Is Nlmk "covering up" its tracks? Personnel changes in the two largest metallurgical companies kolesov dmitry nikolaevich severstal

No one will argue that Vladimir Lisin managed to build his own metallurgical empire called NLMK, which is based on the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, a world-class enterprise distinguished by high technologies and high profits from business. Moreover, this enterprise was famous back in the years of the USSR: here for the first time in the world they mastered continuous casting of steel, the first in the Soviet Union - the production of anisotropic electrical steel using its own unique technology, and so on ...

The billionaire doesn't look like a raider

But this is all in the past.
It is much more important today that despite the hardships of Perestroika and other troubles, Vladimir Lisin managed to create the most profitable and efficient world production. His NLMK Group is a vertically integrated company, a leader among the world's top quality steel producers. The facility ensures efficient and profitable production by concentrating its raw material and steel production facilities in low-cost regions. Finished products are manufactured in close proximity to consumers in Russia, the EU and North America.

However, NLMK has recently begun to flicker in a completely different context - criminal, up to accusations of attempted raider seizure of one office building in Moscow. And although most likely Vladimir Lisin himself does not know anything about this story, nevertheless, both his name and the name of the company he created in the context of a detective story often sound very negative.
This unpleasant criminal story around NLMK is so long overdue that its participants from the pages of the Kommersant newspaper (dated July 09, 2018) have already directly addressed the President of Russia.
And this is what they write:

Letter to President Vladimir Putin

"Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!
We are addressing you as the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in connection with encroachments on the property of a small business enterprise - LLC "EuroStroy".
At the heart of the conflict is the litigation of the theft of 3.1 billion rubles from NLMK. during construction in 2008–2010. blast furnace # 7. The heads of contracting firms and NLMK employees were initially prosecuted. For more than 2 years, this case has been considered by the Levoberezhny District Court of Lipetsk, and the media also talked about it (for example, "The expert's case came out of the blast furnace" in Kommersant, 04/27/2018, "Victims without guilt" in Industrial weekly, 02/26/2018 ). Over the years of the trial, the list of the accused has been reduced to one person - Vladimir Viktorovich Biryukov, which looks strange with a large-scale scam. The persons who participated in the theft "disappear" from the case, and no active actions are taken to search for those involved.
It also looks strange that no traces of the stolen billions could be found. At the same time, the media (including Forbes) inform about apartments and cottages in Miami and in Russia, multi-million dollar accounts in foreign banks.
Moreover, the Moscow lawyers representing the interests of NLMK in the framework of the criminal case ... abandoned the civil claim, that is, from compensation for damage. But efforts were concentrated on withdrawing the building belonging to EuroStroy, which is located in Moscow. Neither EuroStroy, nor its participants had anything to do with the theft. All claims are based on the testimony of Biryukov, which he (without bearing any responsibility for this and as if by agreement) gave against the person involved in the case, who has already died and cannot answer anything and who once was a co-owner of EuroStroy LLC a long time ago.
Without waiting for the end of the criminal process in Lipetsk, the lawyers hired by NLMK file a civil claim to recover the building of EuroStroy LLC in the Krasnodar court. And they manage to start enforcement proceedings in Krasnodar against Moscow property for a crime that took place in Lipetsk. The "Krasnodar branch" of this story deserves a separate investigation!
Another oddity: the state prosecutor in Lipetsk asks the court to appoint the accused only ... 4 years probation and remove the arrest from his property! What the NLMK representative does not object to! It looks more than strange. As well as one more fact: Olga Gritskevich, who received 9 million rubles for the examination of damage, was detained on charges of the actual embezzlement of these budget funds.
The question involuntarily arises: what are these - gaps in legislation or an attempt at raider seizure through abuse of law? Although the 90s are already over ... At the same time, we are sure that the management of NLMK and personally Vladimir Lisin are not aware of what is happening behind his back.
In general, without interference in this matter, the law does not seem to prevail!
Yours faithfully, Director General and participant of EuroStroy LLC OM Dudaryok. "

Such is the letter. When you read it, it is hard to believe that this is possible today. However, as it turned out, this is really a real story, in the framework of which they are trying to take away their property from respectable owners. Under the condition of complete connivance on the part of the prosecutor's supervision, "behind-the-scenes" collusion, excessive greed and resourcefulness.

Let's try to figure out what happened there and how it happened that under the guise of one theft, they really don't really want to investigate it, but they want to take someone else's property!

After spending a little, analyzing official documents, statements, comparing facts and conclusions, newspaper publications and essays, you can draw certain conclusions. By the way, information on the progress of the case and on the interim decisions taken can be obtained on the official websites of that very Levoberezhny District Court of the city of Lipetsk, the Leninsky District Court of the city of Krasnodar and higher instances. If it is interesting!

And what is the salt?

Immediately about the conclusions, which are disappointing: it showed that, using the protracted trial in Lipetsk as a "legal scrap", a group of people is implementing the scenario of a quiet raider seizure of someone else's property. At the same time, willingly or unwillingly, they are supported by certain representatives of the law enforcement system of Lipetsk and Krasnodar, with the full self-removal of the prosecutor's office.

Now - in more detail about what exactly is happening.

And what is happening is that the lawyers of the Law Office "Reznik, Gagarin and Partners", acting in the process of embezzling NLMK funds on behalf of the company and hiding behind the law, systematically seize the property of a small business enterprise - EuroStroy LLC. This is the main plot that shows through the jumble of court hearings, statements, petitions, testimonies, lawsuits, etc.

At the heart of the conflict - as stated in the letter to Vladimir Putin - the theft from NLMK PJSC of a lot of money during the construction of blast furnace No. 7 "Rossiyanka" (the only one in Russia) in 2008-2010. The unusual history of construction itself helped steal so much, since it was the first blast furnace built in the Russian Federation over the past 25 years and at the same time - the most important object of the NLMK technical re-equipment program. The total investment in the construction of a furnace, a waste heat and power plant and their infrastructure amounted to 43 billion rubles. And the criminal group (which included both contractors and NLMK employees) was able to "take away" several billion of this money. The investigation has not established exactly where. Officially, it does not know this until now! Either he knows, but does not want to speak aloud. For their own reasons.

In general, billions of rubles seemed to have evaporated!

How the defendants "disappear" from the NLMK case

To criminal responsibility under part 4 of article 159 and paragraph "b" of part 4 of article 174.1. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation initially involved the heads of a number of contractors and NLMK employees. One of those involved - the head of the subcontracting organization CJSC "Trust Yuzhstalkonstruktsiya" Omarov Ruslan Yusupovich died during his death. And right there (as is often the case in high-profile criminal cases) they decided to "hang" all responsibility for the theft on him. Interestingly, the charges against Omarov are based solely on the testimony of Vladimir Biryukov - the same Biryukov who remained the only defendant in the case. And who, during the process, leads a free life (for example, being under investigation, he travels wherever he wants, changes his place of registration, spends on himself as much as he wants, etc.). In any case, the testimony of this man should hardly be considered the ultimate truth.

Moreover: as already mentioned in the letter addressed to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, during this time the list of the accused was reduced to one person - Vladimir Biryukov... Any objective lawyer will say that with such a large-scale scam, this is a reason to open a new case ...
In general, Vladimir Biryukov was the only one. But at first there were also others involved in the case, who, along the way, mysteriously "disappeared" from him. But these were very remarkable characters!

We do not take kickbacks!

For example, the top manager of NLMK is the director for capital construction Vladimir Sizov, who, according to the investigation, assisted NLMK in the theft of funds. This person just stopped appearing in court. It seems that he was put on the wanted list, but, in fact, no active actions are being taken either to find him or to search for property obtained by him in a criminal way. And in the process, they somehow try not to talk about him at all. He seems to be running around ...

The general director of TPS LLC also "disappeared" from the case Vladimir Nefedov, through which, according to the investigation, Vladimir Biryukov cashed money and transferred "kickbacks" to the management of the plant (a hint from almost Mr. Lisin himself, although it is difficult to imagine that Lisin would take "kickbacks" from what was stolen from him!) and received cash funds for mediation. By the way, Vladimir Biryukov does not object to the role of Vladimir Nefedov, which is interpreted in this way. However, Nefedov is being "taken out"! The motive is in connection with the expiration of the period for bringing to responsibility, which became possible due to the re-qualification of his actions for a completely different corpus delicti - "illegal banking activity". Although, judging by the numerous testimonies of witnesses, his main role was to help cash out and receive kickbacks for NLMK employees. Any graduate of the Faculty of Law will see this retraining as a professional trick (in which it is also easy to find corpus delicti!), Aimed at release from punishment.

And the most significant figure in the beginning (but at the same time very quickly removed from the charges) was undoubtedly the first vice president and general director of NLMK, Igor Nikolaevich Anisimov. It was he who, according to a law enforcement officer who wished to remain anonymous, received the main kickbacks from the money stolen during the construction of the oven.

With Igor Anisimov, there was just an amazing metamorphosis: it was as if he was deleted from the actors, as if there was no person at all in that situation, and supposedly it was not he who signed contracts and all construction documents, he did not accept the "imaginary" volumes of construction work, he did not give instructions to make "left" payments. And although the documents bear his signature, but as if by magic, Anisimov was gone - Biryukov is to blame for everything. And Biryukov obediently nods: "I am to blame for everything. But there is nothing to take from me, and where the billions have gone - I don't know!"
The topic of billions stolen and never found is a special issue.

Where did the billions go?

So, the investigators never found the money stolen from Vladimir Lisin. No trace! And this despite the fact that almost all the persons involved (who are wanted and who were excluded from the case) are very wealthy people. However, it seems that these facts are of little interest to the investigation and the prosecutor's office.

But you don't need to look too much. For example, Forbs openly writes that in 2012 (during the period of the theft) Igor Anisimov acquired three apartments in Miami (USA) with a total value of about $ 7.5 million. He owns two apartments in the Trump Tower II condominium, and another apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200balmost 300 sq. m with three bathrooms, three bedrooms and a living room is located in a luxury condominium Bal Harbor on the Atlantic coast. By the way, money laundering through the purchase of luxury real estate is one of the most common forms of legalization of stolen funds.

Vladimir Biryukov himself is also far from poor. He owns, among other things, two apartments in Moscow (over 90 sq. M. On 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya street and over 150 sq. M. On Grizodubova street), as well as a land plot (over 1,700 sq. M.) And a cottage (over 550 sq. M) in the Istra district of the Moscow region. It is noteworthy that at first the Lipetsk court seized the Biryukov apartments, and then removed them.
There is also information about cash in its pure form. Only during the construction of the same blast furnace to the personal account of Vladimir Biryukov in Citibank London N.A. received more than 300 million rubles, which he successfully spent, withdrawing in cash, buying expensive jewelry, transferring multimillion-dollar funds to his foreign assets in Great Britain and the Swiss Confederation. In addition, he frequently and with varying degrees of success played on the stock exchange through the brokerage firm "World Derivatives trade".

Found something to hide behind!

It turns out that all the funds stolen from NLMK settled abroad and in Russia in the form of apartments, land plots, shares and cottages. At the same time, the investigation and the prosecutor's office did not try to look for the property of the defendants, acquired for the stolen from the combine.

What are they doing so that at least outwardly it looks like a search for the kidnapped? To cover up either your inaction, or the action of a completely different orientation and other interests?

And here's what: not finding (or not wanting to find) any traces of the stolen property, NLMK's lawyers from the Reznik, Gagarin and Partners Law Office focused their efforts on seizing the building owned by EuroStroy LLC, which is located in Moscow ... Let's put it this way: real estate is real estate, because it stands still - and you can't hide it abroad, and you can't put it in your pocket.

The Internet is filled with EuroStroy statements, articles from Lipetsk journalists, letters and other documents, from which one can make an unambiguous conclusion: neither the EuroStroy company itself, nor its participants (and claims are made both to the company itself and to its participant and leader) nothing to do with the theft of funds from NLMK had and have not. Otherwise, figuratively speaking, why would they ring the bells and write to all authorities?

And they ring all the bells and ring all the bells, because the legal basis is on their side, this is obvious. After all, if indeed that building was somehow involved in a criminal scheme, it would be seized without much ceremony. The fact that for several years the claims have been "marking time" in one place is perhaps the most striking confirmation that history here is clearly unclean.

"Victims without guilt"

This is exactly how (with a reference to the great play by playwright Alexander Ostrovsky) one of the articles devoted to the analysis of the Lipetsk case and attempts to raider seizure "on the quiet" of a Moscow office building is called.

For several years now, EuroStroy has been forced to actively engage in this case, to participate in litigation in Lipetsk and Krasnodar, to write endless letters, protests, explanations, to point out a large number of violations in the adoption of statements of claim and consideration of court cases related to this history and enforcement industries (and there are already several of them!), to challenge alternating one by one seizures of property, to spend time and money on travel and on lawyers, which is obviously a significant expense. They, of course, would be happy not to do this, since they have nothing to do with the essence of the matter, but it is quite obvious: if they weaken their resistance, the building will "leak" from them to the new owners. But who are the true interests of this seizure is a special question and so far without an answer.

The lawyers of the Reznik, Gagarin and Partners Law Office have practically no grounds for claims to the property of EuroStroy LLC: some of this property once belonged to one of the persons involved in the embezzlement case at NLMK. However, he had sold it long before. And now the bona fide owner of this property, represented by the participant of EuroStroy LLC, must "fight back" from unjustified attempts to seize property only because it once belonged to a person who later became involved in a certain scam.

NLMK's lawyers, including Roman Gennadievich Nikitin, are trying to convince numerous instances that this property has become a form of payment to one of the participants in the crime - as if part of his share of the stolen goods. A simple comparison of the dates and circumstances that neither the trackers, nor NLMK's lawyers, nor the prosecutor's office want to talk about shows the absurdity of this version. There are other legal grounds for recognizing the nullity of such a thesis. Nevertheless, claims filed by NLMK's lawyers are accepted and considered by the courts.

Absurd? Certainly! But under the multivolume statements of claim, under the press of many petitions, inquiries, inquiries, etc. the essence of the case is already poorly visible and the legal and procedural shaft itself becomes an imaginary legal basis for further claims. By the hands of state bodies, actions are being taken aimed at illegal seizure of property. And law-abiding owners, from whom they try to chop off property, are trying to eliminate from the case. That is, they want to take away their property, while denying justice.

Krasnodar raider trick

At the same time, which is very important and which is also discussed in the letter to Putin, the lawyers are implementing an original scheme: they are transferring the consideration of the issue of a mansion in Moscow from Lipetsk to Krasnodar. That is, in Lipetsk they refuse a civil suit, and in Krasnodar (where they seem to have a very intimate relationship with the court), a similar civil suit is filed. You can easily find out about the "intricate" judicial transfers in this case by referring to the official websites of the Krasnodar district (October and Leninsky) and regional courts, as well as on the website of the Moscow Arbitration, where there are judicial acts.

A reasonable question arises: why transfer part of the case to another region when the main case is in Lipetsk and the process is already nearing completion? A logical conclusion suggests itself: if NLMK's side (those same lawyers) had conducted the case "cleanly", then in the course of legal proceedings they would have defended the client's interests in Lipetsk.
It turns out that they went to Krasnodar to defend completely different interests: it looks like their own! By the way, it is probably no coincidence that the Law Office "Reznik, Gagarin and Partners" has its representative office in the city of Krasnodar, and it is there that the folded cases are settled in their favor. At the same time, the lawyers again do not want to look for Biryukov's property, but they are pressing tightly with the demand to seize the Moscow building!

Stole a billion - get a suspended sentence!

By the way, the local Lipetsk mass media reveal in sufficient detail the peculiarities and strangeness of this case. They have long concluded that the criminal prosecution itself has begun to decline, because for embezzling from 1.9 to 3.1 billion rubles to Vladimir Biryukov, the state prosecutor in Lipetsk - Nina Ivanovna Goncharova asks the court for only ... four years probation! At the same time, she actively insists on preserving the episode of legalization, which provides a basis for encroachments on Moscow property (that is, the building allegedly became a form of payment for criminal participation).

It is noteworthy that the representative of the plant supports the state prosecutor, and does not demand fair punishment for Vladimir Biryukov. An elementary analogy can be drawn: for example, the notorious ex-minister Ulyukaev was sentenced by the court to 8 years of strict regime and to a one-time fine of a bribe - 130.4 million rubles. At the same time, the court arrested 15 objects of his real estate and at least 564 million rubles. Prosecutor Boris Neporozhniy requested ten years in a strict regime colony for Ulyukaev and the maximum possible fine under the law - 500 million rubles.

And in the Lipetsk case, the prosecutor's office seems to be on the side of the defendant's defense and for embezzlement from 1.9 to 3.1 billion rubles. asks for a minimum (and, moreover, a conditional) term. Moreover, he does not object to the removal of arrests from the property of the suspects.

Historical legal paradox

There is no doubt that over time this case of embezzlement of several billion rubles (!), Which rested on the desire to seize someone else's property, whose value is not even 5% of the amount stolen, will go down in history as one of the most absurd and ridiculous. And every month the number of "oddities" in it only grows.
So, recently in Moscow, an expert Olga Gritskevich was detained on charges of embezzling 9 million rubles. budget funds (this is also described in a letter sent in search of justice personally to Vladimir Putin through the Kommersant newspaper), which she received from Lipetsk Interior Ministry investigators for conducting an examination of this case. According to her, the damage amounted to more than 3 billion rubles, for which her LLC "Center for Independent Expertise and Appraisal" received an unheard-of large fee from the budget.

The next oddity was the "Krasnodar branch" of this story, which must be discussed in more detail and separately! The Leninsky and Oktyabrsky courts of the city of Krasnodar have already been noted for the adoption of several "strange" decisions, and the Krasnodar judges - for their gorgeous weddings!

The competence of the judges of the Leninsky District Court - Marina Nikolaevna Shipunova and Roman Gennadievich Zhmetkin, the judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court Alexander Vladimirovich Zelensky, the judges of the Krasnodar Regional Court Vladimir Fedorovich Kislyak, Roman Vladimirovich Shakitko, Andrey Viktorovich Kudinov, Maria Vladimirovna Dementeva, experts huge doubts. Certainly, at least a check by the qualification collegium of judges of their professional suitability and knowledge of legislation will not hurt. It also does not hurt to check their well-being. And civil case No. 2-6276 / 17 on the claim of NLMK PJSC against V.V. Biryukov, OM Dudarka, Z.K. Ataev. it would not hurt to take on special control. It is not clear where in this story the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Alexander Dmitrievich Chernov, is looking.

Also, the legality of the actions of the Krasnodar bailiff Mikhail Nikolaevich Vlasenko, who initiated enforcement proceedings against Vladimir Viktorovich Biryukov, also requires verification, while he does not make any attempts to search and seize his property, but by a strange coincidence he also directed his sight at the property of EuroStroy LLC ". Bodies of supervision and control have something to study in the already rich Krasnodar chronicle of this case.

And this would be exactly the case if the competent authorities, instead of observing the rule of law, did not arrange a bureaucratic game, sending replies to numerous complaints and appeals. Apparently, it is no coincidence that Muscovite Vladimir Biryukov, during the embezzlement proceedings in Lipetsk, suddenly became a resident of Krasnodar for several months, where in fact he never moved, but only flew to court hearings. At the same time, here's what worries: in Krasnodar, an exceptionally one-sided position is taking shape on this story, obviously not in accordance with the law and aimed at facilitating the illegal seizure of property of EuroStroy LLC (which, recall, is located in Moscow!).

Now, seriously!

Sooner or later, all this legal mess will receive an objective assessment, and criminal case No. 1-55 / 2017 on charges against Vladimir Biryukov of stealing money from NLMK during the construction of blast furnace No. 7 in the amount of 3053307320.14 rubles. will be taken under special control. Because there is too much heaped up in it lawlessness and injustice! And this despite the fact that from year to year the country's leadership, headed by Vladimir Putin, is working to strengthen the triumph of justice, protect the interests of small and medium-sized businesses, and counter raider and other illegal seizures of other people's property.

So far, the top management has not taken up putting things in order in this story (and, there is no doubt that when it does, everything will be decided very quickly and justice will be frowned upon as swiftly as in other stories where Vladimir Putin directly puts things in order), there are much more questions here. rather than answers!

Here are just the main ones!

For example, how legitimately did the accused "disappear" from this case one by one? Who and how orders such expensive examinations, which then qualify as appropriation of budget funds? How did the investigation investigate such a large case for more than 3 years and was unable to find traces of the kidnapped? Does the management of NLMK know that their lawyers, in order to get at least something, are waging a tense struggle for property, which has absolutely nothing to do with it, and are filing civil claims against third parties who have nothing to do with the crime, and are not trying to recover from persons, committed a crime?

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin has repeatedly drawn attention to the creation of conditions for the development of small business in the country. And this implies, first of all, legal protection. But what kind of legal protection can we talk about when the supervisory authority - the prosecutor's office, with its strange and thoughtless position, gives the real estate object of small business, belonging to persons not involved in the crime, into the hands of such a large structure and does not want to pay attention to the circumstances testifying to the artificiality and unreliability synchronized actions of Vladimir Biryukov and lawyers of PJSC "NLMK" ?!
However, there is every reason to think that the letter to Vladimir Putin will reach the addressee. And that the next chapter of this story will be about how they put things in order and how justice was done!

Why are there no answers?

Apparently, representatives of EuroStroy LLC wrote a huge number of appeals to state bodies, including both in the above letter and through the media. So in a number of articles about this case, there are appeals to the following instances: 1. The General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. 2. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. 3. Representative of the Russian Federation at the European Court of Human Rights. 4. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. 5. Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the city of Moscow. 6. Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. 7. Krasnodar Regional Court. 8. Central Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation. 9. Office of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory. 10. Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar Territory. 11. Prosecutor's Office of the Lipetsk region. 12. PJSC "NLMK". Etc…

Where are the answers? Apparently, everything is inhibited for a reason. And instead of defending the interests of bona fide businessmen, local servants of the law turn a blind eye to the disappearance of the perpetrators from the case, do not search for foreign assets and try to soften the charge in every possible way.

And in this matter, it seems that the final will not come soon - too much is twisted!

We will conclude this essay with one more quote from a letter to Vladimir Putin: "Without interference in this matter, the law does not seem to prevail!"

NLMK Group, an international steel company with assets in Russia, the United States and the European Union, announces the appointment of Anatoly Khebnev as Vice President for Procurement and Dmitry Kolesov as Vice President for Repair Management System of NLMK Group.
The position of Vice President for Repair Management System was created for the first time at NLMK Group. Dmitry Kolesov has worked in the company as the director for planning and organizing repairs since 2016.
Anatoly Khebnev has been Deputy Vice President for Procurement at NLMK Group since 2012. Vice President of Procurement was Bridgesh Garg, who moved to the newly created position of Director of Procurement for NLMK International, the management company for NLMK Group's foreign assets.
“In less than five years, Bridgesh Garg has created one of the best supply services in the Russian metallurgy - almost all key processes have been automated, the procurement of global categories of materials and raw materials has begun to be centralized, and order processing times have been significantly reduced. Now Bridges will have to extend the Group's successful experience to its overseas assets. The main task of Anatoly Khebnev in his new position is further centralization of purchases and, as a result, optimization of the company's expenses in this direction. Dmitry Kolesov, as Vice President, will be responsible for the implementation of advanced equipment condition management systems and improving the efficiency of repair work at the Group's enterprises, ”Oleg Bagrin, President of NLMK Group, commented on the appointment.
Biography of Anatoly Khebnev
Anatoly Khebnev has been with NLMK Group since 2005. Supervised the control inspection of the company, the management of the implementation of the integrated information system SAP ERP. Since 2012, he served as Deputy Vice President for Procurement. Prior to joining NLMK Group, he held managerial positions in St. Petersburg companies. Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University with a degree in Impulse Heat Machines and the St. Petersburg International Institute of Management with a degree in National Economics and Law. Has an MBA degree.
Biography of Bridgesh Garg
Bridgesh Garg has been Vice President for Procurement of NLMK Group since April 2012. He began his career in 1985 at Tata Steel (India) as a production management engineer. Subsequently, he held various positions in this company, as well as at the metallurgical enterprises of New-Zealand Steel (BlueScope Steel, Australia) and ArcelorMittal, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
He has 19 years of experience in supply chain management and business process reorganization at large metallurgical plants. Possesses 13 years of industrial engineering experience.
Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering, Certified SAP Solutions Consultant, and CPIM (Manufacturing and Inventory Management) certification from the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS)
Biography of Dmitry Kolesov
Dmitry Kolesov has been with NLMK Group since June 2016. He started his career in mining and metallurgical companies in 1998. Since 2005, he was the executive director of the Almaty Heavy Machine Building Plant, since 2006, for five years, he headed the SSM-Tyazhmash enterprise. From 2013 until joining NLMK, he held executive positions at the United Aircraft Corporation.
Dmitry Kolesov graduated from the Cherepovets State Industrial Institute with a degree in Hoisting and Transport, Construction and Road Machines and Equipment and the St. Petersburg State Technical University with a degree in Management.

The Corporation of Ferrous Metals Producers LLC, together with the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant of PJSC Severstal, on March 1-2, 2017, in Cherepovets, hosted the next (ninth) industry seminar-meeting of managers and specialists of the repair services of mining and metallurgical enterprises. The work was attended by 137 specialists representing 64 enterprises and organizations of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Companies and enterprises of the industry were represented by participants of a high professional level. Among them: Dmitry Nikolayevich Kolesov - Vice President for the Repair Management System of NLMK PJSC, Alexander Frolov - Repair Director of METINVEST HOLDING LLC, Sergei Alekseevich Dobrodey - Repair Director of the Severstal Russian Steel Division, Severstal PJSC , Mikhail Borisovich Klimov - General Director of Pechengastroy LLC.

Vadim Evgenievich Germanov, General Director of Severstal Russian Steel Division, PJSC Severstal, delivered a welcoming speech.

The seminar was also attended by managers and leading specialists of heavy engineering plants, manufacturers of lubricants and bearings. Firms engaged in further improvement of systems for technical diagnostics and repair of industrial electronics were widely represented.

At the seminar, it was noted that companies pay great attention to solving problems of maintaining fixed assets.

The industry has accumulated significant potential, both intellectual and material and technical. Real measures are being taken to ensure efficient, trouble-free operation of the equipment with minimal expenditure of labor and material resources.

Constant work is underway to improve the organizational structures of the repair units. In recent years, the number of repair personnel at the enterprises of the industry has decreased by 25-40%. At a number of metallurgical enterprises, on the basis of repair services, service repair services or repair directorates have been created, which are removed from the main shops, but are directly subordinate to the enterprise (PJSC Severstal, PJSC NLMK, etc.), at other OJSC MMK ", JSC" NLMK-Ural ", PJSC" MK "Azovstal", PJSC "MMK im. Ilyich ”and others were withdrawn from the enterprise and on the basis of the repair services of these enterprises independent structural repair units were created (United Service Company LLC, OJSC MMK, LLC ZITR, LLC Metinvest Promservice). At the same time, there is a tendency for the restoration of shop repair services and the Departments of the Chief Mechanic and the Chief Power Engineer (JSC EVRAZ NTMK, JSC EVRAZ ZSMK, PJSC Tulachermet).

02/03/2017 Pavel Shilyaev, General Director of OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, signed documents on new appointments.

Sergey Ushakov, who previously worked as Deputy General Director of OJSC MMK for Commerce, has been appointed to the post of OJSC MMK's Deputy General Director for Production.

Sergey Nikolayevich began his career at MMK in 1991 as a steel caster at the KKC, went through all stages of production from a shift foreman, site manager, deputy chief, shop manager, chief blast furnace operator, to the chief engineer of MMK. An important milestone in the career of any production worker is the position of a shop manager. Sergey Nikolaevich consistently headed the CCC and the ESPC. And in 2009 he became the General Director of the MMK Metalurji metallurgical plant in Turkey, then headed OJSC MMK-METIZ. In 2014 he headed the United Service Company (OSK LLC).

Sergey Laskov, Deputy General Director of OJSC MMK for Production, will head OJSC OSK. Sergey Alekseevich began working at MMK in 2001 as a senior thermist for rolled products and pipes at LPC-6, before that, after graduating from MGMI in 1985, he worked in the Stavropol Territory for 16 years. At MMK, Sergey Alekseevich has the positions of Deputy Head of the Coating Shop, Head of Sheet-Rolling Shop No. 5, Head of Sheet-Rolling Shop No. 11, Deputy Chief Engineer of MMK and Director for Labor Protection, Industrial Safety and Environment.

Sergei Nenashev, who previously worked as director for labor protection, industrial safety and ecology of OJSC MMK, takes over as the head of the commercial block of the plant.

Sergey Nenashev began his career in the MMK Group in 2007 as director of Magnitogorsk Service Center LLC. In 2011, he also became the head of CJSC MR-1. In 2015, after the integration of enterprises into the United Service Company, he was appointed Director of OJSC MMK for labor protection, industrial safety and ecology.

Director of OSK LLC Alexander Mukhin is to head the technical department of the plant. After graduating from the Moscow State Medical Institute in 1995, Alexander Mukhin came to the MMK in the rolling shop No. 5 as a cold metal cutter. He was a shift supervisor, senior foreman, site manager, deputy head of LPC No. 9. In 2010, he was the head of LPC # 5, and then he headed LPC # 11. For the last two years, he headed the United Service Company.

A new appointment awaits Grigory Shchurov. Grigory Viktorovich began his career at MMK in 1999 in the department of new technologies, worked as head of a bureau, head of a group, and deputy head of a shop in various structures of the plant. In 2008 he became the head of LPTs No. 7. He worked in the technological department of the plant in the positions of deputy head, head of department. In 2013, he became the technical director of OJSC MMK, and then headed the technical department of the plant. Now Grigory Viktorovich will take the position of director for labor protection, industrial safety and ecology of OJSC MMK.

Commenting on these appointments, OJSC MMK General Director P. Shilyaev noted: “The current rotations are largely aimed at developing the personnel potential of managers. In this case, one can see strategic goals. The change of the head of the production unit of the enterprise reflects the company's course towards the development of metallurgical processing. It is known that Magnitogorsk has two main profiles - metallurgical and rolling. Sergey Ushakov is not only one of the most experienced managers, but also an excellent specialist in metallurgical redistribution. In turn, the program for the coming years is the modernization of production facilities. Here Sergey Laskov's experience in managing the largest the company of the Group will be the most demanded, because he is behind the construction and commissioning of a complex of cold rolling mill 2000. The organizational talent of Alexander Mukhin will be implemented in a new direction for him - the formation of MMK's technical policy. I am sure that one of the most difficult tasks is to implement Grigory Shchurov will be able to successfully solve the policy in the field of labor protection and ecology, moreover, it will be solved in close connection with the technical policy of the plant. Sergey Nenashev will have to take responsibility for one of the most significant vectors of the plant's development - commercial. I congratulate my colleagues on their new appointments and sincerely wish them continued success in their new positions. "

In turn, NLMK Group announces the appointment of Anatoly Khebnev as vice president for procurement and Dmitry Kolesov as vice president for repair management system.

The position of Vice President for Repair Management System was created for the first time in NLMK Group. Dmitry Kolesov since 2016 worked in the company as the director for planning and organization of repairs.

Anatoly Khebnev has held the position of Deputy Vice President for Procurement of NLMK Group since 2012. Vice President of Procurement was Bridgesh Garg, who moved to the newly created position of Director of Procurement for NLMK International, the management company of NLMK Group's foreign assets.

“In less than five years, Bridgesh Garg has created one of the best supply services in the Russian metallurgy - almost all key processes have been automated, the procurement of global categories of materials and raw materials has begun to be centralized, and order processing times have been significantly reduced. Now Bridges will have to extend the group's successful experience to its overseas assets. The main task of Anatoly Khebnev in his new position is further centralization of purchases and, as a result, optimization of the company's expenses in this direction. Dmitry Kolesov, as Vice President, will be responsible for the implementation of advanced equipment condition management systems and improving the efficiency of repair work at the Group's enterprises, ”Oleg Bagrin, President of the NLMK Group, commented on the appointment.

Anatoly Khebnev has been working in the NLMK Group since 2005. He was in charge of the company's control inspection, management of the implementation of the integrated information system SAP ERP. Since 2012, he served as Deputy Vice President for Procurement. Prior to joining the NLMK Group, he held executive positions in St. Petersburg companies. Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University with a degree in Impulse Heat Machines and the St. Petersburg International Institute of Management with a degree in National Economics and Law. Has an MBA degree.

Bridgesh Garg worked as Vice President for Procurement of the NLMK Group since April 2012. He began his career in 1985 at Tata Steel (India) as a Production Management Engineer. Subsequently, he held various positions in this company, as well as at the metallurgical enterprises of New-Zealand Steel (BlueScope Steel, Australia) and ArcelorMittal, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
He has 19 years of experience in supply chain management and business process reorganization at large metallurgical plants. Possesses 13 years of industrial engineering experience. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering, is a Certified SAP Solutions Consultant and is CPIM (Manufacturing and Inventory Management) certified by the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS).

Dmitry Kolesov has been with NLMK Group since June 2016. He began his career in the mining and metallurgical industry in 1998.Since 2005, he was the Executive Director of the Almaty Heavy Engineering Plant, since 2006, for five years, he headed the SSM-Tyazhmash enterprise ". From 2013 to joining NLMK, he held executive positions at the United Aircraft Corporation. Dmitry Kolesov graduated from the Cherepovets State Industrial Institute with a degree in Hoisting and Transport, Construction and Road Machines and Equipment and the St. Petersburg State Technical University with a degree in Management.


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