New Year's showcases: the best ideas from the experts. New Year window decoration New Year window decoration and showcase collection


Prada helped decorate the shop windows of Printemps - fairy tales, illuminations and a deer on the big screen. Well, the traditional Prada bear was not without - he entertains everyone, sitting surrounded by trees, sweets and gifts.

Address: 64, boulevard Haussmann

Galeries lafayette haussmann

Here they were inspired by "Beauty and the Beast". At the same time, the showcases turned out to be interactive, and you can even play with the characters, and music plays there every hour. And in the center of the store is a mechanical tree. And thanks to Swatch, the magic village at the top of the Christmas tree comes alive and sows the New Year mood around.

Address: 40, Boulevard Haussmann


Here they ride on the Christmas express, each car of which is a showcase with one of the latest collections. The themes of luxury and steam locomotives, so dear to British hearts, are especially easy to reveal at Christmas, and the rotating wheels enhance the effect of authenticity.

Address: 87-135, Brompton Road


The Wish List theme was developed here, so a variety of gifts and iconic objects of desires, from a bottle of tequila and snow balls to Viktor & Rolf fragrances and Charlotte Olympia shoes, got into the windows.

Address: 400, Oxford Street

Tiffany & co

Then there was a dollhouse — kissing figures, snow-covered houses, and a sleigh piled high with Tiffany boxes.

Address: 25, Old Bond Street

Louis vuitton

And here they were extravagantly inspired by the ancient game "Leela", also known as "Snakes and Ladders". Only instead of snakes - geese.

Address: 160, New Bond St.


The legendary British store pretended that firecrackers exploded in the windows and sprinkled them with all sorts of priceless gifts.

Address: Regent St, London W1B 5AH

Bergdorf goodman

Here, they did not limit themselves to the theme of Christmas and New Years and captured all the nearby holidays - from Thanksgiving to Valentine's Day. At the same time, the mannequins were dressed with royal luxury - for example, Valentine's Day got the boudoir of Marie Antoinette, and a young lady in an Art Nouveau dress and a white fur coat flaunts in the New Year's window.

Address: 754, 5th Ave


And here the Yeti ball and its snow flakes rule. And from 5 to 10 pm you can watch a small New Year's show.

Address: 611, 5th Ave

Lord & taylor

In honor of the coming century of the building in which the store is located, they decided to recall the chic New York of that time and immerse it in the atmosphere of anticipation of the holiday. Men in top hats and ladies in feathers in anticipation of festive parties, smart children in anticipation of meeting Santa - in general, everything is as it should be.

Address: 424, 5th Ave

Henri bendel

And then the real fun - showcases were decorated with sculptures based on caricatures by Al Hirschfeld. At the same time, they chose characters iconic for New York - like Audrey Hepburn as Holly Gollightly or Woody Allen. Also, cartoons of Hirschfeld himself got into the windows.

Address: 666, Fifth Avenue

A bright, colorful and beloved holiday New Year does not come to us beautiful at once. Joy, fireworks of emotions, amazing impressions also do not arise by themselves - all of this is created by you and me, people. Enchanted, we write letters to Grandfather Frost, select a festive scenario, prepare and set the table as if the Queen of England herself would appear for dinner.

But, the main thing is the outfits: first we think over our New Year's costume, then, of course, we do not forget to create the appropriate atmosphere in the room. It can be not only an apartment, but also shops, pavilions and other establishments where people gather on holidays.

Shops in the New Year

The turnover during the Winter Holidays increases many times over. But for this to happen, you have to try hard: each owner should decorate the store for the New Year. A person is very fond of beautiful wrappers, and only then he understands what is inside, therefore, only beauty can attract a buyer to his showcases and counters.

If the room allows you to definitely decorate a green Christmas tree, without it the New Year is not so festive and beautiful. Your Christmas tree can also stand at the entrance to the store. By the way, speaking of the entrance - it must be decorated. The appearance of the room should resemble the plot of a fairy tale, which will attract all passers-by with its beauty and mystery. Shop decorations can be very different. So, let's begin.


The railing can be wrapped in tinsel, but it must be soft so that neither the child nor the adult gets hurt. It should also be taken into account that if the winding of the horizontal railings is tight, someone will hesitate to crumple it and will not hold on. Therefore, it is imperative to do this at a distance of one or two hands. Vertical rungs are more often used by children; the same safety measures are observed here.


It is fashionable to hang Christmas wreaths over the entrance to the door today, like in the west. But, it is best if the wreath hangs at eye level, and only tinsel is placed above the entrance. You can either buy such a piece of jewelry or make it yourself. There are many ways to do this.

New Year showcases

The inner side of street showcases is a whole culture, which even has its own name "New Year Showcase". To decorate them, you must adhere to several rules:

  • Always highlight decorations.
  • Do not use cotton wool, it gets dirty quickly.
  • Use a mirrored corridor, which increases the space, making the latter also incredibly beautiful and mysterious. To do this, mirrors are installed opposite the glass at a slight angle on both sides and in the center. In front of them, you can lay out shiny balls, stars, shiny fabric, which will replace your favorite tinsel. Tinsel in the windows gives off a little cheapness.
  • Use all the space: decorate both the bottom and the top base, and even the center. To do this, you can use a fishing line, clinging to it, at any distance you need, ornaments. In order for one fishing line or thread to serve to support something, knots are knitted on it at different levels. You should take a double thread, tie a knot, retreat the distance you need, tie a second knot, and so on. Toys or decorations are fastened with paper clips, hooks that cling to the gap between the knots. From a distance, the impression of objects hanging in the air is created.
  • Use beads of different sizes and lengths. This decor can be arranged both vertically and horizontally. Moreover, in the first case, it lengthens the space advantageously. And if this is combined with a mirrored corridor, it will turn out nothing more than a room of a sorceress or a mysterious cave.
  • It is necessary to put the most profitable product on the windows, but it must be repeated in the store, not every customer is eager to get something from the window.
  • Always offer fancy packaging for your product on display windows. This is a very effective move before the New Year's festivities, because people are looking not only for a great gift, but also for beautiful packaging.
  • You can start decorating New Year's windows from the very beginning of December. One must always remember that a businessman-neighbor never sleeps.
  • Use colors according to the calendar theme. The New Year's display cases should be white, red, blue, gold and silver.
  • Showcases should be decorated compositionally: it can be a picture, figures, repeating plots, any other ideas. But, there shouldn't be any chaos.
  • On New Year's Eve, people love to immerse themselves in childhood, remind them of this: retro and Soviet-style toys will come in handy.
  • Decorate stores according to the age of the audience. If you are working for adults, they probably won't like the childish theme that overshadows the eyes with sparkles. Accordingly, children will be bored when looking at laconic, serious shop windows.
  • Place objects according to their size: larger ones backward, smaller ones forward.

We decorate the store from the inside

If your shop sells only things and it consists of many glass pavilions, decorating it will not be difficult. You can use not only paint for decoration, but also tinsel glass balls. Only hang them in an inaccessible, safe place for children and customers.

When selling, products of the current search should come to the fore: gifts, outfits, etc. If you have a lot of mannequins, dress them like New Year's: put caps on your heads, on your neck with shiny silvery fabrics. And, of course, do not forget about the product to be sold: it must be visible, so you need to be careful with jewelry.

To sell to one customer not one, but several products at once, organize compositions. For example, on the same mannequin, everything should be in harmony with a blouse, a skirt, a neckerchief, jewelry and a handbag. The buyer must see the image as a whole, then he will want to follow this example and buy everything at once.

If your room is very small, you should not decorate it with huge balls, Christmas trees and snowmen, otherwise buyers will have nowhere to turn around for large areas, on the contrary, voluminous toys are chosen that will be visible from afar.


When decorating interior counters where food is stored, do not forget about safety again. There is no place for tinsel, glass decoration, or any other small objects. If a customer buys food off the shelf, it can all end up in his stomach.

Even the back side of the showcase should not be decorated with tinsel or rain. Buyers will hurt, all this will hover and fly in the air, once again getting on the products. It is best to use the decoretto technique, pictures can be purchased, or you can do it yourself. Streamers with pictures and congratulatory words are often used. There is also an economical option for decorating shop windows: using ordinary gouache, professional artists paint glass. They draw Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other characters. It is not so expensive, but it looks very beautiful!

The smell of the new year

In any space, a festive atmosphere is also created with the help of aromas. In the New Year - it should be only needles and tangerines. Use pine and citrus flavors. The smell will be incredibly festive, and customers will not want to leave your premises.


When decorating any stores, the main thing is to observe safety precautions. Be sure to make sure that no decoration obstructs the passage to the fire hose and extinguisher. The steps, both from the street side and inside the store, should not be slippery or cluttered. Never hang glass balls and toys over the heads of customers, and do not block the aisles with snowmen or Christmas trees. And in no case block the passage to emergency and regular exits. In general, clutter up the space as little as possible, it is better to invite a specialist who can decorate stores for the New Year, will tell you how profitable and pleasing for the eyes to lay out the goods. After all, one wants to escape from overloaded and cluttered trading establishments.

If you use illumination, it must be new, proven a hundred times over, and very safe. In general, first of all, the installation of illumination must be coordinated with the fire department of the shopping center.

New Year's store design is a whole science on which financial well-being depends. That is why try to approach her a little more seriously than everyone is used to.

On the eve of the winter holidays, one of the priority tasks for boutiques, shops and pavilions is ... Beautifully, brightly and stylishly decorated showcases attract the attention of buyers and increase sales due to the original presentation of the goods. It is during the expectation and preparation for the New Year and Christmas that a potential buyer has a special, festive mood. The buyer pays more attention to the shop windows and is more inclined to buy.

Attractive and stylish decorationshowcases for the New Year - a task that only seems difficult and requires the involvement of specialists. If you have a desire to create a New Year's fairy tale for buyers on your own, as well as a supply of creativity, good mood and a desire to create, we will share with you ideas and advice. which will help you bring your ideas to life.

1. Compositions need integrity and general idea

Showcase decoration for the New Year begins with the selection of a general idea or theme for your composition. Usually, when choosing a theme, one proceeds from the specifics of the goods sold by the store. This is necessary in order to present the product in the best possible light, draw the attention of potential buyers to it and inspire them to visit the sales area and to buy.

2. The composition needs a central detail

Just like when composing a composition for a drawing, photograph, or interior decoration, a composition for your New Year's showcase needs a central piece that will attract attention and set the tone for the entire installation.

The rest of the elements should complement and harmonize with the central detail, fully revealing the theme of the installation

3. Minimalism and brevity

Remember that and the effectiveness of the composition. its attractiveness to buyers does not tolerate an overabundance of parts.

Try to leave enough free space and add appropriate lighting so that all the elements of the composition attract the eyes of passers-by.

4. Start by creating a schematic or installation layout

The best way to work out the theme and details of your showcase is by creating a diagram or layout. This will help to take into account all the nuances, draw up a concept in advance and avoid mistakes when directly working on showcase decoration for the new year

5. Decorating glass or filling the interior space?

Decorating glass with stickers and appliqués or filling the interior space of a showcase is not only a matter of costs. window dressing for the New Year .

  • If your shop windows overlook on the carriageway, then the best choice would be to apply vinyl stickers or decorative film with a thematic pattern to the glass. Also, in this version, it is recommended to use a garland - a curtain, a fringe garland or backlit spruce garlands. Such showcases will attract the attention of potential buyers from afar.

  • It is worth filling the interior space of the showcase when decorating it for the New Year in cases where your store or boutique is located in a residential area or shopping center... Such showcases the buyer usually sees up close and here it is not the brightness and catchiness that is very important, but the details and composition.

  • When filling the interior space, use various (tinsel, balls, fir garlands, and so on) and remember that creativity, originality are very important when composing a composition, and do not forget about the corporate identity of your brand or store.

Would you like to prepare your store for the upcoming New Year holidays? Do you want to grab the attention of customers, set the mood and increase sales?

Then you need New Year's decoration of shop windows and product displays!

We offer New Year's decoration of shop windows, restaurants, boutiques, salons, trade pavilions. Our designers will determine exactly what kind of decoration is required for your showcases, prepare a concept for decorating glass and filling the interior space and implement it in practice - they will make and install the decor.

Our services for New Year's showcase:

A beautifully decorated showcase is a kind of "motivator" and "invitation" for a passing person to enter a store or cafe, despite the fact that he might not even have planned it in advance. Therefore, it is extremely important to approach the process of decorating shop windows and shopping centers from a professional point of view - poor-quality hand-made products are more likely to scare off potential customers and create a negative reputation for the store.

In the New Year's window display, we use both classic New Year's decor and the author's catchy and bold ideas of our decorators, who will create a fabulous winter atmosphere, a festive mood and the pleasure of choosing and buying gifts.

We will select for you the necessary New Year's attributes, author's decorations, graphic design and much more, depending on your wishes. See the main options for work:

Examples of window dressing work:

Showcase design options

The correct showcase of a store or salon takes on several functions at once: attracts attention, promotes goods and services, informs about discounts, promotions, specials. suggestions. Even a small showcase space can be competently organized, focusing not only on the brightness of the New Year's decor, but also on details - using a plot composition, unusual display of goods, etc. The main types of our work:

One of the main options for festive window dressing that you should pay attention to is the classic design, which involves decorating the glass and the space between the windows.

Various applications in the form of stars, snowflakes, short wishes and various inscriptions are applied to the glass structure.

To decorate the interior space of showcases, such New Year's elements are used as bright gift boxes with bows and ribbons, figures of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and other fairy-tale characters, a stylishly decorated Christmas tree.

Lighting decor for windows and showcases

Winter window dressing implies the mandatory presence of New Year's illumination in the decor.

LED lighting helps not only to present your product in an original way, but also to effectively flood the space with light, getting a bright and impressive facade.

Decorating with festive lights, flexible neon, pre-made LED lettering or glowing shapes is an effective way to attract shoppers and boost your store's bottom line.

Winter window dressing for the New Year can be done using installations and original decorations according to individual sketches.

In their work, our decorators can be guided by both their own imagination, combined with modern trends, and the wishes of the owner of the retail space.

A designer installation can be presented as a separate New Year's scene or as simple author's decorations.

Unusual expositions, which immediately catch the eye, will not remain in the shadows and will be appreciated not only by visitors to the establishment, but also by competitors.

Christmas floristic compositions

For those wishing to excel, we suggest using flower arrangements in the New Year's window dressing.

Sophisticated combinations of natural or artificial flowers, spruce branches and various spectacular accessories will make your shop window stand out from the others.

Floral decor will add New Year's coziness to the retail space, attract the buyer with its warmth and sophistication.

In combination with decorative illumination, the floral design option will turn your showcase into a fabulous looking glass, where everyone wants to go.

A simple, but at the same time, stylish option for decorating windows and shop windows is a design using fabrics.

For decorating with fabrics, our designers have prepared many ideas - with the help of soft airy lace, they will wrap the showcase in festive warmth, and using snow-white or metallized material, they will turn the space into a snow-covered meadow or an abstract composition.

The shop windows, draped with luxurious backlit fabrics, will surely not go unnoticed, attracting passers-by with their mysterious glow.

Professional designers and decorators will help you not only effectively decorate the showcase, but also take over the display of the product to ensure its maximum sales.

The windows of Minsk have also been dressed up for the New Year. The largest stores are, of course, GUM, TSUM, and Trading House on Nemiga.

As it turned out, there is a position of a full-time designer in Minsk department stores, who is engaged in the design of windows and interiors of the stores themselves. It is not customary to contact designers, for example, those who periodically participate in Minsk fashion shows, stores cope on their own. And, unfortunately, this year it turned out not very bright - Christmas trees, garlands, snowflakes and snowmen. There are not so many solid, decorated in the same style, original showcases.

GUM. State department store. The entrance to GUM was decorated in a very traditional way - there are Christmas trees on the sides. As always. But this makes it no less beautiful. Tradition is always good. Side showcases pleased with snowmen and gift boxes, but the main showcases ... GUM was very interesting in October, having made a kind of excursion through the eras for its anniversary, but unfortunately by winter it did not change epochs for something more wintery. I just added hats, scarves and trees.

New Year showcases - glass fairy tale

The trading house on Nemiga was decorated with white Christmas trees.

And below the windows of several clothing stores along M. Tanka street. The most interesting are showcases with flashlights. There really is some kind of plan here. And the flashlights are just wonderful.

And in the end there is a very nice showcase of one of the Minsk cafes. Definitely a Christmas card.


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