How to calculate the area of ​​the warehouse. Calculation of warehouse area and storage space for various types of products

Organization warehouse operations in spacious hangars, it is often carried out by a storekeeper who rarely has a logistics education. With an increase in turnover, problems with the placement of goods are growing, which can be solved by planning the warehouse area and calculating its technological zones.

Warehouse project planning stages

Planning the lease of warehouse space has a number of stages:

  1. Determination of the need for space.
  2. Development of a layout for loading and unloading places, determining the need for them.
  3. Calculation of technological zones of the warehouse.
  4. Development of warehouse technology and shelving design.
  5. Selection of technological equipment.
  6. Determining the need for staff.
  7. Evaluation of various project options based on the available budget.

Modern warehouses are often located in old Soviet hangar buildings. The buildings were developed with a reserve of space and were used primarily for the distribution of limited categories of goods.

Nowadays, many Soviet warehouses are leased by several companies, forcing their owners to reformat the warehouse areas to meet customer needs. Reconstruction of such premises should begin with determining the need for loading and unloading points and calculating technological zones based on the planned turnover of goods.

Requirements for the layout of working areas in the warehouse

When designing warehouse areas, many parameters are taken into account: the amount of cargo traffic, the height of the room, the spacing of the columns, the type of stored products, and others.

Exists General requirements affecting the construction of a new warehouse or reconstruction of an existing one:

  1. The layout of the working areas should take into account the capabilities of existing equipment and warehouse equipment.
  2. The area of ​​the storage area itself should be 2 times the size of the rest of the premises.
  3. When storing grocery goods, it is necessary to take into account the need for climatic equipment.
  4. The roof structure should include a minimum of partitions and columns.
  5. The height of the ceilings must correspond to the parameters of the loading equipment and the stored products.

The correct layout allows with least cost use human and technological resources, saving company money and ensuring high speed work processes. Correct calculation of technological zones with a shortage of warehouse space can increase the profit of an enterprise by 60-70%.

Warehouse technological zones

Warehouse premises are divided into the following sections:

  1. Product unloading area. The site must have a gate, ramps for unloading products. There should be a space in front of the gate for vehicles to enter and turn around. This is also where the primary unpacking of the goods takes place.
  2. Expedition receiving area. In this section, the characteristics of the goods are checked, data is entered into accounting systems, and labels are applied to individual warehouse units. It is desirable to allocate an area in the reception area for storing the unloaded non-working hours and unreceived goods.
  3. Product placement area. Here they install racks and racks for goods, create the necessary microclimate.
  4. Driveways and passages. They are included in the general storage area of ​​goods and make up about 40% of the entire storage area. Width technological passages should provide for the U-turn of the loading transport.
  5. Picking and control area (shipping expedition). At this site, the conformity of the products prepared for shipment to the shipping documents is checked. It is also here that the goods are assembled for individual orders.
  6. Packaging area. Usually a small area is allocated for the packaging process. The specificity of the product may not imply the presence of this site.
  7. Shipping area. Similar to the unloading area, it must be equipped with gates and ramps and have an external platform for turning vehicles.
  8. Service premises. Used for household needs, personnel work, loading equipment sludge, etc.

The specifics of the stored products can affect the distribution of areas between the listed areas. Some sites may be absent or combined in one site. Trade and warehousing automation systems are of great help in saving space for technological zones. They reduce the need for product inspection and other product handling.

The high-tech warehouse business in the post-Soviet space is developing recently, therefore, when planning it, one can take into account the experience of already implemented projects. Typical layouts of technological zones have been developed, on the basis of which you can equip your own warehouse premises.

Planning of the unloading / unloading area

The unloading and unloading areas of goods have identical characteristics and can be located within the same area. If there are 10 gates on a single ramp of the warehouse, then part is allocated for unloading goods, and part for shipment.

The main parameters of the unloading / unloading zones are:

  • number of gates and access ramps;
  • land area.

Warehouse throughput is its main characteristic. You can change it either by optimizing the internal workspace, or by adding pick-up and drop-off points.

When planning a warehouse lease, you first determine the need for gates and driveways for transport.

Additionally, the area of ​​the goods unloading zone is calculated.

The required area of ​​the shipping area is calculated in the same way.

The organization of the work of warehouse loading and unloading zones has a number of features:

  1. The number of gates and entrances may differ, especially in the warehouses of companies operating in the field of small wholesale distribution.
  2. With a large number of gates, transport markings are used, because at times of peak load several loaders can work on the same route.
  3. The design of the acceptance area is carried out with a technological reserve so that there are no problems when changing the stored products or the amount of cargo traffic.
  4. With a small cargo traffic, it is advisable to combine the unloading section and the receiving expedition.
  5. It is advisable to locate the goods acceptance and delivery area inside the warehouse so that weather factors do not affect the work process.

The areas for receiving and issuing cargo can be located on different sides of the warehouse, depending on the availability of space for a vehicle entrance.

The loading and unloading areas are closely related to the functionality of the forwarding services, which must control and take into account in the information bases the receipt and dispatch of goods and materials.

Warehouse Brain - Freight Forwarding

The warehouse transport expedition carries out inspection, labeling and accounting of supplied and shipped products. Two separate areas can be set up for handling inbound and outbound goods.

According to Law 54-FZ, business entities are required to record product sales through fiscal data operators. To comply with the requirements of the law, a company can buy an online cash register and integrate it into a POS system for forwarding shipment. Automation of cargo turnover by introducing a bar-coding system significantly speeds up the search for the desired product unit and reduces the likelihood of misgrading.

Basic Area Calculation Formula transport expedition shown in the figure.

The area of ​​the expeditionary zone is influenced by the working hours of the warehouse and the time of delivery of products. If unloading takes place on weekends, then the goods can be placed on the territory of this zone until the next working day. In such cases, its area should contain the entire after hours products. When designing the expedition area, you should also take into account the peak loads during the holidays.

Features of the storage area and selection of goods

The organization of the storage area for goods depends on its dimensions and characteristics. Racks are selected for them, which must meet a number of requirements:

  • ensure the most compact stacking of products;
  • the dimensions and design of the racks must correspond to the capabilities of the loaders;
  • provide convenient access to any batch of goods when stacking and unloading;
  • have a place for the location of identification tags.

The calculation of the storage area of ​​the goods is made according to the formula:

In the case of a box-based method of picking goods, the attachment point for identification tags should be within the limits of manual access.

Racks are the most problematic warehouse equipment, because their structure is planned for a specific type of product. When changing the assortment and packaging of goods, replacing structures for storing products will require large financial costs. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the area of ​​the storage area and the parameters of the equipment placed on it even at the stage of design and calculation of technological zones.

It is possible to increase the storage height by using multi-level shelving, but in this case, special loading equipment is required to move the goods. This method can increase the maximum volume of stored products by 2-3 times.

Zone of passage of transport and technological passages

The auxiliary area of ​​driveways and passages in the storage area of ​​goods depends on the used lifting equipment and the dimensions of the product packaging. The width of the transport lanes should ensure free passage and safe maneuvering of the most loaded forklifts.

There are no generally applicable formulas for calculating the area of ​​driveways, but in most projects being implemented, it is 80-90% of the area occupied directly by cargo. The size of the transport area is also influenced by the grid of columns, which has to be reckoned with when drawing. general scheme warehouse.

Organization of control zones, picking and packaging

The size of the picking and inspection area is not measured in relative terms, but in absolute terms. With a pallet and box system of stowage of goods, one controller-picker should have 20-25 sq.m. warehouse area. The need for pickers themselves is planned on the basis of empirical measurements of the cargo flow that one worker is able to pass through his hands.

Formation of an order greatly facilitates the automation of trade and warehousing using POS systems combined into a single software package with online checkouts. This allows you to simultaneously record information about the shipped products in accounting, warehouse and tax accounting.

The packing area can be included in the picking area or located separately. Its area is calculated based on the number of packers, product dimensions and the volume of goods transported at a time by loading vehicles. There may be no packing area in the warehouse.

It is efficient to carry out packaging of goods using a conveyor method, in which the formed cargo units move along the belt to the shipping area.

Rationing of the area of ​​office premises

Mandatory availability of premises with sanitary functions in the warehouse is not provided for by law. The owner, at his own discretion, allocates separate areas for household needs.

Modern warehouses can have the following service areas:

  • bathroom;
  • loading equipment storage area;
  • rechargeable;
  • room for expedition personnel, accounting, drivers, loaders;
  • household pantry.

If the warehouse employs up to 5 people, then each of them should have 4-5 sq.m. space, if more than 5 people - 3.25 sq.m. area per employee.

Part of the office space can be moved outside the warehouse, especially for the staff room, since technological noise negatively affects the efficiency of work.

The correct organization of warehouse technological zones fulfills the main task - it allows you to minimize the rent per unit of turnover. The efficiency of warehouse operations also depends on investments in software, technological transport and rack equipment. Only complex analysis material resources and technological standards will help make the work of the warehouse as fruitful as possible.

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1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is freely accepted and of its own free will, applies to all information that LLC "Inseils Rus" and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insails Rus" (including LLC "EKAM service"), can receive information about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of LLC "Insails Rus" (hereinafter referred to as the Services) and the course of execution of any agreements and contracts with the User by Insales Rus LLC. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him within the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

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4.Other provisions

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Date of publication: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

LLC "Insales Rus"

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

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This kind of lesson will tell you about how to count storage space... When designing a building plan, a decisive role is played by a clear organization of the on-site storage facilities... For storage of sand, gravel, precast concrete, lumber, I accept an open warehouse. For storing binders, finishing materials, glass, plumbing equipment accept a closed warehouse.

It stores structures, semi-finished products, products and equipment.
Open area planned, is compacted and has a slope for drainage of atmospheric waters. Thus, the construction plan is a set of warehouses, change houses, engineering networks, mechanisms and the facility being built.
The number of materials to be stored in the warehouse should ensure the uninterrupted supply of the building construction with all necessary materials, structures and products, in the required quantity. The figure below shows the location of various types of warehouses on the construction site. Please note that only an open warehouse is located within the crane's reach, the other two are located outside the crane's border.

We calculate warehouses in the following sequence:
2. Determine the stock of material. Q warehouse = Qsk * t * K1 * K2 / Tc, where
Qsc. - the amount of material used;
n is the standard stock in days, depending on the condition of the roads, the type of vehicles;
K1-coefficient of uneven consumption of materials K1 = 1.2, taking into account high labor productivity
K2-coefficient of uneven receipt of materials to the warehouse K2 = 1.1, depending on the remoteness of factories supplying construction materials, as well as the type of transport

We define warehouse area at the construction site for each material.

Fsk = Qsk / q * Ksk, where
Ksk- the utilization rate of warehouse space, taking into account aisles and driveways.
Qck - the amount of material to be stored in the warehouse
q - standard amount of material placed on 1m2 of storage area.
The initial data and calculations for each material are summarized in a table

Statement of consumption of basic building materials

name of materials


days of work

days of stock

storage rate

warehouse area

warehouse type

foundation block


floor slabs




ceramic tile

window and door blocks

paints, varnishes


Warehouse type

Calculated area

Accepted area

warehouse dimensions

open warehouse

indoor warehouse

So we found areas of all types of warehouses, took their size, which will be sufficient for the temporary storage of materials, taking into account their development and the arrival of new ones.

Determination of warehouse area

Material assets, capitalized by the accounting department, must be stored somewhere until they are needed for the production of products. The storage location is called warehouse ... Warehouses can be of various shapes and be constructed from different materials, occupy a different area (volume). The size of the warehouse depends, on the one hand, the possibility of placing the received material resources, on the other, the costs of its construction, depreciation (or rent) and maintenance.

Total warehouse area conventionally divided into four parts:

1) useful area directly occupied by stored material resources;

2) the acceptance area where the acceptance and release sites are located;

3) service area for warehouse management services;

4) auxiliary area occupied by driveways and walkways.

Usable warehouse area defined in two ways.

First way ¾ calculation of the load per 1 m 2 of floor area(f FLOOR). In this case, the formula is used

f GENDER = W TOTAL: s, (9.2)

where Z GEN ¾ the total amount of the stock of a material resource;

s ¾ load per 1 m 2 of floor area, and the value of s has different values ​​depending on the purpose of the warehouse and the type of stored inventories (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1

The value of the quantity s for various warehouses

The second way is to apply the filling factor of the volume ( q ABOUT). The capacity of any equipment for storing materials (cells, racks) is determined by the formula

q OB = V ABOUT gb, (9.3)

where V ABOUT ¾ the geometric volume of the corresponding equipment;

g ¾ specific gravity material resource;

b ¾ volume filling factor (packing density).

Knowing the amount of material stock to be stored (W TOT), you can determine required amount equipment (cells, racks, etc.) ( n) according to the formula

n= W TOTAL: q ABOUT. (9.4)

Then the usable warehouse area is calculated ( f FLOOR) according to the formula

f FLOOR = dsh n. (9.5)

where d ¾ the length of the appropriate equipment for storing material resources;

w ¾ equipment width.

Area for acceptance and release sites ( f PR) is calculated by the formula

f PR = ( Q Pic kt): (360s 1), (9.6)

where Q POS ¾ annual receipt of material resources;

k¾ coefficient of unevenness of the material resource inflow to the warehouse (varies from 1.2 to 1.5);

t¾ the number of days the material resource has been at the acceptance site;

s 1 ¾ load per 1 m 2 of area (taken as 0.25 of the average load per 1 m 2 of usable area s in the warehouse).

The next calculation is service area of ​​the warehouse ... It is determined depending on the number of employees. With a warehouse staff of up to three employees, the area of ​​office premises is assumed to be 5 m 2 for each person; with a staff of three ¾ five people ¾ 4 m 2 each; with a staff of more than five people ¾ 3.25 m 2 each.

After that, the auxiliary area is calculated. It is formed by driveways for lifting vehicles and walkways for workers. The placement of driveways and aisles is outlined in the figure with the warehouse diagram. The width of the passages (w) for two vehicles is determined by the formula

W = 2B + 3C, (9.7)

where in ¾ vehicle width;

C the width of the gaps between vehicles and between them and the shelving on either side of the driveway.

By setting the length and width of aisles and aisles, you can calculate the total auxiliary area.

The sum of the four components will give the total area of ​​the warehouse for storing material resources.

A warehouse is a special room for storing supplies and materials.

Methodology for calculating the total area of ​​the warehouse.

The entire storage space consists of two parts: areas used and unused for storage. When planning, it should be borne in mind that the most rational is the ratio of these areas, equal to 2: 1.

The total area of ​​the warehouse can be calculated using the formula:

S total = S gr + S vp + S etc + S km + S r.m + S b.e + S o.e. ,

Consider the procedure for calculating the values ​​included in the formula.

1. Determination of the cargo area:

Sgr = Q * Z * Kn / 254 * Cv * Kigo * N,

where: Q is the forecast of the annual turnover, rubles / year; З - forecast of the size of commodity stocks (average stock), days of turnover; Кн - coefficient of uneven loading of the warehouse; Kigo is the utilization rate of the warehouse cargo volume; Cv is the average cost of one cubic meter of goods stored in the warehouse, rubles / m3; H - height of stowage of goods for storage, m; 254 is the number of working days per year.

Kn = Gmax / Gsr,

Gmax - maximum cargo turnover; Gsr - average freight turnover.

Kigo = Vpol / Sob * H,

where: Vpol is the volume of goods in a package that can be stacked on this equipment along its entire height, m3; Sb - the area occupied by the projection of the external contours of the carrying equipment on the horizontal plane, m2; H- height of stowage of cargo, m.

2. Area of ​​walkways and driveways (Svsp)

The size of the area of ​​passageways and driveways is determined after the adoption of the mechanization option and depends on the type of lifting and transport vehicles used in the technological process. If the width of the working corridor of the machines working between the racks is equal to the width of the racking equipment, then the area of ​​the aisles and driveways will be equal to the cargo area or 90% of it.

3. Areas of acceptance and picking areas (Spr and Skm)

where A2 is the share of goods passing through the warehouse acceptance area,%, A3 is the share of goods to be picked at the warehouse,%, q are the aggregated indicators of the design loads per 1 m2 at the acceptance and picking areas, t / m2, tpr - is the number of days that the goods are at the acceptance site, tkm is the number of days that the goods are at the picking site, Wed is the approximate cost of 1 ton of goods stored in the warehouse.

4. Area of ​​workplaces Sr.m.

Workplace a warehouse manager of 12 m 2 is equipped near the picking area with the greatest possible view of the warehouse.

If the quality of the goods is checked at the warehouse, the workplaces of the relevant personnel will be equipped near the receiving area, but away from the main cargo flows.

5. The area of ​​the acceptance expedition (Spe)

An acceptance expedition is organized to accommodate goods that arrive outside of business hours. Therefore, its area should be able to accommodate the amount of goods that can arrive over the weekend. The size of the area of ​​the acceptance expedition is determined by the formula:

tpe is the number of days during which the goods will be in the acceptance expedition; Wed - the approximate cost of 1 ton of goods stored in the warehouse; qэ - weight of 1 m3, t / m2.

6. Area of ​​the dispatching expedition (Soe)

The area of ​​the shipping expedition is used for picking shipping lots. The size of the area is determined by the formula:

toe - the number of days during which the goods will be on the dispatching expedition; Ср - the approximate cost of 1 ton of the goods stored in the warehouse;

The procedure for determining the need for cargo and storage space.

When making design decisions for new construction or reconstruction of existing (previously built) warehouses, the need for warehouse space, as well as the capacity of warehouses, should be determined. The calculation is done like this:

The formula for the need for warehouse space

where Sn is the need for storage space (storage capacity); N is the standard of warehouse space (warehouse capacity) for 1 thousand rubles commodity stock; Q - stock of goods to be stored in this warehouse.

Determination of the required cargo area can be calculated using the following formula: Sn = Q * K1 / K2 * h where S n- the required area for storing goods, m 2; Q- the required storage volume, m 3; K 1- the coefficient of unevenness of the receipt of goods; K 2 - the utilization rate of the volume of storage facilities; h - the height of the warehouse.

Calculation of the layout of a public warehouse

V. Lesnyak, Director of the Moscow Association of Commercial Warehouses

Areas in warehouses are usually divided into premises for main production purposes and auxiliary ones. The former are used to perform basic technological operations, including storage of goods, forwarding and processing. Auxiliary rooms are intended for storing containers, placing engineering devices and communications, as well as various services and other purposes. When drawing up a warehouse project, it is useful to know the functions that various zones have, to be able to optimize their parameters and location, and to determine the efficiency of work.

Requirements for the layout of storage facilities

Conventionally, the warehouse space can be divided into two main parts: areas directly used for storing goods, and areas not used for storage. When planning a warehouse, it is recommended to maintain a ratio of these areas in a ratio of at least 2: 1.

Warehouse layout should ensure the possibility of using effective ways placement and stowage of storage units, use of warehouse equipment and conditions for the complete safety of goods. This principle of the internal layout of the warehouse zones allows maintaining the flow and continuity of the warehouse. technological process... To improve the operating conditions of lifting and transport machines and mechanisms, it is necessary to strive to organize a single warehouse space, without partitions and with the maximum possible number of columns or spans. The best option from this point of view, it is a single-span warehouse (at least 24 m wide). The efficiency of using the storage volume also largely depends on the storage height, which must take into account the dimensions of the transport units and be as close as possible to the technological height of the warehouse.

The layout and structure of the warehouse is significantly influenced by the very content of the technological process. At the design stage, the composition of the warehouse premises, the proportions between the individual rooms and their mutual arrangement are established. Consider the layout of a public goods warehouse as the most common type of warehouse.

Characteristics of the main storage areas

To perform technological operations for the acceptance, storage and dispatch of products to customers in warehouses, the following main zones are distinguished:

  • unloading area for vehicles, which can be located both inside and outside the premises;
  • expedition of acceptance of goods, including operations for acceptance of products in terms of quantity and quality;
  • main storage area;
  • order picking area;
  • expedition of sending goods;
  • vehicle loading area, which is located outside the storage and picking area.

The listed operating areas of the warehouse should be connected with each other by aisles and driveways.

The unloading area of ​​vehicles must adjoin the goods acceptance expedition (the product acceptance area in terms of quantity and quality). The main part of the area is allocated for the storage area. It consists of the area occupied by the storage units and the area of ​​the aisles. The storage area must be adjacent to the order picking area. This area, in turn, should be located next to the expedition for the dispatch of storage units.

The goods unloading area (in the diagram - the railroad ramp) is used for mechanized and manual unloading of vehicles, as well as for the removal of goods from the shipping container, acceptance by quantity and short-term storage until the moment the goods are transferred to the expedition.

Expedition of goods acceptance (can be located in a separate warehouse room) serves to receive goods in terms of quantity and quality, keep records of the goods arrived, and temporarily store them before transferring them to the main storage area of ​​the warehouse.

At the site of preparation of goods for storage (located in the area of ​​acceptance of goods or in the main warehouse), storage locations are formed. The goods can come to this zone from the expedition of goods acceptance and / or from the unloading area.

In the storage area (the main part of the main warehouse), goods are stored.

In the picking area (can be located in the main warehouse), transportation units to consumers are formed, containing the necessary assortment of goods selected in accordance with orders.

Expedition of dispatch is used for acceptance of goods by the freight forwarder (recipient of the consignment), as well as for short-term storage of cargo units prepared for dispatch.

In the loading area (in the diagram - a car ramp), there is a manual and / or mechanized loading of vehicles.

Determination of the main parameters of the warehouse

Total warehouse area

S total = S floor + S sp + S pr + S set + S sl + S pe + S oe,

where S floor- useful area, that is, the area occupied directly under the stored products (racks, stacks and other devices for storing products), m 2;

S ex- auxiliary (operational) area, that is, the area occupied by driveways and aisles, m 2;

S pr- area of ​​the acceptance area, m 2;

S set- area of ​​the acquisition area, m 2;

S cl- the area of ​​workplaces, that is, the area in the warehouse premises allocated for the workplaces of warehouse workers, m 2;

S pe- the area of ​​the acceptance expedition, m 2;

S oe- area of ​​the dispatching expedition, m 2.

With approximate calculations, the total area of ​​the warehouse S total, m 2, can be determined depending on the useful area S floor through the utilization factor:

S total = S floor / α,

where α - the utilization factor of the warehouse area (specific weight of the useful area of ​​the warehouse); depending on the type of stored goods is in the range of 0.3 ... 0.6.

Useful warehouse area

S floor = Q max / q add,

where Q max- the maximum value of the established stock of products in the warehouse, t;

q add- permissible load per 1 m 2 of the warehouse floor area, t / m 2.

The general formula for calculating the useful area of ​​the warehouse is

S gr = QZK n / (254C v K yoke N),

where Q- forecast of the annual turnover, rubles / year;

Z- forecast of the size of stocks of products, the number of days of turnover;

To n- coefficient of uneven loading of the warehouse; is defined as the ratio of the turnover of the most busy month to the average monthly turnover of the warehouse. In design calculations To n take equal to 1.1 ... 1.3;

254 - the number of working days in a year;

With v- the approximate cost of 1 m 3 of packaged products stored in the warehouse, rubles / m 3; can be determined based on the value of the load unit and its gross weight. The mass of 1 m 3 of products stored in the warehouse can be determined by means of sample measurements carried out by the warehouse staff;

To the yoke- the utilization rate of the cargo volume of the warehouse, characterizes the density and height of the stacking of goods (the technological meaning of the coefficient of use of the cargo volume of the warehouse To the yoke lies in the fact that equipment, especially rack equipment, cannot be completely filled with stored products. Practice shows that in the case of storage of products on pallets To the yoke= 0.64, when storing products without pallets To the yoke = 0,67);

K yoke = V floor / (S about N);

V floor- the volume of products in a package that can be stacked on this equipment along its entire height, m ​​3;

S about- the area occupied by the projection of the outer contours of the bearing equipment on the horizontal plane, m 2;

N- product stacking height, m.

The quantities Q and Z determined on the basis of predictive calculations.

For products stored in bins, the usable warehouse area is determined through the required number of bins and racks using the formula

S floor = S article N article,

where S st- area occupied by one rack, m 2;

N st- the number of racks.

Usable warehouse area S floor in case of uneven receipt of products at the warehouse, they are calculated according to the formula for the minimum total costs:

S res S 1 + 365Р k S 2 → min,

where S res- reserve area, m 2;

S 1- the cost of maintaining 1 m 2 of the reserve area, rubles / m 2;

P k- the likelihood of refusal to accept products;

S 2- losses for each day of refusal to accept products, rubles;

365 - the number of days in a year.

Acceptance and picking areas

These areas are calculated on the basis of the enlarged indicators of the design loads per 1 m 2 of the area at the acceptance and acquisition areas. V general case in design calculations proceed from the need to place on each square meter of acceptance and picking areas of 1 m 3 of products.

The required length of the front of loading and unloading operations (the length of the road and rail ramps) is calculated as follows:

L fr = nl + (n - 1) l i,

where n- the number of transport units simultaneously supplied to the warehouse;

l- the length of the transport unit, m;

l i- distance between vehicles, m.

The area of ​​the acceptance and picking areas, m 2, is determined as

S pr = Q g K n A 2 t pr / (365 q add 100) + S in ;

S set = Q g K n A 3 t km / (254 q add 100),

where Q g

K n K n = 1,2...1,5;

A 2- the share of products passing through the acceptance area of ​​the warehouse,%;

t pr- the number of days the products are at the acceptance site;

254 - the number of working days per year;

365 - the number of days in a year;

q add- the design load per 1 m 2 of the area is taken equal to 0.25 of the average load per 1 m 2 of the warehouse area, t / m 2;

S in- the area required for weighing, sorting, etc., m 2; S in= 5 ... 10 m 2;

A 3- the share of products subject to picking at the warehouse,%;

t km- the number of days the products are at the picking site;

In warehouses with a large volume of work, the expedition zones for receiving and sending goods are arranged separately, and with a small amount of work - together. The size of the holiday area is calculated in the same way. When calculating, you should initially lay some excess area at the acceptance site, since over time in the warehouse, as a rule, there is a need for more intensive processing of incoming products. The minimum area for the receiving area should accommodate as many products as can arrive during non-working days.

The minimum size of the area of ​​the acceptance expedition

S pe = Q g t pe K n / (365 q e),

where Q g- annual receipt of products, t;

t pe- the number of days during which the products will be on the acceptance expedition;

K n- the coefficient of unevenness of the receipt of products at the warehouse, K n = 1,2...1,5;

q e- an enlarged indicator of the design loads per 1 m 2 in the expeditionary premises, t / m 2.

The minimum area of ​​the dispatching expedition should allow carrying out the work on picking and storing the average number of shipping lots. It is defined as

S oe = Q g t oe K n / (254 q e),

where t oe- the number of days during which the products will be on the shipping expedition.

The dimensions of the aisles and driveways in the warehouse are determined depending on the dimensions of the stored products and lifting vehicles, as well as the size of the cargo turnover. If the width of the working corridor of machines working between the racks is equal to the width of the racking equipment, then the area of ​​the aisles and driveways will be equal to the cargo area. Passage width, cm,

A = 2B + 3C,

where B- vehicle width, cm;

C- the width of the gaps between the vehicles themselves and between them and the racks on both sides of the passage (taken equal to 15 ... 20 cm).

In absolute terms, the width of the main aisles (aisles) is taken from 1.5 to 4.5 m, the width of the side aisles (aisles) - from 0.7 to 1.5 m. from 3.5 to 5.5 m in multi-storey buildings and up to 18 m in single-storey buildings.

Calculation of the auxiliary area

Square office space warehouse is calculated depending on the number of employees. With a warehouse staff of up to three employees, the office area is determined based on the fact that each person has 5 m 2; from 3 to 5 people - 4 m 2 each; with a staff of more than five employees - 3.25 m 2 each. The workplace of the warehouse manager (area 12 m 2) is recommended to be located near the picking area so that there is a maximum view of the warehouse. If it is planned to check the quality of the stored products at the warehouse, it is recommended to equip the workplaces of the personnel responsible for this near the receiving area, but away from the main cargo flows.

These indicators allow you to determine how effectively the warehouse space is used when using specific types of warehouse equipment.

Useful area ratio

K s = S floor / S o.s. ,

where S floor

S о.s.- the total area of ​​the warehouse, m 2.

This parameter, depending on the type of warehouse, its layout, equipment used and other factors, can range from 0.25 to 0.6. The larger these numbers, the more efficiently the warehouse space is used. The efficiency of using the storage capacity can be determined by calculating the utilization factor of the useful storage volume K s... Depending on the method of storing goods and the nature of the cargo, this indicator can take values ​​from 0.3 to 0.5 and is calculated as the ratio of the volume of racks and stacks with goods to the total storage volume:

K s = V floor / V o.s. = S floor h cl / (S o.s. h o.s.),

where V floor- part of the warehouse volume occupied by the equipment where the products are stored, m 3;

S floor- useful area of ​​the warehouse, m 2;

V o.s.- the total volume of the warehouse, m 3;

h cl- the height of the warehouse used for storing products, m;

S о.s.- the total area of ​​the warehouse, m 2;

h o.c.- height of the warehouse, m.


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