How to find a free niche to start a business. Choosing a niche for a business from scratch - a reminder for a beginning businessman Open 3000 suppliers to find niches

How to find a business that will help people and make a profit ,

Denis Dmitriev will tell you,

entrepreneur, inventor and dreamer.

As a very young child, I traveled all over the country with my parents and the Italmas ensemble, my mother worked as an administrator, and my father played the balalaika. After his career as an artist, my father became an entrepreneur, and I constantly went to his office to sit at the computer. I remember back then there was an Internet connection at a speed of 2400 bits per second, which is 20 thousand times less than now via a smartphone. Access to huge information resources helped me develop quickly. Then I became very interested in high technology. I started my career as a system administrator in 1998, then worked for 10 years in marketing, PR, insurance sales, and HR consulting.

But I really felt happy when I returned to the technology business. I started working as a regional manager at LG Electronics in the Volga region and rose to senior regional manager. Then I was invited to one of the most technologically advanced companies of the smartphone manufacturer HTC, remember the first pocket computers with styluses on the Windows system? And then the first Android smartphone for Google. In this company, I developed sales in the regions of Russia and created 60% of the company’s total turnover in the Russian Federation. At the peak of success at HTC, I was invited by the Canadian company BlackBerry to join the development team for Russia and the CIS countries. Now they are used by many leaders of countries, for example, Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. I started at BlackBerry as a Distribution and Marketing Manager and ended my hiring career as the General Director of BlackBerry Russia & CIS. Over the 7 years of working in foreign companies, I gained enormous experience, which I applied to Russian regional business.

Now I devote myself entirely to my own business and am looking for partners who will work with me on a common goal: to make the world a better place.

How did I find a business idea I liked?

I was interested in exploring a market where the possibilities are almost endless. I looked around, looked for what every person had and thought how I could do it better. When I looked out the window at the city, I realized that behind each same window there lives a different person with his interesting story and different life situations. I looked at my window sill with a layer of black dust and thought how nice it would be to make the house feel fresh without having to open the window at all. I looked for various solutions, including studying fancy split air conditioning systems and expensive supply and exhaust ventilation systems. But it was all too complicated for the common man.

Using inaccurate analytics, I calculated that there is one window per person in Russia, which is about 146 million windows. Some of them have already been updated to plastic structures, and the second part has yet to survive this.

Germany is considered the birthplace of this homemade miracle, but the technology quickly spread to other countries. Therefore, plastic windows are also produced in Russia. The only difference between Russian windows and German ones is that ours have no ventilation, while German technology is not suitable for our weather conditions.

The lack of supply ventilation in Russian windows has given rise to a lot of operational problems. From the unpleasant, for example, fogging of windows, stuffiness, fungi, mold, drafts during ventilation, to the shocking - explosions of houses from the accumulation of gases when using gas stoves, children falling out from the ninth floors, when mothers try to ventilate the apartment and do not have time to keep an eye on the child who climbed onto the windowsill with the window open.

Our engineers could not accept these problems and developed ventilation technology suitable for Russian conditions. This know-how was invented in the city of Izhevsk(this city is famous for its engineers, for example, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov) and began its use in a device that we called. This is a high-tech plastic device that is installed in the profile of any plastic window and allows you to ventilate the apartment when the windows are closed.

A distinctive advantage of our development is that the windows do not freeze and their basic properties, such as sound insulation and thermal insulation, are not impaired. We installed a filter in our design that cleans the air from dust, pollen, black dust (rubber crumbs from car tires rubbing off on asphalt) and harmful impurities in the air. We purchased expensive Korean plastic that does not fade or crumble, and produced the first batch for retail customers. Our production is located in Izhevsk and can fulfill any orders in a short time, so we decided not to delay scaling.

Why franchising?

When I thought about a retail project, the idea immediately came to mind to use a business model proven by such giants as Samsung, HP, Xerox and many other successful manufacturers of printers and cartridges for them. I decided that we would help solve the life situations of our clients in a “single window” mode and with the highest level of service. We will install window filters and service them with replacement cartridges and related services directly from our service managers. This provides a lifetime guarantee of the quality of the window filter and maximum satisfaction of our client. In order to bring the opportunity to use our services to the entire population of our great country, we began to develop a business scaling model through a franchising system.

We want to control the quality of our service at all stages and will entrust our trademark (guarantor of service quality) only to trusted people who will immerse themselves in our common cause with all their soul and responsibility.

To make franchising accessible to any level of entrepreneur, we have waived lump-sum fees and royalties. This will allow you to start a business in almost any city. Even a city with a population of 50,000 people can generate a stable income not only through the installation of window filters, but also through maintenance (changing cartridges) and additional sales of accessories and related products. For example, we are currently developing a household air quality monitor in an apartment, which any family can afford to buy, while similar professional devices cost about $400 and their functionality is difficult to understand. We are constantly improving and finding new development opportunities, primarily technological ones. For a year now we have been working on a new version of the window filter, which will attract a very wide audience, especially we want to attract young people. I can’t lift the veil of secrecy, but I assure you that the device turns out to be very interesting and has potential for the international market due to its versatility and manufacturability. We are currently working on a patent for a new model, after filing a patent application we will publish the data.

Social responsibility

We try to make our filters available to everyone, so we hold various charity events within our network.

Imagine a large family. Mom and dad work hard to feed everyone. Winter is coming, small children are playing on the floor, the house is hot and stuffy. No one can stand not opening the window. There is a draft in the apartment, and the children can get sick. What burdens will the whole family bear in this case! You need to pay for medicines and treatments, take time off from work. But these could be our new cosmonauts and inventors, great writers and actors. We may not have dinner in a restaurant with a large group or miss another trip to the south and this will be quite enough to provide this family with window filters.

Imagine labor veterans, and maybe some even disabled people. They gave most of their lives to ensure our future. They now have to stay at home almost all day and night. They won't keep the windows open all the time. It's cold in winter, noisy and dusty in summer, and there are a lot of cars. Constantly getting up and walking to the window to ventilate the apartment for 5 minutes is difficult and dangerous.

Who will help them if not ourselves? You must always start with yourself. We want to set an example for ordinary citizens and businessmen to do the same. We are now implementing charitable projects entirely at our own expense, and will always do so, but this is not enough to cover the needs of many people in need. We plan to raise funds using different methods, from promotional stands in public places to individual orders. Soon we will we will launch a new project “Green Window Filter”, it will actually be green, we have a sample in our office in Izhevsk. All proceeds from this window filter will go to charitable projects. Install the “Green Window Filter” for yourself and someone who no less needs it will have exactly the same one. When “Green Window Filters” are increasingly visible on our windows, we will notice how the world is becoming a better place.

How to find a business that will help people and make a profit ,

Denis Dmitriev will tell you,

entrepreneur, inventor and dreamer.

As a very young child, I traveled all over the country with my parents and the Italmas ensemble, my mother worked as an administrator, and my father played the balalaika. After his career as an artist, my father became an entrepreneur, and I constantly went to his office to sit at the computer. I remember back then there was an Internet connection at a speed of 2400 bits per second, which is 20 thousand times less than now via a smartphone. Access to huge information resources helped me develop quickly. Then I became very interested in high technology. I started my career as a system administrator in 1998, then worked for 10 years in marketing, PR, insurance sales, and HR consulting.

But I really felt happy when I returned to the technology business. I started working as a regional manager at LG Electronics in the Volga region and rose to senior regional manager. Then I was invited to one of the most technologically advanced companies of the smartphone manufacturer HTC, remember the first pocket computers with styluses on the Windows system? And then the first Android smartphone for Google. In this company, I developed sales in the regions of Russia and created 60% of the company’s total turnover in the Russian Federation. At the peak of success at HTC, I was invited by the Canadian company BlackBerry to join the development team for Russia and the CIS countries. Now they are used by many leaders of countries, for example, Barack Obama and Angela Merkel. I started at BlackBerry as a Distribution and Marketing Manager and ended my hiring career as the General Director of BlackBerry Russia & CIS. Over the 7 years of working in foreign companies, I gained enormous experience, which I applied to Russian regional business.

Now I devote myself entirely to my own business and am looking for partners who will work with me on a common goal: to make the world a better place.

How did I find a business idea I liked?

I was interested in exploring a market where the possibilities are almost endless. I looked around, looked for what every person had and thought how I could do it better. When I looked out the window at the city, I realized that behind each same window there lives a different person with his interesting story and different life situations. I looked at my window sill with a layer of black dust and thought how nice it would be to make the house feel fresh without having to open the window at all. I looked for various solutions, including studying fancy split air conditioning systems and expensive supply and exhaust ventilation systems. But it was all too complicated for the common man.

Using inaccurate analytics, I calculated that there is one window per person in Russia, which is about 146 million windows. Some of them have already been updated to plastic structures, and the second part has yet to survive this.

Germany is considered the birthplace of this homemade miracle, but the technology quickly spread to other countries. Therefore, plastic windows are also produced in Russia. The only difference between Russian windows and German ones is that ours have no ventilation, while German technology is not suitable for our weather conditions.

The lack of supply ventilation in Russian windows has given rise to a lot of operational problems. From the unpleasant, for example, fogging of windows, stuffiness, fungi, mold, drafts during ventilation, to the shocking - explosions of houses from the accumulation of gases when using gas stoves, children falling out from the ninth floors, when mothers try to ventilate the apartment and do not have time to keep an eye on the child who climbed onto the windowsill with the window open.

Our engineers could not accept these problems and developed ventilation technology suitable for Russian conditions. This know-how was invented in the city of Izhevsk(this city is famous for its engineers, for example, Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov) and began its use in a device that we called. This is a high-tech plastic device that is installed in the profile of any plastic window and allows you to ventilate the apartment when the windows are closed.

A distinctive advantage of our development is that the windows do not freeze and their basic properties, such as sound insulation and thermal insulation, are not impaired. We installed a filter in our design that cleans the air from dust, pollen, black dust (rubber crumbs from car tires rubbing off on asphalt) and harmful impurities in the air. We purchased expensive Korean plastic that does not fade or crumble, and produced the first batch for retail customers. Our production is located in Izhevsk and can fulfill any orders in a short time, so we decided not to delay scaling.

Why franchising?

When I thought about a retail project, the idea immediately came to mind to use a business model proven by such giants as Samsung, HP, Xerox and many other successful manufacturers of printers and cartridges for them. I decided that we would help solve the life situations of our clients in a “single window” mode and with the highest level of service. We will install window filters and service them with replacement cartridges and related services directly from our service managers. This provides a lifetime guarantee of the quality of the window filter and maximum satisfaction of our client. In order to bring the opportunity to use our services to the entire population of our great country, we began to develop a business scaling model through a franchising system.

We want to control the quality of our service at all stages and will entrust our trademark (guarantor of service quality) only to trusted people who will immerse themselves in our common cause with all their soul and responsibility.

To make franchising accessible to any level of entrepreneur, we have waived lump-sum fees and royalties. This will allow you to start a business in almost any city. Even a city with a population of 50,000 people can generate a stable income not only through the installation of window filters, but also through maintenance (changing cartridges) and additional sales of accessories and related products. For example, we are currently developing a household air quality monitor in an apartment, which any family can afford to buy, while similar professional devices cost about $400 and their functionality is difficult to understand. We are constantly improving and finding new development opportunities, primarily technological ones. For a year now we have been working on a new version of the window filter, which will attract a very wide audience, especially we want to attract young people. I can’t lift the veil of secrecy, but I assure you that the device turns out to be very interesting and has potential for the international market due to its versatility and manufacturability. We are currently working on a patent for a new model, after filing a patent application we will publish the data.

Social responsibility

We try to make our filters available to everyone, so we hold various charity events within our network.

Imagine a large family. Mom and dad work hard to feed everyone. Winter is coming, small children are playing on the floor, the house is hot and stuffy. No one can stand not opening the window. There is a draft in the apartment, and the children can get sick. What burdens will the whole family bear in this case! You need to pay for medicines and treatments, take time off from work. But these could be our new cosmonauts and inventors, great writers and actors. We may not have dinner in a restaurant with a large group or miss another trip to the south and this will be quite enough to provide this family with window filters.

Imagine labor veterans, and maybe some even disabled people. They gave most of their lives to ensure our future. They now have to stay at home almost all day and night. They won't keep the windows open all the time. It's cold in winter, noisy and dusty in summer, and there are a lot of cars. Constantly getting up and walking to the window to ventilate the apartment for 5 minutes is difficult and dangerous.

Who will help them if not ourselves? You must always start with yourself. We want to set an example for ordinary citizens and businessmen to do the same. We are now implementing charitable projects entirely at our own expense, and will always do so, but this is not enough to cover the needs of many people in need. We plan to raise funds using different methods, from promotional stands in public places to individual orders. Soon we will we will launch a new project “Green Window Filter”, it will actually be green, we have a sample in our office in Izhevsk. All proceeds from this window filter will go to charitable projects. Install the “Green Window Filter” for yourself and someone who no less needs it will have exactly the same one. When “Green Window Filters” are increasingly visible on our windows, we will notice how the world is becoming a better place.

Very often, many of us come up with the idea of ​​starting our own business. And really, what could be better than your own implementation? However, the problem for most is that they do not know how to choose a business niche. After all, it is very important that the business you will be doing is not only interesting, but also generates income. What is a niche and how to choose one?

We are looking for a niche wisely!

A niche is a place in the market that has not yet been occupied by anyone or a small number of companies. Free business niches are an opportunity to realize yourself and show your advantages over other competitors. At the same time, the scope of your interests needs to be narrowed so much that you can actually create a product or service that can compete with others and at the same time be popular with the target audience. Most novice businessmen do not take into account the peculiarities of the market, do not research it, and therefore are faced with the fact that they are investing in places where everything is already occupied and it is very difficult to compete.

Business is an investment

On the other hand, it is worth remembering that in any business niche you will have to invest money, and considerable money at that. If you do not have start-up capital, then opening your own business is almost impossible. The minimum amount you should have should be $3,000-$5,000. But money is not the main thing if you don’t know how to manage it and invest it wisely. Remember that your income level will depend on how well you invested in your business. Choosing a niche for a business should be based on several rules:

Firstly, the business you plan to do should bring you pleasure;

Secondly, the niche must be in demand and useful for society;

Thirdly, your activity must generate income, so you should choose something that is not yet in demand, but may still be useful and interesting for a potential consumer.

How to choose a niche for business?

Before you do, you should study the market thoroughly. This will allow you to timely calculate whether your undertaking will be unprofitable. To find the right business for you, you need to do a few things:

  1. Create a wish list, that is, outline the range of your interests and the clients they are focused on.
  2. Analyze the state of the market from the consumer's point of view. In this case, it is important to study various business projects in detail before choosing the right direction for your activity.
  3. Before choosing a niche for a business, you should properly evaluate and test it, and large expenses are not necessary for this.
  4. After making your choice, you can begin to implement the idea that you like the most.

Potentially profitable places: where to go?

When choosing the area of ​​your future activity, start from the fact that a fresh idea is an opportunity to create a successful business. Of course, there is a list of business niches that are popular among budding businessmen. They can be grouped as follows:

  1. Online stores through which you can sell various categories of goods.
  2. Online charity shops or consignment shops.
  3. Proposal of services of nannies, nurses, governesses. Today this niche is quite in demand. You can, for example, open your own agency that will help people find suitable personnel.
  4. Bureau of consulting services.
  5. Handyman services.
  6. Tutoring.
  7. Fitness trainer services.
  8. Various services in the field of hand made: handmade jewelry or knitted items. Isn't this a way to please yourself and at the same time earn an extra penny?

Of course, these are not all business niches that are worth paying attention to. There are always plenty of promising ideas, the main thing is to catch one of them and start implementing it.

Deep analysis is the key to success

However, no matter how promising your idea may seem, you should clearly understand that it is far from a fact that it will be in demand. That is why experts advise starting to build your own business by studying which business niches are not occupied. For example, the Internet sphere is just beginning to develop, representing enormous opportunities for earning money. But there is one important “but”: you need to be able to earn money and invest not only money, but also time and effort. This is the only way to wait for the result.

Another interesting and actively developing area is logistics and cargo transportation. True, women are unlikely to want to engage in such activities. But they can always find something to do for themselves. For example, those who know how to do something with their own hands: sewing, knitting, embroidering - can simply create unique things and sell them. Of course, this requires perseverance and time, but you can create good conditions for stable income.

Get an education and work from home

Many people wonder how to find a niche for a business. To do this, you must, firstly, proceed from your preferences and interests, and secondly, know the needs of the market. Of course, not every one of us can boast of a sociological education and the ability to competently assess the situation on the country’s market. But an analysis of the preferences of many people suggests that the most in-demand areas today are in the field of health (these are cosmetology clinics and offices, and fitness centers), relationships between parents and children (for example, you can open a private kindergarten or a fine arts studio), business and money (from creating websites and promoting them to issuing microloans on favorable terms).

Many women, when going on maternity leave, look for a way to earn money and start baking cakes, for example. Probably, in many cities there are such craftsmen who are ready to pamper with delicious products for any celebration. Why not a niche for business development?

And if your hands grow from where they should be, and you know how to handle various materials and tools, try yourself in the field of creating designer toys or original jewelry. Today, when there is a trend towards returning to the past and there is a high interest in hand-made things, these niches can become quite competitive. And if you also have your own corporate style, you can be sure: your business will go uphill!

Anyone who wants to start a company must look for a market, a niche. A business niche is a small area that has the potential to generate income and, by mastering it, you can build a company. A niche can be large or small. Usually, when talking about niches, they mean a small market. But you should start looking for niches that have the potential to grow into a medium-sized business.

When developing niche ideas, it is worth paying attention to a whole range of factors. The success of the niche depends on these factors. The easiest way to measure whether a niche will be profitable is to look at how many copies of a product (product, service) can be sold and at what price. There are niches where you cannot sell a lot of product, but the price of the product can be very high and thus the niche becomes attractive. Below we will look at 5 principles for choosing a niche.

1. See the market.
Seeing a potential market or niche is a constant task for entrepreneurs who want to start a new business. For some, it doesn’t matter what exactly to produce or sell - bicycles and board games or tractors. It is important for other people to love the product - what they are selling. These are usually the majority. That is why you should choose a business niche not only because it is potentially profitable, but also because you like it.

Usually professionals in some field have the skills necessary to create some things, carry out some work. These skills can be used in the future to open your own business. Professionals in a particular field have a number of advantages - they see niches in their professional field and are able to recognize those areas where improvements are needed. In addition, such people usually have all the necessary skills and resources to start a business, often without investment or investment. And even if considerable investments are required, they can immediately figure out who might become an investor.

If you are a professional in some field and you enjoy doing your own thing, then you may want to consider finding a niche in the area where you are most competent. Today, most people start companies not for the money, but rather for the sake of doing things the way they like.

So, it is important to see the market. It’s even better to have several ideas in stock at once, and from the same area. One doesn't work - you can start trying another. Having several ideas from one area in stock at once, you insure the risks of an entrepreneur. For example, it will be much easier for you to start a successful business in the field of agriculture if you have worked in this field and you have about 5-7 ideas on what could be improved. In this case, success will be much closer to you - you have experience in this niche, you see what can be improved, you start doing a project and - even if you have difficulties with this first business - you can still start another company, only with a different idea, in the same niche.

Today, builders, pharmacists, seamstresses can start their own small companies by seeing what needs there are in the area where they are employed. If you calculate everything correctly and set up the process correctly, then you can seriously compete with those companies that are old-timers in the market.

2. Describe the target audience. Let's say you have identified a niche for yourself in business. Now you begin the most interesting stage - testing your idea for viability. The viability of an idea is tested only in practice, in other words, one cannot say for sure that an idea will be 100% successful or fail. There are certain rules that help reduce risks, but you can be 100% sure that you have chosen the right niche only in practice.

This is why it is worth starting the production of prototypes or simply selling the product as quickly as possible - in order to understand whether it is worth pursuing the product further or whether you need to go in search of other ideas. But initially it is important for us to understand who our target audience is - the clients on whom we will test the business. Since we need clients to build a company, we should start looking for them. But in order to look for them, we need to understand who exactly to look for.

So, you need to be clear about who the person is who will buy your product. Describe the person’s age, gender, income, preferences, surroundings, places where he goes - you will get a picture drawn by your imagination and some facts on the basis of which you make guesses. Find 15-20 people who fit your profile. Then offer them your product. If the product “does not work,” you will be able to determine why: either no one needs your product at all, or you have incorrectly defined your target audience.

3. How much money is there in the niche? Repeat sales model. In case you have correctly identified your target audience, you should calculate how much money is there in the niche? It may happen that the niche is very small and you can’t earn almost anything from it. How much money are people willing to spend on your product? Will they come back for him again?

It’s easy with food, cosmetics and all products in the FMCG category - if the buyer likes it, he will come back again. It is much more difficult with other products. Especially when it comes to innovations and products that are difficult to sell. In this case, maybe you shouldn’t get involved in creating a business in this area at all.

4. Deal cycles. The transaction cycle is the period of time that passes from the receipt of a client’s application to the receipt of money in your account. The shorter the deal cycle, the better for the entrepreneur. If a person comes to a store, the transaction cycle takes a few minutes - from taking the product from the shelf (or on the online store website) to payment. If you are engaged in specific building structures, then the transaction cycle will stretch for weeks or even months.

The margin may be large, but all the time while you are negotiating, preparing information for the client, you are forced to pay bills, salaries to employees, and so on. Do you have enough resources and endurance to build such a business? If in doubt, it is best not to take on projects where the deal cycle is several weeks or even months.

5. What you should like and dislike in business. We are approaching a very important point that is important for the project - will your business in the chosen niche be successful? Ultimately, success or failure largely depends on the individual's personal involvement in the project. In any business for which investors give money, it is important that the initiator has a strong interest in the project.

Without participation, without a great desire to build a company, nothing will happen, no matter how hard you try. Personal attitude is of enormous importance. It all has more to do with what you like to do and what you don't. Most people probably find it difficult to prepare accounting reports and submit documents to the tax office, fill a website with goods, and do many other routine things.

Today it is not a problem to outsource everything that you do not like to do. But it’s important to understand what you love to do, and is it possible to build a company based on it? The entrepreneur is required to participate in product development, marketing and sales. Are you ready for this? Will you enjoy selling the product?

Some say that it doesn’t matter to them what kind of business they run or what they sell. We leave this approach to your discretion, but still, the personality of the entrepreneur, the love for your business, the product you make, is often much more important than the willingness to do any business, as long as it is a business and that it generates income.

Usually an entrepreneur finds a niche in an area that excites him. A pregnant woman could not find inexpensive clothes of the appropriate quality and design for herself and created her own store of goods for pregnant women. Someone faced problems enrolling children in kindergarten. Some people are annoyed by queues in supermarkets, and this prompts the idea of ​​alternative food stores.

A bicycle lover cannot quickly choose the right model. Someone’s feet hurt from walking in heels all day, and the idea of ​​comfortable dress shoes is born, and so on. Typically, solving common problems that millions of people face every day is what finding the perfect business niche is all about. Usually the greatest success is brought by those ideas that are not divorced from life (). And those who built a company based on an idea are usually people who themselves felt discomfort from some unresolved problems and wanted to solve them, first of all, for themselves.

Finding a niche to create a business is both simple and complex.

This may be related to your professional qualities and skills, as we described at the beginning. This could be something in the area of ​​solving problems that you yourself face on a daily basis. In any case, have a list of several ideas and start working on them from the very first idea. If the experiment does not work out, you can move on to the next point - and so on until you finally find something that you are really interested in doing and that generates income.

At the stage of planning a business activity, it is important to choose the right path.

Literally, a niche is a recess in the wall. Globally – a zone of convenience. In the economy there is a free place where an entrepreneur can realize his idea.

The task of a novice businessman is to choose one in order to find clients.

Niche requirements

  1. Arouse interest among those who cannot find the service in the required volume on the market.
  2. Demand
  3. To be free is to target a specific target audience that has an unmet need for your product.

These criteria guarantee the profitability of the business.

When a person wants to start a business, he looks for ideas to implement, focusing on what surrounds him. The first plans are associated with current activities:

  • trade in products and things;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • shoe repair, tailoring;
  • pharmacy.

It’s easy to find your way around – follow the standard selection algorithm: narrow your search to the minimum. Example:

  1. Segment (confectionery).
  2. Category (cakes).
  3. Niche (wedding).

The narrowing should be maximum, then things will go more efficiently. Amaze the newlyweds with sweet figurines of the bride and groom for decoration.

In which area is it better to open a business?

Not all sectors of private entrepreneurship are profitable or in demand.

Those who have achieved success remember how they started from scratch, looked for options and ideas, and rejoiced at the first money they earned. In many ways, their professional growth was successful thanks to a correct understanding of business processes: some were based on intuition, others on experience.

Determine for yourself five areas of possible activity according to the algorithm for choosing a particular niche. Check the idea for viability. At this stage you will have to work hard.

Market research

The demand for products is due to the constant need for them among a large number of the population. The buyer must want to spend money on the product, and the more money he is willing to give for it (with a minimum investment), the higher the profit will be.

Look at the chosen direction from the buyer’s side - are you ready to spend money on this idea yourself? Talk to your friends and relatives - make a list of their priority needs. Find out your opinion about the importance of your chosen method of earning money.

Demand and competition analysis

Enter the name of the service in the search bar of your browser - you will understand the approximate number of companies that are engaged in a similar business, and estimate the circle of potential buyers. It is useful to get acquainted with analytical data on a certain type of business, which is published by many authoritative economic publications.


Test your idea on a test group. It can include family and friends. If you want an unbiased assessment, offer the product to a dozen random passers-by or inquire about possible cooperation with companies that, in your opinion, may become clients.

Do not despair if, after carefully developing your business idea, you have to look for other unoccupied market segments. An in-depth analysis of your own creative potential will help with this.

How to determine which business niches are not occupied

According to statistics, the following are considered promising vectors of entrepreneurship for Russians:

  1. Scope of services: accounting, legal, repair.
  2. to order.
  3. Online courses, tutoring (English, vocals, dance, preparation for the Unified State Exam).
  4. Online stores of gifts and souvenirs in hand made style.


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