Improving the management of municipal utilities. Improving the management system of the housing and communal complex of the municipal formation on the example of the municipal enterprise of housing and communal services of the Bolshebukorsk village

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Biysk Technological Institute (branch)

state educational institution of higher professional education

Altai State Technical University

named after I.I. Polzunova "



D.R. Mamashev, E.A. Vyatkina

Altai State Technical University I.I. Polzunova

UDC 332.8 (02)


deputy Head of Biysk A.B. Lyamkin;

ph.D., Professor V.N. Klyukovkin (BTI AltSTU);

director of housing management company

"BiKO-CENTER" V.G. Nebogin (Biysk)

Mamashev, D.R.

М 221 Management of housing and communal services of municipal administration: monograph / D.R. Mamashev, E.A. Vyatkin;

Alt. state tech. un-t, BTI. - Biysk: Publishing house Alt. state tech. University, 2008 .-- 105 p.

ISBN 978-5-9257-0122-5

Under the scientific editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor I.P. Povarich

The monograph analyzes the theoretical and methodological problems of managing the housing and communal services of a municipal formation in the context of its reform. It is proposed in the transition period of the reform of housing and communal services, the development of professional management of the housing stock, the creation of a municipal management company and the structure of information and analytical support as mechanisms to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the housing and communal services of the municipal formation.

It is of interest to researchers, specialists of local self-government bodies, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions.



1.1 The essence, goals, functions and features of housing and communal services as a subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system

1.2 Theoretical aspects management of the housing and communal subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system

1.3 Basic principles and directions of reforming the management system of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation


2.1 Structural and dynamic analysis of the state of the housing and communal services of the municipal formation "City of Biysk"

2.2 Analysis of the management system of housing and communal services of the municipal formation "City of Biysk"


3.1.1 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the field of external state factors

3.1.2 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the field of external economic factors

3.1.3 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the management of internal financial and economic factors

3.1.4 Measures to improve the efficiency of the housing and communal services management system of the city of Biysk in the field of management of internal technological factors

3.2 Development of the system of professional management of housing stock of housing and communal services in Biysk (on the example of LLC "Management Company" Centralnaya ")

3.2.1 Analysis of the existing system of housing stock management (on the example of the municipal unitary enterprise of Biysk "Housing and maintenance trust No. 1")

3.2.2 Development of proposals for improving the system of forming tariffs for housing and communal services

3.2.3 Organization of a municipal management company as a way to improve the efficiency of housing management

3.3 The structure of information and analytical support as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES (on the example of the city of Biysk)

3.3.1 Analysis of the awareness of the population of Biysk about the reform of housing and communal services

3.3.2 Creation of the structure of information and analytical support as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES (for example, the city of Biysk)



Housing and communal services (HCS) is one of the largest and most important sectors of the Russian economy. Due to the fact that more than 52 thousand enterprises of this industry with more than 3 million workers produce services necessary for the formation of the living environment of the population, the problem of effective management of the housing and communal services system is of high urgency. The introduction of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation in 2005 led to the transformation of the housing and communal services management system and led to the need to form effective mechanisms of economic relations between the subjects of the housing and communal services market at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

The development of an effective management system for housing and communal services at the level of Russian municipalities is of particular importance, since the current Russian legislation, in particular Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" electricity, heat, gas and water supply of the population, water disposal, supply of the population with fuel, as well as other services of a housing and communal nature to the issues of local importance of the municipality.

At present, a number of detailed works are devoted to the study of the problems of the functioning of the housing and communal services in Russia. However, these works are more concentrated on the aspects of management of individual economic entities operating in the housing and communal services sector, and such important problems as ensuring interaction between enterprises and organizations of the industry with the population, local self-government bodies, and the development of a housing and communal services management system at the municipal level insufficiently.

In addition, the currently existing methodology of municipal management does not allow comprehensively solving problems associated with increasing the efficiency of the functioning of housing and communal systems of a municipal formation in conditions crisis situation, since to a greater extent it is developed at the level of individual techniques, rules and techniques that are effective only in certain prevailing conditions.

However, in the presence of a significant number of scientific works devoted to the problems of state and municipal administration, as well as the economy and management of housing and communal services, at present there are practically no interdisciplinary studies related to the development of a management system for housing and communal services at the municipal level.


1.1 Essence, goals, functions and features of housing and communal services as a subfromthemes of the municipal socio-economic system

Housing and communal services are one of the largest and most important sectors of the Russian economy. Thus, the share of housing and communal services as a sector of the national economy in the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation is about 5.9%. At more than 52 thousand enterprises in the industry with a total value of fixed assets over 1 trillion. rubles (about 26% of the total value of fixed assets of Russian enterprises) employs more than 3 million people. At present, public utilities consume more than 20% of electrical energy and about 45% of thermal energy produced in Russia, and includes 56 thousand heating boilers, 179 thousand km of heating, 500 thousand km of electricity, 444 thousand km of water supply and 176 thousand . km of sewer networks.

Thus, the problem of increasing the efficiency of management of enterprises in the housing and communal services industry is of great national economic importance and is currently becoming highly relevant.

Despite the fact that the term "housing and communal services" is widely used by scientists and practitioners, there are still disagreements in its interpretation. Most often, the concept of "housing and communal services" is considered in the following aspects, which are similar in semantic content, but not identical:

As a complex of sectors of intangible production that produces services "necessary for the functioning of the housing stock", or more broadly - "forming the human environment";

As a complex of enterprises, services, engineering structures and networks necessary to meet the daily household, socio-cultural and communal needs of the population;

As a social territorial and sectoral system, which is a combination of housing, utilities sectors of the municipal economy and investment and construction complex.

Thus, at the level of the Russian economy as a whole, housing and communal services can be considered as one of the sectors of the national economy that produces the services necessary to form the living environment of the population.

Currently, the current Russian legislation, in particular Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation", assigns the tasks of organizing electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, water disposal, supplying the population with fuel, as well as other services of housing and communal services to the issues of local significance of the municipality.

In this regard, housing and communal services can be considered as territorial and sectoral subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system, further considering the concepts of "housing and communal services of a municipal formation (Housing and communal services of the MO)" and "housing and communal subsystem of the municipal socio-economic system (housing and communal subsystem MSES)" to be identical.

The main goal of the municipal socio-economic system is "the fullest satisfaction of the individual and social needs of the population in accordance with the current legislation and generally accepted moral standards."

The economic basis for achieving this goal is the municipal economy. There are two main approaches to the definition of the municipal economy.

In accordance with the first approach, the municipal economy is limited to the totality of enterprises and institutions that are in municipal ownership. In our opinion, this approach leads to a narrowing of the research area and does not fully comply with the norms current legislation in terms of equal rights to operate in the market of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership.

The second approach represents a broader interpretation of the municipal economy as a set of all entities that carry out economic activity on the territory of the municipality. Thus, this approach provides certain opportunities for local governments to regulate the municipal economy to achieve the main target - the most complete and efficient satisfaction of the needs of the population.

Thus, housing and communal services MO is part of the municipal economy, including a set of economic entities of various forms of ownership, operating in the territory of the municipality in order to most effectively and fully meet the needs of the population in services related to the formation of a comfortable living environmentandniya.

Being an important structural element of MSES, housing and communal services of the Moscow region, in turn, is a complex socio-economic system, including a set of elements interconnected by the laws of interaction, functioning, structure and development.

In our opinion, the essence of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region as a complex socio-economic system can be revealed through a set of structures and tasks of its subsystems (Table 1).

Table 1 - Functional subsystems of housing and communal services of the Moscow region as a complex socio-economic system


Structural and functional


Main goals and objectives


Legal entities providing housing and communal services and related services

1 Meeting the needs of the population in services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

2 Make the most of your resources.

3 Provision of jobs with appropriate working conditions and wages.

4 Ensuring tax revenues to the budgets of all levels

Production and technological

Residential fund;

Network engineering;

Utility infrastructure facilities;

Housing construction

1 Ensuring stable and trouble-free operation:

Housing stock;

Objects of electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population, supplying the population with fuel;

Sewerage systems, as well as other housing and communal services

2 Organization of measures for environmental protection




Social protection of the population, etc.

1 Ensuring the stability of MSES.

2 Preparation and maintenance of the conditions necessary for the development of other subsystems of MSES (through the formation of high-quality labor resources).

3 Organization of library services for the population.

4 Creation of conditions for the organization of leisure and mass recreation of the population and the organization of the arrangement of places of mass recreation.

5 Participation in development planning, territorial zoning of land.

6 Protection and preservation of objects of cultural heritage of local importance



Labor resources employed in the housing and communal services system

Maintaining the required employment structure

Management and information

Executive and legislative bodies, mass media, etc.

1 Implementation of the process of management and regulation of housing and communal services.

2 Formation of a publicly available information base.

3 Quality information service

In general, the housing and communal services of the Moscow region as a complex socio-economic system are characterized by the following properties:

Integrity (the possibility of changing the structure of the housing and utilities subsystem of MSES is limited);

Communicativeness (housing and communal services MO is interconnected with external environment, which can be characterized as a set of complex systems of a higher level (municipal formation, region, state, market), as well as systems of the same level (production, financial and credit, commercial and other subsystems of MSES));

Historicity (in order to avoid the cessation of existence, a regular transformation of the structure of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES is necessary, depending on the changing conditions of the external environment);

Equifinality (the maximum efficiency of the municipal housing and communal services management system is determined only by its ability to satisfy certain social needs);

Self-organization (in the structure of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, there are active elements that provide the possibility of self-development).

The main features Housing and communal services of the MO as a socio-economic system are:

1) autonomy. Housing and communal services of MO is an autonomous subsystem of MSES, the closure of which is due to the following reasons:

The location of housing and communal services enterprises in a limited area to meet the needs of the population of a particular municipality;

Financing of programs for the functioning and development of housing and communal services mainly at the expense of municipal resources;

Regulation and management of the activities of housing and communal services by local governments (LSG);

2) high social significance. The housing and communal subsystem of the MSES objectively performs a social mission, participating in the implementation of a significant part of the life support functions of the population through the provision of services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

The multiplicity and heterogeneity of the tasks facing the housing and communal services of the Moscow region as a subsystem of the MSES necessitated their differentiation into the following groups:

1) tasks aimed at ensuring the safety and development of housing and communal infrastructure (repair, maintenance, construction, etc.);

2) tasks directly related to the functioning of the housing and communal infrastructure (electricity, heat, gas, water supply to the population, water disposal, etc.);

3) tasks that ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the population in the field of social and consumer services (communication services, public catering, trade, library, consumer services, etc.).

Housing and communal services of the MO as an important element of MSES ensures the implementation of these tasks through the provision of housing and communal services to consumers. In accordance with Russian law, housing and communal services (HCS) represent “services for the maintenance and restoration of the proper technical condition of buildings, structures, equipment, communications and housing and communal facilities, removal of household waste and supply of electricity to consumers, drinking water, gas, thermal energy and hot water ”.

Currently, the term "service" most often characterizes the "non-material benefits activity to meet the needs an individual and society as a whole ”, which allows us to consider services as a specific result of economically useful activity, and, consequently, an item of trade.

With all its diversity, services in general, as well as housing and communal services in particular, have the following general characteristics that distinguish them from goods:

- intangibilitymanifested in the intangible nature of the services;

- inseparability of production and consumption, which consists in the impossibility of creating reserves, and, consequently, developing a strategy that ensures a balance between supply and demand;

- variabilitycaused by the dependence of the quality of service provision on the degree of competition, qualifications of the service provider, etc.

Along with the above general features of services, housing and communal services, due to industry specifics, also have the following properties:

Systemic and constant demand from the population, as well as enterprises and institutions;

High social significance due to being referred to the life support system of the population;

Low substitution rates for other services;

Seasonal nature of the provision of some housing and communal services.

Thus, housing and communal services are a public good, since their provision meets the following basic principles:

1) the principle of indivisibility, which determines the interdependence between the availability of a service to an individual consumer and the availability of the same service to other consumers. In such a situation, individual consumers become depersonalized, acting as representatives of one or another group. The principle of indivisibility also leads to the impossibility of identifying the end buyer, since the service is publicly available (for example, maintenance and improvement of public infrastructure, etc.);

2) principle of non-competition, according to which the consumption of a service by one consumer does not reduce its availability for other consumers (for example, electricity, heat, gas and water supply to the population, wastewater disposal, etc.).

Due to the fact that the organization of an effective system for meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services largely depends on the possibility of individualizing consumption, it is proposed to distinguish the following types of housing and communal services.

1. ANDindividually- consumed housing and communal services, the volume of consumption of which can be reliably determined at the level of an individual consumer using natural measurements or averaged standards (electricity, heat, gas, water supply, removal of household waste, etc.). In turn, individually consumed housing and communal services can be divided into:

- onconditionally mandatorywhich the consumer cannot refuse due to technological, social or other external conditions (heat supply services, removal of household waste, etc.);

- onconditionally voluntary, which an individual consumer has the opportunity to refuse (power supply, hot water supply, etc.). The fact of using this type of service can be recorded by the installed metering devices, however, even if they are not used, the consumer is obliged to bear certain costs for maintaining the corresponding infrastructure in a condition suitable for potential use.

2. Publicly consumed housing and communal services, the need for which cannot be directly determined for each specific consumer (urban lighting, landscaping and gardening, etc.).

In our opinion, in the situation of reforming the housing and communal sector, certain public consumption services (for example, intra-quarter lighting, maintenance and repair of intra-quarter roads, etc.) will increasingly be transformed into the category of conditionally mandatory individually consumed housing and communal services with the establishment of corresponding consumption standards.

Taking into account the above, in general, it is advisable to single out individual, group and impersonal forms of consumption of HCS (table 2).

Table 2 - Forms of consumption of housing and communal services

ZhKU properties

Form of consumption of HCS




The nature of the need



The nature of the supplier's relationship with the consumer of housing and communal services




Cost recovery form


Tax payments

Water, gas, electricity, heat supply, communication services, etc.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) the structure of housing and communal services is heterogeneous, however, regardless of the degree of individualization of consumption, all housing and communal services are of a public nature;

2) the degree of divisibility and availability of housing and communal services is of decisive importance in the formation of the price of housing and communal services.

The public nature of housing and communal services, the need to ensure access to all categories of the population of the municipality to appropriate services lead to the expediency of using in practice the classification of housing and communal services depending on the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population, in accordance with which it is necessary to distinguish the following levels of housing and communal services (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Classification of housing and communal services depending on the level of satisfaction of the needs of the population

Housing and communal services ensuring the safety of living in the housing stock (minimum standard) are associated with performing only those works that ensure trouble-free operation and guarantee the reliability and reliability of the provision of life-supporting services. The minimum standard determines the level of provision of the entire set of social needs of the population in housing and communal services, below which normal life support and reproduction are impossible. In the absence of a minimum set of services, payment for housing and communal services cannot be charged.

Housing and communal services providing a normal standard of living, include all services provided to the population in full compliance with their volume, quality and required frequency. In our opinion, the achievement of this level of housing and communal services should be the main guideline of state policy at the federal, regional and municipal levels in the field of regulation of relations in the field of housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services providing increased living comfort, include not only life-supporting services, but also a range of additional services associated with increased comfort.

The interaction of sellers and buyers of housing and communal services is carried out in the housing and communal services market. The main subjects of the housing and communal services market are:

1. On the demand side for housing and communal services:

and) population as the main consumer and buyer of housing and communal services. The monograph proposes differentiation of this segment of consumers depending on the level of income:

Consumers whose income level completely deprives them of free choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

Consumers whose income level provides the potential for a limited choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

Consumers whose income level determines the potential for free choice of services in the housing and communal services market;

b) enterprises and organizations all forms of ownership, acting mainly as consumers of public services;

in) the statestimulating the population's demand for housing and communal services by providing social guarantees to the population.

2. On the supply side for housing and communal services:

Enterprises - producers of communal services, belonging to the category of natural monopolies;

Enterprises - producers of housing services, as well as enterprises that are economically connected with natural monopolies, operating in a competitive environment;

Organizations specializing in professional asset management in the housing and communal services market.

The economic interests of market entities are the main factor in self-regulation of the market through the mechanism of competition. However, on the housing and communal services market, this mechanism cannot be fully manifested due to the following reasons:

Consumption of HCS is urgent;

The needs for housing and communal services are universal;

Consumption of HCS is urgent;

The needs for housing and communal services are mandatory;

The needs for housing and communal services are not interchangeable.

The above features of the housing and communal services market lead to the following consequences of the development of competitive relations in the market:

1) violation of equality of positions of the seller and the buyer in the market, which provides an opportunity for sellers to dictate their terms of pricing to buyers;

2) the price of housing and communal services ceases to experience the action of the law of supply and demand, losing its objective character and breaking away from the factors that express consumer tastes and preferences. In this regard, the pricing mechanism in the housing and communal services market begins to focus on production costs.

In general, the degree of development of competitive relations in different segments of the housing and communal services market can differ significantly.

Distinguishing the housing services market and the utility services market on the housing services market, from the standpoint of developing competitive relations, the housing services market is more attractive, since on it consumers have the opportunity to independently form relationships with service providers. The communal services market presents significantly less opportunities for the development of competitive relations, since the communal subsystem technological features characterized by the monopoly position of most enterprises in local markets, as a rule, geographically coinciding with the boundaries of municipalities.

The rigid nature of the links between the production and consumption of services in the municipal subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region is also one of the reasons for the emergence of natural monopolies of a technological type in this sector of the housing and communal services market, the main characteristics of which are:

Significant economies of scale (as the volume of utilities grows, the costs per unit of them decrease significantly, and the greatest effect is achieved when one producer covers the entire market);

Low price elasticity of demand (demand in the market for utilities, due to their urgency, universality, urgency and obligation, weakly depends on the price of goods and services set by enterprises of the utilities subsystem);

Low substitution effect (utilities are unique to the consumer and cannot be replaced in consumption by other goods or services).

Since most of the enterprises of the municipal subsystem of housing and communal services of the Moscow region meet the specified characteristics, in practice there is a need for state regulation and control over prices for housing and communal services. In general, the main specific features of the housing and communal services market from the standpoint of state regulation are:

- high social significance... Due to the fact that the market for housing and communal services covers the purchase and sale of vital goods that are of great social importance, this segment of the market especially needs to apply selective measures of state regulation;

- natural monopolies, necessitating the use of specific instruments of state regulation, especially in the field of pricing (tariff policy);

- a high degree of attachment to a certain territory, which leads to the expediency of regulation of the housing and utility services market by local government bodies.

Currently, state regulation of the housing and utility services market in the Russian Federation is carried out through direct regulation of utility tariffs by federal service on tariffs, regional authorities, as well as local governments.

It should be noted that in the municipal subsystem of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region there are certain opportunities for the formation of a competitive environment in certain technological segments of production and the provision of appropriate housing and communal services (purchase of materials and fuel, repair of equipment and infrastructure facilities, etc.) on the basis of competitive involvement of executing organizations.

Thus, the management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES should be carried out taking into account the following characteristic features of the housing and communal services market:

Almost all housing and communal services are aimed at meeting the primary needs of the population, which determines the high social significance of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

Consumption of housing and communal services is a constant process for the population, which is of a daily and continuous nature;

There is a territorial monopoly on the HCS market (as a rule, within the boundaries of the municipality), since the delivery of HCS from outside, from other territories is practically impossible;

The production and consumption of housing and communal services either completely coincide in time, or have an insignificant time lag (water supply and sewerage, passenger transport and road facilities, etc.);

Failure to comply with housing and communal services enterprises of MO production program in a certain period of time, it cannot be compensated without damage to consumers by either the subsequent overfulfillment of the production program, or the provision of similar services in excess of the planned quantity in other localities;

There is a close relationship and interdependence between the constituent elements of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

There are natural local monopolies in some large segments of the housing and communal services market (water supply and sewerage, heat and power supply, etc.);

Housing and communal services enterprises of the Moscow region have a special nature of economic activity associated with the homogeneity of products, the difficulty of forming stocks, the lack of unfinished products, the seasonality of production and other factors.

1.2 Theoretical aspects of managing the housing and communal subsystem of the municipalaboutsocio-economic system

Identification and theoretical substantiation of the features of management of the housing and communal subsystem at the level of municipalities is an important methodological problem. modern science... At present, the study of methods and principles of management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is becoming highly relevant in connection with the reform of the housing and communal services industry, as well as its high social significance.

In our opinion, the management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES is a rather complex process that it is advisable to describe through the totality of existing terminology in the field of management.

So, management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES it is necessary to consider it as a process of developing and implementing targeted control actions on the corresponding control object, including such interrelated stages as modeling the state of the control object based on the analysis of existing information; development and adoption of management decisions; organization of implementation of adopted decisions, etc. ...

On the other hand, no less important is the study of the management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES by describing the implemented management functions to achieve the set goals.

Due to the fact that "management is an inseparable, intrinsic property of organizational systems", the monograph attempts to apply a systematic approach to the study of individual aspects of management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES. In our opinion, the use of a systematic approach makes it possible not only to design a mechanism for the interaction of the managing and controlled subsystems of the housing and communal services of the MO, but also ultimately provides the possibility of developing and implementing an effective program for reforming the housing and communal subsystem of a separate municipality.

Taking into account the essence, purpose, functions and features of the housing and communal services as a subsystem of the MSES, the management of the housing and communal services of the MO should be considered as a management system that allows you to develop and make effective management decisions aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the municipal socio-economic system in the field of life support of the population through the provision of services related to the formation of a comfortable living environment.

From the point of view of the systematic implementation, the management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES provides for the presence of structural features of the type of system, among which it is necessary, first of all, to distinguish the control (subject) and controlled (object) parts, as well as management relations (interaction between the object and the subject of management, and also other components of the environment to achieve synergistic properties of unity). Management relationships are aimed at achieving specific goals (for the housing and communal subsystem of MSES - the formation of a comfortable living environment for the population of the Moscow region) and are implemented through the implementation of a number of management functions that are cyclical. In this case, the process of managing the housing and communal services of the Moscow region can be reduced to purposeful changes in the values \u200b\u200bof controlled variables to achieve the specified values \u200b\u200bof indicators (indicators) that determine the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES.

The subject area of \u200b\u200bhousing and communal services management of the Moscow region is a conglomerate of relations and connections of management systems of different levels, the interaction of which cannot be provided functionally from a single center. The creation of a unified field of management of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, which includes many interacting subjects, is hampered by the fact that government bodies, local governments, the population, public and political organizations, etc. are involved in the turnover of relations.

In general, the most important properties of management of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES are the activity nature of management (activity, purposefulness, awareness, impersonality, objectivity, efficiency), process nature, as well as continuity, cyclicity, variability, situational and systematic management.

The subject of studying the management of housing and communal services of the Moscow region is the process of transformation of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, taking into account the impact of changing environmental factors to ensure the preservation of the integrity and basic properties of the subsystem, as well as the achievement of its targets.

In connection with the above, the object of management of the housing and communal services of the MO is the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, and the subject of management is both local self-government bodies and the governing bodies of supersystems (regional and federal).

The features of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES as an object of management are determined by its specifics and structure, which combines a complex and diverse set of elements closely interconnected by common economic and social problems, goals and objectives. The most important feature of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region is its focus on meeting the urgent needs of the population, which leads to the dominance of social factors in the management process and, in addition, determines the specificity of the criteria for assessing the efficiency of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES as a whole, as well as its individual structural elements. Another feature of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region is the stochastic nature of the processes occurring in it, associated with the impact on the functioning of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES of a significant number of random factors of an economic, technogenic, as well as natural and climatic nature.

The subjects of management, primarily the local self-government bodies, which, in accordance with the current legislation, are responsible for providing the population of the municipal formation with housing and communal services, ensure coordination and regulation of the activities of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services as structural elements of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, using administrative and economic mechanisms taking into account:

Roles and places of the corresponding element of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

The relationship of elements within the housing and communal subsystem of MSES.

It should be borne in mind that the relationship in the management structure of housing and communal services of the Moscow region is based on connections of two types: subordination and interaction. Links of subordination arise between higher and lower management bodies of the housing and communal subsystem, links of interaction are closed within one level of the given management system.

The analysis of publications made it possible to reveal the existence of the following models of housing and communal services management in world practice:

1) socially oriented model, the main goal of which is the determining role of the state in meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services;

2) the liberal model,aimed at meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services with the involvement of private structures with minimal participation of the state, whose tasks are limited only to the development of regulatory frameworks for market regulation and the creation of the necessary conditions for competition.

In our opinion, in Russian practice, it is most expedient to use model statenbut-private partnership, which occupies an intermediate position between the above models and ensures close interaction of state, regional and local authorities with private sector investors in the field of financing the construction and operation of housing and communal infrastructure.

Due to the fact that the main goal of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES is to create a comfortable living environment for the population of the municipality, the most significant goal of the subjects of housing and communal services management of the MO is to achieve the established values \u200b\u200bof indicators (indicators) of housing provision of the population, housing and communal services, the state of housing and communal services. infrastructure, reliability and stability of its functioning, etc.

Thus, the main tasks of the municipal housing and communal services management are:

Implementation of programs to increase the level of housing provision of the population based on the normative needs and quality standards;

Ensuring the rational placement of new housing construction objects and the organization of work related to the renewal of the existing housing development;

Ensuring the safety of the housing stock, the uninterrupted operation of engineering communications on the basis of the organization of their maintenance, repair, modernization and reconstruction in accordance with the established rules, regulations and technical conditions.

To solve these problems in the process of managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, the activities of local self-government bodies should be directed to:

For the development and implementation of programs for the development of housing and communal services of the Moscow region, taking into account the characteristics of the municipality;

For the optimal distribution of own and attracted financial resources for capital repairs of the housing stock and the development of engineering infrastructure, the formation of funds to support the development of housing and communal services in the Moscow region;

To establish minimum social standards for the consumption of housing and communal services, the development of regulations governing the procedure for providing housing and communal services, benefits, subsidies, etc .;

To provide the necessary conditions for the stable functioning of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services of the Moscow region, as well as life support systems for the population.

Effective implementation of the tasks of managing the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES is impossible without the use of a project approach, which consists in initiating influence on the structure of the housing and communal services of the Moscow region within the framework of the project space based on the formation of the structure of indicators of the state of the housing and communal subsystem, its monitoring and analysis. The basis for improving the efficiency of the municipal housing and communal services management system should be based on the following basic principles:

- goal setting (provides for a purposeful change in the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES to achieve a global goal - to ensure the comfort of living of the population of the Moscow region);

- multilevel (consists in describing the housing and communal services of the Moscow region as a subsystem of the MSES, establishing links between the elements of the subsystem and the external environment, as well as studying the elements of the subsystem at the required level of detail);

- functionality (dictates the need to develop a rational organizational structure management of housing and communal services of the Moscow region, ensuring the effective implementation of all goals, functions and tasks facing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, taking into account changing environmental factors);

- the need to take into account the social significance (requires adjustment of management methods, indicators for assessing management efficiency, etc. due to the high social significance of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES).

One of the promising approaches to the management of housing and communal services of the Moscow region is currently also cluster approach... Based on the definition of M. Porter and correcting it, it can be argued that the elements of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES can be studied as a group of geographically adjacent (within the boundaries of the MO) interrelated enterprises and organizations, as well as related public, political and other organizations operating in the sphere of housing and communal services of the Moscow region and characterized by common activities and complementarity.

Thus, clusters in the housing and communal services of the Moscow region are groups of enterprises and organizations located on the same territory, representing various sub-sectors of housing and communal services, characterized by the generality and interconnectedness of their activities and its focus on meeting the needs of the population in housing and communal services. Housing and utilities clusters can have various configurations and forms (depending on the coverage of territorial life support systems, the specifics and complexity of production and technical systems, etc.), however, "in the structure of each cluster, a 'key link' can be identified."

In connection with the systemic homogeneity of clusters, the cluster approach opens up new possibilities for increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services management in MO. In particular, the presence in a cluster of technically advanced highly competitive enterprises with effective management inevitably has a positive impact on the state of all other enterprises and organizations that make up the cluster. A significant role in this process is played by the relative internal informational openness characteristic of housing and communal clusters, due to the common territorial location of various economic entities, the development of formal and informal contacts between their managers.

In general, the process of managing the housing and communal subsystem of MSES is a complex process aimed at ensuring the functioning and development of the management object within the framework of using the system-cluster approach, taking into account the influence of external and internal factors.

The study of publications made it possible to identify the following main factors of the external and internal environment that have a favorable / unfavorable effect on the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES as an object of management of housing and communal services of the municipal formation.

When studying the impact external factors on the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES, it is advisable to carry out their structuring as follows.

1. State factors:

a) political factors affect the intentions of state, regional and municipal authorities in relation to the development of territories, on the methods and forms of state policy (political stability, the impact of political parties, public organizations, etc.);

b) regulatory factors characterize the features regulation spheres of housing and communal services, affect the forms and methods of activity of local self-government bodies and business entities (the state of the regulatory legal framework, the dynamism of the legal system, especially the federal, regional and municipal legislation in the field of economic, financial, tariff policy, etc.).

2. External economic factors:

a) factors of the macroenvironment affect the processes of formation and distribution of resources at the state, regional and municipal levels, determining the general market situation for the housing and utilities subsystem of MSES (general level of economic development, cost of capital, inflation rate, unemployment rate, budgetary, tax, industrial, investment, innovation policy, etc.);

b) the factors of the immediate environment are associated with the consumers of housing and communal services (the level of financial and economic condition, the level of expectations and satisfaction of needs, etc.), as well as with the suppliers of resources.

3. External technological factors characterize the change in the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES due to the emergence of innovative technologies in the field of construction, infrastructure, management, etc.

4. Other external factors are due to the likelihood of negative, force majeure situations (emergencies of a natural-climatic, technogenic nature, etc.).

Internal factorsaffecting the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES should be classified into the following groups:

1) internal financial and economic factors characterize the current state and economic potential of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES as a whole, as well as individual economic entities that are part of the housing and communal cluster (the state of the financial and economic structural and functional components of the subsystem: the level of profitability, business activity , liquidity, solvency, etc.);

2) internal technological factors reflect the technical and technological state of the housing and utilities subsystem of the MSES (production parameters, the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, etc.);

3) internal organizational and managerial factors are associated with the state of the municipal housing and communal services management system (quality of management, professionalism of managers, specialists and employees, availability and efficiency of the information base, etc.);

4) other internal factors reflect socio-psychological and other aspects of the state of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES.

In our opinion, taking into account the study of the influence of these factors affecting the state of the housing and communal subsystem of the MSES, when developing an effective management system for the housing and communal services of the MO, special attention should be paid to a detailed analysis of the processes taking place in the supersystems of the MSES and associated with the reforms of the housing and communal services carried out at the level of the Russian Federation.

At present, the housing management system that has developed in most municipalities of the Russian Federation is characterized by a number of negative signs, the main of which are:

Chronic underfunding of measures for the modernization and development of housing and communal services facilities of the Moscow region, manifested in significant physical and moral depreciation of fixed assets;

Insufficient development of the regulatory and methodological base, including models, methods and tools for the effective implementation of the management process of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES;

The use of predominantly administrative methods of management, which is an obstacle to attracting private investment in the housing and communal services sector of the Moscow region, for the development of competition in the housing and communal services market;

Imbalance of interests of the population of the Moscow Region, local self-government bodies and operators of the housing and utility services market; insufficient assistance to the development of the self-government system of the owners of the housing stock.

In our opinion, the optimal management structure for housing and communal services of the Moscow region will be created only in the case of division of responsibility:

Local self-government bodies for achieving the goal of the housing and communal subsystem of MSES - ensuring the comfort of living of the population of the municipality;

Owners of the housing stock for the maintenance of their property;

Producers and suppliers of housing and communal services for the quantity and quality of provided housing and communal services.

1.3 Basic principles and directions of reformhousing and communal services management systemsin Russian federation

At present, the situation in the housing and communal services of most Russian municipalities is the source of a number of threats to the life, health and property of the population, as well as the environment. Therefore, the reform of the management system for housing and communal services should consist in solving the following main tasks.

1 . Premediation of critical depreciation of fixed assets. According to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, on average in Russia in 2007, physical wear and tear of boiler houses was 55%, water supply networks - 65%, sewage and heating networks - 63%, electrical networks - 58%; for individual municipalities, the value of the depreciation of the communal infrastructure has reached an almost critical level of 70-80%.

Significant depreciation of fixed assets leads to an increase in resource losses during the operation of housing and communal infrastructure facilities, as well as to a high accident rate of housing and communal infrastructure facilities.

In general, for the restoration of fixed assets used in the housing and communal services of the Russian Federation to normative values currently, funding is required in the amount of at least 2 trillion. 140 billion rubles.

2. Haveimproving the financial condition of enterprises and organizations operating in thetgrow... Currently financial results the activities of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services remain unsatisfactory. Thus, at the beginning of 2007, the accounts receivable of the enterprises of housing and communal services of the Russian Federation amounted to 333 billion rubles, and the accounts payable increased to 324 billion rubles. At the end of 2006, the netted loss of enterprises engaged in the management and operation of the housing stock amounted to 4582 million rubles. ...

3 . Pimproving the quality of housing and communal services provided to the population... Insufficient development of competition in the field of production and provision of housing and communal services leads to the fact that consumers do not have the opportunity to influence the quality of provided housing and communal services.


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Proposals for solving this problem include two main areas:

Regulation of the activities of natural local monopolists;

Organization of resource conservation.

Regulation of the activities of local natural monopolies for the supply of utilities is aimed at:

Regulation of prices for the supply of services of natural monopolists;

Introduction of alternative technologies.

The practice of Russian regions shows that prices for the supply of services of natural monopolists are artificially inflated by increasing the level of profitability, increasing the level of depreciation deductions and deductions to the repair fund. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct audits of tariffs for the services of natural monopolists, as well as to include representatives of housing fund management companies in the regional energy commission.

The local authorities of the city of Chita play an important role in price regulation, which should, by their decisions, help to reduce prices for services by setting a minimum level of profitability, mandatory competitive distribution of contracts for the supply of raw materials, materials and repair work within their competence. It is possible to conclude a tripartite agreement between the monopolist, the management company and the local government, which would reflect that the management company reimburses the costs of the monopolists' services at the level of the tariff for the population. The budget is responsible for the difference, which will induce the authorities to conduct more careful control over the growth of tariffs and take measures to save energy.

Organization of resource saving in the housing stock can have the greatest effect of reducing prices for services of monopolists. In addition, the introduction of energy saving will increase the share of reimbursement by the population of the cost of maintaining and servicing housing without increasing the tariff.

In the organization of resource conservation, it is worth highlighting two points:

Organization of widespread accounting of resource consumption by installing commercial metering units;

Implementation of the latest resource-saving technologies.

Improvement of the housing and communal services management system

Proposals for solving this problem include two main areas:

Formation of a variety of housing owners;

Demonopolization of servicing the municipal housing stock and the formation of a service market.

It is necessary to resolve the problems between the subject of the housing property and its user. The privatization of housing did not resolve this issue either. The population of the city of Chita does not feel like an owner, realizing that only an apartment has been privatized, and everything else is jointly owned with other entities that own other elements of buildings. Personal interest in the maintenance of the housing stock plays a huge role in improving the quality of the provided housing and communal services. The creation of homeowners associations (HOA) will increase the personal interest of the tenant in the quality maintenance of not only his apartment, but also common areas, equipment, etc. On the other hand, the demands on organizations providing housing and communal services will also increase, since the effectiveness and direction of investment will be determined by the owners themselves.

Thus, the municipal authorities of the city of Chita should in every possible way contribute to the creation of homeowners' associations, while providing comprehensive legal and economic support.

Assistance in the early formation of a HOA should include:

Simplification of the registration procedure;

Receiving HOA subsidies for housing maintenance and utilities at the municipal housing stock level;

Transfer of rights to non-residential premises or transfer of part of the rent of the HOA for non-residential premises in the house;

Transfer of rights to a land plot for a house and an adjacent territory.

An effective assistance in the spread of owners' associations can be provided by organizing them on the basis of newly built residential buildings, in which all apartments are distributed on a market basis. However, the fact of the creation of a homeowners association with the participation of municipal authorities authorities through authorized bodies.

One of the main goals of the reform is to demonopolize the housing and utilities sector and create a service market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary:

Separation of the functions of the customer and the contractor for the provision of housing and communal services;

Introduction of competitive selection of contractors in all spheres of housing and communal services in Chita.

The customer service of the city of Chita should gradually turn into a management company. The customer service should be the management structure both in the field of servicing housing and other objects, and in the field of their heat and power supply.

The introduction of a contractual form of relationship both between the owner and the municipal service of the customer, and between contractors, makes it possible to transfer the sphere of management of housing and communal services to a higher level. Liability for violation of contractual obligations leads to a significant improvement in the quality of maintenance and service of the housing stock of our city.

The practice of Russian regions has shown that the creation of a competitive environment in the field of housing stock management between management companies of various forms of ownership also leads to an improvement in the quality of housing and communal services and a reduction in the cost of maintaining the housing stock, however, today the system of budgetary financing of the customer service does not allow development market relations in the management of housing stock. This is primarily due to the fact that with funding from the budget, the customer service is created with a minimum number of personnel, which in turn is associated with a reduction in budgetary costs.

The management company should be self-sustaining, and the number of personnel should be determined based on the actual tasks set. In the long term, only the homeowner should choose the one to whom he will entrust the management of his property and how much he will pay for it.

On the other hand, not only residential buildings and adjoining territories should fall into the sphere of interests of the new type of management company, but also quite logically - other infrastructure of micro-districts and city districts, namely: kindergartens, schools, hospitals, social and cultural facilities, heating transmission networks, etc.

Improving the financing mechanism for housing and communal services

To achieve the goals of the housing and communal services reform in the field of financing, it is necessary:

Annually, in the budget of the municipal formation of the city of Chita, provide a protected article for the provision of compensations and benefits for paying for housing and communal services.

To work out a system of bill circulation in the housing and communal services, implying the issue of a bill intended to reduce the crisis of non-payments in the housing and communal services system and avoid offsetting.

Introduce a housing voucher for paying subsidies, which can then be used by a resident to pay for housing and communal services, and then be used for mutual settlements by housing enterprises between themselves and the budget. This will free up significant financial resources.

To work out a system of city loans secured by real estate.

Develop a program for attracting off-budget investments.

It is necessary to create and develop enterprises, joint ventures that would work for the housing and communal services system. Newly created, or existing enterprises investing in the development of housing and communal services, or when releasing new products for housing and communal services, exempt from paying taxes for the period of return on investment.

To make fuller use of additional sources of financing from advertising revenue, finding someone else's property at municipal property, attracting tenants in terms of repairing facades, landscaping, etc.

Introduce a system of operational accounting of cash flows and a system of accounting for current receivables and payables.

Conduct selection and economic analysis of investment projects aimed at the development of housing and communal services in the city of Chita.

Effectively use temporarily free funds to generate additional profit and, in particular, allow the use of temporarily free targeted budget funds during the year at the discretion of the service of a single customer with the provision of reports at the end of the year on their intended use.

Develop a regulation on differentiated payments for housing and communal services, providing for differentiation of payments depending on the number of storeys, the condition of the house, remoteness from the center, its location along the street or within the quarter.

The tariff for thermal power should consist of two parts: the actual cost of energy and its transportation, and the cost of transportation is a constant value, and the cost of the energy itself is determined on a competitive basis.

To reduce costs, the customer service in Chita can buy energy directly from producers, who must provide a calculation, a decrypted tariff with an indication of their real costs.


1. Analysis of the peculiarities of the functioning of the housing and communal services of Russia 11

1.1. The current economic state of the housing and communal services in Russia 11

1.2 Tariffs and Tariff Regulation 20

1.2.1 Modern Multipart Rates 21

1.2.2. Determining the financial needs of housing and communal enterprises 37

1.2.3. Multiple Tariff Alternatives 41

1.3. Housing and communal services management system 53

1.3.1. Housing management subsystem 57

1.3.2. Subsystem of tariff regulation 64

1.3.3. Cash allocation schemes 67

1.3.4. The set of preferences of the actors of the housing and communal services system (Pj) 71

Conclusions for chapter 1 80

2. Development of a generalized decision-making algorithm in the management system of housing and communal services 83

2.1. Classification of decision support systems 83

2.2. Decision making methods and models 87

2.3. Synthesis of a generalized decision-making algorithm in the management system of housing and communal services 93

2.3.1. Investigation of the set of informative features of the information infrastructure of the housing and communal services management system 95

2.3.2. The environment of the problem of making managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services 101

2.3.3. Goal-setting when choosing a managerial decision in the management system of housing and communal services 107

2.3.4. Many scales of measurements according to the criteria and preferences of the actors of the system 109

2.3.5. Many alternatives 110

2.3.6. Vector criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of control action 112

2.3.7. Formation, formalization, ordering and aggregation of the set of preferences of system actors 122

2.4. Justification for the choice of solution methods 130

2.5. Generalized algorithm for multicriteria choice of alternatives 131

2.6. Decision Making Algorithm Based on Game Model under Uncertainty 134

2.7. Decision Making Algorithm Based on the Hierarchy Analysis Method 138

2.8. Algorithm for determining the consistency of expert judgments 144

Conclusions for chapter 2 146

3. Program implementation of the task of making managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services 148

3.1. Solving the DPR with the Matrix Method of Game Theory 149

3.2. Solution of the WIP using the hierarchy analysis method 154

3.4 Comparative analysis scope of expert work 186

Conclusions for Chapter 3 188

Conclusion 189

References 191

Introduction to work

This dissertation research is devoted to the development of a basic simulation model for a management decision support system (DSS) in the management of housing and communal services (HCS), which allows, out of a variety of alternative options for strategic management decisions, to carry out a multi-criteria choice of the “best” (compromise) option of management decisions based on the existing fuzzy and sometimes vague information about the current economic and financial condition of the economic sector and the solvency of consumers of housing and communal services (HCS). The relevance of the topic of the dissertation is determined by the reform of the housing and communal services (HUS), which is currently being carried out, one of the most important areas of socio-economic transformations in the Russian Federation. The main goal of the reform is the formation of a civilized market for housing and communal services with the creation of a full-fledged system of targeted social protection of low-income strata of the population.

Recently, however, there have been more and more signs of a serious slowdown in reform, the causes of which are a set of problems left over from the previous period of the industry's operation and arising today. Among the unresolved problems are the lack of sufficient funding for housing and communal enterprises, the lag in legislative support for the reform, the lack of the practice of end-to-end contractual relations, which is determined by the absence and lack of development of scientifically based approaches and methods for decision-making in the management system of housing and communal services. Currently, the industry is faced with the search for strategic management solutions aimed at solving the above problems. A number of Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow emphasize the need to reform the industry management system and introduce high-tech technologies into it, allowing for multilateral expert activities.

using modern information technologies. This determines the need for the development of theoretical and applied decision-making tools in the Housing and Utilities Administration, as well as the development and implementation of expert systems (ES) and decision support systems (DSS).

In this regard, it has become urgent to monitor the consistency of interests of many subjects of the market for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as the actors of the housing and communal services system), ensuring the availability and transparency of the formation of financing volumes and the structure of costs included in the payment of housing and communal services. Its necessity is associated with the gradual adoption of a scheme of end-to-end contractual relations in the field of housing and communal services and making payments for the consumed heat and water resources. Rigid accounting of resources leads to a change in the income base of resource supplying enterprises and organizations that manage the housing stock (housing organizations, management companies (MC) and other legal entities). This increases the responsibility of local governments for the approved tariffs for the coming period, according to which resource supplying enterprises and management organizations will be obliged to conclude supply contracts. In these conditions, the relevance of a preliminary scientifically grounded examination of accepted tariffs for paying for housing and communal services as an instrument of strategic regulation is sharply increasing. At the modern level, these issues cannot be successfully solved without the development and use of information systems, allowing in each period of time to find social-compromise management decisions in the regulation of the activities of housing and communal services enterprises.

The lack of theoretical and applied developments in the choice of effective control options, actualizes the problem of developing the basis of mathematical modeling of DSS in complex multi-level, multi-factor and multi-criteria management systems for housing and communal services, which is the subject of this dissertation research.

The degree of elaboration of the research topic.Management of economic processes in housing and communal services, such as

the influence of tariff regulation on the economic efficiency of production, regulation of the cost of resources and services, as well as the formation of a methodological base for calculating tariffs for electricity, heat and fuel, are reflected in the works of Baldin D.V., Fedotova Yu.V., Fatahetdinova A.I., Sivaeva SB., Sharipova I.R., Khachatryana SR., Vasilyeva I.A., Tarasova N.A., Erzinkyan E.A., Sushko E.D., Schegoleva A.V.

Certain aspects of the management of the housing and communal services system aimed at improving the structure of the management system and the regulatory framework accompanying socio-economic processes are reflected in the works of Starodubrovskaya I.V., Andrianov V.V., Anankina E.A., Khomchenko D.Yu., Semakov I.K.

The works of Burkov V.N., Novikov D.A., Petrakov S.N., Opoitsev V.I., Kalyanova G.N., Andreychikova A.V are devoted to the mathematical and imitation modeling of socio-economic systems operating under conditions of uncertainty. ., Andreychikova O.N., Laricheva O.I., Vorobieva S.N., Kruglova V.V., Dli M.I., Trakhtengerts E.A., Neiman J., Borisova A.N., Telnova Yu .F., Fomina G.P., Novoseltseva V.I., Tsyganova V.V., Borodina V.A., Shishkina G.B., Varzhapetyana A.G., Glushchenko V.V., Egorova N.A. ., Faerman E.Yu. and other researchers.

However, the issues of building decision support systems in the management of housing and communal services are currently not developed. This served as the basis for conducting dissertation research.

Research objectis a housing and communal services management system equipped with a decision support system.

Research subjectis a basic simulation model for a decision support system in the management of housing and communal services and a methodology for developing rational management decisions. The purpose of the studyis the improvement of the management system for housing and communal services on the basis of simulation methods and the use of a decision support system.

The objectives of the dissertation research.To achieve the goal of the dissertation research in accordance with the principles of system analysis, the following tasks were set and solved:

    Analysis of the sectoral pricing system, the principles of tariff regulation and the management system of housing and communal services in order to identify the reasons for the financial instability of the economic sector.

    Development of a simulation model of the socio-economic system of housing and communal services at the municipal level, which is the basis for building decision support systems in the management system of housing and communal services and which allows, out of a variety of alternative options, to carry out a multi-criteria choice of a compromise management decision based on the available uncertain information about the current economic and financial state of the economic sector and solvency consumers of housing and communal services.

    Formation of a set of informative features of the information infrastructure of the housing and communal services management system, which allows to formalize the problem of making managerial decisions in the housing and communal services system and consisting of many actors of the housing and communal services system, a vector criterion for assessing the effectiveness of management decisions, a set of preferences of the actors of the housing and communal services system, a variety of alternative management decisions in the form of multi-part tariffs, a variety of measurement scales according to the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of management decisions in the Housing and Utilities Administration and according to the preferences of the actors of the housing and communal services system.

    Development of methods for ordering and aggregating the components of a vector criterion for assessing the effectiveness of management decisions in the Housing and Utilities Administration and the set of preferences of the actors of the Housing and Utilities System. Justification and selection of mathematical methods for solving.

    Development of an algorithm for choosing a compromise management solution in the Housing and Communal Services SU based on the calculation of priority vectors of alternative options

solutions. Software implementation of the proposed selection algorithm.

6. Performing calculations for choosing a multi-part tariff for paying for housing and communal services, which strengthens the financial condition of housing and communal enterprises, reduces their degree of subsidy and does not lead to an increase in social tension when applying it. The methodological basis of the dissertation research is:systems analysis in management based on the structuring of systems and quantitative comparison of alternatives; structural analysis; theory of active and organizational systems; the theory of evaluating the utility of decision making; theory of operations research; theory of intelligent systems. Research methods.The dissertation research uses methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of systems; methods of the theory of mathematical modeling; functional analysis methods, matrix methods of game theory, hierarchy analysis method, a priori and a posteriori expert methods. Scientific noveltyis as follows:

    For the first time, an information-parametric field of the problem of choosing managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services was formed.

    For the first time, a generalized algorithm for the development of managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services was synthesized, based on the method of expert assessments and allowing a multicriteria choice of managerial decisions from a variety of alternative options;

5. The research of the results of application of two methods of multicriteria choice of managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services - the matrix method of game theory and the method of analysis of hierarchies (MAI). Provisions for Defense.

    Formed sets of informative features of the information infrastructure of the housing and communal services management system: many actors of the housing and communal services system; vector criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of managerial decisions in the management system of housing and communal services; many preferences of the actors of the housing and communal services system; many alternative options for management decisions in the form of structural and logical schemes of multi-item tariffs for payment of housing and communal services.

    The method of ordering the components of the vector criterion of the effectiveness of management decisions in the management system of housing and communal services.

    A technique for ordering and aggregating the set of preferences of actors in the housing and communal services system

    Generalized algorithm for solving the problem of choosing managerial decisions in the housing and communal services management system.

Theoretical and practical significance.

Theoretical significancedissertation research is determined by the fact that the author for the first time developed scientific and methodological recommendations for building a basic simulation model for a decision support system in the management of housing and communal services. Practical significancelies in the fact that the developed model contributes to the development of tactical and strategic management decisions in the management system of housing and communal services and can be used when making decisions on the regulation of tariffs for resources and services for heat supply, water supply and sanitation at all levels of management. Validity and reliability of research results.

Validity of dissertation researchachieved by the correct application of the approved methodological apparatus of the theory of systems analysis, the theory of managerial decision making, the theory of operations research, game theory and the theory of evaluating the utility of decision making. Reliability of research resultsconfirm repeated approbation of research results over five years, the introduction of methodological recommendations for the development of decisions and a computer decision-making system in the management of the housing and communal enterprise ZhilKomSet LLC in the Zelenograd District of Moscow, as well as the fact that the generation of many informative signs of the information infrastructure of the control system Housing and communal services were carried out on the basis of current legislation and practice of functioning of housing and communal enterprises.

Implementation and testing.The theoretical provisions developed by the author were reported at six international and Russian scientific and practical conferences.

Based on the results of the dissertation research, the author received 2 certificates on the implementation of research results into the practical activities of the Housing and Utilities Administration and the educational process of higher educational institutions.

Based on the materials of the dissertation research, the author published 9 scientific articles. A list of printed publications is attached.

The structure and scope of the thesis.The dissertation work consists of an introduction, a list of abbreviations used, three chapters with conclusions to each of them, a conclusion, a list of used literature containing 156 titles. The work is presented on 190 pages of typewritten text and contains: 105 tables, 30 figures, 17 numbered formulas.

Tariffs and tariff regulation

The concept of a policy of payment for housing and utilities involves the legislative definition of the composition of housing and utility payments, the structure of tariffs for certain types of services and the value of individual tariffs and / or their parts. Since the life and health of the population, as well as the stability of the work of all sectors of the country's economy, depend on pricing in the housing sector, it cannot be free from government regulation.

At the level of the Federation, the modern policy of paying for housing and utilities is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Law "On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy", the Concept of Reforming the Housing and Utilities Sector in the Russian Federation, as well as the Laws and Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on housing subsidies, social protection, social guarantees and compensations for certain groups of the population and the Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation "On federal standards for the transition to a new system of payment for housing and utilities."

At the regional level, the policy of paying for housing and utilities and the targeted social protection of the population carried out at the same time is regulated by the relevant regional legislation - the Decisions of regional Legislative Assemblies and governors, as well as the Decisions of local self-government bodies.

The concept of tariff policy includes the definition of the structure of tariffs for certain types of housing and communal services and the value of individual tariffs and / or their parts. Thus, the tariff policy is part of the policy of paying for housing and utilities.

One of the tasks of the tariff policy is the formation of the financial base of utilities. The most important tool for the implementation of this task is tariff regulation, the principles and methods of which should be structured so as, on the one hand, to stimulate utilities to achieve the goals of the property owner and, on the other hand, not to cause social tension in society.

The tariff policy is built at the level of municipalities. Rates, tariffs and consumption standards for housing and communal services are set at the municipal level and approved by local governments (except for electricity and gas tariffs). The jurisdiction of the regions as constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes coordination of changes in rates and tariffs for housing and communal services with changes in rates and tariffs for payment for gas and electricity established at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Since 2000, after the release of the RF Government Resolution, decisions on tariffs for housing and communal services are within the competence of local self-government and can be made by the Head of the city, and not by the Legislative Assembly of the region, as it was before. Direct competence in setting tariffs is determined by the Charters of municipalities. In most cases (more than 70%), this is the competence of the representative bodies of local government - meetings of deputies.

In some regions (Khabarovsk Territory, Chelyabinsk Region, Chuvash Republic, Samara Region), rates, tariffs and standards for the consumption of housing and communal services for the population are approved by decisions of the Heads of districts of individual municipalities and are mandatory for municipal enterprises and institutions that are in municipal ownership, for excluding tariffs for water supply. Tariffs for utilities provided by enterprises of other forms of ownership are coordinated with the district administrations and approved by the Regional Energy Commissions.

At the same time, the payment for the use of the residential premises was not canceled. As a result of terminological arbitrariness, a situation has arisen when one part of the seven accepted payments duplicates the other: the payment for the use of residential premises includes payments for the maintenance and repair of the premises. Terminological ambiguity is also present in: in the definition of social rent, the new term "payment for housing" is used, and hereinafter, "payment for housing" is used. Moreover, the terms "payment for housing" and "payment for housing" are unequal, since the "payment for housing" includes payments for major repairs and removal of household waste, and they are not provided for in "payment for housing".

In our opinion, the entire range of housing and communal services provided to consumers can be divided into two categories: housing services and communal services. These services are provided to the population by two different subjects of the housing and communal services market: housing services are provided by the owners of the housing stock in accordance with the social lease agreement, in particular, by the municipal authorities that are the owners of the municipal housing stock and land plots where private households are located. Payment for housing services is made at established rates. Utilities are provided to the population by service organizations of various forms of ownership, in the management of which, in accordance with the contract, the housing stock is located (the contract for setting up services between the owner of the housing stock and the service organization - DEZ, the management company, etc.).

Housing and communal services management system

In this study, we restrict ourselves to considering housing and communal services at the municipal level, since this level is the basis for building models of a higher level.

The analysis of the Housing and Utilities Management System is carried out in order to identify all structural elements of the management system and the subjects of the housing and communal services market directly participating in or influencing the formation of tariff policy, as well as not participating, but interested parties and subject to accounting in the economic and mathematical model. In this regard, this chapter analyzes: 1. the currently known housing management schemes; 2. financial flows in the provision of housing and communal services; 3. procedures for revising tariffs at the end of the regulated period.

At the same time, housing and communal services is considered as a socio-economic system, which includes a number of economic entities of various forms of ownership, whose activities are coordinated by the formed SU, as well as consumers of housing and communal services. It should be noted that at present there is no single form of the Housing and Utilities Administration at the municipal level. Many municipalities have their own structural and functional features of management systems. At the same time, the economic entities of housing and communal services can be divided into two categories:

1. legal entitiesrelated to SU - separate subdivisions of municipal administrative structures (departments, departments, committees), managing organizations;

2. legal entities related to management objects (OU) - resource supplying organizations, housing enterprises, contracting organizations.

The subsystem of consumers of housing and communal services, in turn, consists of individuals and legal entities as economic entities (organizations, enterprises, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives, housing complexes, etc.). The specified socio-economic system (hereinafter referred to as simply the system) has a number of features that must be taken into account when developing economic and mathematical models.

The first feature of the Housing and Communal Services SU is that economic activity of a given large, ramified socio-economic system largely depends on the activities and the level of prices formed by economic complexes related to other sectors of the Russian economy - fuel and energy (FEC), mining and water supply, which have federal and regional levels of subordination and, therefore, levels regulation.

The second feature is that the Housing and Utilities Management System consists of subsystems of three levels - federal, regional and municipal (Figure 9). Depending on the level of consideration of the problem, the number of control objects (OU), regulatory bodies and interested market participants, that is, in the aggregate, the actors of the system under study, changes. This largely depends on the current legislative framework in terms of the level of competence of the relevant management bodies and on the established practice of relations between them.

The third feature that generates feedback in the Housing and Utilities Administration is that in many cities of Russia the municipal housing and communal services are served by resource-supplying enterprises of the regional and federal levels of subordination, which have the status of GUP - a state unitary enterprise. In such cases, as a rule, trilateral contracts for the supply of resources are concluded, in which the management company (MC), the resource supplying company and the administration of the municipality participate. Each of the parties has its own rights and obligations. The Criminal Code collects payments from the population for housing and communal services (HCS), places an order for the supply of resources, determines the quantity and quality of the supply of resources and pays for the consumed resources, taking into account the volume and quality of supply. The resource supplying enterprise releases resources in accordance with the requirements of the contract, the administration of the municipality provides a direct transfer of targeted budget funds to the resource supplying enterprise, controlling the quality and quantity of supplied resources.

At the same time, tariffs and standards for resource consumption are approved by local governments, most often in the form of interdepartmental commissions. This leads to the fact that individual control influences (in the form of a structure of tariffs and (or) a tariff scheme, consumption standards and transferred volumes of targeted funds), carried out at lower levels, for example, at the local government level, have a direct impact on the financial condition of resource supplying enterprises of a higher level of subordination and should be taken into account in mathematical models as an internal or external influence (depending on the level of the model) through the level of prices for the resources obtained.

The fourth feature of the Housing and Utilities Administration is that the decision-maker (DM) at all levels of management is a set of authorities and regulatory entities involved in decision-making, as well as influencing decision-making, that is, it is of a collective nature and, ultimately, it is a group of people who have the right to make agreed decisions on the choice of one of several options for control actions. In particular, when revising tariffs, the DM is a regulatory body in the form of an interdepartmental commission or a regional energy commission (REC), the main goal of which is to optimize the interests of all parties.

This fact leads to the need for strict regulation of the tariff revision procedure, since it requires the regulatory body to carry out a large amount of work with the approval of numerous expert opinions. When choosing alternatives, decision makers have to take into account a large number of conflicting requirements and, therefore, evaluate decision options according to many criteria. The inconsistency of requirements and the ambiguity of assessments in the choice of priorities greatly complicate decision-making.

Synthesis of a generalized decision-making algorithm in the management system of housing and communal services

In this dissertation research, the proposed solution algorithm has been demonstrated for a particular case of ZPR: from the set of payment schemes for housing and communal services (multi-rate tariffs), based on the set of criteria for evaluating the outcomes and the set of preferences of the subjects of the housing and communal services market, it is required to select one compromise scheme based on the available fuzzy information about the current economic and financial state this sector of the economy and the solvency of consumers of housing and utility services

In this decision-making problem: 1. The strategic goal of the search for management decisions T is to stabilize the economic state of the economic sector and improve the financial state of housing and communal services enterprises, which is reduced to a hierarchy of private goals. 2. The set of alternatives A \u003d (Ak), k \u003d 1, ..., 12 is a set of 12 proposed payment schemes for utility services. 3. The environment ZPR E is understood as the characteristic features of housing and communal services ZPR and the conditions for carrying out the PR procedure. 4. The set of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of HC K \u003d (K,), i \u003d l, ..., 9 consists of 9 parameters showing the level of socio-economic well-being of housing and communal services. 5. The set of preferences of the actors of the system Р \u003d (Pj), j \u003d l, ..., 16 is a set of goals and interests of the actors, which must be taken into account when choosing a management decision. 6. The set of measurement scales for the H criteria is a set of different scales used in the process of choosing a solution. 2.3.1. Study of the set of informative features of the information infrastructure of the housing and communal services management system

In order to build a decision-making system in the most efficient (or optimal) way, it is necessary and sufficient that individual subsets of the M-dimensional set of informative features in the information infrastructure of the Housing and Utilities Administration, which is the set (4), are distinguishable as elements of perception (or recognition images). Based on the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, from a bounded set, which is the set of informative features of the information infrastructure of the Housing and Utilities Administration, it is possible to single out a particular set converging to the finite limit e \\ ki] \u003d (,), and thereby show that it is possible to determine the set of informative features of information the structure of the housing and communal services control system and the determination of their separability. To approve this position, in turn, it is necessary to define a number of set-theoretic positions.

It is necessary to prove that the set of informative features is countable and everywhere dense. But before proceeding with the proof of this hypothesis, it is necessary to define the following lemmas.

Lemma 1. Any point of the metric space of informative features of the information infrastructure of the SU Housing and Utilities Sector ye [Y] can be defined as y \u003d lim yn, where yneY. The interpretation of the lemma put forward for most of the informative features of the decision-making and decision-making system in the Housing and Utilities Management System has the following meaning: each element of subsets and sets of informative features is formed as a result of identifying the most significant factors. Let us define this set of informative features as a set of points of the metric space, each point of which in the passage to the limit can be represented as the limit of generating basic sets or as the maximum possible derivative element of the family of conditional dependence of informative features, with an appropriate Y. Based on this definition, we present the proof of the lemma. Consider two cases:

1. If any element of the set of informative features of the information infrastructure of housing and communal services belongs to eY, then we can put yn \u003d y for all n, that is, any element of the metric space is deterministic.

2. If any element of the metric space of the sets of informative features does not belong to Y, but belongs to its closure ye [Y], then in accordance with the fact that the operation of closing an arbitrary set consists in joining the set of informative features of the conditional equivalence groups of the metric space of the information infrastructure Y of the limits of all converging subsets of its individual elements. The set of such limits is the closure of the set of informative features - [Y] of a single information field for decision-making in the Housing and Communal Services SU. Hence, the inclusion ye [Y] implies y \u003d lim yn, where yn eY, as required.

According to Lemmas 1 and 2, [Y] \u003d M means that each element of the set of information infrastructure of the SU Housing and Utilities Sector yєM can be represented as y \u003d lim yn. In this case yneY or for each element of the set of information features yєM for any E 0 one can find ynєM such that p (y, yn) є. Thus, it has been proved that many information features of the information infrastructure of the Housing and Communal Services SU are separable.

This proof was considered for a finite set of information signs, which is directly used in the construction of an information space for decision-making in the information infrastructure of the Housing and Communal Services Administration. ...

IN general case the set of information signs for the system under consideration is not limited, that is, the appearance of new information signs is possible as socio-economic relations in the housing and communal services management system develop. However, such a set will also be countable and everywhere dense. Consequently, the space of information signs of a single space M in the information infrastructure of decision making will also be separable.

Solution of the WIP using the hierarchy analysis method

According to the MAI, at the first and second stages, in accordance with the structure of the hierarchy shown in Figure 25 of Chapter 2, the objects of the third level of the hierarchy were ordered in accordance with the weight coefficients of the objects of the second level, namely: the ordering of the components of the vector criterion of the effectiveness of management decisions and the set of preferences of the actors of the system in accordance with the weights of the private decision-making goals.

At the first stage, in accordance with the MAI methodology, the components of the vector criterion for the effectiveness of management decisions (kj), i \u003d 1 ... 9, were ranked. To do this, each expert filled in three tables of paired comparisons of the vector criterion components corresponding to three particular goals of managerial decision-making (in the figures, the goals are designated СІ, С2, СЗ). Judgment tables were filled in according to the MAI scale shown in Table 16 of Chapter 2.

Further, the obtained tables were normalized by rows and the vector of priorities of the criterion components was calculated according to the MAI scale. The vector of priorities calculated in this way shows the degree of significance of each component of the vector criterion for achieving a particular goal.

For each table of expert assessments, the judgments consistency indicators were calculated: the IS consistency index and the OS consistency ratio were calculated according to the methodology described in Section 2.8 of Chapter 2. As a result, if the consistency indicators of all 4 experts met the established requirements (OS value 1), then the obtained results of expert assessments were averaged over the number of experts. Otherwise, the data was returned to the expert for clarification.

Tables 20, 23, 26 show the results of expert polls in the form of averaged matrices of paired comparisons of the components of the vector criterion from the point of view of each particular goal СІ, С2, СЗ (respectively - "Achieving a stable financial state of housing and communal services enterprises", "Reducing the degree of subsidized enterprises in the Housing and communal services "," Compliance of the established tariffs with the level of solvency of consumers of housing and communal services "), Tables 21, 24, 27 show normalized matrices with the calculated priority vector on the MAI scale. Tables 22, 25, 28 show the estimates of the main value of the normalized matrices of paired comparisons of the vector criterion components averaged over the number of experts.

The obtained satisfactory indicators of consistency indicate that the vector of priorities of the set of criteria for the effectiveness of managerial decisions can be used in subsequent calculations of the generalized weights of alternatives.

At the second stage, in accordance with the MAI, an additional (actually safety) ranking of the aggregated set of preferences of system actors (Pj), j \u003d l ... 6, obtained earlier by the CBM method was carried out. Similarly to the first stage, the experts filled in three matrices of paired comparisons of preferences in accordance with three particular goals of management decision making. Matrix elements reflect the degree of correspondence of individual preferences to each particular goal.

Next, the resulting matrices were normalized by rows and the vector of preferences of the system actors was calculated according to the MAI scale. Then the main value was calculated for each resulting matrix of judgments and the indicators of the consistency of judgments were calculated.

Tables 31, 34, 37 show the averaged matrices of paired comparisons of actors' preferences for private goals СІ, С2, СЗ. Tables 32, 35, 38 show the normalized matrices with the calculated priority vectors according to the MAI scale. Tables 33, 36, 39 show the averaged indicators of the consistency of judgments on the goals СІ, С2, СЗ.

At the third stage, the ranking of the set of alternative options for payment schemes for housing and communal services (Aj), i \u003d 1 ... 12, was carried out. Experts sequentially performed a pairwise comparison of alternatives from the standpoint of each efficiency criterion and each preference of the system actors. Matrix elements reflect the degree of superiority of one alternative over another from the standpoint of a possible improvement in the values \u200b\u200bof the considered components of the vector criterion or the possibility of realizing the considered preferences of the actors.

Further, the obtained matrices were normalized by rows and the vector of priorities of alternatives was calculated according to the MAI scale. Then, for each resulting matrix of judgments, its main value was calculated and the indicators of the consistency of judgments were calculated. Note that in all matrices of expert assessments, the OS belongs to the admissible range (20%), which made it possible to take into consideration the results obtained and average them over the number of experts.

Discipline: Economy
Type of work: Coursework
Topic: Improving housing and communal services management

Improving housing and communal services management


Chapter 1. The state of housing and communal services in Russia

1.1. Demonopolization of housing and utilities

1.2. Crisis condition of housing and communal services

Chapter 2. Prospects of reforms in the field of housing and communal services

2.1. Formation of a strategy for the development of housing and communal services of the municipality

2.2. Housing and utilities financing reform

Chapter 3. Development of a model of the composition of the strategy for the development of housing and communal services of the municipal formation


List of references


The housing and communal sphere affects the vital interests of each of us: material, social, physical, consumer, informational, environmental. But during the implementation of the housing and communal reform, civil society again remained on the sidelines.

The course taken for the transformation of the industry demanded an immediate solution to specific problems that had a negative impact on the state of real estate in the housing and utilities sector. First of all, these should include:

residual financing principle;
the lack of a clear delineation of powers and responsibilities of various levels of government for its safety;
scanty participation of the population in paying for housing and utilities;
lack of a market for housing and housing services;
multifunctionality, and hence multi-level departmental subordination of enterprises, etc.;

The main issues were the ownership of fixed assets related to the housing and utilities sector, responsibility for the safety of this property, its intended use and development.

As a result of the transformations of 1999-2004. the existing system of management and financing of housing and communal services has undergone dramatic changes. The forms of ownership of all objects of the housing and communal sector of the Russian Federation have changed significantly.

This course work is devoted to these and other transformations in the housing and communal sector.

Housing and communal reform has a multifaceted impact on various aspects of life in our country, therefore, the government, federal ministries and departments, as well as state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities and municipalities are monitoring its progress and actively participating in its implementation.

The housing and communal services of Russia are in decline ... How to update everything in it, what to change in legislation, in management, how to make the producers of housing and communal services learn to manage their production rationally, and consumers have the freedom to choose services in terms of quantity, quality, range and prices? These are the questions that the housing and communal services reform should solve.

The purpose of this course work is to study the improvement of the housing and communal services system.

In connection with this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the state of housing and communal services in Russia.
To study the prospects of reforms in the field of housing and communal services.
Analyze the reform of financing housing and communal services.

The source for the writing of the work was the normative and legislative acts of the Russian Federation regulating the reform of the housing and communal sector in Russia, numerous publications from the Russian economic periodicals devoted to the reform of housing and communal services, as well as statistical reporting.

Chapter 1. The state of housing and communal services in Russia 1.1. Demonopolization of housing and utilities

As part of the implementation of the concept of the reform of housing and communal services, the Program of demenopolization and the development of competition in housing and communal services was developed, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.12.97. No. 1613.

The program provided for:

creation of a competitive environment in the field of housing services as a result of the division of functions between the owners of the housing stock (or organizations authorized to act on behalf of the owner), management companies and contracting housing organizations;
antimonopoly regulation of the activities of natural local monopolies and the creation of a competitive environment in the field of heat, electricity, water supply and wastewater disposal;
demonopolization and creation of a competitive environment in sub-sectors (improvement of settlements and ritual service);
demonopolization of bath and laundry and hotel industry;
creation of a competitive environment and demonopolization of housing and communal services in small municipalities, rural areas and closed administrative-territorial entities.

Summing up the results of the first years of the program implementation, for which it was designed, it should be noted that the main goals have been achieved. In many regions, they understood the importance of housing and communal services as a socially forming branch of the urban economy, requiring close attention of the authorities, including in terms of changing the management and financing system of functioning economic entities. Over the past two years, the structure of organizations operating in the production market and the system of rendering housing and communal services have changed (see figure).

Figure: 11 Dynamics of growth in the number of enterprises
by ownership in the housing and utilities sector

The overwhelming number of economic entities belongs to the sphere of small business. Finally in 1999, they performed works (services) worth more than 20 billion rubles, or about 6% of the volume of services in housing and communal services. The largest number of such enterprises operate in the field of capital and current repairs of the housing stock (about 80%).

An important element in the implementation of the demonooolization program was the further corporatization of organizations in the resource-supplying sectors of the municipal economy, in the field of road facilities and landscaping, and public services. So, the share of joint stock companies in 2004 (%):

Table 1

plumbing and sewerage facilities

heat power engineering

road facilities and improvement

ritual service


Experience shows that a change in the form of ownership has positive results only if corporatization of enterprises is carried out on the basis of a deep financial and economic analysis of their activities, the financial interest of each employee and the purposeful work of the team and its leaders for the development of their enterprise.

The practice of functioning of joint-stock companies in Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo Region, Troitsk and Mytishchi, Moscow Region, Ufa, Pskov, Omsk, Samara, Novgorod Velikiy, Novocherkassk and Azov, Rostov Region and other cities proves that this work is promising. Here, not only independently (mainly at the expense of extra-budgetary sources), the technical re-equipment of enterprises is being carried out without special reckoning on city \\ "capital investments \\", but also legal and economic problems are successfully solved in order to prevent bankruptcy, etc.

Such enterprises survive in this difficult legal, political and economic situation, as a rule, thanks to the efforts of active, \\ "advanced \\" business executives who have taken on the burden of \\ "pioneers \\" of private business in the housing and utilities sector. And you will not envy them. After all, the issues of demonopolization and corporatization of housing and communal services organizations do not find broad support in most regions and municipalities of Russia.

The demonopolization program has not yet become a guide to action in most municipalities and regions of Russia. The success of its implementation on the ground is entirely the merit of the utilities themselves, who, at their own peril and risk, seek corporatisation of their enterprises with all the ensuing consequences: corporatization - don’t count on subsidies from the budget, on the development of urban engineering infrastructure, which was and remains municipal property, do not apply and generally forget the road to the administration.

Most regions have not yet formed a positive attitude towards the reform of housing and communal services. On the ground, there is a sluggish current process of reforming legal relations in this sector of the economy, initiated (or not) by the industry workers.

Understanding the depth of technical and financial and economic transformations and taking into account the socio-political significance of the housing and communal services sector and the considerable time required for such transformations, many leaders do not dare to undertake their implementation.

It is already clear to almost everyone (both the executive authorities, the population, and industrial and budget consumers) that in this form, the maintenance of the industry is ruinous for a person, city, region and state, but to change something (to carry out the transformations formulated in the Concept of Housing and Utilities Reform ) nobody wants. And if such initiatives are implemented by local administrations, they, as a rule, are far from the reform scenario defined by legislative and government documents. An example is attempts to combine the services of the customer and the enterprises of heating networks; enterprises of heat and power networks; enterprises of heating networks and water supply and sewerage facilities; housing and communal enterprises of the city - into one and other options for combining enterprises that have no economic justification.

A similar situation arises during the restructuring of housing and communal enterprises. As a rule, this is due to the solution of personnel issues and has nothing to do with the reform of legal relations in the housing and utilities sector.

In practice, the broad powers of the heads of unitary enterprises in the absence effective tools and the order of management, control and motivation of managers cause:

transfer of part of the financial flows of unitary enterprises to satellite firms created with the aim of changing the direction of financial flows. As a result, all the profits that the unitary enterprises could receive ends up in these firms;
conclusion of transactions in which the management of a unitary enterprise is interested, which leads to an artificial increase in the cost of production, and in some cases - to theft of municipal property;
lack of objective information on the state of affairs in unitary enterprises among municipal authorities;
impossibility to prevent negative consequences of unskilled or illegal activities of managers.

The number of unprofitable unitary enterprises is growing, which is largely provoked by the lack of proper management and lack of control on the part of the municipal authorities. The owner does not receive part of the profit of the unitary enterprise.

Considering the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

the existing system of management of unitary enterprises requires radical reform;
the activity of unitary enterprises, as a rule, is ineffective;
in many regions, the number of unitary enterprises does not match the ability of municipalities to manage them and control their activities;
there are no clear criteria for the creation of unitary enterprises and their functioning in the housing and communal services sector;
low efficiency of activity of unitary enterprises in housing and communal services requires significant allocations from municipal budgets, and in their absence leads to unsatisfactory customer service.

These conclusions indicate the need to create enterprises in the form of economic societies that have a number of advantages over unitary enterprises, including those associated with greater manageability, accountability, and limitation of liability for debts.

The creation of such business societies will bring closer the solution of another very important problem related to the reform of the housing sector - the emergence of homeowners, management companies (homeowners) in municipal housing. This is, in essence, the sphere of the urban economy where unitary enterprises cause the greatest damage to municipal property (housing stock), the image of the municipal government and form a negative attitude of the population towards the housing and communal services reform. To solve this problem on federal level required: 2

to amend the civil legislation (Articles 66 and 124 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) in terms of the right of municipalities to create business entities and participate in such companies, with a view to securing this right for municipal entities;
supplement Art. 295 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part 3 of the following content: \\ "The owner of the property, enshrined in the right of economic management, has the right to withdraw excess, unused or misused property and dispose of it at his own discretion \\";
amend Art. 113 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, providing for the creation in a unitary enterprise along with the head (director) of a collegial management body, the powers of which are similar to those of the supervisory board (board of directors) of a joint-stock company, taking into account the specifics of the unitary enterprise;
supplement clause 1 of Art. 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 08/28/95 No. 154-FZ \\ "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation \\" with the words: \\ "exercise control over the activities of such enterprises, institutions and organizations in the manner determined by federal legislation and local government regulations, not contradicting federal legislation, as well as in cases and in the manner provided for by federal legislation, participate in the management of such enterprises, institutions and organizations \\ ";
to adopt a new edition of the Housing Code;
add to the draft Federal Law \\ "On Unitary Enterprises \\" a norm providing for the creation of a control body in unitary enterprises, including, along with representatives of the owner, also representatives of the labor collective, independent (third-party) specialists, representatives of the public;
to conduct a mandatory annual audit of the financial and economic activities of unitary enterprises, by independent auditors, as well as in cases established by the charter of the enterprise - a technical (technological) audit.

To optimize the number of local unitary enterprises, it is necessary that such organizations, including state-owned ones, be created only in cases where the goals and objectives set for them cannot be realized by business entities of a different information and legal form.

It is necessary to assess the activities of all unitary enterprises. If decisions are made about the inconsistency of the activities of such an enterprise with the statutory tasks, the founder must:

to reorganize it (taking into account the activities carried out by him in accordance with the special legal capacity of the sources of financing, the state of the market for relevant goods, works, services) into economical society (including Draktsionernoe in accordance with the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation of 21.07.97 123-FZ \\ "On privatization state property and on the privatization of municipal property in the Russian Federation \\ ") or in a municipal institution;
to privatize a municipal unitary enterprise if the activities it performs that are not related to ensuring the livelihoods of the population of the municipality are carried out, or objectively, can be carried out by a private enterprise (repair and maintenance, service and other activities in the housing sector).
1.2. Crisis condition of housing and communal services

As you know, before the reform, approximately 98% of the costs for the maintenance and development of the housing and communal sector of the industry fell on the budget of ministries, departments, enterprises or organizations that were in charge of housing and communal services. The almost complete financial dependence of the housing and communal sector on the budget, as well as on the relevant departments and enterprises, had an extremely negative effect on its work both because of the residual allocation of funds, and to no less extent because of the lack of interest in their rational use.

Opportunities for coordinating work and maneuvering resources were lacking as a result of the widespread departmental fragmentation of housing and utilities. Huge losses of housing and communal services enterprises were common. The budgets of the territories and departments experienced considerable financial difficulties. Expenditures on the housing and communal sector accounted for 30 to 70% 3 of the budgets of many territories, cities and municipalities, which made it difficult to work to meet the social needs of the population, as well as the development of the economy. Industrial enterprises, agriculture, construction and other sectors of the economy, on whose balance sheet was housing and communal services, were forced to engage in functions unusual for them. Labor, material and financial resources were spent, which could be used with greater efficiency for the development of improving production, increasing its efficiency.

Therefore, in the elimination of all these negative phenomena, the industry itself was interested primarily, as well as other sectors and spheres of the economy, government bodies and budgets of all levels.

Currently, more than 90% of departmental housing and utilities have been transferred to municipal ownership. Taking this into account, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation carried out work to change interbudgetary relations. Most of the additional expenditures of the budgets of local authorities on the maintenance of housing and communal services taken into municipal ownership are compensated by the federal budget. At the same time, almost all funds for the maintenance of housing and communal services, including objects, accepted before July 1, 1999 were taken into account in the calculations of the federal budget for 2000. when determining the index of budget expenditures.

Thus, the majority of enterprises that transferred housing and communal services to local authorities have already freed themselves from non-production functions unusual for them, focusing on production efficiency. According to statistical reports, the volume of industrial production in 2004 increased in the country as a whole by 8.1%.

This was also facilitated by measures to eliminate cross-financing in the context of ...

Pick up file


Section 1. Theoretical part

Section 2. Analytical part

Section 3. Design part

4.1. Economic effect 1 event

4.2. Economic effect for 2 event

4.3. Economic effect for 3 event




The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that the development of housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as housing and communal services), as an economic entity, affects the vital interests of the entire population of the country.

Organizations of communal services, satisfying the daily needs of the population, indirectly affect the efficiency of the functioning of the entire national economic complex. However, the communal services, in the past referred to the non-productive sphere of the economy, were not invested as a priority and did not arouse the keen interest of researchers in the problems of its development, which did not contribute to the dynamic development of the theory and practice of the functioning of the housing and communal services.

At present, the attention of the population itself and local self-government bodies is directed to the processes of reforming communal services, which makes the strategic management of the municipal economy one of the key directions of its development.

The increasing role of housing and communal services in the structure of the economy of the municipality is due to the fact that, on the one hand, the property on the balance sheet of enterprises in the industry grows from year to year, and on the other hand, the level of monopolization of housing and communal services increases, while their quality remains unchanged.

Due to the noted circumstances, the study of problems strategic management Housing and communal services of the municipality is relevant and significant.

The object of the course study was the housing and communal services system of Podolsk.

The subject is a study of the management of housing and communal services in Podolsk.

The aim of the course work was to develop measures to improve the efficiency of housing and communal services management of the municipal formation.

Section 1. Theoretical part

1.1. Content, tasks and features of the housing and communal services of the municipality

Housing and communal services is a complex socio-economic complex designed to meet specific needs of the population. From a social point of view, housing and communal services is the most important sphere of life and life support of a person, from an economic point of view, it is a special market for the production of goods and services related to housing and the utilities sector.

Let's start with the definition of the concept of "housing and communal services", which, despite the obviousness of its existence, does not have a single meaning either in the scientific literature or in the legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation. There is no unity either at the national or regional levels, let alone at the municipal levels.

There are at least two approaches to defining the concept of "housing and communal services". The first is based on the understanding of the terms "housing" as referring to the housing stock, and "communal" - as associated with engineering systems or networks, ie, water, heat, gas, electrical communications. The second approach is based on the understanding of the broader term "housing and communal", and is associated with the environment, that is, the sphere of life of individuals and society - a territorial community of people belonging to one commune (a territorial community in the original and generally accepted meaning of this word) ...

In the first meaning, the management of housing and communal services is understood as the management of the housing stock and the engineering and communication infrastructure adjacent to it or providing it. In the second case, the management of housing and communal services takes on the meaning of managing the entire complex of the national economy of the territory associated with the residence of the socio-cultural community in a particular territory. This complex includes not only the housing stock with the adjacent engineering infrastructure, but also the entire complex of surrounding structures with their technical, legal, social, economic, cultural, environmental and other components at the place of residence of a person and society.

For the purpose of unification, the concept of "communal" should be regarded as referring to the city or municipal economy (the socio-economic complex of the territory). Housing and communal services is a branch of the public sector of the economy, part of the national economy or the national economy of the country. Housing and communal services on the territory of the municipality are part of the municipal economy, and the most significant. From 60 to 90% of all municipal problems are connected with housing and communal services.

Housing and communal services is a special sphere of the regional economy, in which the production, distribution and consumption of housing and communal goods and services related to the sphere of personal and public consumption is carried out in conditions of limited resources. This is a complex multi-sectoral or inter-sectoral complex of the public sector of the economy, which is in the sphere of state regulation and territorial administration.

Key concepts:

  • housing - belonging to housing, that is, to objects and places of residence of people;
  • communal - referring to a commune or community, having a public or social character;
  • economy - the whole complex of property, legal, managerial and other objects, subjects and relations.
  • Housing and communal services include the following elements:
  • land plots on which the housing stock and other material objects of housing and communal services are located;
  • housing stock, i.e. multi-apartment and individual residential buildings;
  • housing communications, i.e. engineering infrastructure, power, water, heat, gas supply networks, etc .;
  • landscaping and improvement facilities on the territory of the housing stock;
  • social, cultural, commercial, household, sports and other facilities located in the residential area;
  • intra-quarter roads, parking lots, garages and other elements of transport links in the residential area;
  • enterprises for the production of building and other materials for the housing stock;
  • construction companies and organizations;
  • enterprises for the production of vehicles, mechanisms, special and other equipment for housing, etc .;
  • enterprises and organizations for the production of heat and electric energy, water, etc .;
  • trade and supply organizations;
  • financial institutions;
  • means and organization of information support;
  • scientific and research organizations;
  • educational organizations;
  • law enforcement agencies;
  • control and supervisory bodies and organizations;
  • legislative and executive bodies of state power, territorial administration and local self-government;
  • enterprises and organizations of a non-industrial nature, auxiliary and supporting purposes;
  • management or management companies.

The concept of "management" in relation to housing and communal services, in addition to the well-known synonym "management", should be supplemented with a factor significant from the point of view of economic theory. Modern economic theory recognizes four main factors of production. These are resources (land, capital, labor) and entrepreneurial ability that connects other factors in the production process. Entrepreneurial ability can be defined as a system-forming factor.

The economy of housing and communal services contains all the main economic resources, but the definition of entrepreneurial ability as the only system-forming factor of production is at least incomplete. In the process of ensuring the interaction of factors of production, in addition to entrepreneurs, government and administrative bodies, or administrative resources, are also involved. Both resources are part of the same common resource, which it is appropriate to call management. This is a newer version of the name of the system-forming factor of production and at the same time a new meaning of a well-known concept. In other words, management is a system-forming factor of production that ensures the interaction between the main economic resources (labor, land and capital) in the process of production, consumption and distribution of material goods, goods and services in a world of limited resources.

All elements of housing and communal services can be attributed to one or another economic resource. Directly to the management resource include: financial institutions; scientific and research organizations; educational organizations; law enforcement agencies; control and supervisory bodies and organizations: legislative and executive bodies of state power, territorial administration and local self-government; enterprises and organizations of a non-industrial nature, auxiliary and supporting purposes; management or management companies. These elements play a different role in relation to the management resource and are divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones are management and management companies.

1.2. The main directions of improving the management of housing and communal services of the municipality

The reform of the housing and communal services, which, in accordance with its latest Concept, has been going on in the Russian Federation for over 10 years, has not led to the desired and expected results. The stages and terms of implementation of the planned measures, originally designated in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1997, are postponed or postponed to a new time, and more than once.

Speaking about the effective management of housing and communal services, one should talk about both the rational use of management resources and the organization of the process successful management objects and (or) elements of housing and communal services. Thus, effective management of housing and communal services should be understood as the rational use of management resources and the organization of successful management of housing and communal services.

One of the criteria for the effectiveness of the use of management resources can be the growth of indicators of production and reproduction of housing and housing and communal services.

From a purely economic point of view, the efficiency of housing and communal services management in the territory is associated with economic efficiency (Ef) and is determined by the ratio of the result, effect, sales proceeds (Bp) to all total costs or costs of the production of housing and communal services (IP):

Eph \u003d Vr / Ip

As an indicator of efficiency, you can use the profit from production and sales (Pr), which is defined as the difference between revenue and costs:

Pr \u003d Vr - Ip

But the effectiveness of housing and communal services management is not always associated with achieving maximum profit. Effective, in a broad sense, is considered to be such management in which the objectives of the organization are achieved. The goals of representatives of commercial enterprises or business structures do not always coincide with the goals of LSG bodies and the population. Business strives for the maximum prices for housing and communal services, and the authorities and administrations, protecting the interests of the population, should strive to establish minimum prices.

In practice, in the conditions of market relations, all participants in the process should strive to establish a balance of interests. This balance is achieved by establishing a market equilibrium between the offered price for housing and communal services and the price of paid demand in a civilized market environment. If the price is too high, a significant part of consumers will not be able to pay for the services, and if the price is low, enterprises and organizations will not be able to recover their costs.

Therefore, the efficiency of housing and communal services management in the territory, in addition to economic efficiency, is also determined by social efficiency. Social efficiency reflects the effectiveness of the social process as a whole; it is a generalizing characteristic of the development of a territory. To measure social efficiency, a variety of indicators are used: economic, social, social, demographic, social and humanistic, etc. Indicators of social efficiency in the field of housing and communal services can be: affordability of housing, comfort of housing, provision of housing for a family, quality and the cost of provided housing and communal services, etc.

The main criterion of social efficiency in housing and communal services is the maximum satisfaction of the needs of the population for housing and communal services at minimal prices, which does not always coincide with the interests of business. Therefore, to achieve a balance of interests, it is necessary to strive to achieve socio-economic efficiency.

Socio-economic efficiency (SEEF) in the management of housing and communal services in the territory is an integrated indicator of the average profitability of a business or the cost of housing and communal services in relation to the average share of expenses (Co) for paying for housing and communal services in the total income of families.

SEEF \u003d Eph / Zo

In modern management theory, management is considered effective if organizations achieve their goals. Therefore, efficiency in the management of housing and communal services should be considered from three positions:

- representatives of business or entrepreneurs;

- bodies of state power or territorial administration;

- population.

Efficiency from the standpoint of entrepreneurs or business representatives is defined primarily as economic efficiency. According to the classical scheme, efficiency is the ratio of the cost of producing goods and services and income from their sale, expressed in terms of profit. If entrepreneurs strive to make a profit at any cost, then they must remember that in a free market, the supply price should not exceed the demand price. Otherwise, consumers will either refuse the service or will not be able to pay for it. Civilized entrepreneurs build their businesses based on consumer interests.

The population is interested in receiving the maximum amount of housing and communal services at the lowest prices and good quality.

The reform of housing and communal services carried out in the country is developing in two main directions, which sometimes enter into insoluble contradictions - this is the transition to full payment by the population for housing and communal services (HCS) and the reduction of costs for the production of HCS while maintaining their quality. Arising contradictions cannot be resolved without achieving a balance of interests.
The basis for achieving a balance of interests of the population, entrepreneurs and authorities should be based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency (RDA).

The PRD, fitting into the theory of public choice, presupposes the definition of the "golden mean" on a contractual basis. It is proposed to use it as a conciliatory principle as an alternative to the coercive principle. The essence of contracts between producers and consumers in the housing and communal services system should be reduced to the establishment of an equilibrium and affordable price for housing and acceptable payment for housing and communal services with constant or improving quality.
As for management technologies, this is the sphere of economic relations, thanks to which the process of functioning of any economic system, including housing and communal services, is carried out.
Technology is any means of transforming raw materials, be they people, information, or physical materials, to obtain desired products or services.

Technologies can be industrial, informational, public or managerial.

Public (managerial) technology is the processes of transformation of a person and society. The tool in social technology is a political system or regime.

Public technology can be defined as a means to obtain the desired results, products, services in human society.
Management technologies in housing and communal services, taking into account the point of view developed in modern management theory and practice, should be understood as various management tools and means used to obtain the desired results in the process of production, distribution and consumption of housing and communal goods, products and services.

Engineering and reengineering of business processes, development, economic growth, participation in management, etc. can be cited as examples of modern and new management technologies in housing and communal services.

Engineering and reengineering of business processes are modern advanced management technologies aimed at a manifold increase in business profitability.

Reengineering of business processes in housing and communal services is a complex and radical redesign that increases the economic efficiency of the complex several times.

Reengineering can be precisely the tool for reforming the housing and utilities sector that can give the desired positive effect.

As for the technologies of development, growth, complicity, their definition and interpretation requires a separate and special consideration at least in a separate article, however, like the above. It should be said that these new technologies are an alternative to the currently used ineffective, costly and consumer management technologies that hinder the development of housing and communal services.

It can be stated with full confidence that in the context of the use of outdated and outdated management technologies, no effective reform, development and management of housing and communal services can be achieved. New economic relations and new economic tasks cannot be combined with old economic relations. For example, it is impossible to combine free market competition and strict tariff regulation for housing and communal services, since these are elements of various economic and management technologies and they cannot be combined without contradictions.

The efficiency of housing and communal services management is increased thanks to an objective, systematic analysis, a good planning and forecasting system, adequately selected means, internal and external management conditions, implementation tools and the level of qualifications of specialists carrying out the implementation of management tasks.

Consideration in the methodology of issues of personnel policy, training and retraining of personnel for the housing and communal services sector assumes the methodological completeness of the complex of management measures to achieve effective management of housing and communal services in the territory.

Examples of specific techniques are:

  1. Methodology for the examination of tariffs for housing and communal services (HCS). One of the most difficult issues in the management of housing and communal services is the theory and practice of the pricing mechanism and setting tariffs for housing and communal services. At the same time, one of the most acute problems in the formation of the cost of services in the residential sphere is the validity of the total value, structure and size that make up the need for financial resources to provide in full and meet the quality standards of works and services for the maintenance of housing.
    Effective pricing is facilitated by a financial and economic examination of the feasibility of tariffs for housing and communal services provided by housing and communal enterprises (HCP), taking into account modern economic and managerial theory, current legislation and the established practice of conducting examinations.
    Conducting an independent special examination allows to a large extent establish the reliability, objectivity and necessity of the work performed and the cost of providing housing and communal services for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock.
  2. Methodology for the analysis, accounting and management of financial resources coming from payments for housing and communal services, as well as from other sources for purposes related to major repairs, maintenance and maintenance of the housing stock in the territory of the municipality.
    In order to build a system of effective management of housing and communal services, it is necessary to conduct a serious scientific and practical search, develop a system for monitoring the state of socio-economic processes and conduct a comprehensive analysis of the state of housing and communal services in the territory.

Only through the use of new management technologies, the use of modern methods and techniques, it is possible to achieve successful reform and effective management of housing and communal services, both in individual territories and in the Russian Federation as a whole.

Section 2. Analytical part

2.1. Socio-economic characteristics of the municipality

Podolsk is one of the largest industrial, scientific and cultural centers of the Moscow region. The resident population of Podolsk as of January 1, 2008 amounted to 180 thousand people. For the first time in the past 17 years, 2007 saw a population growth (580 people).

In the first half of 2008, positive trends in the development of the city's economy persisted: goods were shipped, works and services performed in the amount of 27 billion rubles (the growth index was 131%). The average salary reached 25,000 rubles. (growth over the corresponding period last year - 135%).

Taxes collected at all levels of the budget - 7.7 billion rubles, including:

The federal budget - 3.7 billion rubles. (up 12%);

In the regional budget - 3.0 billion rubles. (up 58%);

To the city budget - 1.0 billion rubles. (up 50%).

On the territory of the city of Podolsk, there are 40 enterprises with foreign capital with a total number of employees of 3800 people. The volume of foreign investments amounted to 16.7 million US dollars, which is 4.3 times higher than the level of the corresponding period last year.

For the 1st half of 2008 retail turnover amounted to 6.3 million rubles.

On the territory of the city of Podolsk, residential buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 128 thousand square meters have been commissioned. m (2,584 apartments), including multi-storey housing - over 125 thousand sq. m (for the whole 2007 - 132,556 sq. m), individual housing construction - over 2.6 thousand sq. m. m. In 2008 it is planned to put into operation 200 thousand square meters. m of housing.

According to the “Program for the resettlement of citizens of Podolsk from dilapidated and emergency housing stock” for the period up to 2014, decisions were made on the development of built-up areas in Shepchinka microdistrict within the boundaries of streets: Vatutina, Pionerskaya, Tchaikovsky, Sverdlov, Kalinin, Scheglova, Belinsky; microdistrict Novo-Syrovo within the boundaries of the streets: Bykovskaya, Si-likatnaya, Khudozhestvenny proezd, Syrovsky deadlock; m-on Kutuzovo within the boundaries of the streets: Kurchatov, Bagration, Sosno-vaya, Borodinskaya; m-on Yuzhny within the boundaries of streets: Kosmonav-tov, Pravda, Mashinostroiteley, city border; m-on Se-Verny within the boundaries of streets: Entuziastov, Severnaya, Ordzhoni-kidze, Zhdanovskaya; m-on Vostochny within the boundaries of streets: Plescheevskaya, Levitan, Suvorov, Kramskoy; and m-on Krasnaya Gorka within the boundaries of the streets: Sadovaya, Lenin Avenue, Kolkhoz-naya, Shchorsa, Grazhdanskaya, Ovrazhnaya, city border. This will allow for the demolition of more than 150 thousand square meters. m of dilapidated housing and one and a half thousand families will be able to get comfortable apartments.

In addition to housing facilities, social and cultural facilities are being built. Completed work on the reconstruction of the stadium "Trud" (1st stage). The construction of an overpass through the railway in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kutuzovskaya platform continues.

The design of the Sunday school on the street. Krasnoy, perinatal center on the street. High-rise, regional house of veterans and a complex of social services on the street. Vysotnaya, Wedding Palace.

Since the beginning of 2008, over 70 million rubles have been spent on the repair and maintenance of intra-quarter roads. More than 24 thousand linear meters of side stone were installed, more than 87 thousand square meters were laid. meters of asphalt, about 6 thousand square meters. meters of paving slabs.

A large range of landscaping works are being carried out in the city. Completed work on the arrangement of pedestrian zones along the streets of K. Gottwald, Fevralskaya, along Lenin Avenue, along Revolutionary Avenue, on the square near the Troitsky Church

At the station square in the park near school number 3 and at the intersection of st. K. Gottwald and st. Kirov, a decorative clock was installed, and a light-sound fountain was opened on the park near the Oktyabr recreation center.

The improvement of the inner courtyard territories of houses 34/29 and 36/14 on Revolutionary Avenue, houses 1/11 and 3, 2/14 and 4a on Sverdlov street is nearing completion.

To ensure safety along the carriageway of Stekolnikov, Matrosskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kirov, K. Gottwald streets, as well as Lenin Avenue and Revprospekt, more than 8000 running meters have been installed. m of decorative fences.

There are 42 playgrounds and 2 playgrounds in the courtyards worth over 5.5 million rubles. 670 tree seedlings and 1500 shrubs have been planted. Work is underway to build a waste sorting complex.

New flower beds have been built on Stekolnikov, Kirov, B. Zelenovskaya, Vysotnaya, Oktyabrsky Prospekt streets. More than 100 decorative flower girls have been installed, 200 thousand flowers have been planted.

The total amount of all additional cash payments from the city budget to low-income categories of citizens in comparison with 2006 increased 5 times and amounted to about 12 million rubles in 2007. In 2008, it is planned to allocate over 16 million rubles. Lonely pensioners, disabled people, war and labor veterans, large families and other low-income categories of citizens were offered a preferential subscription for the second half of 2008 to regional and local periodicals for a total amount of 1 million 890 thousand rubles.

At the initiative of ZAO Transformer and the People's Enterprise Podolskkabel and with the support of the head of the city, councils of young specialists are being created at enterprises and organizations, whose heads will be included in the city council of young specialists. Their work will help to attract active youth to the public life of the city as much as possible, solve their social problems, organize meaningful leisure time, and raise the positive image of enterprises.

2.2. Analysis of the management of housing and communal services of the municipal formation

In 2007, the residential complex of the city includes 1345 residential buildings with a total area of \u200b\u200b3829.9 thousand square meters. m, the private sector is 2,739 residential buildings.

Municipal unitary enterprise "DEZ of Podolsk" is engaged in ensuring the life of the city under contracts for the operation and maintenance of the housing stock with 9 municipal housing repair enterprises serving 921 residential buildings, MUZHRP-2, which manages 297 houses, as well as private management organizations : LLC "EK-TEX" - 15 houses of homeowners' associations (HOA), LLC "ZhEU" Podolsk DSK "- 10 houses of HOA, LLC" PZhI-Service "- 9 houses of HOA and 5 houses of housing cooperatives, LLC" Atlant-service " - 1 house HOA, LLC SMU No. 1 Economtransstroy - 2 houses, LLC REO - 1 house, LLC GOTstroyservice - 1 house, LLC Usovo-Service Management Company - 1 house, 46 ZhSK and 17 HOAs that maintain and operate their homes on their own.

4 residential buildings and 17 hostels remain on the balance sheet of the departments.

Specialized enterprises operate on the territory of the city - MUP "Liftremont", servicing 474 lifts, and CJSC JV "Podyom" - 455 lifts.

The supply of utilities is carried out by municipal utilities: MUE Podolskaya Teploset, MUE Vodokanal, MUP Podolskaya Elektroset and fifteen departmental heat supply enterprises.

The total number of personnel working in the system of housing and communal and specialized enterprises is 4015 people.

The coordination of the city's housing and communal services is carried out by the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the city administration.

The total actual expenses for the maintenance of housing and communal services in 2007 amounted to 639.834 million rubles.

In 2007, a lot of work was done with homeowners to choose a method for managing multi-apartment residential buildings. As a result, the owners of residential premises out of 1,095 apartment buildings chose a management company. Have not decided on the method of management - 148 houses. At present, the Housing and Utilities Department of the city administration is preparing for an open tender for the selection of a management company for those houses whose residents could not make their choice.

In 2007, the current and capital repairs of the housing stock were carried out. The total financial costs for the repair of the housing stock in 2007 amounted to 245.8 million rubles, of which 46.3 million rubles. - funds from the city budget, including from the targeted budgetary fund "Housing" - 5.6 million rubles, the regional budget (under the guarantees of the municipal formation) - 168.0 million rubles. and funds of the population - 31.6 million rubles.

Works on capital and current repair of roofs, repair of elevator facilities, including diagnosed 50 units of elevators, replaced - 77, repaired - 12. Overhauled 38 indoor heating systems, hot and cold water supply, sewerage. Replaced 15.8 thousand meters of pipelines, 11.2 thousand pcs. valves, 896 valves and 6302 sections of radiators, etc. The repair of the in-house power supply system was carried out. 245 units of gas equipment were replaced. The stairwells in 405 entrances were repaired, 33415 meters of interpanel seams were repaired, balconies were repaired, balcony screens were replaced. Repaired 39.5 thousand square meters of facades, 93 porches, replaced drain pipes in 44 houses.

Since 2005, the level of payments from the population from the approved tariffs for maintenance, maintenance, housing repairs and utilities has been 100%. Changes in the rates of payment for housing and utilities occur once a year.

In 2007, the collection from the population of rent, maintenance and utility bills averaged 97.0% in the city.

To implement measures to social support citizens, the provision of benefits for payment of housing and communal services specific categories the population spent 252.717 million rubles. with funding from the regional budget - 184.509 million rubles. and the federal budget - 66.27 million rubles. The number of citizens who received benefits in 2007 amounted to 42,445 people, the number of benefit holders - 41,220 people.

During the year, 10,155 citizens received housing compensation (subsidies) for housing and utilities in the city.

Heat supply of the city is carried out from 54 boiler houses, with a total installed capacity of 937.3 Gcal / hour, through heating networks with a total length of 278.4 km (in 2-pipe calculation) by 18 heat supply organizations (3 - municipal and 15 - departmental).

The main municipal heat generating enterprise is the Podolskaya Teploset Municipal Unitary Enterprise, which provides heat supply to 74.5% of the housing stock and more than 60% of the city's social facilities.

The enterprise has 38 boiler houses, 19 central heating stations, 140 km of heating networks (in 2-pipe calculation).

In 2007, projects were developed for the reconstruction of two coal-fired boiler houses for conversion to natural gas: the boiler house of the Youth Creativity House (P. Morozova St., 69) and a correctional school (P. Morozova St., 30).

The volume of services provided by the MUE "Podolskaya Teploset" for the main activity (heat supply and hot water supply to the consumer) in 2007 amounted to: sales of heat energy - 658.6 thousand Gcal for the amount of 109.6 million rubles, including to the population - 561.7 thousand Gcal for the amount of 86.9 million rubles, budget organizations - 54.5 thousand Gcal for the amount of 44.6 million rubles, other consumers - 42.4 thousand Gcal for the amount of 35 7 million rubles

In 2007 due to own funds, city, regional budgets and investors' funds, the enterprise performed a large amount of work on overhaul, reconstruction, modernization of heat and power equipment and heating networks for a total amount of 143.9 million rubles.

The equipment was modernized at boiler houses along the streets of Pionerskaya, Komsomolskaya, Parkovaya and Kolkhoznaya.

Completed, begun in 2006, the repair of chimneys at all boiler houses of MUE "Podolskaya Teploset".

In 2007, more than 10 km of heating networks (in one-pipe calculation) were overhauled along the streets of Ulyanovy, Sosnovaya, Liteinaya, Rabochaya, Leningradskaya, Kirov, Pleshcheevskaya, Suvorov, Bannaya, K. Gotwald, Pakhrinsky proezd, Krasnogvardeisky boulevard, Oktyabrsky avenue and others.

In order to save electricity at eight boiler houses this year, frequency-controlled pump drives were installed.

To improve the hydraulic regime in the heat supply systems of consumers, 19 network pumps were replaced in boiler houses on the streets of Gaidar, Ulyanov, Sosnovaya, Mashtakov, Pleshcheevskaya, B. Ivanovskaya. 15 boiler houses are equipped with carbon monoxide and methane gas control systems.

Seven boilers were repaired in boiler houses on the streets of Gaidar, Ulyanovs, Komsomolskaya, Izvestkovaya, Chistov, Liteynaya, Kolkhoznaya, water-water heaters of the Ulyanovs boiler house, TsTP-8, TsTP-18, etc. were replaced, the work of TsTP-2 in 4th microdistrict.

Smooth start stations for network pumps, equipment for detecting leaks were purchased for installation in boiler houses of the Podolsk Heating System. To supply power to 15 small boiler houses of the enterprise, a mobile power plant was purchased and is operating.

As a result of overhaul of heating networks in 2007, the number of networks in emergency condition, compared with 2006, decreased from 53.7% to 51.2%, decreased by 25.0 thousand cubic meters. total water consumption (in the amount of 375 thousand rubles).

MUE Vodokanal is responsible for water supply and wastewater disposal in the city. The balance of the enterprise includes 11 water intake units, 99 art wells, 29 tanks with a total volume of 45.1 thousand cubic meters, 20 water pumping stations, 10 units. sewage pumping stations, 2 pumping stations for service water (length of the service water pipeline - 5.6 km), 354.8 km of water supply, 241.5 km of sewage networks, treatment facilities with a capacity of 183 thousand m3 / day, the dam of the Pakhrinsky reservoir.

Average depreciation of water supply networks is 55.6%, of drainage networks 63.04%.

The volume of services provided by MUE Vodokanal in 2007 amounted to: water sales - 27.8 million m3 for the amount of 227.1 million rubles, for waste liquid disposal - 37.8 million m3 for the amount of 211.6 million . rub.

In 2007, MUP Vodokanal carried out major overhauls, reconstruction of engineering networks and structures, as well as new construction of water supply and sewerage facilities in the amount of 225.7 million rubles, including at the expense of the company's own funds - 131.3 million rubles ., the city budget - 10.9 million rubles., the regional budget - 8 million rubles. and raised funds for technical specificationsissued to enterprises and organizations for connection to city networks - 83.4 million rubles.

Dilapidated water supply networks with a total length of 8.8 km and 1.2 km of sewerage networks were replaced with a transition to modern polyethylene pipes with a large margin of guaranteed service life.

In 2007, a major overhaul of the Desninsky, Volodarsky, Konopelki, Mochinsky and Zalineiny water intake units was carried out. A modern pumping station was put into operation at the "Tourist" VZU, an accumulating reservoir of artesian water was built. Design and geodetic works were carried out for the technical re-equipment of the VNS "Gulevo", VZU "Central".

The technical re-equipment of the city treatment facilities was carried out: the biological treatment unit of the 4th stage, the mechanical sludge dewatering workshop, the overhauled primary sedimentation tanks of the treatment facilities were put into operation, which were transferred to auto mode work.

In 2007, the enterprise carried out work on the construction of water supply networks in the development zone of the Yugo-Zapadny microdistrict, on the street. Spring, as well as sewer networks on the street. Kurchatova, Spring.

As a result of the repair work, the accident rate at the water supply and sewerage networks, compared with 2006, decreased from 0.38 accidents per day to 0.25.

The introduction of automation systems, variable drives of pumping stations allowed to save about 5 million kW / h of electricity.

The use of trenchless technologies in the construction and repair of pipelines was further developed. The third Robins horizontal directional drilling rig and the necessary equipment to ensure its operation were purchased, the staff of the brigade was completed and trained.

New technologies for water purification based on sodium hypochlorite and automatic systems "Aldos", ozonation, ultraviolet disinfection were introduced, which made it possible to provide better water supply to the population, significantly increase the safety of drinking water and improve its organoleptic properties.

An important component of the city's communal services is its energy supply.

On the balance sheet of MUP "Electroset" are: 299 units. transformer substations (532 transformers), 27 units. distribution points, 626.5 km of cable lines, 306.9 km of overhead lines, 8217 pcs. street lighting fixtures. Average wear of electrical equipment is about 52%.

The accident rate at the enterprise MUP "Podolskaya elektroset" in 2007 remained at the level of 2006 and averaged 0.8 failures per day.

The total volume of services rendered by the Podolsk electric grid to consumers for the sale of electricity in 2007 amounted to 432.4 million kWh. (growth to the level of 2006 - 2.5%).

In 2007, at the expense of the enterprise, work was carried out on the overhaul of electrical facilities in the amount of 24.4 million rubles, including the repair of the construction part of 24 units of transformer substations, repair and adjustment of oil switches and relay protection of 59 sets, to turn on / off the electrical load, 14 high-voltage chambers and 25 low-voltage panels were replaced, 6 transformers were repaired, 101 reinforced concrete supports were installed, 8.2 km of insulated wires of the SIP-2A type were mounted instead of uninsulated ones, 163 lamps were repaired, 7.1 km of high-voltage ones were replaced and laid cable lines in the microdistricts "Severny", "Yuzhny" and st. Kirov, as well as 3.5 km of low-voltage cables along the streets of Kirov, Gottwald, Ulyanov, Leningradskaya. 5 transformer substations were completely repaired with the replacement of equipment and construction parts.

According to plans for capital construction, reconstruction and modernization in 2007, MUE Podolskaya Electricity Network completed work for a total of 14.6 million rubles: 0.9 km of cable lines were laid, 19 reinforced concrete poles were installed, 33 lamps were installed, 3 transformers were purchased ... For more accurate diagnostics of the state of cable networks, a mobile electrical laboratory was purchased.

At the expense of investors, work was carried out for a total of 70 million rubles: instead of the morally and technically obsolete, a distribution point (RP) and a transformer substation (TP) were put into operation in the 3rd microdistrict, at the VZU "Tourist", two new RPs were included and six transformer substations, four feeder lines, 45 km of high-voltage cable lines and 11 km of low-voltage cable lines have been laid in the village of Gulevo, the Yuzhny microdistrict, Silikatnaya-2, etc.

In 2007, at the expense of investors and the company's own funds, 554 lamps were replaced with more economical ones, as well as SIP-2A wires, 6 km long. The total economic effect amounted to 2.25 million rubles, which made it possible to direct additional funds for repair work.

Illuminated st. Railway, Marble, Mashtakova, entrance to the city from the side of the highway on the street. Ordzhonikidze, a railway bridge on Yunykh Lenintsev Avenue (over 270 lamps installed).

In 2007, the MUE "Podolskaya Electricity Network" developed an investment project for the development and reconstruction of electrical networks in the city of Podolsk.

The enterprise is introducing an automated system for commercial metering of electricity, aimed at reducing electricity losses. In 2007, 73 electricity metering points were installed, the cost of the work amounted to 8 million rubles.

The housing and communal services system in the city continues to improve. Reconstruction and modernization of housing and communal services facilities is one of the main components of the city's comprehensive development program.

In 2008, in the city of Podolsk, work continues on overhaul, reconstruction and modernization of housing and communal facilities:

By heat supply objects:

Reconstruction of existing coal boiler houses: Youth Creativity House (P. Morozova, 69) and a correctional school (P. Morozova, 20);

Modernization of heat exchange equipment for hot water supply in Central Heating Station-3 at the address: Leningradskaya, 24-d;

Replacement of morally and technically obsolete boilers at boiler houses Komsomolskaya 59, Parkovaya 11, Kolkhoznaya;

Arrangement of an autonomous power supply at the boiler house of Gaidar, 11;

Start of construction of a reserve fuel facility at the boiler house of Gaidar, 11;

Reconstruction of gas pipelines at boiler houses: B. Ivanovskaya, Sosnovaya, Pharmacy warehouses;

Equipping with a gas contamination control system in boiler rooms: Pobeda, 4, Trubnaya, Aviators, Hood. passage, Kaluzhskaya;

Replacement of worn out heating networks.

For water supply and sewerage facilities:

Reconstruction of water intake units: "Tourist" and "Central" with the construction of additional reservoirs of artesian water;

Reconstruction of the water pumping station "Gulyovo";

Overhaul of the main water pipelines: Desninsky VZU in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village Laptevo, Mochinsky VZU in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village Kutino and on the street. Komsomolskaya from st. Rabochaya to st. B. Zelenovskaya;

Reconstruction of treatment facilities in Podolsk, construction of mechanical treatment facilities, reconstruction of secondary sedimentation tanks of the biological treatment unit;

Overhaul of the Ivanovsky sewer collector;

Laying of a pressure head manifold from KNS-1 to Paradny passage;

Construction of a sewerage system in md. "Gulyovo";

Replacement of worn out water supply and sewerage networks.

By power supply objects:

Repair of high-voltage and low-voltage cables of street lighting networks with the replacement of reinforced concrete supports and the installation of energy-saving lamps;

Repair of electrical equipment of transformer substations and distribution points;

Construction of new transformer substations to replace the physically and morally obsolete ones;

Construction of new street lighting lines, reconstruction of existing ones;

Introduction of an automated system for commercial metering of electricity aimed at reducing electricity losses.

Housing stock:

Continued implementation of the elevator replacement program, it is planned to replace 101 elevators;

Repair of building facades along the central streets of the city;

Repair of roofs on 30 residential buildings;

Repair of intra-house utilities in 18 residential buildings.

2.3. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the housing stock of the municipality

The distribution of the housing stock by microdistricts is presented in Table 2.1 (according to the data of the city administration).

Table 2.1

Housing fund of Podolsk

Population (thousand people)

Municipal housing stock of houses (thousand sq. M.)

Territory area (ha)

Central (МЖРП-1)

Novo-Syrovo (МЖРП-2)

Shepchinki (МЖРП-3)

Zalineiny (МЖРП-4)

Inter-highway (МЖРП-5)

Kutuzovo (МЖРП-9)

Zelenovsky (МЖРП-12)

Parkovy (МЖРП-14)

Yubileiny-Fetishchevo (ZhPET-1)

Vysotny-Ivanovskiy (ZhPET-2)

Table 2.2

Analysis of the housing stock by year of commissioning

The percentage of depreciation for residential buildings is:

  • depreciation up to 30% - 1316 houses (44%);
  • depreciation from 30% to 40% - 578 houses (19.3%);
  • depreciation from 40% to 50% - 335 houses (11.2%);
  • depreciation from 50% to 65%, 307 houses (10.3%);
  • wear over 65%, 452 houses (15.2%).

2.4. Analysis of the state of the engineering infrastructure of the municipality

Most of the city's housing stock is provided with all types of utilities (Fig. 2.1).

Figure 2.1. Provision with types of utilities

A number of existing trunk and distribution networks of heat supply are in an unsatisfactory condition (insulation of heat pipelines is often of poor quality, which leads to heat loss, there are no drains or do not work, which leads to corrosion of pipelines, etc.).

Rainwater drainage is not available in all areas and streets of the city.

The main task of the sections of the engineering infrastructure of the master plan is to develop a set of measures to resolve the above problems and develop the engineering infrastructure of the city economy in line with the priority areas of sustainable development of the city.

In connection with the expiration of the "Schemes" developed by specialized organizations for the types of engineering support, it is necessary to correct them or develop new ones in conjunction with the decisions of the master plan.

After the approval of the master plan, a "Program for the regulation of the city's engineering infrastructure" should be developed. In such a program, on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of all design developments and engineering and technical measures planned in them, the optimal design solution can be selected, aimed at achieving a dual goal:

  • preservation and improvement of the existing ecological characteristics of the projected territory;
  • ensuring comfortable living conditions for the population.

2.5. Analysis of financial relationships in the system of municipal government

Different parts of the urban housing and communal and social infrastructure are financed from different sources. So, for water supply and sewerage services, as well as city telephone networks, payments are made at fixed rates both by the population and by organizations. Payments for waste disposal are received according to established calculations from legal entities, and are also included in the rent of individuals. The latter also pay for urban transport services according to the established tariffs. As a rule, these financial flows are enough only for periodic maintenance and overhaul, and they are practically not used for the implementation of the much-needed comprehensive modernization and radical renewal of the technical base of housing and communal services.

2.6. Analysis of the quality of the provided housing and communal services

We conducted a survey among residents of the city of Podolsk to what extent they are satisfied with the quality of housing and communal services; how often they have to deal with interruptions in water, electricity, gas and how quickly these interruptions are resolved.

The share of those who are dissatisfied with the quality of services was 43%, and the share of those who are satisfied with these services is 52%.

According to the respondents, the most prosperous sphere of housing and communal services is gas supply: they note that there are no interruptions in gas supply at all, the majority of respondents (68%); rarely, 1-2 times a year, 14% of respondents encounter problems in this area, almost every month - 3%, more often - 1%.

The situation with power supply is much worse: 39% of the respondents say that there are no interruptions; about the same, 38%, face interruptions 1-2 times a year; 16% - almost every month, 5% - more often.

The most problematic area is water supply: only 28% of respondents did not face water interruptions, 38% experience difficulties 1-2 times a year, 19% - almost every month, 10% - more often.

Of the problems in the housing and communal sector, power outages are eliminated most quickly: 88% of those who had to deal with such problems note that it takes no more than a day to eliminate them. Gas supply interruptions in such a short period of time are eliminated in the homes of a slightly smaller proportion of victims - 80%. The elimination of problems with water supply takes the most time: interruptions in water supply are eliminated in a day and less in homes of 65% of respondents who faced these problems. Accordingly, more than one day, problems with electricity are eliminated in 12% of cases, with gas - in 20%, with water - in 36% of cases.


So, the engineering structure of Podolsk needs modernization. The city's housing stock, which is rather worn out, also requires investments. It is required to attract investments in the housing and communal sector of the city to improve the efficiency of work and services of housing and communal services. It is also necessary to introduce additional benefits in the form of subsidies for utility bills.

Section 3. Design part

3.1. Development of measures to attract investment in housing and communal services of the municipal formation

The task today is to attract credit financing for the modernization and replacement of worn out elements of housing and communal services on terms acceptable to the borrower. Since the payback period of urban infrastructure is 3-5 years, the relevant structures need long-term credit resources for the same period.

Stages of the project

  1. Structuring the underlying asset

At the stage of structuring the underlying asset, the following main tasks are performed:

  • The city of Podolsk is preparing an estimate for the modernization of urban infrastructure, including a feasibility study and an analysis of the payback period of the project, taking into account the expected receipts of utility bills. The estimate and feasibility study are checked by independent experts.
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