What is life zeroing. Zeroing. The beginning of a new life. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change life and rewrite history on your sheet, if you act on the basis of the unanimated baggage of experience

Whatever happens in the life of a particular person, he always has a choice. Even if it seems that he is not. In a difficult life situation, each of us makes at least 2 choices:

1. What emotions to experience in this situation, how to experience it.

I wrote about what to do with emotions. You can act differently - the main thing is to find what suits you.

As for actions, a negative person is usually very much tied to his past. Therefore, in most cases, the negative in the present does not arise here, in this particular situation, but stretches, as if along a tube from unworked experiences of the past.

For example, if at one time you were seriously deceived, offended, then a similar "approach" from the interlocutor may cause an emotional reaction inadequate to the current situation. That is, we often react not to what is happening here and now, but to past resentment. But in this way we not only do not defend ourselves, but also determine the attitude towards us for the future. Anyone who is afraid of becoming a victim of deceivers behaves like a victim, thereby attracting potential deceivers and provoking them to new deception.

As a result, over the years, many have accumulated such a burden that it is not surprising that they are constantly in a decadent mood. And where there is a bad mood, there are failures. And you don't even have to find out what came first. But when they are, they constantly feed each other. Vicious circle.

Many would like to get out of this circle, but often they just don't know how.

If suddenly your life is something similar to the description, I suggest you "Reset to zero". Perhaps, out of habit, it will not be easy, the main thing is to realize:

Regardless of what happened before, it is NOW you choose what your life will be like next. It is IN THE CURRENT MOMENT that the countdown of your new life begins.

But deciding is only half the battle. The second required element is action based on this decision... This means acting as if there have been no failures and "failures" until now. Thomas Edison put about 11,000 experiments in search of a suitable material for filament in an incandescent light bulb, and the scientist assessed this fact as follows: "I just found 10,000 ways that do not work."

The method can be applied not only in relation to situations, but also to people. If you are communicating with a person who has brought you a lot of pain in the past, you react to him with fear / irritation in the standard way, then from the position of zeroing you communicate as if nothing was bad. Thus, you give a chance to correct the situation in the present.

You may not need a warm relationship, but a neutral relationship will allow you not to waste your psychic energy on anger and irritation. And those who are really close to you, the calm disposition of your spirit will delight and sooner or later will motivate you to reciprocal benevolence.

"Zeroing" can be used even when your interlocutor is trying, willingly or unwillingly, to kindle your negative emotions. If you choose what to do, then you will not stab the other in response, but rather joke or simply neutralize the statement. In my youth, I read somewhere from NI Kozlov the phrase “If I loved him”, and when the boss brought a bad mood to work, pouring it out on me, it helped me to react calmly, and in some cases even defuse the situation. The main thing is that I myself should be in the right frame of mind.

Naturally, if you have not done this before, then it may not work right away. This is normal. To begin with, the main thing is to remember how to react in order to bring the situation on the path you need.

Thus, if you "reset", your actions will be determined by the future, not the past. And you will have a much greater chance of getting a positive development even in those relationships and situations in which there was nothing good before.

And this will not mean that you lived wrong before. If there was no past, you would not be here - at the point of the beginning of your new life.

It's never too late to go the other way. Let's go?

There are two ways to zero consciousness and move to a new level:

1 long and difficult. You slowly get to know yourself by going through various practices and austerities. Cognizing the world of matter and spiritual bliss, trying to find balance. Ups and downs mix. You work hard and at a certain moment you will become enlightened! How it visits you no longer understand, but life changes and everything in your universe merges into one. Diseases are already perceived as a step in the transition to a new level of development. Your body is getting younger and more beautiful, your gaze becomes soft and everything around you begins to see in different colors. Money and abundance are just there. You see and understand everything much earlier than everyone else, but there is no longer a desire to teach and teach. You are just enjoying life. You love yourself and everyone around you. It is a long journey to connect to the universal server of love and abundance. From it we go out to it and strive through our whole life. And if your access to the universal server was authorized and all passwords-lessons were passed, please receive the energy of love and abundance. You can see such people. We all know them. Great spiritual leaders of the planet Earth. There are no poor or hungry among them. If his age is already great, how can you not say about his numbers right away. They are cheerful and full of strength. Their eyes and speech are full of love for everything on earth and heaven. They bring us messages from the Almighty about love and care. We just need to follow the path of heart and love. Love brings joy and abundance.

Well, or way 2:

If a quick but short-term way of connecting to the flow of love and a person pays dearly for it, with his health. This alcohol and drugs, very quickly carries you to the top and you get a short pleasure, then a painful separation occurs and evil and aggression comes. The universal server of love does not accept you forever, there is only one way, through knowledge and acceptance of oneself beloved. And again and again, attempts are made and in return the body is distorted, the flow of abundance and money is closed, the nervous system is completely out of order, but short connections and going into oblivion with attempts to get love remain.

Sometimes both paths intertwine and only you can choose your path.

Only you yourself can understand what is wrong with you and where you are, and what you really need.

Perhaps you should reset your consciousness and forgive yourself.

We know how to update and start all over again.

Every year on December 31st, with the striking of the clock, we attempt to reset our lives and start over. Almost all people carry out this ceremony, and most importantly, it works. The collective unconscious has tremendous power.

Live with love in your heart and remember you can always reset your life and start everything the way you want. No matter what pit you are in and to what heights your work has brought you, you are worthy of love and abundance. All people are worthy of love and abundance, and all this awaits them. All will be!

With love to you!

You can't put water in a glass full. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change life and rewrite history on your sheet, if you act on the basis of the unanimated baggage of experience.
Your puzzle of life will always come together in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times do not mix them at the start.

It is necessary to begin the conscious creation of oneself and one's new experience with zeroing.
Not with a search for goals, not with a declaration of a vision of oneself in five years, not with questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about the old ideas, which also take a lot of energy.
You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energy and mental levels.

The uncontrolled accumulation of the past leads to two things:
1. Endless replay of your past. Life becomes like déjà vu.
2. Slowing down the speed of life This is when you look at those who are doing three times more, and do not understand how they do it. Life success and implementation in all areas is possible only at fast speed.
It makes sense to clean up life in all three dimensions: the past, the present and, don't be surprised, the future. Yes, in your future, too, there is a lot of shit in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so direct, but it also needs to be cleared.
I suggest starting with the present. It is the most substantive, here and now. Complete cleansing of the moment from the trash will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you still need it.

The main thing is to remove all hanging questions from the to-do list.
I want to note that here it is not proposed to immediately polish your present, like Cinderella, (although this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the "hangings", even by zeroing them. You need to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they hang there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.
And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do next weekend:

1. Throwing out the trash
We get rid of all the trash. For a start - from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to the shelter. But not according to the principle "I will put it in a box, somehow I will bring it to the church." And we are really taking away. We do not leave anything on the waiting list.
What is trash?
That's all you don't use. Let's do this: everything that you have not used during the year (this is very loyal), you need to remove-distribute-sell-throw away:
- Clothes that you do not wear.
- Most of the souvenirs, except for those that really create coziness in the interior (in fact, this is the smaller part of what you have).
- Unsuitable or outdated dishes, appliances.
The more you "dig up", the better you are. Understand that every thing, literally every, is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you need there and will delight you. Approach all things with the question "Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place?"
You can't put water in a glass full.
You empty your glass yourself. How much you pour, so much will pour in. If you are greedy, do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.
Generally, spring-cleaning at home is a game called "How ready I am to let new experiences into my life."
How much you throw away, so ready.
By the way, this goes for all of your spaces including workplace in the office, dacha, car, private jet and whatever else you have. Surprise your colleagues - really clean your desk, start the real uncovering process.

2. We throw out the files
Garbage disposal is just a flower. It's time to throw files away! How much time do you spend on the computer and on the net? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also a part of your energy.
We are used to storing everything on a computer. Why throw it out? The hard drive is enough for everything.
Here the principle is the same: purification is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and dear. Why keep a movie you don't like? Why keep some old goofy files? It's all a piece of you. We carry it with us, realizing that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we make room for a new one?
Debriefing is required not only for your personal, but also for your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. Putting things in order, giving things their place, organizing files
I have never been on the side of strict purity, even cultivated a creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.
Now I will say this: a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized, when a thing has its place) is the key to a good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if the time has come to accelerate. You won't be able to switch your life to a new speed if chaos reigns on your desktop and in your apartment.

4. Filtering incoming information
Tidiness and cleaning are also needed by the flow of your incoming information. In general, it is food for the mind and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to put it.
Information intoxication - have you heard? This is a common ailment that many people are infected with now. They read everything on the web, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.
Information has the ability to accumulate, it does not leave our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating a powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes along the way due to the inability to hear the voice of your soul.
Therefore, today I recommend doing the following:
Clean up your friend feed.
Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate with you and does not inspire you.
Clean up your walls.
Remove or hide those people whose news is annoying. Especially those who post negative from world events.
Decide on the set of blogs and websites that you intend to read.
My main principle of how to personally determine the value of a resource for myself is a response in my soul. When you read something and feel the return inside, this is a quite distinguishable feeling of awareness and a desire for action.
And in no case should it be a tape on the principle "I was added - I will add and will read." No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be regularly cleaned and replenished with new resources.

5. We finish unfinished business or reset them
It is important to complete all cases from the "pending" list: either transfer them to the "in progress" status and actually do and do, or reset them. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I no longer do it, than to drag this burden with me. You should feel from the inside that all your things are done, the current processes are in the schedule, there are no pending questions left. This is the "first speed" in order to approach the question "What do I want from this life?" and move towards conscious change.
In conclusion. The general cleaning process of your present consists of two key points: getting rid of rubbish at all levels and ordering things, including the incoming information flow.
Set up your channels so that only high-quality, useful information in moderation comes to you, and you will see how your world will transform.
It is possible to create yourself anew only if you understand that the old experience is not your advisor in this.
Now for the cleaning!

You can't put water in a glass full. This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change life and rewrite history on your sheet, if you act on the basis of the unanimated baggage of experience.

Your puzzle of life will always come together in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times do not mix them at the start.

It is necessary to begin the conscious creation of oneself and one's new experience with zeroing. Not with a search for goals, not with a declaration of a vision of oneself in five years, not with questions of mission and purpose. This whole process will be confused about old ideas, which also take a lot of energy.

You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energy and mental levels.

Endless replay of your past. Life becomes like déjà vu. Slowing down the speed of life is when you look at those who are doing three times more, and you do not understand how they do it. Success in life and realization in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

It makes sense to clean up life in all three dimensions: past, present and, don't be surprised, future. Yes, in your future, too, there is a lot of shit in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so direct, but it also needs to be cleared.
I suggest starting with the present. It is the most substantive, here and now. Complete cleansing of the current moment from trash will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you still need it.

The main thing is to remove all hanging questions from the to-do list.
I want to note that here it is not proposed to immediately polish your present, like a Cinderella, (although this is useful) - first you need to put things in order and close "Hanging", even by resetting them. You need to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they hang there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now in more detail. What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do in the coming weekend:

1. we throw out the trash.

We get rid of all the trash. For a start - from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to the shelter. But not according to the principle "I will put it in a box, somehow I will bring it to the church." And we are really taking away. Leave nothing on the Pending list.
What is trash?
That's all you don't use. Let's do it this way: everything that you have not used during the year (this is very loyal) must be removed - distributed - sold - thrown out:
- clothes that you are not wearing.
- most of the souvenirs, except for those that really create coziness in the interior (in fact, this is the smaller part of what you have.
- unusable or outdated dishes, appliances.
The more "Naroet", the better you are. Understand that every thing, literally every, is a particle of your energy, look at them soberly and take into your new experience only what you need there and will delight you. Approach all things with the question "Do I want to leave this energy or let a new one come in its place? You can't pour water into a glass full."
You empty your glass yourself. How much you pour, so much will pour in. If you are greedy, do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter.
In general, spring cleaning is a game called "How Willing I Am To Let New Experience Into My Life."
How much you throw away, so you are ready.
By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including a workplace in an office, a summer cottage, a car, a private jet and whatever else you have. Surprise your coworkers - really clean your desk, start the real Uncovered process.

2. we throw out the files.

Garbage disposal is a flower. It's time to throw out the files! How much time do you spend on the computer and on the net? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also a part of your energy.
We are used to storing everything on a computer. Why throw it out? The hard drive is enough for everything.
Here the principle is the same: purification is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and dear. Why keep a movie you don't like? Why keep some old goofy files? It's all a piece of you. We carry it with us, realizing that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we make room for a new one?
Debriefing is required not only for your personal, but also for your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. put things in order, give things their place, organize files.

I have never been on the side of strict purity, even cultivated a creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.
Now I will say this: a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized, when a thing has its place) is the key to a good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if the time has come to accelerate. You won't be able to switch your life to a new speed if chaos reigns on your desktop and in your apartment.

4. we filter the incoming information.

Tidiness and cleaning are also needed by the flow of your incoming information. In general, it is food for the mind and depends on its quality. The work of your mind. There is no other way to put it.
Information intoxication - have you heard? This is a common ailment that many people are infected with now. They read everything on the web, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.
Information has the ability to accumulate, it does not leave our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered. Letting in only what is valuable and immediately launching it into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating a powerful information noise. This leads to making mistakes along the way due to the inability to hear the voice of your soul.
Therefore, today I recommend doing the following:
Clean your friend.
Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate with you and does not inspire you.
Clean your walls.
Remove or hide those people whose news is annoying. Especially those who post negative from world events.
Decide on the set of blogs and sites that you intend to read.
My main principle on how to personally determine the value of a resource for myself is a response in my soul. When you read something and feel the return inside, this is a quite distinguishable feeling of awareness and a desire for action.
And in no case should it be a tape according to the principle "I have been added - I will add and I will Read". No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be regularly cleaned and replenished with new resources.

5. we finish unfinished business or reset them.

It is important to complete all cases from the "Pending" list: either transfer them to the "in progress" status and actually do and do, or reset them. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I no longer do it, than to drag this burden with me. You should feel from the inside that all your affairs are done, the current processes are in the schedule, there are no pending questions left. This is the "First Speed" in order to approach the question "what do I want from this life?" And move towards conscious changes.
In conclusion. The process of general cleaning of your present consists of two key points: getting rid of trash at all levels and ordering things, including the incoming information flow.
Set up your channels so that only high-quality, useful information in moderation comes to you, and you will see how your world will transform. It is possible to create yourself anew only if you understand that the old experience is not your advisor in this.

To go through zero means to change, it means to be born again, with new views, thinking, thoughts, and in general with a new character, although more and more often people are convinced that it does not change.

Passing through zero means that the old programs that you used no longer work, and the new ones are still at the connection stage. This is the moment of choice: new views, vision, environment, emotions. Often during this period, people change their place of work, field of activity or partners.

Life does not stand still and changes are the only thing that has become permanent, this is the only thing that does not change. And if you are not ready to change, you will either begin to degrade, or life will start to force you to change, but the ways will not bring pleasure: loss of a job, a loved one, a business, etc.

In an era of change, we lose if we continue to use the same ways of interacting with the world as we did a few years ago, or what, a few months ago or even weeks.

During the zeroing period, the person experiences depression. Everything seems to be in vain, life and work, family and children. It seems what all this is for, if it does not give me pleasure, and I am still not happy. The main thing at this moment is to understand that this is just a period, a period of searching for new landmarks in life, a new line of development, a vector of movement.

You can do something, or do nothing, but one day there will come a moment when you want something, well, maybe cocoa, then you want to watch a movie, but not an old and revised one more than once, but a completely new one, just released, then you want new ones shoes or write a book, you may even want to stop communicating with someone. This will be the moment when the new structures were almost built and started to work.

Desires are the engine of everything, that's why depression arises when there are no desires, there is no desire for development and the new, you are just stuck in the old, but, damn it, it no longer works, does not bring pleasure.

And how to understand that the zeroing has passed?

There will be a lot of new things around, although it seems to me that in order to move in this life, it is worth 5% to always leave yourself a feeling of zeroing. Because otherwise you can get stuck on something again: work, partner, money, things and .... and again depression, sadness, longing and sadness.

Although I believe that it is these states that are the engine of this life.

Reset to zero and have fun.

Zeroing and general cleaning of your life. You need to start by throwing out all the trash from your life: on the physical, energy and mental levels.

The uncontrolled accumulation of the past leads to two things:

1. Endless replay of your past.

Life becomes like déjà vu.

2. Slowing down the speed of life.

This is when you look at those who do three times more, and do not understand how they do it. Success in life and realization in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

A lot is already known on the topic of "zero", "zero zone", "zeroing". As it turned out, many of us periodically go through this zero throughout our lives, experiencing - with individual nuances - very similar, difficult, and often very painful conditions. And yet, for many, just the key to salvation is to find out that they are not alone, suffering from ignorance in such situations, and there is the experience of people who have more than once passed through the zeroing portals. Those who share this experience thereby help others understand what is happening to them, and finally get out of the impenetrable darkness of their own lostness into the light, to a new round of life. Source - Esoterics. Living Knowledge

From the publisher

It happens that you suddenly realize that you have already grown out of any business, have grown out of a job that you have been doing for a long time, have grown out of a relationship, have grown out of a project or business. These are all forms.

With the development and growth of consciousness, a person naturally outgrows everything. Our experience in any kind of form sooner or later falls off or is taken away in different ways, especially if we ourselves do not make "our" transition.

Development never stops, even if there is stagnation, losses and regression. All this only encourages us to seek more and more new forms for our creative manifestation from the subtle to the dense and material.

The main stumbling block of the process of changing forms is a suspended state in which you understand that "you can no longer do this," but you do not know yet where to go and what to do.

People very often describe a zeroing state that is accompanied in one way or another by any major shape change. For example, when a person decides to change his profession, lifestyle or family, zeroing can last for more than one year. These states are characterized by melancholy, laziness, depression of mood, loss of energy, despondency, loss of faith in oneself, in life, in people.

For most people, zeroing is accompanied by financial downturns, the elaboration of many complexes and fears, and various crises in relationships. But do not despair - this is a great time, terrible, somewhat painful, but truly great! During this period of seemingly downtime and striving to the bottom, the most significant transformations take place inside, the power of which you will realize and appreciate later, looking back, and this will happen faster when you let go of everything, stop fighting for a while, gather strength, rest , let go of the buzzing of the mind about this, so that with renewed vigor you can push off the bottom and rush to new horizons.

During this period, a powerful cleansing from the old attachments of the past form takes place. The world is testing for dedication to new solutions, and the mind will periodically suggest that you return to the old. And so that you are not moved, even by strong money problems, try to calm down and still calmly rush forward without any acceleration. Learn to wait and listen to yourself - this is the most important thing during this period.

Zeroing - happens to us all the time. Absolutely any divine process in the world of forms is built on this principle. Starting from the consumption of food in the body, and ending with the death of this very organism.

Don't be afraid to zero. If you feel like it's time to change your shape, do so. My experience, like the experience of other people, suggests that the world will support you in this endeavor ...

Good luck to all of us on the path of periodic resetting!

Nikolay Bulgakov

Read the section Knowledge about the transition on the esoteric portal naturalworld.guru.

Zeroing in life. Zeroing in psychology - what is it and how to act?

Many people do not understand this term - zeroing in psychology. How is it to reset to zero? Leave everyone and everything? Break down everything that was built and dump live in a happy country? Start writing a picture of life with blank slate? It certainly sounds extremely tempting, romantic, bold and desperate. But not believable.

No, breaking and abandoning is not a problem at all, leaving too, but this is not about zeroing, but about trying to escape from the routine, from accumulated problems. But do you understand that all this will return? Even with new people, in a new country. And note, the problems will most likely be very similar to the old ones, to those that supposedly broke.

Zeroing is an acknowledgment that you were wrong in your conclusions, in your way of thinking, in your views of the world. That all your accumulated life experience was not good for anything, and is not able to help solve the problems that arise. And they arise! Yet you persist in trying to solve new problems in your old ways. And when once again, resting your horns on the wall, you give up and say - oh, you bastard, I really don't know how to live on - this is already zeroing. And it is from this point that the NEW begins. But it is really very difficult to admit that you were wrong. Especially difficult for the ego. How come? I’m generally done, but the fact that I’ve been running in a circle for many years is all nonsense.

So, zeroing is when you just give up and decide to learn to live differently and look for new ways to solve your problems, and not break everything around and not flee to other countries. Everything can remain the same - work, man, and home, but here you are. You will be different. It's just a new level, baby.

Generally a reasonable question. And yes, just realizing that it's zeroed isn't enough. In this state, you can hang for a long time, and as a result, return to square one, until the next wall and the next recognition of your insolvency. I say this from experience - yes, it was, I went to the penalty loop at a time.

Until I understood one simple thing - you can stop admitting your failure a hundred times, but at the same time continue to stubbornly follow the old paths, or you can take a closer look at your mistakes and old ineffective ways of solving problems.

Why do this? I will say this - until you point-blank see rakes and bumps on your road - you will inevitably get there, habit. It's like walking in the dark and hopefully. It may work of course, but I prefer to save my own forehead and shine a flashlight.

So, having figured out your old mistakes, there is a chance not to make them. Of course, this does not insure against committing new ones, but the chance of success increases by exactly 50%. In my opinion, the normal efficiency? What do you think?

And now the most interesting thing is how to act? How to understand what is true and what is not? In fact, each of us knows this. And he feels. The action that the soul approves is correct. And it can run counter to the so-called "common sense". It is usually about the obvious benefit, but sometimes (not even sometimes - always) actions that are not profitable from the point of view of the mind, but approved by the soul, bring much more benefit, more often, extremely unexpectedly.

And there is no clearly written plan, there are signs on the road - there are people who can send books. But you still have to think and make decisions on your own. The conveyor of happiness has not yet been invented and this is wonderful.

Zeroing consciousness. Reboot consciousness

Windholtz Alex

Now there is a lot of knowledge about our divine future, but there is little information through what difficulties we need to reach this state. We are assured that this is a journey from the point Earth to the point of the Heavenly abode, and for this we only need to visualize the positive divine light. Many people like this version due to the fact that it hides a subconscious fear of the unknown. Therefore, the neophyte is more willing to visualize the divine light, the joy of being, looks at cute pictures of angels or spiritual teachers, but is afraid to look soberly at his real life with his everyday emotions and matrix thought forms. The fear of the unknown is what stops the traveler. Therefore, he builds a beautiful illusion of ascent to divinity, where miracle and magic fit into the logic of the earthly mind.

And this is a natural emotion of a person on the way. Fear of the unknown is based on the experience of the soul, at one time faced with something incomprehensible, which did not fit into its previous experience. Therefore, the fear of awakening from a long hibernation sits in the subconscious. For example, if we live in one room for several years without going outside, then a phobia will grow in us - fear of the street. It will seem to us that dangers and troubles will lie in wait for us outside the house. This is how consciousness works. This state of fear is reinforced by the mind. He always runs ahead, painting scary pictures under the influence of frightened emotions.

At a certain level of development, the soul necessarily undergoes initiation when it must meet and realize its limit. A circle with a dot in the middle is a symbol of consciousness - a cosmic law that is significant for all levels of consciousness. The fact is that until consciousness matures, it is protected in "artificial" cocoon planets. When her own cocoon of light gets stronger, she will be ready to exist outside the planetary systems. This is the way out of the wheel of samsara.

Consciousness is an immortal creation. But only if it has acquired its cocoon through evolution. The cocoon is individuality - that which delineates it from the Ocean of Consciousness. In the process of evolution, we will not dissolve in Nirvana, losing individuality, but on the contrary, by integrating with souls similar in vibration, we will form a more voluminous cocoon, where each individuality will feel itself as the center of this new Sphere... And this will be only the beginning of another - a more spherical path in the Ocean of energies.

For us, the loss of the body means the death of the person, which implies complete oblivion. Likewise, the soul has a fear of dissolving in all that exists, losing its individuality - a cocoon. Fear is a natural process in the evolution of consciousness. If for people the restraining factor is animal instinctive fear, then for the soul energetic fear, indicating the danger of crossing the border of its awareness. This is a kind of fuse that looks like a hiss of warning energy. This hissing energy defines alienness for the soul and the danger of contact with an unknown force, or outlines its boundaries of perception. An unknown force is that consciousness cannot digest, which means that there is a danger of receiving a huge dose of energy, from which its light cocoon can be damaged.

The maturity of consciousness determines the experience - passing the limits of the "top" of the cocoon boundary, and the "bottom", its depth of the microcosm. What is it for?

This is necessary for the soul to know its capabilities, its potential. The outer border of the cocoon of consciousness is held by the inner attraction of its core. The core is experience compressed into a microcosm. We can say that this is a hard drive for storing information.

If our human consciousness, which consists of a complex of different energies, is contained and stored in a cocoon of a physical body, then the next stage of evolution is visible light. Light will be our future cocoon (plasma), protecting our consciousness from external Force Unknown. Most likely, after the cocoon of light, some other energy will replace it, maybe a torsion protecting field. Consciousness will always grow fractally, integrating with other cocoons, but it will always have a bubble in which it will exist. The entire universe is a large sphere, which in turn contains many large and small bubbles of consciousness.

The world is a giant nesting doll made of cocoons of consciousness.
The energy in the cocoon of consciousness first rises from the center to the boundaries of the sphere, then collides with external environment (limit), receiving new information from there, returns back to the center. It is like a thick energy bagel, where the stream first turns from the inside out and then twists and turns back. This process is similar to the friction of two opposite flows, due to which it consists driving force The universe, and hence our consciousness.

We can say that all this is "theory", but how can we humans experience this process?

At some moment, we can feel how our consciousness rushes to the light to a large ocean of information hitherto unknown to us. We call this enlightenment. Our ascent goes on until we feel that we are dissolving in great love and light. As soon as this state is felt, it is a signal to return back, otherwise dissolution in nirvana is inevitable. Further, the unknown Power "pulls" us down, inside our circle, into our darkness. This is exactly what we ourselves want at this moment. There is a feeling of overheating of our mind from meeting with the supermind. We got stress from new knowledge and we need a deep dive to digest it. It is stronger than us - as an instinct for self-preservation. Our cocoon has experienced an energy shock from the unknown, which is why a "crack" has formed in it, and at this moment it is important for consciousness to ground the abundance of new information. Attention at this time is unstable, feelings jump: from the feeling of universal love, to deep sadness for the irrevocably gone old world.

Life success and realization in all areas today are possible only at fast speed.

... sometimes a person sincerely tries to accelerate his rhythm with early wakes, sports, rigid self-discipline, but nothing happens.

It is possible to create yourself anew if you understand that the old experience does not advise you in this.


Zeroing and general cleaning of your life

You can't put water in a glass full.

This is one of the fundamental principles of any change. It is impossible to radically change life and rewrite history on your sheet, if you act on the basis of the unanimated baggage of experience.

Your puzzle of life will always come together in the same picture, if you use the same elements, how many times do not mix them at the start.

It is necessary to begin the conscious creation of oneself and one's new experience with zeroing, with throwing out all the trash from one's life: at the physical, energy and mental levels.

The uncontrolled accumulation of the past leads to two things:

1. Endless replay of your past.

2. Slowing down the speed of life

This is when you look at those who do three times more and do not understand how they do it.

Success in life and realization in all areas is possible only at fast speed.

"Stop living like you have 500 years left."

(Bill Gates)

By the way, sometimes a person sincerely tries to accelerate his rhythm with early rises, sports, rigid self-discipline, but nothing happens.

Energy jumps from heady ups to sharp falls, when there is nothing but devastation inside.

The reasons may be different, here you have to look at the situation and ask impartial questions to yourself - "why is this happening?", But one of them may be precisely the desire to drive at normal speed, without unhooking the van of your many years of trash.

General cleaning of life for those who prefer speed and completely new horizons:

It makes sense to clean up life in all three dimensions: the past, the present and, don't be surprised, the future. Yes, in your future, too, there is a lot of shit in the form of ideas about it, forgive me for being so direct, but it also needs to be cleared.

I suggest starting with the present.

It is the most substantive, here and now. Complete cleansing of the current moment from trash will already give you noticeable strength and fresh energy, and you still need it.

The principle is to throw out everything that is possible and even a little more. The bottom line is to put an end to each unresolved question: either complete the case, or cancel, if its need is no longer so important.

The main thing is to remove all hanging questions from the to-do list.

I want to note that it is not suggested here to immediately polish your real aka Cinderella (although, this is useful!) - first you need to put things in order and close the "hang-ups", even by zeroing them.

You need to remove tasks from the waiting list or start them in the process if they hang there for more than a few weeks. This will give a colossal influx of new energy.

And now for more details.

What will those who really intend to collect a new picture of their experience do in the next weekend:

1. Throwing out the trash

We get rid of all the trash. For starters, from your home. We throw it away, distribute it, take it to the shelter. But not according to the principle, I will put it in a box, somehow I will bring it to the church. And we take it straight away. We do not leave anything on the waiting list.

What is trash?

That's all you don't use. Let's do it, everything that you have not used during the year (this is very loyal) must be removed-distributed-sold-thrown away:

- Clothes that you don't wear.

- Most of the souvenirs, except for those that really create coziness in the interior (for verification, this is the smaller part of what you have)

- Unsuitable or outdated dishes, appliances and the like.

You can't pour water into a full glass

You empty your glass yourself.

How much you pour, so much will pour in.

If you are greedy, do not be surprised that big changes will simply have nowhere to enter. It is difficult for me to advise here in detail, since I have no such problem at all.

Due to frequent travel and change of place of residence, I literally learned to weed out the unnecessary and part with seemingly beloved, but in fact stupid souvenirs.

But seeing the apartments of some of my friends who have been living in one place for years or even decades is just a museum of rubbish from the past. What kind of changes can we talk about?

In general, general cleaning of the house is a game called: "How ready I am to let new experiences into my life."

How much you throw away, so you are ready.

By the way, this applies to all your spaces, including your office workspace, summer cottage, car, and everything else you have. Surprise your coworkers - really clean your desk, start the real uncovering process.

2. We throw out the files

Throwing out the trash is a flower, it's time to throw out the files. How much time do you spend on the computer and on the net? This is also your space, although virtual, it is also a part of your energy.

We are used to storing everything on a computer. Why throw it out? The hard drive is enough for everything.

Here the principle is the same: purification is the release of energy. Leave only what you like and dear.

Why keep a movie you don't like?

Why keep some old goofy files?

It's all a piece of you. We carry it with us, realizing that the more cargo, the slower the speed, or will we make room for a new one?

Debriefing requires not only your personal, but also your work computer, as well as virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. Putting things in order, giving things their place, organizing files

It is not enough to throw out the trash, you need to put things in order in what is.

I have never been on the side of strict purity, even cultivated a creative disorder for a long time, hiding behind my penchant for art.

Now, I will say this - a harmonious order (not fanatical, but systematized - when a thing has its place) is a guarantee of a good and effective functioning of affairs, especially if the time has come to accelerate. You will not be able to switch your life to a new speed, with complete chaos on your desktop and in your apartment.

4. Filtering incoming information

Tidying up and tidying up also requires the flow of your incoming information. In general, it is food for the mind and the work of your mind depends on its quality. There is no other way to put it.

Information intoxication, have you heard?

This is a common ailment that many people are infected with now. They read everything on the web, endlessly repost quotes from great people, completely atrophying the ability to hear the voice of their soul.

Information has the ability to accumulate, it does not go anywhere from our subconscious, so it must be carefully filtered.

To start up only what is valuable and immediately put into implementation - then it teaches and develops us, otherwise it clutters up the channels, creating a powerful informational noise.

This leads to making mistakes on the Path due to the inability to hear the voice of your soul.

1. Clean up your friend feed

Remove those friends whose reading does not resonate or inspire you

2. Clean your walls

It is necessary to remove or hide those people whose news annoys. Especially those who post negative from world events.

3. Decide on the set of blogs and sites that you intend to read.

And in no case should it be a tape on the principle "I was added - I will add and will read."

No, this should be a selection of only those resources that fill and delight you personally. It also needs to be regularly cleaned and replenished with new resources.

5. We finish unfinished business or reset them

It is important to complete all cases from the "pending" list: either transfer them to the "in progress" status and actually do and do, or reset them to zero. It is better to decide for yourself that at this stage the case is closed and I no longer do it, than "carry" this burden with me.


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