Alternative fuels for ships. Environmental aspects of the use of alternative fuels on ships of the sea and river fleet. Impact on the environment

Due to the presence of several power plants on a large ship, for example, the main engine, a diesel generator for generating electricity, a boiler for producing hot water and steam, marine fuel can be presented in several types at once.

Moreover, the main engine of a sea vessel is often powered by not one, but two or more types of fuel alternately. This is due to the fact that there are zones of special control of sulfur emissions in the ocean - the North and Baltic Seas, the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the USA and Canada.

When approaching them, the engines are switched to diesel fuel with a low sulfur content. The same technique is used before performing maneuvers in which you have to frequently change engine modes. After leaving the port, diesel fuel is replaced with fuel oil, on which the ship passes the main part of the route.

Fuels for shipping

The main types of fuel for ships today are:

  • diesel fuel;
  • high-viscosity marine fuels;
  • other types (KST - a component of marine fuel from gas condensate, oil gas turbine TG and TGVK, LNG - liquefied natural gas, etc.)

Diesel and low-viscosity fuels are classified as light oil products. They differ from each other in cost (SMT is much cheaper), as well as in technical characteristics.

CMT contains more sulfur (from 0.5 to 1.5% versus 0.01%), has a lower cetane number (40 versus 45). The main benefit when replacing diesel fuel with low-viscosity fuel is the low cost of the latter, and also the fact that, in the absence of sulfur, special expensive additives must be introduced into diesel fuel to maintain lubricating properties.

High-viscosity types of marine diesel fuel belong to dark grades of petroleum products. They are cheaper than light ones, therefore they are widely used for shipping. They are subdivided into light, heavy and super heavy. These types include naval fuel oils F-5 and F-12, heating oils M-40 and M-100, marine fuel IFO-30, IFO-180, IFO-380. They are produced by mixing residual oil products with diesel fractions. Dark grades are used in low-speed and medium-speed engines.

On storage and preparation of marine fuel

For storage of fuel on board, fuel bunkers are used, located next to the engine room. A large ship can consume up to 40 tons of fuel per day, but excess fuel, with the exception of an emergency supply in case of storms, is not taken on the voyage, since it creates ballast and reduces the vessel's payload. The dead fuel supply on the ship is also referred to ballast - the remains in the bunkers below the intake pipes.

Before use, fuel oils are often subjected to special preparation operations. They consist of:

  1. In heating the fuel mass of cold fuel oil, which has lost its fluidity, by adding hot fuel oil to the tank. Heating is carried out in tanks equipped with special heating systems.
  2. Cleaning by sedimentation or separation in special ship installations; these processes separate dirt, solids and water. The cleaned fuel will wear out the engines less, which is why the cleaning units pay off with interest.

Today, there are many grades of diesel and other types of fuel for the ship. To avoid mistakes in purchases, try to purchase fuel and lubricants only from trusted suppliers.

UDC 629.735;



The article was presented by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zubkov B.V.

The article analyzes the experience of using alternative fuels on aircraft, types and features of fuels. The requirements for LNG and power supply are described.

Key words: alternative fuel, types of alternative fuels, liquefied natural gas (LNG), flight safety (BP).


The constantly growing demand for air transportation in recent years of economic development, as well as equipment and technology, has caused a great need for fuel resources. As a result, engineers of many leading aircraft manufacturing companies in different countries, including Russia, began to develop to provide aviation with a new type of fuel. A huge number of alternatives to kerosene are being considered: biofuels, synthetic oil, liquefied natural gas (LNG), hydrogen. All the experience accumulated since the first flight in the world on an alternative fuel (Tu-155 aircraft in 1988) shows the effectiveness, efficiency and environmental friendliness of developments in this direction.

The Russian aviation is considering the possibility of using LNG, in particular, due to the reserves of natural gas, as well as the accompanying oil production gases that are burned in field flares during oil production. At this stage of development of civil aviation, projects of helicopters and airplanes, which use liquefied associated gases obtained during oil production (propane and butane), are the closest to implementation.

Re-equipment of aircraft requires minimal costs - only alteration of fuel tanks and fuel supply systems to engines. It is also required to provide airports with cryogenic filling stations, fuel storage and infrastructure for LNG delivery to storage facilities. At this stage, not only the participation of the aviation industry is required, but also the participation of gas production companies to create the appropriate infrastructure.

Application experience

The search for an alternative to jet fuel began in the middle of the 20th century. The history of work in the OKB A.N. Tupolev on alternative fuels leaves in the 60s. - even then, the possibility of transferring the power plants designed at the A.N. Tupolev aircraft for liquid hydrogen.

In the mid 70s. The USSR Academy of Sciences, together with a number of research institutes and design bureaus, developed a program of research and development work on the widespread introduction of alternative fuels into the national economy. So on April 15, 1988, the Tu-155 first flew into the sky with an experimental cryogenic fuel NK-88 engine, which performed almost 100 flights on LNG and hydrogen. In October 1989, this aircraft made a demonstration flight on the Moscow-Bratislava-Nice (France) route to the 9th International Natural Gas Congress. In July 1991, the aircraft flew Moscow-Berlin to participate in the International Natural Gas Congress.

During the development of this aircraft, an experimental base was created for testing cryo-

gene equipment and formed the world's only team of highly qualified specialists in the field of cryogenic aviation. As a result of this work, the ways of creating airplane and airfield cryogenic systems and equipment were identified. However, the A.N. Tupolev Design Bureau continued work in this direction, at the level of technical proposals, projects of modified cryogenic aircraft Tu-204 (Tu-204K), Tu-334 (Tu-334K), Tu-330 (Tu-330SPG) were developed, new regional aircraft Tu-136. In addition, these aircraft will be able to simultaneously use alternative fuels and aviation kerosene, making them more versatile and reliable. The most thoroughly worked out modifications of the Tu-204 (Tu-204K) aircraft and the design of the new regional Tu-136 aircraft, taking into account the peculiarities of cryogenic fuel (Fig. 1).

Fuel efficiency of Tu-334K and Tu-330SPG aircraft will practically not differ from the basic Tu-334 and Tu-330. All these aircraft can be converted to use LNG within 3-4 years. Particular attention should be paid to the project of the Tu-136 regional cargo-and-passenger regional cryogenic aircraft with two TV7-117SF turboprop engines, capable of using LNG, liquid hydrogen and propane-butane fuel with minor modifications.

Types and features of alternative fuels

The most common alternative fuel is liquefied natural gas (LNG). Gas belongs to the category of cryogenic fuels. Thermophysical and thermotechnical characteristics show a number of advantages of aviation condensed fuels (ASKT) over the traditional TS-1 jet fuel. There are also synthetic fuels derived from coal, gas, biomass and vegetable oil. But the synthesis of such substances requires additional costs for the processing of coal, biomass and vegetable oils, which is more expensive than kerosene, and it is accompanied by the same resource and environmental problems. Therefore, it can hardly be regarded as promising. Alcohols (ethyl and methyl) and ammonia can also replace kerosene, but they are almost two times inferior to it in

combustion heat, therefore, their specific consumption will be higher. In addition, the exhaust from these fuels contains harmful nitrogen and carbon oxides.

Cryogenic fuel - liquid hydrogen H2 and light hydrocarbons from methane CH4 to pentane C5H12 - can be considered as an alternative to kerosene for aviation.

The advantages of hydrogen as an aviation fuel include the following:

First, the highest calorific value per unit mass, which gives the specific fuel consumption about three times less than that of kerosene. This can significantly improve aircraft performance;

Secondly, the greatest cooling resource per unit mass (12-15 times more than that of kerosene), which can be effectively used to cool hot engine and aircraft parts;

Thirdly, an increased autoignition temperature and lower emissivity, which will have a positive effect on the operation of the combustion chamber.

However, hydrogen fuels have disadvantages that require solving complex technical problems. Liquid hydrogen is seriously inferior to standard aviation kerosene in terms of volumetric calorific value due to its low (almost 11 times less than that of kerosene) density, which significantly worsens the overall and weight characteristics of aircraft when switching from jet fuel to hydrogen.

The advantages of light hydrocarbons also belong to the category of advantages of hydrogen, but differ in their availability and low cost of production (Table 1).

Table 1

Thermophysical and thermal technical characteristics of hydrogen, hydrocarbon components of ASKT and aviation fuel TS-1

Index H (hydrogen) CH4 (methane) C2H6 (ethane) C3H8 (propane) C4H10 (butane) C5H12 (pentane) TS-1

M 2.016 16.04 3007 44.10 5812 7215 140

t pl., C -259.21 -182.49 -183.27 -187.69 -138.33 -129.72 -60

C -252.78 -161.73 -88.63 -42.07 -0.50 36.07 180

t f.s., C 6.43 20.76 94.64 145.62 137.83 165.79 290

pl. kg / m 77.15 453.4 650.7 733.1 736.4 762.2 835

bale, kg / m 71.05 422.4 546.4 582.0 601.5 610.5 665

Qн, kJ / kg 114480 50060 47520 46390 45740 45390 43290, kJ / dm 8832 22700 30920 34010 33680 34550 36150

Qv, kip, kJ / dm 8136 21150 25970 27000 27530 27710 28900

Nisp, kJ / kg 455.1 511.2 485.7 424.0 385.5 3575 287

i, C 510 542 518 470 405 284 -

^ n, cm / s 267 33.8 40.1 39.0 37.9 38.5 39

SN,% (vol) 4.1 5.3 3.0 2.2 1.9 - 1.2

Sv,% (vol) 75.0 15.0 12.5 9.5 8.5 - 7.1

Ro, J / (kg C) 4157.2 518.8 276.7 188.6 143.2 115.5 59.4

Lo, kgair / kgfuel 34.5 17.19 16.05 15.65 15.42 15.29 -

LNG - (methane) its density (even at boiling point) is 1.7 times higher than that of kerosene, which leads to the need to increase the volume of fuel tanks by more than 1.5 times (with equal energy intensity). In addition, methane has a very low range in the liquid phase (-20 C), a low critical temperature (-82.6 C). This necessitates

creation of new cold-resistant structures for sealing materials for tanks, fittings and communications of fuel lines, as well as high-quality low-temperature thermal insulation, which prevents rapid boiling of methane and icing of the structure.

Unlike kerosene, methane will have to be supplied to the combustion chamber of the engine in a gaseous form to eliminate the two-phase state, which completely excludes the use of standard fuel units, communications, manifolds and injectors. This significantly complicates the design of the engine, and in some cases makes it impossible to modify it to supply two types of fuel.

Due to the same properties of liquid methane, very cumbersome and expensive ground-based means for its transportation, storage, refueling, etc., which are close in their parameters to hydrogen, will be required. Additional equipment of the cryogenic-fuel base of the airport should include special storage facilities equipped with thermal protection, means of maintaining the cryogenic state of fuel and devices preventing its loss, as well as a network of receiving-dispensing devices, a fleet of special vehicles with heat-insulated containers, etc.

At the same time, methane surpasses kerosene in terms of mass heat of combustion by 14%, which will ensure the flight range and payload. Liquefied methane has a cooling capacity 5 times higher than that of kerosene, which makes it possible to use the cooling resource to cool engine parts and components. The experience of operating gas turbine engines used as blowers at compressor stations of gas pipelines and running on natural gas has shown that the service life of such engines increases by 25%.

Flight safety when using LNG

The main types of hazards created by specific properties, liquefaction of hydrocarbon gases, including LNG, as well as the conditions of their production, storage, transportation and refueling include: flammability (fire hazard), explosion hazard, chemical activity, exposure to low temperatures, toxicity. Safety rules for the production, storage and delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines (GDS MG) and automobile gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations) contain organizational, technical and technological requirements for organizing production safety, the implementation of which is mandatory for all enterprises producing and transporting LNG during the design and operation of complexes for the production, storage and delivery of LNG.

To ensure the safe operation of such fuels, it is necessary to have qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing and comparing each type of hazard. Qualitative and quantitative assessment, i.e. determination of the type and degree of hazard, allows for a comparative analysis of condensed fuel according to hazard criteria, and in the future, formalize the problem of choosing technical means and methods for the safe operation of fuel systems using LNG, as well as its storage and transportation.

Requirements for candidates for obtaining a Certificate of Technical Preparedness for aircraft maintenance are imposed on those characteristics that directly affect flight safety and the performance of production tasks in a timely manner.

These include:

A - age;

B - psychophysical ability to perform the work ahead;

B - basic training (university, college, technical school, vocational school, etc.);

D - special training for working on a given type of aircraft or AT, knowledge of specific aviation technology, the purpose and content of its maintenance, technology for performing and quality control of work on it, equipment used;

D - the ability to perform work stipulated by the functions, the right to carry out which is the requested Certificate;

E - general experience in aviation technology.

As the analysis of the requirements for the safe operation of the Tu-154 aircraft during refueling and storage of fuel (LNG) has shown, the IAS engineering and technical personnel should know the features of using this type of fuel.


1. Alternative types of aviation fuels / Proceedings of the meeting on international aviation and climate change. ICAO Document HLM-ENV / 09-WP / 9.- Montreal, 10.08.09.

2. Cryogenic technology.

3. Safety rules for the production, storage and delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines (GDS MG) and automobile gas filling compressor stations (CNG filling stations) PB 08-342-00.


In article the technique of carrying out of expert estimations of activity of aviation enterprise of the civil aircraft directed on increase of level of safety of flights is presented.

Key words: increase of level of safety of flights, questioning, aviation enterprises, expert estimations.

Sargsyan David R., born in 1982, graduated from Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (2010), postgraduate student at Moscow State Technical University, author of 2 scientific papers, research interests - flight safety, alternative fuel, aircraft repair and modernization.


Sergeev Vyacheslav Sergeevich

5th year student, Faculty of Ship Engineering, Omsk Institute of Water Transport (branch) FBOU HPE "Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport", Omsk

E-mail: banan [email protected] bk . ru

Dergacheva Irina Nikolaevna

scientific advisor, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Head. Department of ENiOPD Omsk Institute of Water Transport (branch) FBOU HPE "Novosibirsk State Academy of Water Transport", Omsk

At present, Russia annually consumes about 100 million tons of motor fuels produced from oil. At the same time, road and sea transport are one of the main consumers of petroleum products and will remain the main consumers of motor fuels for the period until 2040-2050. In the near future, an increase in the consumption of petroleum products is expected with approximately constant production volumes and a growing shortage of motor fuels.

These factors led to actual today, the reconstruction of the fuel and energy complex through deeper oil refining, the use of energy-saving technologies, the transition to less expensive and environmentally friendly fuels. Therefore, one of the main ways to improve internal combustion engines, which remain the main consumers of petroleum fuels, is their adaptation to work on alternative fuels.

The purpose of this articleis the consideration of the environmental aspects of the use of alternative fuels on ships of the sea and river fleet.

The use of various alternative fuels in transport provides a solution to the problem of replacing petroleum fuels, significantly expanding the raw material base for obtaining motor fuels, and facilitating the solution of issues of supplying fuel to vehicles and stationary installations.

The possibility of obtaining alternative fuels with the required physical and chemical properties will make it possible to purposefully improve the working processes of diesel engines and thereby improve their environmental and economic performance.

Alternative fuels are obtained mainly from raw materials of non-petroleum origin, are used to reduce oil consumption using (after reconstruction) energy-consuming devices operating on petroleum fuel.

Based on the analysis of the literature, we have identified the following criteria for the applicability of alternative energy sources on ships of the sea and river fleet:

· Low construction costs and operating costs;

· life time;

· Weight and size characteristics within the vessel size;

· Availability of energy source.

In the course of our research, the main requirements for alternative fuels for use on ships were determined, namely:

· Economic attractiveness and large available stocks of raw materials for its production;

· Low capital costs for the installation of additional equipment on the ship;

· Presence on the market, availability in ports, availability of the necessary infrastructure or insignificant costs for its creation;

· Safety, as well as the availability of normative documents regulating the safe use on the ship.

In accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, there is a systematic tightening of requirements for the content of oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon, as well as particulate matter in emissions from ships. These substances cause enormous harm to the environment and are alien to any part of the biosphere.

The most stringent requirements are for Emission Control Areas (ECA). Namely:

Baltic and North Seas

Coastal waters of the USA and Canada

Caribbean Sea

· Mediterranean Sea

Coast of Japan

Strait of Malacca, etc.

Thus, the change in the norms for emissions of sulfur oxide from ships in 2012 is 0% and 3.5% in special areas and worldwide, respectively. And by 2020, the norms for emissions of sulfur oxide from ships in these areas will likewise amount to 0%, and throughout the world they will already be reduced to 0.5%. Hence, the need to solve the problem of reducing chemical emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by ship power plants.

In our opinion, main types of alternative fuels are: liquefied and compressed flammable gases; alcohols; biofuels; water-fuel emulsion; hydrogen.

In turn, the following types are of particular interest within the framework of our article:

· Biodiesel is a fossil fuel produced from oil crops.

The price of branded biodiesel is about twice the price of conventional diesel fuel. Studies carried out in 2001/2002 in the USA showed that when the fuel contains 20% biodiesel, the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gas increases by 11% and only the use of pure biodiesel reduces emissions by 50%;

· Alcohols are organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl compounds directly bonded to a carbon atom. Alcohols are prohibited as low flash point fuels;

· Hydrogen is the only type of fuel, the combustion product of which is not carbon dioxide;

It is used in internal combustion engines in pure form or as an additive to liquid fuels. The danger of its storage on a ship and expensive equipment for such use make this type of fuel completely not promising for ships;

· A water-fuel emulsion is produced on a ship in a special installation - this saves fuel, reduces nitrogen oxide emissions (up to 30% depending on the water content in the emulsion), but does not significantly affect sulfur oxide emissions;

· Liquefied and compressed combustible gases allow to completely eliminate the emissions of sulfur and particulate matter into the atmosphere, drastically reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides by 80%, significantly reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 30%.

Thus, we can assert that the only new type of fuel, the use of which significantly affects the environmental performance of marine engines, is natural gas.

To confirm this fact, let us consider the data on the amount of emissions from the combustion of diesel fuel used on ships and compressed or liquefied gas, as an alternative fuel, presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Emissions from fuel combustion

It can be seen from the table that in the end it can really be argued that compressed or liquefied gassurpasses in environmental safety, currently used energy sources on ships. In other words, what is the most promising today for use in sea and river transport.

Finallyit should be noted that at present there is a need for the use of alternative types of fuels on ships of the sea and river fleet, which is theoretically implemented in this article.

The emphasis is on environmentally valuable performance alternative fuels for river and sea transport, namely: environmental reliability and low presence of harmful chemicals.

List of references:

  1. Erofeev V.L. The use of promising fuels in ship power plants: textbook. allowance. L .: Shipbuilding, 1989. -80 s.
  2. Sokirkin V.A., Shitarev V.S. International maritime law: textbook. allowance. M .: International relations, 2009. - 384 p.
  3. Shurpyak VK Application of alternative types of energy and alternative fuels on sea vessels [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (date of treatment 11/15/2012)

© Tishinskaya Yu.V., 2014

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the vessel needs a large amount of fuel for its operation, which has a detrimental effect on the environment, since huge cargo ships annually emit millions of cubic meters of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, causing enormous damage to the atmosphere and bringing glaciers at the poles melting closer. Also, due to unstable prices for petroleum products and limited reserves of these minerals, engineers are constantly looking for alternative fuels and energy sources.

Global shipping is a major source of environmental pollution, as global trade requires a huge amount of oil and other combustible materials for ships, but as more and more attention is paid to reducing CO2 emissions, it becomes clear that the time has come to make changes to the power plants or find a replacement for them.

At present, within only one country, the consumption of motor fuels produced from oil can reach hundreds of millions of tons. At the same time, road and sea transport are one of the main consumers of petroleum products and will remain the main consumers of motor fuels for the period until 2040-2050.

Also, a significant impetus to the development of this issue is the fact that, in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, there is a systematic tightening of requirements for the content of oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon, as well as particulate matter in emissions from ships. These substances cause enormous harm to the environment and are alien to any part of the biosphere.

The most stringent requirements are for Emission Control Areas (ECA). Namely:

Baltic and North Seas

Coastal waters of the USA and Canada

Caribbean Sea

· Mediterranean Sea

Coast of Japan

Strait of Malacca, etc.

Thus, the change in the norms for emissions of sulfur oxide from ships in 2012 is 0% and 3.5% in special areas and worldwide, respectively. And by 2020, the norms for emissions of sulfur oxide from ships in these areas will likewise amount to 0%, and throughout the world they will already be reduced to 0.5%. Hence, the need to solve the problem of reducing chemical emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by ship power plants and the search for new, more "friendly" types of fuel or energy for the use of the latter on ships.

To address these issues, it is proposed to introduce innovations in two different directions:

1) The use of new, more environmentally friendly and economical types of fuel in the operation of ships;

2) Refusal from the fuel we are used to in favor of using the energy of the sun, water, wind.

Let's consider the first way. The main types of alternative fuels are as follows:

Biodiesel is a fossil fuel produced from oil crops.

The price of branded biodiesel is about twice the price of conventional diesel fuel. Studies carried out in 2001/2002 in the USA showed that when the fuel contains 20% biodiesel, the content of harmful substances in the exhaust gas increases by 11% and only the use of pure biodiesel reduces emissions by 50%;

Alcohols are organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl compounds directly bonded to a carbon atom. Alcohols are prohibited as low flash point fuels;

Hydrogen is the only fuel whose combustion product is not carbon dioxide;

It is used in internal combustion engines in pure form or as an additive to liquid fuels. The danger of its storage on a ship and expensive equipment for such use make this type of fuel completely not promising for ships;

A water-fuel emulsion is produced on a ship in a special installation - this saves fuel, reduces nitrogen oxide emissions (up to 30% depending on the water content in the emulsion), but does not significantly affect sulfur oxide emissions;

Liquefied and compressed combustible gases make it possible to completely eliminate the emissions of sulfur and particulate matter into the atmosphere, drastically reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 80%, and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30%.

Thus, it can be argued that the only new type of fuel, the use of which significantly affects the environmental performance of marine engines, is natural gas.

Let's move on to considering the second way. Wind and sun are the most abundant energy sources on earth. Many organizations offer all kinds of projects to implement them into everyday life.

In international practice, there are already several completed and not yet implemented projects of vessels using wind and solar energy for their navigation.

In an effort to reduce the fuel consumption of large merchant marine vessels in the world's oceans, a group from the University of Tokyo developed the "Wild Challenger" project.

By using giant retractable sails, 50 meters high and 20 meters wide, annual fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 30 percent. For maximum thrust, the sails are individually steered and each sail is telescopic with five tiers, allowing them to be folded when the weather becomes unfavorable. The sails are hollow and curved made of aluminum or reinforced plastic, which makes them look more like wings. Computer simulations as well as wind tunnel tests have shown that the concept can work even in a crosswind. Thus, the Wind Challenger project can really become the development of the next generation of economical vessels.

Eco Marine Power has developed a project “ Aquarius", Which means" Aquarius "in translation. A feature of this project is the use of solar panels as a sail.

Such sails even received their own name "hard sail". They will become part of a major project that will allow ships to use alternative energy sources without any problems while at sea, in the roadstead and in the port. Each panel sail will automatically change position using computer control, which is being developed by a Japanese company " KEI System Pty Ltd". The panels can also be removed in adverse weather conditions.

The latest advancement in solar technology means that it is now possible to use a combination of solar panels and sails, and this fact puts this project at the forefront of the development of modern shipbuilding.

System " Aquarius»Designed in such a way that it does not require much attention from the ship's crew and is relatively easy to install. The materials from which the rigid sail and other system components are made are recycled.

System " Aquarius»Will become an attractive investment for shipping companies and ship operators due to the quick payback of the project.

It can be concluded that both of these paths are designed to solve the same problems. The implementation of these projects has a significant impact on global shipping, contributing to a significant reduction in environmental pollution and reducing fuel and maintenance costs. What to choose is everyone's business. An easier way for implementation is the use of economical fuel, since this technology does not require a complete replacement of the fleet, but can be used on existing ships, but still a certain level of fuel costs and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere remains. The choice in favor of the construction of ships that use alternative energy sources in their operation, on the one hand, requires a complete replacement of the fleet, but on the other hand, eliminates fuel costs and significantly reduces various types of environmental pollution.


1. Sokirkin V.A. International maritime law: textbook / Sokirkin V.A.,

Shitarev V.S. - M: International relations, 2009. - 384 p.

2. Shurpyak V.K. The use of alternative energy and alternative

fuels on sea vessels [Electronic resource]. - Document access mode:

3. Ships of the future [electronic resource]. - Document access mode:

4. Economical ships are possible [electronic resource]. - Access mode to

document: http: //

5. Alternative system "Aquarius" could change sea transportation

[electronic resource]. - Document access mode:

100 years after phasing out sailboats altogether, in an effort to reduce fuel costs, shipbuilders are returning to wind power again.
Here are several transport ship designs that use alternative sources to deliver cargo.

Eco Marine Power - solar panels work like sails

The Japanese company Eco Marine Power (EMP) decided to create both a sailing and a high-tech vessel at the same time, replacing traditional sails with.

EMP is an innovative company that applies new technologies to the design and construction of marine vessels. The company's engineers and researchers have set themselves the goal of developing more environmentally friendly engines for marine and river transport, in order to reduce both traditional energy sources and reduce the harm caused by their use to the environment.

Instead of traditional sails, they used controlled solar panels. Firstly, their large area and the presence of a controlled swivel mechanism will allow the panels to be used like ordinary sails. And secondly, the electric energy accumulated during the sailing period will be consumed to power the engines when the vessel maneuvers in the port.

The pivoting system of each solar panel allows it to be positioned perfectly in the wind, or removed completely in bad weather. In the folded horizontal position, the solar panels will still turn out to be active surfaces turned towards the sunlight and will additionally charge the on-board batteries.

EMP officials argue that the rigidity and reliability of the design of their high-tech sails will be able to withstand even a very severe storm at sea, and therefore the vessel will remain afloat and move on an approved course even when conventional sailing vessels cannot. In addition, new sails require minimal maintenance.
EMP engineers have calculated that equipping a conventional ship with such peculiar sails will reduce fuel consumption by 20%, and if the ship is also equipped with additional electric motors, the consumption will be reduced by almost half - by about 40%.


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