Shows that the Internet is working but nothing is loaded. The Internet does not work on the laptop. Fixing the Hosts file

Today it is already an urgent need for many. Modern hardware and operating systems are becoming more intelligent, and the user is less likely to need to do anything to configure. However, sometimes such a need arises. Today we will tell you how to solve a problem if the computer reports that you are connected to a network without access to the Internet, and you see a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to the connections icon.

Microsoft operating systems, starting with Windows 7, constantly monitor network connections, and as soon as the global network is unavailable, they immediately report it. There are many reasons why a computer may not have an Internet connection. These may be problems with the provider, incorrect configuration of the equipment on the part of the user, or failures in the operation of network protocols. Today, the new IPv6 protocol is becoming more widespread, but its percentage is still quite small, especially in home networks, so the main attention will be paid to old version - IPv4.

Connecting via a router via a network cable without access to the Internet

Provider problems

Yesterday everything worked, and today this warning appeared. If this happened for you for no apparent reason, then in most cases the problem is with the provider. Therefore, before doing anything yourself, call technical support. Most often, data transmission lines are damaged, some engineering works or you just forgot to top up your account in time.

Perhaps you will hear in response that everything is working well for the provider, then you need to check your network and, if necessary, configure it. The support service will probably offer the services of its master, but, firstly, his services are not free, and secondly, during the time the master gets to you, you can have time to solve the problem yourself.

Physical connection problem

Cases are not so rare when a partially broken network cable or a loose connection in the connector is to blame. And if you have pets or children, then the likelihood of such a development of events increases. Even Wi-Fi users should not forget that a cable is also stretched to the wireless router. Check the integrity of all wiring - whether there are strong kinks anywhere, whether all plugs are firmly inserted into the sockets and whether they are inserted where they really need to. Assuming no problem was found here, proceed to the next step.

Windows 7 local network connection without internet access

It happens that the installed router hangs corny. In this case, it helps. To do this, it is enough to turn off its power and reconnect after a few seconds. It does not hurt to restart the computer at the same time. If it happens that such router freezes occur with annoying regularity, consider buying a new device. You should also try connecting the internet cable directly to your PC or laptop. If there is no result, first, let's deal with the computer.

Checking computer settings

It is possible that the problem arose "out of the blue", then there should be no questions with the settings on the computer, much more often the problem arises during the initial configuration or making any changes to an already working network. First of all, you need to check the correctness of the computer's IP address, for which press Win + R on the keyboard at the same time. The Run window will open. Enter ncpa.cpl in its line and click OK. A window for network connections will appear. It may happen that there are several of them, but the necessary one will not be crossed out with a red cross and its name is similar to “Connection by local network"Or" Wireless connection "(in case). Right-click on the desired connection and go to properties, where the list will contain lines with IPv4 and IPv6 entries. Check for a checkmark next to IPv6, and on IPv4, double-click. Check the boxes to automatically receive settings and save the changes. If there is no Internet access, let's move on.

Configuring Local Area Connection in Windows 7

Finding out the address of the router

Perhaps, in the previous window, nothing had to be done, the settings for obtaining addresses for the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols were automatic and everything was initially as needed. Then you just need to configure the router, for which you need to know its address. Right click on the connection again and select Status, then click Details. There will be several lines in the window that appears, we are interested in "IPv4 Address". If you see an entry of the form 192.168.х.х, remember or write down what is indicated next to "DHCP server IPv4" - this will be its address. It may be that the computer is not able to get the settings automatically, then the record will look like 169.254.х.х. You can find out the IP of the router from the documentation for it, or it is indicated on the case of the device, and most often it is or Open your browser and enter the set IP in the address bar, and if it is correct, you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4) Properties

Setting up an internal network on a router

After entering the correct credentials, you will be taken to the router's control panel, and further actions depend on the device model and its firmware. You need to find the management of the DHCP server, which is responsible for automatically obtaining IP addresses and other parameters for devices for the network to function normally. Look for blocks that say DHCP settings, DHCP server, or the like. The block will contain a radio button with the values \u200b\u200bEnable or Disable. Most often, these settings are located in the LAN section. Turn on the DHCP server, save the changes and reboot the router. After this, an Internet connection will appear on the computer.

Check your ISP connection settings

You should not jump to conclusions if the previous steps did not help to set up the connection. Since the network is still not working normally, we check the connection with the provider, for which in the control panel of the router go to the appropriate section. Almost all manufacturers call these options WAN or Internet. There are quite a few settings options in this section. Which ones are intended for you, you can find out from the contract or in the technical support of your service provider.

Reinstalling network card drivers and checking firewall

It makes sense to do this when you are sure that all the previous settings are correct, the connection with the provider is established, but the network cannot be configured properly. The best option would be to download the most recent version of the driver from the manufacturer's website, for which, it seems, will have to go to a friend or neighbor. In the absence of such a possibility, the driver that is attached on the installation disc is quite suitable. After reinstalling, be sure to restart your computer. Here it is necessary to note also the failures in the drivers arising from the installed software, which makes changes to the operation of network protocols on the computer. The most common representatives are antiviruses and firewalls. Make sure that such programs are not installed, and if they are, disable or uninstall them during the test, as they may block the connection.

Replacing the MAC address of the network card

Problems with MAC addresses sometimes arise in cases where the network is very large, but it is still worth excluding it. On your computer, go to the device manager by pressing the Win + R keys, enter devmgmt.msc and click on OK. The device manager will start, where you need to find the "Network adapters" section, expand it and select the network card with which the PC is connected. After double-clicking on it, in a new window, on the "Advanced" tab, select the Network address parameter and enter any twelve digits in the empty field on the right. After that, we reboot and look at the result.

Clearing DNS Cache and Resetting TCP / IP Settings

The following steps will reset all network settings for IPv6 and v4, so you must complete them. If you are ready for this, and you have information about all the settings (recorded somewhere, for example), find the command line in the Start menu and run it with administrator rights. Enter the following commands in the window that appears, confirming the input by pressing Enter. After completing each command, restart your computer and check the result.

  1. ipconfig / flushdns
  2. netsh winsock reset
  3. netsh int ip reset c: \\ resetlog.txt - this command will completely reset all connections and have to be reconfigured!

Clearing the DNS cache using the command line

You have a direct connection to your ISP

The option when your computer is connected directly to the ISP, bypassing the router, is now less common, since the number of network devices is steadily growing. But what if you have just such a connection? Eliminate possible problems with the drivers as described above, and check the correctness of the connection settings. Regarding the settings, the best option will contact technical support, since there are a lot of variations.

Nothing helped at all

Maybe you're in luck and your ISP provides access using the new IPv6 protocol, the configuration of which requires knowledge of some subtleties. It should be noted that the expansion of the use of IPv6 is inevitable, since the address space of the previous version of the protocol, IPv4 has come to an end, and global network growing every day. Since the efforts were spent, and your network did not work, then there is only one advice - call the wizard. It is quite possible that the problem that has arisen is non-standard or that equipment replacement / repair is required to solve it.

Internet access is available, but the error remains

Such a situation may well be. The reasons can be different - most often when connecting through a proxy server. However, there is only one solution. Press Win + R, enter gpedit.msc - this will take you to the local group policy editor. In the menu on the left, go to the following items: Local Computer Policy - Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Internet Communication Management - Internet Communication Settings. Now, on the right side of the window, find and enable "Disable active probing for network connection status indicator". In Windows 10, this setting is called Disable Active Health Checks for Network Connections. Consider the fact that now, even with a truly missing connection, the message will not appear.


This article contains the most common problems associated with the error "Network without Internet access" and suggested ways to solve it. We hope that the material was interesting to you and helped you to overcome the difficulties encountered on your own.

Welcome visitors to the blog site
All computer owners are familiar with such an unpleasant situation when the Internet suddenly disappears, at the very moment when it is so badly needed!

What should be done if suddenly your Internet connection is lost?

IN modern world it is difficult to imagine a person without a personal computer.

In my environment, there is not a single friend who would not have a computer or laptop, in extreme cases, there is at least a tablet.

And some do not have a PC, they still have more than one, plus a smart TV, smart phones and other devices that all require the Internet. Without which, the whole point of using all these devices is simply lost, except perhaps only the phone, which is primarily intended for calls, and then everything else.

Now you can go online almost from an iron or a meat grinder, I'm kidding, of course, but who knows, everything can be.

So for the operation of all these devices there is a Router aka a Router capable of receiving a high-speed Internet signal, after distributing it without any wires to all your devices via a Wi-Fi network, which is very convenient, but not at all safe! You will learn in detail what the danger of WI-FI networks is and how it can be avoided.

But it often happens that the connection is lost and when you try to go to the Web page of the site, a window appears with the inscription: Server not found, and below are usually written possible causes of the malfunction.

In the system tray, if you have hidden icons displayed, you can also see connection problems. You can read about what the system tray is, how to enable the display of hidden icons in the article.

2 ways to restore the Internet

There may be several reasons for the loss of connection, but most of them can be corrected on your own, so do not rush to call your provider claiming.

  • Solution 1

Click RMB on the network icon, 2 items will appear: select Troubleshooting. We are waiting for a couple of minutes while the computer solves the problem.

If, after completing the diagnostics, the issue was not resolved, and a window appeared with an error like the DNS server does not respond, or some other error, as shown in the screenshot, then it makes sense to repeat the diagnostics again if it did not help again, go to another solution

I also want to warn you, do not pay attention to those problems that have been found that the diagnostics will reveal, the cable is incorrectly connected to you, if it has recently worked or is completely damaged.

  • Solution 2
  1. Turn off your computer, oh the right way PC shutdown I wrote
  2. We turn off the power of the router (router), from the outlet or a special button on it, wait at least 3 minutes
  3. Turn on the router
  4. Turn on the computer
  5. Launch the browser to check the connection

After these steps, in 95% of cases, the problem with the Internet connection is solved.

If, nevertheless, after this procedure, an Internet connection did not appear, then most likely these are temporary discrepancies with your provider, which are always quickly eliminated by them.

As part of this article, I want to dwell in more detail on what to do if the Internet does not work through a cable on a computer or laptop. Indeed, even despite the fact that in recent years users have begun to massively switch to using wireless networks, many still use a wired connection. Firstly, it is more reliable, secondly, the data transfer rate is still higher than that of WiFi, and thirdly, not everyone has a router: someone cannot buy it, but someone is satisfied with the connection of the provider's cable " directly ", that is, directly into the network card of a PC or laptop.
First you need to decide what is happening, because there can be many options for the development of events. I will list the most common cases.

By the way, basically, most of the problems with network access arise after reinstalling Windows. Nobody bothered to look at the old settings and write them down, and on the new system, nobody knows what to set up.

Unidentified network

In Russia, most providers provide Internet access using the protocol PPPoE... That is, in order to access the global web, you need to launch a high-speed PPP connection.
If the computer is connected to the provider's network directly, without a router, then nothing will initially work through the network connection itself, and therefore an exclamation mark with the comment "Unidentified network" and "without Internet access" will burn on it.

There is nothing "criminal" here. You just need to create a high speed connection. An example for Windows 7 can be found, and for Windows 10 - watch the video:

There are also a number of providers that provide subscribers with a connection type IPoE according to the "Dynamic IP" standard. There you just need to connect the cable entering the apartment to the network card and you can work. Almost the same picture will be if the computer is connected via a router. But even in this case, everything does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it is impossible to connect the Internet via a cable due to incorrect settings of the TCP / IP protocol, namely, because the addresses are registered there statically, and there should be a checkmark to automatically receive them. To fix this, you need to press the Win + R key combination and enter the command: ncpa.cpl.

Click on the "OK" button. This will take you to the Windows 10 network connections, where you need to find the network card and right-click on it. In the menu that opens, select the "Properties" item.

No connections available

If you have a red cross on the network icon in the system tray, and Windows says "Not connected: no" in the comment that appears, then the reasons for this may be the following:

1. Driver problems. Firstly, users often simply forget to install them, as a result of which the Internet via cable disappears after reinstalling the system. As a result, the list of network connections generally remains empty.
Secondly, after the release of Windows 10, a compatibility problem arose on many old and not so laptops. To date, many manufacturers have already posted new driver versions with support for this OS version.

2. A system malfunction or the user's playful hands. When checking, it turns out that the adapter is disabled in the Device Manager:

On Windows 10, in this case, there will be a circle with an arrow on the network card icon, and on older versions - a red cross. To turn it on again, right-click and select the "Enable" menu item.

3. In my practice, there have been cases when the network disappears due to BIOS glitches or its more modern counterpart - UEFI, as well as in case of their incorrect settings. Therefore, if the adapter is integrated, then it makes sense to check it. To do this, you need either a laptop and go to the section responsible for integrated devices. It is usually called "Integrated Peripherals" or "On-board device configuration".

You need to go into it and find the item responsible for the network card - OnChip LAN Controller, Integrated NIC or OnBoard LAN - and check that it has a value Enabled.

4. It may also happen that your network card on your PC burned out altogether. To check, you need any other device with a LAN port (laptop, modem, etc.).
If you are connected via a router, then just try to reconnect to the adjacent connector.

5. Physical damage due to which the Internet does not work through the cable. The indicator diode on the network card does not light up. And if this is a simple patch cord between the computer and the router, it's not bad. And if it's a provider's cable coming from the entrance, then it's rubbish!

Disconnect the patch cord from the computer, look at the connector - if it is damaged, if one or more wires are broken. Walk its entire length to the access control box and carefully look for wire damage.
If it is intact, call technical support and find out if there are any problems with the house switch to which you are connected. During installation, they often like to connect to lighting, which is why the device's power periodically disappears.

The network is working but there is no Internet access

This scenario usually shocks the user altogether. It seems that the network connection is active, it does not give any errors, but there is no Internet. As a rule, the reason lies in the DNS servers: they are either incorrectly specified or not registered at all.
For small telecom operators, it also happens that the server itself does not work.
It's easy to check. Press the key combination Win + R so that the "Run" window appears and enter the command:

It looks like this:

Here, the IP address is the public Google server, which is always available and the cases when it did not work can be counted on one hand.

Click on the "OK" button and look at the result. If the response from the IP address is received without loss, then there is Internet access and the reason is clearly in the DNS. We go into the network connections of Windows 10 and open the properties of the IP protocol version 4.

If you need to either set the automatic receipt of the DNS address, or if this does not work, we register it manually:

Preferred Server:
Alternative -

Press the "OK" button and check the access to the global web.

do not forget another possible culprit, due to which access to the Internet is lost - this is the computer security system: antivirus, firewall, various security applications. Try to deactivate it completely for the duration of the diagnosis. If after that the problem disappears, you need to carefully understand why this is happening.

If the ping does not work and as a response you receive the message "The waiting interval for the request is exceeded" or "Unidentified network", then you need to check the router settings if you are connected through it, or call the provider if the LAN cable entering the apartment is turned on to the PC network card.

Many people are familiar with the situation when sitting down at your computer, you find that the connection to the Internet is lost. This is a very undesirable problem, especially if your work is directly dependent on the Internet.

To fix any problem, you need to find the cause of it.
Why is the internet connected but not working? There can be many reasons for disconnecting the Internet, both internal and external.

Let's take a look at the main problems of Internet disconnection related to external factors.

What is a provider and what are external reasons

Provider is a company that provides you with Internet access services by connecting your computer to the global network.

All data that you send over the Internet or receive passes through its devices, and the provider is obliged to provide data transfer.

External reasons due to which the Internet is not working means that the problem originated outside of your home or device that replaces it.

In such cases, it is quite rare to correct the situation on your own, as a result of which it becomes necessary to contact the support service for Internet services, that is, to the provider.

No electricity

The Internet signal comes to your house, having passed a rather long way. On this path is intermediate equipment, which must be connected to electricity.

If you turn off the electricity anywhere along the way, the equipment will turn off and the signal will not pass. You can't find out about it just by sitting at home. You need to call your provider.

The provider can use their hardware and software to trace the entire chain, find out where the problem is, and fix it.

By the way, such breakdowns often happen during a thunderstorm or after a thunderstorm. The lightning protection devices are triggered and the electricity is cut off.

In general, the weather began to deteriorate: strong winds, constant humidity, torrential rains and even more ice rains do not contribute to the reliability of the Internet connection channels. But they add work for the technical support of providers, and for users they add dissatisfaction with the denial of access to the Internet.

Something broke

On the long journey from the provider to your home, the provider's intermediate equipment may break. This is not your equipment, it is not in your home, but due to its breakdown, there will be no signal in the house. It is impossible to find out about this sitting at home. Again, you need to call the provider.

Anything that does not deteriorate also deteriorates - this is what one of Murphy's laws says. Therefore, it is not even an hour, something in the chain of transmission of Internet signals to your house and apartment may deteriorate. Only the provider's technical support can fix it.

Even the provider's server can break down, through which all users, more precisely, all the provider's clients get access to the Internet. This, however, happens very rarely. Servers are becoming more reliable, they are duplicated, redundant, and provide uninterrupted round-the-clock operation. But for now, a similar problem can also be encountered. Fortunately, very rarely.

Somewhere cut off

Breakdowns include wire breaks. Well, if an ordinary wire breaks off, it can be "spliced", repaired. But, for example, a fiber-optic wire cannot be connected without special equipment, which is not always available even from the provider's technical support representatives.

The wires may break sooner or later. For different reasons. My friends, for example, had a wire from the attic to the apartment that fell off the ceiling, where it was slightly attached. The wire fell to the floor, everyone stepped over it for almost a week. And then everyone got tired of it, and the wire was cut off. I had to call the provider's technical support.

It is practically impossible to splicate the wires on your own. And it's dangerous. It is possible to confuse low and safety voltage signal wires with power wires where there is life-threatening voltage. Do not try to fix the breakage yourself, call technical support.

Other issues on the ISP side

The provider's support service will be able to eliminate such problems as equipment breakdown at the provider himself in his premises, or in the attic (in the entrance) in your apartment building or repair a damaged wire. And we have already written about this above.

But, it is possible that unscheduled work is simply being carried out, which, of course, you should have been notified about in advance, but as usual they were forgotten. The provider warns about planned or unscheduled works by e-mail. But how often do we go to our mail? Even if often, then did we indicate the right e-mail in the contract with the Internet provider to contact us? Most often, messages from the ISP come to it, they rarely open it and almost never read it.

And then - it turns out that we were warned that in connection with such and such work, the Internet connection will not be in the period from such and such a time and date to such and such a time and date. Forewarned is forearmed. If you do not read such warnings, then suddenly the Internet turns off. The most unpleasant thing is that many users who do not read mail find themselves in a similar situation at the same time. All at the same time begin to call the provider to find out the cause of the problem, as a result, the line turns out to be congested, and it can be difficult to obtain information.

Financial blocking

It is worth reminding yourself that if your account balance is zero, the Internet connection is automatically blocked. Maybe you just forgot to top up your account? Think about this before deciding to contact support.

A support specialist usually checks the status of your balance. If you call, he can inform you that there is no Internet access due to financial blocking. You need to top up your balance to access the Internet.

Alas, financial blockages can be wrong. The provider may erroneously withdraw excess money due to, for example, a malfunction of equipment or a program related to customer payments. This, unfortunately, also happens, and thus financial blocking is automatically turned on, and the Internet does not work. In this case, you will have to be persistent in communicating with technical support provider, which in turn will prove that you are wrong. In general, it is better that there are no such overlays.

Router problems

If you are using the Internet to access the Internet, then the easiest option why the Internet does not work is that the router is turned off. It just needs to be connected to electricity.

Sometimes another option helps. Turn off your computer, turn off your router and turn everything back on after a few minutes, it might help.

If the router is faulty, then such a reboot will not help, and the router will need to be replaced. However, it is difficult for an inexperienced user to determine that the reason for the lack of the Internet lies precisely in the router. In this case, you have to call a specialist from the company that provides the Internet access service, that is, again from the provider's technical support.

Problems of mobile Internet users

If you use mobile Internet, then there are no wires going to your house or apartment. You receive a signal from the provider over the radio. But this does not mean that there are fewer problems on the provider's side.

First, so many users can connect at the same time that the provider does not have enough capacity.

Then the signal may weaken, or the ability to access the Internet will be disabled altogether, since in conditions of congestion, mobile operators first of all provide voice mobile communications, and only after that everything else.

Secondly, in the place where you are, the mobile operator may not be able to connect you to the Internet at all.

Alas, this means that it will not work in this place. It even happens that in one part of an apartment or house there is Internet, but in the other, opposite part, it is not. We have to, as they say, look for the most suitable place.

Thirdly, your account may run out of money, because the service of Internet access is paid, as a rule. Also paid traffic may run out, there is still money, but it is not intended to pay for Internet connections.

Here you need to take care of timely bills, as well as choose suitable tariff options that are convenient for using the Internet access service. Otherwise, you can be left without the Internet, sadly.

It can also be trite overheat and stop working modemwhich you use to access the Internet. Then you have to stop the computer and wait for the device to cool down. This happens in fast data networks, for example, operating in the 4G (or LTE) standard.

In general, there may be problems in the mobile Internet, both on the side of the provider and on the side of the user.

Site blocking: some Internet pages do not work

It is possible that you went to a site and saw a message on the screen of your computer or smartphone: “Access to the resource is blocked”.

Figure: 1 Message on the screen that access to the resource is blocked

In this case, it is better to first close this message, and then open another site, for example, Yandex or Google. If other sites open normally, it means that the Internet is working for you. The problem is not that the Internet does not work, but in a separate site to which you have no access.

Access to any site may be blocked by Roskomnadzor or a court. Or the internet provider has accidentally blocked the site by mistake. Below is an example of such a case from my experience.

Communication with the provider about blocking the site

I recently encountered a site blocking issue. I open a page on my site and see a message on the screen that the page has been blocked. I was surprised that all pages of my site opened without problems and without any messages, except for one page. I opened a supposedly "blocked" page through another Internet provider, everything works, there is no blocking. What to do in this situation? Why did my internet service provider accidentally block my page?

I wrote a letter about my situation, attached a screenshot (shown in Fig. 1), sent an e-mail to the support service of my Internet provider. I got this answer from them: “Good afternoon, most likely this link, or rather, the resource is blocked by Roskomnadzor or Mossud. The solution to the problem is to look in the Roskomnadzor database for what the resource is blocked for and then contact us.

I had to write again to the provider's support service that the page is blocked by only one provider. When accessing the Internet through any other provider, the page opens without problems.

After a long and more detailed communication with the technical support of the provider using E-mail correspondence, the problem was solved! And now all the pages of the site open without problems.

Internet without problems - is it possible?

Modern data transmission systems, both wired and wireless, are becoming more and more reliable. And this is good, because, thus, the problems with disconnecting the Internet are becoming less and less.

It is unlikely that the Internet will ever become completely trouble-free. But even now, many users do not encounter such problems of the lack of the Internet, both on the side of the provider and on their computers. Even seemingly far from technical problems such as financial blockages are eliminated faster. Providers offer so-called trust payments and other similar measures to restore normal Internet operation even in the absence of money in the user's account

What to say about technical things! Here a lot of equipment is duplicated, servers are reserved, information transmission channels are made along different routes, again to increase reliability. And all this in order to have access to the Internet always, without interruptions, without days off, without holidays, without restrictions.

We now live in such a time. The time when many things are already becoming virtual, and payments, and purchases, and communication, and entertainment, and communication, and training, and development, and innovation, and so on, and so on. And the Internet is the very environment without which it is already impossible to imagine all this. That is why the requirements for its reliability and fault tolerance are so high.

I would like the Internet to never be turned off.

Most often, they occur when the cable is disconnected or the router or modem is not working properly. First, try running the network troubleshooter to see if it can diagnose and fix the problem.

I am often asked by readers why the browser does not work on the computer. This is really a very serious problem, since a computer without the Internet in 95% of cases is a useless thing that takes up space on the table. To easily go online, let's figure out what the salt is. The solution to this problem applies to all browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome.

But before we start, it should be noted that the question itself is posed a little wrong. You need to be clear about the problem to start solving it. For example, browsers on the computer do not work, or only one browser. If we consider the "crash" of all browsers at once, then most likely the problem is in some application that prevents them from loading normally.

The most popular problem is viruses, they usually harm the system and the above information should not be excluded. Viruses can block not only browsers, but others as well software products, which in some way, even indirectly, allow you to access the Internet or a simple text editor... To remove viruses, you can use the standard antivirus that is installed on your computer. Before scanning, you need to update the anti-virus databases to be sure of the scan.

Checking if the hosts file is correct

Usually when the browser is not working, viruses register themselves in the filehosts... To view it, we will do the following operations. First, go to: C: \\ WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Find in the last folder etc file hosts and open it with notepad (right-click on it, select "Open" and double-click the Notepad program).

We delete absolutely all lines that should not be there. So that you can understand how an untouched file should look like, I'll show you a screenshot of mine.

Save changes and restart your computer! If the system does not allow saving the changes, then you need to open the notepad from the administrator. To do this, go to "Start" - "Standard" - and then right-click on Notepad. Select "Run as administrator" from the drop-down menu. Then follow the instructions above.

If you have little experience in these matters, then use a special program to restore the hosts file. "".

Viruses are a persistent problem

To check your computer for viruses, it is best for you to download a special utility with up-to-date databases, but if your computer has an anti-virus installed, I will still ask you to download and check your computer with one of the utilities: or.

The very first question that arises is how can I download a program or go to a website if my browser does not work?

Here are several options for how to download it in this situation:

  • Use a laptop or any other work computer that you have access to (work, friends, etc.), you can also use a tablet or smartphone if you have Wi-Fi.
  • The worst situation - there is only one computer, there are no browsers. There can be only one way out here - you have the Download Master program installed in advance, which allows you to download files from the Internet without using browsers. Or it can be taken from another computer. In it, you need to go to the Top Downloads and find Dr. Web Cureit, it always comes first.
  • If you have any Portable version of the browser, then try to access the Internet from this version, it is possible that a positive result will come out.

Now that the antivirus is installed, we proceed to the next step: launch it, select the search for the entire computer, scan the entire computer, and not just drive C, as users like to do. When the utility finds viruses, you must ruthlessly remove them, but before that, go over the files where it found the malicious code. Sometimes, there is a possibility of infection of working files, for example, text files or photos from vacation, in this case, you need to try to cure them, if nothing comes of it, then delete.

Another answer to the question of why browsers don't work lies in the Windows registry. We type regedit command in the search bar of the Start menu. We pass the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Windows \\ and find the AppInit_DLLs parameter on the right.

Now you need to open this parameter and specify the value 0, then click "OK". Now right click on it and select "Delete". Then restart your computer.

The problem must be resolved. If not, then reinstalling the operating system will help - this option for many will be a way out of situations, but do not forget that if there is a problem, then there must be a solution.


If there is a problem with any program, then I advise you to try updating it through the "Service" or "Help" menu. If the update is interrupted, then go to the official website and download the new version of the browser you are using.

Also, from my experience, I can say that there is a possibility of glitches in new versions of programs, and therefore if an updated version is currently installed, then try installing an older one. If this helped you, then you will have to temporarily "sit" on the previous version, and after a few updates to enjoy the new one.

Problems with the browser when it does not open the pages are familiar to many users. It seems that they paid for the Internet on time, and all the parameters were configured correctly, and the application refuses to follow the links.
There are cases when sites do appear in front of the user's eyes, but they do it very, very slowly. Sometimes the problem applies exclusively to video files or images posted on the World Wide Web. A common situation is that only one browser does not want to launch Internet pages, while other browsers perform their functions properly.

The first task that arises before the user is to find out the root cause of this problem.

Experts identify sources of problems due to which Internet browsers may not access all sites at the same time:

  • Registry;
  • Hosts file;
  • Virus and Antivirus;
Also keep in mind that sometimes the cause is hidden in TCP IP or static routes.

Registry check

If you are having difficulty opening web pages, the first thing to look out for is the registry. Check it and edit its contents in case of errors.
How do I open the registry? In theory, you can search the system drive. A faster option, however, is to get through the command execution utility. Press Win + R, then type regedit and confirm the action with the Enter key.
An editor will appear on your screen. Check out what the registry contains. On the left are sections, one of which is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Sequentially select the following subsections: first SOFTWARE, then Microsoft, then Windows NT, then CurrentVersion and at the end - Windows. On the right you can see the parameters. You should be interested in the AppInit_DLLs parameter. Make sure its value is blank. If it is a file path, then erase all text. Editing is available using the context menu launched by the right mouse button.

Try to get to the AppInit_DLLs parameter and under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. It must also remain empty. If the value still had to be edited, then restart the computer. In most cases this algorithm is an effective solution.

Hosts file

Testing for problems with this file is done with Skype. If it works, but one or all browsers do not, then you need to change the text in the hosts file. In practice, this problem only applies to certain sites, so check a few different links.
It is possible to find this file along this path: C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc. Its peculiarity is the absence of any extension.

For normal operation, the last line must be the following text: " localhost". If there are further certain records, then they were definitely created artificially. This was most likely done by a virus. Therefore, erase all unnecessary text and reboot the system. Run the site in a web browser. If the problem persists, go to the next step.

DNS problem

If the browser does not open pages precisely because of DNS, then this reason can be fixed very easily. Run the command line through Start - System Tools or by entering the command "cmd" in the search bar of the Start menu.
For this, several packets are sent to the server side of any operational site. Experts call this "ping" action. This is because the command is called ping. For example, let's enter ping and press Enter.

If in response you received several lines with the parameters "number of bytes", "time" and "TTL", then everything is fine. If a message appears stating that the site could not be found, it is probably all about DNS. You can 100% verify this by entering the ping command. Received a normal response? If so, the problem is DNS.

This inaccuracy in the properties of the Internet connection is being fixed. Disable auto-complete and enter the value manually. Enter for the primary DNS server and for the alternate. After that, the Internet should work in the same way as before.


Malware can prevent browsers from working properly. As a rule, under the influence of viruses, Skype, as in the case of the previous problem, will continue to fully perform all functions.

Viruses often target specific programs. Some are intended for specific browsers. At the same time, it is very difficult for the user to independently detect the presence of a trojan or other type of virus on his computer. Therefore, you cannot do without the help of special utilities.

The savior for the user can be a program called antimalware, which effectively fights against malicious files. Most of these programs are not free. More precisely, certain functionality is available to everyone, but only its customers receive the full version of the program. Only purchased and timely updated antiviruses can guarantee one hundred percent protection.

Such type of viruses as Trojan.Winlock are directed to block network access and certain functions of web browsers: Opera, Chrome, Yandex, etc. Many users have already faced an unpleasant situation when a request appears on the screen to enter SMS to unblock further work with the browser ... It is practically impossible to close either the deposit or the window by standard clicking on the "cross". We'll have to use the help of the Task Manager. Be sure to then scan the system with antivirus.

Sometimes malware blocks popular websites. Often, users of Vkontakte and others face this difficulty. social networks... Blocks viruses and websites hosting antivirus content.

Thus, the only right decision for the user is to take care of the protection for the computer in advance. Popular antivirus programs are the best PC defenders. Although they are paid, they do well with their functions. Experts advise not to save money on information securityespecially for those who have important data on their computer.

Free antivirus programs are suitable for those whose computer is not a working tool.

Antivirus and firewall

Often, antiviruses themselves do not allow access to certain sites. And although such a blocking is a security measure, if you really want to click on the desired link, you can remove it. By the way, standard security tools such as firewalls and firewalls also tend to place such restrictions on users.

Overcoming this limitation is done by configuring the anti-virus program.

As for the firewall, its configuration in most cases is the work of the system administrator.

Static routes

Fake routing table entries are often the root cause of inaccessible sites. If you have a large number of such records, deleting one at a time can take up to an hour of your time. For this purpose, the "route -f" command was invented. It must be entered on the command line. This command will clear the entire list of routes.

Reset TCP IP Settings

The last possible option is to reset the TCP IP parameters. Run Command Prompt. First enter the command "netsh winsock reset" followed by "netsh int ip reset".
You need to check the result after rebooting the system.


Practice shows that for the second and subsequent problems with opening the browser, the solution is found much faster than the first time. There is always the option of calling a specialist who will definitely find the hitch. However, to do this, make sure that you have correctly entered the network settings, and the date for making the payment for the Internet has not yet come up. Reinstalling the operating system can be an even more drastic method. However, be sure to save important data before doing this. Sometimes restarting Windows will help you sort out the problem faster than all of the above methods. This is especially true for Windows 7, 8 and 10, because they install drivers automatically.

The situation when sites do not open on the computer in the browser is quite unpleasant, but sometimes it still happens. With all this, all other programs that need Internet access, for example, Skype or torrent clients, are working properly. Do not despair, because the solution to this problem is not very difficult and will take a little time. There are several alternative solutions to fix the problem:

  • check the settings of the browsers installed on the system;
  • editing the Windows registry;
  • search for malicious programs (viruses and trojans);
  • fixing the hosts file;
  • domain Name Service (DNS) fix.

First of all, you need to check your computer for viruses. This is done by any anti-virus program. The choice of antivirus is a matter of taste for each user, so it is difficult to give an unambiguous advice. Almost all antiviruses correctly detect the most common viruses and remove them.

After malware software has been deleted, you need to check if there is a response from the site or the server is really temporarily unavailable. To do this, run the ping service command with parameters on the command line. The command is typed in the following format:

ping e.g. ping

If a response is received from the site, then there is an Internet connection but the pages are not loaded, you need to make some settings.

Windows Registry Fix

The regedit.exe command is executed to start the registry. This is done through the "Start - Run - regedit" menu. Next, you need to go to the HKLM (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) - Software - Microsoft - Windows NT - Current Virsion - Windows branch.

There are several parameters along this path, the one that is of interest to us is called AppInit_DLLs. If the parameter value contains the path to a program or DLL resource, you need to delete it. To do this, call the context menu with the right mouse button on the parameter, and select the "Change" item. A window will open in which you need to select the value and save or remember its path, and delete the value itself. After that, close the registry and delete the file, along the path that was written in the line value. After restarting the computer, you can try to open the pages.

There are times when the AppInit_DLLs entry is missing from the registry. This is normal, just in this case, you need to look for a solution to the problem in another way.

Configuring the DNS of the router and computer

In the event that there is an Internet connection but the browsers do not work, and the browser displays an inscription that it is impossible to resolve the DNS address of the server, you just need to register everything manually. In Windows, this is done as follows:

  • through the "Control Panel" you need to open the "Network and Sharing Center";
  • in the menu on the left side, select the item "Change adapter parameters";
  • a list of adapters will be displayed in the window that opens. Through which access to the Internet occurs;
  • the active adapter is selected and its properties are called;
  • the adapter properties window will be displayed, where you need to click on the item "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and click the properties button;
  • then put the switch to "Use the following DNS server addresses" and register as the preferred address, and as an alternative (these are the addresses of Google servers).

After restarting the computer, you must also check the DNS settings of the router. The settings pages for routers are different, but usually the addresses are registered on the "Network" or "WAN" tab. If there are settings in automatic mode, then you need to check the box and register the same server addresses that were previously entered on the computer. After all, the settings are saved, and the router is rebooted.

Fixing the Hosts file

This file is used to convert domain names to network IP addresses, and vice versa. The file is located at "% SystemRoot% \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts" and has no extension. It must be opened as a text file and only with administrator rights. By default, it should contain only one entry: localhost. All other lines should be commented out or may be missing altogether. During the installation of programs, some of them add their entries to this file, after which network problems may arise. If hosts contain other entries, they must be deleted.

You can restore this file in another way - using the AVZ program, which is completely free. It has the ability to restore system parameters. This is done through the menu "File - System Restore" and select the items that need to be restored there. Naturally, the launch is made from the system administrator.

There are times when there is an Internet connection, but the Internet does not work, and only some sites do not open, for example, they are blocked at the legislative level, then the use of VPN servers can be a solution. There are many offers, both free and paid, a lot of plugins for different browsers and programs for mobile devices.

These are all the main ways to solve when the pages do not open in the browser, and if all else fails, then it is best to seek help from professionals or reinstall the system.


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