How to refuse post at work. How to refuse to increase. When you should refuse, and how not to harm the career. And whether it is advisable to say "no"

Did you think about when you finally offer an increase and waited for this moment, but they realized that they were not ready for such a turn of events? Yeah, a good gift of fate, what to say! How to delicately refuse the offer of the director and save your "I"?

What is the matter? Yes, that we have imposed an opinion that absolutely everyone must be a successful leader well, or, at worst, make himself a loud name, and otherwise it will simply be considered a loser, a simple "lose" ...

And anything, but few people think about the fact that the leaders are given not to all people. And the most important reason is that if everyone is great chiefs, then they will simply won't lead to anyone.

Secondly, it is worth noting that only units have the qualities that the person needs to be able to lead others and do it on worthy level. He must be able to take responsibility for the actions of other people, and not just be very famous and respected ...

The truth of life is that most people feel quite comfortable in the role of the artist, since they do not need to think about some global problems and thinking how to solve them.

So, if you understand that they are simply not ready to manage and decide someone, from which Ivanov began to work so badly and whom to take a newly abolished Taldykina to place, well, or simply do not want to take all this Responsibility, and you are promoting an increase, then in this case, much better just abandon him.

In the event that you still agree, you will have expensive to pay career for thirst, and either your health or your psychological comfort, which is clearly breaking as a result of the fact that you have to do a daily bunch of infamous work. There is another version of the development of events - you, without coping with the task, you will have to look for another place of work.

Having answered himself honestly and realizing that this work is not for you, do not be lazy to explain to the authorities of the cause of your refusal to increase. Tell me that you are very much flattered by trust, but still forced to refuse, as they are sure that they just do not handle all the responsibilities, and therefore prefer to stay in their own former place.

And the person who is not ready for the next step up career stairswill get the so-called emotional burnout syndrome.

Believe me that the new opportunities that have opened before you are, and the high salary, and all the other benefits will already very soon go to the background for you, so the realization that you tried to jump above your head.

We assure you that awareness will not wait long to wait long, and only one or two months later you will clearly understand what they have done the biggest mistake in your life, but only it will be extremely difficult to fix it: you will be the hostage of the current situation, and therefore You will have to either take yourself in your hands, and continue to work in spite of anything to complete exhaustion and exhaustion, or put the director on the director's desk.

Agree that none of these options is impressive and does not attract, but if you feel that you are not ready to stick to your shoulders understanding, Better refuse yourself. Do not be afraid to disappoint your refusal guide, as practice shows that failure to comply with duties is most upset by the bosses, and not what you were honest with him. Believe that the failed project will not produce any proper impression.

The result is: if you suddenly offer an increase, and you feel not ready for this, then in this case, do not be afraid to explain your position, do not be afraid to talk about it openly, feel free to seem a fool who does not appreciate such a generous gift that He pretends fate.

Notice that in your life there are few other values, and at the moment you still do not have the necessary quality set.

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The reasons to abandon the post may be a lot. For example, your personal plans simply did not work in the near future, as you were going to dedicate the family time or wanted to take a creative vacation. It is somehow not accepted from such proposals, so it is necessary to take time on reflections and to think about how to refuse, without putting yourself, neither leadership in an awkward position. Just follow these simple step-by-step advice, and you will be on the right track while solving your financial issues.

Short step by step guide
So, consider the actions that need to be taken.

Step -1
Whatever arguments you are guided by the arguments that you will give as the reason for your refusal must be thoughtful, weighted and formulated so that the employer felt that you are considering your refusal and from its position too. To prepare and argue failure, take a timeout. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -2
Rate the consequences of its transition from the employer's point of view. An excellent motivation will be the confidence that you will be expressed that in case of your transition to another position, you will have to leave work on solving problems, very important to the company. Explain to the employer that the search for a replacement will require a lot of time and will be sufficiently costly for the enterprise. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -3
In that situation when you want to refer to the impossibility of accepting a proposal due to the fact that at the moment you need to solve some family problems, it is not necessary to start a conversation with the mention of them. First thank you for the trust rendered and tell me that this offer you are very interested. Show how much you own the situation and that you are in the course of politics conducted by the company. Then tell me that you analyzed your capabilities, but you can fully realize them only after a while, because this stage You have an important problem in the family, to permit which your participation is required. Such a refusal will not be perceived as a resentment and you, at the same time, show yourself as a responsible person, will demonstrate the departure of the future leader. Next, go to the next step of the recommendation.

Step -4
It also happens that you are not satisfied with the direction of activity that you are going to charge. In this case, it makes sense to say about it, thanking for trust. Share your plans and consult with the manager, maybe if it will bring them to life.
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Refusal to increase: to whom and why it is necessary

No matter how hard it sounds, but the increase is far from always being joy. For someone new post May not fit into a personal career development plan, someone is not ready to take over more duties due to family circumstances, and someone does not see herself as a manager at all. The main thing is to reject the proposal to increase so as not to harm the career, and even contribute to its development.

Different reasons

The reasons for the refusal of the proposed increase can be the most. It may be a fear of not cope with, and reluctance to switch from interesting professional tasks to administrative, and the desire to move in another direction, and unpreparedness to another level of responsibility and schedule or unwillingness to change the established relationships in the team.

Managers for training personnel advise planning behavior based on their own purposes. For example, they may be such: you do not want and never want to become the leader, you want to become a leader, but a little later, say, in a couple of years, you want to become a leader in another professional field.

Whatever the reasons for refusal, according to specialists, it should be thoughtful, weighted and formulated from the position of the interests of the employer.

The arguments are weighty

Such a decision and its argumentation require training. So it is better to take a small timeout, it is good to think about everything and, if necessary, discuss with family members. "Well-prepared arguments will avoid the situation when the employer may think that you feed the price and refuse not seriously," says Marina Mironova and advises to assess positive and negative consequences This transition for the employer itself. You can motivate your decision, for example, showing that you will have to abandon a number of tasks important for the company, and the search for a replacement will be long and expensive.

Those who should not accept a proposal due to family circumstances, will begin to start a conversation with the fact that the proposal is generally interesting to you, then show the possession of the situation and understanding the goals and objectives facing the division and its leader. And then say that you have comprehensively analyzed your resources and opportunities and realized that you can achieve these goals only after a while, and voice the reasons. Thus, you need to get up on your leader, showing that you appreciate your choice and think as a team player.

If the reason for the failure lies in unpretentiousness to the change of its status in the team and need to change the attitude of others to themselves, show the employer that this appointment may cause conflicts, and probably the care of valuable employees.

And not so

Refusal because of the reluctance to change an existing work schedule is not the most the best wayBecause with the competent time distribution, the head may well fit into the usual schedule.

But the worst is a refusal because of the fear of additional responsibility. After all, responsibility is in one way or another at every workplace, and the employer may suspect that, avoiding greater responsibility, you will also strive to minimize the existing one.


Whatever arguments you are guided by the arguments that you will give as the reason for your refusal must be thoughtful, weighted and formulated so that the employer felt that you are considering your refusal and from its position too. To prepare and argue failure, take a timeout.

Rate the consequences of its transition from the employer's point of view. An excellent motivation will be the confidence that you will be expressed that in case of your transition to another position, you will have to leave work on solving problems, very important to the company. Explain to the employer that the search for a replacement will require a lot of time and will be sufficiently costly for the enterprise.

In that situation when you want to refer to the impossibility of accepting a proposal due to the fact that at the moment you need to solve some family problems, it is not necessary to start a conversation with the mention of them. First thank you for the trust rendered and tell me that this offer you are very interested. Show how much you own the situation and that you are in the course of politics conducted by the company. Then, tell me that you analyzed your capabilities, but you can fully realize them only after a while, since at this stage you have an important problem in the family, for which your participation is required. Such a refusal will not be perceived as a resentment and you, at the same time, show yourself as a responsible person, will demonstrate the departure of the future leader.

It also happens that you are not satisfied with the direction of activity that you are going to charge. In this case, it makes sense to say about it, thanking for trust. Share your plans and consult with the manager, maybe if it will bring them to life.

Failure to work is an unpleasant, but inevitable procedure: from a variety of applicants who responded to the vacancy, always have to choose only one or a maximum of several.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - Internet access;
  • - Email.


If your company is looking for employees with personnel agencies, as best as possible, describe the person you see on free. Notify the level, experience, knowledge foreign languagesThe presence of driver's license. Thus, it will be possible to avoid interviews with the applicants absolutely not suitable for the vacancy. And, accordingly, do not have to refuse not passed.

In a situation where several candidates are suitable in all respects, you need to re-interview. Organize a joint interview with all applicants. Ask to perform tasks in the specialty. Who will cope better and faster, will receive a position. The rest after the meeting, explain that they are not suitable for you, because the other candidate was more successful. Do not be afraid of a negative reaction. Your company has the right vacant The most primary employee.

Sometimes you have to keep an interview with a large number of applicants - fifty and more people at the same time. It usually happens on casting or when receiving on a network of hypermarkets. In this case, after a conversation with all applicants, ask to stay those who are suitable. Just list the last names of the test. All the rest express gratitude for the time spent and wish success in further search.

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"We will call you back" - this phrase has long been synonymous with refusal, although sometimes personnel managers really call the applicant and offer to meet again. The remaining methods of working with candidates are rarely practiced, despite the fact that the image of any organization can suffer from this. How to refuse the job as a job, not touched against any interests?


According to the results of the first interview with applicants for the position, you must declare another tour of the interview in the event that worthy candidates are two or more. The rest of the applicants will send failures in writing. At the same time, it is necessary that the text contains links to the relevant articles. Labor Code.

If the candidate does not suit you professional qualities, do not write about it directly. It is best to say about it in a veiled form. For example, that you, having considered a summary of all possible candidates, came to the conclusion that your company is simply not able to accept everyone. And therefore, in view of the closest revision staff scheduleThe summary of all applicants will be stored in a special folder to reduce the period for the search for specialists. It is not known whether the state expansion is planned on your company or not, but this form of refusal is likely to be offended by the candidate, but the confidence in him will not be confident.

If the candidate does not suit you on personal qualities (untidy appearance, repulsing communication manner, etc.), refuse him due to the lack of the qualities necessary for the execution of this work in accordance with job description. Of course, if you gain the staff of managers, the absence of communicative skills and the concept of cleanliness can be considered as a non-compliance of the post on objective indicators. But in case you hire workers in the workshop, this formulation is clearly not suitable. Try to spend another interview tour (for example, in the form of any task to confirm the qualifications).

You can write a refusal of two stages. We will depart I first incompreherted your applicant to the post notice that his candidacy (and a few more) is visible at the head of the organization. In a few days, we will deploy another letter with regret that it is impossible to take it to work, as one of the possible applicants for the position of the head chose another candidate. Be sure to notify about all your actions of the head and give present reasons for refusal in conversation.

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When appearance vacant position Employers make a proposal on the vacancy available in its organization. If the candidate is not suitable for any reason, he has the right to him refuse in employment. But if the applicant writes a letter or a statement of disagreement with this, the employer needs to be competent in writing to make a refusal to accept this position.


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