Bird on the coat of arms of Guyana. The most beautiful national birds of the earth. Magnificent bird frigate, Antigua and Barbuda

Birds, fish, vegetation are indispensable elements of nature. Without these creatures, there would be no life on earth. Let's look at examples of a vivid fantasy of nature - the most beautiful birds of the Earth, which, moreover, are symbols of their countries.

It's about those birds that have become symbols of their countries.

Peacock, India.

Peacocks are an ancient symbol of glory and immortality. This graceful bird is the national symbol of India. In Hinduism, peacocks are associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, kindness and benevolence. It is a great happiness to watch this beautiful bird when it spreads its tail.

Blue Jay, Canada.

A very curious bluebird, with an unusual black collar around its neck. The blue jay is known for being one of the most intelligent birds.

East African crowned crane.

The bird, 3.3 feet tall, with a crown of tough golden feathers, is the national bird of Uganda.

Crimson Sunbird, Singapore.

The Crimson Nectar is a tiny, attractive bird with a yellow rump, crimson chest, and olive belly. This cute little bird is the national bird of Singapore.

Flamingos, Bahamas.

Also known are the Caribbean flamingos and the American flamingos. Birds live in Central America, Southern Mexico and the Caribbean. The Caribbean flamingo is the only flamingo that naturally inhabits North America. West Indian Flamingos are the national bird of the Bahamas.

Hoatzin, Guyana.

The Hoatzin is the national bird of Guyana. This bird has a characteristic specific smell that scares away predators, and when danger approaches, it begins to make all sorts of loud sounds.

Cardinal bird, USA.

This bird is easily recognizable due to its vibrant shades of warm red all over its body.

Magnificent bird frigate, Antigua and Barbuda.

The frigate bird is the national bird of the dual island nation of Antigua and Barbuda. A bird with a wingspan of approximately seven feet. The pouch on the chest is typical for males. They inflate it during mating games.

South America includes 12 independent countries and the overseas territories of France and Great Britain. This is a picturesque continent with a huge number of historical monuments and many birds that are not found on other continents. Most South American countries have an animal or bird that is recognized as a national symbol.

This huge black bird has been chosen as the national symbol in several South American countries, including Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina. The Andean condor plays a special role in the folklore and mythology of the Andean people. Like moose, okapi and giraffe, this bird is of a monotypic genus. Mostly the Andean condor is found in open, non-forest areas located at an altitude of 5000 meters.

The head and neck of this majestic bird is devoid of plumage, which minimizes the risk of infection. These body parts can blush depending on the emotional state of the bird. Males can be distinguished by the presence of a large, dark red ridge and wrinkled skin around the neck. Females are usually slightly smaller than males, but heavier. They have a large wingspan.

You can distinguish the Andean condor from a similar Californian condor by the collar of white feathers around the neck. The Condor takes off with difficulty, but prefers to climb to significant heights and soars in the air. In captivity, these birds can live up to a hundred years.

Puma and jaguar

The cougar is the national animal of Argentina. This graceful predator is found in all major climatic regions. Depending on the region, this animal is called a mountain lion, puma or mountain cat.

The latter definition is associated with the external appearance of the animal, which looks more like a large domestic cat than a real lion. The cougar hunts various hoofed animals, tracking down its prey from an ambush.

In Guyana and Brazil, the jaguar is considered a national symbol of the fauna. This animal plays a huge role in the ecosystem of its range, so its extermination can lead to a dramatic change in the environment.

The jaguar also belongs to the umbrella species, therefore, its protection also implies the protection of a number of other inhabitants. More than 80 species of animals can fall prey to this predator.

Vicuña and alpaca

This animal is a national symbol. The fine coat of the vicuna is very valuable, considering that the hair can be trimmed every 2-3 years. These animals live in the Andes at an altitude of 3200 to 4800 meters.

Since the vicuña lives in the thin air of the mountainous Andes, it has a heart that is 50% larger than that of animals of the same weight. Another unique feature of this alpine animal is the constantly growing incisors.

The alpaca is recognized as the national symbol of Bolivia. Like vicuña, it is bred to produce woolen yarn, from which warm clothes are knitted or woven. These animals have long been domesticated, and now it is difficult to meet wild alpacas.

Although the alpaca is similar to a llama, it is still small to be used as a beast of burden. Therefore, they are grown exclusively for meat and wool, which is very valuable, therefore it often becomes the main prey of smugglers.

Pampas fox and South Andes deer

The pampas fox is the national symbol of Paraguay. This fox lives in open areas, on grassy plains. Her fur is predominantly gray with a reddish tint on the head and neck, and a black stripe runs along the ridge. The tail of this fox is long, with thick hair and black tips. Black markings are also found on the hind legs.

Chile's national symbol is the South Andean deer, one of two endangered species of deer found in the Andes. In the summer, these animals live at high altitudes, and in the winter they descend into the protected forest valleys. These deer are of medium size, have a hunched, thick body and short legs. Thick wool provides these animals with reliable protection from cold and moisture. This species of deer is listed in the Red Book. Their only enemy is the cougar.

Red-bellied thrush and hoatzin

One of the national birds of Brazil is the red-bellied thrush. There are 12 subspecies of this bird, which differ from each other in color. In winter, the red-bellied thrush migrates north to the tropics, and with the onset of warm weather in the temperate zone of southern Brazil, it returns to its homeland. This bird can be found both in cities and in rural areas. The main food of the red-bellied thrush is coconuts, oranges, papayas and insects. The life span of this bird is 25-30 years.

Goatzin is the national bird of Guyana. The Europeans gave it the name "stinky bird" because of the specific smell of meat. Goatzin has a bizarre appearance, a pointed crest, bright plumage and the most unpleasant odor that occurs due to the specificity of food digestion in the goiter.

This bird is found in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, where it is recognized as a national symbol. The golkorny bell ringer is widespread mainly in subtropical or tropical lowland, as well as in humid tropical mountain forests.

The male has a snow-white body with a bright turquoise mark on the throat. Females and chicks also have a light or olive green body and a black head. The name "bell ringer" comes from the sharp calls of males, which are issued with the aim of attracting females. The sound produced is like a hammer striking an anvil or a bell.

Andean rock cockerel, red stove maker and corpse

The Andean rocky cockerel is a medium-sized bird that lives in the Andean rocky forests at an altitude of 500 to 2400 meters. She is the national symbol of Peru. Males can be distinguished by their large disc-shaped crest and scarlet or bright orange plumage. Females are dominated by brown color. The tail and wings of these birds are black. Andean rocky cockerels feed mainly on fruits and insects.

The ginger stove is a rusty-colored bird that is the national symbol of Argentina and Uruguay. The name "stove-maker" is associated with the complex structures of the nests that these birds build from clay. The red stove-maker is a large bird with a square tail, reddish-brown plumage and a light throat. They feed mainly in the forest, but are often found near people's homes.

The common colored corpse is the national symbol of Venezuela. In total, there are more than 25 types of corpses. These are rather large birds with a long tail. A characteristic feature of the appearance is the sharp contrast between the dark head and neck and the body in a bright lemon or orange color, with a small white stripe along the wings.

Nature once created and continues to create amazing creatures to this day. Their purpose is to inhabit, increase and preserve our wonderful Earth. The birds are undoubtedly the Earth Guardians.

They decorate our world with their beauty and fill it with amazing sounds.

Some of the birds so conquered the peoples living with them in the same territory that people made the birds their national treasure and awarded them the title of "symbol of the country."

It is about these amazing "celestials" that will be discussed.

India - Peacock

Peacock is a bird of India.

The bird, personifying immortality and greatness of glory, has become the national symbol of the state of India. The official religion, Hinduism, associates the bird with the goddess Lakshmi, who was responsible for benevolence and good intentions. In addition to the mythical qualities of a peacock, you can endlessly admire the beauty of its tail.

Canada - Blue Jay

The blue jay is the national bird of Canada.

The bird, which not only officially began to be called the symbol of the country, but also the image of which now adorns the national currency. This bird has an amazingly beautiful blue-blue plumage, and around its neck it has a black collar. The blue jay is considered one of the smartest birds on Earth.

Singapore - Nectarium

The nectar is a bird of Singapore.

The yellow-tailed sunbird is the national bird of Singapore. It is also called the dark red sunflower. The nectar is an unusual little bird with bright plumage. The bird is called a nectary because its main food is the nectar of flowers.

Uganda - Crowned Crane

The crowned crane is a bird of the state of Uganda.

The graceful and long-legged bird called the crowned crane has won the hearts of Ugandans. Its stately posture and a crown of fine feathers on its head give this bird a truly regal appearance. As if nature itself created it to make it a national bird.

Guyana - Goatzin

Goatzin is the national bird of Guyana.

The South American state of Guyana has recognized its national bird. This bird looks like a colorful tropical chicken, capable of emitting very unpleasant odors to scare off enemies.

Bahamas - Flamingos

Flamingos are the symbol of the Bahamas.

The Bahamas have chosen one of the most beautiful birds on Earth as their national bird. The amazing pink tones in the plumage of this bird are given by carotene, which is abundant in food. Flamingos are beautiful and graceful birds, they really deserve to become the national symbol of the country.

Antigua and Barbuda - Magnificent frigate

A magnificent frigate - the bird of Antigua and Barbuda.

The islands of Antigua and Barbuda have chosen a magnificent frigate as their bird. This bird is distinguished by contrasting black and red plumage and a pouch on the chest in males, which swells like a ball during the mating season. A feature of the frigate bird is the inability to walk on the ground due to its short legs.

And here are some more national birds from different countries.

The deep-throated bell ringer is the national bird of Paraguay.
The green pheasant is a bird of Japan.
The royal amazon is the national bird of the state of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Siamese lofura is a symbol of Thailand.

Photos taken from the Internet.

Birds - symbols of different countries

Birds, fish, vegetation are irreplaceable elements of nature. Without these creatures, there would be no life on earth. Let's look at examples of a vivid fantasy of nature - the most beautiful birds of the Earth, which, moreover, are symbols of their countries.

Peacock, India.

Peacocks are an ancient symbol of glory and immortality. This graceful bird is the national symbol of India. In Hinduism, peacocks are associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, kindness and benevolence. It is great happiness to watch this beautiful bird when it spreads its tail.

Blue Jay, Canada.

A very curious bluebird, with an unusual black collar around its neck. The blue jay is known for being one of the most intelligent birds.

East African crowned crane.

The bird, 3.3 feet tall, with a crown of tough golden feathers, is the national bird of Uganda.

Crimson Sunbird, Singapore.

The Crimson Nectarium is a tiny, attractive bird with a yellow rump, crimson chest, and olive belly. This cute little bird is the national bird of Singapore.

Flamingos, Bahamas.

Also known are the Caribbean flamingos and the American flamingos. Birds live in Central America, Southern Mexico and the Caribbean. The Caribbean flamingo is the only flamingo that naturally inhabits North America. Flamingos are the national bird of the Bahamas.

Hoatzin, Guyana.

The Hoatzin is the national bird of Guyana. This bird has a characteristic specific smell that scares away predators, and when danger approaches, it begins to make all sorts of loud sounds.

Cardinal bird, USA.

This bird is easily recognizable due to its vibrant shades of warm red all over its body.

Magnificent bird frigate, Antigua and Barbuda.

The frigate bird is the national bird of the dual island nation of Antigua and Barbuda. A bird with a wingspan of approximately seven feet. The pouch on the chest is typical for males. They inflate it during mating games.

Hoatzin is a primitive bird and bears close resemblance to some of the early fossil birds. Guyana's national bird is believed to be descended from dinosaurs. This bird combines the properties of reptiles, modern birds and Archeopteryx. It looks like some kind of transitional form from lizards to birds, frozen at the moment of its development.

Its scientific name Opisthocomus hoatzin means "pheasant with a ridge along its back."

This is an amazing relict bird. Goatzin has little body fat, fat legs, a long, wide tail, a long, scruffy neck and a small head topped with a ridge of thorny feathers.

The characteristic features of Goatzin are also chestnut feathers, during the mating season the males have a bright blue "face" and red eyes, as well as a strong musky smell - its natural defense against predators.

Goatzin meat also has

The hoatzin is definitely a very special bird. It flies very little, only in summer and over short distances. It feeds on leaves.

Goatzin's chicks can swim. This is a very useful skill, as the Hoatzins love to build their nests in trees overhanging rivers. However, birds lose their swimming skill in adulthood.

In addition, chicks have claws on their wings, with the help of which they climb trees. Small hoatsins, crawling on a tree on all four limbs, look very funny. These claws also disappear in adulthood.

But at the same time, in adulthood, the bird begins to sing. True, those who have heard Goatzin singing consider it more like croaking.

Goatsin in Guyana live on the banks of the Berbice River and its tributaries.


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