Sculpt different animals from plasticine in stages. How to mold animals from plasticine - crafts for children. Do I need plasticine for children up to a year

When kids get acquainted with this fun, sooner or later the question will be asked: “Mom! Dad! Grandmother! Granddad! How to make animals from plasticine. Then the existing experience, fantasy and insane improvisation come into play. Horses and cows are obtained in a variety of shapes and colors, not without the participation of the child.

In this post, we will introduce you to a number of schemes and algorithms that will help you make beautiful plasticine animals with your own hands.

Below we give pictures with step-by-step instructions on how to make this or that animal from plasticine. Here we did not begin to divide them into domestic and wild, familiar and exotic. There is a whole zoo or reserve, as you like.

Plasticine is beautiful in that it is easily accessible, and does not require any special skills to work. I took it and sculpt, and there are a lot of benefits - a fun and useful pastime, organization of leisure, as well as the development of creative abilities!

Therefore, this post with do-it-yourself diagrams and patterns of plasticine animals will be useful for both young parents and teachers and educators in kindergartens. Afternoon groups, hobby groups and just free time - you can do modeling anytime and anywhere.

Let's start with one of the closest creatures to man - dogs - our most devoted and faithful friends from the animal world.

The assembly of animals from plasticine will be incomplete without one of the main characters of many cartoons and most Russian fairy tales - bunnies! Let's figure out how to sculpt it.

In this section you will find more detailed analyzes and other options for similar and other crafts. It is worth making a couple of clicks on the links to our articles, and you will find what you were looking for.

This compilation of instructions and recommendations on how to make plasticine animals uses a similar blank format for all the crafts given. Therefore, you can easily upgrade each and make your own version. Or, using these templates, make other little animals.

Close to us, but often imperceptible, the most unhurried exhibit is a snail.

Let's add a little exotic to our zoo. Let's touch on the coldest corners of our planet - we offer you a scheme for sculpting a penguin.

Dear friends, of course, these are not all plasticine animals that are collected on the pages of our portal. A couple of clicks will convince you of this!

You can make a figurine of any animal from plasticine, whether it is a domestic animal or a wild one. The main rule in this work is to use the right color of the material. Today we will look at how to mold animals from different parts of nature from plasticine.

sly fox

giraffe from africa

Many children are interested in African animals made of plasticine. For example, almost everyone knows such a giant as a giraffe, and kids really want to get a plasticine figurine, because almost no one has seen a real giraffe live.

If your child saw a giraffe in a cartoon and became interested in it, offer to mold it from plasticine. It's not difficult, but the modeling method is like that.

Modeling animals of a similar plan from plasticine allows the child to develop imagination, start thinking rationally, learn how to make corrections in the decision made and, of course, develop their motor skills.

We prepare the same materials, we only change the color of the plasticine. We need orange and beige. We start the work of the head of the animal:

plasticine penguin

Continuing the theme of exotic animals, you can consider birds that do not fly and love the cold very much - of course, despite their funny appearance, such birds are tender. Before molding such animals from plasticine in stages, prepare several contrasting pieces of plasticine, namely black and white. Additionally, you can use pink. Of course, prepare a board and a stack. Let's start creating:

The craft is done. You have read the instruction on how to mold these animals from plasticine in stages. If exotic animals are enough for you, we suggest going further and making more familiar representatives of the fauna, which we will discuss below.

cute little sheep

Almost every child can make a “woolen” sheep, it is enough to know the main points on how to make diverse animals from plasticine.

The key feature of this craft is that to make it you need to create a lot of small balls. Not every kid will want to do so many details, adults should understand that the child needs help.

We give the most elementary type of crafts. The basis of the lamb can be plasticine, but the wool can be rolled from cotton wool. Check out our tutorial and get to work.

To make this animal look like the original, try to prepare natural colors, this does not apply to fabulous sheep, for which any shades can be used. Let's start modeling from plasticine for children:

Soft, almost airy lamb is made. Just a few simple steps, but this plasticine craft for children can be called one of the most interesting and useful.

Rosy-cheeked pig

Above, we examined instructions on how to sculpt diverse animals from plasticine. The following instruction will allow you to learn how to mold a rosy-cheeked farm dweller - a pig. Designing a pig is simple, it will take a few details and time. The modeling of this character is relevant, because it is piglets that are often found in animated series and even in rhymes.

We will sculpt the craft from pink. You need a lot of it, pay attention to whether the required bar is in your set, if not, do not despair. Show the child how to get this color by using the others (white and red). If everything is ready, let's start creating:

Pig (Step 1)

The work is over. Modeling this animal is a simple task even for the smallest children. And step-by-step instruction in the form of photos will make this lesson receptive for kids.

Modeling animals from plasticine opens up almost limitless possibilities for creating all kinds of representatives of the terrestrial and underwater world. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of such material, do-it-yourself figurines can have both a toy cartoon look and exactly repeat the natural features of animals. The main thing is to apply maximum imagination and all available skills. At the same time, modeling animals for children is one of the best ways to introduce the growing child to the outside world, as well as to develop abstract thinking, determination and creative inclinations given by nature. And due to the fact that such leisure with a child takes place in a fun way, all his abilities will develop effectively and as quickly as possible.

In addition, such needlework helps:

You can start sculpting representatives of the animal world from this material according to the instructions from the age of one and a half years. Of course, at this age, kids are able to perform only the most elementary actions, and parents have to sculpt the figures. However, the direct participation of the child in the creative process makes it possible to accustom him to this kind of useful leisure.
Already at the age of 3-5, children can make various figurines on their own, and from the age of six, they can make complex figurines, guided by the skills acquired earlier, personal imagination and step-by-step master classes.

How to mold animals from plasticine

This type of needlework helps any kid develop, expanding his worldview, as well as understanding of various geometric shapes, combining colors and shades, as well as the features of connecting various details of one composition. To mold a dog or a dolphin, an elephant or a giraffe, the child will have to remember what the animal looks like, what coloring it has, and many other details.

But in order for the process of sculpting animals to be exciting and not cause any discomfort to the child, it is necessary that he independently decide on the creation of a figurine of a particular animal. In addition, it is important to choose the right material. For the smallest, it should be as elastic as possible so that the baby’s hands do not get tired, and for older children, a mass of medium density should be selected.

Sculpting animals in general is not difficult. The possibility of creating figurines of certain animals depends on the age of the child, the skills he has and, importantly, the ability to perform monotonous work. And you can make such an activity more exciting if it takes place in conjunction with watching your favorite cartoon or listening to a fairy tale, so that the baby can understand what his hero looks like, embodying his features in a figure.

How to make plasticine animals for children is a whole world for developing creativity, abstract thinking and other skills of a child. Therefore, every parent should think about such a pastime with their growing child.

The material for creativity and the embodiment of bold children's fantasies is plasticine. Sometimes, parents do not even know what their young sculpture is capable of, but one has only to teach and interest him, and there will be no limit to the surprise of adults. However, one should not assume that by giving the child plasticine in his hands and seating him at the workplace, he will begin to create his masterpieces with joy and enthusiasm. Of course not - like everything else, the child must be taught. Actually, that's what we're going to do today. And let's start with simple figures of our smaller brothers.

So, to your attention are a few master classes on how to make animal figures from plasticine.

But, before we start sculpting animals, let's focus on the choice of plasticine. In this case, it is better to focus on the age and skills of the child: soft and pliable plasticine is suitable for the smallest, it is better for older kids to buy medium soft plasticine. By the way, note to parents, when the baby learns how to sculpt animals from plasticine step by step, you can interest him and offer to collect a whole zoo. To do this, he will need a special plasticine - made from which, harden after immersion in hot water.

And one more important preparatory moment. Of course, modeling animals from plasticine is an exciting activity for children, but before you start the process, you need to prepare a workplace and tools. So, you will definitely need: a board or thick oilcloth, stacks.

Now that everything is ready, we begin to sculpt animals from plasticine step by step.

Example 1

Little cute animals, domestic and wild, for sure, your crumbs have their own favorite. But which of the kids does not like an elephant:

“The elephant is big, but he is quiet.

The kindest is an elephant!

It is this good-natured huge inhabitant of warm countries that our first master class will be devoted to. Let's get started:

Example 2

Your home collection will not do without an eared friend, so dear parents, we sculpt animals from plasticine step by step further. Now we have a hare in turn.

Example 3

"Ducks swim in the pond-

Looking for good food."

Let's continue our fascinating lesson and make a funny duck together with the baby:

Example 4

The king of beasts is a powerful lion. Let's continue our creative process and make a fiery red lion cub - the hero of many children's fairy tales and cartoons.

As you can see, it is enough just to sculpt animals from plasticine, then they can be used for crafts or role-playing games. Here are some more interesting options that your little one might be able to make himself.

Articles on this topic:

Paper is a simple affordable material from which you can make a variety of toys, for example, voluminous crafts made using different techniques. Children love paper airplanes or boats. But there are many other ideas. Today we will analyze how some of them bring to life.

Good day to all, dear readers and friends of my blog! Tatyana Sukhikh is with you, as always, with a new topic for conversation, namely: modeling animals from plasticine with preschool children. Finally, holidays, classes do not need to be held, you can just let the kids do whatever they want. My pupils are very fond of playing with plasticine, so we always find time, for example, in rainy weather, for this useful developmental work.

In fact, even though it's a vacation, we continue to train the fingers, the speech of the kids, teach them new ways of drawing, sculpting, but without an outline, as they say, for our own pleasure. Just along the way, we show what and how can be made from familiar materials.

I can’t stop reading, my life is incomplete without books, so I don’t stop self-education even on vacation. In search of novelties of the artistic word, as well as professional literature, I, as usual, visited my favorite online stores: "UchMag" And «OZON.RU».

IN "UchMage" you will find many types of materials for modeling and tools. There is colorful plasticine, bright - “pull out the eye” is called, but there are classic colors, calm. I think you can alternate, using either bright or calm colors. You will also pick up special dough for modeling, kits for creating pictures from plasticine and much more.

«OZON.RU» pleases not only sets for creativity, but also with special literature - a whole series from a famous author Roni Orena dedicated to the art of sculpting various animal figurines from plasticine. Books will help parents teach their child different methods of working with plastic mass and creating specific characters.

In addition, this store recommends a similar literature of domestic authors who also devoted their books to modeling. Educators will definitely find my findings useful, for example, for compiling a summary of classes.

And I liked the fluorescent plasticine. Imagine a child blinding something, and it will glow at night! Cool…

Why is it so nice to crush plasticine in your hands?

It was not in vain that I devoted a large article to plasticine crafts, because this activity is one of the most useful for the development of a child. We are all already literate and know how important it is to train fine motor skills. In addition, by kneading the plastic mass, children develop imagination, logical thinking, and memory.

After all, it is not just necessary to crush plasticine, but to form a product on a given topic.

  • The kid, moving towards the goal - to fashion a figure, develops patience, perseverance, perseverance;

  • When he decides which color to choose and how to put together different pieces and colors, he develops abstract thinking, artistic taste, creativity;

  • Rolling up a ball or sausage, children develop coordination of movement, self-regulation;

  • Sculpting from clay or other materials is extremely useful for the nervous system; it is not for nothing that this activity is one of the elements of psychotherapy. It is especially useful to sculpt for children with an excited nervous system, they will calm down, they will sleep better;

  • This kind of art can also be used to rid the baby of fears: let the child blind his fear and then crush the figure or remake it into something positive;

  • At home, modeling will help you and your baby grow spiritually together, strengthen emotional contact;

  • And in general - while creating their own works from plasticine, the child independently builds a kind of bridge between the fantasy world and reality. He feels significant by creating.

Secrets of the old…

Of course, in kindergarten we take modeling seriously, even scientifically, one might say. We have a lesson plan, which was developed on the basis of the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education. There is a teaching methodology that we follow in our daily activities during the school year. True, I already have old books, but very useful.

And during the holidays we sculpt what and how we want, consolidating the acquired skills. It is clear that most of the manuals that we use in our work are a little behind reality.

What I mean? For example, in the classroom we sculpt standard figurines on the theme of animals: bunnies, chanterelles, cubs, etc. But modern children are much more interested in making Smesharik, Sean the Sheep, Sponge Bob. In the summer we try to teach the guys to make their favorite characters.

I myself can mold, in principle, anyone, but it is much easier when I have a modeling scheme at hand. You can print color pictures from the Internet with step-by-step instructions and give them to the children so that they can figure it out themselves, developing logical and spatial thinking. Look, I found some samples.

Parents often ask me what is the best thing to do: give the kid the freedom of creativity, they say, let him sculpt or draw as he wants, or specially teach different techniques and techniques, showing samples.

I’ll answer with a question: have your children ever gone crazy because they can’t do well?

From the lack of skills in working with different materials, the following result is obtained - the child does not know how to mold, for example, a cube or roll a perfect ball. And then he no longer wants to continue working.

You should definitely take the time to show how to make the basic elements for the figurines.

There are three options: to make a figure from individual elements, to draw parts from a single piece of plasticine, or a combined method.

For children over 3 years old, you can make a whole presentation on the topic: how to sculpt from plasticine. For example, show a modeling lesson of your favorite cartoon character.

And for kids, just give plasticine and learn together to roll, pinch, cut, flatten, knead, connect parts, press objects into plasticine, etc.

The kid must master all the techniques of modeling. And then he himself, having decided to make a character, will also develop tactics: the head is round, which means that you need to roll the plasticine on a plank or between the palms. The body is a sausage, which means we stretch and roll the workpiece ...

There are secrets of making animals, for example, that will help you learn how to make beautiful figurines.

So, it is important to learn how to sculpt all parts of the body. It is always better to start with making balls. We take a piece of plasticine of a suitable color and divide it into parts: the largest for the body, then the head, then 4 paws. We roll the balls from all the pieces. Then we roll out a sausage for the body from a large ball.

Let the head remain round, then just add the necessary details to it. We have paws in the form of sausages, which we flatten at the end. You can sit the animal on its hind legs or put it on all 4 limbs. Let the child himself suggest what details need to be added to get a specific animal.

Be sure to learn how to use a stack, sticks to concretize details and create texture. The "wool" of a lion from hot countries will turn out more realistic if you walk along it with the sharp end of a toothpick.

The average group in kindergarten can already deftly make whole compositions from plasticine with small details and knows how to use modeling tools. So, if you are raising a child at home, take into account the requirements for the knowledge and skills of children at a certain age.

And you don’t have to graduate from pedagogical universities to learn how to draw up the correct outline of a modeling lesson - just use the manuals I have selected from "UchMaga" or «OZON.RU». It shows exactly how to make specific figures. Moreover, the material is selected taking into account the hobbies of modern children. There are samples of sculpting many of the characters from cartoons beloved by the children.

Do not think that modeling is pampering, a game, entertainment. This is a colossal work of the child on his own development. Help him, tell him, guide him!

Oh, how much I wrote, it's time and honor to know, so as not to bore you with my teachings. Do not remain indifferent, share your thoughts about what you have read.

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Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh

See you soon!


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