Personnel reserve of the state civil service documents. What is the difference between the management personnel reserve and the personnel reserve in the civil service? State civil service personnel reserve

Date of change: 18.07.2018 15:31

Abbreviations used:
State civil service of the Novosibirsk region - civil service;
Federal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004 "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" - Federal Law No. 79-FZ.

What is a civil service talent pool? How can I become a talent pool in the civil service as a non-civil servant?
The personnel reserve in the civil service is created to quickly fill vacant positions in the civil service. Competition for filling a vacant civil service position is not held if there is an applicant included in the personnel reserve in the civil service and meeting the qualification requirements for the specified position.
According to Art. 64 of Federal Law No. 79-FZ, inclusion in the personnel reserve of a state body is carried out:
1) citizens - based on the results of a competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve of a state body;
2) citizens - based on the results of a competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service with the consent of these citizens;
3) civil servants to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of official growth - according to the results of a competition for inclusion in the personnel reserve of a state body;
4) civil servants to fill a vacant civil service position in the order of official growth - according to the results of a competition for filling a vacant civil service position with the consent of the indicated civil servants;
5) civil servants to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of official growth - based on the results of certification with the consent of the said civil servants;
6) civil servants dismissed from the civil service in connection with the reduction of civil service posts or the abolition of a state body - by the decision of a representative of the employer of a state body in which civil service posts are being reduced, or a state body to which the functions of the abolished state body have been transferred, with the consent of the said civil employees.
Thus, the inclusion of citizens in the personnel reserve of the state body is carried out according to the results of the competition.

As a result of the competition, I was included in the personnel reserve in the civil service. Can I be appointed from him to a civil service position in another state body of the Novosibirsk region, and not in the one where the competition was held?
A civil servant (citizen), included in accordance with the Regulations on the personnel reserve in the state civil service of the Novosibirsk region (approved by the Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk region dated March 17, 2014 No. 40) in the personnel reserve of a state body to fill vacant positions in the civil service of a certain group, with his consent by the decision of the representative of the employer, he can be appointed to the position of the civil service, including in another state body, if it meets the qualification requirements for this position.
In this case, the position to which a civil servant (citizen) can be appointed should not be higher than the group of positions for which he is included in the personnel reserve.

What is the difference between the management personnel reserve and the personnel reserve in the civil service?
Reserve of management personnel of the Novosibirsk regionis a group of promising specialists with the necessary professional, business and personal qualities, who have shown themselves positively in their professional activities and are intended to fill vacancies in the field of state and municipal administration.
Personnel reserve in the civil serviceis formed for the operational filling of vacant positions in the civil service in accordance with the current legislation on the civil service.
The main difference between these reserves is that a person in the civil service reserve, with his consent by the decision of the employer's representative, can be appointed to the civil service position without a competition, provided that he meets the qualification requirements for the vacant position. In this case, the position to which a civil servant (citizen) can be appointed should not be higher than the group of positions for which he is included in the personnel reserve. A person who is in the managerial personnel reserve, but is not included in the personnel reserve in the civil service, may enter the civil service based on the results of a competition, unless otherwise provided by Art. 22 of Federal Law No. 79-FZ.

The Federal Law "On State Civil Service" practically replaces the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for state civil servants. The operation of labor legislation and other acts that contain labor law norms for civil servants applies with the features that are provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on the state civil service and its subjects.

These features, which are established by the Federal Law on Civil Service, in fact replace the norms contained in the Labor Code. In general, this is justified, since the concept of labor relations and relations that are associated with public service is shared by the state. The norms of the Labor Code, which are replaceable, are for the most part similar or have minor changes in the Federal Law on Civil Service.

But at the same time, some provisions of the Labor Code are not reflected in the Federal Law due to their specificity, they include: labor protection, social partnership in the labor sphere, protection of labor rights, especially the regulation of labor rights of certain categories of workers.

In any specific situations when regulating relations in the public service, it is possible to use the norms of the Labor Code, including provisions on labor protection, on the protection of labor rights, on wages and others. In turn, the Federal Law on Civil Service establishes the regulation of certain relationships that are not in the Labor Code. For example, relations on civil service positions and their classification, on financing the civil service, on the formation of the civil service personnel have been additionally regulated.

Any head of state bodies is faced with the question of forming the staff. So, when selecting personnel, the level of education, business qualities in professional activity, service merit and others are taken into account. These individual characteristics of employees are most often possible to determine from the documents presented by applicants to the employer when applying for a job.

In the overwhelming majority, civil servants work in close contact with their management, subordinates, colleagues, and also with citizens. Despite the highly qualified and experienced staff of the team, situations arise in which problems arise in interpersonal communication, which lead to personal or business conflicts, which in turn affects work efficiency. Consequently, when forming the staff, the subjective characteristics of the selected employees should be taken into account.

Modern personnel technologies include the method of selection, assessment, solution of specific situations, certification and qualification examination. These technologies assess the professional qualifications of employees, but there are also technologies aimed at assessing the psychological and other compatibility of employees. These include testing, didactic, psychological methods and practice of working with personnel. The use of these technologies helps the employer to assess one or another characteristic of the employee and make a decision on hiring him.

In the private sector, the employer has the right to make such decisions that are based on personal experience, the experience of the personnel department, or using intuition, without explaining the reasons to the employee.

When entering public service, such freedom is categorically unacceptable. Part 4, Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that citizens of the Russian Federation have equal access to public service. In addition, every manager performing official duties relies on the adequacy of both professionally and personally, and has the right to do so.

Article 22 of the Federal Law on Civil Service establishes that civil service positions are filled based on the results of a competition, with the exception of certain cases. At the same time, the existing procedure for holding a competition for filling a position helps to attract a wide range of people wishing to take part in the selection. The competition requires time, organizational and material costs. A fairly certain time passes from the moment a vacancy is formed until the moment it is filled, which is to some extent a limitation for the exercise of the powers of a state body.

The urgency that arises when deciding on the hiring of a specialist, the lack of certain skills among the members of the competition commission of the relevant state body, the standard requirements for applicants, make it difficult to use personnel methods during the competition. Consequently, the level of objective assessment of individual characteristics of the future employee is reduced. In this case, the competition commission and the employer's representative either can take risks by choosing an employee at random, and then, in the process of work, assess his business, personal qualities, or use such a mechanism as a personnel reserve, which is already laid down in the law on civil service.

The personnel reserve is formed taking into account the Consolidated Register of civil servants and the applications received by civil servants, as well as citizens on a competitive basis, the composition of citizens who have passed a competitive professional selection, have established themselves as trained persons and therefore have the right to fill civil service positions without competition, as well as the right referrals for professional retraining, advanced training or internship.

The main principles of forming a personnel reserve and working with it are:

Objectivity in the assessment of professional, business and personal qualities, the results of the service (labor) activities of candidates;

Professionalism and competence of persons included in the personnel reserve, creating conditions for their professional growth;

Publicity in the work with the personnel reserve.

Subparagraph 4 of paragraph 2 of Article 60 of the Federal Law on Civil Service defines the formation of a personnel reserve on a competitive basis as a priority direction in the formation of the personnel of the civil service.

In addition, the law does not prohibit the formation of a personnel reserve without a competition. There are two approaches to the formation of a personnel reserve:

Allocation of a certain number of persons from the already working civil servants in the organization and training them for filling positions;

Inclusion of those who do not work in this organization according to the results of the competition in the personnel reserve.

In the first approach, the personnel reserve serves as a means for the implementation of such a direction in the formation of the cadre of the civil service, as promoting the career growth of civil servants on a competitive basis. Such a requirement as job growth also means that the personnel reserve includes persons who are already in positions in the civil service. Thus, the personnel reserve becomes a proven, as well as a stable organizational resource of the state apparatus.

At the same time, with the help of the qualification examination and certification, the assessment of the results of professional activity in the public service is determined. This provision should be interpreted together with the principles of personnel formation, and more specifically: taking into account service merit and business qualities in professional service activities and in improving the professional skills of civil servants. In addition, it should be borne in mind that, on the basis of subparagraph 2 of paragraph 4 of Article 62 of the Federal Law on Civil Service, being in the personnel reserve is a basis for sending a civil servant for professional retraining, internship, or hanging qualifications.

Another approach can be used to assess persons who meet all the formal requirements for admission to the civil service and serve as the basis for choosing when holding a competition, if there is no possibility of assessing the applicant for his work in a team or when solving certain assigned tasks to government agency. In fact, we are talking about persons who, at the time of the competition or inclusion in the reserve, did not work in a state body or in similar structures. The formation of such a personnel reserve can be used as a planned preparation for filling positions that may become vacant only in the future. In this case, the employer, if necessary, has the right to use the existing personnel reserve and conduct, with the consent of the persons included in this reserve, various tests, entrust them with temporary work, use other opportunities and involve these persons in solving certain tasks that will be assigned in the future to employee. Also, a person passing all tests has proper training, it is possible to be accepted immediately after the vacancy is opened without a competition. It is not necessary to select a candidate for filling vacant positions only from the personnel reserve, the employer can also use it at his own interest, adhering to his ideas about its expediency, but this does not mean that the use of the personnel reserve should be turned into a mechanism for "bypassing" existing requirements when filling a position ...

Persons who are included in the personnel reserve can fill positions in the civil service and at the same time do not require a competition, but they can be included in the personnel reserve only based on the results of the competition.

This variant of the use of the personnel reserve for resolving issues of recruitment should be used in the case when the implementation of the functions of employees will largely depend on the skills of correct communication with colleagues, a manager, and also citizens.

According to paragraph 8 of Article 64 of the Federal Law on Civil Service in the Russian Federation, when filling vacancies in the civil service, it is necessary to be guided by the Regulations on the personnel reserve in the civil service, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Regulations on the personnel reserve of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved by the relevant regulatory legal act of the subject Russian Federation.

Many organizations are wondering how to quickly and efficiently select personnel and fill vacancies. After all, they need not just workers, but specialists who correspond to a certain level, possess professional qualities, the necessary skills and abilities.

The talent pool is nothing more than a database of successful candidates. When the organization needs it, you can start your search from this list.

In state and municipal organizations, the work on the formation of a database of candidates is regulated by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 112 dated 01.02.2005, No. 96 dated 01.03.2018, as well as federal laws No. 58-FZ dated 27.05.2003, No. 79-FZ dated 27.07.2004. The Federal Civil Service Personnel Reserve is under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation, however, the procedure for including candidates requires the creation of a special mechanism. He should take into account the peculiarities of training management personnel with practical experience.

  • timely training of highly qualified personnel;
  • prompt closing of vacancies;
  • employee motivation;
  • developing mentoring programs;
  • ensuring the stable activities of the organization.

How to form a personnel reserve for municipal and public service

The base is being formed in stages. This process is quite complicated in terms of building an integral system, as well as in terms of meeting deadlines and regulations. To obtain high results, it is necessary to take into account the strategic objectives of the organization, its financial capabilities.

For the civil service, the base is formed exclusively from public civil servants and employees of public corporations and organizations. This makes it possible to somewhat simplify the selection procedure.

When forming for each position, the number of potential candidates is calculated, usually it ranges from 2 to 4 people.

During the competitive tests, it is determined how the candidates comply with the requirements established by law, the level of their professional qualities, education, and work experience is assessed. But not only these characteristics are taken into account. Great attention is paid to knowledge of the basics of management, the ability to direct, coordinate and control the work of subordinates, the ability to quickly navigate the situation and make decisions. In addition, it is necessary to take into account business qualities: responsibility, dedication, exactingness towards oneself and subordinates, and so on. Different methods are used to evaluate internal and external candidates: testing, case studies, and the like. This helps to form the maximum understanding of the level of professional and personal qualities of candidates.

Formation problems

The formation of a personnel reserve in the civil service has a number of difficulties. They are associated with the lack of regulation at the legislative level. This applies, for example, to the procedure for training a personnel reserve, admission to the civil service out of competition, the time spent in the reserve, and to holding a competition.

The formation of the personnel reserve of a municipal organization often causes difficulties, which are most often associated with employee dissatisfaction due to the lack of information in terms of regulatory regulation, the lack of competitive procedures in regulatory legal acts, and the insufficiently serious attitude of managers to the selection of candidates.

At the federal level, the issue of allocating funds for training reservists has not been settled, which does not provide an opportunity for development. This issue can be solved by attracting reservists to various events, for example, holding city competitions, festivals, and so on.

It is necessary to highlight one more problem - the participation of the personnel service in the formation of a database of candidates for the civil service. The personnel department sometimes does not have a clear understanding of the professional activities of other structural divisions, which leads to poor selection of candidates at the initial stage. Excessive bureaucratization for the formal implementation of the procedure, or, on the contrary, lack of understanding and understanding of the tasks at each stage of formation lead to the emergence of local employees who do not have sufficient knowledge or professional qualities. Human Resources employees must be not only highly competent, but also ready to innovate.

How to effectively work with the talent pool

To form a personnel reserve in the civil service, it is necessary to raise the level of professionalism, develop the necessary competencies among reservists, which will allow them to be considered for several vacancies and will make it possible to prepare in advance a plan for their career development.

Particular attention should be paid to employees who are interested in personal development, have leadership qualities and a certain potential. We must not forget about the motivation of reservists not only at all stages, but also after the transfer to another position.

1. To fill vacant positions in the civil service from among civil servants (citizens), a federal personnel reserve, a personnel reserve of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a personnel reserve of a federal state body and a personnel reserve of a state body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are formed.

2. The federal personnel reserve is formed by the federal state body for managing the civil service to fill the positions of the federal civil service of the highest, main and leading groups in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

3. The personnel reserve of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is formed by the state body for managing the civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation to fill the positions of the civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the highest, main and leading groups of civil servants (citizens) included in the personnel reserves of state bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

4. The personnel reserve of the federal state body and the personnel reserve of the state body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter also referred to as the personnel reserve of the state body) are formed by the respective representative of the employer.

5. The inclusion of civil servants (citizens) in the personnel reserve of a state body is carried out with an indication of the group of positions in the civil service to which they can be appointed.

6. Inclusion in the personnel reserve of a state body is carried out:

5) civil servants to fill a vacant position in the civil service in the order of official growth - based on the results of certification in accordance with paragraph 1 of part 16 of Article 48 of this Federal Law with the consent of the said civil servants;

6) civil servants dismissed from the civil service in connection with the reduction of civil service positions in accordance with Clause 8.2 of Part 1 of Article 37 of this Federal Law or the abolition of a state body in accordance with Clause 8.3 of Part 1 of Article 37 of this Federal Law - by decision of the representative of the employer the state body in which the positions of the civil service are being reduced, or the state body to which the functions of the abolished state body have been transferred, with the consent of the indicated civil servants;

7) civil servants dismissed from the civil service on the grounds provided for in Part 1 of Article 39 of this Federal Law, with the consent of the said civil servants.

7. The inclusion of civil servants in the personnel reserve of the state body in accordance with paragraphs 6 and 7 of part 6 of this article is made to fill civil service positions in the same group of civil service positions to which the last civil service position replaced by a civil servant belongs.

9. The inclusion of a civil servant (citizen) in the federal personnel reserve is formalized by a legal act of the federal state body for managing the civil service, in the personnel reserve of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - by a legal act of a state body for managing the civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and in the personnel reserve of a state body - by a legal by an act of a state body.

The personnel reserve of the civil service is necessary for the effective fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it. The stability of the work of any federal body depends on the quality of the human resource. The selection of civil service personnel to the reserve is carried out on the basis of a professional competition. This principle makes it possible to fill vacancies in a timely manner and provide federal structures with highly qualified specialists.

In this article, you will learn:

  • how is the civil service personnel reserve formed?
  • what are the criteria for selecting specialists for the state personnel reserve?
  • what methods are used in the selection to the personnel reserve of the civil service?

Civil service personnel reserve

The state personnel reserve is civil servantswith the potential to fill a vacant position in a government structure. It consists of candidates who have successfully passed a rigorous competitive selection process. In the course of selection, not only the professional level of specialists is assessed, but also the compliance of this level with the qualification requirements established for the positions of the civil service.

The selection of candidates with the necessary knowledge, professional characteristics, personal qualities, practical skills for the productive performance of the duties of a civil servant is underway.

Normative base

The formation of the personnel reserve of the civil service is regulated by federal laws No. 58-FZ "On the system of public service of the Russian Federation" dated May 27, 2033 and No. 79-FZ "On the state civil service of the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004. The regulatory framework also includes regulatory legal acts adopted in the development of their provisions.

Currently, the civil service personnel reserve exists at several organizational levels:

  • federal;
  • federal government agencies;
  • subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Principles of formation of the personnel reserve of the civil service

Work with the state personnel reserve is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

  • non-discrimination, equal access to civil service for all categories of citizens;
  • publicity during selection on a competitive basis;
  • taking into account the actual and future needs of government agencies;
  • objectivity in the selection of applicants;
  • professionalism and competence of specialists included in the state personnel reserve;
  • equality of opportunities for applicants in the selection;
  • a systematic approach: involving managers, HR specialists, educational institutions in the work process;
  • strategic management of the development of applicants, taking into account the current requirements for competencies;
  • regular monitoring;
  • making timely management decisions based on monitoring results;

Goals and objectives of the civil service personnel reserve

The state personnel reserve is formed to promptly fill the vacancies that open up in state structures. Its main goal is to train professional employees for federal bodies, to develop the most demanded competencies in them, and to raise qualifications to the required level. The state reserve allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • to prepare potential employees of government agencies for management in a constantly changing environment;
  • ensure the continuity of management and its succession;
  • improve management by selecting the most promising candidates, their training and promotion;

The main areas of work with the civil service talent pool include:

  • training and retraining, advanced training of employees;
  • promotion of career growth;
  • rotation of civil servants;
  • effective use of human resources;
  • regular attestations to assess the performance of civil servants;

Selection of candidates for the state personnel reserve

The selection of candidates for the civil service personnel reserve takes place on the basis of a competition. The results of the candidate's performance, his business and personal characteristics are evaluated.

In some cases, certification commissions may take part in the formation of the state reserve. Based on the results of certification of civil service workers, the employer makes an informed decision on the inclusion of a candidate in a particular federal body. Note that the established procedure requires a competition, therefore, the decision of the head will be rather recommendatory.

Read also:

Who can be included in the civil service personnel reserve?

To the personnel reserve public service include applicants who have the necessary level of knowledge and practical experience to fill a vacancy in a short time. According to federal law, the place can be claimed by:

  1. All citizens who have passed the relevant competition;
  2. Passed the competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service;
  3. Employees filling a vacant position in the order of job growth (based on the results of the competition);
  4. Professionals who have successfully passed certification in the order of job growth;
  5. Civil servants dismissed in connection with the reduction or abolition of the state structure;
  6. Employees whose contract is terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

The state reserve is formed, taking into account the appeals of civil servants. Adult citizens who meet the qualification requirements and speak Russian are eligible to participate in the competition.

The regulation on the competition for filling a vacant position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree No. 112 of the President of the Russian Federation of 02/01/2005, determines the list of documents required to participate in the competition.

These include: a personal application, a completed application form, a copy of a passport, education documents, a copy of a work book. In some cases, you may need a medical certificate that there are no diseases that interfere with the performance of official duties. If a citizen does not have the required level of qualifications, he may not be allowed to participate in the competition.

When can a candidate be excluded from the civil service talent pool?

The period of stay of a citizen in the state personnel reserve depends on the position for which he expects:

  • the highest group - 4 years;
  • main and presenter - 3 years;
  • senior and youngest - 2 years;

If the specified period has expired, and the candidate has not been accepted for the desired position, the head of the civil service can extend this period or exclude the employee from the state reserve. Note that the extension is allowed only once. Other grounds will be required to exclude an applicant before the specified time has elapsed.

A citizen can be excluded from the personnel reserve of the state civil service:

  • on the basis of a personal statement;
  • in the event of obstructing circumstances provided for by the Federal Law "On State Civil Service";
  • when committing a disciplinary offense that entailed a disciplinary penalty;
  • when the position is reduced in connection with the abolition of the state structure;
  • after reaching the age limit;
  • by decision certification commission about the inadequacy of the position being replaced;
  • upon the expiration of the period of stay in the state personnel reserve;
  • due to non-compliance with the individual training plan or refusal to improve qualifications;

Selection methods for the personnel reserve of the civil service

To select applicants for the state personnel reserve, methods are used that allow evaluating a candidate according to different criteria:

  • testing;
  • business games;
  • solution of cases;
  • passing qualifying exams;
  • writing an abstract;
  • group discussions;
  • certification;

The selection process is very similar to the traditional selection of candidates for a job. At the first stage, the applicant is interviewed. The list of questions asked during the interview is usually approved by the management. In some cases, didactic and psychological technologies are successfully used to assess the communication skills and psychological characteristics of the applicant.

The personnel reserve of the civil service consists of professionals selected on the basis of a competition, who have undergone special training and who have the necessary professional and personal competencies. Selection to the state reserve is carried out using the most modern methods. Its formation takes place exclusively in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

All this makes it possible to select the best specialists for work in state structures, to fill vacant positions efficiently and in a timely manner, and to provide federal structures with professional employees.


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