World bird day presentation for dhow children. Bird day presentation. Let's get to know some of the birds of Russia and listen to their voices

Opening remarks by the teacher about the Day of the Birds

"International Bird Day" is an international ecological holiday, which is celebrated annually on April 1. In the Russian Federation, it is the most famous of the "bird" holidays.

Leading: With the arrival of spring, our friends, migratory birds, return to us. They attract with their bizarre plumage, singing, movement, flight, and, of course, a mysterious way of life. A characteristic property of the vast majority of birds is the ability to fly. Birds fly excellently due to the peculiarities of their feathers.

The pen is a miracle of the art of nature.

There are a lot of birds, they differ in size, color and habits. The largest bird in the world is the African ostrich, its height reaches 2.75 m, weight is 90 kg. In our country, the bustard can be considered the largest bird.

The smallest birds in the world are hummingbirds.

Birds are dear to us not only for the great benefits they bring, but also as an adornment of our wonderful Motherland. We need to protect them. Protect and increase the wealth of all nature, so that our entire planet is a beautiful, huge garden.

Leading: Four teams from two classes participate in our holiday today. I ask the teams to introduce themselves - state their name and the name of the captain.

We will spend our holiday in the form of lessons. Today's lesson schedule is on the chalkboard (images are projected on the screen):Russian language, History, Physical education, Geography, Drawing, Music.

The first lesson is the Russian Language Lesson.

Leading:Teams are given 15 names of birds included in the Red Book with missing vowels.

You must restore the names of the birds - insert the missing letters (Appendix 1).

(Counselors distribute task cards.)

First lesson assignment:

Saker Falcon - b..l..b..n Berkut - b..k..t
Big spindle - in..r..t..nn..kb..lsh..y Gogol- g..g..l
Woodpecker- d..t..l Kingfisher- z..m..r..d..k
Snake-eater - zm .... d Zuek - z .... to
Kobchik - k..bch..k Krachka - kr..chk ..
Kulik - k..l..k Partridge - ..
Owl - n..s..t Pogonysh -
Sapsan - s..p..s..n Roller - with..z..v..r..nk ..

Leading: You are given 4 minutes for the task. Hand over the task card to the consultants.

(After 4 minutes, the consultants collect the cards with the answers, hand them over to the jury. A frame of the presentation with the answers is on the screen.)

The second lesson is the History Lesson.

Leading: I will tell you stories, and your task is to guess the bird about which this story is told. The names of the birds should be written on the cards that the consultants give you.

(Counselors distribute answer sheets. Facilitator reads stories one at a time, teams write down the name of the bird after each story.)

1. Perhaps, there are not so many legends about a single bird, and so many beliefs are associated with none as with this one. Some nations exalted her, others cursed her. The Chinese considered her a symbol of prosperity, the Polynesians - a nightly evil god, and among the ancient Greeks she personified wisdom. In the middle of the century, the church declared this bird "an unclean animal", a servant of the devil. What is this bird? (Owl.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

2. Listen to the second legend. It was these birds that flew in and pulled out the nails with which Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross with their beak. For this, God rewarded them with a crossed beak and numbered among the saints. Indeed, dead birds do not decompose for a long time and, preserving the beauty of plumage, they can lie for years without change. (Klest.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

3. In one of the most widespread legends about this bird, it is said that a woman killed her husband and, as a punishment, was turned by God into a bird that was not destined to have a family of its own. Since then, the bird has been crying bitterly, its tears turn to grass, and a sad voice is heard far around. Compassionate people call her a poor widow, but what is the real name of this bird. (Cuckoo.) Write the name of the bird on the card and give it to the consultant.

4. And here is another legendary bird. She is nocturnal and has an unusual appearance: large bulging eyes, small legs that are not suitable for walking, and most importantly, a huge mouth. In the evenings, this bird often hovers over herds, diving right at the very udder of goats and cows. In Spain, they call him the deceiver of the shepherds. And what do we call it? (Nightjar.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

(The consultants collect the cards with the answers, pass them to the jury. On the screen is a frame of the presentation with the answers of this task.)

Change is a game with the fans.

Leading: Now we have a break and we will play with the fans of the teams. I will ask questions to our viewers, for each correct answer the teams will receive a point. Which team is going to the ball is determined by the viewer who gave the correct answer.

Questions for the game with the fans:

  1. What bird is born immediately with a specialty? (Secretary bird.)
  2. A bird living at the South Pole? (Penguin.)
  3. The hind limbs of the ducks are turned into ... (flippers).
  4. Birds evolved from ... (reptiles).
  5. The largest detachment of birds in terms of the number of species ... (passerines 5000c.).
  6. Grouse belongs to the order ... (chicken).
  7. The forelimbs of birds are transformed into ... (wings).
  8. The only skin gland in birds ... (coccygeal).
  9. Do birds have teeth? (Not.)
  10. The bird is the orderly of the forest. (Woodpecker.)
  11. Which forest bird has eyes shifted to the back of the head. (Woodcock.)
  12. The voice of this bird is like the hiss of a snake. (Wryneck.)
  13. This songbird has females and males singing. (Bullfinch.)
  14. A bird that can feed on stinging insects. (Bee-eater.)
  15. The country is a winter paradise for birds. (Egypt)
  16. Bird science? (Ornithology.)
  17. Another name for the black woodpecker. (Zelna.)
  18. A bird singing at night? (Nightingale.)
  19. A bird without a voice? (Stork.)
  20. This bird is called the feathered cat. (Owl.)

The third lesson is Physical Education Lesson.

Leading: You've all heard about penguins. Answer the question. Can a polar bear eat penguins?

Bird relay. A matchbox is clamped between the knees, and the participant goes the distance.

Leading: One participant from each team is invited to the relay.

(Four people line up on one side in a line, they are given one box, squeeze between their knees, reach the finish line.)

The fourth lesson is the Drawing Lesson.

Each team needs one member who goes out and draws a bird according to the description. The consultant gives the participant a text describing the bird. Participants in this competition draw, while the teams are currently completing the task of the fifth lesson.

Leading: While one member from the team completes the drawing task, we go to the fifth lesson.

The fifth lesson is Geography.

Leading:You see images of six birds. By the description, you need to determine which bird is in question.

(Descriptions are given to the teams by the consultant. The moderator reads the description once for the audience.)

  1. A migratory bird in our area, which flies to northern France and Germany for wintering? (Rook.)
  2. The largest bird in South America? (Emu.)
  3. A migratory bird in our area, which flies to North Africa or Asia for the winter? (Lark.)
  4. Wetland bird? (Snipe.)
  5. Australia's largest bird? (Nanda.)
  6. A bird listed in the Red Book of Chuvashia? (Slavka.)

Leading: And now it's time to take stock of the drawing competition. Teams - please submit your drawings.

(The consultants submit the drawings of the teams to the jury.)

Leading: So, the teams drew: Owl, Parrot, Hoopoe and Penguin. Please look at the pictures of the teams and the birds they drew. (On the screen, a frame of the presentation with images of birds; consultants show the drawings to the audience.)

Leading: So the last one for today came up lesson - Music lesson.

The first task: "Guess the voices of the birds." There will be four recordings of bird voices, write them in order on the answer cards (consultants distribute cards, the voices of birds sound in the recording, after each command they write down the name of the birds on the card): gray goose, lark, oriole, songbird.

And now the second task is the most interesting: please remember and sing along the verse songs that contain the name of a bird. (The teams are given one minute to remember the song, and the teams take turns singing, if they cannot sing, then at least they name the song.)

Leading: So our competition has come to an end. Now the jury will sum up the results (Appendix 2) and award the winners.

(The jury calculates the final points and awards the winners.)

A presentation about the history of the celebration of the day of birds, about the traditions of the Russian people associated with birds. The presentation tells about the feast days in Russia dedicated to birds. The presentation consists of 13 slides, the transition is carried out by clicking the "mouse".

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"Presentation for the extra-curricular event bird day"

International Bird Day has been celebrated since 1906.

It was this year,

On April 1, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed, to which Russia joined in 1927.

But they began to celebrate Bird Day in Russia since 1918.

Although the holiday for the country is not new at all, the tradition of taking care of birds every spring originated a long time ago.

The church calendar has bird-related holidays:

"Gerasim - Rookery" (17.03.);

"Bird Day" - "Forty Martyrs" (22.03);

Annunciation (07.04.)

"Gerasim - Rookery"

"Rook on the mountain - spring in the yard."

"Bird Day" - "Forty Martyrs"

On this day, it is customary to bake ceremonial cookies "larks" and "Easter cakes".


On this day, it is customary to release birds from their cages.

  • On this day, as the ethnographer writes

DK Zelenin, in the villages they sang special "spring songs". For example, here is an excerpt from a song recorded by the poet Apollo of Corinth in the Simbirsk Volga region in 1901:

  • Titmouse sisters The chitties, Red-throated bullfinches, Goldfinch fellows, Vorby thieves. Fly at will You will live on freedom, Bring the spring to us as soon as possible! Pray for us the Mother of God!

We can read about the custom of releasing birds to the Annunciation in one of the letters of A.S. Pushkin: « Do you know the touching custom of a Russian peasant on Bright Resurrection to release a bird into the wild? here's a poem for that » .

The poet attached his poem to the letter addressed to Gnedich:

I observe sacredly in a foreign land Native custom of antiquity; I release the bird into the wild At the bright holiday of spring. The researcher of the Russian language V. I. Dal also mentioned this custom: “Annunciation - let the birds go free”.

Slide 2


Most birds build nests and only use them for breeding.

  • Woodpecker nest
  • Weaver's nest
  • Eagle's nest
  • Swallow's nest
  • Slide 3


    The shape and color of the eggs are used to ensure their safety. In birds nesting on the ground, eggs have a protective color that disguises them. The eggs of birds nesting in hollows are painted in light colors so that they can be seen in almost complete darkness. Bird eggs, as well as birds themselves, vary greatly in size. The largest eggs are laid by ostriches. They are 2,000 times larger than the smallest hummingbird eggs. Ostrich eggs are 180 mm long and 140 mm wide and weigh 1.2 kg. Hummingbird eggs are 13 mm long and 8 mm wide and only weigh half a gram.

    Slide 4

    Bird eggs (in comparison)

    • Emu ostrich egg
    • Albatross egg
    • Herring gull egg
    • Hummingbird egg
    • Gray flycatcher egg
    • Owl egg
    • Guillemot egg
    • Common snipe egg
    • Thrush egg
  • Slide 5

    Let's get to know some of the birds of Russia and listen to their voices

  • Slide 6


    • A small wintering bird. Usually it keeps near human habitation and feeds on various garbage.
    • Sparrows are of two types: the field sparrow and the house sparrow. A field sparrow has a brown cap, and a brownie has a gray one.
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    Large wintering bird. Most of her body is gray, and her head, throat, wings, and tail are black. It feeds on small animals, food waste, plant foods. Like a sparrow, it usually stays near a person's home.

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    • The rook is the "kin" of the crow. And about the same height. But the rook is all black, with a beautiful metallic sheen. The base of the beak in adult rooks is whitish.
    • This bird is migratory, i.e. spends the winter in the southern regions. In the spring, the rooks are the first to return. They feed on worms, larvae, plant seeds.
  • Slide 9


    • The Great Spotted Woodpecker is larger than the starling. The male has a red spot on the back of the head, while the female does not. The whole life of this bird is connected with the tree trunk. In summer it feeds on insects, larvae, in winter - seeds of pine and spruce, as well as acorns and nuts.
    • The woodpecker will hammer the plucked cone into a crack or crevice in the tree and begin to knock on it - to knock out the seeds. He will rip off the next one and carry it to the "smithy". He will pull the old one out of the gap and throw it aside, strengthen the new one and start hammering again. About 70 cones are produced per day.
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    • Dexterous and agile wintering bird. It feeds on insects, spiders, seeds. Nests are usually arranged in tree hollows.
    • Most often we have a great tit. The bright yellow breast and belly of this bird are divided in half by a wide black stripe. Make a feeder by your window, in the garden, on the forest edge, pour in the remains of food, seeds, bread crumbs - the tits will give you a lot of pleasure with their cheerful appearance and sonorous voice.
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    • Magpies eat a wide variety of foods. These are insects, rodents. Magpies also often destroy birds' nests, carrying eggs and chicks. The magpies living in the neighborhood of a man are not afraid to steal any food from him.
    • Magpie is a black and white bird. The head, neck, chest and back are black with a purple or bluish-green metallic sheen, the belly and shoulders are white. The long tail and wings are black. Magpie is the only known non-mammal that can recognize itself in a mirror.
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    • This bird appears here closer to winter. The first snow and the first bullfinch! The bullfinch feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, eats seeds from them, leaving the pulp.
    • Chicks are fed mainly with plant food, and insects are eaten only by accident.
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    • This bird is about the size of a sparrow. Knows how to move upside down along the trunk. It feeds on insects, pine seeds, spruce, acorns. Sometimes it imitates a woodpecker - it hollows the bark and extracts the larvae from under it.
    • Nuthatch stores food for the winter. And acorns, and nuts, and maple lionfish - everything is stuffed into cracks and crevices. He works hard for the whole autumn, and then in winter he looks for his storerooms.
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    • This bird differs from others in its crossed beak, with the help of which it gets seeds from cones. Crossbills hatch chicks in winter, usually at the end of February.
    • Daytime, noisy and mobile bird. It feeds on seeds of coniferous trees. It flies quickly, along a wavy trajectory. In flight, a flock of crossbills echoes, issuing "cap-cap-cap".
  • Slide 15

    • The nightingale is an invisible bird. He is dull and very careful. Nightingales, like people, learn to sing for a long time. Only in the third year of life do they become singers. They come back from warm countries in spring one of the last.
    • As soon as the chicks appear, the nightingale trills cease. The male and female carry caterpillars, flies and beetles to the cubs. After ten days, the chicks jump out of the nest (it is on the ground) and travel around the neighborhood with their parents until the end of summer. And then - to Africa for the winter.
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    The smallest bird in our country, weighs only 5-6 grams. They called it a king because of the bright yellow stripe on the head. Like a crown!

    In winter, little beasts do not fly away, they wander in search of food in forests, gardens and parks. In summer they live in coniferous forests, more often in spruce, feeding on small insects and seeds.

    Slide 17


    • The robin, or robin, is a migratory bird, but one of the first to return to the northern regions. It dwells, as a rule, on the ground, in bushes, moves by jumping.
    • Robins are looking for insects, earthworms and snails on the ground. In the fall, they also eat berries. He is almost not afraid of people, and if a person does not move, he can fly up close to him and look at him with curiosity.
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    • In the spring he comes to us after starlings and larks. It lives in forests and parks of all types, often near the very human habitation.
    • It feeds on insects, seeds and green parts of plants. The finch can be recognized by its bright coloration and voice. The song is represented by a trill, ending with a "flourish" (short sharp sound) at the end.
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    • A songbird with a noticeable scallop, moves in large groups, fast and direct flight. Distributed in the zone of taiga forests. It feeds on berries, tree buds and bushes.
    • Waxworms are very voracious: they spend the whole winter day in search of food, or they are busy eating. The gluttony of birds is so great that not all the food they eat is absorbed by the body: part of the berries and fruits in an undigested form are released from the intestines of the birds and, once in the soil, gives full shoots.
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    • Small stocky, dimly colored bird with a short tail. It feeds on small insects and their larvae, as well as spiders. In large quantities it eats flies, caterpillars of the winter moth and other butterflies, small beetles. It feeds on elderberries in autumn.
    • It eats about a third of its own weight per day, and before the autumn migration it gains additional fat, which is necessary to cover a long distance.
  • Slide 21


    A bird the size of a jackdaw, bright and loud. Inhabits coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. The jay feeds on mixed food. In autumn and winter, he uses acorns and various berries. From acorns it makes supplies for the winter. In the spring and summer, the jay feeds mainly on insects, including such harmful ones as the May beetle, barbel beetle, weevils, leaf gnats, silkworm caterpillars, etc. Of other animals, on occasion, the jay eats small rodents, small birds and their eggs, lizards, frogs.

  • Slide 22


    • They also feed on insects, spiders, worms, molluscs, berries, and often feed on the ground. They move on the ground by jumping, squatting at the same time.
    • Large (larger than starling) nomadic birds with black speckled breast. You can see them until winter, if there is a large harvest on the mountain ash.
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    • Slightly smaller than a dove. This voracious bird exterminates harmful caterpillars throughout the summer, especially hairy ones, which are avoided by almost all small birds, eats May beetles, butterflies, and occasionally soft berries. Scientists consider it one of the most useful birds in the forest.
    • They do not build their own nests, but lay eggs in the nests of small birds, while the cuckoo eats one of the eggs of the owner of the nest. The grown up cuckoo throws out other chicks from the nest, and their parents continue to feed him.
  • Slide 24


    • These birds fly beautifully. In the air, they feed - they catch insects. We have three types of swallows. The barn swallow (killer whale) has a fork-tail with long feathers. She has a bright reddish-brown spot on her throat and forehead.
    • The city swallow (funnel) does not have a long tail and throat spots. The coastal swallow is a dim brown bird living near the water.
  • Opening remarks by the teacher about the Day of the Birds

    "International Bird Day" is an international ecological holiday, which is celebrated annually on April 1. In the Russian Federation, it is the most famous of the "bird" holidays.

    Leading: With the arrival of spring, our friends, migratory birds, return to us. They attract with their bizarre plumage, singing, movement, flight, and, of course, a mysterious way of life. A characteristic property of the vast majority of birds is the ability to fly. Birds fly excellently due to the peculiarities of their feathers.

    The pen is a miracle of the art of nature.

    There are a lot of birds, they differ in size, color and habits. The largest bird in the world is the African ostrich, its height reaches 2.75 m, weight is 90 kg. In our country, the bustard can be considered the largest bird.

    The smallest birds in the world are hummingbirds.

    Birds are dear to us not only for the great benefits they bring, but also as an adornment of our wonderful Motherland. We need to protect them. Protect and increase the wealth of all nature, so that our entire planet is a beautiful, huge garden.

    Leading: Four teams from two classes participate in our holiday today. I ask the teams to introduce themselves - state their name and the name of the captain.

    We will spend our holiday in the form of lessons. Today's lesson schedule is on the chalkboard (images are projected on the screen):Russian language, History, Physical education, Geography, Drawing, Music.

    The first lesson is the Russian Language Lesson.

    Leading:Teams are given 15 names of birds included in the Red Book with missing vowels.

    You must restore the names of the birds - insert the missing letters ( Appendix 1).

    (Counselors distribute task cards.)

    First lesson assignment:

    Saker Falcon - b..l..b..n Berkut - b..k..t
    Big spindle - in..r..t..nn..kb..lsh..y Gogol- g..g..l
    Woodpecker- d..t..l Kingfisher- z..m..r..d..k
    Snake-eater - zm .... d Zuek - z .... to
    Kobchik - k..bch..k Krachka - kr..chk ..
    Kulik - k..l..k Partridge - ..
    Owl - n..s..t Pogonysh -
    Sapsan - s..p..s..n Roller - with..z..v..r..nk ..

    Leading: You are given 4 minutes for the task. Hand over the task card to the consultants.

    (After 4 minutes, the consultants collect the cards with the answers, hand them over to the jury. A frame of the presentation with the answers is on the screen.)

    The second lesson is the History Lesson.

    Leading: I will tell you stories, and your task is to guess the bird about which this story is told. The names of the birds should be written on the cards that the consultants give you.

    (Counselors distribute answer sheets. Facilitator reads stories one at a time, teams write down the name of the bird after each story.)

    1. Perhaps, there are not so many legends about a single bird, and so many beliefs are associated with none as with this one. Some nations exalted her, others cursed her. The Chinese considered her a symbol of prosperity, the Polynesians - a nightly evil god, and among the ancient Greeks she personified wisdom. In the middle of the century, the church declared this bird "an unclean animal", a servant of the devil. What is this bird? (Owl.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

    2. Listen to the second legend. It was these birds that flew in and pulled out the nails with which Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross with their beak. For this, God rewarded them with a crossed beak and numbered among the saints. Indeed, dead birds do not decompose for a long time and, preserving the beauty of plumage, they can lie for years without change. (Klest.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

    3. In one of the most widespread legends about this bird, it is said that a woman killed her husband and, as a punishment, was turned by God into a bird that was not destined to have a family of its own. Since then, the bird has been crying bitterly, its tears turn to grass, and a sad voice is heard far around. Compassionate people call her a poor widow, but what is the real name of this bird. (Cuckoo.) Write the name of the bird on the card and give it to the consultant.

    4. And here is another legendary bird. She is nocturnal and has an unusual appearance: large bulging eyes, small legs that are not suitable for walking, and most importantly, a huge mouth. In the evenings, this bird often hovers over herds, diving right at the very udder of goats and cows. In Spain, they call him the deceiver of the shepherds. And what do we call it? (Nightjar.) Write the name of the bird on the card and hand it over to the consultant.

    (The consultants collect the cards with the answers, pass them to the jury. On the screen is a frame of the presentation with the answers of this task.)

    Change is a game with the fans.

    Leading: Now we have a break and we will play with the fans of the teams. I will ask questions to our viewers, for each correct answer the teams will receive a point. Which team is going to the ball is determined by the viewer who gave the correct answer.

    Questions for the game with the fans:

    1. What bird is born immediately with a specialty? (Secretary bird.)
    2. A bird living at the South Pole? (Penguin.)
    3. The hind limbs of the ducks are turned into ... (flippers).
    4. Birds evolved from ... (reptiles).
    5. The largest detachment of birds in terms of the number of species ... (passerines 5000c.).
    6. Grouse belongs to the order ... (chicken).
    7. The forelimbs of birds are transformed into ... (wings).
    8. The only skin gland in birds ... (coccygeal).
    9. Do birds have teeth? (Not.)
    10. The bird is the orderly of the forest. (Woodpecker.)
    11. Which forest bird has eyes shifted to the back of the head. (Woodcock.)
    12. The voice of this bird is like the hiss of a snake. (Wryneck.)
    13. This songbird has females and males singing. (Bullfinch.)
    14. A bird that can feed on stinging insects. (Bee-eater.)
    15. The country is a winter paradise for birds. (Egypt)
    16. Bird science? (Ornithology.)
    17. Another name for the black woodpecker. (Zelna.)
    18. A bird singing at night? (Nightingale.)
    19. A bird without a voice? (Stork.)
    20. This bird is called the feathered cat. (Owl.)

    The third lesson is Physical Education Lesson.

    Leading: You've all heard about penguins. Answer the question. Can a polar bear eat penguins?

    Bird relay. A matchbox is clamped between the knees, and the participant goes the distance.

    Leading: One participant from each team is invited to the relay.

    (Four people line up on one side in a line, they are given one box, squeeze between their knees, reach the finish line.)

    The fourth lesson is the Drawing Lesson.

    Each team needs one member who goes out and draws a bird according to the description. The consultant gives the participant a text describing the bird. Participants in this competition draw, while the teams are currently completing the task of the fifth lesson.

    Leading: While one member from the team completes the drawing task, we go to the fifth lesson.

    The fifth lesson is Geography.

    Leading:You see images of six birds. By the description, you need to determine which bird is in question.

    (Descriptions are given to the teams by the consultant. The moderator reads the description once for the audience.)

    1. A migratory bird in our area, which flies to northern France and Germany for wintering? (Rook.)
    2. The largest bird in South America? (Emu.)
    3. A migratory bird in our area, which flies to North Africa or Asia for the winter? (Lark.)
    4. Wetland bird? (Snipe.)
    5. Australia's largest bird? (Nanda.)
    6. A bird listed in the Red Book of Chuvashia? (Slavka.)

    Leading: And now it's time to take stock of the drawing competition. Teams - please submit your drawings.

    (The consultants submit the drawings of the teams to the jury.)

    Leading: So, the teams drew: Owl, Parrot, Hoopoe and Penguin. Please look at the pictures of the teams and the birds they drew. (On the screen, a frame of the presentation with images of birds; consultants show the drawings to the audience.)

    Leading: So the last one for today came up lesson - Music lesson.

    The first task: "Guess the voices of the birds." There will be four recordings of bird voices, write them in order on the answer cards (consultants distribute cards, the voices of birds sound in the recording, after each command they write down the name of the birds on the card): gray goose, lark, oriole, songbird.

    And now the second task is the most interesting: please remember and sing along the verse songs that contain the name of a bird. (The teams are given one minute to remember the song, and the teams take turns singing, if they cannot sing, then at least they name the song.)

    Leading: So our competition has come to an end. Now the jury will sum up the results ( Appendix 2) and will reward the winners.

    (The jury calculates the final points and awards the winners.)


    It might be helpful to read: