about the "mayonnaise" layer. As a result, we will have a wonderful "salad", all the "ingredients" of which will be sitting on each other's lap. Such a funny scene with a touch of humor will perfectly fit into any New Year's scenario for an adult company.

Video with a short incendiary scene for the New Year

New Year is a time of fun, laughter and bright incendiary jokes. If you want to arrange an unforgettable corporate event or friendly gatherings, we recommend playing a funny scene from our video.

New Year's scenes for a corporate party - cool short stories on video

On New Year's Eve, many companies arrange corporate events for their employees - with funny contests, dances and other jokes. So, New Year's scenes not only cheer up, but also contribute to strengthening the corporate spirit, team building.

As an original entertainment, you can prepare cool New Year's scenes with the participation of employees. In the video you will find interesting ideas funny scenes about the New Year with funny stories - you can rehearse them in advance or arrange an improvisation.

What cool scenes can be played for the New 2019 at a corporate party, video

The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 for a fun company - ideas, videos

Celebrating the New Year with a big fun company is a great opportunity to make new acquaintances and just have fun. The coolest scenes for the New Year 2019 will interest everyone present, create a unique holiday atmosphere. In a large company, there will always be acting talents who can “ignite” with their acting and charisma. With the help of our ideas on the video, you will arrange an unforgettable cool holiday for the New Year and have fun.

Video with ideas for a New Year's scene in a big fun company

What sketches to play for the New Year 2019? For adults at a corporate party, you can arrange a lot of entertainment - funny modern scenes, short and long stories on new way, cool reprises in fun company... Here you will find interesting ideas, as well as videos with original stories on the New Year's theme. Happy New Year to you!


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