How to train a parrot quickly. The easiest and most correct way to tame a budgerigar to your hands. When can a parrot be taken out of the cage?

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It is great to join the family and become a true friend, a budgerigar is capable of. Birds are especially appreciated by small children who love to put their pet on their hands so much. Not immediately, getting home from the market or pet store in a cage, the pet is ready to make contact. And then most of the owners are confused in conjectures, as if he is afraid. A few basic recommendations below will help you make a bird tame and quickly make friends with it.

After the budgerigar has got into a new home, he needs to be given time to get used to the environment. It is advisable not to disturb a family member for at least 1-2 weeks, so that he gets used to his house and gets comfortable. If you buy a bird from a breeder, then there will be no problems with taming, since most often they pre-train the animal. Not recommended to take budgerigar from a pet store, since in this case there is a risk of taking an already adult individual. In such a case, the risk of diseases in the bird increases if it has lived with other individuals for a long time.

"Attention! It will be much easier to tame a chick to your hands than an adult. In the first case, the wavy will learn in 2-3 weeks, and in the second, it will take several months. It is better to train a chick from a young age, without waiting until he grows up.

A pet will become tame much faster if classes are carried out regularly. In the lessons it is important to be patient and consistent. The parrot likes it when they communicate with him affectionately and friendly. If you do not train the bird systematically, then you can not count on quick results.

Let the bird get used to

Do not forget that sitting on the hands of a person is stressful. After buying a pet, he needs to give time to get used to the new shelter a little. It is not recommended to make sudden movements or shout loudly near the cage in the first few weeks. It is not worth counting on the fact that a new family member will become tame in just a couple of days - you need to be patient. Cleaning the cage, changing the water or the feeder should be done carefully and smoothly, without sudden movements.

It is best to put the budgerigar's house in a place so that the animal can see its owners well and can recognize household members. Do not forget to talk to the feathered one, repeat his name, speak calmly and friendly.

For those who do not know how and when to tame a budgerigar, if he is afraid, you should pay attention to the following fact. If the pet calmly eats its food in the presence of the owner and does not panic at the same time, then this is a good sign. The bird should also not react negatively to movements on the side of the cage and calmly go about its business. This behavior indicates that the time has come to move on to learning.

Taming process

The best way to teach your budgerigar to sit on your hand is to offer him a treat. At first, it is best to give treats through the rods. There is no need to worry if the pet refuses the treat at first, as after a few days he will begin to approach and take food with interest. When giving your pet complementary foods, you need to affectionately call him by name and not behave harshly at the same time.

You can continue taming as follows:

  • In the morning, give a treat from your hand, sticking it into the cage. First, you need to offer complementary foods to the budgerigar, holding food between your fingers, palm up.
  • After that, the treat is placed on an open palm and gently pushed into the cage. The pet should get used to eating from the palm of your hand.
  • Train your parrot to sit on your finger. Extend your index finger and gently bring it to the place where it sits. If the bird does not sit on the hand, then the finger should be brought to the stomach (between the paws) and lightly touch it.

Method number 2

There are times when you have to spend more time (than 3 weeks) to tame a pet so that it becomes tame. If the case with food does not work, then you should try to stretch out the feathered mirror. Wavy loves to play with an imaginary friend, so gradually the bird will begin to get used to the hands. It is necessary to introduce the mirror into the cage carefully, without sudden movements.

You can play with your pet by taming your hands using other items. It can be a cap from a pen or a bottle. The toy is first carefully offered through the bars, and when the feathered one is interested, they are pushed into an open cage.

A hand parrot is a true joy for all family members, as you can also cheer yourself up with it. If the pet calmly sits on the finger, then it's time to let the pet fly (after closing the windows, doors and removing sharp objects). In the case when the pet sat on the ledge or chandelier, you do not need to scare him by waving his arms. It is enough to offer the feathered food so that he sits on his hand and lowers it into the cage. During the walk, the house should be kept open so that the animal learns to return to the middle.

In the life of most people, sooner or later there comes a moment when they want to get a pet. Together with their beloved pet, they expect to get a real friend who will not only decorate the home and make it more comfortable, but with whom they can talk, play and have fun. Each person has his own preferences: someone chooses soft and fluffy ones, someone likes to walk a lot and play with active ones, and someone likes to spend time with smart birds, with whom you can really talk and get a response. And the name of these smart birds is. In our article, we will consider in detail such a difficult situation as the need to establish relations with someone who is afraid of the owner and does not want to make contact.

Weaning from the pack

We are accustomed to consider all animals that are kept as pets as pets. But if with and this judgment really takes place, then here's a parrot - this wild bird, which lives in flocks of 10-100 individuals and is a collectivist by nature. These animals are caught with the help of special nets, into which they fall, flying from tree to tree. Then they are distributed around and transported to nurseries, where specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and these birds begin to deal with them. Already in pet stores they get after preliminary examination and the first habituation to the person.

So, parrots in nature live in large flocks. We buy, as a rule, one bird, for which great stress is not only that it is in a cage, but also that it has to change its owner and experience a change of scenery. In such cases, immediately after the purchase, it is worth leaving the pet alone, not letting it out of the cage and not paying attention to it. Your feathered friend needs time to adapt to new conditions.

Often in such situations, these birds refuse to eat and drink. Such problems can be caused by several factors, for example, simply does not see the feeder and drinker. Another thing is if he is so worried that he cannot consume anything. In any case, you can move the feeder and drinker to the floor of the cage, where it will be easier for him to find them.

After the purchase, the parrot behaves very quietly and modestly, as if it were a figurine. He practically does not move, may not touch food and water.

Did you know?Some birds, including parrots, drink water very quickly. Thus, the time it takes them to bend down, take water in their beak and swallow it can be one second. So you may not even notice how your bird is applied to the drinker.

In such cases, it is important to ask the seller how he fed his pet. The same food should be offered to the parrot when it enters your home for the first time. Familiar smells and tastes can help him get over his shock and calm down more quickly. Only after one to two weeks will your new pet finally settle down and get used to his new apartment. Only after that you can start letting him out for walks so that he examines all the objects and furnishings in the apartment.

Usually, the first promenades are best done in the evening, when bird activity is significantly reduced. By their nature they are like humans: parrots begin their day with the first rays of the sun, announcing the surroundings with sonorous and noisy flights between the crowns of trees, and end after sunset, sitting on comfortable branches in large groups, and carrying out hygiene procedures. It is with the sunset that your pupil needs to be taught to walk around the apartment. The main thing before the promenade, about one hour before, is to remove the feeder from the cage so that your bird has time to get hungry. Further, having flown and walked around your apartment, the feathered friend himself will begin to look for food and return to the cage.

If he didn’t succeed the first time, then help him by making noise with food in the cage. If the parrot is afraid of you, then it is better to move away from the cage and do not even look at it. When the bird flies into its shelter, be ready to close the grate. For better adaptation of the parrot, you can adapt a special perch of bright colors before entering the cage. It will be more convenient for the bird to navigate along it, and after several attempts it will remember where its home is.

Important!In the early days, do not make noise or scare the parrot, as any unrest can aggravate its already severe stress. When night falls, do not turn on bright lights in the room where the parrot is located, as this may frighten him. Don't try to catch the bird with your hands if it can't find the cage. Help her get to her home with the sounds of food, or bring the feeder to the bird so that she can smell it and sit right on the side. Together with the feeder, you can deliver your pet to his house without injuring his psyche.

If for some reason the parrot is still afraid of you and does not make contact, do not rush it and make a problem out of it. For some birds, the process of getting used to a new owner can take from several months to a year, and sometimes more. Therefore, be patient - and you will succeed.

How to behave

So, when the first days after stress are over, you can begin to accustom the parrot to yourself. You can spend more time and longer near the cage with the parrot and at the time when the pet is walking. If you do not make sudden movements and make noise, then the parrot will not seem so scary, and therefore start the addiction process. And again, you should not expect an instant result, you will have to show restraint and achieve results after some time.

The next step on how to tame to the hands, there will be a gradually increasing presence inside the parrot's cage. Of course, you yourself won’t fit in it, but putting your hand inside and standing like that for a minute, then more and more, will literally help to tame the bird. After some time, your ward will get used to your hand and will no longer be afraid of it. Then the parrot will be more willing to approach your hand and even be able to become tame and stay in your hands for a long time.

To consolidate the reconciliation achieved, you should encourage your little pet and treat him to his favorite food. So he will remember that finding your hand and you in his domain will lead to the appearance of delicious food in the feeder, and this will appease him even more. By repeating this procedure daily for a week or two, you will tame your feathered pet and be able to hold him in your arms more often and continue to communicate with him.

After the beginning of your friendship, you can play with the parrot. For example, tickle his tummy or offer to play ball, which these birds love to play. Hand him a ping-pong ball and he will start to chase it around the cage.

Did you know?An original way to play with a parrot- collect simple figures from the Lego constructor. You collect and your little friend disassembles and does it with great pleasure and interest. Try it!

In addition, you should train him so that he can sit on your finger. To do this, put your finger under his chest, so that it is convenient for him to climb onto it with his paws. Even if not immediately, but the little pupil will do what you want from him. These exercises will also help in the process of taming the parrot and establishing a close bond with it.

And now let's look at the basic rules for caring for budgerigars and the basics that every owner of this bird should know about. They can be reduced to the following list:


  • should be large enough for the parrot to be comfortable in it;
  • you need to place the cage away from computers, televisions and other household appliances;
  • direct sunlight should not fall on the cage, but the place of its stay should not be too dark either;
  • you can not place the cage on the windowsills, as there is a possibility of a draft;
  • do not place the cage near heating appliances.

Did you know? In Australia, special schools have been created for these birds. In themparrotsthey are taught to talk if the owners do not have the opportunity or desire to do it on their own.

The room where the cage will be:

  • must be spacious;
  • it should not contain sharp and dangerous objects for the bird;
  • during walks, you need to watch your pet so that it does not get stuck somewhere and does not cause damage (for example, it is better to remove vases or figurines, since not only they can suffer, but the bird can also get hurt by splinters);
  • the windows in the room must be closed, and if it is summer, then you cannot leave the windows without mosquito nets and you cannot make a draft.


  • regularly release the bird for a walk (once or twice a day);
  • change food as needed, do not be zealous with its quantity;
  • change water once or twice a day;
  • wash the feeder and drinker thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry;
  • do not forget to play with your pet, devote time to it every day;
  • during molting, support the parrot's body with special vitamin complexes.

And now let's talk about how to play with the main toy for him, which is also very useful for hygiene needs, is small, up to 20 cm, branch of fruit trees. Such a branch must be under the paws of a parrot inside the cage. You can also tie several dozen of these branches into an impromptu bundle of brushwood. Your pet will also like this option.

Other options can be both special toys in pet stores, and ordinary household utensils. Toys natural origin will also be useful, for example, fir cones, twigs, pineapple leaves. All sorts of ladders, cubes, pyramids, rings and balls also enjoy success with parrots. But remember, no toys can replace a parrot with live communication with the owner. Therefore, do not forget to give your pet time and attention.


The best option for a beginner in communication with parrots- is to buy a young parrot, which is much easier to make contact with a new person, and easier to endure a change of scenery. All the stages of approach described above will be easier for a young bird than if you started to tame an adult. So, the best way dating a young budgerigar will be a conversation, but only from afar. Your pupil will definitely be interested in you and will carefully examine a new object for a long time, which, moreover, makes sounds. Another way to please this temperamental bird is to identify its favorite treat. But don't spoil her too much.

Say, if your bird gives in and does what you require of it, thank it by feeding it your favorite treat from your hand. Let the young parrot get used to the fact that he gets tasty food only from your hands. First, push the treat through the bars of the grate, and after a while, do it through the open door. Without rods, the level of trust will be much higher and the parrot understands this too. The next step is to offer this goodies outside the cage, during a walk. For example, when a bird sits on your finger or actively plays.

It will be more difficult to find a common language with an adult parrot. But it is more difficult in terms of time, because a mature bird is much more difficult to endure a change of scenery and new living conditions. And to win her trust, you will need a lot of time and patience. But the recommendations for taming remain the same. Not a single parrot has refused delicious food, games and walks. Talk to him more often, show attention and play. And then even the most hardened character of the parrot will soften - and you will become friends.

What to do if the pet refuses to make contact

Difficulties in the learning process- it's quite natural phenomenon which should not be feared. After all, you also don’t always understand what they want from you, but imagine what it’s like for your feathered friend who has just been bought, brought to a new house, put in a cage, and something else is expected of him. The main reason why a parrot may refuse to make contact is fear. Phobias can be very diverse, for example, a parrot can be afraid of hands, new ones, cages, darkness, strangers, other animals, new food, and much more. Here it is important to understand what exactly your pet is afraid of and correctly rid him of this phobia.

Important!Don't forceparrotand don't pressure him. If he doesn't want it, then he doesn't need it. Excessive pressure will only move the parrot away from you. And even more so, you can’t raise your voice at him, otherwise he can be offended for a long time and even stop eating.

If the feathered pet is afraid of the owner, then your task is to slow down a bit with rapprochement and continue remote communication. Talk to the bird, feed through the cage, then with the door open, and so on. The parrot will definitely get used to you, but over time. Maybe he's shy!

If the bird is afraid of a new toy or food, then you should not put pressure on it and force it. He doesn't want to, he doesn't want to. Remove the toy or change the food and try again later. If the parrot refuses for the second time, then this is not for him.

If the bird is afraid to swim, then you should accustom it gradually. Put a tub of water in her cage and watch. In hot summer days these birds love to swim, but if your pupil does not do this, then you should not force him. He will decide whether he needs it or not. Continue to watch for a couple of days, changing the water in the bath, but if he still does not bathe, then you should not persist.

Any difficulties and phobias can be dealt with. And now you know what to do if the parrot is afraid of the owner. Patience and a little effort. This saying is valid even now, just be lenient and wait. The parrot is not stupid, he will not refuse what he likes.

The budgerigar is an amazing and special bird. Collectivist by nature, he will become good friend for a person who can even support a conversation and, if your relationship with him is very trusting and close, give advice. Such a pet will make your home more comfortable, and you will always want to return there. But it is worth remembering that a parrot is a rather temperamental bird, with character.

In order to get closer to him, time must pass, but if you still win his trust, he will spend time with you with joy and interest and entertain you with his funny games. Surround your pet with attention, proper comfort and a wholesome atmosphere and he will be very grateful to you, bringing new interesting and fun moments to your life.

Today we will tell you how to tame a budgerigar. This should be done only after the bird has passed the period - got used to the new environment and was able to settle in the cage. All actions must be performed carefully and calmly, step by step. Fast and forceful movements can frighten the pet. You will learn the sequence of taming budgerigars in this article.

In order for the taming of a wavy pet to be successful in your hands, you first need to give the parrot time to get used to the changes in his life. Therefore, do not immediately rush to establish communication with the bird, and even more so do not try to catch it right in the cage - you can make friends later.

Be patient, because taming a bird is a long and painstaking task. You must understand that moving for a budgerigar is already a lot of stress. If you put your hand in a cage to a frightened pet, then this can have a bad effect on his psyche. The "wavy" can be very scared, because of this, and perhaps never become tame.

In order for you to be able to make friends with a wavy pet, he must stop being afraid of you and start getting used to your hands. But in order to achieve this, several factors must be taken into account:

  • sufficient time for the adaptation of the bird;
  • individual characteristics;
  • right action;
  • regularity of classes.

If you follow certain rules, then soon the budgerigar will not only sit on your hand, but also dance with you to the music. The same rules apply if you want to tame a couple of birds or an adult pet, but there are some nuances. But more on that later.

There are several ways to teach a bird to handle. To make the pet's training go smoothly and quickly, we have chosen an effective and as easy way as possible to make the parrot tame.

Hand training

Taming a wavy pet in the first stage is that you first need to accustom him to you. At first, the parrot gets used to it and after a while begins to consider it its refuge. He is afraid of any movements and sudden sounds near his home. That is why you should leave the bird alone for at least a few hours, do not turn on loud music or TV and watch it from the side.

If the parrot fell silent and began to study the space in the cage and in the room, it means that he calmed down a little. Now you can start communicating with the bird. Your task is to clean the cage, pour food, replace water in such a way that the pet does not fight in hysterics when you approach, but calmly reacts to all actions.

Try to get the attention of the parrot by talking to him from a distance in a gentle and calm tone. If the bird is interested in you, start slowly approaching it, continuing to talk. Approaching the cage, do all the necessary manipulations as quickly as possible, but without sudden movements.

If the wavy pet is still afraid of you, then limit yourself to feeding him for now. Food is a powerful incentive for a parrot to show friendliness. Pay attention to what kind of food he likes the most - what he eats first.

The best way to start taming yourself is to offer a treat that you have to slip between the bars of the cage. After a while, the parrot will become interested in the treat, despite your presence. After that, you can continue learning, but now to your hands.

Gently stick your hand with the treat right into the cage. If the parrot does not react in any way, then you need to make it hungry - remove the food in the evening. In the morning, the bird will want to eat and will take the delicacy offered by you.

Gradually, the bird will get used to your hands and will calmly sit on them to feast on them. But this does not mean that the pet has become completely tame. Now your goal is to teach the parrot to sit on your hand without having any treats in it. Only after that it will be possible to move on to the next level of taming. Remember to praise the parrot for doing the right thing in a calm and affectionate tone.

dance training

Now you must ensure that the bird flies out of the cage on its own and calmly sits on you with a desire to communicate. But first she needs to get comfortable in the room. Therefore, do not try to catch the pet and forcibly seat it on your hand - remember, it is not yet completely tame. Open the cage door, move a little distance and call the parrot, showing him a treat.

At first, the bird will most likely fly up to you, take a treat and quickly fly away to enjoy it in neutral territory. Do not try to scold her, be patient. Otherwise, you will scare the wavy pet, and his still fragile trust in you will disappear. As soon as the parrot realizes that there is nothing to be afraid of, he will start without flying away from you. And then he will just sit and chat with you with pleasure.

Now you don't have to worry about how to teach a budgerigar to perform various movements. For example, dance to the music, because he is already used to your hands. The main thing is that you devote about fifteen minutes to training every day, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Choose rhythmic, calm music and turn it on when the bird sits on your hand. Sometimes budgerigars can start dancing on their own, without the help of the owner. In this case, just remember what kind of music your pet started dancing to, so that later you can choose something similar.

If the music does not affect the bird in any way, you will have to teach it to dance. Put your pet on your hand and start moving it to the beat of the melody. To make learning go faster, you can also move your head to the beat. After a while, the pet will begin to repeat after you. Be sure to praise the bird. If you repeat the classes daily, then soon the parrot will begin to dance on its own.

Learning difficulties

As you can see, it is not so difficult to tame the "wavy", the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions, to have patience, calmness and perseverance. But what if you need to train a couple of parrots or a completely adult pet?

First, let's figure out how to tame a couple of birds. In principle, the actions are the same: wait for the parrots to end the adaptation period, then accustom them to hands in a cage, then communicate in the "freedom", no attempts to catch and force them to perform the actions you need.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of pets. Some can only work together, while others have to be seated in different cages and trained separately.

If you have one parrot and you decide to get a pair for him, then do not forget about quarantine - forty days of living a new pet alone to identify possible diseases. You can try to train a second bird while quarantine is in progress, but, of course, after adaptation.

An adult pet is more difficult to tame than a young one due to its often feral nature. Use the same rules as above. But save more patience and make a huge effort - it may take you twice as long to tame.

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    Task 1 of 5

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    What to do with a parrot when you just brought it home so that it gets used to a new place?


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    Once you have brought your budgerigar home, the first thing you need to do is give it time to adjust to the new location.

  1. Task 2 of 5

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    What not to do when you are trying to make friends with a parrot?


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    To make friends with a new pet, you can not scare him and pick him up until he goes to you.

  2. Task 3 of 5

    3 .

    What can not be done when you teach a parrot to dance?

To date budgerigars are considered the most popular pets. These cute, bright feathered lumps are able to conquer any family member, even a strict dad who was an opponent of domestic animals.

As soon as a parrot appears in the house, everything around is immediately filled with the sonorous, joyful chirping of a bird, which can instantly cheer you up. However, the joy fades over time, because at first the parrot does not feel very comfortable in a new house, and as a result, he eschews his owners, and sometimes he can even bite his hand.

This is where a well-founded question arises: “How to tame a budgerigar to your hands?” and “How fast is the domestication of a feathered friend at home?”.

Surely you did not know that the taming of a budgerigar begins from the moment you buy a pet. According to research, the age of the bird directly affects how quickly it can get used to the hands of its owners.

Therefore, if you want the taming to take you a minimum of time, make sure that the acquired parrot is very young. It is believed that budgerigars at the age of 5 months are perfectly trainable.

An older parrot, especially a girl, is a little more difficult to accustom to your hands. Yes, with great desire and perseverance, you can teach an adult parrot to sit on the hand of its owner, however, as statistics show, this takes quite a lot of time.

Most experienced ornithologists advise buying birds from breeders, not from specialized stores. The wavy ones, who have been living in small display cages from birth, are constantly in a stressful state, which means that it will be much more difficult to accustom such birds to hands.

Loneliness is the key to success!

It turns out that birds that grow up in a flock become wilder in relation to people, which means that it will be much more difficult to teach such a bird to sit on its hands than one that grew and developed alone.

Some ornithologists argue that it is much more difficult to accustom a parrot girl to hands than an individual of the opposite sex, but there are completely opposite opinions on this matter.

Be that as it may, in order to tame a budgerigar to your hands, you need to devote a lot of time to this process. Surround your feathered friend with attention and love, let him out of the cage more often to communicate with you and look, he will very quickly sit on your arm and amuse him with his good mood.

If the taming of a budgerigar occurs from time to time, then some problems may arise with training. For example, having released your bird for a walk, it will be very difficult to drive it back.

As for the content of a pair of budgerigars, then it is better not to rush. If you want your pet bird to sit on your hand after 3-4 weeks, then it is better to start by buying one chick.

First steps to domestication

Before you start training your budgerigar, you need to find out how active your pet is.

Which method of training to choose, it will become clear after observing his behavior. According to research, each budgerigar has its own personality.

Some birds lead a calm lifestyle, while others constantly strive for communication and are distinguished by a more frisky disposition.

At the same time, it will be much easier to teach the second to sit on the hands of the second than independent and calm birds, since they are not used to trusting others, as a result of which they make very poor contact.

If the owners start running after the bird all over the house, then a bird that is not accustomed to hands can be very frightened. And besides, a frightened parrot will begin to randomly rush around the house, hitting interior items, thereby harming itself.

Taming feathered friends

So, as soon as the parrot has adapted to the new home and has ceased to react aggressively to its new owners, you can begin to tame.

You can easily understand whether your feathered friend is ready for training or not:

  • the parrot ceases to be afraid of people approaching the cage;
  • he calmly returns to the cage after another "escape";
  • from time to time it tries to walk hands on its own and sit on the head of its owners.

How to win the trust of a feathered bird?

How to teach a parrot to sit quietly in your arms? To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to make it clear to the feathered pet that this process will bring him only joy. For example, for the “correct” behavior, a bird can be rewarded with various goodies.

At the first stages of taming, the owner of the bird must extend his open palm with a delicacy directly into the cage to his bird. Fruits and vegetables with which you occasionally indulge your pet are suitable as goodies.

If during this process the parrot accidentally flew out of its house, you should immediately close all windows and doors in the room where it flies. Thanks to this, you can avoid the “escape” of the bird to freedom.

And yes, make sure that other pets (dogs, cats) do not scare the bird. Now we leave the parrot alone, and after about 5-6 hours he will get hungry and he will begin to get close to his home to eat. The most important thing is not to miss this moment and have time to close the cage, otherwise you will have to repeat the procedure.

In order to accustom a budgerigar to hands, the regularity of training is very important. Experienced ornithologists recommend stretching your hand into a feathered cage at least twice a day. As a rule, at first, a feathered pet does not take food from the palm of its owner. Do not rush things, let your bird get used to you.

It is necessary to keep the palm in the cage for at least two minutes, during which time the parrot will be able to verify the safety of “this” object, as well as make an attempt to move to it.

Over time, the bird will come closer and closer, and then it will begin to eat directly from your hand.

But you should not rush, wait a few more weeks and only after that you can carefully, smoothly remove your hand along with the parrot sitting on it from the cage.

Now let's talk about the time of day at which it is best to deal with a parrot. According to experienced breeders, the most effective training is carried out in the morning, when the feathered pet is still hungry, alert and in good spirits.

It is highly undesirable to wash your hands with a flavored product before training or apply a cream on them. I would like to note that the feathered flyer is hardly suitable for hands that smell of tobacco or other pungent odor.

One of the most beloved pet birds are budgerigars. How to tame these cute creatures so that they become true friends of all households for many years? There are several rules for communicating with budgerigars that will help your pet feel trust in people.

Pet selection

Like any other pets, these birds do not immediately get used to the hands. The owner needs to be patient so that his budgerigars begin to trust him. It will take quite a long time to tame. Young budgerigars are best trained. How to tame such a bird? First of all, it is necessary to establish contact between the owner and the pet. Most often, this takes several weeks.

The taming of budgerigars begins from the moment of choosing and acquiring a pet. At the same time, there is one unshakable rule - the younger the bird, the easier it is to find contact with it and the easier it will be trained. That is why it is best to acquire chicks before 5 months of age. Older budgerigars are more difficult to get used to hands. Although with perseverance and desire, it is possible to raise an adult bird, but this may take more than one month.

It is better to choose your pet from the breeders of these birds, and not at the pet store. Parrots, which are on display in cramped cages, are in a state of constant stress. They will be much more difficult to tame.

Weaning from the pack

It is believed that the longer these birds are with their own kind, the more wild they will be in relation to people. This is partly correct. But there are also exceptions to the rule. For some people, taming budgerigars is easy even with several pets at once. The main thing at the same time is to give them a lot of attention and love, so that each of them enjoys communicating with his master. And for this it is necessary to regularly release the birds from the cage and communicate with them more often. Budgerigars, which are tamed by hand from time to time, will not get used to the owner for a very long time. In this case, there are problems when, having released the pet from the cage, the owner then simply cannot drive it back.

Although it is possible to keep several tame parrots at once, it is better to start with the acquisition of one chick. In this case, it will take only 3-4 weeks to train him, subject to daily communication with the pet.

Adult budgerigars

How to tame already grown birds? If, before the start of training, such a parrot lived in normal conditions, but did not communicate much with people, he will just need to pay a lot of attention and communicate with him daily for at least an hour. In the case when the parrot was abused before you, there is very little chance of taming it. Such birds will almost always be afraid of human hands and may even bite when trying to touch him. Of course, if you devote a lot of time to communicating with such a pet every day, then love and affection can change the parrot's attitude towards people. The main thing is to remember that with such birds you need to be as caring as possible, do not make sudden movements and do not raise your voice. This behavior can be very frightening to them.

Domestication of little chicks

In conscientious breeders, parrots get used to the hands of their owners from a very young age. They deliberately regularly take the chicks in the palm of their hands, not only for inspection, but also so that in the future they can be safely placed in other cages. Such birds, once in a new home, can literally become your true friends from the very first days. Manual budgerigar chicks differ from wilder ones in their behavior. So, when buying a bird, you can immediately determine which of them is the most calm and trusting. She can easily be picked up from the cage. It is these chicks that you need to choose.

What is necessary for a bird

Where will budgerigars live in your home? How to tame birds to the hands in the most as soon as possible? The solution of these issues must begin even before the purchase of pets. Such a bird should live in a cage specially equipped for it. It should be all thought out to the smallest detail. The cage needs wooden perches, a feeder and a drinker. This minimum set should already be at the time of purchase of the bird. For several days, the parrot should be in such a cage in order to adapt and quarantine. Only when he gets used to his new home, you can start taming him. In the process of further education of the parrot, it will be possible to buy special toys for him: a swing, bells, a mirror, etc.

The path from the seller to the new home is better for the bird to do in a specially prepared carrier, and not in a cage. For this, a small cardboard box with holes made in it for ventilation is quite suitable. The carrier is brought to the open door of the cage, and the bird moves to its new home on its own.

Separately, I would like to remind all owners of poultry that they can be released only in those rooms in which there is no possibility for a parrot to fly out a window or door to the street. There should be mosquito nets on the windows, because by negligence it is easy to lose your beloved pet.

Parrot adaptation to new housing

After the new pet enters its home, it is necessary to give it time to familiarize itself with the environment. The first 1-2 days the parrot stays in your house, you should not disturb him so that he calms down and begins to study everything that is happening around. The cage should be placed in a cozy quiet place where the movement of household members past it will be minimal.

Many people think about how to tame a parrot in their hands in the first days of his stay in the house. In fact, you shouldn't force things. It is necessary to give the new tenant to get used to the house and to the people present in it. On the second day, you need to carefully change the pet's water and food. The paper covering the pallet can be changed after 2-3 days so that the parrot is not afraid of its rustling. Just do not use newspapers and magazines that use toxic ink in their production. Any manipulations should be accompanied by affectionate words addressed to the parrot.

At first, the bird may be in a state of stress due to a change in the usual environment and separation from relatives. Usually she sits, ruffled, and does not eat well. In 1-2 days, a healthy parrot's behavior should change to a more active one. During the period of adaptation of the bird to a new environment, which can last several days, it is best not to impose your company on it.

First steps in parenting

Before you start communicating with a pet, you need to find out what temperament the budgerigar has. How to teach this agile and intelligent bird to your hands will become more clear after you observe it. All birds have different personalities. Some parrots are more frisky and sociable, others are calm and independent. The first ones make contact faster, because they are very inquisitive by nature, and therefore they are more likely to be tamed. More independent birds take longer to get used to communication, but with the right approach, they also begin to trust people.

After a few days of a new pet in your home, you should not immediately let him out of the cage, because he has not yet got used to people, and it can be very difficult to return him to his place. If the household starts chasing a bird that is not accustomed to hands and has not learned to return to its house on its own, throughout the apartment, it will be extremely difficult to catch it. She will fly under the ceiling, sitting on the cornices, then on the cabinets, where you definitely won’t get her. A frightened bird can even fall behind furniture, where it will get hurt and where it will be difficult to get it. Having made such an unacceptable mistake, the owner risks scaring away the pet for a long time.

Gaining Trust

So how to tame a parrot? First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the bird associates them with something pleasant, for example, with receiving some goodies. Starting training, the owner must extend an open palm with food and various treats to his pet right into the cage.

If the bird accidentally “slips” into the wild, it is necessary to close the windows and doors to the room where it flies so that the parrot cannot fly away from it. It is advisable to throw something on the mirror so that he does not get hurt on it. Also remove other pets (dogs, cats) from his field of vision that can scare the bird. Leave your pet in this room so that he can calm down and have time to get hungry. Most often, after 5-6 hours, the bird wants to eat and begins to creep up to the cage in which its food and water are located.

As a rule, birds climb to places where they cannot be reached (chandelier, cornice, closet), so you should not chase them. The cage remains open, and the entrance to it must be equipped with comfortable perches. You can also fix the door with something (for example, with a metal chain) so that when open it is horizontal. On it, it will be convenient and easy for the parrot to climb back into its house. After the pet calms down and takes a good look around, he will be able to independently fly up to the cage and go into it. The owner should carefully observe him, not showing a look in his interest. At that moment, as the bird climbs into the cage, you should quickly close its door. But there are also cases when a nimble pet manages to fly out of its house again before you get to it. Then everything will have to start over.

How to tame a budgerigar outside of a cage

If an untamed pet has broken free, you can try taming outside the cage. To do this, after several hours of being “in the wild”, you can put something tasty on your palm and bring it to the bird. The most determined parrots quickly figure out that the hand is a source of food, and can climb onto it. Some immediately begin to peck at the grains. Give the parrot time to eat a little, and then carefully transfer it on your hand to the cage. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly affectionately pronounce the name of the pet and say pleasant words to him, for example, “Gosh is good,” “Kesha is a smart bird.” The main thing is that the intonation of the voice should be calm. In some cases, the birds do not sit on the hand, but on the raised perch, on which they are delivered to the cage.

In very rare cases, when the parrot is very timid and frightened, it is better to bring the cage itself closer to it. Seeing its house nearby, the bird most often quickly climbs into it itself. Knowing how to tame a budgerigar outside of a cage can quickly gain its trust.

Catching a bird in the dark

If your pet, even after a few hours, is not given into the hands and does not climb into the cage on its own, you can use the proven method of catching it, which is the safest for the bird. To do this, after dark, one of the household members should be at the switch, and the second should be near the place where the parrot is sitting. At the agreed time, the light is turned off, and the person next to the bird carefully takes it with his hands and transplants it into a cage. This method of fishing is due to the fact that parrots do not see well in the dark, and this is the easiest way to catch them. The light is turned on only after the bird is in the cage. It is noteworthy that after this the pet will not be afraid of the person, because he will not understand how he ended up in his house.

Hand training a parrot

Let's move on to final stage on the way to solving the question of how to make a tame budgerigar. After a period of adaptation, during which the bird began to get used to the people and the voice of the owner, you can begin to intensify the exercises. The readiness of the parrot for this can be seen immediately. He does not shy away from people approaching the cage. It can easily climb onto the hand extended into the cage, and when flying out of it, it calmly returns back. It is necessary to stretch an open palm into the cage several times daily, on which there should be grains or the bird's favorite treats (for example, a piece of an apple).

If the parrot is still afraid to approach and climb into the palm of your hand, there is no need to rush things. You should hold your hand in the cage for several minutes so that the bird sees that nothing dangerous is happening to it. After some time, the parrot will begin to come closer, and then it will peck the food directly from the palm of your hand. After several weeks of such domestication, the bird begins to fearlessly climb onto the hand. After that, it is already possible to take it out of the cage in the palm of your hand and continue training outside of it.

How to tame a parrot? It is best to raise a pet in the morning, when the bird is hungry, cheerful and cheerful. If you remove the feeder at night, and bring food in the palm of your hand in the morning, the taming process will go much faster. Before communicating with a parrot, you can not wash your hands with fragrant soap and lubricate them with cream. Also, they should not have a strong smell, such as tobacco. Birds are very reluctant to such hands. Domestication and coercion to communicate are two incompatible concepts. The entire process of training a pet should be gentle and without pressure on him. In the future, you will have a friendly budgerigar. How to tame a pet is already clear. The next stage of communication with a bird may be its training in human speech.


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