The history of the creation of scarlet sails of the green presentation. Presentation on the theme "" Scarlet Sails "A. Green". Features of the plot and composition

Sections: Literature


1) create conditions for the formation of adolescents' interest in reading Green's works, for awakening the “gift of imagination”, for raising questions about the meaning of life and the role of dreams in the formation of a person and a writer;

  • teach text analysis, text interpretation;
  • help identify the feeling that arises after reading; show the personal perception of the text;

2) develop the creative abilities of students; to use theoretical and literary concepts, to form the ability to think, to draw conclusions independently;

3) educate moral aspects: love for one's neighbor, goodness and beauty, purposefulness, will, courage, fortitude, nobility, mutual understanding, faith in a dream, love.

  1. Greenologists;
  2. Assol;
  3. Gray;


Story - extravaganza “Scarlet sails” by A. Green, dictionary by SI Ozhegov “Dictionary of the Russian language” (explanatory), review of the extravaganza (ind.z.), review of the read works of Green (ind.z), epigraphs to the extravaganza , dust cover for extravaganza, background music, dictionary (on the board), crossword “Love Story” (ind.z), orchestra conducted by Paul Maria, review of the extravaganza (ind.z); critical literature (green scholars, young researchers).


The future to which we are
strive, is born from
invincible humanity
- the ability to dream and love.
(K. Paustovsky)

In man lies
eternal, uplifting
his need to love.
(Anatole France)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson by the teacher.

II. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Teacher's word. In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the biography of A.S. Green. We talked about his life and creative path, about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and its unusual genre - extravaganza. At home you read the text "Scarlet Sails". I would like you to share your impressions of the read pages of the Scarlet Sails extravaganza today.

IV. Conversation by text (with the whole class).

Who and what have you read about? (About Assol and Gray, about the relationship between a boy and a girl).

What surprised you and what did you particularly like about the extravaganza? (I especially liked how beautifully and sublimely the first love of Assol and Gray is described, the purity of their feelings, without pretense. Love is described here as a bright, tender, most beautiful feeling).

That Assol's dream came true, she is happy, she waited for her prince, as the collector of songs and legends, Egle, predicted to her. The happiness of the young heroes made me very excited. The prince sailed on a white ship for his princess and made her happy. Students share their impressions.

V. The retelling is close to the text of the following episodes:

Meetings of young heroes

The episode when Gray puts a ring on her little finger.

Arthur Gray buys fabric for scarlet sails.

Vi. Conversation on the text. Read the words, individual expressions that you like:

- "A beautiful unknown" (says Egl about Assol)

- "Wonderful art canvas" (sailor Letika)

It has two girls, two Assol; one is the daughter of a sailor, a craftsman, the other is a living poem

She has a rich imagination, - says the coal miner Philip, "the basket will bloom"

Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten (when she saw the ring on her hand) (metaphor)

The deck was like a heavenly garden (comparison)

The sea fell asleep, circled on the horizon with a golden thread (metaphor)

Each feature of Assol was expressively light and pure, like the flight of a swallow (comparison) She talked to trees, bugs, this is her singularity.

Did you like Gray?

- (Yes. He is also very romantic, dreamy. He was born with a living soul)

Conclusion He dreamed about something, and she dreamed. Both lived in a world of dreams, fantasies, dreams.

In the world of what dreams does Assol live?

And Gray? They are both romantic in their attitude to life, in their outlook. Different in origin, everyone has their own fantasy world.

Let's introduce them. What are their portraits, thoughts, feelings, actions, dreams?

Vii. Working with students in groups.

First group: Assol

Second group: Gray

Third group: Greenologists (young researchers)

Group I tells about Assol (3 portrait characteristics: through the eyes of Egle (1 ch.); Through the eyes of the father (Ch. 1, p. 152) (4 ch., Page 187, through the eyes of the author).

VIII. Welcome. Oral verbal drawing.

Let's imagine an imaginary portrait of Assol.

How would you draw her?

(Sitting on the seashore and carefully peering into the distance if a white ship with scarlet sails will appear there. Her eyes are very sad and at the same time radiant, sparkling, in them there is hope of a quick meeting with her prince, beloved, with her captain).

Please look at the board. The pictures of the guys are presented to your attention. Assol, in their opinion, is like this. (There are comments on the drawings. Each of the children explains his drawing).

Did you like the drawings? (Yes).

Output. So, Assol is dreamy, romantic, lives in the world of her dreams and fantasies, waits for her beloved when he comes to her on a ship with scarlet sails and takes her to his fairy kingdom.

IX. Exploring the final scene.

What element of the plot can you consider their meeting? (Climax)

And the denouement? (The end of the extravaganza when Zimmer (the musician) sits aft with a cello and thinks about happiness ...).

And where is the tie? (When Gray puts the ring on Assol's finger).

And where is the beginning of Assol's dream? (When she was 8 years old walking through the woods and saw a stream, she decided to let her toy - a yacht with scarlet sails swim. Even then she imagined that it was a white ship with scarlet sails and even talked to the captain where he was from and that he was carrying. And she also held out her hands to the ship, as when meeting with Gray.)

And after Aigle told her the tale of the prince, he strengthened (sowed) this seed of her mighty dream even more.

H. Report about Gray.

And Gray? How do you imagine it? (He very “loved the sea very much, and love does not love pedants.” Under the influence of this sublime feeling, he was very happy “between heaven and earth.” For him it was paradise, and she was waiting for a miracle, and he will give this miracle).

In my opinion, Gray is the central character in the extravaganza, because with him, the romantic writer connects the solution to the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book, which is contained in the words about the "simple truth": "It is about doing so-called miracles with your own hands." In the image of Gray, we see a completely earthly person, and not a fabulous one. The spirituality is well developed in him. Gray has been deprived of his peers since childhood. his mother thought that contact with the children of the castle servants would have a bad effect on him. Thus, Gray lived in his own world, alone in the outskirts of the castle, in a vacant lot among weeds and flowers.

Output. These exotic places developed the boy's imagination, liberated his thoughts. He acted nobly towards Betsy (the servant).

What do you think predetermined his fate? (I think, a meeting with a painting in the library. Probably with one of Ivan Aivazovsky's paintings "The Tempest" or "The Ninth Wave", or "Stormy Sea", etc. The meeting with a painting by an unknown artist predetermined his fate, planted the seed of his mighty dream. He went to the library more than once, read books about the seas and wanderings on the oceans, imagined himself a captain. And his dream came true. He became a good captain, having passed and studied all the basics of navigation and shipbuilding for 5 years). (And, in general, he made two dreams come true:

1. Dream Assol, took her on a ship to his fairy kingdom, to his paradise;

2. Became a captain, and aspired to. I picked up beautiful music. After all, this is the best accompaniment for loving hearts).

What else can you add about Gray?

(For 5 years of sailing on the seas and oceans, Arthur Gray grew up and matured, which was noticeably reflected in his appearance. Nothing remained of the timid, inept cabin boy, except for a “strange flying soul”.

Before us is a seasoned, experienced, well-worn sailor, became broad-boned and strong in muscles, replaced pallor with a dark tan. Changes in Gray's appearance well reflect changes in his character, way of thinking).

What is the difference between Gray and Assol?

(We have already said that both are dreamy, romantic. But Gray is a man of actions, he acts, he actively fights for his happiness, wins her hand. Before us is a strong-willed, courageous man who went through a large labor school, who overcame considerable difficulties in comprehending marine knowledge , who knows the value of word and deed, confident in his decisions and actions).

Output. Meeting with Assol helped him to know life more deeply. The decision to marry Assol comes as a natural movement of the soul, without exaggeration or coincidence.

XI. Reception: oral verbal drawing.

Let's draw an imaginary portrait.

I would paint him dark-haired with short hair, strong build, medium height, broad-shouldered, with an intelligent, attentive, loving look, a strong-willed chin.

And here is the portrait of Gray on the blackboard (pictures)

Please comment on them. (Protecting pictures)

How did you understand that this is a romantic hero?

(He has the spirit of freedom, impulse, he is a man, a knight, he acts actively, achieves his goal, he is very purposeful. Such heroes are characteristic of romantic writers. This is a man - a fighter who knows how to oppose himself to an atmosphere hostile to him).

III group

XII. Messages from greenologists.

And what have the Greenologists, our young researchers, prepared for us? They worked with additional literature and criticism. They have opposite opinions. (Students read their materials, make generalizations.)

Speeches of young researchers - greenologists. They used additional material. Here are the various perspectives of renowned critics to help our young researchers see the main points and make generalizations.

N. Kobzev “... With the appearance of Assol on the pages of the work, the style of the narrative changes noticeably. He seems to acquire lyricism, sincerity, a special kind of warmth. The informativeness of the description is replaced by an increasing picture. The first portrait of Assol is especially poetic (there are six of them in the extravaganza). This is an impressive portrait because conveyed in Egle's markedly emotional perception. The description is full of boundless lyricism and tenderness: “every feature of Assol was expressive, light and pure, like the flight of a swallow,” and her name was “so monotonous, musical, like the whistle of an arrow or the sound of a sea shell”. The concept of "impression" is translated from French as "impression". It is no accident that the impression of contemplating Assol's appearance revealed to Egl the main thing in her spiritual content. “An involuntary expectation of a beautiful, blissful fate ...” opened and pushed to myth-making, set up to create a romantic tale about the sea distance, where one day a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun, about a prince who will see Assol in a dream and come for her to “take her to his kingdom ”,“ to a brilliant country where the sun rises ”. So the seeds of a big dream were thrown on the fertile soil of Assol's soul. The tale turned out to be a prophetic prediction.

At this point, it is necessary to once again pay attention to how in Green's romantic and realistic are closely related and intertwined. For a writer, these phenomena in the atmosphere of human existence are indissoluble, interpenetrating and interdependent. One is a continuation of the other and vice versa. One does not exist without the other. And this is not surprising. So Green persistently and consistently prepares the mind of the reader for the fact that the miraculous is not accidental, but a completely natural phenomenon in real human life.

V. Kharchev draws the attention of us, readers, to Assol's “verbal portrait”, which is devoid of precise realistic details, but its features bear the imprint of “a special spirituality, striving for a miracle, immersion in the world of dreams. “The problem of the relationship between the romantic and the realistic is revealed in the analysis of the meeting between Assol and Gray as a natural fulfillment of a prediction, a living dream, in which“ fate, will and character traits are so closely intertwined ”. The principle of depicting the spiritual through the real was embodied in "a kind of realistic romanticism." “Paradise”, i.e. happiness was achieved in the final not only in the union of Gray and Assol. Coming out of the darkness of soulless existence - such an opportunity is inherent in every person. The author convinces us that if labor is spiritualized by a dream, it will become creativity. “Scarlet Sails” as a symbol of a dream and faith in its fulfillment became a sign of the 20th century, which so passionately strove for happiness, a dream, the best in man. Joyfully, light, quivering and festive love turns a dream into reality, a miracle of a meeting full of hope, well-deserved happiness. It turns out that fairy tales, extravaganzas, poems, dreams, heroes, wonderful fates are born out of life itself, difficult, full of work, overcoming, patience, undeserved grievances, trials.

“Purple smoke” - retribution, victory and hope for the opportunity to overcome lack of spirituality in people, wash away the gray color from Kaperna, open a sprout of kindness in everyone, free the mental life of a person from envy, anger, cruelty. After all, Green's ideal is as romantic as it is realistic: “to fuse all the treasures of life into one whole, to keep the subtlest pattern of each individual happiness intact.

K. Paustovsky “The world in which Green's heroes live may seem unrealistic only to a person who is poor in spirit. Anyone who has experienced a slight dizziness from the first breath of the salty and warm air of the sea coasts will immediately feel the authenticity of the Green's landscape, the wide breath of the Green's countries ”.

N. Verzhbitsky “How gratifying to see that in recent years we have more and more accustomed to seeing good not as an abstract“ category ”, but as a completely material, tangible and tangible instruction of life. This is where everything created by Alexander Stepanovich Green helps us, because he wrote his tone with his heart, burning with undying love for people, believed in a dream, had a colossal imagination. Of the so-called moral qualities that I had the opportunity to note with Green, I was most attracted by: kindness, innate and natural delicacy and what we mean by the word decency - spiritual purity. It has always amazed me that in the atmosphere of the then general anger, darkness and stupidity, the soul of this man did not become coarse. Moreover, he kept in it all the time and accumulated the wonderful gift of love for goodness and beauty. This was truly a miracle, which, without fear of exaggeration, can be called the height of spiritual courage and self-control. "

V. Rozhdestvensky “By no means all of his young readers know what a difficult and sometimes bitter life fell on this man, who knew how to give others so much joy, faith in his creative powers, taught the true nobility of feelings and the ability to dream, since he himself was very dreamy and romantic. "

M. Slonimsky “Green's works are sometimes much closer to a fairy tale than to traditional literature. And the form of the tale was especially successful for Green in Scarlet Sails. In this extravaganza there is optimism, a belief devoid of mysticism in the possibility of happiness on earth, a belief that happiness can be organized by the mind, heart, will of man, and his labor. "

L. Borisov “Perseverance, will, ineradicable love for your work, belief in the necessity of what you are doing - all this together helped Green not to lose and keep his language structure intact. It was necessary to be a very talented person in order to preserve in oneself what is dear to us today in the extraordinary, rare heritage of A. Green ”.

N. Matveeva “Green's world is the world where blue waves splash, oleanders bloom and all kinds of miracles happen. Purity of heart is the foundation for Green. And only then - in the blue seas, otherwise - they will not be so blue. A sense of honor, duty, human dignity - all this is in the first place for Green. Dream, love, happiness, work - these are the basis of human life ”.

Teacher. So, unusual fates, unusual circumstances, unusual language of the work and unusual genre! (extravaganza)

XIII. Individual task. №1 What is this extravaganza genre?

Extravaganza - (French from fee -feya, sorceress, (two dictionaries: S. Ozhegov and Gorbachevich)

Let's write it down in a notebook. Extravaganza - (French from fee -fey, sorceress)

1) the genre of performances, in which fantastic or extraordinary events are usually depicted, various staging effects, stage tricks, transformations are used, and light and sound design is widely used; as a special theatrical genre, extravaganza emerged in France in the 17th century; became widespread in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, the extravaganza of the director M.V. Lentovsky;

2) circus performance, sometimes plot, using various tricks.

Individual task number 2.

Who are the heroes in our extravaganza? How do we know about them?

XIV. Conversation about the language of the work.

What is the language of the work? What pictorial and expressive means does Green use when describing our young heroes?

(Comparisons, epithets, metaphor).

Comparisons are more common: "warm as a cheek, the air smelled of the sea," "the crest of the rampart resembled the wings of a giant bird," "there was a noise like long landslides," "and his speech became short and precise, like a seagull hitting a stream of water," "her passionate whisper sounded like a complete beating of a heart," "like oil poured into a galloping break of waves, subdues their fury", etc.

The metaphor is less common.

"Purple smoke" - it sounds like retribution, victory and hope for the opportunity to overcome lack of spirituality in people, wash away the gray color from Caperna, open a sprout of kindness in everyone, free the mental life of a person from envy, anger, cruelty.

XV. Conversation. Why is this "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza a symbol of first love?

(Because here are shown strong romantic feelings, their dreams, their general aspiration to the world of dreams and dreams).

(a sail as an attribute of fortune (fate), but in the color of scarlet (warm tone) there is a warm, tender, most sacred feeling on earth - this is love.

How does the extravaganza end?

XVI. Output. Teacher (Writing in a notebook)

For us, people of the XXI century, “Scarlet Sails” is not only the personification of high, pure and tender love, but also a symbol of the fulfillment of all hopes, dreams of great and noble deeds in the name of the bright ideals of mankind, ie. a dream that calls for active action, for the struggle for its existence.

To discover the facets of the human spirit, to comprehend them in order to bring happiness to people - this is the pathos of all the creativity of the romantic Green and the "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza.

The most important thing for him is to make a person happy. The greatest reward for a person is to bring happiness to another person (as Gray did for Assol)

Guys, how do you understand the word happiness? This is your homework. Write the best recipe for happiness.

For you guys, what has the extravaganza become? (Discovery of the romantic world of the sea, freedom, courage, dreams, love, happiness.)

XVII. Lesson summary. So what did the writer teach us? What moral questions does he pose to us? What does it teach?

Be kind, not embittered, courageous, do noble deeds without demanding anything in return, fight injustice. The author helps young readers to grow up morally, prepares them for an independent life. He does not extinguish in the hearts of readers a spark of hope, faith in people, miracles, in dreams, in love.

The extravaganza ends on an optimistic note, the heroes do not change their dreams, they believe in happiness. This book teaches young people to be real knights, real men.

Creative task (individual)

  1. Protection of drawings.

Assol Choose from the text of Chapter I the details of the portrait of Assol. How did the girl's spiritual beauty and the author's attitude towards her manifest in him? What traits of Assol's character do we see in her actions (chasing a missed toy yacht, a story about a wizard, etc.)? How did your father react to her dream of scarlet sails? Make a conclusion about the inner world of Assol. ASSOL (Spanish al sol) - "to the sun"

Assol Gray 1. Origin, social affiliation Born in a small fishing village of Kaperne in a poor family of a sailor who was widowed early. Born in a huge family castle, belonged to an old aristocratic family. But he “was born with a living soul, completely unwilling to continue the line of the family tracing” 2. Education Up to five months she was brought up by her mother, then by her neighbor; as soon as the girl learned to walk, she was brought up by her father, who loved her very much. She grew up among toy boats made by her father and his semi-fantastic stories about sea life. Mother forgave her son everything. His father rarely saw him. Arthur "could ride any horse, take any dog \u200b\u200bto the castle, rummage in the library, run barefoot and eat whatever he pleases." The employees' children were removed from the castle, isolating the boy from the "low society" 3. Education, classes Father taught her to read and write, the girl helped him make and carry toys to the city for sale. She "loved to read, but in the book she read mainly between the lines, as she lived." When she sewed, "small hands worked diligently and dexterously" I read "those books, behind the golden door of which the blue glow of the ocean opened." "Finishing the puppy under the captain" was that "within a year he got acquainted with navigation, practice, shipbuilding, maritime law, sailing and accounting"

Assol Gray 4. Actions After waiting for dawn, I looked out for a ship with scarlet sails; prayed, babbling in the morning: "Hello, God!" and in the evening: "Farewell, God!"; I was sure that the dog could speak, "if it hadn't had secret reasons to be silent"; greeted and talked to trees, flowers and insects; convinced the coal-miner that his basket could “bloom” too. In the painting he “took the nails out of the bloody hands of Christ”; splashed "hot liquid" on his wrist to find out how painful Betsy was; gave all the money from the piggy bank to the girl for the wedding; at the age of 15, he secretly left home, becoming a cabin boy; skillfully knitted "sail on the yard"; bought 2000 meters of scarlet silk for sails 5. Author's assessment "Charm"; "Living poem" "He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one." He walked towards the goal with "clenched teeth and a pale face." I understood one "simple truth": it is "to do the so-called miracles with your own hands"

Artist Mikhail Bychkov St. Petersburg artist, illustrator, designer. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia since 1982. Designed and illustrated over 100 books. Laureate of numerous national book art competitions. Collaborates with Russian and foreign publishing houses. The works of Mikhail Bychkov are kept in Russian and foreign collections.

“... He would have discerned Assol in the window of a house, sitting at a book. She read; a greenish beetle was crawling along the page, stopping and rising on its front paws with an independent and domestic air. "She knew how and loved to read, but in the book she read mainly between the lines, how she lived."

Literature Polukhin V.P. Literature. 6th grade. Methodical advice.

A.S. Green. Extravaganza "Scarlet Sails"

The secret of human happiness

The purpose of the lesson

  • Vissarion Sayanov

He lived among us, this storyteller is strange, Who created a country where the shore is foggy, From the glorious brigs they flee at dawn Tall people with a deceiving smile, With eyes like the gleam of the seas in January With great malice, with mighty love, With blood as salty as the sea, rebellious With an eternal, like the sun, dream of goodness.

  • Alexander Green is a sunny writer and, despite a difficult fate, happy, because a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the fulfillment of dreams triumphantly passes through all his works ... And everyone who has read it becomes something richer and purer.

V. Ketlinskaya

Birth name:

Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Slobodskoy, Vyatka province

Date of death:

Place of death:

Old Crimea


russian writer, prose writer

A. Green's romance

  • Depicts life as it is and how it should be
  • Creates an incredible world full of tempting events, inspiring in people the desire for a varied life
  • A special hero in special circumstances, his ability to love
  • Poetises the sea
  • Belief in a dream
  • Fate is a manifestation of the highest will and at the same time a consequence human actions





From the history of the creation of the work

  • All of Green's stories are full of dreams of a "dazzling event and joy", but most of all - his story "Scarlet Sails". This captivating and fabulous book Green pondered and began to write in Petrograd in 1920, when, after a rash, he wandered around the icy city and looked every night for a new night's lodging with random, half-familiar people. "Scarlet Sails" is a work that affirms the strength of the human spirit, illuminated by the love of life and the belief that a person is capable of performing miracles.

History of creation

The first notes related to "Scarlet Sails", Alexander Green began to make in 1916. In the drafts for the novel Running on the Waves (1925), the author described the first appearance of the novel's idea:

I have "Scarlet Sails" - a story about a captain and a girl. I found out how it happened quite by accident: I stopped at a showcase with toys and saw a boat with a sharp sail of white silk. This toy told me something, but I didn't know - what , then I wondered if the sail of red would say more, and better than that, scarlet, because there is a bright jubilation in scarlet. Jubilation means knowing why you are happy. And now, unfolding from this, taking the waves and a ship with scarlet sails, I saw the purpose of his being.

Preliminary work on Scarlet Sails was completed in early December 1920. Subsequently, the author repeatedly made edits to the manuscript. The story's Belov autograph has not survived.

Chapter " Gray "Was published in the newspaper" Evening telegraph ", No. 1 dated May 8, 1922. In its entirety, in the form of a separate book, the extravaganza was published in 1923. The writer dedicated it to his second wife Nina (“ The Author presents and dedicates to Nina Nikolaevna Green. PBG, 23 November 1922 "). The story was included in all the collected works of the writer.

  • To which family literature does A. Green's work "Scarlet Sails" refer?
  • What kind genres do you know this kind of literature?
  • Read slowly the word "extravaganza" ... By the sound of the word, by the foreign root, you can guess what are the features of the extravaganza genre?


Working with literary terms

  • Extravaganza (French feerie, from fee - fairy, sorceress),

1) The genre of theatrical performances, in which stage effects are used for fantastic scenes. It originated in Italy in the 17th century.

2) Circus performance using various effects.

3) A magical, fabulous sight.

  • Symbol - The word " symbol ”Comes from the Greek word symbolon, which means“ conventional language ”.

A symbol is an object or word that conventionally expresses the essence of a phenomenon.

The symbol contains a kind of secret, a hint that allows only guessing what is meant, what the author wanted to say.

"Scarlet Sails"

  • I Prediction
  • II - Gray
  • III - Dawn
  • IV - The day before
  • V - Combat preparations
  • VI - Assol is left alone
  • VII - Scarlet "Secret"


"A man in a fit of happiness

is able to perform miracles himself "

K. Paustovsky

Work with text

  • Analysis of the episode "Assol after meeting with the wizard"

Answers on questions:

  • How did Longren react to his daughter's story about the wizard's prediction?
  • What were the fishermen talking about when they heard about Egle's prediction?
  • What is the ending of Chapter 1?
  • Did Assol believe Egle's predictions?
  • What artistic technique does the author use to show the heroine and the crowd of inhabitants of the fishing village?

Greenlandia is the land of wonders that Alexander Green dreamed of. He dreamed of wonderful people and harmonious relationships.

Let's help make Alexander Green's dream come true !!!


Distant, alluring.

Hope, believe, wait.

Cherished dreams come true.


Scarlet, mysterious.

Beckon, please, approach.

We must believe in miracles.

Study Conclusions:

  • belief in a dream helped Assol and Gray to endure the cruel circumstances of real life;
  • a person rejoices when a dream comes true, the author of the story managed to convey the jubilation of the heroes' feelings with the help of the “extravaganza” genre;
  • dreaming is not harmful, but simply necessary, then the cruel reality of life will be overcome;

The purpose of the lesson

Confirm the hypothesis - a romantic dream helps a person to overcome the cruel reality of life.

The purpose of the lesson

Confirm the hypothesis - a romantic dream helps a person to overcome the cruel reality of life.




1 slide

"Scarlet Sails" Our motto is: "We were born to make a fairy tale come true ..." Of all the books read that left a deep mark, was A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails". It is about a miracle, about pure love and happiness. She made me believe that any fairy tale can become reality if you strive to make it happen.

2 slide

Grin Alexander Stepanovich (real surname Grinevsky) (1880 - 1932) Alexander Grin's world is unusual, bizarre, full of wonders and surprises, the world of sea adventures, brave and kind heroes, spiritualized nature. What is most striking in this book is Assol's belief in miracles and her loyalty to a dream.

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Assol grew up dreamy. She is poetic, even in the most ordinary she sees the miraculous. Assol lives in harmony with nature. She talks to trees, herbs, flowers, beetles, birds ...

4 slide

The rude inhabitants of Kaperna could not understand the refined, rich inner world of the girl and called her “touched”. The fantastic worlds of Assol and Gray are very similar. They are full of unusual paintings, mysterious heroes and creatures, impetuous ships emerging among foamy ridges and stormy sea.

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The sea awakened their imagination and gave them an unusually bizarre world, then a dream, and then the happiness of the goal achieved and a miracle that came true. Assol and Gray live in their own world - a world of fantasy, dreams, remote from the rough real world. Gray became a captain ... Assol does his daily work, sells toys, sews, but her thoughts are far away, her dream leads her.

6 slide

Daydreaming, the desire to escape from the rough reality and touch the miracle - that's what makes Assol and Gray romantic heroes. Assol's meeting with Egle and the fairy tale told by him gave the girl a dream. She never for a moment doubted that the wizard's words would come true. The prediction became a part of her life, and Assol patiently waited for her dream to come true. Vera filled her life with meaning and joyful expectation: after all, Assol was firmly convinced that "it will be."

7 slide

The dream of a ship with scarlet sails separates Assol from those around her, she goes even more into her world, carefully guards her cherished dream from others. Gray's soul also longed for something unusual, wonderful, so it is not surprising that when he saw a sleeping girl on a cliff among the dew-sprinkled grasses and flowers, he was amazed at her inexplicable pure beauty. Gray longed for the unusual - here it is, in front of him, in the face of this unknown sleeping girl ... Fate gave him a miracle.

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When a person expects and wants something unusual, it comes. Gray is preparing to meet Assol, he chooses the silk for the sails. The color of the sails expected by a girl should be scarlet so that there is not a shadow of doubt that these are the very sails she has been dreaming of for many years. She must believe that the fairy tale has come true. After careful selection, Gray settled on pure silk, "like a scarlet morning stream"

9 slide

The meeting of Assol and Gray on board the ship with scarlet sails is the most exciting. There is a feeling of joy, happiness, a dream come true, the charm of love, loneliness left behind and in front of the heroes of the "brilliant country" of happiness. The crowd of Kapernets is put to shame. It was not Assol, who believed in her happiness, who was “touched”, but she, the crowd, incapable of high feelings. In Gray's words about the simple truth "to do the so-called miracles with your own hands" is the main idea of \u200b\u200bA. Green's work "Scarlet Sails". Because without faith in a miracle, life becomes boring, mundane, uninteresting ...

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (Green is his literary pseudonym) was born on August 23, 1880 in Slobodskoy, a district town in the Vyatka province. And in the city of Vyatka, the years of childhood and youth of the future writer passed. The first word that the first-born Sasha Grinevsky made of letters, sitting on his father's lap, was the word "sea" ... 

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"Alexander Green is a sunny writer and, despite a difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in man, in the good principles of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, loyalty and the fulfillment of dreams triumphantly." - Vera Ketlinskaya. 

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Green wrote "about storms, ships, love, recognized and rejected, about fate, the secret paths of the soul and the meaning of chance." In the features of his heroes - firmness and tenderness, the names of the heroines - sound like music. In his books, Greene created the romantic world of human happiness. "Scarlet Sails" is a quivering poem about love, a book in Green's way "strange", written passionately and spiritual youth and the belief that a person in a fit of happiness is able to work miracles with his own hands ... Abstract 

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Alexander Grin created his own special world in his works. The wind of distant wanderings blows in this world; it is inhabited by kind, brave, cheerful people. And in the sun-drenched harbors with romantic names - Liss, Zurbagan, Gel-Gyu - beautiful girls are waiting for their suitors. Into this world - slightly raised above ours, at the same time fantastic and real, we invite readers. 

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Assol is the main heroine of Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails". We know the whole story of her life. Assol's mother died when she was still a baby, so the girl lived with her father Longren in Kapern. He tried in every possible way to protect the sensitive, impressionable girl from the influence of the rude inhabitants of this city. They did not love either father or daughter, remembering how Longren left the drowning Menners to die when he could help him. But he had his own reasons, which the inhabitants of Kaperna could not understand. Well, the girl had no friends. "One after another, her naive attempts at rapprochement ended in bitter crying, bruises, scratches and other manifestations of public opinion." But his father, who was always withdrawn and taciturn, was very fond of his little Assol. Therefore, in the evenings she climbed into his lap and listened to the stories and fables of the old sailor. "The girl listened to all this more attentively than, perhaps, the first time Columbus listened to the story of the new continent." What wonderful pictures Assol must have painted in her childhood imagination! 

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Even seven years after Egle told Assol an amazing story, she continued to believe in it. She knew for sure that the ship would come for her and take her away from these evil people who insulted her, called her "touched", "not herself." Assol was sure that the prince, whom she so often imagined, would still come. “More than once, worrying and shy, she went to the seashore at night, where, having waited for the dawn, she seriously examined the ship with the Crimson sails. These minutes were happiness for her; it is so difficult for us to go into a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm. " Assol believed that the fairy tale would certainly happen. And when one day she found on her finger the ring that Gray put on her in a dream, she was not at all surprised, she felt that the dream was beginning to come true. "There were no explanations for what had happened, but without words and thoughts she found them in her strange feeling, and the ring was already close to her." Her fairy tale has come true. And when Assol boarded the long-awaited ship, she was happy. The same prince that Aigle had told her about was waiting for her. Everything was so magical that she was afraid that everything would disappear like a dream. But it was not a dream, it was true. Assol always dreamed, despite the ridicule and insults of neighbors. Believing in magic as a child, she did not doubt its existence. She lived a dream and believed in the inevitability of what would happen to her someday. And a ship with Scarlet Sails found her, because Assol believed in a dream, and dreams, as you know, come true. 

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Arthur Gray is the protagonist of Alexander Green's novel "Scarlet Sails", a native of a noble family, the only son of Lionel and Lillian Gray. Since childhood, Arthur grew up in a majestic castle, staying in his own little world. His parents were slaves of their high position, but this was alien to the boy. He was distinguished by a lively and dreamy soul. When he was eight years old, it became clear that he was akin to a knight or an adventurer. So, for example, after seeing a picture of the crucifixion of Christ, he decided to paint over the nails and blood on the hands of the unfortunate man, since he considered it wrong. His life changed when, at the age of twelve, he saw a picture of a large ship sailing on the waves. He decided to grow up and become the captain of his own ship. And so it all happened. For about five years he sailed with Captain Gop, who taught him all the intricacies of naval affairs, and then acquired his three-masted galiot called "The Secret". Once fate threw Gray to the shores of the city of Liss, next to which the village of Kaperna was located. There, on an evening fishing trip, he accidentally saw a sleeping girl and fell in love with her. It was Assol. 

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Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Assol gazed at the sea, surrounded by a golden thread on the horizon and throwing scarlet glare at the girl's feet. There, at the end of the world, what she had dreamed of for so long was happening. And now the morning had already come when a beautiful ship with sails blazing with crimson fire approached the shore. And there he was - the one she had been waiting for. "He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried." And Assol, shouting: "I am here! I am here! It is me!", Rushed to him right on the water. 


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